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Teen Age Sex, the worst outcome!
kiramea comments on Apr 5, 2018:
All I know about the case is what I can bring up on a google search. From what I have read, there was at the very least psychosis on the daughter's side along with narcotics from the boyfriend. Some reports state there was abuse within the family dynamics. With all of that, I can not even fathom an opinion. In a perfect world you would start sex education long before it is needed and provide the means to get contraception when needed. This case does not appear to be a perfect world scenario.
A short conversation with a friend earlier had me thinking about forgiving and forgetting.
kiramea comments on Apr 4, 2018:
For me it really depends on what I'm forgiving. I will never forgive my childrens' father for physically abusing our son and sexually abusing our daughter. In fact, we all celebrated when he died. Most everyone who knew him agreed he was a waste of space.
How about a childhood photo?
kiramea comments on Apr 4, 2018:
The first picture I was about a year or so old. The second one is with my older sister and younger brother (I'm on the far right)
What is better than sex?
kiramea comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I think the question should be what is better than good/great sex. Just about anything is better than bad sex.
Have you ever felt suicidal?
kiramea comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I've been suicidal off and on since I was in my teens. After two/three suicide attempts I got to where I learned to deal with the feelings.
What's a phrase you vehemently despise?
kiramea comments on Apr 3, 2018:
"You're delusional" My ex would use that everytime he was losing an argument or I caught him in a lie. The reason why I abhore that statement is that I do have mental health issues, however they do not impact my thinking/analyzing ability.
I wish they would put Penn and Teller's "Bullshit" Series on Netflix so there would at least be some...
kiramea comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I believe Amazon Prime still has the series. They also have (I think) "Adam Ruins Everything".
kiramea comments on Apr 3, 2018:
My oldest son was circumcised. The doctor preformed the procedure right before he was discharged from the hospital (when he was born). I asked about pain relief and was told (while my son screamed in my ear) that infants didn't feel pain. That poor child screamed in pain for over ten hours. My second son wasn't circumcised. I personally feel that subjecting a child to a medically unnecessary modification procedure is child abuse and should be outlawed just like female circumcision has been.
Hey, gentlemen, do us both a favor and please add a picture to your profile! It's not so much about...
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
And how do you know that the picture they post is actually a picture of themself? A picture can be just a fake as the personality they claim to have. Not trying to start anything; just curious. Also, there are many other reasons besides insincerity that would cause a person to not have a picture on their profile.
Condom Snorting Challenge: Why You Should Not Inhale Condoms
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
My nephew and niece did the cinnamon challenge. It would not suprise me if they try this.
Paranormal Experiences?
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
*raises hand* One thing that I get from here is that some agnostics/atheists can not fathom why I believe in aliens/the supernatural when there is no proof, but say I'm an atheist because there is no proof of God. For me, there is proof of aliens and the supernatural from experiences that I've had growing up. Like I mentioned before, just because something hasn't happened to you doesn't mean that it's never happened to anyone. I have seen and experienced things that I can't explain. That's proof enough for me.
Have you ever asked a question on social media that you regretted asking after reading the responses...
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yep. It happens all the time with me. Apparently I am unable to word thing properly or my questions are so out there that I get ridiculed for my opinions.
For the parents, what ages were the toughest when raising your teenagers?
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I have said many time to friends/family that it would be nice to put teenagers into Cryosleep until they're 25 or so.
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I personally have not had any horrific experiences with Christianity, but that's just me. I have also noticed the Christian bashing (even told my son he would fit right in since he is the same way). It's not for me to tell another person what they should think or believe in. If I don't like what they write, then I don't read it. It's really that simple.
What is the most adventurous thing you would go do with someone on a first date? (Keep it rated R)
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Anything that won't get me killed
What weird food combinations do you enjoy?
kiramea comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I grew up eating peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches. Haven't eaten them in decades though.
Eating out alone?
kiramea comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I do it all the time.
Do you prefer using a fork or a spoon mostly?
kiramea comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I hate sporks.
Would you date a person with a speach impediment?
kiramea comments on Mar 27, 2018:
My niece has difficulty speaking clearly. Because of that I guess I have more patience with people who have difficulty speaking.
Has anyone ever noticed that when we point out how televangelists are just money whores, we talk ...
kiramea comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I've talked about Creflo and his airplane. I've also talked about him beating his daughter and calling it godly discipline.
I am an owned submissive and have been in the lifestyle for 5 years.
kiramea comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I am however I am not owned nor do I have a desire to be owned again. Welcome to the group.
I'm a pleaser.
kiramea comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Paragraphs are your friend. This is WAY too long for me to read without them.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
kiramea comments on Mar 25, 2018:
26 One of the many mistakes in my life.
The thing that bothers me about christianity is that most of it is centered around the afterlife.
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I have heard quite a few people describe Christianity as a death cult. To be honest, I have to agree.
Will you be changing your FB account?
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I went through my apps and disabled/deleted the majority of them. I had some that I didn't even recognize. I can't do much with privacy settings since I already have them pretty much friends only or private.
The Mayor’s annual salary is $24,000, and Council members’ annual salary is $12,000.
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I personally do not believe political office should be an occupation that you get into for the money. Politicians should be there to help people. Now, $24,000 is on the low side, but 100k is way too much.
If your pet were human for a day, what would they be like?
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Mine would be a self-absorbed princess believing without a doubt that she deserves everything.
Describe your love life in one word.
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
What`s the difference between being single and emotionally lonely?
kiramea comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I would much rather be single. There is nothing worse than being alone while with someone.
The other day two Jehova's Witnesses rang our doorbell.
kiramea comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I've never understood why people are nice to them. They rudely interrupted your day, so I personally see no reason why I need to gently tell them I'm not interested. Before I had my demon gargoyle watchers I just told them I wasn't interested and forcefully closed the door.
How would you approach the subject of masturbation with your child?
kiramea comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I've caught all three of my children masturbating when they were very young. I just explained to them that it's natural but something you do in the privacy of your room. After that, I just asked them to go to their room and they either stopped or went to their room.
Who or what do you sleep with at night?
kiramea comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I've been accused of having an affair with my pillows. I usually have at least 6 on my bed. Oh yeah, and my CPAP machine. Can't live without it (literally).
Obey zombie Jesus
kiramea comments on Mar 17, 2018:
My sister hates it when I call her saviour a zombie. She also hates it when I call Christianity a death cult. Still hasn't stopped me from doing it :)
As an atheist woman, how do you feel about Race in reference to relationships in America?
kiramea comments on Mar 16, 2018:
I'm white. In my youth I've dated African Americans, Iranian, and Hispanic/Latinos. Race means nothing to me. It's how they treat me that counts.
Dont jump me (read first) I saw a facebook post about that 19 year old dude who felt katy perry had...
kiramea comments on Mar 16, 2018:
If Johnny Depp, or any other famous person came up to me and suddenly kissed/groped/whatever me, I would be pissed. I don't personally know this person, and would consider it sexual assault. Because this person was on a competiton show did not make it right. When people are dating they usually don't just start kissing. There are other things that they "test the waters" to see if they're compatable. If everything seems right, then they usually offer a good-nite kiss. Very few people go from "hello" to making out. I personally feel Katy Perry was out of line. But then again, I don't watch those shows because I feel they do things that they wouldn't normally do just to get the publicity.
Who else has high blood pressure? How do you control it?
kiramea comments on Mar 15, 2018:
High blood pressure is only one of my many chronic illnesses. At the moment I keep it under control with several perscription medications. I originally tried natural remedies but they didn't work.
Why is so difficult for people to ask a lady / man out on a date?
kiramea comments on Mar 15, 2018:
Mine is the way I was raised. My mother hammered into my sister's and my head that it was un-lady like to call a boy or ask them for a date. It was so ingrained into me that it is very difficult for me to do it even now.
This last weekend I went back home to bury a very close family friend.
kiramea comments on Mar 15, 2018:
If you don't want to go to a gym, just go to a Catholic service. You get all the exercise you need with the constant kneeling and rising. My grandfather had a Catholic funeral. It was 30yrs ago and all I remember was how boring it was.
Do You Have An Age You Turned Which Made You Sad?
kiramea comments on Mar 14, 2018:
I cried when I turned 38. That meant my oldest son was about to turn 18 and become an adult. I used to cry on every birthday from 1993 until about 2000. My youngest died of SIDS the day after my birthday; but as the time passes by it's less painful. I still don't like or celebrate my birthday though.
I've had a rough few days - expensive car trouble and a health scare that involved an ER visit ...
kiramea comments on Mar 14, 2018:
When I'm having a rough day my dog hardly leaves my side. Animals are way more intelligent that us humans give them credit for.
I became an ordained minister today.
kiramea comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I am ordained in the church of dudism. Funny thing is I hate that movie, however the ordination was free.
Out of the many dangerous diseases, which one terrify you the most?
kiramea comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Polycystic kidney disease which I have. I will eventually need a kidney transplant or go on dialysis to live. And there is no cure.
Synesthesia... are you one of the few of us?
kiramea comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Don't know if there is a corelation, but my youngest son has Aspergers and loves the taste of the color yellow. It's not as pronounced as it was when he was a child, but as far as I know it's still there.
Boot camp
kiramea comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Not everyone that is capable of running a country is capable of going through boot camp (President Franklin Roosevelt for instance). And then again, not everyone is capable of running a country no matter what the requirements are.
Do you want to get married? (No, that’s not a proposal. &128541) And why or why not?
kiramea comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I've married three times. At my age, I truly can't see myself doing it again.
What is the sweetest thing you can say to a woman?
kiramea comments on Mar 12, 2018:
I hate fake people. If you can't be real, then please stay away from me. And if your real is a obnoxious narcisstic ass, then stay away from me. Trust me, the majority of women (and men) can tell if you're trying to "conquer" them.
Defence of significant other
kiramea comments on Mar 11, 2018:
It really depends on what it was that person did. My ex-boyfriend just got out of prison for having over 500 images of child porn on his computer. At one time his defense was going to be that it was my childrens' fault. When our house was raided at 6am by armed police, I essentially told him I was out of there and moved out shortly afterwords. I'm a firm believer of taking responsibility for your actions. If you did something stupid and got busted, you're on your own. If it's opinion based, I'll defend you completely. Now, if you're only talking about insults, for the most part I will agree. I have never cared for blanket statements as I firmly believe nothing is black and white.
Is anyone in favor of bringing back exile as a legitimate sentence for certain crimes?
kiramea comments on Mar 10, 2018:
So, you're saying let's make our problem someone else's problem. No thank you.
My dad was an R&D chemist worked with polymers.
kiramea comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It may be the same chemicals, but different formulations with things added. Also, the end product can be dependant of how it was actually made and the ratio of the ingredients. Now I don't subscribe to the "the more expensive the product, the better it is" mentality, however everything is NOT equal even-though they contain the same thing. By the way, though my father wasn't in R&D, he was a chemist who specialized in polymers.
Do you "collect" anything? What is it, and do you display your collection?
kiramea comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I collect Living Dead dolls, dragonware and rock/crystal skulls. I also have a small collection of gargoyles.
Would you avoid naming your child a name with religious connotations?
kiramea comments on Mar 9, 2018:
My oldest son is named Matthew. When I first told his father (we were not married/together) he said "Biblical, but I like it". I had forgotten Matthew was an apostle when I named him. Names are names to me. Nothing more, nothing less.
How do u politely tell a religious person they have their head wrapped around a fairy tale?
kiramea comments on Mar 8, 2018:
You don't unless you want to waste your breath.
Did someone break your heart badly that you're afraid to trust anyone else as far as love?
kiramea comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Not exactly. I'm sick and tired of picking the wrong men. I needed to take time off for me, and to figure out what I want/need in a partner. Hopefully I will be ready for my next relationship.
Famous people
kiramea comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I went to school with Richard Linklater, however he was in my brother's classes not mine. I was in his sister's classes though. In fact, Dazed and Confused was based on my high school, and the main characters he based the movie on were friends of mine. I also had a student teacher who went to school with Janice Joplin. I also dated a man who was good friends with the Winter brothers (Johnny and Edgar).
kiramea comments on Mar 8, 2018:
So, you're saying she's a typical Christian....
kiramea comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I have Borderline Personality. Most people believe that means I have multiple personalities. It gets very tiring explaining that isn't what it is. Once I get that through their heads, I have to deal with the questions about whether or not I am just nuts or completely/dangerously nuts. *Sighs*
kiramea comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I once had a man on AIM begging me to allow him to come visit so I could humiliate him. I won't go any further because he was VERY explicit about what he wanted me to do. Every time I was online he would harass me. I finally got enough and stopped going online. Even though it's been almost 20yrs, I'm pretty sure if I went on AIM (if it's still around) on that screen name he would find me.
Ok so I’m new to this site sooooo I hope this doesn’t get me flagged.
kiramea comments on Mar 5, 2018:
At least they don't ask you for money.
What would you have had your parents change in raising you?
kiramea comments on Mar 5, 2018:
My childhood was terrifying. Would never raise my children like my parents unless I want my children/grandchildren to hate me.
Do you date traditionally?
kiramea comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I don't let them tie me up and spank me until at least the third date. I have to get to know (and trust) them first. Hope that answers your question. :D
Would You keep dating someone who felt it was necessary to keep you a secret from their kids?
kiramea comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I lived with a man that insisted to his parents that I was his "room-mate". I finally got tired of his "well, we know what we are to each other" b/s that I left him.
What's a strange food habit you have?
kiramea comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Not me, but both my sons love peanut butter and bologna sandwiches.
FedX or UPS?
kiramea comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Right now I'm boycotting FedEx, so I would say either UPS or USPS
Whould you date a woman UFC fighter?
kiramea comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Women date men that can "beat their ass" all the time. It wouldn't bother me in the least.
Describe your real self, warts and all.
kiramea comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Fat, more chronic illnesses than health, don't trust anyone. Most times I think I'm more trouble than I'm worth. I do have big boobs though :p
Question for the Cat Slaves here. Are your cats declawed? If not, do you trim their claws?
kiramea comments on Mar 3, 2018:
As far as I'm concerned declawing is animal abuse. When you declaw, you're essentially amputating the first digit of their hands/feet. I watched this documentary of Netflix, and will never again even consider doing it.
Unexplained Religious Experiences
kiramea comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I've spoken in tongues and I've been "slain in the spirit" (for those that don't know it's when you go into temporary paralysis and collapse). I feel both were due to my brain believing it was expected of me. The one thing that I can not explain was when one of the parishioners had a demon exorsised from him. His body literally elongated before my eyes and he slithered like a snake across the floor. That was the most terrifying thing that I've ever seen and hope to never witness anything like it ever again.
My 12-yo daughter revealed to me yesterday that she’s gay. Should I...
kiramea comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Teenages are commiting suicide because they are gay, and you decide to marginalize it? Sorry dude, I don't find this very funny.
Have you overcome any phobias in the past?
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Getting older has me less afraid of bridges over water. I still don't like them though. I still avoid mirrors if possible, terrified of falling, will not drive in unfamiliar places...... the list goes on.
Best way to free friends from religious oppression?
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
Trying to free them is just as bad as they forcing you to BE religious. They might come around....... or might not.
Professionals near me advertise their religious beliefs.
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I personally believe that if they have to advertise their religion, they have something to hide. I will not buy/use a company that has any advertisement of religion as part of their publicity unless they're a thrift store/charity.
I am the son of a preacher woman.
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I didn't have parents that were preachers, but my grandmother was very upset that none of her grandchildren became priests/nuns. I did have an uncle that was a Baptist preacher. From what I understand, he became one because he thought he could make a lot of money doing that. He must have not been very good because he was only in it for a few years. He's still a conservative, religious asshole though.
I recently became single because my ex decided he couldn't live with my cat.
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I don't take kindly to ultimatums. Knowing me, I probably would have kept the cat even if I was considering giving it away. I'm assuming he knew about your cat before (or shortly after) he started dating you. If that's the case he should not have gotten into a relationship with you knowing you had a cat if he was that much against being around one.
Does the myth of being in a "better place" that is told to grieving humans help them?
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I lost my father and two brothers in a very short period of time, so I heard that comment a lot. And EVERY time I heard it, I want to punch the person who said it. I have also heard the "Well, at least he's not in anymore pain" and "Now he's receiving his rewards in heaven" (why do people assume everyone goes to heaven?) Just tell me "I'm sorry for your loss" and leave it there.
What would it take to get rid of the electoral college?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
Hell freezing over
How did I get put in the friend zone ?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
You need to stop what you're doing. There is nothing worse to a woman than a man who either: 1) acts desperate or 2) acts like her feelings don't matter. She's already given her answer to you. Instead of verging on stalker mode, you need to back off and allow her to have some space. Maybe, in time she will decide she wants a relationship with you, but I wouldn't count on it.
Which TV News Personality Gets Under Your Skin?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
He's dead now, but my pick is Marvin Zindler. He was a new reporter for a news station in Houston, Texas when I was growing up. I don't watch conservative news, so I have no opinion on Hannity, Rush, Tomi, etc.
How long have you been an atheist or an agnostic?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
To be honest, I have never understood Christianity. When I was younger I tried to be a good little Christian (I really did), mainly because it was expected of me. It just never made sense to me.
Medical costs in America are so ridiculous that I just had a level 2 trauma walk into my ER.
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
I took a taxi to the ER when I had my heart attack. Was in the hospital for 2 weeks because I had to have quadruple bypass. My sister still bitches at me for that one.
Do any specific noises cause you anxiety or fright (without reason)? READ THE FULL QUESTION
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
When I was a child I slept through a tornado. Since then, I do not like the sound of wind at night (can't see where it's coming from). The sound of a dentist drill or tattoo gun. The sound of pubescent girls practicing their screaming I'm sure there's more, but my dog woke me up and I really want to go back to sleep.
What kind of mattress do you sleep on?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
I have a sleep number queen size mattress. I love the fact that I can change the hardness of my mattress when needed. It was pretty expensive ($2000) but for me it was worth it.
Question for the ladies,does true love have age constraints?
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
When I was in my early 20's I dated a man in his late 60's. For a long time my partners were considerably older than I was. My last long-term boyfriend was 11yrs younger than me. So in answer to your question, it you're truly in love age should not matter.
How has the influence of your immediate family and that of your extended family influenced the ...
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
My father was a depressed, suicidal man who only came out of his room to go to work and eat. My mother was an emotionally abusive bully who preferred my brothers over my sister and I. I was constantly told that I was fat, stupid, crybaby, and will never amount to anything. Even though my father had a Phd in Chemistry and was a University professor, he would constantly deride my choice of professions and never encouraged any of his five children to strive to be better than they were. I'm still affected by this, and I'm almost 60.
What do you think?
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I don't need someone to "complete" me as I'm already complete. Now, it would be nice to have a companion who likes the same thing as I. But to have them around every minute of the day.... no thank you. I've already raised my children.
Toilet seat etiquette.
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I'm adaptable. It's not worth the stress to worry/argue about.
What goes through your head when you see someone wearing a cross necklace?
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I used to own a hand-made rosary (gave it to my sister). I also am the proud owner of a Virgin Mary necklace. When my father died I wanted his portrait of Jesus, however I let my sister have it. The portrait was really cool; if you stared at it long enough it would look like Jesus was blinking and nodding. My point is, owning (and wearing) a cross means nothing to me. After all, people into the goth movement uses Christian images all the time.
What's the strangest thing you witnessed personally
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
When I was 5 my sister, brother and I were playing hide-n-seek. My sister and I hid in a passageway that we found that ran from our closet to our parent's closet. Naturally our brother could not find us. When we emerged he wanted to know where we hid, so we took him to show him. When we opened the door to the passageway there were pipes running through it instead of the passage. We never found it. Twenty years later I was fortunate to take a tour of the house (a classmate's family bought it). I asked the mother about the passageway. She told me that she had heard about it, however they remodeled the house and never found it. In this same house I remember vividly sitting on the stairs in front of our front door and watched the door unlock itself, open, close and lock itself back. Other strange things happened in this house (gas coming on by itself, lights turning off and on, etc). Supposedly it was haunted by a six year old girl.
What's your hidden talent?
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I'm a wealth of worthless information.
What do you do about an ex who's being a bad parent?
kiramea comments on Feb 26, 2018:
What you want your daughter to remember about her childhood is times with both parents, not that both parents argues about her. As long as the ex isn't abusing your daughter (and by abuse I do not mean not parenting her the way you believe she should be. I mean physically/sexually/emotionally abusing her), I would just let it be.
I heard a commercial for a church today and it brought up an interesting problem.
kiramea comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I'll be impressed when they profile a gay or transgendered person in their commercials.
It is frequently asked if we announce that we are atheists.
kiramea comments on Feb 26, 2018:
If I announced in my conservative, religious town that I was a democratic socialist atheist I would be burned at the stake. Now I won't deny it if asked, but I not about to advertise the fact.
Have you ever known anyone to fall victim to a scam? Or, are most people wary enough to avoid them?
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
My facebook friends posts that drivel all the time. When I point out it's a scam, they reply "Well it may be true" and enters the contests. My sister has to be the most gullible person out there. Back in 2000 she emailed me saying she got this letter and could not believe her good fortune. Reading the letter I see it's a Nigerian scam and told her to throw it away. Since then she keeps emailing me shit wanting to know if it's true or not (it takes two seconds for me to google the shit). The last was an employment opportunity to work at home. They wanted to send her a check, deposit it into her account and buy "equipment" (office equipment) with 10 itune cards, which she was supposed to email them the number and PIN codes to prove she purchased them. She got the check (very excited), but got confused about the itune cards. Luckily I explained it enough for her to file fraud charges on them before she deposited the check and got the cards.
I'm hoping someone can shed some insight for me.
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
How do you handle it? Everytime he brings up religion tell him religion is not something you will discuss any more. And stick to it. If your refusal pisses him off, that's his problem.
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
The two children that I gave up for adoption were private adoptions. You don't necessarily have to go through an adoption agency.
What is the best way to excuse a Johova Witness from your front door?
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I follow "I'm not interested" immediately with closing the door. I never give them time to respond. Now I have a satanic looking gargoyle looking out my front window by the door. I haven't had a holy-roller come to my door in over 10yrs.
This one is for all the pro-life people on here.
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I found out the hard way that the pill does not work for me, and gave two children up for adoption because I do not believe in abortion (Both times the doctor blamed me and not the pill. I have used another form of birth control since then). The first pregnancy was in a different city from where I grew up so no one knew I was pregnant. The second pregnancy was in my home town. I can't tell you how many of my "friends" told me that I should keep the child and go on welfare "like the blacks do" *groans* I already was raising one child by myself and could not even fathom raising another one alone. Thinking long term, I could not see myself ever getting out of poverty and elected adoption. Fast forward to now...... I have talked to both my children online and met one in person before she was killed in a car accident. At this moment I have a good relationship with my grand-daughter and am hoping to meet her soon. To have kids or not to have kids is a very personal decision that the government has no business getting in the middle of. I do feel that there should be some type of parenting class required of all high school students because I believe most young people have no idea of what they are getting into. The just see the cute cuddly child who smiles all the time and ignore the crying colicky kid from hell that they might have instead. When you're a parent you can't just say I've had enough and turn the kid off.
What is something you should never say to the opposite sex?
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
To a big breasted woman after undressing: "Wow, you have big tits/boobs/breast". Yeah, like we don't already know.
How far is close enough to travel to be with someone?
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I was willing to travel 10 hours to try to rekindle a long time friendship. Then I realized he hasn't changed at all. With that said, I think it would depend on the people involved. If you have a close connection distance will not matter as much.
Is it correct to debate someone who is fond of using bible as his source reference?
kiramea comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Be more familiar with the bible than they are.
Should I write a letter to try to revive a relationship?
kiramea comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I'm curious as to what you said to her that made her question the relationship. To be honest, I'm not even sure if you know. I've been that woman. She would probably appreciate a letter saying that you've been thinking about her, but I wouldn't go as far as telling her you believe you should have a second chance. See if the letter/email gets a response and go from there. And if you get a response, take it slow.


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