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For Halloween I bought a wig and borrowed daughter's lipstick and polish. Rest is just normal, well regular, ol' me!
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DWM, was a single parent of 2 daughters, but now with an empty nest and spoiling 1 granddaughter. Grew up with religion in Tn, worked in retail (started at 3y/o in family grocery store), factories, construction, USMC, and then IT (software and info. security). Traveled the world, and if I one day cover Okinawa to Somalia, I will have completely circled the Earth. Speak English, un poco Espanol, and working on Mandarin. Currently (if you can call it that) guitar, mandolin, and banjo. Master's in Computer Engineering and couple martial arts belts (1st degree Black in Okinawa karate and brown in Korean Tae Kwon Do). Use to ride, but 2nd wreck totaled the bike well as my body - lol

Full Bio


Two of the women who accused Kavanaugh of rape have now admitted to lying for political reasons.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
You're just being a misogynist if you don't support a woman's right to lie about you, get you fired, ruin your reputation, and have you criminally prosecuted.
When teenagers are expected (if not encouraged) to date as many people as they can prior to ...
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Perhaps some are one or the other, perhaps some are a little of both. I think the biggest problem is that children think once they reach 18 or 21, they have it all figured out and won't ever change or grow as a person. Hell, even the 30, 40, and 50 something people I talk to take this mentality. I mean at 43, most people are only half way thorough their lives, and look at all the changes in attitudes and ideas since birth!! But they seem to think that the next 43 years they will remain intellectually stagnant; and yes, I realize unfortunately the close minded individuals do...even in the face of obvious change.
Iceland’s Christmas ad was brave and necessary.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Pretty cool
Remake The Last Jedi
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I honestly am done with Disney. I didn't like the content on the Disney channel when my daughters were tweens....I especially don't like them pushing their agenda in these movies. I mean, a hero from the original now a pan sexual who is a rampant sexual harassment poster boy - in a kids movie none the less? Thanks Disney, but I am perfectly capable of raising my kids and teaching them about the world without you feeling like I can't do my job as a parent. Even if TLJ was remade, I won't go see it b/c I am boycotting them with my wallet.
I never considered myself an artist until recent years.
jondspen comments on Nov 9, 2018:
How can I respond when the Pleiades won't let me drink my soup from an envelope?
Have you done the Myers Briggs?
jondspen comments on Nov 10, 2018: of my previous employers had everyone take it, so we would know how to deal with the person or better understand their approach to communication and problem solving. I found that it was used to attack and label people if they didn't agree with some stupid idea or POV being presented.
Would i go to hell if i don't know god?
jondspen comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Of course you would! The only problem is getting processed into the correct eternal damnation. After all, if you don't know god...then you don't know gods....therefore you have to be evaluated as to which deity you pissed off the most and has the best claim to your eternal suffering.
Which one brings back your memories? Mine is 3 and 4 ?
jondspen comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Why are they all black? Isn't that a bit racist? And what's the stringy thing attached to it? Is it a lanyard so you don't lose it? LOL I've used 2, 3, and 4. My great aunt had 2, paternal grandmother had 3 and maternal grandmother had 4. We had #4 also, but with the 10ft cord that always twisted into a DNA helix and would reach from one end of the house to the other and provided free games of limbo.
Don't thank me for my service I typically ask business if they give discounts to disabled ...
jondspen comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Thank you for the responses so far. Again, my goal is to not be rude to those people, but to challenge their appreciation and involvement in the democracy they enjoy. I have thought about typing up a small paragraph, or getting business cards made up to hand to them....that way it might not come off as an attack, but more of a personal challenge.
Spiritual but not Religious, WHATS THAT
jondspen comments on Nov 14, 2018:
It means they want to go to heaven, but don't want to do or give up all the shit to get there, so they believe in the happy imaginary friend fairy land without the need to 'earn' it.
Being 55 and not being able to find work in the field for which you've prepared is like being half ...
jondspen comments on Nov 14, 2018:
No...not halfway. Half way through you are dealing with trash mobs, and still have a chance to exit the instance, go back to town where you spend the rest of the game at the craft table. It's more like at that point you are at the boss chamber, the door just shut behind you when you realize the above! LOL
An interesting way to talk to theists: I'm a probation officer.
jondspen comments on Nov 16, 2018:
That's pretty seem like you really care about people in general. After reading your post, I thought to myself, "No way this person can be a PO in Texas!"
Who's someone that "gets a pass" because they're famous but really shouldn't because they've ...
jondspen comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Anyone with last name Bush...starting with great granddad that was a war profiter and helped finance germany
The UN is useless.
jondspen comments on Nov 19, 2018:
To the victors go the spoils...that's why France and England still have it.
Dating woes
jondspen comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Hmmm...that's odd. Usually it's the women who feel they have to fix the man they are dating (dress better, get better friends, get a better job, be more ambitious, stop flirting, clean house/put down tolite seat for her b/c she can't seem to see the benefits of looking before you put your ass on something, etc etc etc). Cursing - well, depends. If every other word out of your mouth is "FUCK", then yea, I wouldn't want to intro you to my colleague at work, young children, or grandparents. I was 6 years Marine Corps, so I can cuss like a sailor, but I also have class and tact, and know when it's appropriate. Drinking - again, maybe you are just social, maybe you are a lush. How much you drink a night when you drink, and how often is that a week? Politics - can't argue there, given that I don't think you're a member of the American Nazi party. But if you were, I wouldn't try to change you, I would just kick you to the curb. Tone down your personality - are you just outgoing - or do you come across as a no class, loud mouth, ignant, hood rat? That's not racist b/c of your skin color....I know lots of white trash hood rat girls. You be you, but on the other side of that coin, if you keep going out with guys and get the same input over and some point you have to realize the only constant in the equation is you. I don't know honestly I can't say if it's just bad luck with the guys, if you keep attracting the same type guy which are just oil to your water, or if you need to be honest with yourself and maybe make some personality tweaks. EDIT - you describe yourself as an alpha female, and it occurred to me that either one, you are consistently attracted to Alpha male types, and there is this dominance game being played....or being an alpha, ANY type of compromise is seen by you as controlling. I'm just spit balling ideas basis in facts, just thoughts on reasonable probabilities from what I have experienced. Strong personalities typically are not attracted to betas, unless it's to establish dominance in the relationship - not respect, and strong personalities have trouble bending and compromising.
Open Mic tonight at Liberty Station from 9pm til Midnight.
jondspen comments on Nov 19, 2018:
I thought this read Open Mic from 9pm till Midnight in the year 2101 - I was like DAMN - now that's a party!!!
Gov. Jerry Brown Quietly Admits Trump Was Right, Eases California Logging Rules []
jondspen comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Don't see how this is "gross mismanagement". Also love the last sentence in the article, "The president may not have been wholly correct but it seems he was certainly on to something." But hey, why be honest when you have an agenda to push, right?
I bet your mother was the same ... that is why you turned out all right.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Nope, she wasn't the same, not at all, but I turned out OK despite her. In fact, as I read that, I would ascribe those actions more to my dad, not my mom. two daughters, who I raised as a single dad, turned out pretty good also. Ty though for the sexist meme and pandering to woman worship...
Anticipating the obligatory Thanksgiving meal.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I got suckered into cooking...well babysitting my grand-daughter while my daughter works, "but since you're going to be there dad..." LOL The homemade stuff is good, but Stove Top, canned veggies/gravy, and a 3 pack of turkey legs will be plenty to eat, fairly easy, and just as tasty. I don't feel like taking 3 days to make my great-aunt's dressing recipe from scratch biscuits/cornbread.
How does a employee deal with an incompetent manager?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Dilbert principle - it's what runs America businesses.
Today, I sat in a debate discussing the pros and cons of the American Affordable Care Act (Obama ...
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Of course it is...why do you think the government was behind it.
Bumper sticker
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
LOL....that's awesome
Real talk
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
lol...irony, lost on christians obviously
Been discussed but I still think it's funny
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I'm on board
Are there any Christian Atheists out there?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
I am sure there is some church that calls themselves that. I mean after all, christians don't use logic anyway, right?
Un huh. I'm in.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Totally me. I would also add to never fuck with someone who is suicidal...
Ok so this seems accurate?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Wow...another sexist meme about how men are dirt...never see that on this site.
Does anyone else feel this way?
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Great meme...wish people would get out of their tribal mentality and realize we're all one tribe.
For those worried that America is no longer 1.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Sad but true
One of the formative events in my life was an overnight stay years ago in a one-room log shelter on ...
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Sounds like a pretty cool evening
I had a great conversation with a Brit last night who was unaware of how religious the US was.
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Yea...I've always heard that even the religious in Europe treat it as a person thing and don't inflict their beliefs on others.
W. E. B. Dubois
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
If only more people had the courage to stand up to bullies.
Christians on this website
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Hmmm...not sure, there are so many reasons they might be here. I don't judge nor push them away, it may be their first steps toward opening their eyes.
Cannabis supporters
jondspen comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Absolutely - in fact, I support legalizing all drugs. Let adults be adults, and let them take responsibility for their actions, only way people learn to grow up.
Happy Saturday! My job ended and I am back! Back to man hunting and shenanigans.
jondspen comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I'm in Tennessee...and while I wouldn't mind meeting you on a date, I'm not going to walk 500 miles (twice) to get there. It's closer to 2000; wanna meet half way? :) I'm also including a warning for all the men you're hunting...
Are you in favour of a revolution?
jondspen comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Telling children Santa Claus is real? Are you against it or for it?
jondspen comments on Nov 25, 2018:
These articles point out for most it is not harmful, much like kids may believe Barney is real, but a minority of kids are adversely affected by finding out it was a lie. Given this, why take the chance, but I would say if you are going to go with it, you should probably tell them before starting school - and well before peer opinions start to shape how they perceive themselves. On a side note, my daughter's believed, but my over zealous religious nut father told them it wasn't real b/c that is a lie and detracts from the real purpose of CHRISTmas (all the while ignoring how christian's stole the holiday and traditions from pagans). I however may not agree with my daughter's parenting decisions at times, but I respect her enough to allow her to be her child's parent. This is not biggie topic for me, but any other disagreement or advice is given in private, so as to not undermine her parental authority in front of grand-daughter.
I just caught this on Tipping Point (a UK TV Game Show) the other night.
jondspen comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I would have chosen "12 Parsecs" :D
GM is closing 3 plants in the US.
jondspen comments on Nov 26, 2018:
So much winning - please please can we start losing some? Oh wait... :P
The newest Martian lander touches down (hopefully) today around 2:45.
jondspen comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Why? Did they find oil on Mars? If we keep F-ing around there, Marvin's gonna fire up his Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
I live in Oklahoma and I am trying to find a lady that will tolerate an atheist.
jondspen comments on Nov 27, 2018:
My 2 cents is cut out all the "I am..." sentences, it comes off kinda narcisistic, which you don't seem to be, but "I...I...I" inadvertantly comes off that way. Keep the info, just change the sentence strucutre... "Insatiably curious, about the world, multiple hobbies, and meeting intersting people" for example. Same info and jist of your profile, but more focused on interests and personality, not on you...if that makes sense. GL - this dating site doesn't seem to be much on dating; more about a chat/blog site on all kinds of topics.
The Cancer of War: U.S. Admits to Using Depleted Uranium Munitions in Syria
jondspen comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Well...if we're not going to allow Bush to be prosecuted for killing thousands over a WMD lie, including American military personnel, just so he can line his family's pockets with more oil money...what's a few radioactive rounds in some shit hole country?
jondspen comments on Nov 28, 2018:
I have seen this too for some new members. Not sure if it's working as designed b/c of their level, or something changed in code to make it inaccessible for new accounts.
Whistleblowers: Veterans cheated out of benefits []
jondspen comments on Dec 1, 2018:
According to CBS news on TV, behind closed doors to congress they said vets would NOT get back pay owed. Then in public, they said they would. I'm sure if vets do receive, it will require loads of red tape and months-years of fighting the bureaucracy.
With Level 8, which color T-shirt?
jondspen comments on Dec 1, 2018:
I have only seen the purple one via pics posted by members on here. I say purple, only b/c it is more eye-catching for when you're out and about.
Monster - Imagine Dragons. []
jondspen comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Meh...not my taste, but double point for 1st TY!!! :D
Would you feel overwhelmed with guilt if you stole something?
jondspen comments on Dec 3, 2018: you're heart? No way sweetie! ;) lol
Christ Super Embarrassed About All That Stupid Shit He Said 2,000 Years Ago []
jondspen comments on Dec 3, 2018:
I love the Onion - hard hitting, serious news!
jondspen comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Well...this really isn't a forum, but a dating site...although not much dating going on here.
When you wake up and she's your first thought..........
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Cool pic
My weekend fitness routine is gonna make this a breeze......
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Let's get ready to rumble!!!!
Songs with a woman's name in the title
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Queen Bitch (you know you have called some woman this at least once in your life...if only in your head)!
Power of the Punk
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Punk hard and die young!!!
I look like Jeff Daniels from dumb and dumber
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
This movie is a classic and pure genius! F Citizen Kane!!!!
Heads up fools!
jondspen comments on Dec 4, 2018:
At least they are not slinging cows at them! Fetchez La Vache!
Libertarians should also be atheists.... NO GOD in politics.....
jondspen comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Sad but true...
Good Morning one and all, I,m a bit surprised not to see anything about it being the 76 th ...
jondspen comments on Dec 7, 2018:'s still a bit early here in the USA. But thank you for your post, and remembering that day. EDIT - I just checked BBC, AlJazeera, Rueters, and Veterans Today websites - not one story about it. Guess 77th anniversary of one of top events to shape the US isn't worth writing a paragraph about. :(
I'm getting http 500 errors with both Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer but not Chrome.
jondspen comments on Dec 8, 2018: a software dev, we would run pre QA tests against fixes with IE, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and sometimes Safari. Many times, Chrome and Firefox would bring up the site, while all the others did not. Come to find out, the other browsers were working correctly by blocking the page (issues with the header for example), but Chrome/Firefox would not block as they should have and allow page to load. That's off topic from a 500 error, but just throwing that out there - a 'working' site on a browser doesn't mean it SHOULD be working always. Also - Chrome might be bringing up the page from cache. Clear your history/cache/cookies and I would bet it stops working there also.
I normally don't post stuff like this, but... 😍
jondspen comments on Dec 9, 2018:'s always the bad boy that get the girl!
Holiday party at my son's house next door where I achieved shitfaced status relatively early and my ...
jondspen comments on Dec 9, 2018:
What libation were you guzzling down? Also...we're you escorted home, or kicked out? :D
This post is dedicated to all my fellow sauce hounds who love to drink.
jondspen comments on Dec 9, 2018:
I drink a water during the night, and another glass before going to bed. Might have to pee all night, but at least I'm somewhat operational in the AM.
The French open
jondspen comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Wouldn't it be amazing if American's weren't such cowards to stand up to our government? Even just a little bit?
Rescue teams search for three people lost in West Virginia mine [reuters.
jondspen comments on Dec 13, 2018: Seems it was a Festivus Miracle! Glad they and the rescue workers are out safe. Seems they were down there attempting to steal copper from this link. One guy talks about the community having so much love for one another. So much 'love', the three will now probably be criminally prosecuted! Only in fucking America....
I am a Man and I Approve this Message.
jondspen comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Kinda ironic that these "badly raised men" are the product of a family court system that awards custody 80+% of the time to the women, who also initiate 60+% of the divorce proceedings.
So I was talking to a friend today about death. Why do people tend to idolize the dead.?
jondspen comments on Dec 14, 2018:
B/c is comes off crappy to attack someone that isn't there to defend themselves.
All first dates should go this well. []
jondspen comments on Dec 15, 2018:
This would be a fun way to go on a first date
Net Neutrality is Bullshit! (I already thought so) Check out this Reason.
jondspen comments on Dec 15, 2018:
So b/c the ISPs and service providers haven't limited speed to sites or content YET, it is never going to happen? Just like the Telecommunications Act wasn't going to create a media and new society that didn't pander to one POV? Oh wait, it just took a while to get ramped up and for the unscrupulous to figure out how to manipulate the system. Sorry, but I don't trust corporations and business to look out for what's in the consumers interests. Most everyone in my field I talk to about the issue agrees it is a good thing to protect freedom of speech (via freedom to access w/o speed limits based on content).
Some humor for a quiet group.
jondspen comments on Dec 17, 2018:
I've never put butter on Love...but I have sprinkled it with bacon and a side of steak!
For Trump haters on both the left and right why not look at what he’s accomplished?
jondspen comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Sorry...but I don't believe anything from Faux News, so won't even bother clicking the link.
He said, she said. She right ...
jondspen comments on Dec 18, 2018:
There's no reason to tell them that...he's a guy so it's a given! Then again...with her being a woman, no need to say she's crazy.'s a given! :O :P :D
Are women less ethical than men?
jondspen comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Hmmm...well, people in general look out for their own self-interest. Even 'love' is a selfish emotion at it's base. So in that regards, no - they are just being human and taking advantage of situations providing a better opportunity to survive. And not everyone is the same, so no need to straw man the argument "I would never steal, lie, cheat, etc. - so that proves you're wrong". Some people in the world both past and present are honest, some are dishonest - sex is as relevant in that regards as eye color, or relative size of 2nd toe to big toe, which means none. As far as cultural, are they programmed or raised in a society (I'm speaking about western/USA culture that I am most familiar with) that doesn't enforce the same ethics standards on them as it does men? There could be an argument made that western women do have more ethical leeway in general than men; that men are held to a higher standard due to old norms that we still cling to. But again, I don't think women are biologically lacking the 'ethics' gene, so to speak. I think on average, we all lack it or have it to the same extent, but societal norms today skews generally in favor of women a bit more than men.
This may be a long shot but I'll ask anyway.
jondspen comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Howdy neighbor (I'm over in West Tn). Sorry no. Looked a little into it during my grad studies in info sec (PLC virus that hit the Iran uranium centrafuges)...but nothing in depth enough to give you any insight. Most of my software dev has been Delphi, SQL, VB.Net, and C languages (C++, but mostly C# and a little with .Net Core). How much time you have? Stack Overflow, Pluralsight, or any the other common dev sites have anything that could help? PLC isn't as common a dev environment as the general business community (SQL, C#, Java, etc.) not sure how much luck you would have on those sites anyway.
I completely agree with this
jondspen comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Why do you agree?
This made me smile. Happy holidays.
jondspen comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Emotional (and maybe physical?!?) masturbation with Jesus? :D
A little Marvin Gaye to start your day right. []
jondspen comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Great artist. Why do the good always seem to die young?
If I have the intention of dating, should I reveal that I am unemployed, have learning difficulties ...
jondspen comments on Dec 19, 2018:
It's none of their business, just as if you had a job your salary would be none of their business. Does it change who you are as a person? Now if you want to weed out the shallow gold-diggers and use it as a shit test for them...then I say leave it. As far as the doesn't sound like you have been diagnosed, so what are you revealing might or might not have something? Again, for initial contact online and first date - it's none of their business, unless again, you want to shit test the shallow or judgmental people out and not waste your time on someone who can't give you the respect to find out who you are as a person first.
I knew people got testy during the last-minute shopping, but l never imagined they'd need to buy ...
jondspen comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Uhhh....are we watching a Nightmare Before Christmas? Oogie Boogie's gonna eat you! That one was for free! :D
Can someone advise me on how to live with a muslim family who'll absolutely shun me if I tell them ...
jondspen comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Nope...that is a decision you have to make on your own. I told my Christian family, b/c I was adopted and abused as a kid, so didn't really care if I had nothing to do with them anyway. They were never in my corner when I was a part of the family (always sided with the other side over me), so losing them has actually led to a more healthy and happy life w/o them in it.
Hello all you beautiful people in the internet. :P
jondspen comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Hello and GM! In the spirit of the holidays, I also hope you "Go Festivus Yourself" :D
To hug or not to hug
jondspen comments on Dec 23, 2018:
Depends on the person and the situation, but mostly I'm ok with it. I'm from the south, so we tend to be a bit more open and friendly down here, but there are some situations where I would feel uncomfortable.
Just wondering, is it possible to be too nice.
jondspen comments on Dec 23, 2018:
I don't think it is. I hope people are not as stupid, ignorant, and close minded as they seem to be, and while they use underhanded tactics in an argument, I cling to the belief deep down they realize they were not fair or honest. If I'm right, your behavior will win out, even if you don't see it. If I'm wrong, then you don't leave the argument feeling low or dirty for slinging mud like they do. Only politicans seem to be a profession where doing the dishonorable thing pays off...and who wants to be one of those?!?!?
On this day long long ago a child was born who by the time he was 30 would transform the world ...
jondspen comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Happy Birthday!
What is something you forgot once but will never forget again?
jondspen comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Don't tug on Superman's cape... Don't spit into the wind... Don't pull the mask off that ol' Lone Ranger... Don't mess around with Jim (Croce)
Favorite-read recommendations?
jondspen comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I am currently reading Lifeforce, The Scientific Basis (Swanson) as well as Full Catastrophe Living (Kabot-Zinn). First one essentially talks about the physics around consciousness and the interaction in quantum mechanics. Kinda of dry, scientific reading...not very humorous. Second is about mental healing powers and ways to help relieve stress, pain, and illness.
A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in ...
jondspen comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Not surprised with all the shit Texas puts out, and the pro-Israel lobbying going on in this country.
"Some women appreciate being recognized for what they do or who they are more so than for what they ...
jondspen comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Really? Is that why there is a billion dollar weight loss and make up industry? Is that why every woman's magazine I see at the grocery store always has on the cover some article about losing weight and looking good? Ahhhh....yes, there are some women who don't care about their looks. But given the economic landscape...I would say those are the minority. There are probably even more that SAY they don't care, but while they talk the talk, they don't walk the walk...much like christians who say they believe in god's ability to heal, but at the first sign of any ailment, run to the doctor. Feminist hypocrisy...serving up a pile of verbal bullshit since 1921.
Is this a dating site?
jondspen comments on Dec 29, 2018:
It's billed as a dating site...but in reality very little 'dating' goes on here. I think that is b/c of the way the site is organized and constructed. Plus there is a sister site that it shares members and posts not sure if one was community and the other dating,and they just ended up morphing into the same thing or what...
It’s Saturday night and I finally thought why not really try and meet someone.
jondspen comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Hope you had a nice evening out. So what did you do? Go to the movies instead of watching movies on Netflix? :D I hope not! lol
New Years celebrations are a funny thing.
jondspen comments on Dec 30, 2018:
"single largest celebration of an imaginary human construct" - hmmm, ever heard of a holiday called Christmas?
Bread and circuses . . . .
jondspen comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Wow....scary accurate
'Impeach the motherf-----': Newly elected Democratic congresswoman  vows to come for Donald Trump
jondspen comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I'm really tired of our politicians acting like rejects from "Jersey Shore".
Is everyone in the world crazy?
jondspen comments on Jan 6, 2019:
The problem with the 16th Amendment is there is controversy about whether is was legally ratified. Also, although it says congress one can produce the exact law that says they WILL. At least that is my understanding of the whole argument against. I'm no expert on the subject, and only did cursory research to understand the argument.
Population of Dating and Community
jondspen comments on Jan 7, 2019:
No idea
Avicii - Wake Me Up []
jondspen comments on Jan 9, 2019:
So she goes off and leaves a kid at home alone while she goes to a concert? Bad parenting...
Opioid overdoses are now more likely to kill Americans than car crashes - Vox
jondspen comments on Jan 16, 2019:
But grow a plant in your house and get convicted as a felon. The USA is so F-ed up.
Are all women like this ?
jondspen comments on Jan 16, 2019:
I say Yes, although you you didn't specify which woman - the daughter that has a great life and marriage but STILL isn't satisfied, or the mother who is a gold digger and only sees men value in monetary terms. Given that analysis...I still say Yes!!! :D
Hopeful prognosis for 2019. []
jondspen comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Ha...funny. Let's wait and see what happens
I saw this and was immediately reminded how doctors and nurses even more so, do not get paid enough ...
jondspen comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Hmmm...a 4 year degree and making $80k or more a year as a nurse. And doctors make nearly a quarter of a MILLION dollars a year, but you say they don't make enough?!?!? Tell that to the old or poor that can't afford proper medical care in this country. Both of these professions are at the top of their pay scale vs education investment. And let's also remember, only a small fraction in the profession work in 'hard' departments (ICU, NICU, Burn units, ER). Working at the local 9-5 clinic giving flu shots or enlarging breasts isn't a 'hard' job. Sorry....I don't agree on this one.
Elderly lesbian couple lose discrimination case against retirement home
jondspen comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I don't agree with their lifestyle, but WTF does it matter?!? They are legally married, and should be afforded the rights and misery any married couple endures! :) BTW here is the website, where it is very clear it is a religious focused organization I would suspect these women applied there not b/c of their need or desire to live there, but to force a court case. Glad the court upheld the legal aspect accordingly, just a shame that the law doesn't address this moral argument.
The weather is getting nice.
jondspen comments on Jan 19, 2019:
What's playing?


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For Halloween I bought a wig and borrowed daughter's lipstick and polish. Rest is just normal, well regular, ol' me!
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26 years and 3 months later. A few more pounds and lots more grey, but I can still fit into this shirt. Semper Fi
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Captain Malice Cooper - Halloween 2018
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My obligatory cock pic for all the women. Isn't it HUGE?!?!?
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Mardi Gras 2019
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