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Do you have wanderlust?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
You can travel the world, in any manner you would enjoy, by YouTube videos. Travel by car, train, boat, hiking and sit back and enjoy all the wonder and beauty of this amazing planet. I agree with your dad, Scandinavian countries are some of the best.
I hate when people make the statement where do atheists get their moral code from if not from ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
“Morality is doing what's right regardless of what you're told. Obedience (religion) is doing what you're told regardless of what is right.” ~H. L. MENCKEN
If you could go back in time and undo something in your past, would you?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
How many of you are still in touch with an ex, someone you had some sort of relationship with or ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I have a few female friends that I once had an affair with and we still are friends and maintain some sort of contact.
I used to give my spare change to the homeless who walked up to me and asked me for a dollar because...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
How do you reach the determination that anyone uses what you give for nefarious reasons? Do you follow them? Is it just your assumption?
What do you give instead of thoughts and prayers?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
My charities are Foundation Beyond Belief and Doctors Without Borders. If I am in a position to give my personal self to assist in any way I can, I will participate in any way I can. I have empathy and compassion for my fellow humans who share this planet together.
What are your favorite websites?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Do most older men prefer a younger model?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I am a single man and have no desire nor intention to marry. I feel that the only thing I require in a woman is that she live reasonably close to me, that she is attractive and that she is desirable. Age has nothing to do with it. I think I would prefer a woman somewhat closer to my age simply for compatibility.
"The things you own end up owning you" - From Fight Club A rail against capitalism and for always...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
I doubt that you would ever hear someone on their deathbed say: "I should have spent more time at the office", "I should have spent more time cleaning my house", etc.
How much do brand names matter?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I rarely purchase brand names unless I find one at a thrift store, garage sale, yard sale or flea market. All my grocery shopping is for store brands.
As atheists, how do you feel about fidelity, within a marriage or a long-term relationship?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
If I am going to enter into a committed relationship I will be faithful to that relationship. If I know that I can or will not be faithful in a relationship, I will NOT enter into a committed relationship. It isn't difficult to understand. If you are a gad-a-bout with the opposite sex (male or female) then just remain in a position where you can do that without hurting another person.
This is what I was talking about folks! I did not expect it THIS year, but I knew it was coming.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
In a few years, China will be the world leader and the USA will be just another theocracy no different from any Muslim country.
My take on religion: Ethics and religion are not the same.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire
This kind of story makes me angry-cry.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
"makes me want to punch something tll my knuckles bleed.". Why is violence against another person, except for self defense, so dominant in all societies of this world. Thoughts of violence against another NEVER inter my mind.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
You can probably see most of them on YouTube.
Why 1 Second Is 1 Second
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Send in the clowns?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Humanist, skeptic, agnostic, atheist, etc .. recognize the harm that religion, religious dogma and religious individuals and organisations do to the world and to humanity in particular and find it difficult to see any humor in it. (IMHO)
Wha is the difference between instinct and intuition? How would wou describe it?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Instinct is built in by nature. Intuition is an emotional feeling. (IMHO)
What would be your dream vacation? A place on bucket list that you dream of someday visiting?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Circumnavigate this planet and go to southern hemisphere.
Why do psychics in TV and movies seem to always get nose bleeds?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
There is nothing real about any of it. (IMHO)
What do you have out there for some good rockin tunes.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
That is so subjective that is almost impossible to state. I for one prefer only instrumental music and my favorite is Jazz Guitar, but I enjoy big band, dixieland, bluegrass, blues and again mostly insturmental.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
The caveat with any morality is that you do or cause no harm. After that most anything goes. (IMHO)
For my USA peeps, I'm just starting the process for SSDI.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I can only wish you well and success in your pursuit. Good luck.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how annoyed are you when the religious try to mix science with belief!
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Science and belief simply do NOT and can NOT mix. It is an oxymoron.(IMHO)
Out of Africa: When Did Prehistoric Humans Actually Leave—And Where Did They Go?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
One can only rely on research provided by scholarly professionals to know this and as with all science research, it changes as new evidence, facts and data are acquired. (IMHO)
It is my humble opinion that the vast majority of us men are heavily influenced by PMS.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I think that the vast majority of humans just want to live their lives as they see fit, enjoy what they have in life and be left alone to pursue that end.
Where do you spend your vacation?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I am retired and live on a continuous vacation. I enjoy traveling by car and Amtrak and take many trips each year. I am also an outdoors person and enjoy camping and I take many camping trips to various places in my state and around the country whenever I choose. Life is good.
Work work work. I am on a 12 year plan to live the life I dream. What do you dream?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I am retired and financially secure. I dream of locking up my house, connect my camper to my pickup and begin a continuous road trip around the country and living as a vagabond gypsy. Also traveling to the southern hemisphere to see the southern night sky.
I dislike living in a highly conservative area.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Why is it that when you talk to God, it’s called praying?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
The religious do not call it schizophrenia. They call it proof of god's existence to them. (IMHO)
Do you think science will ever unlock the true mysteries of the true reason the Universe came to be...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
There is no reason, true or otherwise, that the universe came to be and was mearly a random act or occurance in nature. (IMHO)
For some people dying alone is not such a bad thing – here's why
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a one size fits all for humanity although many try to make it that way to great grief.
Here in Iowa they are voting to put the Bible in our schools as a class.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Gotta watch 'um, they bees sneaky that way.
"And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Love me some Bertrand Russell musings along with Robert Ingersoll.
So, leaving religion out of you believe in anything "supernatural"?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
If there is no evidence, facts or data for somethings existence, it does not exist (IMHO)
What is the significance of a date?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
To check out each other and that is important to me.
To sleep together or to not sleep together?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
I am an affectionate man and I prefer contact all night. I even prefer to go to sleep with my partner lying on top of me.
Is it OK to live by yourself, have friends and relationships, but nothing moving towards marriage or...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Of course it is and I have done it for 50 years. I do not want ANYTHING that I have to feed, cleanup after or take care of. I enjoy spending time with a woman when I have the opportunity to do, but not forever.
Chemtrails: Real, or conspiracy theory bs?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Condensation trails are real. Chemtrails just nonsense.
The biggest cover-up in human history (literally) Books of Revelation
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Just nonsense. (IMHO)
How many of you are bothered by second hand smoke?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I have never smoked (I have a thinking brain) and smoking of any kind is next to intolerable.
What’s your take on kids not learning cursive any longer?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
What do mean "kids"? I am 80 and I only sign my name in cursive. Everything else is printing.
"Evangelicals Sacrificing The Future In Search Of The Past?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I have to say, as an American, the hypocrisy of this group supporting Trump is breathtaking.
Oklahoma Lawmaker: Rape and Incest are the ‘Will of God’
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
To these people EVERYTHING is the will god and is god's plan.
Stephen Hawking Says Humanity Won't Survive Without Leaving Earth
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I am a fan of Stephen Hawking and admire him and he has his opinions just as we all do. (IMHO)
How old are you really? I remember 19 out of 20 Oh My!
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Never heard of BlackJack chewing gum but all the rest, so 19 of 20 for me also. Brought back some memories just reading the list.
Hey, non-believers. Has anyone here ever lied about a religious affiliation to get a perk?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
You are lied to all the time for perks by society, government, religions, corporations and capitalism, friends and acquaintances and perhaps even family. (IMHO) I do not judge you. To thine on-self be true.
Whats on my mind, Whats on my mind, that's a good question.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I am sorry to hear of the demise of your beloved wife. Your hurt, grief, loneliness is the natural way that the body heals itself and as with any healing process it will not last forever but the time it takes depends on the individual and you WILL heal and you WILL continue on with your life although it will be a new one and different. I wish you well in your recovery and your new life journey.
I'm so glad I found this site.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I think this is true for all generations and all religions. Everyone's religious beliefs are a result simply of geography, parental/societal indoctrination, fear, ignorance, authoritarianism.
Conservatives familes
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I became an A-theist from observing reality around me and using my brain to interpret what that reality is. It had nothing to do with family or friends or philosophy or religion.
Saw a post on Facebook that Americans can't read. Is it true or just another secular media post?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Lots of reading comprehension issues. (IMHO)
Who do you think can defeat Trump in 2020? (Select all that apply)
jlynn37 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I will make that decision in 2020.
Only the Truth Will Prevent Harm - Council for Secular Humanism
jlynn37 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
How can the impossible be true?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson
Some say that the earth(modern civilization as we know it) has lived and died before.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Unless there is evidence, facts and data to support anything, it is just speculative talking points. (IMHO)
How did we let an unqualified Fundamentalist use our educational system to indocturnate our kids?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
It was Trump's choice, not ours. However we made the choice for Trump in the election booth. Actions have consequences. You have a choice of your actions. You do NOT have a choice of the consequences of your actions. Choose wisely.
Any luck
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
In my 23 years on the internet, I have met many women on the internet and various dating sites, but none on this site.
Feral Humans?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages. There are no exceptions. (IMHO)
Hi all! I'm a musician, pianist (for my own enjoyment these days) and choral singer.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I felt the same way when I sang in the youth choir at the Presbyterian church I attended (primarily for social activities and the choir). I enjoyed the singing, the harmony, the music, my friends and had a wonderful time as a teenager participating. I never let the religious aspects of the activities interfere with the fun and enjoyment I experienced. Some of my fondest memories growing up were created there.
Question from a newbie to this forum, but not a newbie Atheist.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I do not say "atheist", I say "A-theist". In my opinion it sorta takes the bite out of the perceived negativity of the word. I also define my self as a secular humanist.
This site requires usage .
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I hope it is not against the rules to promote outside sites. Here are some dating sites that a free member can at least have some communication with other members: (best in my opinion),, (mostly scammers but can be fun). (more scammers). As the saying goes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck and I wish you well and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
How many people have still not worked out why Hillary lost?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Nothing to work out. It was the electoral college decision to make. Right or wrong, good or bad. (IMHO)
On English tv.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
If only "God can make that decision", then turn the man made life support system off and allow "God to make that decision". No brainer. (IMHO)
Do you think atheists are safe ?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
"There is simply nothing we can do about the rise of atheism but accept the inevitable and hope they do not treat Christians the way Christians have treated them" -Youth Pastor (name withheld)
What Reason?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
If anything happens for a reason, the reason is usually physics.
So, it's tax time again.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Liberals would rather see 1000 free loaders abuse the system than see 1 family living on the street in poverty. Conservatives would rather see 1000 families living on the street in poverty than 1 free loader abusing the system. That is the difference. (IMHO)
In South Dakota, GOP Lawmaker Calls For Segregating People By Religion - The Intellectualist
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I think the Nazis tried that with limited success for a brief moment in time.
Are you tired of the platitude ' someone will come along when you aren't looking'?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Things happen in life, it is random for the most part and it is completely unavoidable. (IMHO)
Are there others here, who have felt the loneliness in your soul, that feels like a kind of hell?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I have always felt that I did not belong here. My best description is being a piece of one puzzle mixed in with another puzzle and I do not fit anywhere. Being a loner, an introvert and almost a recluse, I do not think I have ever experienced loneliness.
Rights or privileges?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I think the Declaration of Independence states it a well as any: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Atheism a religion?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Theism is a belief system based on faith. Atheism is a non-belief system based on evidence, facts and data or lack thereof.
So I went to lunch with my mom and sis today and told them about this website and how happy I was ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
If evolution is a fact, and I accept the facts that is, where along the evolutionary process, did the soul appear in humans and by what process could it have happened?
I'm interested in what everyone thinks about morality.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
i love ALL my brothers and sisters in my human family and I have 3 gatekeepers for my personal morality and ethics. I STRIVE to treat others as I want to be treated. I STRIVE to never do anything to anyone that I would not want done to me. I STRIVE to do or cause no harm.
We were all humans untIl....
jlynn37 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
That describes the human condition perfectly.
After life
jlynn37 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I don't know about an afterlife but there absolutely is life after death. You however will be dead and will not be part of it.
I just wanted to say hello from a tiny blue dot in a stupid, red state.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I liked the way you phrased that.
Happily single—or not?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I have been single and living alone for 50 years and every second of it has been by choice. I am a loner and an introvert and prefer to be by myself most of the time, but I enjoy spending time with a woman when I have the opportunity to do so. I think all of us long time single people (male and female) miss the intimacy shared with another person from time to time, however I would not trade my single lifestyle for it. I catch as catch can and am happy and content with it that way.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Well, If I were a conservative capitalist, that is what I would do. Fortunately, I am NOT a conservative capitalist.
Is it just me, or has gravity gotten clingy?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I suspect a scammer in my messages, what should I do?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have been on the internet and dating sites for over 20 years. I typed a text file and saved it. When encountering scammers I simply copy and paste it into the conversation. Abide by this rule and you will NEVER be a victim. "I have one strict rule when I am on the internet. I will NEVER, under ANY circumstances, send money or gifts to ANYONE for ANY REASON".
What is happiness?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Totally subjective. (IMHO)
Is there a meaning to life? If so, what is it?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Any meaning to life is whatever you make of it and nothing more. (IMHO)
jlynn37 comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I say, if you have any evidence of god's existence, I recommend you present it to the Nobel Prize committee, claim your Nobel prize and become the most famous human in history. Or STFU about your evidence.
Question about relationship's.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I am 80 years old and have been a single man for 40 years. Just about all (if not all) of my relationships have existed as "friends with benefits" and that is why I have remained single for 40 years. It has always been my choice and I have had no issues doing it my way. Everyone was/is a winner (IMHO).
I've been thinking a lot about death recently and what I would like to happen with my remains when I...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
I want to be cremated, my ashes put in my girl friends douche and let me in there one last time. Seriously, I have willed my body to the medical school and it gives me reason to contemplate that I may do more good after I am dead than I ever did while living.
One of two things must be wrong with me—my appearance or my personality.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
When I see a woman who posts photos of her pets, I think immediately that her pets will always be more important to her than I would ever be.
Been months since I've been up here, but felt like I needed to vent some.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Why can't you enjoy the activities in your church, choir, social activities, etc, without allowing the dogma to get to you?
Why Isn’t This A Major National Scandal? | Current Affairs
jlynn37 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Hey, if I were a conservative capitalist, that is what I would do.
I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 15, 2018:
One arrogant individual.
What We All Have in Common
jlynn37 comments on Jan 14, 2018:
We are all members in one family of one species.
so....soul, no soul?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Just how would anyone "know" anything about what is not a part of the natural universe? Everyone can talk about it but unless you can present some tangible, verifiable, peer reviewed evidence, facts or data to support your claim, it is just subjective speculation and opinion. I strive NOT to live by a belief system but by an evidence, fact and data based system. Try it, you'll like it.
Is evolution a fact or still just a theory.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
You need to understand what a theory is in science. A theory is a means to explains the facts and give a valid explanation of a phenomenon. It is the highest level of scientific understanding and explanation.
Group calls on city to remove Ten Commandments monument | Local News |
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I am a paying, card carrying member of FFRF and will remain so.
Is this an agnostic site or a dating site? ????
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Take advantage of what you will here.
I have a strange confession.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I am retired and while I have no wish to "run away", I do contemplate hooking my camper to my truck and just taking off to anywhere I choose to go and stay as long as I want. I just can't seem to bring myself to doing it for whatever reason.
Struggle is Progress.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I do not think "struggle" is the right word to use for what nature does. Nature does what nature does and there is no "struggle" involved. (IMHO)
Alone time
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I am a loner and an introvert and prefer to be by myself most of the time, but I enjoy spending time with a woman when I have the opportunity to do so, which isn't very often. I have been a single man and have lived alone for over 40 years and while I am alone, I do not feel that I am lonely. I am retired, I have hobbies and I enjoy traveling by car and train and have a camping trailer and I enjoy camping and being in nature.
Every great journey begins with a single face plant.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
That's gotta' hurt, Bob.
Is Fox News credible or mostly propaganda?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
99% propaganda (IMHO)
Is anybody interested in investing in the stock market?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 12, 2018:
I consider the stock market just a ponzi scheme for the wealthy.


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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