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If you know, How do you know god doesn’t exist ?
mikecagain comments on Aug 27, 2018:
I think from a logical perspective, you don't need to prove the negative. Simply, god doesn't exist because of a lack of proof or evidence that he/she/it does. If you want to infer god's existence through the existence of other things, such as "god must exist because look at all the beautiful trees". Then there can be no other possible explanation for the existence of those trees, scientific or otherwise. Sadly, most people approach it from the perspective you provide. "I will believe until someone can prove it's not true."
Here is one that I haven't heard in a real long time. Helmet. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Great song. I was thinking about posting some Helmet the other day. Well done, sir.
What would Spicoli do. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 26, 2018:
The thumbs up was more for the movie than the song. Sean Penn's best performance. ;)
Queen and David Bowie. - Under Pressure []
mikecagain comments on Aug 26, 2018:
I always liked this song. Vanilla Ice didn't even ruin it for me. Great vocal collaboration.
Does anyone else have difficulty deciding if an artist belongs in this group?
mikecagain comments on Aug 26, 2018:
I really liked the Pumpkins first album when it came out. It was before mainstream radio found them and it never really got a lot of air play.
Hi, everyone.
mikecagain comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Welcome, and good luck with your journey with your son! The rewards far outweigh the challenges.
Someone said something interesting in a reply and it made me want to see how many people felt this ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 26, 2018:
100%? Wow. Those are some high expectations. I am confident there isn't another person in existence that is 100% like me. And I'm certain that's a good thing. I would hope to find someone who shares some interests, but then is tolerant and accepting of the things we don't have in common. To me, religious belief/non belief and politics are the must haves. It's hard for me to see spending a lot of time with someone if we aren't close to in sync in those areas. And I won't even say exact 100% there either, but at least down the same path. All the other stuff you can figure out and work around. It helps if you have some common things to share. It's also nice to have some differences to explore.
Do you ever think texting is going great but the phone conversation not so much.
mikecagain comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Phone conversations can be awkward. If you think things are going well otherwise, I wouldn't judge until you've met in person.
MGT - Ville Valo.......Knowing Me, Knowing You. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
I hadn't heard this version before. It's really good. I like it. Good choice.
I wonder how many people here were born Atheist/Agnostic or were perhaps brought up religiously then...
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
I was raised Catholic. It was a long slow journey away and finally an epiphany that brought me to where I am. Honestly, as far back as I can remember, I could always find something about christianity that didn't add up for me. The epiphany came when I stopped making excuses for all those things that didn't add up, and accepted reality.
Just because.
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
By the power of Grayskull!
Anyone else hope Bernie Sanders runs in 2020?
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Whoever it is, the democratic party needs to unify behind one candidate.
"WHITE HOUSE PRESS BRIEFING" — A Bad Lip Reading - YouTube
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Love Bad Lip Reading!
Do women lose respect for a guy or view him as weak if he cries in front of her?
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Is it after sex? ;)
No judging allowed.........
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
It's the unicycle that really threw me.
Me, and you. In the sunset !
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
They're random strangers. She fell alseep on the park bench. He's trying to see how close he can get before she wakes up.
Q: How many Republicans does it take to change a light bulb?
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
This is great. I'm using this one. I know my republican friends will enjoy it.
Testament- Souls of Black []
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
This is one of the best things I have ever seen in my life... []
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Link doesn't work for me. :(
Sometimes I feel like this
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
Well now you've guilted me into a "Like".
Here's what we know.
mikecagain comments on Aug 25, 2018:
The best thing that can come from this f'd up administration is that it so infuriates the rest of the country that it gets enough people motivated to organize, and run, and vote, at every level. If we can finally flip the house, and maybe even the senate, then that's how things can really get done. So much of what Obama wanted to do was blocked because we didn't have conrol of the legaslative branch. Now that people have had a taste of the alternative hopefully they will turn out in numbers out the polls to help swing things back the other way.
There's hope yet! Just found out that a couple that met on here are getting married! They will be ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
See how easy that is. You just need to find a site without all those close minded believers getting in the way and mucking things up. :)
Ok so what’s everyone doing tonight? I’m home making a low carb version of “spaghetti”.
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I just picked up the kids. So I'm sitting home, making pancakes for the kids for dinner. Yes, all the horror stories you've heard are true. Single dads make pancakes for their kids for dinner.
This my favorite song by Collective Soul - She Gathers Rain.
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I saw Collective Soul in Milwaukee quite a few years ago. I honestly can't remember if they played this one. But I like it.
If I’m going to be in this group just have to do this! []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Love this one! Still my favorite Cure album. In Between Days is my favorite song off this album. But Push is one of the more underrated Cure songs.
Sticks and stones
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Too funny.
one of my favorites by Pink Floyd. Wish you were here. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Another great one. Love that people are digging out the Floyd today. Keep 'em coming.
Thanks to Marionville for the inspiration.
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Daltry and Iommi with Queen. I had no idea that happened. That was awesome. Thanks!
Hello beautiful X's! ? How many of you remember this one? Happy Friday to you all. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Yep! Goes back a few years, but I remember. :) Milwaukee radio has always been pretty limited, and well, pretty terrible. They would never play anything like this. The only place I could hear any alternative music at the time was on MTV's 120 Minutes. So I would watch that show every week. I remember them playing this video. Pretty sure I even had the Shriekback CD at one point. Thanks for sharing!
Trump Worried about Pecker Leaking - actual headline
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I love it when the jokes just write themselves.
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
First song I heard by them. Love it. I went out and bought the album right after hearing this.
I tried earlier to post Leonard Cohen’s masterpiece Hallelujah sung by k.
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Thanks. I must've missed your other post. Such a beatiful song. So many people have covered it. I think it would be hard to pick one above the others. But I just listened to KD's performanace and it is amazing.
I would love to see Trump impeached as much as anyone else in this group, but honestly I fear a ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Let's deal with them one at a time. Trump needs to go. I agree about Pence. Trump is like the bull in the china shop. Pence is controlled and calculating. Who is the bigger worry? The racist, misogynist who doesn't know what he's doing? Or the racist, misogynist who knows exactly what he's doing? So yea, Pence is a concern. But that isn't a reason to keep Trump. Hopefully flipping some seats in the mid terms will allow for a better check on the presidency.
Leave it to Michael Moore to put it in perspective
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
As usual, Michael Moore nails it perfectly. I can definitely see the argument that Trump doesn't have the mental or emotional capacity to fully understand what he is doing. :)
Here's something that happened to me on a dating site.
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I think it's great that she bothered to send you a reply to explain that she wasn't interested. Most just don't reply. Why she clicked "Like" if she wasn't interested is odd. Maybe it was an accidental click? I have had people, who I thought I hit all the check boxes for what they said they were looking for, say they weren't interested in me. I always assume that's based on more superficial reasons. Which is fine. People are entitled to that. Despite all the questions and responses, all those sites are driven by the photos anyway.
Something to think about...
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
When my daughter is old enough to date (30), I hope she dates someone like me. Then we can gang up on her with bad jokes and Star Wars references.
David Bowie. Heroes []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Such a good song.
Stone Roses - Wanna Be Adored []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Finally someone decided to post some Stone Roses. Great choice.
Also this one
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Love it.
This is the type of politician America needs. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Great speech. He has a future.
How many of you have adopted this group as kind of a surrogate family?
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Group hug!
Do you think impeachment proceedings ought to wait until the Mueller report is issued?
mikecagain comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Yes. Definitely wait until the full report is in.
A major dose of truth.
mikecagain comments on Aug 23, 2018:
saving the day
mikecagain comments on Aug 23, 2018:
And in 20 years, that is the lesson 5th graders will be getting in history class.
Static-X - Push it []
mikecagain comments on Aug 23, 2018:
And a great album title, "Wisconsin Death Trip". Although Buckeyeproud might disagree. ;)
Voted in the FL Dem Primary today.
mikecagain comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Yea, we should be doing what we can to make voting easier, not more difficult. But it's hard to convince the other side when they actually do better when fewer people turn out. That's why we need to make sure we fight through the obstacles and turn out no matter what.
Amy Winehouse - Valerie (live unplugged) she left too fast. Miss her. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Such a great voice.
This is a follow-up from the last post.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Very different from the original. I like it. Thanks again for sharing.
Back in the earlier days of my teen years, I was a huge punk fan.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Agree. Original is the best. Great song. Great album.
Passing on a message
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
This song always makes me think... A Perfect Circle Imagine []
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Imagine is such a well written song, it'll sound good no matter who performs it. But I really like what A Perfect Circle does with it. Thanks for sharing.
Here is one for those of you who liked Deadpool 2.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
What a great version of the song. I like it when artists reimagine their own work.
What is it called when a chameleon can't change its colors anymore? A reptile dysfunction.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
My daughter actually asked me that exact question once when she was really little. TV was on in the background, I wasn't really paying attention. Apparently that comercial came on. My daughter walks out of the room with the TV, "Dad, what's a reptile dysfunction?" I changed the chanel on the TV, and the subject. :)
All agents are assisting other customers.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
And the on hold music is Folsom Prison Blues.
Thanks to this site I am chatting with a good man offline.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Good for you!
My crazy republican acquaintance from my youth is posting this meme on Facebook.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Step 1: Convince people that the legitimate media are telling lies to attack your side. Step 2: Your propaganda sources can now be accepted as the true sources of correct news. Step 3: Any radical conspiracy propaganda BS that you throw out through your propaganda sites will now be accepeted as truth. The whole "you can't believe what the liberal media says about us" thing was one of the most brilliant ideas the conservatives have ever come up with. It has allowed them to control the narrative to their supporters for decades.
I put this in Politics but I thought I'd also post it here: I also say fuck the operating ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
The idea that you can't indict a sitting president hasn't been fully tested yet. And certainly we're coming up on some unique circumstances. There's more to come yet from Mueller's team. We'll see how this all plays out.
I just realized that yesterday was Joe Strummer's birthday.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I was lucky enough to see Joe Strummer play at Summerfest in Milwaukee. He played this song near the end of his performance. What a great moment.
I would like to raise a point on what the purpose of having this Group is.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I like to listen to the stuff that I'm not familiar with. I just don't always have time to comment. But I'll at least give a "thumbs up" if I like it. The stuff that I ignore are the songs that I am already familiar with and I know I don't like. The songs that I already know that bring back some memory or story, that's probably when I am most likely to comment.
There was just a story on the news that says the average cost for a first date is $102, higher in ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
No popcorn?!
I know many of us here have done the online dating thing.
mikecagain comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I guess I should start playing World of Warcraft.
This band is often called "proto-punk" and is partly responsible for the punk rock sound.
mikecagain comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Have fun at MC50!
[] dio/malmsteen dream on
mikecagain comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Never heard this version before. Great stuff. Love Ronnie's voice.
Peter Gabriel: Solsbury Hill []
mikecagain comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Great song!
Not enough people have heard of these guys which always surprises me since they are so awesome.
mikecagain comments on Aug 21, 2018:
You're right. I hadn't heard that before. I like it. I will look into some more by them. Thanks for sharing.
Hello everyone!
mikecagain comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Syd Barrett's PINK FLOYD. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Syd Barrett was a truly creative mind.
Robert Plant - Hey Joe []
mikecagain comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Cool. I had no idea Plant did a version of this. Really different interpretation.
Sinead spoke the truth []
mikecagain comments on Aug 20, 2018:
So true. Unfortunate the way taking this stand really brought down her career.
Guess I'm walking home...
mikecagain comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Kind of like, free gas when the Cleveland Browns go undefeated.
Can Sex Make You Fall in Love With Someone?
mikecagain comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Sure, for a few minutes. ;)
Welcome new member mikecagain
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Gene Roddenberry d.
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Gene Rodenberry...
Gene Roddenberry d.
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Star Wars was the one that initially did it for me as a kid. I couldn't get into Star Trek at first. Too slow compared to Star Wars. But I kept watching and it really grew on me. I learned to love the stories and the messages in them. It really gave me an appreciation of science fiction on a whole new level. I love the franchise now. Still prefer Star Wars though. :)
My current situation ?who wants to join me?
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Looks good. Where is that?
Welcome new members AmberTipton05, Jeremy2804, and mikecagain.
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I've always been a bit of an introvert or loner, though I'm generally not fearful (do well in ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Well, I think the definition of lonely is that you don't want to be alone. So I don't think you can be lonely if you really want to be left alone. Lol If you're happy, that's the key. If you're happy being an asshole, then good for you. :) I get it though. I enjoy my alone time, and have appreciated it more as I've gotten older. But it's nice to have the option of not talways being alone. I have my kids that fill up 50% of my time. The rest of my time I appreciate that I can do with it as I please. But I wouldn't mind having some other options.
I'm new here and pretty much a full-bore introvert.
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
When my son was tested for Autism, the doctor said they don't test separately for Asperger's anymore. I think the point is they don't view it as separate from autism, and just treat it as a form of HFA. The autism definitely makes my son "introvereted" in the sense that he prefers to retreat into his mind and do his own thing, by himself. But it definitely doesn't make him shy. He has no fear about go up to people and saying what's on his mind. I assume that's because he isn't processing what others might be thinking of him. He just speaks what's on his mind. I could certainly see an introvert group containing a lot of people with some form of ASD.
It's Sunday. JeeeZUS is here! [youtube.]
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I always wondered if this song was meant to be pro or anti religion. I interpret it as an anti religion song. Kind of sarcastic, mocking the messages of the ministers. But I could see how it could be viewed as a pro religion message. Perhaps it's just random sound bites thrown on top of a beat with no real meaning.
How do you meet like minds when you live in a place that seems devoid of anything close?
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I believe that's why this web site is here. :) Waukesha county (where I live) is the most republican county in Wisconsin. It's rough. My family, friends, co-workers are mostly conservative christians. But, I think you find, in areas like this, there are more people who share your viewpoints than you realize. There are a lot of people who maybe bite their tongues to avoid senseless politcal arguments, but when you have the chance to talk one on one with people you start to find some like minds. I have found that the Internet has been very helpful with that. Dating sites, chats, message boards. Sort through the noise, pick out those with the like minds, and figure out the rest from there. And after typing all that, yes, I'm still single, and looking to meet some like minded people, so when you really figure it out, let me know. :)
Dead Boys- Caught with the meat in your mouth Here's some old punk for ya []
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
The Fixx - 1982 - Red Skies []
mikecagain comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I saw them in concert, once upon a time, a long time ago. Good stuff!
Does anyone believe you can have an immediate connection with some on the first date of a couple ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Absolutely. I think you can tell pretty quickly if there's a connection. It doesn't mean things aren't going to work if there isn't an immediate connection. But yea, I think both parties can tell if things are clicking.
@mikecagain -- Hello, and welcome to the group.
mikecagain comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Thank you! :)
Pearl Jam - Search & Destroy w/ Thayil, Turner & Arm - Safeco Field []
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Hammer To Fall []
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Underrated song by Queen. I always liked this one.
Solsbury Hill. []
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Still one of my favorite songs by him. Great song. I saw a cool clip on Youtube of this song live where he is riding a bike around stage while singing this song. Looked like he was having fun. :)
Who remembers these guys? []
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
S A T U R D A Y Night!
I like this song but the video kills me.
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Cool. I never heard this before. It's pretty good. A metal/industrial riff and then a pop style chorus. A bet I could use this song to start to steer my kids from pop toward metal. :) Thanks for sharing!
Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground []
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
With respect to Stevie, the Chili Peppers did this much better. But Stevie gets credit for writing and putting out a great song. :)
I believe Trump is just using his position to further his Brand.
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Agreed. Unfortunately, Hillary was facing years of anti-Clinton Republican propoganda and BS that it left too many people feeling they couldn't vote for her at any cost. It's a shame, because she really was qualified. At the end of the day you have to realize, in a two party system, if you aren't voting for one party then you are supporting the other. Also, I think there are a lot of people that vote for party regardless of the candidate. I'm sure there were a lot of Republicans that pulled the trigger on Trump, ignoring the person and hoping the party ideals would win out. Unfortunately, with this guy, once he got in office the crazy really rose to the top.
So another thread got me thinking about this.
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
I'll post another. Love this cover of More Than a Feeling by Sleater Kinney.
So another thread got me thinking about this.
mikecagain comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Following up the other Maiden cover, Machine Head covering one of the all time great metal songs, and pulling it off with respect.
While Nirvana was cutting their teeth, another band from Aberdeen, Washington was already doing ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I haven't heard Metal Church in a while. This one goes back a way. For some reason, Metal Church always reminds me of the old syndicated radio show Metal Shop. Partly because of the name similarity and partly because I would never hear bands like this on normal comercial radio, I could only hear them on Metal Shop. "The only show with teeth." Thanks!
Keeping with the theme of bad assery []
mikecagain comments on Aug 15, 2018:
A band I never saw live that I wish I would have.
What are your thoughts about how tRump is cleaning house in the FBI to apparently get back at those ...
mikecagain comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Sad that the leader of our nation is such a petty, insecure man.
Ricky is right on with this.
mikecagain comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Lol. Logic for the win. :)
The Clash - Train in Vain []
mikecagain comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Well, I have to comment since I'm wearing a Clash shirt when I saw the post. :) Great song!
Anthrax - NFL []
mikecagain comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Great song! Great album! I've seen them a couple times as well. Great live band! :)
A Ham-Handed Tribute to Old School Thrash Venom: Satanism?
mikecagain comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Nice song selection!


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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