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What do you like to observe in nature?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I enjoy being in nature as much as I enjoy anything. Looking for and watching wild creatures: animal, vegetable or mineral and the marvelous scenery that is on display free of charge for all who venture out to witness it.
What's your zodiac sign ?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Wow, an astrology believer on a skeptic site. There is just as much evidence for astrology as there is for god(s), fairies, demons, and any other woo you can mention. This just goes to show that A-theists can believe just about anything like everyone else.
Which is worse?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I have no issue with lonliness as I prefer being alone most of the time. Fear would be crippling for me.
How would you describe your sexual appetite as you have grown older.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
As a Hedonist, I have been very sexual all my life and sex was the most necessary activity for me. I am 80 now and that phase of my life is over as I am now impotent and can not engage in conventional sexual activities. It has been a difficult adjustment but I do not give it much thought now although there is nothing I enjoy more than looking at beautiful women.
What is better than sex?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I think it depends on what purpose you are using/wanting sex for. I think sex is amazing and is the most wonderful gift nature bestowed on lifeforms.
As far as atheists go, I like to think of myself as respectful, friendly and amiable.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
You must live in a country/society where theists just love everyone equally, lives and let lives and keeps their theism to themselves and never attempt to impose their beliefs on anyone else.
Atheists and politics
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
A-theists reject the idea of the existance of a god(s) or dieties. Other than that we are just normal human beings with all that that implies like everyone else.
I am the only free thinker in my family.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Every human has a brain and all brains are a bit different in how reality is perceived. Brains are easily manipulated and indoctrinated for various reasons and purposes. You just have the brain that is logical in how it interprets what it observes and rejected indoctrination. IMHO
Prostitution, how do you feel about it?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I have stated before here that we pay big bucks for different therapists for different reasons (medical, physical, legal, spiritual, etc). What is wrong with paying for physical "therapy" from a sex worker? It is a profession that provides a service for a fee just like the rest.
Day from hell.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Life's a bitch.
90% of the American people say that it's okay to have "In God We trust" on U.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
God is a highy subjective intity and could mean just about anything. I do not think it should be there, but I pay no attention to it.
I was born in Syria in a traditional Muslim family.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Glad you are free and safe. I wish you well and success in what you are searching for here and in your life.
Greetings Science Peeps!! I watch a lot of science shows, talks and what-not.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I am not the brighest bulb on the block, but I am going out on a limb to say that I would compare nature and the universe to what most theist would say about god. God is totally beyond human understanding and so is the universe. We feeble humans try to conceptualize things using our very finite brains (which is all we can do) to try to understand but it is mostly beyond human understanding and comprehension. We just try our best. IMHO
Sometimes my thinking fluctuates between atheist and agnostic.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
There simply is not, nor has there ever been, any evidence, facts or data to suggest that any god(s) or the supernatural exists and until some is shown and demonstrated the default position is that NONE exists.
I am trying to understand how people seem to think that owning gun is a right but healthcare isn't>
jlynn37 comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Good luck with trying to figure out anything about how the USA operates, but the bottom line is Capitalism and Corporatocracy. IMHO
What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Don't spit into the wind, don't tug on superman's cape and don't mess around with Jim.
I have heard many religious people state that Atheists do not have moments of awe because they do ...
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Just taking a hike in nature just about anywhere. Theist are going to just parrot what there authority figures tell them because they refuse or have lost the ability to think for themselves.
Atheists make up their own fantasy morals and meanings of life. []
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Well, I think that pretty much applies to EVERYONE.
Bright sunshine and blue skies today, so it got me thinking ahead to summer.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Glass of ice tea.
I so agree ... What say you about this ?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Is it a truism that women enjoy intimacy more in sex and men enjoy the physical more?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I wasn't aware there was any difference!
Does anyone shy away from using a company who promotes religious ideals?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
If I know any company (eg. HobbyLobby, Chick-fil-A) promotes or supports religious dogma, I will not give them my business.
Men, do you agree with this quote from Christopher Hitchens?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I do NOT agree with this.
What is the most adventurous thing you would go do with someone on a first date? (Keep it rated R)
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Spend the day on the lake on my boat and just enjoy our time togther doing as we please.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Your opinion is noted. You do you and I do me and strive to do/cause no harm. I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
Any struggles with Atheism/Agnosticism?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Why even think about it. It is one aspect of life that is going to happen and nothing can be done about it. Let it go and live your life as you see fit, loving your fellow humans and striving to do no harm or hurt anyone.
Woman Of Substance
jlynn37 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
How much talent and genius has been wasted through the years due to discrimination, raceism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, the list goes on and it will continue into the future.
Hello and how are you ?
jlynn37 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Life is good.
I am an atheist and were going to church tomorrow with the family! If you were in my shoes, would ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Going to a church does not make you religious any more than going to a garage makes you a mechanic.
Did I screw up?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Why even concern yourself about it as it is history. You can not have a different or better past.
Why do theists believe in their book without reading every book?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Simple indoctrination, brainwashing, geography, family history.
Which Cosmos was better 1980 or 2014?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Do you want a funeral, or a celebration of your life?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
If you don't love me, accept me, treat me with respect and allow me to be me while I am alive then don't waste your time after I'm gone.
People describe me as a sinner. What is sin?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Sin is a transgression against "god". No god, no sin.
How should I start?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Why need or use a "smiley". Sending a "Hi!" works the same and just as well. If they respond, good, if not, move on.
Do you think there is a bit of this in discovering your unbelief?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
There is NOTHING that an atheist can do to be accepted by the religious. We are tolerated but NEVER accepted and in a therocacy, we are not even tolerated.
Proof of no god?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
There is no evidence, facts or data that any god(s) exist and until some is presented, the default position is that none exist. "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.". - Christopher Hitchens
What are the atheists in this group doing for Passover?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I'm letting it just pass over.
Charities - How do you give?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Monthly to Doctors Without Borders and Foundation Beyond Belief.
Do you regret that your beliefs (or lack thereof) hinder the connection you make with some ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I do not regret it but I do feel it is unfortunate that people will allow what they "believe" to influence their human interactions.
If you could talk to someone that has passed away, who would it be and what would you say to them?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Really just about anyone and I would ask, "What's it like down there?"
Do you accept or reject friend request on Facebook by people you don’t know?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Depends of several factors but mostly reject.
What do you most like to do during your leisure time?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Relax on the sofa, listen to music, play on computers, piddle around my house inside and outside. Life is good.
Does intimacy contribute to your general health and happiness>
jlynn37 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Probably would if I experienced some.
Why sports are dumb - YouTube
jlynn37 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I personally think that being a spectator to anythng is pretty much a waste of time other than for the purpose of learning or increasing your knowledge of something. We all waste time from time to time for various reasons.
Godfather issue
jlynn37 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
You can always just ignore it.
Jebus, catching a few rays before the big day..
jlynn37 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Nailed to a cross is a hell of a way to spend Easter.
Let's share knowledge. That's the only reason we're here, anyway.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
One man's knowledge is another man's ignorance.
If religious people 100% believed their doctrines, would they have any fear of death?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I would think they absolutely would because they can not be absolutely certain that they will pass the judgement test and will be sent to hell.
When you're home alone do you ever grab a glass of wine and turn on some music and just sit in a ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I do that often but without the wine.
Why hasn't an efficient health care system been implemented?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
A discussion was being held in heaven and someone asked god if universl health care woud ever happen in the USA. God replied that "it is concievably possible but it won't happen in my lifetime".
Can you have too many books?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
If it interferes with your life, wellbeing and happiness, yes.
I gotta know.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
If I spit at all, I am totally unaware of my doing so and I do not think that I do.
Have you made any plans regarding your body at the time of your death (other than your ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Willed to medical school.
In 2012 my life changed forever.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I support your decision to refuse treatment.
What's your biggest fear or insecurity?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Being in a small, confined space that I can not move.
Human nature
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Seems to be mostly violent, greedy and controling. IMHO
Scientific socialism
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Perhaps it is referencing Einstein. The foundation of Einstein’s dictum is based on this premise: “Man is, at one and the same time, a solitary being and a social being. As a solitary being, he attempts to protect his own existence and that of those who are closest to him, to satisfy his personal desires, and to develop his innate abilities. As a social being, he seeks to gain the recognition and affection of his fellow human beings, to share in their pleasures, to comfort them in their sorrows, and to improve their conditions of life. Only the existence of these varied, frequently conflicting, strivings accounts for the special character of a man, and their specific combination determines the extent to which an individual can achieve an inner equilibrium and can contribute to the well-being of society.”
I've been sick to my stomach all day because of spoilt creamer!!
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
This too shall pass.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I think you have found the place you are looking for, at least on the internet. Good luck out in the real world.
Selfish day I am being selfish this evening, yes.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Happy Birthday my dear and I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
I am curious what some of you think.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I admire you for accepting this man's approach and giving him your information. That is really the only way a man can approch a strange woman who he would like so much to introduce himself too. As to your question, he is married and the rest is entirely up to you.
Do you daydream?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
My ADD controls me with day dreaming.
About you?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Does not matter at all. However I must say that I am a member of the privileged class being a straight, white, male.
Hey, I am Rosie. Been an athiest for about 10 years.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Welcome Rosie and enjoy your time here. Teach and learn. I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
Spring is here! And my allergies, prolonged car washes and maintenance checks, ballsy wardrobe ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Camping, campfires, wildflowers, nature walks, road trips.
What are the stereotypes of the place you live that false/true?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Texas. Do I need to say more?
Beauty exists in the eye of the beholder, as the Aphorism goes.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Women spend much time putting on their mask before going out in public, then say they are looking for a "real" man.
What do you say?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I am from the Appalichian region and they say "skat there". The basis is that when you sneeze, you are expelling a bad spirit and you are telling that spirit to "skat", "get away from here".
Could you consider someone a real friend, if you've never met them in person?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
An internet friend, yes. If you have not met someone, you only have what you are told by that person to base anything on.
Do you have a dating pattern?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Absolutely. I haven't dated in many years and do not anticipate the pattern changing.
Hello! Indianapolis is pretty small and I, like several of you, have had a hard time finding fellow ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
Is "God" a bunch of Aliens?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
No more reason (evidence, facts, data) to accept this than traditional god(s), fairies, elves etc. Why are people so intent on coming up with these fantasies? IMHO
Do you give to beggars?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I would not use the word "beggars" but someone down and out, needing assistance or help.
Weekend plans
jlynn37 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I am retired and most of my plans are during the week when most everyone is in school or at work and usually just stay home on weekends.
How to explain what an atheist is to children?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Do they ask you? If so, give them an honest answer of your perspective. If not then why bring it up? They are nieces and not your responsibility.
Are you happier now?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I am no more or less happy. I am more informed by evidence, facts, data, logic, reason, common sense and I believe that makes my life real and I am able to deal with life's issues directly and confidently and that gives me much satisfaction.
Your thoughts on this: I would like to start a 'campaign' to change "In God We Trust" to "E ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 23, 2018:
You can buy many ink stamps with different types of secular sayings that you can just stamp over the "In God We Trust" and it is perfectly legal. I personally use a Sharpie to replace "In" with "No" and "We" with "To" which becomes "No God To Trust" or just "No God We Trust".
Are you prepared
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Meh, I am 80 years old so what the hell. Let's get it over with.
Do you believe in the Faith and Freedom Coalition?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
What do you mean by "contact your congress people"? They ARE part of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. IMHO
What are your pet peeves about photos on dating sites?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Photos of ANYTHING other than the person in the profile. Even though a photo including a pet tells me that the pet is their "god" and the most important thing in that person's life and to just skip and move on.
Oh, God!!
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
My sounds are just grunts, groans, moans, heavy breathing.
As an agnostic, I have come to the point where I have contemplated the fact that if there was a god ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I would think that "god" by definition would be perfect, but due to lack of evidence, facts and data, does not exist.
What about sexual fantasy in your love life?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I don't understand why anyone would have fantasies on their mind while having sex when you have reality all around you to enjoy.
Don't offend the Religious at any cost?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I would have given my explanation and reasons.
Finish this sentence..
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I was still a happy go lucky kid just haveing fun and a good time.
What are some of your hard limits on dating?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Well, if I could just get it HARD, there would be no limits.
Describe your love life in one word.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 21, 2018:
There are threesomes and twosomes and mine is Handsome!
If you had to communicate your beliefs to the indigenous people of the Americas in the16th century, ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I would demonstrate my beliefs by how I lived and treated them and everyone else. What you believe does not make you a good person. How you act and behave does.
Today I was encouraged to donate a sum of money to one of the local foodbank/shelter.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I would not donate to a religious organization. There are just too many organizations that do good for the community without the need for the religious ruse, and it is just a ruse to get you in so they can Proselytize. If they were not allowed to Proselytize they woud cease to exist. IMHO
Why do metronomes all sync to each other if set off in the same room with no apparent link.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
New evidence for plume beneath Yellowstone National Park
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
What more evidence does one need than the Yellowstone area itself.
As a gay man I grow increasingly tired of the seemingly shallow attitude in the dating pool.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
What happened to all the FUNNY movies?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I can't watch any movie without laughing all through it due to the rediculous, urealistic scenes and story lines.
Does anyone else find this site hard to get away from?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
This is my go to site during the day, every day.
Today's atheists are bullies -- and they are doing their best to intimidate the rest of us into ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
That is what Faux News' purpose is, to spread conservative, evangelical propaganda to as many people who will listen as possible.
The probability of crackling conversations and both delightful and indelicate debates can be had ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I am here for friendship only, not love, sex or a relationship, so it is important that someone lives reasonably close to me. Not many people, myself included, would be willing to travel any distance just for friendship. If I am wrong, please let me know. You are welcome to visit me in my home for a few days,
The first question we need to ask is what kind of reptile was Mary...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
The answer to this is simple and straight forward. If god was responsible for this, then it has the power to overcome any logical objections. Remember this is divine intervention.
In one of my classes the professor asked everyone to stand up who loved America.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 20, 2018:
America, right or wrong. When it is right, keep it right. When it is wrong, make it right.
Why do men get so mad when they get rejected?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Who knows what prompts people to do what they do. I have never gotten mad at being rejected. That is everyone's perogative. I will thank them, wish them a nice day and move on.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Dec 23rd, 2017
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