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Does anyone have scars that they're self-conscious about?
AzVixen52 comments on Apr 28, 2018:
This is the first time I've ever said this in a public forum, and it's a bit scary because, as you said, woman ARE constantly judged. I have stretch marks from giving birth. I've lived with them for almost 36 years, and it is still a bit nerve wracking to undress in front of a new lover. They are a ...
lookinhard replies on Apr 29, 2018:
any lover worth their weight in salt would look right past them while making love with you,I would ex wife was a small woman and got remarkably intense stretch marks from childbirth.She kept her sexuality at a high pace,but it took her some time to believe that me kissing my way up and down her scars was not disgusting to me.when she finally understood that it didnt bother me,sex got even better.but,as you might have noticed,i said ex wife.She never REALLY got it.After looking at your pictures.....dont let them,the scars,waste your time worrying about them.lets chat some more soon
How do I meet people with this app? Is it even likely that I will meet someone
MermaidSuzy888 comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I just started on this site & I've found that browsing the categories is a good way to start. Also, try to fill out a bio & answer all the profile questions. There's a lot of interesting heathens here.
lookinhard replies on Apr 27, 2018:
heathens????HEATHENS YOU SAY???????? I would have you know I resemble that remark!!!!
Frank Zappa- Watermelon on Easter Hay []
lookinhard comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Just got back from seeing Warren Haynes and "Government Mule" in Albany.Incredibly good show.they were as tight as I have ever heard them.AND.....they played for 3 1/2 hours!!!!AW HELL YEAH!!
lookinhard replies on Apr 27, 2018:
I took the next few days off in order to Celebrate the lovely tradition of 420 Properly!! To all ...
Sadoi comments on Apr 20, 2018:
@Fanburger (*As a matter of fact, lets share this With EVERYONE so its Understood Why I smoke once and for All. Not like I should HAVE to do this, but it might shut up some idiots before they begin*) oh yeah, AND I started smoking bud in my 30's when I was dealing with fun times with cancer. ...
lookinhard replies on Apr 24, 2018:
you handled that exquisitely.OUT FUCKING STANDING
Well,here`s the situation.
onthefire comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Go to the show solo if need be. It's always worth it for those guys. I get to see them again in September. I can't wait.
lookinhard replies on Apr 24, 2018:
seen them a few times.going to the show come hell or high water.where you gonna see them?
Well,here`s the situation.
MollyBell comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Damn, I'd be all over that if I was in the area. I love Warren (and his freakin' TONE). He's from my hometown. I used to play with a guitarist that was in the band that he was in (Ricochet) before Warren up and joined the Allman Brothers, and with another musician that grew up right across the ...
lookinhard replies on Apr 24, 2018:
well,if nothing else,when I move to the Asheville area,we will have to get together and burn a fattie and find some music there to go see.Deal?
Well,here`s the situation.
MollyBell comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Damn, I'd be all over that if I was in the area. I love Warren (and his freakin' TONE). He's from my hometown. I used to play with a guitarist that was in the band that he was in (Ricochet) before Warren up and joined the Allman Brothers, and with another musician that grew up right across the ...
lookinhard replies on Apr 24, 2018:
well that sucks.Someone that knows good music is hard to find these days.I think if ya leave now,you could make the show.I`ll buy the gas for ya!
A toothache.
lookinhard comments on Apr 22, 2018:
A;rIse area wIth whIskey as needed. Dont swallow the whIskey........ B;clove on the tooth. Tastes lIke crap,but buys some tIme. Good luck. Tooth problems blow
lookinhard replies on Apr 22, 2018:
Happy 420!!!!
RavenCT comments on Apr 20, 2018:
We should all be bowling....
lookinhard replies on Apr 21, 2018:
is someone not?
3 Mirrors
ProudMerry comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Politics, sex, a love of books. My late husband and I had only one of those in common...yeah, the obvious one.
lookinhard replies on Apr 20, 2018:
@Keyboard-Mama outstanding!
3 Mirrors
ProudMerry comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Politics, sex, a love of books. My late husband and I had only one of those in common...yeah, the obvious one.
lookinhard replies on Apr 20, 2018:
3 Mirrors
Donotbelieve comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Sex drive Sense of humor Intelligence
lookinhard replies on Apr 20, 2018:
ya see,yet one more thinks that sex drive compatiblity is
To all the women out there, how many of you would be brave enough to post a picture of yourself with...
pepperjones comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I never do filters because I'm 47 and I don't care. (I do pay attention to my light source though, lol.) That said, I wear mascara, powder, and fill in my eyebrows almost everyday. I'm not convinced that going natural is somehow better, or that wearing makeup is worse than anyone else. I like how...
lookinhard replies on Apr 20, 2018:
great pic.i find natural better/more sensuous then a bunch of makeup.your long hair hanging down your neck is yummy too
So, kinksters, what is the weirdest/kinkiest adventure you've ever had?
calgirlblues comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Well, depends on your definition of kinky. I have to say that I often think back on a surprise evening at a swap party. If you want to know more, ask.
lookinhard replies on Apr 18, 2018: you leave me no option but to ask about it.thanx
Hi there, I love getting out of my clothing as soon as I get home.
lookinhard comments on Apr 17, 2018:
What makes you say"my poor neighbors"?
lookinhard replies on Apr 18, 2018:
@AncientNight, @MissaDixon how pitiful is it that people would think you were weird.I mean,ya might be weird,but if they are flying a rebel flag......i dont believe they have much room to bitch.But on the other hand,if they are poor with a rebel flag flying and dont look as good as you do naked,then......i have no idea where to go from here with this.i was pretty sure there was a joke there,but just couldnt find it.Never mind
Have you ever got the lyrics wrong and sang what you thought they were?
Spinliesel comments on Apr 13, 2018:
That's why I so love English is my second language and some of the songs made no sense to me until I looked up the lyrics. There are some famous mumblers among the singers I like, especially Van Morrison and Bob Dylan,
lookinhard replies on Apr 15, 2018:
@ebdb just saw bob 3 times in the last year.your comments are sadly mistaken.when was the last time you saw him?he and mavis staples tore it up
I love music. what song or type of music gives you the urge to merge?
Kojaksmom comments on Apr 14, 2018: it's sexy
lookinhard replies on Apr 15, 2018:
oh man,we could get in trouble listening to this together.nice pick!
Do you love to hike?
Lindi comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Love hiking! I hike at least once a month. Usually do some challanging and cool destination. Have been on many beautiful and amazing hikes. Last weekend I did 9.5 miles (out and Back) to Potato Chip Rock a.k.a. Mt Woodson. My most memorable was hitting 13,125ft in attempting to climb Mt Whitney.
lookinhard replies on Apr 11, 2018:
cant imagine hitting 13,125..we got to 11,000 fishing in Colrado and that was intense.congrats
Do you use the word, "sex," in your profile? What was the result?
AMGT comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Imo, he was being manipulative and baiting you to discuss your sexual appetite.
lookinhard replies on Apr 10, 2018:
it really was that obvious wasnt it?
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