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What Do Atheists Do at Christmas?
p-nullifidian comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I'm not convinced of the interchangeability of 'atheist' and 'pagan,' but then I'm also a nullifidian.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@SocialDarwin A person without faith or religious belief.
This is for those who appreciate excellent prog metal, or just a group of four extremely skilled ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Dec 9, 2020:
John Petrucci is a madman on guitar! I never did get to see Dream Theater live. They have such an incredible amount of talent! Just some of their songs need to be cut down (anyone down for a 23 minute song?). I actually had A Change Of Seasons shut off at a bar once. Just because it was too long. ...
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
Country Western? Too bad! Mike Portnoy was the soul of the band ... never was the same after he left. He's my second favorite drummer of all time, and the second youngest drummer to be elected into the drummer hall of fame. Care to guess the youngest (and my favorite) drummer of all time?
Political Islam []
LovinLarge comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Just more of your racist bs.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@PBuck0145 Why take your cues from an old white guy who may very well have an agenda? When it comes to the problems of Islam, there are plenty of ex-Muslim atheist authors, speakers and activists out there, many of whom may share some of the same views of Bill Warner.
Do you have a question that you'd like to know the answer to?
p-nullifidian comments on Dec 9, 2020:
If I strive to fail and succeed in doing so, am I a failure or a success?
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@Larry68Feminist Hey, you spelled it right! ;-)
What Do Atheists Do at Christmas?
Mofo1953 comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Non believers eat, drink and be merry.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
For tomorrow we die!
Do you have a question that you'd like to know the answer to?
p-nullifidian comments on Dec 9, 2020:
If I strive to fail and succeed in doing so, am I a failure or a success?
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@Larry68Feminist How oxymoronic of me!
What Do Atheists Do at Christmas?
CuddyCruiser comments on Dec 8, 2020:
The same always. Eat, play monopoly, sorry, life, other games I enjoyed as a kid only with my 2 nieces and nephew.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
Gotta love those capitalist cisgender board games we played as kids like Monopoly, Careers and Life! I too played Sorry! and Clue, and even remember playing Landslide where the Republicans were blue and the Democrats were red. My kid sisters and I especially loved the French card game Milles Bornes. Those were the days, indeed!
What if atheist child becomes Christian?
OldMetalHead comments on Dec 8, 2020:
My daughter started dating a Muslim at the age of 19 and was pretty serious about converting and marrying the guy. She was taking classes, stopped pork, alcohol, eating marshmallows, etc. She once told my wife and I that we couldn't be cremated when we die because it wasn't allowed according to ...
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@OldMetalHead The original post was talking about Islamic dietary restrictions, not Jewish ... Halal and Kosher are similar, but not the same.
I would not normally post a joke here, but come on!
starwatcher-al comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Took a second but, yeah.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 8, 2020:
Maybe if it were given a title it wouldn't be so recondite? Something like, "Edwin Hubble spots a car?"
Quote from Mark Twain.
LenHazell53 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Love Mark Twain, a man who once described the Book of Mormon as "Chloroform in Print".
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 7, 2020:
Never heard that one ... brilliant!
Why are you agnostic? If you're not agnostic then why are you only a theist or an atheist?
editor20 comments on Dec 7, 2020:
I smell a troll.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 7, 2020:
Agnosticism is the natural attitude of the evolutionist.
p-nullifidian comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Wait! Are we throwing quotes out there now on this site too? Might you at least show the intrepidity to offer an opinion upon the quote, if only as an icebreaker?
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Aristippus Indeed! He is one of my heroes. I have read and listened to every one of his catalogued lectures, many times over. It was Ingersoll who re-introduced me to my avatar, for which I am most grateful.
Pastor: After God Overturns the Election Results, Atheists Will Finally Convert | Hemant Mehta | ...
icolan comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I'm pretty sure there are people in white coats looking for him with a long sleeved jacket that buckles in the back.
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex I grew up listening to Doctor Demento! Napoleon XIV's 'They're Coming to Take Me Away' was more spoken word than song, and the destination was both the Funnyfarm and the Happyhome.
Sean Hannity Says Trump 'Needs To Pardon' Himself And His 'Whole Family' | HuffPost
Sticks48 comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Pardons are for people who have been convicted of a crime. How do you pardon someone who hasn't been convicted of a crime. If you do, does that mean he would be pardoned for any future federal crimes? I am not sure he can do this for himself or his kids. None of them have been charged or convicted ...
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@Sticks48 Nixon was not impeached, but resigned prior to being tried by both the House and Senate and likely being removed from office. The only presidents to have been impeached are Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.
Sean Hannity Says Trump 'Needs To Pardon' Himself And His 'Whole Family' | HuffPost
Sticks48 comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Pardons are for people who have been convicted of a crime. How do you pardon someone who hasn't been convicted of a crime. If you do, does that mean he would be pardoned for any future federal crimes? I am not sure he can do this for himself or his kids. None of them have been charged or convicted ...
p-nullifidian replies on Dec 1, 2020:
What you're saying makes sense, but the precedent of a 'preemptive pardon' was established by President Gerald Ford in 1974 when he pardoned Richard Nixon a month after he resigned from office over the Watergate burglary cover-up. Of course, Ford paid dearly for that decision. Nixon's behavior, as bad as it was, pales in comparison to the behavior of Trump.
Worst Bible Passages
Hages comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Ephesians 6:5: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 30, 2020:
Not a fan of those texts where Jesus calls for his disciples to grab their swords or proclaims that he came not to bring peace but a sword? Good for you!! :-)
I’ve met a few atheists over the years that believe ghosts are real.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Nov 28, 2020:
It's like being a vegetarian who still eats chicken -- it contradicts one's own position. Ghosts are a supernatural concept and there's no evidence the supernatural is real. If it were there would be evidence for it. Real things come with evidence that confirms their reality. If there's no ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 28, 2020:
Ghosts are not necessarily a supernatural concept, as I have met atheists who believe that an as-of-yet unknown process occurs upon death, one that is entirely natural. In other words, the human species has evolved, so they believe, to a point where we have a soul or spirit that outlives our corporeal bodies. I don't accept this, but there are those who do.
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma demonstrates the impossibility of proving any truth, even...
Larry68Feminist comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Why waste your time upon all this verbiage ?? Life is for living .... to obsess over words leaves the victims of no hope of being rescued by us Atheists who can break their chains pay for their abortions raped by brutal believers
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Eminently practical advice! That said, this is the "Philosophy & Meaning" page, so one should expect the occasional Gedankenexperiment, even if it appears like omphaloskepsis. ;-)
So exactly how do Biden supporters justify the televised subtraction of 19k+ from Trump to Biden in ...
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Please provide the source(s) for this story.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Flowerwall Wait a minute, you’re using a network’s display as evidence of fraud? You know that what a news network shows is not the final official tally right? And you also know that a news network is capable of making errors right?
So exactly how do Biden supporters justify the televised subtraction of 19k+ from Trump to Biden in ...
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Please provide the source(s) for this story.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Flowerwall That's great, I really want to view it, and I hope you can find it. In the meantime, I'm confused by your initial declaration regarding taking votes from one candidate (in your case, Trump) and switching them to Joe Biden. How could such a thing happen? Can you provide an evidence-based explanation? (In other words, how was this action accomplished?). I'm wary to accept broad statements on the internet these days without supporting evidence, so I trust that you understand.
A few times I tried to point out the latent subconscious damage that religion has done that most ...
Word comments on Nov 23, 2020:
You say," ...religion has done that most people never think about. Teaching that people are naturally evil because of original sin, for example." 1. What religion are you talking about and why do you reference biblical text when referring about religion? 2. Religion ... pure and faultless...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 @Word seems nearly robotic in his repetitious ramblings concerning the promotion of a single biblical text (extracted from a volume of nearly 800,000 words) as being the quintessential definition of religion! By continuously constraining his definition of religion to this particular New Testament text, @Word reveals that he is, sadly, fixated.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Word comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Submit to Authority-666 pay taxes Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper European invadors
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 25, 2020:
WTF, over!?
So exactly how do Biden supporters justify the televised subtraction of 19k+ from Trump to Biden in ...
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Please provide the source(s) for this story.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Flowerwall Video circulating online? That's your source? Could you at least provide a link to this video?
Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Poor widdle Christians, haven't yet realized that, 1) their exalted beliefs are at total odds with the calendar they live by,. i.e. the week STARTS on Sunday and ENDS on SATURDAY, which means the Sabbath ( meaning SEVENTH Day) is NOT on a Sunday, 2) Their Great Sky Daddy DID NOT specify in his ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Triphid You clearly are more knowledgable than I in this space, but it was my understanding that, prior to the rise of Rome, Greek language and culture dominated the region, and that the first translation of the Hebrew Bible was from ancient Hebrew into Greek, later referred to as the Septuagint.
Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Poor widdle Christians, haven't yet realized that, 1) their exalted beliefs are at total odds with the calendar they live by,. i.e. the week STARTS on Sunday and ENDS on SATURDAY, which means the Sabbath ( meaning SEVENTH Day) is NOT on a Sunday, 2) Their Great Sky Daddy DID NOT specify in his ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Triphid True, I cannot read a word of Aramaic, but I was taught that the Torah was written in ancient Hebrew which was later translated into Greek. In any case, if that's all the finger of God wrote, then either the tablets were too small, or Moses embellished! ;-)
Christians Bullied Shop Owner to Stay Closed on Sundays, But the Plan Backfired | Hemant Mehta | ...
Triphid comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Poor widdle Christians, haven't yet realized that, 1) their exalted beliefs are at total odds with the calendar they live by,. i.e. the week STARTS on Sunday and ENDS on SATURDAY, which means the Sabbath ( meaning SEVENTH Day) is NOT on a Sunday, 2) Their Great Sky Daddy DID NOT specify in his ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 24, 2020:
According to Judeo-Christian tradition, Moses recieved the Commandments from God on Mt. Sinai, the 4th of which pretty much 'laid down the law' on what day of the week was to be observed as the sabbath. "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy ... the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God..." Early Christians, most of whom were Jewish, continued to keep the 7th day as sabbath, and it wasn't until the 4th century that Emperor Constantine, in a political act designed to appeal to pagans, unsupported by scripture, declared Sunday to be the official day of Christian worship. I make this point not because it matters to me today, but because I am amused any time I hear a Christian claim that one who works or keeps their business open on what was originally pagan Rome's day of worship is violating the sabbath, when there's simply no biblical backing for this position. But then, that never stopped Christians from making all the other shit up either!
Giuliani Fires Conspiracy Theorist Powell After Insane Press Conference President Donald J.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Watching Team Trump in action--from Trump himself to his family, to his advisors and spokespeople, to his legal representatives--is like watching Homer Simpson, the Three Stooges and the Keystone Cops all at one time!
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@silverotter11 Rest assured that an unprovoked first strike would not be permitted, even if a president demanded it. Movies like The Dead Zone and War Games paint an inaccurate picture of how things really are.
Religion is at its best when....
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 22, 2020:
A good quote, but in this century I have become convinced that religion is at its best not when it possesses some constructive attributes, but rather when it is entirely *without* certain properties, beginning with the following: * No personal, interested and engaged supreme being * No sacred, ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 22, 2020:
@UrsiMajor Indeed, and as Robert Green Ingersoll said, "To really reform the church is to destroy it. Every new religion has a little less superstition than the old, so that the religion of Science is but a question of time." Individuality, 1873
Religion is at its best when....
Word comments on Nov 21, 2020:
What religion is he referring to? Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 22, 2020:
As reliable and predictable as the sun rising. ;-)
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Very funny, but Ol' Glory seems out of place on a French tool of execution. How about a nice meat cleaver in place of a guillotine?
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 16, 2020:
@NHjulie The very emblem that Trump kept molesting!
I find it reassuring that most of the developed/ educated world is embracing atheism or at least ...
BrianFey comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I would trust this more:
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 16, 2020:
Indeed! There's no way Azerbaijan is 54% atheist.
What are the benefits of having religion?
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 13, 2020:
If the new 'religion' (I still shudder at the term) is to be of any benefit, it simply cannot, IMO, possess the following, to start with: * Faith (believing things without evidence) * Supernatural (i.e., all that exists is material and may be naturally explained) * Dogma (inflexible principles or...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 15, 2020:
@Word Yes, inasmuch as your point is intended to obfuscate, I do. Again, you're conflating two unrelated usages of the word ritual, the root of which is rite, and has its origin in religious practice. That the word ritual may also be used as a synonym for 'habit' or 'routine' is clearly not what I was referring to.
As Bill Paxton said, "Game over, man ... game over!" []
Matias comments on Nov 14, 2020:
The game might not be over until January 20. Parliaments in the states might overturn the popular vote if the majority thinks there has been some fraud; electors might vote differently; and of course there still is the possibility of some sort of *putsch*, some *Reichstagsbrand* followed by a...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 14, 2020:
These are extreme, if not unlikely scenarios. If Trump continues to push against our democracy and the will of the majority, both actual and electoral, he will learn the hard way the limitations of his power. He's not a wounded beast to be feared, but a literal lame duck. And while he might long to be a dictator like Putin, or even Hitler, he is too incompetent and surrounds himself with incompetent champions like his family and Rudy Giuliani, people who, thankfully, are nowhere near as intelligent as Goebels or Himmler were.
What are the benefits of having religion?
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 13, 2020:
If the new 'religion' (I still shudder at the term) is to be of any benefit, it simply cannot, IMO, possess the following, to start with: * Faith (believing things without evidence) * Supernatural (i.e., all that exists is material and may be naturally explained) * Dogma (inflexible principles or...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@Word I think you know what I meant, based on the context.
If humanity could get past religion and politics, what do you think it should focus on instead?
Krish55 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Get past politics? That's how military dictatorships justify their rule. Getting past politics would mean getting past democracy. What on earth do you mean?
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@Krish55 I believe we're in agreement, mertitocracy does not yet exist, but it should.
Another cowardly conservstive disparages multiculturalism.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 12, 2020:
@Thirst2learn didn't say much, but he did provide a link to an article from May of 2019 ("The Poisonous Religion of the Ruling Class") in a journal I'd never heard of (The American Mind) by an author I did not know (Dan McCarthy), and so I read it. And while I found little I could agree with in ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@t1nick Agreed. As Martin Luther King said, decades ago, "A riot does not develop out of thin air." In my younger days I was oblivious to the inequities and suffering ... still am, really; but I'm listening more now than I ever did. I found this video, made by a Christian alt rocker of all things, illustrative.
If humanity could get past religion and politics, what do you think it should focus on instead?
KevinMR comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Trying to figure out how the world will be able to provide for an exponential population growth. Food, energy, climate change, etc. I don't think there will be enough to go around in 100 years.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@KevinMR I have come to learn in recent years that one of the keys to reducing population growth is the education and empowerment women. Countries where women have more options, as a result of education and reproductive rights, have lower birth rates and reduced poverty. As a useful primer, I recommend Han Rosling's TED talks.
If humanity could get past religion and politics, what do you think it should focus on instead?
Krish55 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Get past politics? That's how military dictatorships justify their rule. Getting past politics would mean getting past democracy. What on earth do you mean?
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
If humanity could get past religion and politics, what do you think it should focus on instead?
KevinMR comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Trying to figure out how the world will be able to provide for an exponential population growth. Food, energy, climate change, etc. I don't think there will be enough to go around in 100 years.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
Fortunately, out-of-control population growth is a myth, as we will level off by the end of the century at just under 11 billion, or 3 billion more than our population at present.
As Bill Paxton said, "Game over, man ... game over!" []
Archeus_Lore comments on Nov 13, 2020:
The only hope left for a Trump presidency is an attempt to take over the government by force. I would not be hugely surprised if he did try it given what he has done in the Pentagon lately, but it would ultimately fail too. He's a disgrace to the office.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
That he is, sir, that he is.
Is the Pope Catholic?
jlynn37 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Don't single out L. Ron Hubbard as all religious cults use religion to fleece the stupid and gullible of their possessions and wield power without scrutiny.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
All major religions, it seems to me, had an embryonic, cult stage, often following a charismatic personality who typically claimed some type of divine bona fides. The cult grows until it becomes a sect, and, perhaps while splitting and subdividing into offshoots along the way, eventually develops into a major religion. Most religions cite a supernatural visit, act or call; in other words, a miracle; which is to say, a falsehood. While I disbelieve all religions, to call Scientology a religion is, well, inaccurate. It elevates batshit craziness and financial shenanigans to an entirely new level. After reading books on it, Scientology, it seems to me, is what one might get when blending Amway with Mormonism and a little Stan Lee thrown in for 'comic' relief.
Another cowardly conservstive disparages multiculturalism.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 12, 2020:
@Thirst2learn didn't say much, but he did provide a link to an article from May of 2019 ("The Poisonous Religion of the Ruling Class") in a journal I'd never heard of (The American Mind) by an author I did not know (Dan McCarthy), and so I read it. And while I found little I could agree with in ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@LovinLarge @Thirst2learn How does one 'leave the conversation' on this thing, anyway? ;-)
Another cowardly conservstive disparages multiculturalism.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 12, 2020:
@Thirst2learn didn't say much, but he did provide a link to an article from May of 2019 ("The Poisonous Religion of the Ruling Class") in a journal I'd never heard of (The American Mind) by an author I did not know (Dan McCarthy), and so I read it. And while I found little I could agree with in ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 12, 2020:
@LovinLarge @Thirst2learn Can we tone it down a bit? Maybe be a little more civil? Pleez?
Another cowardly conservstive disparages multiculturalism.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 12, 2020:
@Thirst2learn didn't say much, but he did provide a link to an article from May of 2019 ("The Poisonous Religion of the Ruling Class") in a journal I'd never heard of (The American Mind) by an author I did not know (Dan McCarthy), and so I read it. And while I found little I could agree with in ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 12, 2020:
@LovinLarge Of course they're biased--that was evident from the start--but I hadn't ever read anything by them before, and was curious as to the basis for their arguments.
Another cowardly conservstive disparages multiculturalism.
PBuck0145 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Can anybody inform me as to why posts to the "Conservative Atheists" group never appear on the main "open forum" page? This is a pet peeve of mine. ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 12, 2020:
As an avid reader of 18th century philosophers like Voltaire, Hume and my avatar, I would surely welcome such a group.
The Moon in front of the Earth . . . .
David1955 comments on Nov 11, 2020:
I've seen this photo before. It's a great shot, but i don't think the perspective is correct. If you look at shots of the earth and moon from space, the earth could not be that size taken behind the moon. I assume the shot shows a zoom lens perspective or something like that taken from the craft.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 12, 2020:
The L1 Lagrange point orbit of DISCOVR, some 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, provides just such a perspective.
Will Others Emulate Shakespeare and Write Great Works During Plague?
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Or, perhaps we have another genius out there, using his/her solitary time during lock down to endow the world of science with not one, but two incredible achievements: a new mathematical language that surpasses Calculus or a publication that rivals the Principia ... or, perhaps not, as there could ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@RoyMillar Agreed, there are many geniuses, but Isaac Newton's genius was, it must be admitted, unique, and what's more, like Albert Einstein's, was recognized during his lifetime.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Petroleum engines of any kind are dinosaurs, assuming the goal is to eliminate all carbon emissions from motorized vehicles. Battery efficiency is improving with each year--witness the new Lucent Air with a range of 500+ miles on a single charge.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 11, 2020:
My point is that hybrid vehicles still emit carbon and as such, represent a transitional technology. The push will be to eliminate tail pipes entirely. The elimination of the internal combustion engine is a critical step on the path to carbon neutrality.
Thought many need this after this year
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Nice ... come on, vaccine!
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@Petter Agreed, production of the vaccine(s) will need to scale up. The BioNTech-Pfizer collaboration is just one of many in the 'race' to eliminate COVID. That said, Warp Speed's budget has been paid for by the American taxpayer, so it will be interesting to watch how a Biden administration handles the distribution of the vaccine outside of the US.
Thought many need this after this year
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Nice ... come on, vaccine!
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@Petter Under Warp Speed the ramp up has already begun. If approved on 1 December, millions of doses could be administered before year's end, and tens of millions in the first quarter of 2021, and hundreds of millions of doses by next summer, enough for most of the US population.
Will Others Emulate Shakespeare and Write Great Works During Plague?
bobwjr comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Concession speech works for me
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 11, 2020:
Or a concession tweet?
You are a result of four billion years of evolutionary success.
Diogenes comments on Nov 10, 2020:
One person said: "He should put on his adult pants."
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@yvilletom Indeed! Big boy pants, but no grown-up pants!
Pastor Who Blamed COVID on People Who “Committed Fornication” Dies of COVID | Hemant Mehta | ...
LiterateHiker comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Natural selection at work. Goodbye, selfish idiots! We won't miss you.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 6, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex Yup ... sheep who are evidently sexually repressed, as they worship a god who, as Sam Harris has observed, has an obsession with what people do when naked!
I believe in the religion of TRUTH.
Thirst2learn comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Jesus is imaginary
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 5, 2020:
Agreed. These lists are missing two items ... Things Jesus Was: Imaginary; Things Jesus Was Not: Real.
Today's Hike: Golden Northern Larch and a personal record.
p-nullifidian comments on Nov 4, 2020:
I love hiking ... was hooked by my grandfather as a little kid, growing up in northern California. Alas, I could never keep up with you today ... you are a hiking 'minor deity!' Love these reports, except the part about the owl--my favorite raptor!
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@LiterateHiker I was going to say that, but thought it might be ... misinterpreted. :-)
I just came here count the liberal tears.
Pedrohbds comments on Nov 4, 2020:
this is aging badly
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@BD66 Sane policies? Do tell.
Flat earthers []
barjoe comments on Nov 1, 2020:
It's just like many religious people aren't stupid. They are just wrong and stubborn.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 2, 2020:
wrong + stubborn = stupid
Lindsey Graham Says Young Women Can 'Go Anywhere' If They're Pro-Life and Embrace Religion, Points ...
SKH78 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 2, 2020:
I sometime walk with a woman who is a churcher.
Omnedon comments on Nov 1, 2020:
In general this is probably true. It's not universally true, though. My parents were both ministers throughout their lives. Neither was particularly happy with career ministers, and both worked at various other jobs to make money for their family. Very little money came from their churches. At ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 2, 2020:
"Just another business"[?]. I beg to differ. Religions occupy a unique, highly subsidized place in the market. Their business model is inherently flawed. Without the largesse of government, how successful would most of these churches be?
I sometime walk with a woman who is a churcher.
Surfpirate comments on Nov 1, 2020:
They have always been a bunch of charlatans that prey upon the poor, the weak minded and the gullible - they embody sloth (apparently a sin) because they do no productive work but are instead parasites, feeding on the rest of society.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 2, 2020:
@Redneckliberal Maybe both? Parasites feed on the living, while saprophytes feed on the dead, and when it comes to most religions, donations and endowments are gladly accepted from any source.
Michigan Church That Doesn’t Require Masks Linked to 58 COVID Cases | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Only in America could the religious believers be this stupid. Maybe soon they will start drinking poison as it says in the book of Mark.
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 2, 2020:
How'd that poison drinking work out for the members of Peoples Temple? ;-)
I’d like to get members opinions and thoughts and feelings about agnostic theists; of which I am ...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 15, 2020:
The Epicurean dilemma was a prime motivating factor in my eventual dismissal of a personal, albeit capricious god, who, it is said, occasionally interferes with the natural chain of cause and effect. Having abandoned the notion of a personal, interactive deity, I retreated to the god of my avatar....
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@tactic8 Indeed! I have heard this too. String theory branes aside, there seem to be at least three major camps: that time had a finite beginning, that time is infinitely linear, and that time is cyclical. Which, if any of these models, do you subscribe to?
“A Little Bit of Logic” Who is Donald Trump?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Not a salesman, but a showman, huckster and charlatan. He is a self-promoting vainglorious bastard whose incompetence is surpassed only by his narcissism. He lives for the sound of MAGA applause and the opportunity to catch his reflection in a mirror. Those who admire Trump have made a pact. ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@fishline79 Perhaps ... or maybe you're barking up the wrong tree? ;-)
“A Little Bit of Logic” Who is Donald Trump?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Not a salesman, but a showman, huckster and charlatan. He is a self-promoting vainglorious bastard whose incompetence is surpassed only by his narcissism. He lives for the sound of MAGA applause and the opportunity to catch his reflection in a mirror. Those who admire Trump have made a pact. ...
p-nullifidian replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@fishline79 I have worked in sales and have friends who remain in sales and none share these attributes. IMHO, a distinction should be made between selling a product or service that has or provides value versus selling snake oil.
There is no depth to which this president will not stoop.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Another clear sign that Trump expects to lose. He's just salting the earth for the next administration. It's going to take decades to rebuild what Trump and his enablers tore down in a matter of months.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 23, 2020:
Indeed! Trump has demonstrated a weakness in our system that the Framers likely never considered: the election of a completely unscrupulous, dishonest, destructive and self-dealing executive, unchecked by at least one of the two chambers of congress. The impeachment over the Ukraine affair is long forgotten, and has only emboldened the president. We now can clearly see that there is too much power in the hands of the executive branch, as Trump has opened the door to an autocracy that Nixon would have killed for.
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 22, 2020:
Catholics, like many other religions, come in many flavors from the far left to the ultra conservative. I've found the NCR to be left of center, by Catholic standards, which is why my brother-in-law hates it. But then he's not a fan of Pope Francis either. Any religious rag that gets criticized by ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 22, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex Perhaps not to you and me, but it matters to them, and some of them are friends and family.
A Wisconsin Man is Angry the Mayor of Ashland Skipped “Under God” in the Pledge | Hemant Mehta |...
barjoe comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The original pledge did not have "under God". It was added during the McCarthy era, sometime in the 50s. Fuck that "Wisconsin man"!
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 22, 2020:
Fuck that "Wisconsin man"! Yes, but which Wisconsin man? McCarthy or Jablonski? Both perhaps?
Lotsa talk about God/not God.
redhog comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Yeah.... was that English? Can someone translate I didn't understand a damn bit of that lol
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 22, 2020:
Stream of semi-consciousness?
If you had to choose one word or phrase to summarize what you believe would/will be the fall of our ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 21, 2020:
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 21, 2020:
Especially the willful variety!
As an atheist, i've been thinking about this for a while now.
Thirst2learn comments on Oct 19, 2020:
It actually wasn't christianity that enslaved black people, but the laws of the united states yall love so much, social agreement my ass.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@Thirst2learn Not ignored, prioritized. IMHO, laws, whether they be just or unjust, don't exist without the people who made them, and laws made to uphold slavery constitute a permanent and infamous record of the immoral behavior and attitudes of those who enslaved their fellow human beings.
Once I said to a dear Christian friend: “Suppose there really is no God, and suppose I had it ...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Since religion is not inherently evidence-based I'm curious as to how one would go about demonstrating conclusively the non-existence of something it requires faith to believe in. In other words, what additional power beyond what you possess today would you need? It sounds to me like your friend may...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@Wallace A beautiful story of the power of love. Apologies for my insubstantial, if not callous reply.
Pew Survey: Christianity is in “Rapid” Decline While “Nones” Continue Growing | Hemant Mehta...
MakeItGood comments on Oct 17, 2020:
I would mind being part of a sisterhood of Nones. Sure Im a guy, but I look decent in a habit.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 21, 2020:
But are you perputually indulgent? ;-)
As an atheist, i've been thinking about this for a while now.
Rossy92 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
One might think so, but it's complicated. The same religion also played a major role in helping free them, and is often major a source of sustenance and hope. Slavery was once common around the globe regardless of the religion. And let's not forget about European serfdom and indentured servitude.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 21, 2020:
One could argue that perhaps the most inspirational Biblical story was not so much Christian, but Jewish in origin: the Exodus story.
As an atheist, i've been thinking about this for a while now.
Thirst2learn comments on Oct 19, 2020:
It actually wasn't christianity that enslaved black people, but the laws of the united states yall love so much, social agreement my ass.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 21, 2020:
It was actually people (not laws or religion) who enslaved Africans during this period--Portugese, British (later American), Spanish, French and Dutch people. The vast majority of enslaved Africans went to Brazil (5 million) and the Caribbean (4.5 million). The American colonies / United States accounted for roughly 5% (500,000) of the more than 10 million estimated to have survived the journey. Once here, the slaves were, of course, coerced to 'breed.' Throughout the Western Hemisphere, the Christian faith (whether Catholic or Protestant) was used to buttress the argument for slaveholding. The quote by Paul in Ephesians 6:5 ("Slaves obey your earthly masters") was a common refrain heard on Sundays. Which brings us back to the original point made by @Green_Soldier71: Why would a people who were ripped away from their homeland and ancestral roots choose to embrace the religion of their tormentors, knowing full well that the institution of slavery was protected by scripture?
Where is the weirdest place you have seen religious propaganda?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 19, 2020:
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17 The masthead of the Indianapolis Star newspaper!
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@TCorCM The context of this particular chapter of II Corinthians indicates Christ, the Lord.
Where is the weirdest place you have seen religious propaganda?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 19, 2020:
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17 The masthead of the Indianapolis Star newspaper!
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@oldFloyd You must have been a Navy man. ;-)
Where is the weirdest place you have seen religious propaganda?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 19, 2020:
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17 The masthead of the Indianapolis Star newspaper!
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@oldFloyd Small font, prominent location!
A family member told me about seeing a bumper sticker that said, "Lower expectations mean a happier ...
Fernapple comments on Oct 18, 2020:
When you also take in to account the fact that. There are so many people and institutions, political, commercial, religious, who profit from raising your expectations to unreasonably high levels, and then posing as having the ability to fulfill them. You have to realize that, firstly, your ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 19, 2020:
Exactly! Too many times I've succumbed to peer pressure and external expectations, but I'm working my way off of that hamster wheel!
Christian Rapper Walks Out of “The Addams Family” Movie Due to Demonic Elements | Hemant Mehta |...
Triphid comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Reminds me of when the Rock Opera " Jesus Christ Superstar" hit the movie screen here where I live. I was helping out the Cinema Owner at the time as an usher, on the Opening night there was a dozen Nuns and as many Priests who lined up to buy tickets. Once everyone was seated, the entire cinema ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 19, 2020:
"Look at all my trials and tribulations, sinking in a gentle pool of wine."
To be the messiah, Jesus had to have descended from israel, right?
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Anakin Skywalker didn't have a Daddy either, his papa was the force. My family tried to do the same, but got it Alabama backwards, I had a forceful papa. All this has significant importance to your question. I'm sure you can see how I mean that.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@oldFloyd Midichlorians and Jar Jar Binks: two of the dumbest ideas from the mind of George Lucas!
I keep running across people who are strangely under the impression that the Nazis were socialists.
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Similarly, the Chinese may call themselves communists, but are about as communist as the Ferengi!
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 19, 2020:
@RoboGraham Indeed. The closest examples appear to be on smaller scales, such as some collectives, tribes, settlements and Kibbutzim.
2020 as a math problem
Sierra4 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
The answer will depend on the flavor of ice cream, but the answer will be close to three gallons.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Hmmm ... large hamster.
Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Caroline on Voting for Joe Biden | Vanity Fair
Paul4747 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
It never occurred to me to compare Trump to a Bond villain, but now it's going to stick forever. He's almost crossed that line between everyday villainy and cartoonish super-villainy. Like Mr. Burns, without the spark of humanity.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Why, that's it ... you've nailed it ... Trump's a SPECTRE plant!
COVID Cases on the Rise at “Christian Hogwarts” School in Redding, CA | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
BDair comments on Oct 15, 2020:
The number of 'cases' is said to be on the rise everywhere. But that is really a fairly useless metric, as the amount of testing is increasing, and the value of the test results are still very questionable.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Useless metric? What metric would you recommend be used? The value of test results is questionable? By whom?
I have a friend that constantly says.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Will and Ariel Durant wrote that Christianity was the last great creation of the pagan world, and it is. Catholics are pagan--but they are also Christian. It was basically the only church until the Great Schism in 1054 when Eastern Orthodox Churches split from Rome. In the Western world, ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 14, 2020:
At last, someone who's actually read The Story of Civilization. My compliments. Agreed, she is full of BS.
Angry Christian Mom Condemns “Irresponsible and Offensive” Hot Sauce Ad | Hemant Mehta | ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 14, 2020:
I remember when the Christians all had their dicks in a twist because of "Bewitched" a stupid situational comedy from the 1960's. These morons are ALWAYS being victimized by everything they don't control. Belief in God is just how people play God. F them all.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Cyklone Nothing very subtle about the "ideal" American housewife who greets her husband at the door with a kiss, a martini and dinner waiting at the table.
Throughout my life, I've had to slowly learn that Perfection doesn't exist.
PBuck0145 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The two biggest mistakes would be Islam and Communism.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 14, 2020:
Apart from the 1.8 billion Muslims, few out of those who remain would blame God for Islam. And an even smaller number would seem likely to blame God for Communism.
Christian Atrocities: Three centuries of pagan persecution- []
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Atrocity, oppression and brutality are very often the product of religion with unchecked political power.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@SpikeTalon I was not aware of this history. Thank you for the share!
Ethics in a pandemic.
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 13, 2020:
"Forced" immunization? Perhaps not, but we already have coerced vaccination in many quarters, as schools won't allow children to attend who haven't been vaccinated against a number of diseases not nearly as deadly as the Coronavirus. Parents whose child is able to receive the vaccine are left with ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 13, 2020:
@powder Agreed. Never gotten a flu shot in my life. The stats I've seen on flu vaccines range from 40-60%, so it's essentially a coin toss. Gotta do better for the COVID vaccine!
Communism seeks control through central banking and central communication. Sound familiar?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 9, 2020:
"Communism seeks control through central banking and central communication. Sound familiar?" Actually, no, not at all. Strong central banks are a feature of capitalist economic systems. "The federal reserve was created ... in order to create central banking and ... promote a communist agenda."...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@Thirst2learn "The massive printing of fake to give away to the masses for doing nothing is not a capitalist ideal." What does this sentence even mean? "Decentralized banking ... could not be corrupted to steal from the working people..." One need look no further than the Charles Keating S&L scandal to understand that the reverse is actually the case. Unregulated banks invite corruption and even criminal behavior. For every George Bailey there's a dozen Henry F. Potters. Do you believe it prudent to put your money in a bank not insured by the FDIC? "...the creation of fiat currency enabled politicians to steal the buying power of savers simply by printing more dollars..." Actually, the beauty of the Fed is that it is quite independent of politics, which has frustrated politicians on both sides of the aisle. Only the central banks of Germany and Switzerland are more independent from their political systems. "...increasing the cost of living..." Just the opposite, as the fiscal policies of the Fed continue to keep inflation extremely low. "Corruption at its core, dishonesty rampant, while they gloat and insult in their barbaric ways." What the hell is this? An argument? A point of view? Or mere rant? Won't you please step down from your soapbox?
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Links Kidnapping Plot To Trump’s Hate Rhetoric
BudFrank comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Some friends are saying 45 has condemned hate groups, but he has not done it consistently and passed on the best Opportunity to do so.
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 9, 2020:
It's easy to see where Trump stands. It's clear in his 'gut level' reactions when questioned. Saying there's "blame on both sides" in the aftermath of Charlottesville and exhorting the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" are merely two examples.
Another reason why fanatical religious zealots are dangerous to society and just so there is no ...
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Fundamentalist religion of any stripe is abhorrent, but it's a shame that you had to put it out there to deter the anti-Semites. Alas, such is the world we're living in today. We seem to have lost our ability to make distinctions. The capacity for nuance is a vanishing art. One can loathe ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@Petter Agreed. There can be 'branches' or 'offshoots' of any faith which, if universal, would temper the negative elements greatly. IMO, Sufi mysticism and the Quakers represent improvements over mainstream Islamic and Christian traditions, respectively.
Can anyone relate?
p-nullifidian comments on Oct 8, 2020:
A "higher power that is good" and "powers that are evil[?]" Why is one singular, and the other plural? And just what form might these 'higher powers' assume? Are they beyond nature, able to 'miraculously' disrupt the steady chain of causes and effects? In other words, are they supernatural? So ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 9, 2020:
@Desertcactus The odds are against us being (or having been) the highest intellect in the universe. But separated by the immensity of space and time, we may never know otherwise. The only life we know exists here on this world and to a simple organism like a paramecium we are as gods, though I would not necessarily choose that term.
Where are you on the issue of abortion?
LovinLarge comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Conservatives are typically anti-choice yet pro-death penalty, so by definition they aren't really pro-life, they're just pro-forced birth. Except for libertarians, who really don't stand for anything at all. And the only peoples' opinions that matter on the abortion issue are women of ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 6, 2020:
I don't equate Libertarians with Conservatives. Libertarians that I've known generally "stood for" limited government, personal freedoms (incuding who one wishes to sleep with) and no taxes. They often rub those on the right the wrong way as much as they do those on the left.
Oldest student debate club disinvites Richard Dawkins to "comfort" its members | The Post Millennial
Krish55 comments on Oct 5, 2020:
*Dawkins criticizes Islam but ignores that it was the West that worked with Islamic fanatics to destroy reformist secularism in the Muslim world😘 (1) Saudi Arabia 1920s: The US and Britain put the Wahhabi Sauds in control of Saudi Arabia, accepting radical Islam in return for control of oil. ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 6, 2020:
Putting the red herring of geopolitics aside, racism is an inaccurate ad hominem, as Islam is not a race, but rather a religion that crosses all racial boundaries. My abhorrence of Islam, along with most all religions, does not make me a racist. It should be noted that Dawkins' criticism of Islam is not much different from that of noteworthy ex-muslims like Sarah Haider, Ali Rizvi, Ayan al Hirsi, Faisal Saeed Al Mutar, Yasmin Mohammed, and others (maybe even less strident). Would we say that since these individuals were not raised in the Christian faith that they should not criticize it? Of course not. It's open season on bad ideas, hence all religions are fair game, and no silly made-up term like Islamaphobia can exempt one religion from ridicule, much less turn a critic into a racist.
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
barjoe comments on Oct 5, 2020:
What's gay about that?
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 6, 2020:
Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Is ‘Very Likely to Work,’ Studies Suggest A series of research...
yvilletom comments on Oct 1, 2020:
A NY Times columnist thinks the Gray Lady is an astrophysical journal? Has he been channeling Arthur Eddington, who around 1920 without evidence suggested that nuclear fusion powered the sun? I’m remembering the Tampa Tribune columnist who in the 1950s thought the “Florida Fishwrap” was ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 6, 2020:
@yvilletom The JPP and its Sparc fusion experiment are cited in the Times' article.
Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Is ‘Very Likely to Work,’ Studies Suggest A series of research...
yvilletom comments on Oct 1, 2020:
A NY Times columnist thinks the Gray Lady is an astrophysical journal? Has he been channeling Arthur Eddington, who around 1920 without evidence suggested that nuclear fusion powered the sun? I’m remembering the Tampa Tribune columnist who in the 1950s thought the “Florida Fishwrap” was ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 5, 2020:
But is the Journal of Plasma Physics fake news?
Agnostic Dot Com
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 3, 2020:
I dimly remember getting stoned then starting my Internet machine while looking for a fight...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@Triphid But what if he/she who is without sin lived in a glass house? ;-)
Well... kinda hard to argue with that logic.. 😁 []
Willow_Wisp comments on Oct 3, 2020:
This is a conservative flip the script tactic, I doubt this woman isn't an actor. Awakenings don't take you deeper into the nightmare like this. As always the level confusion between local public school policy and national DNC policy. I've heard this song and dance before. Mostly from arch ...
p-nullifidian replies on Oct 3, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Oldman is the best!
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