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Why you should never order a mail order bride online...
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
But just look at those tan lines... Get me a beer, Alli... (The bride wears a maid's outfit? Is there an ass to swat?)
I’ve got a disease where I can’t stop telling airport jokes. The doctor says its terminal.
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
Sounds like a one-way trip... Carry-on only... Travel light- - forget the toothbrush... Don't bother with flight insurance...
YLE Mental Health Social media and kids' mental health- An update
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
How about adopting zero-tolerance (extreme punishment) for using social media for sexual predation. Similar extreme punishments should be in place to stop defrauding seniors and to stop identity theft. The problem is that the government has been knee-capped by Putin, who has bought the GOP and some dems, so all this theater is ONLY good for selling popcorn.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
We romanticize the notion of being Christian, but disgrace ourselves with ignorance. Christianity has always been a horrific belief system fostering dementia, violence and hatred. That positive view of Christianity is pure PR put out by narcissist patriarchal psychopaths.
"Father who stabbed daughter in broad daylight at Sefton Park said 'she deserved it', court hears": ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
I have a good friend whose father put a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her if she didn't return to Islam. CFI helped her flee Egypt, but she is severely damaged emotionally.
A clear picture of Uranus....
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
A methane geyser?
How to (and not to) boost your immune system YLE 01/25/2024
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
"CBD acts after viral entry, inhibiting viral gene expression and reversing many effects of SARS-CoV-2 on host gene transcription. CBD inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in part by up-regulating the host IRE1α ribonuclease endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response and interferon signaling pathways.",response%20and%20interferon%20signaling%20pathways. "Now some early studies show that CBD could help block infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19." THC probably has related, similar effects although it is psychoactive. Other herbal anti-inflammatory molecules may each have their own or related mechanisms to inhibit Covid, curcumin, for example. Consider PEA as a supplement, and polyphenols (fisetin, quercetin, rutin) with piperine.
The US is ever so happy about the war in Gaza after all they profit from the sale of guns.
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
The whole middle east is one of the foremost weapons technology test beds. A lot is going on in Ukraine too...
Reactionary Christians are pushing the country toward authoritarianism — and a Trump 2024 win, ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2024:
Or none of the above. The US is in a civil war. It is a cold civil war right now. While the PR claims it is a clash of cultures, it is actually more bluntly a clash of powers. Putin is a major player and is challenging US and other democracies by gaming their overall systems He does this by contributing to causes that foster unrest and instructing political and media stooges to convey agitprop. In spite of a massive intelligence infrastructure, the real deep state is either indifferent or supportive of Putin's Trump. So the US is pretty thoroughly screwed. The government has mostly been a spectator to the real power struggles since 1950, thanks to Truman's creation of the CIA. There's nothing special about Humans and nothing special about the U.S. Civilizations rise and fall and there's nothing magical about that. Climate change looks to get ugly fast and many may well live long enough to die from it. Extinction happens. Apocalyptic Christians would be right at home. The takeaway remains: Religion... (Christian, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.) Religion is an existential threat to the human species and given Humanity's track record, our extinction is on the agenda. If we had any sort of chance, the religionists will obfuscate any and all honest information as a matter of convention. Religionist denialism will degrade and block our efforts to survive. We should still at least try to go out fighting...
[] Where do all those Trump donations go?
racocn8 comments on Jan 31, 2024:
Being a sucker is virtue signaling for those that have no virtue...
A totally new version
racocn8 comments on Jan 31, 2024:
It's fine for 69...
When even your own mother says you are an idiot..
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
Too prescient.
His doctor recommended
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
I'd need a propofol drip...
Scientists Think They're on The Verge of Breaching The Blood-Brain Barrier : ScienceAlert
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
Here's an example of what this is. However, the application of this technique to Alzheimer's victims would be absurd in terms of cost and danger. Much simpler ways of stopping Alzheimer's are available except that big pharma has bribed the government to obstruct such competition.
FFRF condemns Speaker Johnson’s participation in conspiratorial religious event: []
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
And rubles in their pockets...
The Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether or not Donald J.
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
The corrupt justices will contrive language to allow Trump's run in direct contravention of Amendment 14. This ruling will be seen as absurdly partisan but will give cover to the reorganization of SCOTUS including prosecution of the illegitimate justices. (in my dreams)... The government and the country need a thorough "airing out" of both Russian subversion and Christian fascists (significantly overlapping sets).
An Aetheist "Bible" What do people think about the possibility of creating an Aetheist Bible?
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
I'm sure a number of documents do what you're describing. Here's a couple of links to provide context:
Dear NASA.
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
And NASA wants a lunar colony because ???....
Who's taking god's name in vain here?
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
That's where we are with MAGA. We just won't admit it to ourselves.
When I was young ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
But it is easy to be kind, and rather harder to be intelligent... In a way, they are the same... (Enabling kindness to many takes work)
As a kid I was told about god ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
Perverse and demented child abuse.
Let me share some info how I imported my treatment right from the manufacturer.
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2024:
You should consider supplementing your regime with a cannabis extract oil (AKA Rick Simpson Oil, phoenix tears) whether from sativa or hemp, preferably both.
This is unnecessary! []
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
While being labeled as White Nationalists (fascists), many people don't grasp what that actually means. It is a good thing for people to actually see how Trump GOP Maga really are Nazis in every sense of the word. Even so, many Hispanics support Trump, revealing that non-white fascists also lack any moral turpitude beyond selfish expedience.
Why I quit Single Silvers after three weeks.
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
I won't defend SS beyond saying I had the most profound fortune to find my SO there. I had enormous frustration with the matches that often lived more than 50 miles away. I had been on many other sites and each was horrible in its own way. Finding a companion is very hard work and traumatizing. You have my sympathy and I salute your courage.
I want to see rapid deterioration of religion before I die.
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
Lets us pray for that!!! (Or let us do whatever we can to foster that outcome.)
opinions, opinions, opinions
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
What is this 'caring' being referenced?
Did a public school in Texas figure out how to legally hoist a Christian flag? -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
Bullying 'others' is an integral part of the patriarchal narcissist dementia that religion promulgates.
Okay, what’s going on here……
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
Ain't love grand?...
Humans are just a minor inconvenience
racocn8 comments on Jan 29, 2024:
"Life On Our Planet" is flashy but has great animation mixed with live action. In it, they show 5 previous mass extinction events. Some fast and others more gradual. I am not alone in saying another one is in progress. How fast will it proceed? We want to survive, but we insist on our own survival by having children. We define allowing others to have children as moral. This is an inherited value that developed before we started paving over everything and killing everything. So, we will honor having children until we kill ourselves. Oh well. There's nothing special about us.
This is one of the stupidest things ever! []
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2024:
The greater the apparent hypocrisy, the better. I hope they give them a lot of publicity.
Trump's legacy
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2024:
I'm very fond of Schmidt, but he is somehow mistaken to imagine that Trump and his family of psychotic malignant-narcissists have any notion of what shame is. They really are sub-human in having this defect. Their narcissist bullying passes the trait down from one generation to the next.
Sadly it is popular in Israel
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2024:
Of the 12,000 rockets fired into Israel, 2,000 of them misfired and landed in Northern Gaza. Isn't martyrdom great?
83.3 Million.... []
racocn8 comments on Jan 28, 2024:
The tail is just hair. There's a useless pair of balls available.
Click the link for more []
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2024:
I wish I could believe our negative stereotype of them was as false as their stereotype of us. (Except I've seen when they've been interviewed. Yikes!!!!)
Just wanted you to know...
racocn8 comments on Jan 27, 2024:
At some point, you won't be OK...
Donald Trump ordered to pay writer E Jean Carroll $US83.
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
I wish it had been 10 times that. Or more. The original video has been removed, but there's this...
Has a blue check, must be legit
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
There is no way that Pence has that tiny bit of integrity. The embrace of this serial child-rapist by the Evangelicals proves what an empty shell Christianity is. Fake morality. Fake citizenship. Fake honor. And everyone now knows it. They are a joke; a joke that is unfunny. A tragic destruction of human consciousness...
It is coming to fruition.
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
Hoping that's true. My prediction is that neither will make it to November. (Only because it would be better if they did.)
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
Greetings and felicitations...
Iowa Republicans want public schools to hire untrained Christian chaplains -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
Yeah, put a bunch of abused wackos in close contact with young schoolchildren. What could go wrong?
Trump should pay 'dearly' for defaming E. Jean Carroll, her lawyer says --
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
I'd love to see 9 or 10 digits as it should be. And how about public castration while we're at it.
Lauren Boebert blasted as carpetbagger in first debate in new congressional district race -- Axios
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
I heard she high-fived her fellow convicts. Does she ever wash her hands?
Local News Denver officials forced to set wanted man free after Arkansas sheriff refused to pick him...
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
It's pathetic how the GOP is blocking the Border Protection bill that would improve Fentanyl interdiction. They complain about that more than how Trump failed to act against Covid, killing many in the Red states. It's sort of ironic how the CIA arranged to sell crack in the inner cities to fund the sandinistas. Now its the turn of the Red states to see their friends and neighbors die off. Would that it could affect the election...
Judge slams "preposterous" claims by some in GOP on Jan. 6 "hostages" -- Axios
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
You can be certain that if it were BLM at the Capitol, most of them would have been shot dead. And no, NO, NNNOOOO, punishment for the DOD creeps and others that arranged to withhold the National Guard, riot gear, weapons. These traitors should be publicly executed.
US National Security Agency buys web browsing data without warrant, letter shows --
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
The problem is that these 'security agencies' don't use this data to protect Americans, unless you're a billionaire. If it were used to prosecute the billionaires and other corrupt fake Americans, then OK. This country is a pathetic joke. What's left of it...
This is what you get when you stiff your makeup artist.
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2024:
I'd like to see a composite AI version of Trump/Giuliani where Trump's orange diarrhea is pouring down the side of his jowls... There's a lot of shit the U.S. has to live down, but this is so ugly. How can any American travel abroad and not expect to be laughed at everywhere?
I want to go away in October for a month.
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2024:
Is there any other time earlier that you could do the trip? Or maybe shorten the October trip or shift it to late October?
Trumpty Dumpty once again demonstrates that he is a delusional twat (and would be king): ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2024:
And the Evangelicals can't wait to approve this degenerate. He truly is one of them.
You can't fix stupid, but ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2024:
They are proud of their stupidity. They wear it like a comfortable jacket. Lying and retelling conspiracy theories signals their virtue and membership in the group. The stupider the better.
So happy. Just bought me a gift
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2024:
What is it?
People are not poor because ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 25, 2024:
But the rich have the money to bribe the GOP. Pocket change for them really.
I can only hope it's satire but I dunno.
racocn8 comments on Jan 24, 2024:
The last image identifies the content as Creationist propaganda.
It was about an hour later when ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 24, 2024:
A pair of patriarchal fascists.
Has the "Rise of the Nones" finally plateaued? -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Jan 24, 2024:
Perhaps the slowdown in 'nones' is due to the empowering of the Evangelicals from the Trump administration. With luck, that will resume crashing this year and next
No self respecting woman should ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 23, 2024:
12 years too late? We'll see if women step up and use what their grandmothers fought for.
Ignorant men raise questions ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2024:
Sounds profound, but I'm ignorant about the nature of the questions he's alluding to... (Examples???)
The powerful National Rifle Association and former boss Wayne Lapierre are under fire in New York ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2024:
How about failing to register as a foreign agent (for funneling all those rubles into GOP campaigns).
Coming sooner than you think
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2024:
It would hardly be the first time....
Christian pastor and wife sued over alleged cryptocurrency fraud scheme -- Friendly Atheist
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2024:
Things that make you say "huh"
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
"Death is part of living" (I hate that one)
Friday January 11th was a bad day for me and I still cannot explain all of it.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
Pure speculation, but I question the unlikely coincidence of the limb crashing into your house. Is there no way you could have been struck by this limb? Perhaps a combination of concussion and impact, either on your head, or neck being twisted. After being struck, you might have semi-consciously stumbled onto the porch and collapsed.
35 members, pretty cool! Thanks for joining.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
Do not talk about your non-belief (and politics); it can be job ender. Only discuss such issues with people you are 100% certain share your values. Corporations tend to be dominated by Christians and wing-nuts.
I don't think very many people think about the other people who work at a company when they are ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
And then there's this:,Act%20in%20a%20company%20forum. In a company that caters to the whole population, employees that have a religious objection to LBGTQ people should find work elsewhere.
Y'll don't go to church on Sundays but did you forget?
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
Stranger in a strange land... I don't grok it...
Is this what they mean by the declining years?
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
Things are not looking up...
pretty sure we can all use this one
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2024:
Espousing GOP assholeism.
Trump's attorney renews call for mistrial in defamation case brought by writer in sex-abuse case | ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
They should double the damages every time such insulting BS is offered. The defamation won't stop and only exponentially increasing cash penalties will get the asshole's attention. The lawyers should be referred to the state bar for disbarment. See how they like that.
Well said, and quite true. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
Is this one of those "cross the line things" or are they hinting that stochastic terrorists are ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
The Supreme Court should be next.
There are two possibilities here: either his "incestors" were white enslavers, or, more likely, they...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
I believe that if Trump gets elected, the GOP will bring slavery back. (The same as overturning Roe)
There are two possibilities here: either his "incestors" were white enslavers, or, more likely, they...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
Not even fit for organ donation...
I find this statement by him to ironic, as he became fanatically religious, turning his back on ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
Blocking Communistbitch. Why did I wait?
So "Moms for liberty" got the book "Charlotte's Web" banned from public schools for having "talking ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2024:
The New Story of Charlotte’s Web The story of Charlotte Figi and the Stanley brothers combines themes of tragedy and hope. People often refer to this as the story of Charlotte’s Web, though it is not the original Charlotte’s Web. In 1952, Elwyn B. White wrote a charming children’s book titled “Charlotte’s Web”. In it, a pig named Wilbur befriends a barn spider named Charlotte. The new story of Charlotte’s Web refers to the treatment of Charlotte Figi’s epileptic seizures. In 2009, the seven Stanley brothers worked on their family farm in Colorado. Citizens of Colorado responded to the easing of anti-cannabis laws with advocacy and hard work. Many people knew cannabis extract could act against some forms of cancer, thanks to the pioneering research of Rick Simpson. The Stanley brothers sought to enlarge that understanding and began developing both Rick Simpson Oil and a similar CBD-rich extract made from hemp. The Stanley brothers bred a hemp plant that produced CBD. They later renamed this cultivar, Charlotte’s Web, after Charlotte Figi. Charlotte’s story transformed U.S. attitudes, changed laws, and propelled the use of CBD into public awareness. Shortly after birth, Charlotte Figi developed Dravet syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy. By age three, Charlotte suffered from 300 grand mal seizures a week, even though receiving medical treatment. People with epilepsy suffer episodes where surges of brain electrical activity cause convulsions and body-muscle contractions. Epilepsy may be genetically inherited or developed from environmental exposures. Research suggests that the seizures can cause damage to brain neurons in the hippocampus or other regions. Charlotte Figi’s case became publicized when she was 5. Her parents documented how taking CBD both eased the symptoms of her epilepsy and greatly reduced the number of seizures. Charlotte first began having seizures when she was 3 months old. At age 5, Charlotte suffered 40-50 seizures a day. Charlotte lived in a wheelchair and needed a feeding tube. The family had tried dozens of medications, none of which worked. Ms. Figi, Charlotte’s mother, began to research CBD, which had been used overseas to treat epileptics. Ms. Figi contacted the Stanley brothers and obtained a sample of CBD extract. It worked!!! Charlotte did not have any seizures for seven days after starting the treatment. Charlotte improved dramatically, talking, making eye contact, walking, and they were able to remove her feeding tube. In time, the seizures only took place about once-a-month. In 2013, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the chief medical correspondent on CNN, interviewed Charlotte and her family, and later became an advocate for the use of CBD to treat epilepsy. After making national ...
Yup! No other reason.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
In Hawaii while visiting with a friend, I noticed what I thought was a spider on a carton on the fridge. Looking closer, I saw that it was only an empty exoskeleton. I had a thought to collect the thing as a specimen. I reached up to grab the carton only to find that the actual spider was still resting on the other side. We both jumped and my cortisol levels went through the roof.
So the latest addition to Trump's legal issues is a hearing to see if he is mentally competent to ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
It would be great if that language could force him to take the MMPI or otherwise expose his malignant narcissism for the electorate (and cultists) to consider.
Nazis are attempting to make a comeback in Germany and over 80K protesters in Hamburg hit the ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
Project Paperclip installed actual Nazis in numerous US federal agencies and they have maintained a mutual alliance to foster their power and policies.
I haven't thought about these old cans in years, but I remember them well
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
Sprinkled on top of peanut butter and sliced banana sandwiches...
Religious Nutjobs []
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
Now you really see how a nation becomes a 'shithole country'.
Bliss Rose CBD Gummies Apex Keto ACV Gummies Fitspresso BioFuel Keto Gummies BioFuel Keto ACV ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
Cannabidiol Adverse Effects and Toxicity
Chest Surgeon in Gurgaon
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
He'll extricate your lower caste and make a blood sacrifice at the same time!!!
Conservatives are falsely claiming NBC censored Jesus in an interview with C.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
It is becoming apparent that much of Christianity is synonymous with hate.
[] Go satan go 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2024:
I have a friend who lets me take care of her Chihuahua sometimes. The dog is very sweet and even affectionate. I never thought I would like a Chihuahua! Even so, she shivers and always wants to crawl onto my shoulders and back, where I worry she'll fall. Another dog plays fetch and the Chihuahua dances and spins to try to participate. She's not a retriever like the mini-poodle is.
My son asked, Dad, what is a bubble butt? I showed him this. Was I wrong?
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2024:
Poor thing. I remember having a co-worker whose ass must have been a yard across. Genetics gets pretty funky sometimes.
Tax the rich, because that is where the money is.
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2024:
The rich should not be taxed because that's where the money is. They should be taxed because they became rich by gaming the system and have already demonstrated themselves to be malign actors within society. Most often, they obtained their wealth by corrupt practices like abuse of monopoly power, predatory business practices, sole-bid contracting and bribery. Then they make a habit out of using their wealth to influence politics to propagate their distorted value systems. The rich are a cancer that damages society and do not add back anything like what they they have extracted.
The race.
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2024:
Would that people had a clue about how to contribute, much less that they should.
I have seen the worst of what the murders of 24 THOUSAND Palestinians looks like- fortunately for ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2024:
The Palestinians are all about martyrdom and they have no qualms about sacrificing their own to bolster their PR campaign. Indeed, they fire on their own if they flee from being human shields. Palestinians have an ugly history of terrorism spanning more than 50 years including plane hijackings, murder of civilians and working to take over sovereign states (ie Jordan). That's why they've been expelled from Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. Read up on their history and get some perspective.
England seems to be doing better than the U.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2024:
Still gaudy and ostentatious. Perhaps a bit less sleazy now, though.
Anything else you are interested in ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2024:
We've had the knowledge to save our planet for 70 years, but the CIA has and continues to sit on this information because of their relationship with big oil, and the hope they can leverage it into weapon systems. They betrayed their own species.
Are people still dying from Covid This is NOT from some crackpots who think this disease is a global...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
Those that are vaccinated have (much) better odds of surviving if they get it. Those that have refused the vaccine are less likely to die because of the anti-virals. However, if they're sick enough to go to the hospital, they will likely have some form of long covid with infarcts in one or more parts of their body (regions of dead tissue due to spike-induced blood clots). One could get a small infarct from the vaccine, but the true incidence of this is far less (and much less severe than if one gets covid itself. The amount of spike-protein is much less from the vaccine, but people are different and respond differently.
Happy Religious Freedom Day! What, didn’t know?
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
Both Christmas and RFD are fictitious: Christmas because it's BS based on shit that never happened. RFD because atheists remain persona non grata (worse than rapists and Muslims).
All wheels found
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
All of his followers have been driven insane.
and she comes without box!
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
It may change depending on what time it is. And it may remain ambiguous no matter what happens.
The big connection did not work
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
Parthenogenic drone...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
1. Bad engineering. 2. An opportunity to return the favor. 3. Thou shalt make no graven images... 4. It's called weather. 5. Kinky... 6. Is that the same Jesus that was hanging around that Magdalene skank? 7. Or the Jesus that only had male 'Apostles". 8. What needs explaining?
I agree with the electricians.
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
They both convey electro-magnetic pulses positive and negative, except for the ground, and that does what?... The saddest part of this issue that doesn't get discussed is how anyone can use their imagination to feel they are male, or female, or alien or anything else. And that's a good thing. The flesh involved is incidental. None of it is anyone else's business.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
Hemp flowers will stop the nausea...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
What is so bizarre is how Trump goes on about how the rest of the world thinks the US is a disgrace because of the democrats. Projection, always projection. The US is a disgrace to Humanity, but wacko Evangelicals embracing a proven traitor, insurrectionist, rapist, foreign agent, and incompetent loser is our own humiliating shame on us all. (Not to mention trashing our own Constitution)
Darkness cannot drive out darkness ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
I still mourn that such a man could not find the strength to throw off his delusions.
We need leaders who ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2024:
Elections allow those without love or justice to run for office. And depraved Christians vote for each other, rather than honor the honesty that their own number are unfit.
The operative term being LOSER.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2024:
And yet with all the baggage, the felonies, treason, espionage and sexual depravity, the SUPER-MORAL Evangelicals will stick with this creep. I know. They figure they'll get their Christian State if he wins. Except, quite predictably, the polling shows that his character and the theft of basic rights will give the election to the democrats. He was a loser and will be a loser again, and yet the best alternatives on offer are Haley and DeSantis?! Unless they pull some shit with the State Secretaries or Biden dies. Both parties are irresponsible in their decision-making. That's not a good thing with everything at stake. This could be the year Humanity failed. (And there is no god to care).


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Science and religion. :) lets debate
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Trolls, Scammers & Nigerian Russian Wives:Report Them Here
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131 members
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122 members
122 members
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109 members
103 members
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99 members
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69 members
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lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
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Laughter is medicine
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Biden Piñata
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54 members
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The Truth Is Out There
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39 members
39 members
38 members
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I don't give a fuck
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Breaking the Habit
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23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
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18 members
Ungodly Truth
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16 members
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Herbalists Corner
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Oppression Throughout The World
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11 members
Truth Seekers
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The Plague
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Goodness without godness
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Community Senate
385 members