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Animal lover, long-time atheist, passionate liberal, works at Planned Parenthood, the local Historical Society and has a 25-year association with a large zoo.

If one thing makes me unique, it's probably that I've traveled a LOT...(spent time over 40-some countries) and wish I could give that gift to all of you.


Today i help set up the annual Atheist Display on the Vernon/Rockville CT town green, where it joins...
pamagain comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Oh, what fun! Thanks for doing it!
Harden your heart.
pamagain comments on Dec 10, 2023:
SO TRUE! Thanks for this....with holidays approaching, it's just soooo tempting to give into those little moochers!
Tonight I’ll say goodnight with a song from The Walker Brothers, it’s another old favourite of ...
pamagain comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Thanks! I've never seen the's powerful.
I posted this in a different group.
pamagain comments on Dec 10, 2023:
As a volunteer at the local Historical Society, I recently wrote an article for the newsletter....about the anniversary of our (one and only) Jewish Temple. They were a little leery of me at first, but after I met them, showed some of our previous articles, etc...they couldn't have been more warm and friendly. They showed me some wonderful treasures, including a gorgeous, hand-hammered silver torah which had been rescued from the ruins of a synagogue, burned to the ground by members of the Iranian ''guard.'' There are also some beautiful works of art created by a woman who survived the Holocaust. At the age of 9, she helped her mother tailor uniforms for the Nazi guards at their concentration camp. For the last couple of months, they've had a security vehicle stationed in their parking lot. It breaks my heart.
Does anyone know? lol
pamagain comments on Dec 10, 2023:
Oh, that Jesus! Walking on water, raising the dead, healing leprosy.....such a show-off!
Inflation has been high. We must improvise.
pamagain comments on Dec 13, 2023: could double as a walking cane in the rain!
"Never again is NOW!" | Palestine's UN Rep. Nada Abu Tarbush EXPOSES Israel's War Crimes in Gaza
pamagain comments on Dec 16, 2023:
We need to realize that there are NO innocent parties in that part of the world!
A man is stranded on a desert island.
pamagain comments on Dec 16, 2023:
HAH! Too much solitude rots the brain???
If I eat the carrot ...
pamagain comments on Dec 16, 2023:
Only if the snowman tells.....
He died for your sins, now you owe him some pleasure
pamagain comments on Dec 16, 2023:
He'll have you jumping for joy!
She must find a preacher for the answer
pamagain comments on Dec 18, 2023:
Nonsense! Ants aerate soil, helping plants to grow. They help break down organic material...which means dead animals. They also help create good topsoil. Just because they're small doesn't mean they don't do a big job for environments.
She reminds me of someone I ran into in Los Cabos, too.
pamagain comments on Dec 19, 2023:
The ''good old days," Zeuser? ;-)
Where Did Humans Come From? - YouTube
pamagain comments on Dec 19, 2023:
Where did the others go? It's pretty clear that, in Europe, at least....we interbred with Neanderthals. Anyone who's had DNA tested is likely to have Neanderthal genes. They weren't the hulking, stupid brutes they've been alleged to be--they were artistic, tecnologically capable and certainly cared for their families. Neanderthals got a bad rap! Now--if we'd only branched out from bonobos instead of chimpanzees......
That is one talented makeup artist.
pamagain comments on Dec 19, 2023:
GENIUS! That makeup would go over BIG TIME in red states!
Something a bit different.
pamagain comments on Dec 20, 2023:
Interesting...his life, short as it was, caught the interest of many, didn't it?
Mail and packages, not my favorite time of the year.
pamagain comments on Dec 21, 2023:
That's exhausting! You deserve gifts from Santa for all that work!
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas
pamagain comments on Dec 22, 2023:
Too bad he couldn't slip and shove a tusk up there.....
It is definitely time for my teatime treat…I’ve been visiting the neighbours all afternoon ...
pamagain comments on Dec 22, 2023:
You're a good friend/neighbor, M'dear!
Merry Xmas 2023.6
pamagain comments on Dec 23, 2023:
WOW! Some people needed to take a step back and really LOOK!
States’ rights????
pamagain comments on Dec 23, 2023:
YES to every one of them! (You're on a ROLL today, m'dear.)
Merry Xmas 2023.5
pamagain comments on Dec 23, 2023:
Gonna be a looooooong night for Santa!
Seasonal yukyuks!
pamagain comments on Dec 23, 2023:
Wouldn't ELF ADE be more accurate?
What's Christmas w/o a photo w/Santa?
pamagain comments on Dec 25, 2023:
It's spelled LIPOSUCTION, Santa Baby.
I'll have to use it more often!
pamagain comments on Dec 25, 2023:
And I'm just gruntled as can be to have learned a new word! THANKS!
Petition to ban Trump from the ballots in every state.
pamagain comments on Dec 26, 2023:
PLEASE! I'll whatever I can to support the Democratic part.
Orange nosers…
pamagain comments on Dec 28, 2023:
"What do you want me to say about slavery?" (Nikki Haley when asked to tell the origins of the civil war, she said it was about ''government over-reach.'')
This episode educated me about an aspect of the Civil War which I knew nothing about.
pamagain comments on Dec 29, 2023:
As always,'ve opened some eyes and I thank you! It shakes me a bit to read that people here weren't familiar with the attitudes expressed in the Confederacy. Economics and justification....that's what it is.
When they have got you over a barrel....
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
I've thought a lot about Rudy and how, for one brief moment, he was in the right place and managed to appear competent and downright admirable. Was he the Rudy we know now...back then? Or has he been rotting like old beef over the years?
Oh June you're such a jokester! 😂😂😂
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
(Thought I'd just posted this but.....gremlins got in the way.) I'm confused. Why does Roz Russel in her wonderful role as "Auntie Mame" deserve such a terrible set of insults?
What are the things that you can’t see… ?
pamagain comments on Dec 30, 2023:
While I hope that everyone involved in the whole Epstein story gets what they deserve, given the ...
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Are those ''go-go'' boots?
Okay, this is scary.... [] [] []
pamagain comments on Jan 5, 2024:
Gavril's parents have some challenges ahead, don't they?
Millions of plastic pellets wash up in Spain
pamagain comments on Jan 8, 2024:
This is so depressing! I remember beaches in Indonesia clogged with so much plastic junk that you couldn't get to the water! We're a horrible species!
I’m posting a follow up to my Earth Affair’s post from last week.
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
A fun way to begin my day....thanks--as always!
Selective hearing syndrome…..
pamagain comments on Jan 9, 2024:
I've been known to name that syndrome "Testosterone-related deafness."
Kim Davis, prize bitch and arch homophobe, who in 2015 declined to issue marriage licenses to ...
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
I actually cheered out loud when I read that. She also owes a chunk to the actual couple...maybe her church will help her out with a donation?????
[] Love this song!
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
Takes me way, wayyyy back! "Clowns to the left of me....jokers to the right....." On the other hand, thinking of US politics......... :-)
Realtor finds body in Minneapolis garage |
pamagain comments on Jan 10, 2024:
That realtor had a truly bad day! Of course, so did Reid Johnson.....
The role of ([medzpills.
pamagain comments on Jan 12, 2024:
So many people in so many parts of the world are damaged by parasites! Ivermectin should be free!
This demonstrates that Lauren Boebert is dumber than a box of rocks: [youtube.
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
When I think of how many thousands of women suffered or even died to gain suffrage for themselves and their daughters....this woman's lack of intellect and motivation makes me even more angry!
You know that has to hurt..... []
pamagain comments on Jan 13, 2024:
Wonder if Melania's planning on an exit left?
Everyone has a friend who ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Long ago---sure. Lately---not at all! Time marches on--or, in the case of physical changes to our bodies, it hangs around and sags awhile and THEN it marches on! :-)
The OLDEST Civilisation in the Americas: The Pyramid City of Caral, Peru | Ancient Architects - ...
pamagain comments on Jan 14, 2024:
Some scholars think quipus were also navigational aids. Ancient sailors crossed the Pacific with ''star maps'' made of knotted cord. We never give ancient people enough credit! If only more funding were available for archaeology.....the '''new world'' (very Eurocentric term) is ''hot'' right now, since lidar's uncovered so many ruins in the Maya regions.
[] Looking around and found this. Paul McCartney is a favorite of mine and I love this.
pamagain comments on Jan 15, 2024:
Really fun! Not just for us--you can see Paul enjoying himself. Thanks, Rhonda!
I agree with the electricians.
pamagain comments on Jan 16, 2024:
Betty...are you serious?
One way to get him!
pamagain comments on Jan 17, 2024:
"Free hamberders.....getcher' free hamberders....right here....."
The Wizard of Oz is ...
pamagain comments on Jan 17, 2024:
Not to mention the ''flying monkeys''.....Rudy, Bannon, Kushner, Greene & the rest of the mob.
Oh my😂.
pamagain comments on Jan 18, 2024: need help! What ARE those things? Plums? Purple pears? Strange birds? The man on your right's using a coffee cup to cover up his SMIRKING!
I get plenty of exercise.
pamagain comments on Jan 19, 2024:
Chasing rainbows?
Nazis are attempting to make a comeback in Germany and over 80K protesters in Hamburg hit the ...
pamagain comments on Jan 19, 2024:
It's almost ''trendy'' these days, isn't it? :-(
It’s a wonderland…
pamagain comments on Jan 20, 2024:
Caturday Ted talks…
pamagain comments on Jan 20, 2024:
I cannot change my Sherman's mind! He has every right to jump onto the counter and walk back & forth when I'm putting peanut butter on my toast. Of course he does.
Trump's attorney renews call for mistrial in defamation case brought by writer in sex-abuse case | ...
pamagain comments on Jan 20, 2024:
"an obligation to minimize the effect of the defamation she endured?" That's the most absurd thing we've heard yet....although I do expect more, don't you?.
Letters From An American 01/20/2024
pamagain comments on Jan 21, 2024:
Interesting to compare the last few paragraphs of Biden's challenge...his understanding of our situation...his optimism...with the constant insults and ignorance of the pustule.... Interesting and terribly sad.
I still miss my cat Lola who died in 2019.
pamagain comments on Jan 21, 2024:
That's the difficult thing, isn't it? We know we're going to have to let them preside over their ''going to sleep'' and to realize it's the last act of love we can give them....
How many have been to one of these? How often did you actually go to see the movie?
pamagain comments on Jan 21, 2024:
ME! The windows used to STEAM. Just saying. :-)
I’m fully vaccinated against measles. What should I know? Your Local Epidemiologist
pamagain comments on Feb 2, 2024:
Thanks, HC! This is good to know.
Do you know the story?
pamagain comments on Feb 2, 2024:
Give me one cup of the caffienated kind and I'll come over & paint your house, wash the car and do laundry, too. Then, I'll be up until dawn of the next day. I'm not a big coffee fan.
I spent many an hour in the library doing research that takes fractions of a second today.
pamagain comments on Feb 2, 2024:
I was a library student in middle school and made new cards/filed them. I even understood the Dewy Decimal System. How many brain cells are wasted on this useless stuff?
Funny? Not funny?
pamagain comments on Feb 2, 2024:
Says a lot for the skill of the plastic surgeons, yes?
Smelvis, as close as he will ever come
pamagain comments on Feb 8, 2024:
Glenn.....have you made your trip to Vegas yet? If not, be sure to keep your camera ready! :-)
Letters From An American 02/14/2024
pamagain comments on Feb 15, 2024:
If you haven't seen Ken Burns's series on Teddy....try to see it. This is such a touching story, HC! I'd forgotten this part.
Letters From An American 02/07/2024
pamagain comments on Feb 15, 2024:
The pustule is a terrible catalyst--he opens the door to the worst possible human behavior in government and his maga-mob encourages/abets it.
Love you so much
pamagain comments on Feb 15, 2024:
"We all live in a yellow submarine".....
One doth wonder
pamagain comments on Feb 15, 2024:
Kept their ears warm in those frigid cockpits.
But, Sean Hannity, alone, ran something like 75 stories about this lie.
pamagain comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Hannity's a consummate LIAR! sigh
I hear banjoes' in the background...
pamagain comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Oh, be still my heart!
Quite a combo deal I think
pamagain comments on Feb 26, 2024:
All you need for a MAGA wedding! Well...maybe some pork rinds, if you want to go ''whole hog.''
Never seen anything like it. Amazing.
pamagain comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Wonder how he does a pelvic exam?
Hard to answer this one
pamagain comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Don't forget Alabama!
The first among many regrets
pamagain comments on Feb 27, 2024:
OK...many of you know I'm a helper at Planned Parenthood. This month is "Right to Life" month and the GODLY have been demonstrating at the clinic, so I've been part of the ''patient escort'' team, keeping driveways clear, keeping the demonstrating singers out of the lot, etc. They chant their "hail Mary, full of grace'' and sing "Ave Maria" constantly..... This meme makes me understand why she never answers!
Cue the Jihad - oops!
pamagain comments on Feb 28, 2024:
This'll go over BIG TIME in Al Shabad City!
Joe Biden for 2024
pamagain comments on Mar 1, 2024:
These are good ones! Thanks. And, by the way, I believe every word of that first one. He's a very decent man.
Christianity Today Editor: Evangelicals Call Jesus “Liberal” and “Weak”
pamagain comments on Mar 3, 2024:
Wonder what their attitude will be when they finally realize/admit the planet's climate is disastrously changing? Will they be sacrificing children? Or will the pustule still adamantly deny it all?
Good question
pamagain comments on Mar 4, 2024:
Especially when con-men/grifters are KNOWN to be part of a circus!
I accidentally rubbed ketchup in my eyes. Now I have Heinzsight. 😅🤣
pamagain comments on Mar 4, 2024:
You should be punished!
His biggest supporter
pamagain comments on Mar 6, 2024: to feel about this image? On one hand, it's brilliant, really, especially the teeth and the fingers & toes. On the other;s so ''spot on'' that it reminds me to be furious!
Can't fix stupid.
pamagain comments on Mar 8, 2024:
I she trying to flirt with the PUSTULE? Winning his favor from afar?
Happy Belated Women’s Day!
pamagain comments on Mar 9, 2024:
Excited about the OLYMPICS!
Sometimes you just gotta kick back...
pamagain comments on Mar 10, 2024: always deliver. Thanks!
A rich news day part II
pamagain comments on Mar 11, 2024:
pamagain comments on Mar 11, 2024:
He couldn't sell shoes if his life depended on it!
I never trusted those that could quote chapter and verse to defend their cruelty.
pamagain comments on Mar 18, 2024: about just the one...treat others the way you want to be treated. There. Problem solved. certainly should be, but.....
Men and Women in Black... (Fake Americans with rubles in their pockets)
pamagain comments on Mar 20, 2024:
Never, EVER could we have imagined this!
Letters From An American 03/19/2024
pamagain comments on Mar 20, 2024:
Thanks, HC! She makes a point I've never considered....small donors have been hit with ''send money'' requests for NINE YEARS! And they still send it?????? I'm eager to hear from Mr. Parnas....aren't you?
Do you know about laser eye surgery?
pamagain comments on Mar 20, 2024:
That could be handy....just saying....
Cohen has been stripping Trump ever since Trump disowned him
pamagain comments on Mar 21, 2024:
And, if you listen to Cohen...he has the ""ring of truth,"
We have similar fundamentalists
pamagain comments on Mar 21, 2024:
Come to think of it......they even resemble one another.
[] The Beatles - A Day In The Life
pamagain comments on Mar 21, 2024:
How many joints we smoked....trying to discern the ''real'' meaning of that ''day.''
A perfect learning toy for Christian kids
pamagain comments on Mar 22, 2024:
Wait! Where's the subservient ''little woman'' in the kitchen?
This is exactly the sort of thing that happens when cultural Christians try to foist their values on...
pamagain comments on Mar 24, 2024:
You don't suppose the adoptive parents PAID for the children??? Nothing like a few ''donations'' to sweeten the situaion.
Hitler, Shrub, Trump, Putin, Netanyahu and Modi are all the same... []
pamagain comments on Mar 24, 2024:
The pustule might prestend it's all for his followers' benefit....but we know that's a lie. it's ALL about HIM!
Google is not listening...... []
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Funny bird! PLEASE don't watch this video a few times and decide you want an African Grey parrot! They're amazingly intelligent and can be charmingly socieal. OR NOT! And, they live for African Grey will likely become an heirloom!
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Certainly, Taylor's a talented writer, singer and musician! I'd like to hear her singing songs more age-appropriate. Sorry...but the songs usually sound like something else she's written.
It’s bedtime again….
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Such a beautiful man...gorgeous tone...obviously sincere about his religion. STILL shaking my head after all these years. I hope it was worth giving up a public life.
Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
On the bank of the Chobe river.
Finally finished...
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Where are the comfy couches?
He'll be selling Mary Kay and Tupperware next. Some billionaire!
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
Or turning Mar a Lago into a B&B....
pamagain comments on Mar 27, 2024:
I miss these "flash mobs"....always thought it'd be such fun to be caught up in one. Thanks, Roger!
Now this! Ugh!!! 😂😂😂
pamagain comments on Mar 31, 2024:
That's a horror movie...
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