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racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Note from article: "2. “It wasn’t an insurrection” Yes, it was, and it was armed. And “armed,” according to the Department of Justice, applies to lethal weapons beyond just firearms—though firearms were confiscated from those who stormed the Capitol." Though again, no mention of the ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 10, 2022:
@nogod4me I have read that. However, the seizing of guns within the capitol, while documented by a reliable source, has been otherwise censored across all of the MSM. Had these seditionists not been stopped, it is certain that a bloodbath would have ensued. An FBI representative was questioned in front of Congress and was asked if weapons had been seized. She evaded the question saying that the FBI had not recovered any weapons. This misleading and misrepresenting of Jan 6 is infuriating. Whose purpose is served by this coverup? The best I can guess is that they are seeking to shield the security measures used at the Capital (sources and methods) that stopped the seditionists.
Geography lesson ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
How might the Chicxulub impact have affected the Deccan eruptions? The most recent efforts to date these eruptions have clearly shown that the Deccan Traps began spewing lava before the meteorite impact and the mass extinction occurred. But the Berkeley-led study suggested that the Chicxulub impact...
racocn8 replies on Jun 10, 2022:
What, you can't find humor in mass extinction?
Please advise what you would use this for. No, not on the market for obvious reasons. []
racocn8 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Given the propensity of police to abuse the population with their toys, I can see why it would be a problem. However, the seemingly obvious utility in some situations means that such devices are inevitable. The same for taser-equipped robot dogs or other robotic devices. The bigger problem comes ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 9, 2022:
@Darren316 One of the more amusing (for me) moments in the recent Congressional questioning of Pentagon officials regarding UAPs occurred when the official inferred that the objects in the infrared video were drones. The problem being that no one has drones that can hang out for hours at a time, plus the fact that the objects hovered without any visible means of propulsion.
I totally support what the Jan 6 Committee claims to be trying to do.
Garban comments on Jun 9, 2022:
New source for me so I checked them out.
racocn8 replies on Jun 9, 2022:
I have a lot of frustration that the DOJ has failed to respond in a timely manner, and the sentences have been so light as to be insultingly offensive. It's clear the DOJ has been manifestly reluctant to deliver justice. For the MSM to exhibit that same sort of resistance, cooperating in a coverup of a crucial detail is just sickening. This country has an ugly history, and it's getting much worse very quickly.
I totally support what the Jan 6 Committee claims to be trying to do.
Garban comments on Jun 9, 2022:
New source for me so I checked them out.
racocn8 replies on Jun 9, 2022:
Why do you think the recovery of long guns is being censored?
Our Home is actually in the Milky Way Galaxy, one in a 100+ Billion Galaxies.
Fernapple comments on Jun 9, 2022:
Very good. Though its not so much inhabiting a grain of sand, as inhabiting the very tiny layer of gas between the thin crust on a droplet of very hot liquid, and space. And the habitable layer of atmosphere, even the, fly in a plane, layer, is only about five to ten miles thick at most. Which in a ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 9, 2022:
I've heard an analogy that if you put a single drop of water on an egg, that drop represents more water than is in all the oceans of the Earth.
Dating stories, who's got them?
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Who was better?
racocn8 replies on Jun 8, 2022:
Sorry, I'm already partnered. Once I was standing in line with a co-worker who was describing a motorcycle trip he had taken with his wife. I asked him who was the better ride...
Imagine you are Jewish, and you have ancestors who died in the Holocaust, and whenever you go to ...
St-Sinner comments on Jun 8, 2022:
But I am from India. Is there anythin 'bout Gandhi?... the guy with the biggest diaper?
racocn8 replies on Jun 8, 2022:
I heard a story recently that went something like... A government official got a swath of cloth from Gandhi as a present but believed that it was Ghandi's loin cloth, rather than a cloth that Gandhi made on his own loom.
CANNABIS IN SCIENCE & HEALTH A study suggested that "certain high-CBD extract has a high potential...
racocn8 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Just FYI, all that ratio of THC to CBD is horse shit. Why? Think about it...
racocn8 replies on Jun 8, 2022:
The variation of dose-response to cannabinoids is huge, varying from 2 mg to 2 grams. THC have a very complicated relationship: CBD is thought to interfere with THC binding to CB1, and to interfere with the P450 enzyme system that metabolizes THC to the stronger 11-hydroxy-THC. Then there are the variables of differing absorption in different parts of the GI. Genetic variation, other metabolic influences... A meaningful study would likely need hundreds of participants.
Many atheists don't like it at all, to say the least, when science is called the child of religion.
Garban comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Maybe siblings of mother Creativity would be a better analogy. Religion being the selfish child that never grew up; and Science being the responsible mature contributor.
racocn8 replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@skado "I think the most recent science is coming to the consensus that people do need religion." Citation, please?
Proud Boys Face Prison Time For Sedition | Stephen Will Go LIVE After Jan 6 Hearing - YouTube
freedom41 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Proud boys need to go to prison for a couple of decades.
racocn8 replies on Jun 8, 2022:
Betcha none of them sees the mandatory 20.
Well worth the 20 minutes.
racocn8 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
As long as the shootings benefit the fascist MAGA Evangelicals, the shootings will continue. But if you think AR-15s turn children into hamburger, wait till you get a load of the new rifle being made available that is fully twice as powerful. Instead of hamburger, it'll just be pink slime.
racocn8 replies on Jun 8, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir @misstuffy I have little knowledge in this area, but heard about it from Beau of the Fifth Column podcast. I assume one or both of the weapons noted below were what he was referencing.
anglophone comments on Jun 6, 2022:
It saddens me that Putin the Putrid chose to use the Russian Army as his penis substitute.
racocn8 replies on Jun 6, 2022:
What a stupid, ugly, horrific waste of human life.
Do not respond to a post by FrayedBear.
Petter comments on Jun 5, 2022:
He is also a brown nose when it comes to Russia.
racocn8 replies on Jun 5, 2022:
Yikes. That figures. I've yet to see anyone taking the Russian side who wasn't a psychotic troll.
You wouldn't know how I feel
racocn8 comments on Jun 5, 2022:
I thought men weren't supposed to get pregnant? Let's hope a scientist figures out a remedy.
racocn8 replies on Jun 5, 2022:
I am somewhat barrel-chested, and I don't know where that came from. I had a co-worker whose father had an enlarged chest, and was operated on to remove a football sized benign tumor. That has haunted me because of my condition.
Pachyderm pivot, mammoth mendacity, elephantine evasion 🦣
racocn8 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Being dishonest is THE integral feature for owning the libs. It is an exploitation of the double standard that distinguishes the two parties, and what disproves the false equivalence (again, dishonestly) claimed against both parties (typically by the extreme progressives who 'unintentionally' help ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir The Liar's Club being the oldest and biggest tribe there is.
Clinton campaign lawyer found not guilty on charge of lying to FBI in loss for Durham
racocn8 comments on May 31, 2022:
Shame on Biden, Wray and Garland for not shutting down Trump's vindictive farce (and this after more than a year of tax money wasted on partisan malfeasance). Durham should be demoted with a cut in pay and pension for this base violation of his oaths.
racocn8 replies on Jun 4, 2022:
@mcgeo52 The GQP is always outraged. We might enjoy their minor setbacks, but they have no shame and are incapable of embarrassment. Not suffering consequences for their corruption, and being spineless is what generates contempt for democrats.
I don't care what the founding fathers would say or want. They aren't here.
p-nullifidian comments on Jun 3, 2022:
Maybe it’s time we all get over the Founding Fathers’ so-called intent? The Constitution, if it is to mean anything, should be a living breathing and constantly evolving document. Otherwise, one may just as well accept the Holy Bible as a foundational and fundamentalist document and be a ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 3, 2022:
Ah, but when was the last time we had an amendment? And have we ever made an amendment to address the rampant and pervasive corruption that now undercuts everything that should be happening? So-called "Originalists" vying to get on SCOTUS shouldn't even get a hearing if that is their perspective.
'Quit filibustering it': Republican's town hall heats up over gun laws
racocn8 comments on Jun 3, 2022:
I don't think you can meaningfully claim this is coming from the Baby Boomers. Do you have any arguments to support the assertion? Certain very few of the shooters are Baby Boomers.
racocn8 replies on Jun 3, 2022:
I'm not at all impressed with The Greatest Generation. They conveniently looked the other way as the Holocaust was committed, and Manzanar built. They started the Deep State with the Nat'l Security Act of 1947, and all the cold war paranoia that went with it. I will say that the BB's were weak in standing up against bigotry and the excesses of Conservatism.
Toy Story Part 19?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jun 3, 2022:
Toy Story 20, The Rescue. A group of surviving toys plan and initiate an undertaking to dig up Andy's grave in order to save their friends trapped in the bony remains.
racocn8 replies on Jun 3, 2022:
Do they resurrect Andy as a zombie? I'd watch that.
Hope you have your sunglasses on.
racocn8 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Is that like a skinned elephant seal or what?
racocn8 replies on Jun 2, 2022:
Triphid taking a day off at the beach... Or a picture of Tor?
Time to bring back the Darwin Awards.
racocn8 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
I was hiking near the Catalina Island isthmus and thought to take a shortcut down a ravine. I was down a ways and saw a clearing ahead of me. Sitting in the middle was a mature male bison. I was unsure of any other way around, so I decided to go back up to the crest and continue down what would ...
racocn8 replies on Jun 2, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend @dalevictor Per Google: "In 1924, the film The Vanishing American was being filmed on Catalina Island, and one of the scenes required bison. The film crew brought 14 bison to the island from the Great Plains with the intention of eventually returning them home. They never made it off the island.",made%20it%20off%20the%20island.
The shooting at Uvalde is bringing forth many concerns.
racocn8 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
You cannot expect White police officers to protect Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish or Muslim children (nor adults).
racocn8 replies on Jun 1, 2022:
@p-nullifidian I wish it was beyond the pale. It should be. And yet the Red state GQP have been working hard to subvert the 2022 and 2024 elections. If a MAGA mayor and police chief will stop the intervention of a shooter, how much easier will it be to help corrupt officials destroy the election. As Florida goes, the others will follow. "Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill creating election police force"
The shooting at Uvalde is bringing forth many concerns.
racocn8 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
You cannot expect White police officers to protect Black, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish or Muslim children (nor adults).
racocn8 replies on Jun 1, 2022:
@p-nullifidian So revisiting the Rittenhouse case, when police hear shots and see a young White man walk away from a BLM protest carrying a rifle, they just exchange thumbs up. Then a MAGA judge manipulates the trial so the killer is released. I certainly wish it were otherwise. It should be as you say. But it isn't. But Uvalde simple repeats the theme, except you have dozens of police stand around, seeing their duty as being to PREVENT parents from acting to protect their children. What do you think is going to happen in November when White police work with their state officials to overturn or fully invalidate all the voting in non-White districts? At gun-point...
My dream list of national gun laws.
racocn8 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
You REALLY want to stop mass shooting? For every victim, burn a church. And make it clear which victim is being avenged.
racocn8 replies on Jun 1, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir Look at how the mass shootings take place in temples, mosques and Black churches. That is their war on everyone else; they have no respect for other people's places of worship. Until these massacres have a negative impact on them, they'll keep terrorizing everyone else. They approve of the fear that they (supposedly indirectly) impose on the rest of us. What's worth more, a White church or a child?
Sorry, I'm on a tear this morning.
racocn8 comments on May 29, 2022:
People of both sexes can be assholes. The trick is to not let it get to you. Some people WANT to be assholes. It may be harder to let that go, but that is still necessary.
racocn8 replies on May 31, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Other responses remind me of the paradox where women complain of being bombarded by unimaginative asks, tailored just to them, versus men felt compelled to automate their asks as much as possible because of the tiny percent of responses coming back. That trauma seems to sour both sides. The challenge of our time is how social media perverts our personalities.
A member on here, recently asked. Does love exist ?
Lorajay comments on May 30, 2022:
Can I surmise that cold-blooded species are also cold-hearted?
racocn8 replies on May 30, 2022:
Not at all. Many decades ago, I came across an article where a Japanese fishing boat rescued a woman whose vessel had sunk. The was buoyed in the water by what appeared to be an oil barrel, but as the rescue vessel drew closer, they saw she was being supported and kept alive by a large sea turtle. Once the woman was safe, the turtle disappeared into the depths. Also, films show alligator mothers to be quite caring of their young, at least in some species.
Democrats making fake hamburger meat for Bill Gates! Republican Rep.
p-nullifidian comments on May 30, 2022:
Marjorie Taylor Greene was concocted in a Petri dish and Georgia is the Petri State! 😉
racocn8 replies on May 30, 2022:
I could have sworn her father fucked a mare.
LiterateHiker comments on May 29, 2022:
Online forums and social media have continued to serve as vital tools for spreading racist ideologies, misinformation, conspiracies and hate. It's led to the rapid radicalization of people like the alleged Buffalo shooter, Payton Gendron, according to an ABC News analysis of what authorities have ...
racocn8 replies on May 29, 2022:
A large share of the mass murder events are in schools. Now what group has sought to defund and undercut public education? Does that group support politicians that prevent gun legislation which would reduce these atrocities? (Pro-life?!!!) And remember that a large share of the other mass murder targets are similarly denounced and hated from the pulpit: Blacks, Gays, Jews,... Mass murders serve the purposes of the Evangelical White Supremacists, and a goodly share of shooters are racists or bigots. Christian Nationalists have a stranglehold on the GQP, and these shootings serve their interest in intimidating those deemed as lesser. Even with Biden as president, we have slipped into an authoritarian fascist state so long as the police departments side with the neo-Nazis.
Fit for Texas
silverotter11 comments on May 29, 2022:
Never been to Texass, no desire to go there and after *all* I've seen and heard this image is probably very accurate. :(
racocn8 replies on May 29, 2022:
I remember traveling through the Texas countryside, passing through one cloud of toxic stench to another.
This Fruit Could Help Improve Memory and Ward Off Dementia, Study Says []
racocn8 comments on May 27, 2022:
Good information if correct (Who funded the study?). Hopefully it will be replicated?
racocn8 replies on May 27, 2022:
@xenoview Ok, yeah, what I was afraid of. Maybe it's true, but I'd prefer to see industry-free funding. From the paper itself: "This research was supported by a Cranberry Institute grant (R204719). The Cranberry Institute was not involved in the design, implementation, analysis, and interpretation of the data."
The kids had a ball.
racocn8 comments on May 27, 2022:
Eye don't get it...
racocn8 replies on May 27, 2022:
Those pupils sclera me.
LovinLarge comments on May 27, 2022:
Believe me, they would not be willing to give up their quality of life!
racocn8 replies on May 27, 2022:
I'm betting they all make more than $150,000.
anglophone comments on May 27, 2022:
It's not going to happen. The wankers in Austin are too fucking arrogant and too fucking ignorant and too fucking self-absorbed to think outside their own tiny venal boxes.
racocn8 replies on May 27, 2022:
@Moravian Yeah, the teachers are supposed the do the job the police are afraid to do. Thats what Abbott and Cruz mean by hardening the schools. And where will the teachers have the guns stored?
Don't know if this is real or not.
Betty comments on May 27, 2022:
And some people say politicians are not selfishly corrupt.
racocn8 replies on May 27, 2022:
The GQP scarcely pretend at being honorable anymore. It's more like smirking that they've got theirs and everyone else can go F themselves.
How can one fix something that's out of control
Gwendolyn2018 comments on May 26, 2022:
I wrote on FB: "If there were a kind and loving god, 18 kids would not be dead tonight, at least 36 parents would not be stunned, crying, and raging, and people who cry about the Second Amendment while clutching their guns would not exist. Christians? Nah. The people who decry gun control ...
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
Your cousin shows breathtaking hypocrisy for giving God credit for the good things but not for the bad. I've seen hypnotized people rationalize barking like a dog when the hypnotist asked why. Ultimately, such people have given up their ability to think in exchange for the security of belonging to a cult.
Spirituality is emotionality.
xenoview comments on May 26, 2022:
You need evidence for your claims.
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
Speaking of trolls, the same applies to TheMiddleWay. Both are vacuous maroons who seek meaningful discourse but are incapable. Pathetic and grim.
Spirituality is emotionality.
xenoview comments on May 26, 2022:
You need evidence for your claims.
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
"I make statements to generate conversation. I’m not here to prove anything." Meaning, I am a troll who is so insecure and needy, I'll post the silliest bullshit to get the attention I crave. If anyone doesn't like it, that's great too because I crave drama too, and I'm all about hit-and-run.
Does love exist?
Matias comments on May 26, 2022:
Is this a trap, a trick question? If somebody answers Yes, although love is nothing but a feeling, you could conclude that God exists too, even if he may be nothing but a shared feeling...
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
Nah. Just more vacuous trolling as usual.
Letters From An American 05/25/2022
Redheadedgammy comments on May 26, 2022:
How do we save our Democratic Republic? Is it already too late?
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
It is too late. The arrogance of Putin and Hillary have killed us.
Letters From An American 05/25/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 26, 2022:
Bingo! 🎯 A very accurate explanation for how we got here. One thing I would add: it's not just capitalism that the right has been touting; it's UNREGULATED capitalism they want. They want corporations to be able to lay waste to the Earth with impunity. They don't care if they leave nothing for ...
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
Having stoked doubt in the election process, followed by a campaign to undermine elections, it's impossible to imagine the Civil War NOT going from cold to HOT in November.
Make it make sense....
phoenixone1 comments on May 26, 2022:
About the only way this is going to get fixed is a National kids go to teachers go to Board of Education members go to work...NOTHING...TOTAL WALK OUT. States withhold Federal Taxes...SHUT THE DAMN COUNTRY DOWN. Fuck more sacrificing our children to ...
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
The GOP DON'T CARE. It wasn't their kids that were murdered. Being pro-gun is one of the primary litmus tests. Loyalty is more important, way more important than humanity. They may have been born human, but they're devoted to being inhuman.
Essence of stupidity
mischl comments on May 26, 2022:
In the long term, what kind of children are we raising? When they grow up and some of them run the government (if it still exists), what will they do? What will they change?
racocn8 replies on May 26, 2022:
If they are raised Christian, watching Fox news, they will be lacking empathy like their parents. It is a cycle of violence AND depravity.
Texass!!!! 😭😡🤬
racocn8 comments on May 25, 2022:
Can we remember that the NRA has received millions from Russia, and acted as a conduit to funnel that money to GQP (and a couple of dems!). Investigation of these traitors was blocked by the GQP during Trump's administration: ...
racocn8 replies on May 25, 2022:
@anglophone (Apologies for the screwup).
([https] Top administrative leaders for the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant ...
rainmanjr comments on May 24, 2022:
Great. If, after this and the insurrection hearings, Americans can't vote for Dems then they deserve everything that's happened and is happening to them. Everything. Doesn't seem a hard decision to me.
racocn8 replies on May 24, 2022:
Many democrats are hopelessly corrupt. The claim that they are as bad as the GQP is a meme meant to confuse the weak minded, and it works very, very well.
What is a thermoelectric cloud chamber?
rainmanjr comments on May 23, 2022:
That's what Tao looks like.
racocn8 replies on May 23, 2022:
Can you explain further?
Now they say science and religion are the same
Flyingsaucesir comments on May 23, 2022:
Who says science and religion are the same?
racocn8 replies on May 23, 2022:
@St-Sinner I saw a meme claiming a Navaho proverb says that "You can't wake someone who is pretending to be asleep." (I like it).
Who holds the aces in this debate?
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2022:
Except that the current pronunciation comes from a French word meaning purse, and never had anything to do with felines.
racocn8 replies on May 23, 2022:
@Triphid "It is said to be an improvisation of Low German words that meant “pocket” or “purse” or Old Norse pūss and Old English pusa for the female pudenda. This is how Pussy gained prominence in English as a sexual slang." "...each of a set of punctuation marks, single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”), used either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage, or to indicate that a word or phrase is regarded as slang or jargon or is being discussed rather than used within the sentence."
Among all this flutter we find the Russian tricolor (white over blue over red).
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2022:
Last I heard, the 40% of die-hard Trumpers are evenly split between which side they support. Failing to indict Trump on his treason has only solidified Putin's purchase on the Republican Party. Shame on the Dems and DOJ for letting that slide.
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
@Flyingsaucesir I'm glad to hear that. I was referencing the material in Mueller's Report detailing the ~100 contacts between Trump's campaign and the Russians, along with the information detailed to convict Manafort. Mueller had testified that the DOJ could begin proceedings on Jan 21, 2021, so that would be long overdue.
Just a question. How many people on this site use Substack?
LovinLarge comments on May 22, 2022:
I'm guessing not many.
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
The link displays the virulent hatred that is now intrinsic to the Conservatives. Would that they could drown in their bile.
Who holds the aces in this debate?
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2022:
Except that the current pronunciation comes from a French word meaning purse, and never had anything to do with felines.
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
@Triphid "It is said to be an improvisation of Low German words that meant “pocket” or “purse” or Old Norse pūss and Old English pusa for the female pudenda. This is how Pussy gained prominence in English as a sexual slang." OK, coming from German rather than French. My mistake.
Just sayin'.
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2022:
There are numerous reasons for abortion: rape, incest, ectopic pregnancy among them. It's not just that a majority of people favor legal abortion. Those opposed to abortion base their view on their Christian religion. The Bible says nothing about forbidding abortion, and if anything, sanctions it. ...
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
@Gwendolyn2018 We need to make it clear that is abortion goes, so does porn. Put the men on notice that their precious porn will become a felony in the eyes of the Catholic SCOTUS . Then see if they oppose court-packing.
New recipe to try...
JackPedigo comments on May 22, 2022:
What are the toe nails made of?
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
Look like the onions it's sitting on.
I don't know about that
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2022:
Is that Zhira or Cornelius? Or am I speciesist?
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
I though Zaius was the orangutan?
Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates : Shots - Health News : NPR
silverotter11 comments on May 22, 2022:
I read this article last night. I thought this would be the end result of the anti-vax position many republicans have taken. Yet, the many republicans I know, personally and in general absolutely do not believe this to be the case.
racocn8 replies on May 22, 2022:
Rhetorically, is this because they are uninformed, or believe they are protected by God, or see their view as loyal to their clique, or think not vaxxing owns the libs, or what?
STOP RAPING US! Brave mostly naked women stormed the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, ...
LiterateHiker comments on May 21, 2022:
Good for her! I feel proud of her. At age 19, my daughter was raped and beaten by a stranger. He attacked her when she was asleep in her bed at college. Over a decade later, Claire still wakes up screaming. She has PTSD.
racocn8 replies on May 21, 2022:
On the unlikely chance you're not aware of this...
You can't make this sh!t up? []
DharmaBum50 comments on May 21, 2022:
I suppose in this country's march toward Gilead, it would be too much to ask that the IRS enforce its own rules ....
racocn8 replies on May 21, 2022:
To be addressed in the backlash against the Catholic SCOTUS.
I won't tell!!!
zeuser comments on May 21, 2022:
Yeah, that's her all right. *sigh*
racocn8 replies on May 21, 2022:
I hope you find someone.
Several years ago I read about Kurt Godel and his incompleteness theorems, which are the most ...
racocn8 comments on May 20, 2022:
Shouldn't mathematicians have the same attitude as (most?) scientific disciplines wherein all findings are tentative and subject to improvement in some manner? One shouldn't expect to have everything explained because whatever is known leads to more questions. That mathematical proofs have been ...
racocn8 replies on May 21, 2022:
@anglophone Maybe you'd be interested in this: Powerful ‘Machine Scientists’ Distill the Laws of Physics From Raw Data
The original poster is right
anglophone comments on May 19, 2022:
"Religious imperialism" - I am **so** going to steal that phrase!
racocn8 replies on May 19, 2022:
How about Christian Fascism. That has a long history. (I get so tired of MSM saying "autocracy" instead of fascism. Or at least call it theocracy. MSM claims to be ringing the alarm, but still won't speak plainly.
That's why I'm proud to be a Wiccan
anglophone comments on May 19, 2022:
The glorification of God :- The enslavement of women The oppression of people of colour The slaughter of unbelievers Genocide To mis-quote Bertrand Russell "[That is] why I am not a Christian".
racocn8 replies on May 19, 2022:
Extol fascism. Establish alliances with ruthless dictators. Act with utter dishonestly and hate at all times.
I’m thinking that if Space Aliens were actively visiting Earth from across the galaxy, we would ...
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2022:
For someone who exhorts others to the wonders of the Universe, deGrasse Tyson is frighteningly incurious about this topic, or pathologically disingenuous. Neither is a good look for a scientist, unless he is bowing to the decades-long policy of intimidation initiated by Project Blue Book. And ...
racocn8 replies on May 19, 2022:
@Robecology NDT: "Think of the janitor at Area 51, right? Who sees the ...alien, they’ll just take a picture of it. The janitor will lose a job overnight, but will be the most famous, richest janitor there ever was." (Utter naivete or intentional BS). "There was Project Bluebook, out of the 1960s and 70s that was finally released. That was an official government study of objects in the sky." (More utter ignorance of what happened. Pure silliness. )
I just made a post about replacement theory.
racocn8 comments on May 18, 2022:
Except that absolutely no replacement is involved. (And, as noted, the notions of race are obsolete)
racocn8 replies on May 19, 2022:
@Charlene Tucker knows. His racism yields profits for Fox, but Fox does it as a favor to Putin, and doesn't mind the money either.
Which is worse?
Sierra4 comments on May 17, 2022:
I have never read the Bible. Maybe I missed something. 😁
racocn8 replies on May 17, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend I think you're on to something. We should develop a list of Biblical books and chapters that we approve of. We would recommend giving students access to these so as to immunize them against taking religion seriously. Alternately, the list would be added to the list of books that the religionists want banned, but are set up as a special collection available to all.
Any guess how no longer being able to take privacy rights for granted will affect liberal voter ...
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2022:
The usual suspects will stay home in droves and then cry about being victims. Why ruin a good sob story? The republicans will have jury-rigged the election for nothing.
racocn8 replies on May 17, 2022:
In my dreams, women become infuriated by the Republican race to the bottom and turn out en masse with a voting disparity that cannot be shuffled away by Republican cheating. I would like to see a significant up-tick in voting by those who normally don't vote, heralding a decline in Republican power and influence.
I fail to understand what is so difficult in engaging in rational thought about Covid-19 and ...
Marionville comments on May 17, 2022:
I can’t get my head around the argument that they won’t take the vaccine because it’s not been tested enough, produced too quickly and therefore unsafe and may cause adverse reactions or death. Are they really saying they think it’s less safe than being unvaccinated and being at a real ...
racocn8 replies on May 17, 2022:
@anglophone I believe the MAGAs have dozens of rationalizations and false story lines. As I mentioned recently, my scientist 'friend' went on for some time warning the rest of us to expect a surge in auto-immune disease from the vaccine. Almost no one is getting auto-immune disease in spite of 300 million vaccinations. They parrot the bullshit on Fox because that is the price of belonging to MAGA and staying current in the cult. It is a price paid by sociopaths that lie as an expression of loyalty. And for the majority who are Christians, critical thinking makes you suspect as an elitist coastal democrat pedophile.
When homophobes say, "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"...
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2022:
racocn8 replies on May 16, 2022:
To deadname someone is to call or refer to them by the name they no longer use, AKA their dead name; to call (a transgender person) by their birth name when they have changed their name as part of their gender transition. Then there's this one: Obscurantism: the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or full details of something from becoming known.
A client of mine posted this meme on social media this morning.
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2022:
It'd be great if people would be like that. However, our capitalism motivates people to be assholes. They make money from being assholes. They make money from encouraging others to be assholes. Plus, a lot of people have fucked up wiring. They get a thrill from kicking down. They like yelling and...
racocn8 replies on May 16, 2022:
It's not naive. A lot of the bad behavior comes from people who are frustrated like we are, but they feel compelled to act out in toxic or violent ways. Don't give up. We can only do what we can, but we also need to be more creative and develop new alternatives. The big problem is that those that profit off division also bribe our politicians to prevent improvements.
1 million deaths Remembering the lives lost to COVID-19 in America []
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2022:
250,000 died needlessly because of politicized vaccine resistance (per Fauci).
racocn8 replies on May 16, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 Those that died because of politicized vaccine resistance got their Darwin award. I suspect Fauci's number was a guess, and many more died because of other politicized misinformation. Perhaps they didn't exactly deserve to die, but those that care about the truth won't miss them much.
So Why is Progressives and Socialist group 'Not Available'?
HippieChick58 comments on May 14, 2022:
Maybe check with the moderator?
racocn8 replies on May 14, 2022:
Thanks. Unfortunately, Krish55 posts Putin-friendly posts trying to exaggerate the number of Nazis in Ukraine, and I've done all I can to denounce them for the crap they are. I can't imagine I can appeal to his sense of fairness.
So Why is Progressives and Socialist group 'Not Available'?
HippieChick58 comments on May 14, 2022:
Maybe check with the moderator?
racocn8 replies on May 14, 2022:
How does one find who the moderator is? (I am blocked from Progressives, Socialists & Black Lives Matter and would request to be unblocked).
“You can choose to look the other way but never again can you say that you never knew.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2022:
Martyred by her own people to interrupt the news cycle. SOP: Blame the Israelis.
racocn8 replies on May 14, 2022:
@mcgeo52 You too.
“You can choose to look the other way but never again can you say that you never knew.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2022:
Martyred by her own people to interrupt the news cycle. SOP: Blame the Israelis.
racocn8 replies on May 14, 2022:
@mcgeo52 The Arabs have had numerous opportunities to stop terrorizing Israel. Losing land forever is the price of that intransigence. The Arabs have consistently stated that genocide is their goal, so the Israelis can do whatever they like given that position. Any other country would have forcibly expelled or killed them. The only reason they still exist is because of Israel's mercy.
“You can choose to look the other way but never again can you say that you never knew.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2022:
Martyred by her own people to interrupt the news cycle. SOP: Blame the Israelis.
racocn8 replies on May 14, 2022:
Yeah, nowadays Hamas gets most of it's funding from Iran. Like that's a real step up. In case you missed it, people pay as much attention to International Law as to the Arabs that choose to live in squalor. The occupied people you speak of are willing pawns, happily sacrificing their own children for others to score talking points. What better reason is there to ignore contrived victimhood? And yeah, GFY.
“You can choose to look the other way but never again can you say that you never knew.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2022:
Martyred by her own people to interrupt the news cycle. SOP: Blame the Israelis.
racocn8 replies on May 13, 2022: We can trade links to atrocities all day. Bottom line: No one gives a shit, and as long as Arabs won't negotiate in good faith, no one should. Propaganda to solicit sympathy is trolling of the worst sort, carrying water for the Saudis. Better believe they don't give a shit.
“You can choose to look the other way but never again can you say that you never knew.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2022:
Martyred by her own people to interrupt the news cycle. SOP: Blame the Israelis.
racocn8 replies on May 13, 2022:
If it weren't the case, they'd have nothing to lose by allowing the Israelis to jointly investigate. Excluding the Israelis proves they needed to cover up the true circumstances: death by friendly fire. No, better to blame the Israelis than admit yet another instance of gross incompetence. I have as much evidence for my 'claim' as the Arabs do for their claim that it was an assassination. Actually, less, because assassination implies a plot, and the only plot in evidence is the obfuscations by the Arabs.
In Palestine, to stand with the truth makes you a target – Mondoweiss
racocn8 comments on May 12, 2022:
Except that Al Jazeera went with calling Akleh's death an assassination without evidence much less proof. That's what passes for journalism at Al Jazeera. The Arabs made sure that there'd be no evidence showing how she was killed by her own people. Anything to distract from the terror campaign ...
racocn8 replies on May 13, 2022:
I admit I find the 70 year campaign to commit genocide against the Jews in Israel to far exceed any crimes the Arabs ascribe to the Israelis. Your objections are not just loathsome, but ridiculous, relying as they do on a rejection of any and all peace offers. How much sympathy can be elicited for terrorists? Terrorists who call Israel apartheid, when they engage is the most sickening bigotry, and hide behind their own children, using them as human shields or disposable tunnel diggers. What Palestinians do to their children is worse than pedophilia. I wonder where the Arabs in Israel would be now if they had accepted peace and worked with the Israelis. How can anyone be sympathetic to those who CHOOSE to live in squalor to promote their hate-based cause.
CALL TO ACTIVISM on Twitter: "Should Senate Majority Leader Schumer REMOVE Joe Manchin from his ...
racocn8 comments on May 12, 2022:
They need to call his bluff and give him the stripped down version of a codified Roe. Or, they can limp along to the election thinking that this issue will finally bring women out to vote.
racocn8 replies on May 12, 2022:
@rainmanjr I hope this brings women out to vote in November. If they don't, and the republic falls, they will have to be partly responsible. It scary, but the survival of the species may depend on them. I worry that Putin has been holding back because of the election. I am so ashamed of my countrymen.
I think the people who come to this site who are closet believers are here for a bit of a thrill.
Matias comments on May 12, 2022:
So far, I haven't met a closet believer on this site. Any suggestions?
racocn8 replies on May 12, 2022:
Skado & TheMiddleWay maybe, but the PapPap troll is fully out of the closet.
When I use the word “purpose” please interpret it as a scientific function, not a philosophical ...
racocn8 comments on May 12, 2022:
Not enough people CAN understand Entropy to make it useful as a societal purpose. Thus, there can be no link between entropy and societal injunctions. Particles that travel backwards in time reduce entropy. Nothing is or can be blasphemous. One interesting area is how many phenomena develop ...
racocn8 replies on May 12, 2022:
I don't know anyone who gets that either. That's the issue. Physics that works and provides accurate predictions describes a reality that is otherwise incomprehensible. It's a koan. I believe Feynman writes about backwards traveling electrons or positrons.
Letters From An American 05/11/2022
Charlene comments on May 12, 2022:
Unleash the the dogs of Civil War and let the blood flow, copiously
racocn8 replies on May 12, 2022:
@rainmanjr Please, no mercy: as many rounds as possible.
Justice Sotomayor suggest SCOTUS won’t survive the stench if Roe vs Wade is overturned.
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2022:
It is nominally fair for her to warn her fellow justices. I really am surprised as how stupid these people are. Did they not realize that tampering with Roe would paint a bullseye on their backs? Do they not remember Prohibition? I can guarantee that their ruling won't stand, even if it might take ...
racocn8 replies on May 12, 2022:
@JackPedigo It appears the GQP Justices have an ugly agenda. It's sad that she faces the prospect of sitting on a court that will be remembered for their religious extremism, if, somehow, there is history to be written.
Pretty sure you're not doing it right if you're licking stubble
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2022:
You forget the smell. Maybe more like a blowfish covered with cottage cheese?
racocn8 replies on May 12, 2022:
@glennlab Wiping off strings of congealed blood can be off-putting...
Yep Susan Collins called 911 for someone politely asking her to do her job and fix the mess she ...
PadraicM comments on May 11, 2022:
Didn't you know that protesting the government for a redress of grievances is illegal and bullying?
racocn8 replies on May 11, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz @anglophone .... Rupert Murdoch, who is a close personal friend of Putin's.
Israel Shares Video Showing Palestinian Did Not Kill Journalist
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2022:
Except that no one knows who shot her and the Arabs won't allow an autopsy. Not that anyone really cares once the narrative have been contrived. Maybe come back when we're not as busy with real issues.
racocn8 replies on May 11, 2022:
And who is bankrolling the Arabs with their perpetual war? And why?
Israel Shares Video Showing Palestinian Did Not Kill Journalist
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2022:
Except that no one knows who shot her and the Arabs won't allow an autopsy. Not that anyone really cares once the narrative have been contrived. Maybe come back when we're not as busy with real issues.
racocn8 replies on May 11, 2022:
Meaning that without a forensic autopsy by both sides, we'll never know the truth. But then, that's the whole idea.
Russian journalists hack the main new networks in Russia.
Paul4747 comments on May 11, 2022:
There's a difference. We don't have a state-run media. People here believe lies, not because they have no source for the truth, but because they want to believe them.
racocn8 replies on May 11, 2022:
@JackPedigo I believe I understand your point. However, I don't consider it to be fair journalism to broadcast disinformation uncritically. Certain actors are infamous for their dishonesty and misleading statements, but PBS airs it anyway, at length. PBS in particular receives money from Koch which has engaged in seditious acts (Conspiring to develop and distribute state-tailored legislative language to suppress voting) among a host of other radically partisan behavior. PBS content, and censorship, reflects a bias that is far from fair.
Mary was never given the option to remain abstinent and not conceive Jesus.
silverotter11 comments on May 11, 2022:
Why did men come to fear woman? This whole shift to making the women the brunt of every *damn* thing that goes wrong in a man's life happened in a relatively short span of human existence. The idea of religion has been around for a very long time in human existence and women at one time played a ...
racocn8 replies on May 11, 2022:
Maybe because the (perceived) role women play in reproduction is a daily reminder of mortality.
Russian journalists hack the main new networks in Russia.
Paul4747 comments on May 11, 2022:
There's a difference. We don't have a state-run media. People here believe lies, not because they have no source for the truth, but because they want to believe them.
racocn8 replies on May 11, 2022:
@JackPedigo @rainmanjr Yes, I'm exasperated at the way PBS gives GQP propagandists abundant time to tell their lies, and does nothing to fact-check their BS afterwards. I've stopped contributing to them as a consequence. And yes, the religious component of GQP fascism gets wholesale censorship, along with how Putin has been fostering division using the evangelicals and NRA.
Maybe this will explain it .
Matias comments on May 10, 2022:
What is a person? A common definition is "A person is a human being that has certain capacities or attributes such as reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness..." Is a newborn a person? Is a mentally severely disabled person a person? What about someone in the last stages of ...
racocn8 replies on May 10, 2022:
People in comas are often disconnected and allowed to die.
“Capitalism was the only system in history where wealth was not acquired by looting but by ...
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2022:
Ayn Rand's tirades put into stark relief (as unintended parody) the hysterical hatred of communism, even though communism had fully given way to fascist kleptocracy and Stalin personality cult. Being completely self-deluded, Rand turned a blind eye to the many failures of capitalism, this quote ...
racocn8 replies on May 10, 2022:
@duchessa1 I do not support Communism, but I get that if you like Ayn Rand, that would be your go-to response. Both Communism, and for sure Capitalism in this country are both profoundly repressive with extreme flaws. Failure or unwillingness to grasp that? Oh well...
New research uncovers stereotype differences between agnostics and atheists
David1955 comments on May 9, 2022:
And you can go on saying it for another million times that "Atheism and Chritianity (sic) are both dogmatic but agnosticism is not" and it will always be bullshit, or more specifically your bias as an agnostic. The dogmaticism is yours.
racocn8 replies on May 10, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay The ad hominem was your claim that the analysis was lacking without any evidence. The alternative is to say that it's more bullshit from a troll who is unable and intentionally unwilling to comprehend content.. And I've seen my definition used by other posters with complete consistency. It's you and the Christians that try to redefine it. And still no answer to the dogmatism of atheists. Pure troll.
Very random,very mixed bag but all funny to me.
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2022:
"Skeptical? Well, you should be. Because this is in fact, a load of pure unadulterated BS concocted by a man named John Holladay. ...So, just to clear things up. The Veiled Lady, WILL NOT GIVE SPONTANEOUS ORGASMS TO ANY WOMAN WHO SMELLS IT. In fact, it actually smells quite horrible. Many compare ...
racocn8 replies on May 10, 2022:
@ChestRockfield Apparently, nowhere. I suggest trying to give a woman an orgasm under conventional circumstances (hand, mouth, penis). Good luck.
New research uncovers stereotype differences between agnostics and atheists
David1955 comments on May 9, 2022:
And you can go on saying it for another million times that "Atheism and Chritianity (sic) are both dogmatic but agnosticism is not" and it will always be bullshit, or more specifically your bias as an agnostic. The dogmaticism is yours.
racocn8 replies on May 10, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay I gave the universal definition of atheism, and being obtuse with false statements and non-sequiturs can't change that. Saying that an analysis is lacking without saying how is fallacious ad hominem. And of course you run away from the question on what dogma atheists have. The study is even worse, selecting ONLY CHRISTIANS for the poll of atheist characteristics!!
New research uncovers stereotype differences between agnostics and atheists
David1955 comments on May 9, 2022:
And you can go on saying it for another million times that "Atheism and Chritianity (sic) are both dogmatic but agnosticism is not" and it will always be bullshit, or more specifically your bias as an agnostic. The dogmaticism is yours.
racocn8 replies on May 9, 2022:
"For example, atheists and Christians might both be perceived as highly dogmatic as these categorizations take a stand on the existence of a God whereas agnostics do not (referred to as dogmatic recalcitrance)." Once again, the correct definition of atheism, being without belief, is dishonestly replaced with the Christian definition that claims atheists dogmatically make the claim that their god doesn't exist. "In Study 1, participants reported stereotypes that they believed society held about agnostics, atheists, and Christians. Common stereotypic traits for agnostics were indecisive, questioning, and confused, but for atheists were immoral, intolerant, and evil." Meaning that the researchers surveyed the opinions of a bunch of ignorant morons off Amazon (MTurk), trolled them with an inciteful definition of atheists and found them to be hateful bigots. What a surprise!!! "For example, atheists and Christians might both be perceived as highly dogmatic..." Just what about atheists is dogmatic? Not believing means one doesn't believe a dogma. What part of not believing cannot be understood. Or is it, WILL NOT be understood. Mustn't let truth get in the way of hate.
Why the lack of (authentic) religion breeds mental illness. [] .
creative51 comments on May 8, 2022:
@skado Just because someone presents a point of view, which is supported by "selected" research/facts, does not mean it is a valid interpretation of of that research or that the cited research was actually conducted in an objective manner. Understanding these issues goes far beyond what is shown in ...
racocn8 replies on May 9, 2022:
The video recommends emulating Jesus, ignoring what an asshole Jesus was, speaking in vague and often ridiculous riddles, expressing petulant violence against the innocent, and arrogantly presenting himself as the Son of God. Yes, very humble, Not. The video references "authentic truths of religion", but doesn't (won't) say which hateful nonsense it's alluding to. The video exhorts listeners to adopt the cultural traditions of religious myths, implying that doing so would provide a fuller life experience, without a shred of evidence to support the claim. "For the truths of religion to impact our life... (yada, yada) (insert BS Jungian quote here, claiming we should contemplate the incomprehensible lies of religions in hopes that doing so somehow benefits us.) Jung described atheism as "urban neurosis" which is as much a baseless ad hominem as it is throwaway). An "authentic religious outlook on life" is advocated, without giving a single example of what religious values are to be emulated. "Perhaps we need the mythos of religion to nourish our psyche..." (Or maybe not). "Without it some form of religious outlook, man descends into the chaos of nihilism or totalitarianism...." (PURE BULLSHIT (baseless assertion, contradicted everywhere by religiously based totalitarian regimes throughout history.). Mention is made that not being religious causes self-hatred!!! All the self-hating people I've ever encountered were religious. The video finishes with a lie saying "Can science be so sure that there is no such thing as "religious instinct"? Nowhere does science ever suggest such a thing. If anything, I'm pretty sure many scientists would be perfectly fine with such an hypothesis. It's just more religious demonization of science, wrong and baseless. The video is really just anti-atheist anti-science propaganda, long on inuendo and utterly fact-free.
With all of the disgusting actions of believers in our government and elsewhere, I think it is time ...
MsAl comments on May 8, 2022:
Careful most of those famous old white guy atheists came out of the eugenics movement. I've actually gotten out of most atheist areas because people use this language to be bigoty. Wish it wasn't so. I'm an autistic adult raised very atheist in godnguns rural Michigan. When I see people ...
racocn8 replies on May 8, 2022:
"...most of those famous old white guy atheists came out of the eugenics movement." And you can provide links validating that accusation? As you say "When I see people ridiculing others for their beliefs I wish someone would punch them."
Why the lack of (authentic) religion breeds mental illness. [] .
xenoview comments on May 8, 2022:
Why do you post links with other post here in agnostic?
racocn8 replies on May 8, 2022:
In answer to your question, it's called trolling. Some posters post nothing but trolling bullshit. Note the bait and switch. While his comment reads: "Why the lack of (authentic) religion breeds mental illness." The linked video makes the asinine claim that lack of religion breeds mental illness (which is obviously the opposite of what happens). But disregarding this dishonesty, consider the implicit claim from the comment: that an authentic religion would not breed mental illness. And what would that authentic religion be, pray tell? Religion, by its nature, is dishonest, presenting fake morality as revealed wisdom, which is neither revealed nor wise. I'll give you a definition: There is no such thing as authentic religion. Let the poster demonstrate anything authentic about religion, which is pretty much the same evidence proffered for god.
Jewish communities claim ending Roe will violate their first amendment rights.
Julie808 comments on May 7, 2022:
I like the "cheaters never win" sign! Yep, they cheated to get some of those justices confirmed. That was not fair - and somehow that has to be rectified in a way that blows up in their faces. Vengeance would be sweet if we could get that to happen somehow.
racocn8 replies on May 7, 2022:
We should all get into the habit of describing SCOTUS as The FAKE SCOTUS.
itsmeagain comments on May 7, 2022:
The stentorian coworker was a constant irritation to the otherwise quiet room.
racocn8 replies on May 7, 2022:
I had a distinguished coworker who was down several cubicles, but he had a raucous laugh that was so loud, every time he'd break-up, everybody would stop work waiting for it to end.


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