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So I get this message from a seemingly new memberhttps://agnostic.
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 30, 2019:
mooredolezal replies on Jan 30, 2019:
I guess you and I are the only ones that bothered to check it out. LOL
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - The Atlantic
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I got about half way through it before truly needed to go and spew my guts up. " Atheist Churches," who is the Author trying to kid with that bit of propaganda? Does he/she define 'Atheist Churches' as being Government Funded Public Schools as against Religiously Funded ones, or Public libraries ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 30, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez yes I can't imagine how bad Idaho is with all the militia groups. Yes I'm really embarrassed my home state voted for Trump, but glad to say we went with Obama the last two elections. I have only been back here since 05. From 82 to 05 I was in San Diego. I just sent you a message, if you want to text message me back. Keep warm tomorrow! David
It's public holiday here today.
Tompain1 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Columbus day is on its way out here in the states as well. I think it's past time. History has to be reconed with.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@Tompain1 don't be an asshole.
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - The Atlantic
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I got about half way through it before truly needed to go and spew my guts up. " Atheist Churches," who is the Author trying to kid with that bit of propaganda? Does he/she define 'Atheist Churches' as being Government Funded Public Schools as against Religiously Funded ones, or Public libraries ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez you may be onto something! I used to live in Michigan City but I was only there one year as a child. I had no idea how bad Indiana was. A few years ago I saw a documentary on the clan and how prevalent they were there. That is when I first realized how bad they were. And then of course the last few years with your governor! BTW we are neighbors, I live in Ohio.
It's public holiday here today.
Tompain1 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Columbus day is on its way out here in the states as well. I think it's past time. History has to be reconed with.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 29, 2019:
? That is what I just wrote.
Don't think that's going to happen, since it's 70 -30 % against.
mooredolezal comments on Jan 28, 2019:
He doesn't give a fuck about that Mike! That 30% is his base.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 29, 2019:
@MikeFlora why are we even talking about his voters? The Courts and Congress are what is relevant. The house will not appropriate the funds and the court will not hold an emergency executive order as constitutional as there is no emergency. And if they hold it constitutional it will be their decision not the voters. I was tired when I wrote that. I think I meant he didn't have to worry about losing any more voters. I actually don't know what I was trying to say. I had been up 19 hours. Anyway, we agree.
What's the name of that single mingle group and how do I get there
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 28, 2019:
From Browse, click on either Groups or Chatrooms, then if it does not appear in the list, enter Singles/Mingle/Chat in search.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Thanks buddy
Some other groups new members here might be interested in joining : &sexypics &games ...
BABSDAGGER comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I have tried a few cursory searches but maybe someone could point me toward something more specific. Are there any groups on here dedicated to Table Top Roleplaying? not sexually focused although i do not mind its inclusion at all.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Just get on the floor and lay as flat as you can.
Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - The Atlantic
Triphid comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I got about half way through it before truly needed to go and spew my guts up. " Atheist Churches," who is the Author trying to kid with that bit of propaganda? Does he/she define 'Atheist Churches' as being Government Funded Public Schools as against Religiously Funded ones, or Public libraries ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@SeaGreenEyez I had an atheist friend here from Sheffield five or six years ago. We were driving through Indiana and he was flipping out what he saw a barn with Jesus saves in 10-foot lettering. Later that same day we saw a huge cross stuck in the ground for a KKK burning cross ceremony or whatever they call them.
Don't think that's going to happen, since it's 70 -30 % against.
metalhead222 comments on Jan 28, 2019:
dont celebrate just yet, it wouldnt surprise me. that 30% is the base of the wealthy
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
No those are Trump's country people. Old people and blue collar workers from what I see at his rallies. Doesn't look like there's a lot of money there. More like your Walmart shopper.
I just joined this group.
mooredolezal comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Our problem is we cannot argue about religion because we all agree! As the sarcasm dripping from the name of the group indicates, it was formed to laugh at Trump for one of his many his juvenile demands. To our consternation we discovered that a few of our members took the group name literally and ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Pbpierson2 hey Paul. Just read your bio and saw you voted for Trump. I am glad you are not offended by opposing views.
I just joined this group.
mooredolezal comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Our problem is we cannot argue about religion because we all agree! As the sarcasm dripping from the name of the group indicates, it was formed to laugh at Trump for one of his many his juvenile demands. To our consternation we discovered that a few of our members took the group name literally and ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Pbpierson2 my name is David.. I do not know your political views, I am an independent and I have always respected the president once the election is over. I am 62 and this is my first exception. The reason that I hate him as that I believe him to be an immoral, misogynistic, racist, grifter who cares about nothing but himself and who's narcissism is pathological. I also believe he has the intellectual and personality traits of a 10 to 12 year old who is not only destructive to the country domestically but is causing us to lose our standing in the world. Other than that the guy's okay.?
God may not liked it and The Thinking Men Don't Care!!!!
Matias comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Isaac Newton was not a "thinking man"?? Hemingway was a great artist, but I would not call him a "thinking man", or could anybody write a book "The philosophy of Ernest Hemingway" ?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Matias I stand corrected as to the fallacy of the quote. As to Hemingway, I would not deny him the status of being a thinking man even though this particular quote was, as you stated, not well thought-out. PS Sorry we have people in this group like gypsy. He clearly has an anger management problem.
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
MoniB comments on Jan 28, 2019:
To you, yes. In their notification it will show the one you actually pressed.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@MoniB I knew you would?
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
Zoohome comments on Jan 28, 2019:
on the phone, right? I can't click on any other emoji other than 'like' when looking at profile photos through the phone.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
No I was on my laptop. The Emoji menu drops down but no matter which one I hit the drop-down list to the right with all the other people shows I pushed the like Emoji. This is with member pics. I have no problem under the comment section. It may be because I am only a four.
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
Pedrohbds comments on Jan 28, 2019:
If you hover your mouse over you can see the breakdown of reactions
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Thank you
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
SleeplessInTexas comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I have the same issue. I'm assuming you're trying to "love" some of my pics? Hehehe... kidding! But, yeah. I've noticed that too.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
I actually did look at your profile yesterday. I think you look best with the bob cut. I will love some of your pictures, let me know if it works.
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
Fernapple comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Just posted HaHa as a test on this post, and it seems to work fine. The emoji menu is a bit slow you can sometimes go wrong if you try to make it work too fast, you need to hover a second and then make a very deliberate stab. If that does not work for you, then I have nothing more and perhaps you ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Thank you. I have no problem with postings. I'm talking about with member pictures on their profile page.
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
MoniB comments on Jan 28, 2019:
To you, yes. In their notification it will show the one you actually pressed.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@MoniB thank you. I think you are right because my comment emojis now display what I press and they did not before. So that was probably because I went from a 3 to a 4. PS I could not help but laugh at your bio because you wrote you had poor grammar and "to bare with you". That would mean to get naked with you. I'm sure I would enjoy that, but I think you meant to write "to bear with you"?
Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like ...
MoniB comments on Jan 28, 2019:
To you, yes. In their notification it will show the one you actually pressed.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Shit. Since I thought it was inoperable I gave out a bunch of likes where I could have been more romantic. Oh well.
I just joined this group.
GinaKay comments on Jan 27, 2019:
@pbpierson2 The wall is a red herring. There are identified security needs at our Southern border, and a wall is not one of them. The "wall" was made up as a shiny object to distract Trump and his followers to keep them focused on their base impulses .. brown people bad, white people good. There ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@GinaKay that is no surprise. Funny coincidence that it is seemingly the biggest, though least important issue in the country at the time of his arrest.
Do you think that one "chooses" to become an atheist or is it more like they always were but only ...
mooredolezal comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Look at it this way. If you were born on a small Pacific Island and never even heard the word religion, would you believe in God?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@elperroloco thank you. I stand corrected!?
God may not liked it and The Thinking Men Don't Care!!!!
Matias comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Isaac Newton was not a "thinking man"?? Hemingway was a great artist, but I would not call him a "thinking man", or could anybody write a book "The philosophy of Ernest Hemingway" ?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Wow! I do not know where to start. First of all, Hemingway was an author not an artist. Second of all, are you asserting that authors, or artists for that matter, are not thinking men? That if someone has not had a book written about their philosophy they are not thinking men? Lastly, he did not state that no religious man was a thinking man, hence he did not state Isaac Newton was not a thinking man. Maybe you should crack one of those books behind you. Or at least think about it.?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 21, 2018:
It is immoral because it will lead to children with genetic deformitys
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@Millerski25 thanks
I am just starting a history class and in the forward of the book the author says the following ...
SleepingOnABoat comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Worse than that: the year before 1 A.D. is 1 B.C. why? Because zero implies infinity and infinity implies no god! I doubt they fixed this with C.E. or did they?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@BeerAndWine thanks that was interesting.
I just joined this group.
GinaKay comments on Jan 27, 2019:
@pbpierson2 The wall is a red herring. There are identified security needs at our Southern border, and a wall is not one of them. The "wall" was made up as a shiny object to distract Trump and his followers to keep them focused on their base impulses .. brown people bad, white people good. There ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@GinaKay PS no it isn't. It's what you just wrote. Sorry I love to be sarcastic.
I just joined this group.
GinaKay comments on Jan 27, 2019:
@pbpierson2 The wall is a red herring. There are identified security needs at our Southern border, and a wall is not one of them. The "wall" was made up as a shiny object to distract Trump and his followers to keep them focused on their base impulses .. brown people bad, white people good. There ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
@GinaKay I guess you did. I just meant to add that it was created by the campaign.
I just joined this group.
GinaKay comments on Jan 27, 2019:
@pbpierson2 The wall is a red herring. There are identified security needs at our Southern border, and a wall is not one of them. The "wall" was made up as a shiny object to distract Trump and his followers to keep them focused on their base impulses .. brown people bad, white people good. There ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 28, 2019:
Actually the wall came about as a mnemonic device for Trump by his campaign so he would remember to talk about immigration at his rallies.
Anyone out there interested in going to a nudist colony near Akron Ohio.
OrangeJuice comments on Nov 26, 2018:
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@OrangeJuice I suppose you are correct. Sorry I was having a bad day.
Trump claims support from past presidents for the wall: Clinton, Bush and Obama beg to differ ...
mooredolezal comments on Jan 17, 2019:
You forgot Carter.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@TheGreatShadow he is sort of forgettable.
I don't know but Democrats or Republicans; Nancy pelosi really?
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Not sure what you're asking.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
Same here
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 21, 2018:
It is immoral because it will lead to children with genetic deformitys
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@paul1967, @Millerski25 I've heard both sides and I am of the opinion that if there is an unreasonable risk of deformity then no, otherwise yes. Safe sex would negate this issue. However, I would never deny people the right to make their own decisions as long as they were consenting adults. To me it is a health issue, not one of morality.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 21, 2018:
It is immoral because it will lead to children with genetic deformitys
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@paul1967 no in that case I would not.
I am just starting a history class and in the forward of the book the author says the following ...
SleepingOnABoat comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Worse than that: the year before 1 A.D. is 1 B.C. why? Because zero implies infinity and infinity implies no god! I doubt they fixed this with C.E. or did they?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
I don't understand. I thought Christ was initially supposed to be born at year 0?
I am just starting a history class and in the forward of the book the author says the following ...
mooredolezal comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Why when you said you fucking loved history you weren't kidding! LOL
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@AnnaMD I do too. That was my minor in college as I had to major in political science for grad school. Otherwise it would have been my major. Isn't it sad how the History Channel has turned into Ice Truckers and Swamp People?
Should public nudity be legal?
SimonCyrene comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I do believe it should be legal but i am also honest enough to say that i would be afraid of embarrassing myself due to arousal. I would feel that i was being discourteous, even though it was an involuntary action lol. The hope would be i suppose that familiarity would breed contempt. But in the ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
You can always take care of yourself beforehand.
Shut down the government for 36 days, then open it for 3 weeks.
Leafhead comments on Jan 25, 2019:
What happens on Feb 15th?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
Hopefully you wake up with a big smile on your face from the Valentine's Day sex you had the night before.
What is one FACT that you wish Trump supporters understood?
TristanNuvo comments on Jan 26, 2019:
The same question could be asked about the far lefters as well. Personally I think the far right, and the far Left are both nuts, and neither of them will listen to a thing the other says. JMHO.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
@Gooniesnvrdie between the left and right.
What is one FACT that you wish Trump supporters understood?
TristanNuvo comments on Jan 26, 2019:
The same question could be asked about the far lefters as well. Personally I think the far right, and the far Left are both nuts, and neither of them will listen to a thing the other says. JMHO.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 26, 2019:
Of course. And that is a fact not JYHO.
Did everyone hear the news?
gsiamne comments on Jan 18, 2019:
No, but I was wondering if they were going to have one of their horizontal boring companies make paths under the wall. :)
mooredolezal replies on Jan 18, 2019:
Yeah just pick a portion of the fence on the crest of a hill and it would be a breeze!
Do you think that one "chooses" to become an atheist or is it more like they always were but only ...
mooredolezal comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Look at it this way. If you were born on a small Pacific Island and never even heard the word religion, would you believe in God?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@GinaKay I agree with you. See my last sentence? What I am trying to get across is that modern man need not rely on Gods to explain the world around him because we have science. Consequently, if not taught about God in modern society I don't think the concept would ever come into being. Just like the appendix it is now a useless organ.
This Trumper tantrum has lasted too long. Time for the Senate needs to act NOW
Trajan61 comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Yes it’s time for them to appropriate the 5 billion for border security.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 17, 2019:
No it isn't. They have only spent 6% of the 1.6 billion dollars that was allocated during the last Congressional session. Further, the Administration has failed to fill over 3000 positions in Customs and Border security. They clearly are incapable of even using the resources that have already been allocated.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I had this problem in Utah. After several visits in which I told the Mormons I was not interested I tried telling them I was Jewish. They never came back.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@Weismonger I always wondered why they were so supportive of Israel!
Do you think that one "chooses" to become an atheist or is it more like they always were but only ...
Lilith comments on Dec 31, 2018:
There are thousands if not millions of "gods". Anything that can be conceptualized is +real+. Thought=matter=reality. Religion and god are not the same thing. Religion is commerce, "God" is personal.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@Lilith I agree there is no reason for us. But we are real. There has to be a reason for God or religion or neither would exist. I believe that reason to be fear of death in most instances or naturally occurring phenomenon for which uneducated people cannot determine or accept the cause. Do you think belief in Gods spontaneously arose?
What are a few of your favorite things?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Bright paper packages wrapped up with string, warm Woolen mittens and whiskers on kittens. Sorry I could not help myself.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@Besalbub sorry to hear that, I still have my album. BTW The Sound of Music was on tour last year. I saw it last fall.
This fantastic article was posted by HippieChick on the Politics board. []
readyforfun2024 comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Agreed, excellent article. All the reasons we should know why the wall is just wrong and that the Trump base need to be educated about...they seem to be the one's using emotion in their reasoning for the wall....all about fear
mooredolezal replies on Jan 3, 2019:
A lack of knowledge which results in fear and morphs into anger.
Do you think that one "chooses" to become an atheist or is it more like they always were but only ...
mooredolezal comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Look at it this way. If you were born on a small Pacific Island and never even heard the word religion, would you believe in God?
mooredolezal replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@GinaKay I was speaking of the world now. No one born today would ever know about God or religion unless they were told. That was my point. I just said an island because that was realistically a place where you would not hear about God or religion. I suppose if you grew up as a primitive today you might contemplate gods just as they did in ancient times.
Happy birthday to me!!! I'm 29 tomorrow woohoo
mooredolezal comments on Jan 1, 2019:
A belated happy birthday cutiebeauty!
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
@Cutiebeau I caught that and went back and edited it. Must have forgot to send it.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Drsmash253 comments on Sep 20, 2018:
It's Nature's Way of keeping us from having two headed 12 toed babies
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
And yet there are still Siamese twins!
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Jessej4974 comments on Nov 22, 2018:
Ruins the sister-brother relationship, one that is based on traditional values excluding religious beliefs.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
How so?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Sydland comments on Oct 13, 2018:
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
@paul1967 I think she is saying she is against it LOL. I would ask her but her profile says if you are not a level four she will block you. WTF? That doesn't sound like anyone I'm interested in communicating with.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Goldpearl comments on Oct 31, 2018:
It's so clear it's wrong, can't think of anything decent about it. We cannot do just anything we want. Sad if anyone thinks it's okay.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Are you saying that other cultures which allow it are indecent?
Ruin a first date in 4 words
KyleYost comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Maybe " do you wanna fuck?"
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Then again that may ensure future dates.
Anyone out there interested in going to a nudist colony near Akron Ohio.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 26, 2018: the winter......
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Why would you go to a nudist colony in the winter?
Anyone out there interested in going to a nudist colony near Akron Ohio.
242Foxtrot comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Now? There would be shrinkage.....
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Why would you go to a nudist colony in the winter?
Anyone out there interested in going to a nudist colony near Akron Ohio.
OrangeJuice comments on Nov 26, 2018:
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Did you need a definition or can you look it up yourself?
Trump: Give Me a Wall or I’ll Engineer a Recession []
readyforfun2024 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Politico December 26th 2018 If you read this article it explains why trump wants to keep the government shutdown. Also, with the government shutdown, Nancy Pelosi will have to change her initial ...
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Trump wants to keep the government shut down because he is a f****** baby who has to get what he wants. Pelosi never committed herself to proceeding with impeachment, I don't believe anything he does is going to stop her or the investigations by five different congressional committees, which may or may not result in impeachment proceedings. Bear in mind they may not proceed due to the inability to get a conviction and removal by the Senate. He may be able to postpone the lawsuits but he cannot keep the government shut down forever. I personally am undecided. The investigations are going to tie up his administration for the remainder of his term and we can always indict him at that time.
Should public nudity be legal?
Jackson09151959 comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I do not believe Public nudity should be legal, I do not know if this could cause more sexually attributed crimes, or perhaps Less
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
If you do not know if it would decrease sexual crimes then why would you be against it?
Should public nudity be legal?
PhilipK comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Female breasts have non-functional (no milk) fatty flesh. This flesh is there purely as an indicator of reproductive ability. So public nudity should not be legal.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
What do breasts have to do with reproductive ability?
Should public nudity be legal?
Williamrj17 comments on Oct 13, 2018:
May you continue with your nudist activities but I would prefer to be clothed as lack of apparel makes me feel insecure.I have no quasi religious views on nudity although aesthetically some human bodies are not subjectively attractive.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
Or objectively!
Should public nudity be legal?
PhilipK comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Female breasts have non-functional (no milk) fatty flesh. This flesh is there purely as an indicator of reproductive ability. So public nudity should not be legal.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
@PhilipK Freedom of speech is synonymous with freedom of expression.
What are a few of your favorite things?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Bright paper packages wrapped up with string, warm Woolen mittens and whiskers on kittens. Sorry I could not help myself.
mooredolezal replies on Jan 1, 2019:
@Besalbub I saw the movie when I was nine. My parents bought me the soundtrack and of course I played it to death. It was actually my first album.
Would you pay someone to date you?
alanalorie comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Does the boyfriend come with heavy furniture moving abilities? Then I would rent one.;)
mooredolezal replies on Nov 26, 2018:
I would rather date you and pay a moving company.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
mooredolezal comments on Nov 21, 2018:
It is immoral because it will lead to children with genetic deformitys
mooredolezal replies on Nov 26, 2018:
@paul1967 I know I would find it too uncomfortable myself but I suppose I could not say it was immoral as that would be placing restrictions on others. I am pretty much of the viewpoint that any consensual acts between two adults is okay.


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