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My question to christians who say we should repent for our sins is this: Did we ask to be born?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I meme I saw saying, "if we don't sin, there is no need for Jesus" or something to that effect.
Hypatia []
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
No hate like christian love.
Ok, this might get long, so buckle up! I am a "woman of a certain age", or in blunt terms, I am ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I am 80, impotent, and sex is limited to snuggling and cuddling with perhaps a bit of oral play if it is mutual. Life is good.
Regarding Personality Type
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I love you as my friend and can enjoy spending time together but prefer to be by myself MOST of the time.
What are some of your favorite movie quotes?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Curly of the 3 Stoogies, "I'm a victim of circumstances". You gotta say it in Curly's voice.
Are you an 'out of the ordinary' person that likes to do 'out of the ordinary' things?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I think that I am, but depends on what you think ordinary is.
What Were They Thinking?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Just a state of mind for an individual.
What do you do for a living?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I have been retired for over 23 years and have not worked a single second since retiring. I am living the life that was meant just for me. I may not have gone where I intended to go but I have ended up where I needed to be.
Does freethought require a free society
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Of course not. No one can possible prevent you from thinking. Now expressing your thoughts verbally is another question and that is free speech and not free thought.
I actually do have some conservative friends and I've noticed,in talking to them, that their parents...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Conservatives are authoritarians. They prefer for their authority figure (Rush, Faux News, etc) to do their thinking for them and accept what they are told. Does that sound familiar to A-theists.
Early Study of Male Birth Control Pill Finds it’s Safe and Effective
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Vasectomy for the win. All juice, no seeds, no worry.
How much caffeine do you consume daily?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Four 8 oz cups
Why Men Send Dick Pics
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Some women enjoy seeing dick pics and even ask to see it. One should not assume that is the case with every woman. Just wait until you are asked.
Hi there! I'm new to this site and just wondering what everyone thinks about it and if you've met ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I am here to meet women, make friends and see what can happen within that friendship. I have not met anyone and have no expecttions of doing so. I will continue to enjoy the community and experiencing other like minded people here.
If the government picked up the slack, would America become less religious?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Probably no effect at all.Religion is a virus and/or dillusion and very little if anything will affect it.
Who or what do you sleep with at night?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I sleep with soft music or sounds of ocean surf playing all night. Other than that I sleep alone.
Does anyone else find that as a non-believer in an all powerful beings, it's very difficult for me ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 19, 2018:
If I am going to worship anyone it is going to be ME.
You ever notice that caterpillars are okay for boys to play with and like.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Stereotyping is not a good way to arrive at a conclusion.
Difference between love and being in love
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I love you as my sister in my human family, I love you as the unique person that you are, I love you as a friend. I do not know you and am not "in" love with you. If I were "in" love with you I would be wanting you, to be near you, to touch you. That is what being "in" love does to a person. IMHO
Rex Tillerson Rex Tillerson: I Hope Trump Finds Out He’s Impeached on Twitter Andy ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
What a Keystone Cops, 3 Stoogies, comedy of errors the USA politic has become. Even a large segment of the population believe that an invisible, imaginary, all powerful being wants it to be this way.
If time were to freeze for everyone except for you, for one day, what would you do?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Watch "I Love Lucy" and "Seinfeld" reruns.
Making You Pay for Porn: Does Rhode Island Want to Impose Morality or Cash In? -
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
You have stated it very well and I could not agree more.
If you were raised religious, how much did you dread prayer?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
What is there about prayer to be dreaded? It is nonsensical ramblings of a dillusional mind with no consequences what-so-ever. Unless it is a request to incite followers to violence. IMHO
What's your all time favorite Riddle or brain teaser?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Who dat, say who dat, when I say who dat?
Several of us have spoken about some way the atheists could be seen in a positive manner.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
There is nothing that an A-theist can do to be seen as positive as long as Theists exists and are in control. IMHO
Having looked at all the profiles for Christians on OKCupid, I’d love to find a site just like ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I can relate completely with what you have stated. The community is outstanding.
What's not allowed on your TV or radio, on this SUNday morning?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Just about anything and everything that breaks for commercials. I do not have cable or satellite and only will watch PBS on my OTA antenna. My TV viewing is streaming from internet of what I choose and YouTube.
Do you have anyone who you can rely on to be completely wrong, so that no matter what that person ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Not 100% but I think all theist and most conservatives would fit quiet well there. IMHO
What do you think about California?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
A nice place to visit for sure.
Best Place To Live?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I doubt you will find that perfect location. Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages. I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
Do you feel that our society is getting far to used to the violence we see in today's media?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
The USA was founded on violence, has perpetuated itself on violence and violence is the underlying driving force that sustains it today (fear, dillusion and violence). The media is just a tool. IMHO
Self pleasure
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
Speaking from a man's point of view, ejaculation is a healthy activity for the prostate gland (according to Med internet sites). Masturbation is a healthy activity with pleasure as a plus.
Am I doing something wrong?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
I think the majority of members are here because it is a non-religious site and the dating aspect is secondary.
The Bible Says The World Is Going To End On June 24, 2018
jlynn37 comments on Mar 18, 2018:
The bible says, no one knows but the father. Anything else is just anyone's guess.
Should athiest really be saying 'rest in peace'
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
It is a meaningless phrase that most peole say because they can not think of anything better to say and is accepted by society.
Gal Gadot posted a controversial tweet in honor of Steven Hawking.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
I see nothing wrong in any way with the tweet.
Do you accept the possibility of a god, but reject man’s perspective of one?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
I am 99.9% A-theist so there is that 0.1% to deal with but it is just not enough to cause any doubt. I think the possibility of a supernatural creator being is absurd. Your milage may vary.
Have you ever had a romantic "pet name?"
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
"My Honeysuckle". She said she enjoyed turning me over and suck the sweet juice out of me.
Well you believe in air and you can't see it! Twice this week I've had this really weak argument...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
No, you do not BELIEVE in air, you KNOW it exists by evidence, facts and data.
Anyone else did one of these? They're fucking awesome!
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Not afraid of the THREAT of burning in hell. Hell exists only in one's dillusional mind and no where else.
Why did your marriage fail?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
The wrong place, with the wrong person at the wrong time.
Pope Francis. Bad or Good?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Meh. Pope Francis got his troubles, I got mine.
Mother Theresa. Bad or good?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Mother Theresa no longer exists so totally inconsequential.
Is there such thing as ugly or beauty is only in society’s perspective?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Beauty (and ugly) is strictly in the eye of the beholder and is totally subjective. IMHO
Why, after what has happened, are people so afraid of a "purity test"?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Never heard of a political purity test and have no idea what it means.
Once Dwight D Eisenhover said " I like to think that people in the long run are going to promote ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Sounds like a pipe dream to me.
In my opinion, the only reason that people fear death is the religious hellfire and damnation myth.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Yes I do agree about the religious. If they really believe that upon dying they are transported to some blissful heaven to spend eternity alongside their Jesus in perfect love, they would want that more than anything life could give them so why would anyone who believes that fear death and that happening to them.
Is it harder for women to get a date or for men?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Damn, it's next to impossible for me to get a date and have not had one in 15 years. I do admit that I really do not try, so it is probably my own fault.
As an atheist woman, how do you feel about Race in reference to relationships in America?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
As a male member of my human family, I have had relationships, and will continue to have relationships, with ALL female members of my human family.
Favorite quote
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Actions have consequences. You have a choice of your actions, you do not have a choice of the consequences of your actions. Choose wisely. Unfortunately, I think the majority of humans never learn or realize this.
Has anyone seen Man From Earth?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Twice. Enjoyed it both times and would watch it again.
A follow up: What makes you a terrible partner?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
I am a loner and an introvert and prefer to be by myself most of the time, I have been single for 50 years and have lived alone for over 40 years. For those reasons alone, I do not consider myself to be a good partner. A good friend, absolutely, as I love you as a friend. I enjoy spending time with a woman when I have the opportunity to do so, which isn't very often.
When did you realize you were old?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Wow, I just read your profile and at 45 , you consider yourself old?
Turning the tables on the theists, I say "There's a lot more to life than faith.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
They reveal the truth over fantasy and dillusion.
I've never been as close to anyone as I am to my husband.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Only YOU have the information needed to answer your question. I see no reason to put it to the test. Live your life as you see fit and enjoy your relationship with your husband and partner in life.
Is it Spring yet?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I do and enjoy watching them form and come across my area. I am in tornado ally and I do sweat the season. So far so good.
Why does Dennett not get the same recognition as Harris, Hitchens, or Dawkins?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I enjoy watching Dan Dennett's YouTube videos and his Ted talks.
Why some conservatives are blind to climate change
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Most conservative comments I have heard about global warming is that god is in control and will not allow it to happen, so carry on and not to worry.
Big city living versus small city
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I lived in the Dallas/Ft Worth metroplex during my working career. When I retired 23 years ago I moved to my lake property with a mobile home on it in a very rural area. I would not want to return to big city living. Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages.
Cremation or 6 feet under?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I have willed my body to the medical school in my state. They will cremate it when they have finished with it and return my ashes to my family if my family wants. If the school rejects my remains for whatever reason then my decision is cremation and my family is aware of that choice.
I cut 13 inches of hair yesterday.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I admire you and I am proud of you.
This is a question for recovering addicts (drug, sex, food, etc) .
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Since there is most likely no god(s), how are you recovering from your addiction with god? God is nothing but a placebo effect. IMHO
Public speaking/performing. Terrifying or fun? I'm all ears!!
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I have suffered with such unreasonable "stage fright" all my life. It was always the most terrifying experience for me growing up. I have somewhat gotten over most of it but it is still an issue. I could NEVER do Karaoke even to this day. I would be so terrified that I would lose the ability to think, have difficulty breathing, have difficulty speaking, heart racing out of control.
Why is so difficult for people to ask a lady / man out on a date?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I have no issues asking a woman for a date nor would I having a woman asking me.
What makes you unique?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 15, 2018:
You are the only one in existance, or has ever existed, or will ever exist that is YOU. The fact that you even exist is next to a miracle considering that all the sperm and eggs that have ever been produce since the beginning of time, the unique combination of only two of them could produce YOU.
This seems to be the only community where I have people that like me.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 14, 2018:
I am a friend and I love you.
Lots of talk today about Stephen Hawking passing.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 14, 2018:
While this may be a poignant graphic, this is no different than believing in an after life. Prof. Stephen Hawking no longer exists other than in the hearts and minds of we who remain . IMHO
AdvIce to polItIcIans from above
jlynn37 comments on Mar 14, 2018:
That is advice to politicians from the internet. Advice is advice regardless of where it comes from.
Why would you ask?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 14, 2018:
They can't distinguish woo from reality.
Years ago I dated a Pentecostal woman. Why?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 14, 2018:
Why is it now your "ex girlfriend"? What happened to the "She was pretty, she was wealthy, and she liked me"?
Is advertising immoral?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Immoral and unethical in my opinion.
I struggle to find my place on earth, my purpose for being.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I accept the "place" I am at/in at any given moment and it is good enough for me.
If you are listening to the voices in your head.. Who's talking?? ?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
The shadow of your smile.
Out of the many dangerous diseases, which one terrify you the most?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Any disease or affliction that puts you in a vegetative state of existance but doesn't kill you. I believe that the older one gets, that is what terrifies them the most.
Is what you do professionally now, what you wanted to do when you were growing up?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I worked because I need money to live on and that is the only reason that I worked. I am retired now after a 40 year work life and retirement is the life for me. The job that I retired from was just "catch as catch can luck" and was good to me from start to finish. Life is good.
"the Lifestyle", polyamory, hedonism, promiscuity: distinctions? And... GO!
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
How about you do you, I do me and strive to do or cause no harm.
Does anyone else miss their former faith in here.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I imagine you are missing the social aspect of what the church membership offers.
I apparently am not able to do polls yet.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I am that I am. If that was good enough for Yahweh, it is good enough for me.
Do you read the bible to get knowledge about it, and to be able to understand why it is fiction?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Do you read the Book of Morman to understand why it is fiction, the Watchtower, the Bagahvad Gita, the Quoran? Charriots of the Gods? I didn't think so.
Could a Star Trek future happen?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Anything can happen but somethings very unlikely.
If you are a conservative, do consider insulting the president a personal attack on you?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Of course not and why would/should I. No one is attacking or insulting me. Trump got his troubles, Hillary got her troubles, I got my troubles. hopefully, never the twain shall meet.
Okay so I have absolutely no idea how to navigate this site if I seem less than intelligent please ...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Welcome. Click on "Whats on your mind" at the top and make any statement or question you like or click on any post and repond as you wish. That's all there is to it.
What is the best path to find truth; science, math, art, philosophy, or something else?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Science is the best path for truth. IMHO
I have been sort of estranged from my family for a while.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
It is your mother and your family. Bite your tongue, attend the festivities to show your love and support, then leave at any time you begin to feel uncomfortable which is your choice to do.
Income inequality
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Greed. IMHO
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
If you continue to age as you do now, with all the complications aging brings with it, I would not want that. Can you imagine what you would even smell like at 1000 years old.
I consider the question, "Is there a God?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
As for the chicken and egg, it has to start with the egg. It originated from one life form and evolved over time into another life form and it could only do that by means of reproduction and rebirth. IMHO
Anti-Vax Mom: Death From Disease Part Of Divine Plan
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
If there IS or would be a devine plan, then I would assume that it is indeed part of it as is EVERYTHING.
Do you want to get married? (No, that’s not a proposal. &128541) And why or why not?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I was married once and have a daughter and a son. I have been a single man for 50 years and have lived alone for the past 45 years. Knowing who I am, I do not feel that I am good marriage material and has very little to do with women and how I feel about them. I love women and prefer them to men for the most part.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
If nothing else, time.
My desire to travel is kicking in again. I would love to go somewhere by railroad. Suggestions?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Might I sugget watching the many YouTube videos on traveling by Amtrak to get some idea of what they have to offer. My favorite trip is Chicago to Sacramento on the Californis Zypher. The Canadian across Canada is a good, scenic ride.
Can friends become lover?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Absolutely and lovers can become friends. Speaking from experience on both accounts.
What are your best coping strategies for dealing with death?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I accept it as the reality that it is and try not to give it too much thought. I am ready on the day it happens.
Did They Really Believe That Nonsense?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Unfortunately, religion us too engrained into society for that to happen. For the beginnings of religion they were very localized whereas today the majority of the worlds populations believe in some religon and the dominant one is the Abrahamic religion and they continue to rule with fear and an iron fist. IMHO
Some people seek the truth.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
To thine on self be true and do or cause no harm.
What do you like most about yourself?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I am a loving, caring, empathetic, compassionate, inclusive person.
What is the meaning of life?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Your last paragraph is well stated and true. IMHO
What is the greatest joy in your life?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Living in this world on my own terms and facing reality as it actually is (or as my perception of it is) and not through some dillusional fantasy.
At least 16 people were killed and dozens others injured after being struck by lightning in the past...
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Shit happens and in this instance it was lightening. Welcome to life on planet earth.
The psychological damage endured by America's youth is at times—irreversible.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I have head it said by parents that they have failed as parents when a child comes out as homoesxual. I say you have failed as a parent the moment you remove your child from your family.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Dec 23rd, 2017
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