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Professional photo, May, but I no longer wear glasses. I look like my paternal grandfather!
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Clowning with my daughter, when she was two, sure, it's 22 years old, but it's here to show the fun I'm up to!
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Caught some deep snow at the top of a jump, but "you can't get hurt in the air"!
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If you define "crazy" as "expecting different results after repeating the same behavior", then why am I on-line dating again? Because hope springs eternal! Because life is a game of choice, not chance, but you have to take chances or there's only hope. The problem is I'm 75 and who notices "75" even though 75 is "the new 55"? Besides, longevity runs in my family. You need more than a profile because that only scratches the surface.

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Clowning with my daughter, when she was two, sure, it's 22 years old, but it's here to show the fun I'm up to!
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Caught some deep snow at the top of a jump, but "you can't get hurt in the air"!
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Daddy's not-so-little girl after middle-school graduation in August 2008. These pictures were time for (happy) tears and tissues.
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My precious daughter and my dear dad at his 75th birthday in 1996.
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My backyard. I've added some patio furniture and replaced the fence but wait 'til you see it at night with a few lights!
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May 4, 2018, with former coworkers whose tasks I supported even when traveling or skiing! "Yes, I'm on the Sky Chair at Heavenly Valley!"
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5-18-18 with one of my rhodies and a glass of bubbly. Yes, my cup of life is way more than half full!
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"The right stuff"!12-2-2016
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined May 27th, 2018
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