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I feel like my life is on hold. I'm just waiting for a vaccine so I can go back out into the world.


As always, remember that my post could be applied to any gender.
nicknotes comments on Sep 3, 2020:
The Truth will set you free...
Old Navy to pay store employees to work election polls in November - CNN
nicknotes comments on Sep 3, 2020:
The board of elections in each county pays their workers. I worked the polls for 12 years in Florida. My job was to manage the machines that accept the ballots. I had to watch that no one attempted to jam the machine. At the end of the evening I would transmit the results electronically to the Supervisor of Elections, remove the memory boards and bring them to the office of the Supervisor of elections along with the paper ballots which had been counted by the machines.
Only in L.
nicknotes comments on Sep 2, 2020:
This may be the way to travel safely and economically in the near future.
All in favor of a national nut-kicking.
nicknotes comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I suspect that no matter what transpires there will he rioting in the streets and partisan warfare...........unless something significant happens before election day.
Larry Flynt is Getting the Last Laugh After the Fall of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
nicknotes comments on Sep 2, 2020:
That Falwell is a first class hypocrite.
Nearly 9,000 Florida Children Diagnosed With Coronavirus in Two Weeks as Schools Reopen
nicknotes comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Are the DeSantis children going to public school? I'll bet not.
My daughter posted these in defense of Kyle Rittenhouse.
nicknotes comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Rittenhouse was looking to shoot someone with his rifle. He found what he was looking for and now he needs to go to prison for the rest of his life.
52% of People Who Didn't Vote in 2016 Say They're Voting in 2020 for Biden
nicknotes comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Voting in the USA is skewed in favor of rich guys and old retirees who are not working on a Tuesday election day. Working class people often fail to vote because after a hard days work they are too tired to go out to vote. This works in the Republican party's favor. Election day should be a national holiday to give everyone a fair chance at voting.
Classic or...
nicknotes comments on Sep 1, 2020:
There is absolutely a huge difference
Good morning all. Everyone smile... β˜ΊπŸ˜ƒ
nicknotes comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Dear Cute this you in he photo?
Martha Stewart 1950's
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Which one is it the one with the big ears?
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Just smother me in tits and ass....I'll be in paradise.
Tan lines! So glad I’m confident enough to rock a 2 piece
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Yes Marcie you are gorgeous..
I love it on top. He's never complained!
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I love to sit with my back against the headboard and the woman on top riding me at her speed as my hands are free to fondle her body.
He calls these ladies "Bonus size." I call them beautiful! []
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I love BBWs
As this group grows and evolves I need to make some changes along the way.
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
I appreciate photos of beautiful women but I certainly prefer to be sexually aroused by erotic prose.
Republican Lawmaker Wears ‘Kill ‘Em All, Let God Sort Em’ Out', To QAnon Meet-Up
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Trump and his stooges believe violence will secure the election of Trump.
Trump has had an agenda for sometime.
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
Hitler had his Brown Shirt Thugs. Trump has his right wing vigilantes.
An aged (wo)man is but a paltry thing, A tattered coat upon a stick, unless Soul clasp its hands...
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
An aged woman is a beautiful experienced mature woman.
Mag·is·te·ri·um /ˌmajΙ™ΛˆstirΔ“Ι™m/ noun the teaching authority of the Roman Catholic ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
The Catholics invented an important sounding name for their teaching of a fable.
What's on your sex bucket list?
nicknotes comments on Aug 31, 2020:
With this pandemic and staying home without any socialization I'd settle for almost any sexual action.
I’m a Body Language Expert. Here’s What I Saw During the Conventions. - POLITICO
nicknotes comments on Aug 30, 2020:
I used to have a girlfriend named Mary Ann Glabella. Now I find out her family name is a body part.
Mais amorè por favor More love please... πŸ’˜πŸ’˜πŸŒΉπŸŒΉ
nicknotes comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Would you believe it.....she's not my type.......
Gotta love a woman who knows what she likes
nicknotes comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Years ago I met a woman at a dance. She told me she had eight children. At my apartment she told me to put my hand in her vagina. She kept telling me to put my hand in further. Eventually I was inside her up to my elbow. This was so unusual that it kind of scared me....
Will Covid Get Worse During the Winter?
nicknotes comments on Aug 30, 2020:
The Covid situation doesn't look good. There really is no cure and I'm concerned that the vaccines may not work. The vaccines are made to produce antibodies and yet we now know that people who have survived Covid and presumably have antibodies can get the virus a second time.
The thing that bothers me most about this 17 year old that killed three protesters after traveling ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 29, 2020:
IMO Trump encourages the right wing stooges with their guns to be violent against African Americans, Jews, immigrants, and LBTGQs
Happy Saturday all
nicknotes comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Is this your idea of "Hanging Around"?
She wears it well...
nicknotes comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Could this be the Eight Wonder of The World? I'm in awe.......
Friday obsessions
nicknotes comments on Aug 28, 2020:
The first frame has a comment about sabotaging the postal system. I'm retired from he USPS. I worked in Maintenance working on bar code sorters and optical character readers. When the Post Office first started high speed automation they put out a bid for any company to build a 6 stacker machine and deliver it to the Post Office Technical Training Center in Norman Oklahoma. Several companies submitted prototypes. All were tested using live mail. The best machine was built by Electrocom Automation from Fort Worth Texas. So the PO bought the ECA machines and began installing them in major sorting operations. But Pitney Bowes and Burroughs complained to Congress and the board of Governors and forced the Post Office to also buy their machines. IMO the Pitney Bowes machines and the Burroughs machines were vastly inferior to the ECA machines and were eventually junked wasting millions of dollars. The delivery bar code sorters you might have seen on TV were ECA machines.
America under Trump
nicknotes comments on Aug 28, 2020:
What I find amazing is that Trump blames the unrest on Biden when Biden is home in his basement and Trump is the President. If Trump can't fix it now what makes anyone think he will fix it if he has 4 more years.
I'm having some work done on my home and while they were installing a new toilet I overheard one guy...
nicknotes comments on Aug 28, 2020:
It saves water as long as you don't need 2 flushes to clear the waste.
How Is Betty Dodson, the Queen of Female Masturbation, Dying?
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Maybe masturbation should be an Olympic event.
What's going on with all the broken subway car windows of the MTA in NYC?
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I have a theory on the broken subway windows. I'm originally a New Yorker from the Bronx. The windows on the subway cars are very difficult to open. They are stuck shut with dirt. With the virus people want to get more airflow in the car ....the windows are they break them open.
She said it! Or he's never had a big girl sit on his face!
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I'd never complain.......even if I turned blue.
What are your thoughts on consent?
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I have never been spanked as an adult......but I was spanked as a teenager and it was very sexually exciting as my penis rubbed against my care taker's plump meaty thighs as she took me over her knees to punish me when she caught me masturbating.
I was checking my groups on fetlife and happened to see an ad for clitoral jewelry.
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Aren't you afraid someone might swallow it?
Man, just... heels and nylons. Is that too much to hope for? Seems like maybe it is.
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Very short skirt, thigh high stockings, high heels.....something very sexy and arousing about that....
95 new members in the last month and a half! I can tell what people are looking for during these ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Right now? Right this minute?? I'd like to press my face between a woman's legs.
The last couple of men I have been involved with have had a strong desire to have anal sex.
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
It might be more pleasurable for men to get their prostate gland massaged.
I was shopping at the local Target and this bimbo caught me eye! 🀣
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I is bread.
Oh, for ONE such friend!!😁😍😁
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Ain't that the truth???
Just might get lucky
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Only 4 points.
New Research Shows the Four Conditions That Lead to a Less Religious Society | Hemant Mehta | ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
Maybe voting for Atheists would help.
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
The Christians voted for Trump and he says Climate Change is a Chinese hoax. Don't the Christians realize the hurricanes are getting more powerful due to climate change?
St. Louis Gun-Waving Lawyers Deliver Funniest Republican Convention Speech Of The Night
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I can't wait until they go to jail on a weapons offense
Just thought I'd give this group thing a try and find like-minded folks.
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Dear LuAnn.....I read your profile. Rewrite it again. Don't be negative....accentuate your assets.
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Dear LuAnn.....I viewed your photos. I looked in to your eyes....You look intelligent.
How do you like me now?
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
You look delicious.
Many people use stuff like creams, masks or peelings for their face.
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Aloe Vera is good for your skin. I never tried on my might have a good idea..
What is the appropriate attitude toward trans women?
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
When I was working there was a Trans Woman in my department. No one would eat lunch at her table. I ate lunch with her and nothing unusual happened. She told some good stories about her life.
Back Door Psychology Why do heterosexual men fantasize obsessively about anal sex?
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
It is like eating the "forbidden fruit" We all like to taste that which is taboo.
Bad news guys ... []
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Who is holding the testicles?
Before long women will no longer be needed or appreciated. []
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I think women are extremely important. Society can't survive without women. Women seem to be the superior sex.
Perfect article for this group .
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I like Peanut Butter
Honey, why do you keep hiding my contact lenses in the bed?
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Round, firm, tight, beautiful.
Seeing this on FB tonight made me think about what I really want to know about people.
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Too many people are ego maniacs and inflate the prestige of their job, their wealth, the value of their home, even the size o their penis. Then they observe the status of others and inflate to be a step above.
Deconstruction Experience Question
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I used to like the Jesus quote....""Look...I shall make all things new"'' The concept of truly a NEW WORLD was very inspirational. But I know the Bible is NOT the word of God.
65 years together
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Who knows....maybe they did kill someone together
Thanks RNC2020Convention...
nicknotes comments on Aug 25, 2020:
What's bad about Socialism? Medicare, Medicade, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Food Stamps, are socialist programs and people love them.
Do you like to be dominated in the bedroom []
nicknotes comments on Aug 24, 2020:
I enjoy a woman who is assertive and says what she wants. In fact demands satisfaction.
Good afternoon all.. You like my new hat?
nicknotes comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Too bad the hat covers your eyes....but I like what I see.
It must be somewhere nearby? []
nicknotes comments on Aug 23, 2020:
I love to get down into bush territory and enjoy this treasured recreational area.
Hey guys.
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I used to tell my children about Christopher Columbus. Everyone thought the world was flat. But Chris knew the truth and stuck with his beliefs and he was right. I told my kids don't believe something is true just because everyone else believes it. Investigate and find the truth in spite of everyone else.
How Women Reject Someone Nicely [themindsjournal.]
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I couldn't find the page.....
Does anyone really care that there is no afterlife?
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
There is no afterlife. Make good use of the life you have now.
More money! More love! More sex! After you reach a certain point, do they seem less important?
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Hi know what the Scientists say....the most important sex organ is the brain.
Hi all... Anyone want a rolling pin?
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Come on lets do it together....
Good morning all... Happy Saturday to all..
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
She is gorgeous....
Morning all. Enjoy the day.
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
It would certainly be a great morning if I discovered her in my bed.
To block or not?
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Please be careful and discerning when blocking people. You block too many people and you may find yourself all alone.
Today I was feeling abandoned and hopeless.
nicknotes comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Hang in there ...better days are coming.
Why, yes. It IS pee...
nicknotes comments on Aug 21, 2020:
Yo need to drink more water......lighten up the color.
Picking fruit .. For everybody
nicknotes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Her butt reminds me of a very big peach.
Why go to the trouble to write a post when It gets dumped when I try to add a picture?
nicknotes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Hi....sorry to hear you are having difficulty. I never post pictures so I don't know how to help.
Another of Lindsay Lohan from the same set as yesterday
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Lindsay is extremely sexy....
What would be better than this girl...two of them?
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Is this a BOGO offer?
Thinking up ways to pay the car repair bill.
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
I imagine she gets a lot of free stuff.
Some more fire
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Exceptional attractive figure...
There’s flirting and then there’s...
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Is the Doc using another body part?
This sister got it right!
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
IMO this is probably the most important election in modern times.We have to save DEMOCRACY by voting for JOE BIDEN.
Like Seabiscuit! πŸ˜…πŸ˜
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
You want to be on top? I'm game...
Do people actually vote for the candidate based on values, issues, and leadership?
nicknotes comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Most people vote on emotion. Very few vote on the facts.
Lindsay Lohan looking Marilynesque
nicknotes comments on Aug 18, 2020:
I haven't seen LL in any movies lately .....but she is very sexy and gorgeous.
You like my bathing suit?...I painted it!
nicknotes comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Sexsational artistic talent.
Human Character
nicknotes comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Yes...I think humans are generally good. We all need other humans in order to survive. By being good to others we insure our own survival.
Hi! What are you thinking? β˜ΊπŸ’œ
nicknotes comments on Aug 18, 2020:
That's a easy question to answer.........SEX
Poker anyone?
nicknotes comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Strip poker? I'd love to play.
Traditional Thai clothing is called chut thai, which literally means 'Thai outfit'.
nicknotes comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Wouldn't it be wonderful if this became in fashion here in the USA
Another oiled up.
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
With all your lubrication you have to be careful you don't slip right out of bed on to the floor.
Walk with me?
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
I'd love to be with you....fabulously sexy.
Good morning all.. Whatcha think?!
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
Those nipples are awesome.
What color was Jesus?
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
Revelation chapter 1 has a description of Jesus. 14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, If Jesus' feet were bronze colored presumably his face was also bronze colored.
Chuckle chuckle
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
What an image you created in my mind with this picture. I wonder if the 12 Apostles watched Jesus mounting Mary Magdalene for hot sex.
Got talent?
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
A vivid example of the lengths a male will go just to get laid.
I love the Goddess??! Clair. []
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
I love a beautiful goddess.
Happy to help out as much as I can!
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
I'll send you a check for $100.00 if you will send me the change....
If it isn’t cardio, you are doing something wrong!
nicknotes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
If you do it right sex is a great way to exercise.
Just gonna leave this here...
nicknotes comments on Aug 16, 2020:
A typical Trump supporter.
I could wear my favorite shirt around my swingers friends, but I don’t travel in those circles ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 16, 2020:
What would you do to me if you tied me up?
She means business! But not Monkey Business.
nicknotes comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Yes....I can see you mean business. What do you want me to do? Take off my clothes and get on my knees?


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Agnostic, Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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