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You know how life sometimes looks at you and laughs? Well, that about sums up my life. At this moment in time I'm 62 but most of the time feel 30. I am multi-tattooed (it's the only habit I allow myself) and occasionally pierced.

I have 3 kiddos who usually act older than me. Luckily I don't embarrass them much and all their friends thinks I'm the cool mom. I haven't decided if that's a good thing though.

Life treats me well so I try to treat it well.


What bad/good things stand out to you on a dating profile?
kiramea comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Not having a picture isn't that much of a problem with me since I rarely have one of myself. Not having a profile is a completely different story. If you can't be bothered to fill out a profile them I'm not going to be bothered to respond to your obvious canned messages. I also do not have a webcam, will not send you nude pics, and will not cyber/phone sex with you.
School Shootings: What are the answers?
kiramea comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Instead of making more laws, they need to enforce the laws already on the books.
A friend I knew back in my high school days recently told me not to long ago that he found Jesus.
kiramea comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I have a friend who named her cat Jesus.
Why are you not religious?
kiramea comments on Feb 17, 2018:
When I finally realized that it made no sense to damn a person for being gay (or and addict, etc) but allow a serial sinner a pass to heaven as long as they were saved.
Names can be tricky things.
kiramea comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I once worked with a woman named Roger (her father wanted a boy). I also knew a girl named George and a man name Sherrill (pronounced Cheryl). Working in Respiratory therapy I gave a breathing treatment to a man named Joyce. I do my best not to stereotype any name, however occasionally I still do.
kiramea comments on Feb 22, 2018:
My father was a very religious Catholic. My mother was Baptist. When they married my mother had to convert and promise to raise all children as Catholic. We went to mass religiously every Sunday until they played "Let it Be" in mass. My father was pissed. We stopped going to mass for two reasons..... they stopped saying mass in Latin, and singing "Let it Be". Apparently my father wasn't as devout as I thought he was.
Just found the group. Currently studying Shibari to add to the toy box.
kiramea comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Shibari is fascinating. I watched someone do it at a Black Rose Halloween several years ago. (Wow, didn't realize that was 17yrs ago)
When someone invites you to a wedding, how do you feel?
kiramea comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I've been known to give the lucky couple my condolences. They don't exactly appreciate that.
What is the best way to excuse a Johova Witness from your front door?
kiramea comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I follow "I'm not interested" immediately with closing the door. I never give them time to respond. Now I have a satanic looking gargoyle looking out my front window by the door. I haven't had a holy-roller come to my door in over 10yrs.
It is frequently asked if we announce that we are atheists.
kiramea comments on Feb 26, 2018:
If I announced in my conservative, religious town that I was a democratic socialist atheist I would be burned at the stake. Now I won't deny it if asked, but I not about to advertise the fact.
What goes through your head when you see someone wearing a cross necklace?
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I used to own a hand-made rosary (gave it to my sister). I also am the proud owner of a Virgin Mary necklace. When my father died I wanted his portrait of Jesus, however I let my sister have it. The portrait was really cool; if you stared at it long enough it would look like Jesus was blinking and nodding. My point is, owning (and wearing) a cross means nothing to me. After all, people into the goth movement uses Christian images all the time.
Toilet seat etiquette.
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I'm adaptable. It's not worth the stress to worry/argue about.
How has the influence of your immediate family and that of your extended family influenced the ...
kiramea comments on Feb 27, 2018:
My father was a depressed, suicidal man who only came out of his room to go to work and eat. My mother was an emotionally abusive bully who preferred my brothers over my sister and I. I was constantly told that I was fat, stupid, crybaby, and will never amount to anything. Even though my father had a Phd in Chemistry and was a University professor, he would constantly deride my choice of professions and never encouraged any of his five children to strive to be better than they were. I'm still affected by this, and I'm almost 60.
What kind of mattress do you sleep on?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
I have a sleep number queen size mattress. I love the fact that I can change the hardness of my mattress when needed. It was pretty expensive ($2000) but for me it was worth it.
Medical costs in America are so ridiculous that I just had a level 2 trauma walk into my ER.
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
I took a taxi to the ER when I had my heart attack. Was in the hospital for 2 weeks because I had to have quadruple bypass. My sister still bitches at me for that one.
Which TV News Personality Gets Under Your Skin?
kiramea comments on Feb 28, 2018:
He's dead now, but my pick is Marvin Zindler. He was a new reporter for a news station in Houston, Texas when I was growing up. I don't watch conservative news, so I have no opinion on Hannity, Rush, Tomi, etc.
I am the son of a preacher woman.
kiramea comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I didn't have parents that were preachers, but my grandmother was very upset that none of her grandchildren became priests/nuns. I did have an uncle that was a Baptist preacher. From what I understand, he became one because he thought he could make a lot of money doing that. He must have not been very good because he was only in it for a few years. He's still a conservative, religious asshole though.
Ok so I’m new to this site sooooo I hope this doesn’t get me flagged.
kiramea comments on Mar 5, 2018:
At least they don't ask you for money.
kiramea comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I have Borderline Personality. Most people believe that means I have multiple personalities. It gets very tiring explaining that isn't what it is. Once I get that through their heads, I have to deal with the questions about whether or not I am just nuts or completely/dangerously nuts. *Sighs*
Famous people
kiramea comments on Mar 8, 2018:
I went to school with Richard Linklater, however he was in my brother's classes not mine. I was in his sister's classes though. In fact, Dazed and Confused was based on my high school, and the main characters he based the movie on were friends of mine. I also had a student teacher who went to school with Janice Joplin. I also dated a man who was good friends with the Winter brothers (Johnny and Edgar).
Did someone break your heart badly that you're afraid to trust anyone else as far as love?
kiramea comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Not exactly. I'm sick and tired of picking the wrong men. I needed to take time off for me, and to figure out what I want/need in a partner. Hopefully I will be ready for my next relationship.
Defence of significant other
kiramea comments on Mar 11, 2018:
It really depends on what it was that person did. My ex-boyfriend just got out of prison for having over 500 images of child porn on his computer. At one time his defense was going to be that it was my childrens' fault. When our house was raided at 6am by armed police, I essentially told him I was out of there and moved out shortly afterwords. I'm a firm believer of taking responsibility for your actions. If you did something stupid and got busted, you're on your own. If it's opinion based, I'll defend you completely. Now, if you're only talking about insults, for the most part I will agree. I have never cared for blanket statements as I firmly believe nothing is black and white.
Synesthesia... are you one of the few of us?
kiramea comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Don't know if there is a corelation, but my youngest son has Aspergers and loves the taste of the color yellow. It's not as pronounced as it was when he was a child, but as far as I know it's still there.
Dont jump me (read first) I saw a facebook post about that 19 year old dude who felt katy perry had...
kiramea comments on Mar 16, 2018:
If Johnny Depp, or any other famous person came up to me and suddenly kissed/groped/whatever me, I would be pissed. I don't personally know this person, and would consider it sexual assault. Because this person was on a competiton show did not make it right. When people are dating they usually don't just start kissing. There are other things that they "test the waters" to see if they're compatable. If everything seems right, then they usually offer a good-nite kiss. Very few people go from "hello" to making out. I personally feel Katy Perry was out of line. But then again, I don't watch those shows because I feel they do things that they wouldn't normally do just to get the publicity.
How would you approach the subject of masturbation with your child?
kiramea comments on Mar 19, 2018:
I've caught all three of my children masturbating when they were very young. I just explained to them that it's natural but something you do in the privacy of your room. After that, I just asked them to go to their room and they either stopped or went to their room.
If your pet were human for a day, what would they be like?
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
Mine would be a self-absorbed princess believing without a doubt that she deserves everything.
The thing that bothers me about christianity is that most of it is centered around the afterlife.
kiramea comments on Mar 21, 2018:
I have heard quite a few people describe Christianity as a death cult. To be honest, I have to agree.
I'm a pleaser.
kiramea comments on Mar 25, 2018:
Paragraphs are your friend. This is WAY too long for me to read without them.
I am an owned submissive and have been in the lifestyle for 5 years.
kiramea comments on Mar 25, 2018:
I am however I am not owned nor do I have a desire to be owned again. Welcome to the group.
What weird food combinations do you enjoy?
kiramea comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I grew up eating peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches. Haven't eaten them in decades though.
For the parents, what ages were the toughest when raising your teenagers?
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I have said many time to friends/family that it would be nice to put teenagers into Cryosleep until they're 25 or so.
Have you ever asked a question on social media that you regretted asking after reading the responses...
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yep. It happens all the time with me. Apparently I am unable to word thing properly or my questions are so out there that I get ridiculed for my opinions.
Condom Snorting Challenge: Why You Should Not Inhale Condoms
kiramea comments on Apr 2, 2018:
My nephew and niece did the cinnamon challenge. It would not suprise me if they try this.
So here a loaded question, how does the group feel about pornography?
kiramea comments on Apr 7, 2018:
First, what may be porn to me, may not be to someone else. With that said, I don't really care for it. My last boyfriend had a porn addiction so bad that he would download anything without even looking at it. Anytime he was on the computer he had at least 6 live porn streams going at all time. In the end, he would rather be online sexting and watching than spend any time with me. Even with that, I can't really say I will ban it from my house, but if the person I'm with ever prefers fake over real I will drop him.
Tell me your weird dreams.
kiramea comments on Apr 7, 2018:
I dreamt that I was caught in a whirlpool with Vin Diesel. I've had weirder dreams, but they're impossible to explain.
Informed Delivery
kiramea comments on Apr 9, 2018:
I use it all the time. Just be aware it doesn't always show everything that's sent to you.
Just wanted to share something I think is pretty cool and educational.
kiramea comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I put my name and the name of my grandson on the probe. He thought it was really cool, and now wants me to bring my father's (his great-grandfather's) telescope with me the next time I visit him. And yes, he understand he can not look at the sun without a filter on it.
Do you collect anything?
kiramea comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I collect Living Dead Dolls, gargoyle figurines, and crystal/stone skulls
Hey Kansans! I'm thinking of hosting a meet up in Wichita. Who wants to come?
kiramea comments on Apr 12, 2018:
You sound like someone my daughter and her girlfriend would love to meet. If you decide to host a meet up let me know so I can tell her.
To my fellow rural Atheists/Agnostics.
kiramea comments on Apr 13, 2018:
I personally don't think it's anyone's business. However, if the subject comes up I will tell them I'm an atheist. They usually don't care and leave me alone.
Is a married human being happier than unmarried one?
kiramea comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Probably depends on the state of their marriage.
Tickling. Bad, meh, good, or great?
kiramea comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Tickling was a form of tourture in the old days. For me, don't EVER tickle me. You will find yourself unfriended immediately.
Why is everyone looking for love?
kiramea comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I'm not looking for love. I'm looking for companionship. There is a BIG difference in my opinion.
Are there any Texas 42 players here in the Dallas area?
kiramea comments on Apr 17, 2018:
If you are talking about the domino game, I wish I knew people who played. I haven't played in over 30yrs.
A friend of mine and I were talking about music the other day.
kiramea comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I still like to listen to Second Chapter of Acts. Their harmonies are beautiful. A lot of times I listen to the music and the way the singing flows; not neccessarily the words themself.
Random question: I have to take out my nose ring for surgery.
kiramea comments on Apr 20, 2018:
When I had open heart surgery I had to take out my genital piercings. If it wasn't an emergency I would have replaced them with plastic jewelry. Unfortunately, I didn't have them when I was told I needed to remove all metal. About all you can do is repierce it.
San Antonio mayor says atheism causes poverty. []
kiramea comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I don't know about that. I mean, there are a lot of really rich atheists out there.
Has anyone read the book "The Secret" and do you belive it?
kiramea comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I stay away from self-help books.
White golf course owners in Pennsylvania said five African American women were playing too slowly.
kiramea comments on Apr 24, 2018:
For those who haven't ready the article but still feel the need to comment: "Thompson said a clerk at the course said the group could play with five players, as opposed to a more traditional group of four or fewer." Apparently the golf course told the women to play in a group of five. Also, they were delayed because of frost on the ground. Their late start was NOT their fault. "Jordan Chronister told the women that he had timed them on their break and that they had gone beyond the 20-minute time cap. Yet Thompson noted that the women were also told they had been timed as being on the first nine holes for one hour and 45 minutes. The course rules allow a total of four hours and 15 minutes — suggesting the women would have had time to spare if they kept their pace for the last nine holes." This implies that they had plenty of time left on their game. Also, as per golfing etiquette, they had the group ahead of them in their site at all time. At one time they even approached one of the tees before the group ahead of them even teed off. They should have never had the police called on them because they did nothing wrong other than golfing while black.
Has anyone here had a problem quitting cigarettes?
kiramea comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I quit cold turkey with no problem, however I am quite aware that not everyone can do that. My then boyfriend was looking into Chantix. After reading about all the psychological effects (and his malignant narcissism), I advised him to reconsider. I knew without a doubt that if he had any adverse effects he wouldn't have listened to me. For once, he actually listened to me.
What would you do for a Klondike bar?
kiramea comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Nothing I can be such a party pooper
Snoring. You Guilty? Is it a deal breaker?
kiramea comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I've been told I sounded like a freight train before I got my CPAP machine. At least now I can't be heard all over the house. If you snore loudly I highly suggest you get a sleep study done. I did and found out I have severe obstructive sleep apnea. I actually stop breathing around 6 times an hour. It's probably one of the reasons why I had my heart attack.
Star Trek Discovery fans?
kiramea comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I haven't had cable or satellite for over two years. I do have CBS on demand which is what I watch Star Trek on.
Anyone tried a neon wand, violet want, or other variation?
kiramea comments on May 2, 2018:
I used to own a modern violet wand and a vintage one. I much preferred the modern one, but that was 15yrs ago. When I bought mine, I got them on ebay. At that time, hardly anyone knew they were also called violet rays, so I looked for one call that and got them cheap. Since I'm not in the market for one now, I really don't know what to tell you except to look for one that has plenty of attachments.
So I have this friend on FB that keeps sending me bible verses.
kiramea comments on May 4, 2018:
This may help:
May Karma Never Bite You in the Ass
kiramea comments on May 7, 2018:
I need to name my next dog Karma
Why do you think some people have such an aversion to homosexualtiy, trans etc.
kiramea comments on May 8, 2018:
From what I've observed, the more homophobic a person is, the more likely they have homosexual tendencies and scared to admit them.
FOOD FOLLIES Have you ever really messed up a meal preparation, for yourself, your family, or a ...
kiramea comments on May 8, 2018:
I once made cornbread and actually forgot to put the cornmeal in it. The first time I made banana nut cake by myself I forgot to put in the baking soda. Another time was making banana nut cake and could not figure out why the batter was so thick. I finally got it thin enough by putting more buttermilk in it. Only after it was put in the over I realized that I forgot to put eggs in the batter. That was the best banana nut cake that I ever made. There are others, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
So, I am curious to hear what you folks have to say about the latest news regarding the Attorney ...
kiramea comments on May 8, 2018:
The thing is, it's always been there. I have heard of people in the lifestyle who, after breaking up with their partner, get slapped with domestic abuse charges (some of these people I actually knew). On the other hand, I have played with people who disregard safe words and ignore the obvious distress of their partner (me). Both are dangerous, however we can not be constantly question ourselves. This is one of the main reasons why I have to completely trust the person I'm playing with, and not play with strangers.
Who else feels compelled to hide their atheism from co-workers?
kiramea comments on May 9, 2018:
I don't advertise it, but I also don't hide it. On occassion, it does get me in trouble since I usually live in heavily Christian cities.
Glass half full or half empty?
kiramea comments on May 10, 2018:
People seem to forget that the glass can be refilled.
Can teens be hired at the age of 15?
kiramea comments on May 10, 2018:
Don't remember how it is in Colorado, but I believe the teenager needs to have a work permission slip signed by her parents to go to work at 15. She will also need to show that her family needs the money. This may have changed since I last looked at it though. My oldest son wanted to work at age 15 (in Texas) and I would have had to jump through hoops to allow him.
Cleaning out my wallet last night, I found a slip of paper with the lyrics of the debut version of ...
kiramea comments on May 12, 2018:
Ever since high school I have always carried at least one pen on me at all times. I thought it would be essential since I'm never without one, but apparently it isn't since I'm always asked if I have one.
You decide the consequences..
kiramea comments on May 14, 2018:
Put them in a locked room with no one but the victims's loved ones. Let them decide what happens to them.
Agree? disagree? ((I'm surprised that they rate the ankle "low pain" ) 😆
kiramea comments on May 15, 2018:
The worse pain from a tattoo that I've had was the collarbone, shin, and ankle.
Is there a more romantic movie than "You've Got Mail"?
kiramea comments on May 20, 2018:
Never seen it. Personally I don't care for rom-coms.
In a lot of situations do you ask yourself, is it real or is it just money?
kiramea comments on May 21, 2018:
I'm still getting my feet wet on this site, but since subjects don't seem to be limited to religion,...
kiramea comments on May 29, 2018:
I personally believe that smoking and vaping ARE the same thing. You are still (usually) ingesting nicotine, which by the way is a poison and vaso-constrictor. Yes, you're not inhaling a lot of the carcinogenics that tobacco has, however you have new chemicals to worry about (a good paper to look at is We won't even get into the numerous reports of children ingesting the "juice" for their parent's e-cig and getting violently ill and/or dying. I have enough medical problems to worry about without having to worry about issues with second had e-cig smoke.
Do you find it offensive when theist think without a belief in god/gods, it’s impossible to have ...
kiramea comments on May 30, 2018:
What I find offensive is when they say that I must have learned morals when I was still a Christian. It's like, even now that I'm an atheist I still am brainwashed and secretly wishing that I was still a believer.
Is it just me??
kiramea comments on May 30, 2018:
That's why I have never had an instagram/twitter/snapchat/facetime account.
What is a word you use that isn’t in the dictionary and not many other people use?
kiramea comments on May 30, 2018:
I use two words that I first heard when I was in the carnival: 1) glom - become stuck or attached to 2) scoash - a small amount The only other place I have heard either word was when I lived on the East Cost (Virginia)
What is the best way to tell your parents that you don't believe in god
kiramea comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I guess it depends on the parents. For me, I just mentioned it during a conversation I was having. My father had no problem with it (my mother had already passed away).
Ladies, we burned the bra in the 70s.
kiramea comments on Jun 2, 2018:
I haven't consistently worn a bra for almost 20 years, and I'm by no means a small busted woman. I'm just more comfortable without one. The way I see it, people have to be blind to not see I have boobs.
When to tell children we don’t all believe in God
kiramea comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Unless you want to lose all contact with your nieces and nephews, it would not be a good idea to do that without their parent's permission. It would be best to wait until they ask you questions since I'm sure they will eventually realize you don't have the same beliefs as their parents.
But are you really really sure you gave religion a fair chance?
kiramea comments on Jun 7, 2018:
I gave it as much of as chance that I was comfortable with.
"There is no robust evidence to support homeopathy which is at best a placebo and a misuse of scarce...
kiramea comments on Jun 8, 2018:
When I still lived in Texas I experienced severe hay fever. Nothing worked, including the prescription medication my doctor gave me. I went into a health food store and looked into one of their books and found a homeopathic preparation called bioplasma that was supposed to help. It was cheap; I thought what the hell I'll give it a try. I had NO expectation on it working. Imagine my complete surprise when, less than an hour later I could breathe through my nose for the first time in over a month. If you don't believe in homeopathy, fine. Then don't use it. But leave it to the people who feel it's worth a try. I'm well aware that some of us don't do our homework/research, but a lot of us do. There have been some things that have not worked on me, but it's my right to give them a try.
Would you date a girl from the middle east?
kiramea comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Not a woman, but I was once engaged to a really nice man from Iran. Not all mid-eastern people are extremist.
Breathtakingly Beautiful Blackout Tattoos (part2) ...
kiramea comments on Jun 12, 2018:
I personally see all that black as a waste of space, but that's just me. All that means is that I would not get those types of tattoos. If that's what you want, I say go for it. Tattoos, like other forms of art are subjective. Not everyone is going to like the same thing.
Ok, so what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?
kiramea comments on Jun 22, 2018:
Got married for a third time. That is something I will never do again.
Never heard of this
kiramea comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I was so miserable when I had my period that I stayed away from everyone. Gods forbid that my husband tried to initiate sex with me.
I don't understand how ppl my age or any other age get away without knowing basic skills like ...
kiramea comments on Jun 30, 2018:
My sister (who is 60) has no idea how to thread a needle much less sew. Any time she needs something mended she either buys new or has me do it. I have offered to teach her, however she claims she is unable to see the hole in the needle to thread it. When I told her that they make self threading needles she blew me off. Flash back to the early 70's....... Before I was even allowed to drive a car my father made sure I could change a tire, check the oil and transmission fluid and fill the radiator. I tried to change the oil, but I'm claustrophobic and could not stay under the car long enough to do it. All of my children know how to take care of a car, sew, cook, and do basic maintenance around the house. Personally, I feel that's just proper parenting.
I'm probably the outlier here, but I think fireworks are overrated and over done.
kiramea comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I have a dog that scares easily. Unfortunately, I live a block off the city square and a mile from the county fairgrounds. That means I get to hear a fireworks display every year along with several very loud parades that march down the street. If I had known this would happen I would have bought a house further out in the country.
Do you have certain words or phrases you mispronounce on purpose?
kiramea comments on Jul 3, 2018:
My son and I pronounce probably as prolly. Don't know why; we just do. There are a lot of words that I prefer the UK pronounciation over the American one.
Who is your favorite guitarist?
kiramea comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Depends on the genre of music. In otherwords, I have several.
Faith-healing parents charged with murder in death of premature twin baby |
kiramea comments on Jul 10, 2018:
What bumfuzzles me is, let's say there is a God. God put doctors on this Earth, so why don't we just use them? I'm sure they weren't put here just for show.
Guy who says God sends natural disasters to punish gays has his home destroyed in a natural disaster...
kiramea comments on Jul 13, 2018:
Look at the date. This story is almost 2 years old.
Question for the single people...
kiramea comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I did when I was younger, but not now. Hell, when I was younger I exclusively dated married men because I didn't want a relationship/connection. Now I want a connection to the person I have sex with.
Would you donate DNA or tissue samples to scientific research?
kiramea comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I was in a research study a few years back that was researching genetic links to high cholesterol and triglycerides. With all the chronic health problems I have, I would gladly do it again.
Do you hate IVRs?
kiramea comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Some IVR's aren't what they say they are. I used to work at a company that employed people to listen to phones that were supposed to be IVR. In otherwords, when they computer says "say yes or no" or "say your social security number" there is a person on the line punching the appropriate numbers.
If you were brought up in a religious household, was your reading material censored?
kiramea comments on Jul 22, 2018:
My parents didn't censor any books or music, but I had other things censored. My father was a Chemistry teacher and didn't allow glow in the dark paint (caused cancer), black lights (caused cancer), and dayglo paint (I have no idea why). The did, however allow me to have a strobe light. I guess I should be glad I wasn't epileptic. My parents also did not allow me to go on outings with a Christian group that I was friends with at the time. They were convinced that they were a cult and were going to kidnap me.
What's the most unusual/unique place you've had a "romantic encounter"?
kiramea comments on Jul 27, 2018:
X-ray room in a hospital, Ambulance dispatch in the hospital, the back of dry cleaners, in a strangers van I was a hot mess when I was young.
What is the one thing you were not prepared for in life?
kiramea comments on Jul 28, 2018:
I thought all toys were already assembled. Imagine my utter shock and surprise when I had my first Christmas with my son. I spent all night putting together toys. I told my parents about it and they laughed their asses off.
What causes people to reject the fact of evolution?
kiramea comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I'm not religious, however I have never completely believed in evolution. Evolution within a species has been proven over and over again. Evolution from one species to another (in my opinion) hasn't. I do keep an open mind and wait for that evidence.
Does religion equal goodness
kiramea comments on Aug 7, 2018:
You have got to be kidding. The most morally corrupt people I know are religious fanatics.
Guy's need whore clothing.
kiramea comments on Aug 14, 2018:
I would find someone that sews and make that special someone custom clothing.
Did i go too far . . . Or not far enough?
kiramea comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I lived with my 2nd husband (as a housemate) when I first moved to Wichita, KS. He hosted Mormon missionaries once a month in his home for dinner. He was none to happy when I refused to hide my gargoyle statues and HR Geiger like paintings before they came. At least I didn't have my stone skulls out in the open (they were in the bedroom). I did compromise though; I didn't unbox my Living Dead Dolls until I got in my own place.
What has been the weirdest or worst response you have received from telling someone you are an ...
kiramea comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I keep getting the "atheist have no morals" comment. After a while, it gets pretty tiring.
OK, you have lived your whole life as an atheist, and now, you are on your deathbed, moments away...
kiramea comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Four years ago I had a heart attack. The doctors decided to do a quadruple bypass on me. Though they assured me that there was a low risk of mortality, I was still concerned. I looked at it this way; if it was my turn to go it didn't matter who I prayed to (or not) it was going to happen. I'm still here and I do not have "God" to thank for that.
Finally, you can get Agnostic.
kiramea comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Not large enough. I guess that means I need to lose weight. :p If you offer a coffee mug I'll buy that.
Just a few things that have been on my mind 1.
kiramea comments on Aug 24, 2018:
My 27yr old son and I are doing dinner and a movie when The Predator comes out. Personally, I don't care what you call it, just don't take them to those purity balls that were popular amongst some Christians a few years ago. THOSE were creepy.


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