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FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 5/22/2023 The Department of Justice and lawyers for a proposed safe ...
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2023:
Googling reproductive harm from CBD yielded this link. In it, they make a bunch of statements that I will simply claim are lies, such as: CBD can cause liver injury. *(If you take 2 grams every 6 hours)* Gastrointestinal distress, most commonly experienced as diarrhea and/or decreased appetite. Changes in mood, most commonly experienced as irritability and agitation. Male reproductive toxicity, or damage to fertility in males or male offspring of females who have been exposed, has been reported in studies of animals... This BS likely comes from an FDA that has been politicized by wing-nuts. The failure to even attempt to address this corruption by Biden is one of the reasons he pisses me off... Propagandizing the public should carry harsh criminal penalties. I know, I know, in my dreams...
STATE CANNABIS NEWS 5/22/2023 The New Hampshire House of Representatives defeated an amendment ...
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2023:
Is there no way to withhold medical treatment with cannabinoids from the fascists? What they REALLY don't like is depriving the local gestapo from using cannabis to beat-up or murder non-whites.
I am in the survey
racocn8 comments on May 22, 2023:
Some of it is wondering what it would be like to have been born that way.
A twisted, sophisticated message for sure; But this was by a famous person nearly 300 years ...
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2023:
One of the foremost problems with Christianity is the hijacking of our language; forcing their lies down our throats by enforcing they own terminology. They embody the evil sins they denounce. Worse, they claim non-believers are morally unguided. This denies our intrinsic morality, and instantly devolves into hateful othering of non-believers. Meanwhile, they give a pass to the atrocities committed by their own.
Republicans Moving on From Book Banning to Jailing Librarians The Washington Post reports that ...
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2023:
Soon they'll ask for a boycott of Jewish businesses and then a Kristallnacht pogrom... (or equivalents). These are the same assholes that claim Nazis were atheists and communists, and Christians would never murder innocents en masse.
OK - let's see if we can escape this apparently endless succession of pale skinned redheads by ...
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2023:
OK, but no RCHs...
Same guys.
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2023:
Fascists love fascism. (Right up to the point where the rope slips over the hood).
More conservatives behaving like jerkwads.
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2023:
The GQP are on the wrong side of history and they are unwise to piss us off...
Have any of you ever used Chatgpt?
racocn8 comments on May 21, 2023:
I've tried a few questions. I found the responses to be 'thoughtful' not unlike the response you got.
World's only known albino giant anteater appears to be thriving in the wild, photos show: ...
racocn8 comments on May 19, 2023:
These so-called scientists think Alvin is so unique that they put a tracking collar on him? How would they like it if aliens abducted them and put chips in their noses? Assholes.
Letters From An American 05/18/2023
racocn8 comments on May 19, 2023:
The GQP 'winning hand' used to be a sharply inclined poker table. Now, they figure they'll just kick the whole thing over and hope that the resulting fascism favors them...
This is worth reviewing again if you know, and required reading if you don't.
racocn8 comments on May 19, 2023:
The bigger problem is that the intelligence agencies DID know a lot of this and let it all happen anyway.
My eyes, my eyes!
racocn8 comments on May 19, 2023:
Bet they both have boners...
The latest overpopulation project covers the subject in the media in Sweden.
racocn8 comments on May 19, 2023:
If one is not part of the solution, then they are the problem. Probably more than a few groups get that and it's likely that they will impose their own solutions...
I remember when I first started writing code on a Commodore 16.
racocn8 comments on May 19, 2023:
I started on a Vic-20 which had all of 5K of random access memory. Of course, you could buy memory extenders to get another 64K or 128K shoving a big cassette in the back. Programs were recorded on cassette tape players! I graduated to the Commodore 64 as I wrote a complex game called Star Empire. I still have samples that I sold, and a trunk-full of C64's, floppy drives and even some games. I'd love to sell them, but it's hardly worth the effort...
Trump Says He Deserves Credit for Every State Abortion Ban
racocn8 comments on May 18, 2023:
All the people who chose not to vote in 2016 deserve credit too...
They took her back, too.
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2023:
I'm impressed they took her back. I'll bet they change their minds...
CNN you have my thoughts and prayers, and you know what that's worth.
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2023:
Microsoft has gotten into the act by platforming the ugliest propaganda from something called the 1945 project. These giant corporations should be knee-capped, broken up and thrown into the wind. I am so sick of wading through treason and lies...
This atheist's kids filmed their bus driver preaching on the way to school
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2023:
Give the kids a whistle and they blow it when he starts his shit. Better yet, the kids tell him that they were discussing him at the firing range and he should buy life insurance...
Every garden needs a grasshopper that is the size of a hamster.
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2023:
Watch out Marjorie!
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2023:
I thought they did it with their teeth??...
I've been watching technology change and advance since the 60s.
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2023:
I am pretty sure that my fiber provider (TV & Internet), Frontier, started collecting my info to sell it. Now, every time I touch the remote, the system freezes for 15 seconds. I believe this is the system pulling up my file so it can append it with my latest keystrokes. This delay is hugely frustrating, and I certainly never intended to let Frontier spy on my every viewing decision. Grrrrr.... (blood pressure rising...)
Ron DeSantis is sending Florida law enforcement and National Guard members to the Texas border ...
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2023:
Another cruel, idiotic stunt. Where's the fucking DOJ???
But it seemed so romantic when we talked about it.
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2023:
Ostriches are way cooler than doves...
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 5/16/2023 President Joe Biden touted his marijuana pardons in a ...
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2023:
The entry about Biden is infuriating. Biden's only claim to fame is that he isn't Trump. Ridiculous. (He ain't no fuckin' Roosevelt. More like Truman or Wilson.)
NOTE TO A FRIEND WHO IS TRAVELING ABROAD I just heard some very interesting news.
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2023:
Finally, another piece of shit prepares to be flushed. The stench from all the other enablers stings the nose like an overused outhouse. That's MAGA America.
Diet sodas are not actually good for your diet, WHO guidance suggests Artificial sweeteners ...
racocn8 comments on May 16, 2023:
And another group of people jump up and down saying how sugar leads to diabetes and causes inflammation to the body in general. Pick your poison...
Agnosticism appears to be rarely discussed, even on a website devoted to it.
racocn8 comments on May 15, 2023:
You've indicated that any response would be a waste of time.
Demi Moore from the 1980s
racocn8 comments on May 15, 2023:
The question was confusing
racocn8 comments on May 15, 2023:
I remember taking a course on nucleic acids. Each week, the prof gave a quick quiz. One week, the quiz was to give and describe the definition of Gibbs Free Energy, which was what was scheduled to be covered in the class. Except, he hadn't covered it yet... That was his cute way of introducing the topic, but also assessing the state of prior understanding among the students.
Once you break the social contract, mercy need not be expected or required.
racocn8 comments on May 15, 2023:
I have often thought that Capital Punishment was inappropriate because: what if the state made a mistake somehow? Indeed, overzealous police & prosecutors have generated convictions of innocent people, proven to be innocent as with the Innocence Project. And yet the desire to see justice boils in those who have been grievously wronged. A fallible solution may come from allowing one or more of the aggrieved party to throw the "switch". Otherwise, life in prison. Perhaps another perspective would be where the absolutist value-system of the offender is recognized and applied back upon that offender. To the extent that their own philosophy sets the punishment, they receive the same ultimate punishment they would seek to impose on innocents. They are NOT innocent in their toxic values (broken social contract), so their execution does not make us equivalent to them. That claim could be problematic. So, what to do with such people? I have faith that either lobotomy or chemical reprogramming may be possible. Then there's Murder Island where such people are simply sequestered on an island or deep underground, and left to their own devices. Suggestions?
[] Kill me now 🙁
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
Reminds me of the wacko wing-nut transhumanists hoping to live forever...
I see my level has changed from 8 to 8.
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
I see I just made 9.0. Do I get a Brownie button or a chest to pin it on? (Ouch!).
New Florida Law Allows Providers To Deny People Healthcare Based On ‘Moral Objections’ ...
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
Until we have an law that prosecutes political malfeasance, this shit will go on. and on. and on....
Artificial intelligence has developed its first drug: a vaccine Artificial intelligence will soon...
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
The ability of AI to accurately predict protein receptor structure means that we will quickly develop anti-viral compounds for any virus. We will develop ligands (agonists or antagonists) for every receptor. We will be able to tailor every treatment to each person's genotype...
Hacking humanity: transhumanism The notion that the world can be replicated and ...
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
All these notions of merging human brains with electronics can only come from an utter ignorance about the brain. Transhumanism has a much reality as the Bible's unicorns. Stalinism, Qanon, AntiVaxxers, and MAGAism show us what religion will become. Transhumanism is ongoing... just not on this planet... (Except maybe Archuleta Mesa/Dulce)
I agree with him
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
Evolution is one of the few profound truths humanity has discovered. And yet, after thousands of years of thousands of religions, all claiming divine inspiration, not one of them revealed it. All that divinity, all that holier-than-thou, all that inspiration, it was always horse shit. What a waste.
They really love Jesus
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
Wow, that's great. So all we need to own the wing-nuts is to mock Jesus? Let's get to it... (We all know Jesus was the original trans cross-dresser. Did you know that Jesus was ALSO a pedophile? (He loves all the little children) And he makes it a point to pee on the bathing pool, wears his hair like a girl, and kisses his guy friends on the lips...).
Just imagine how high must the gas bill be
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
“I wanted to always play it down,” Trump said. “I still like playing it down because I don't want to create a panic.”Sep 9, 2020
It's time to go out and flaunt
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
Frodo lives...
Take your pick
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
This remains unanswered to date.
racocn8 comments on May 14, 2023:
It's OK for God to be an adulterer. It's OK for God to be a liar. It's OK for God to be a murderer. It's OK for God to be a mass murdering psychopath. It's also OK for God to disrespect God,... and fuck the Sabbeth. It's OK for God to have other Gods. It is not OK for us to be God-like... Or is it?
Put them on all of them.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2023:
The GQP are so convinced of their own patriotism that they are oblivious to their own treason. (But readily project it on democrats.)
Based on early returns, I'd say they blew it.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2023:
It appeared to be a mixture of rank incompetence and kow-towing to the ultra-conservative board members - - Both utterly shameful. Why not just broadcast a burning cross for an hour? Or a swastika with Trump's face on it. Maybe E. Jean Carroll should sue Fox for a billion. They could have yanked the plug at any time. The real shame of it is A. Cooper's absurd defense. I'll never see him in the same light.
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2023:
Concluding paragraph: "Islamic Jihad spurns coexistence with Israel and preaches its destruction. Top ministers of Israel's religious nationalist government rule out any state sought by Palestinians in territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war." Not quite bookends, but the similarities are notable.
I'm a pizza and taco kind of guy, so you can bet your ass who I'm going to save and then lock the ...
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2023:
Where's the gasoline can?
Actor Viggo Mortensen
racocn8 comments on May 13, 2023:
Played well in LOTR.
How's it end?
racocn8 comments on May 12, 2023:
I give it 90%. I'll still hold out hope for the 10% where he's incarcerated in an actual penal facility. He deserves the death penalty more than a 1000 times over, so justice cannot be served.
For your consideration: I propose that no one really believes that full human personhood begins at ...
racocn8 comments on May 12, 2023:
Personhood is an artificial concept having no basis in the real world. It is a fiction contrived for legal convenience. If a fertilized egg is a person, what happens when that person turns into twins? What happens when two blastocysts merge to become a single blastocyst with two sets of genes. Theology-based laws do not have a place in a secular society and their imposition violates the wall of separation. We lack appropriate punishment of those that subvert our pluralism and seek to force their religion on the rest of us. That punishment should be in keeping with penalties for insurrection. The legislators passing this BS should all get 10 years. Their lives are already worthless anyway.
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 5/12/2023 The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board upheld an examining ...
racocn8 comments on May 12, 2023:
I got burned by the PTO similar to the first notice listed. The examiner claimed that I could not register the name of my company because I sought to sell a product containing CBD. How do they get off contriving policy to support the DEA? It would appear that the GQP have sought to capture various agencies and pervert them based on their screwball worldview. The PTO needs to have these bad actors expelled, and other agencies need to be looked at carefully for similar corruption.
CANNABIS CULTURE 5/11/2023 MMA fighter Nate Diaz will be subject to marijuana testing for a ...
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2023:
Given how cannabis can reduce trauma from inflammation, this is a stupid ruling.
No actual tyrant known to history has ever been guilty of one-hundredth of the crimes, massacres, ...
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2023:
Having facilitated more than a million Covid deaths, Trump has come close to that 1% or exceeded it.
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2023:
Lying for Jesus. How ironic that those who seek spiritual fulfillment embrace dishonesty and trash their integrity.
Bad factoid, and an interesting idea for public finance.
racocn8 comments on May 11, 2023:
Rubles going to Congressmen via the NRA might have something to do with it.
Perhaps I should be worried about climate change after all []
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2023:
We've had two tornadoes strike here this year when we've never had them here before...
It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs.
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2023:
A problem which we assiduously prevent by using morons instead....
True story
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2023:
So when they come to the door, now we can just shoot them?...
The 13 Federal Charges Against George Santos 7 counts: Wire fraud Related to a fraudulent ...
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2023:
I'm betting that, had he resigned when this stuff started coming out, he wouldn't have been prosecuted. His arrogance, thinking that he'd be immune like Trump, means he'll be hurting for the rest of his life. He's an a-hole, so he is deserving. Thing is, Santos is low hanging 'fruit' (!); a bone to toss to the left while the GQP traitors in the House get a pass. That kind of cynical treatment of justice won't get the DOJ off the hook.
Micro-penis for the win
racocn8 comments on May 10, 2023:
It bothers me that because the jury declined the rape charge, that somehow Trump isn't a rapist. Other women have said he DID rape them, and his attitude supports their accusations. Republicans KNEW Trump is a rapist and a pedophile before 2016, as well as being a pervert, super-bigot, sociopath, and a lot more. They never had an excuse for embracing such a low-life, other than worshiping money.
New Proud Boys logo....
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
Maybe it should be Prison Bitches....
Trump found liable in the E. Jean Carroll case!!! 5 mil in damages!!!
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
How about double or nothing? If the appeal loses, he has to pay double.
Rep. George Santos charged by Justice Department in federal probe | CNN Politics
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
OK. But what about all the goddamned congresspersons that aided Jan 6? Yeah, lying is so much worse than sedition...
Antiperspirants do not cause cancer.
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
Paid for by Proctor and Gamble...
The Second Amendment, corrected for Modern America.
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
Repeal it.
So very true
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
A little too much LSD...
Pun intended
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
Tiresome to clean though...
It happened to me
racocn8 comments on May 9, 2023:
And with the Gomork's help (Putin), the Nothing has all but consumed Fantasia...
Once again the offended "God" doesn't show up but his fan club has no problem carrying out his ...
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
Murder at the behest of deluded clerics? Is that like murder at the behest of NRA clerics?
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 5;/6/2023 Republican presidential candidate Asa Hutchinson, a former ...
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
Lots of smoke but no fire...
CANNABIS IN SCIENCE & HEALTH 5/6/2023 A review concluded that "cannabinoids have a role in ...
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
#2) The 'non-significant' decrease in traffic accidents won't be non-significant to those that are able to drive without being crashed into...
Just treat people the way you want to be treated.
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
Becoming a deranged hypocrite is the whole idea...
So, he didn't cut his Ireland trip short to testify? What a shocker!
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
If only. That would almost be a fitting punishment...
Texas Republican Angry that Folks Want More than ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ The Washington Post...
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
What. A Republican in denial. Who could imagine such a person? (Rep. Keith Self) What is sickening is how the denial takes the form of imagining the psychopath wasn't a Christian. I don't recall there being too many atheists on the right wing. They don't dare admit it if they want to preserve their association with the other wing-nuts.
A science riddle. Do you know why?
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
She'll be a hunchback by 55, with a lot of pain.
I just began reading The Empath's Survival Guide by Dr Judith Orloff.
racocn8 comments on May 8, 2023:
I opened myself to the possibility of being intuitive about 9 years ago. I don't know what I'm keying into but I've had some surprising successes. The most interesting came when I sought to find the flaw in a jet septic tank that imploded. Fortunately, it was pretty clean when I was inspecting it. I used a computer-linked microscope and managed to find tiny cracks in a welded spot. That was it!!! This microscopic crack allowed 'moisture' to seep into the lining between the steel and the carbon-fiber shell. With the repeated pressurizing of the tank, the separation grew until the end-cap puckered in catastrophically. That couldn't have smelled good. Unfortunately, even though I discovered the root cause of these failures, I got zero credit from my manager or from the company. Corporate assholes. Especially as they were involved in major litigation and the flaw, once discovered, was unambiguous. I'll be interested to hear more about your sense of empathy and how it is expressed.
The most important thing in the world is family and love
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
Yesterday I went to the 'wake' for my cousin's daughter Maria. About 80 people showed up. She was 27 and the cause of death is still unknown. She had reported feeling sick and nausea for 3 days earlier. In those 27 years, she lived in Australia for a while, in Brazil for two years, and chased eclipses with her family in Patagonia and elsewhere. She also helped her Mother provide dental care for a Sioux reservation and worked as a Congressional page. Among the testimonials, her friends repeatedly described her as fearless (bordering on reckless?) but especially disarming and charming. I was struck by how many people felt that Maria had inspired them to be more outgoing and adventurous. While she led by example, it is possible her lifestyle and personality took her life prematurely. And yet, what life she lived was lived richly.
It never really ends does it?...
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
I hear you. However, some people are more comfortable creating and telling certain kinds of lies. Fox will not and probably can not do better. However, Carlson's broadcasts contained especially vile bigotry and it takes a certain amount of personal degradation to get to where Carlson was. If there were any respite, it would be minimal. Even so, I sleep a little better knowing he is off the air. It IS a modest win, but they HAVE declared war and we can never give them any quarter.
“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
Authority figure issues?
Complains about unemployment
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
At least Lizzo makes music... (but both are difficult to look at)
Texas shooting: Eight killed by gunman in Allen mall: [bbc.
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
OK. If we won't publish photos of the victims remains, how about the autopsy reports. We need to apply pressure and the only way to do that is to kick them in the balls. Show what these weapons are doing and you can be sure the Republicans will either fold or get voted out. It must be made crystal clear that they represent the most depraved and degenerate evil. Those who have thrown in their lot with them are the lowest form of asshole.
Trio of Texas Churches Donated to Political Candidate Despite Clear IRS Prohibition A ...
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
"They're dying Jim." "Let them die..." And can we give them a shove out the door whenever opportune. We should draft an update to the Johnson Amendment with decades of prison time for religious kooks that want to impose their theology on the rest of us. (Seeing as they have nothing but hatred for women and non-whites). They need to know that pursuing their holy war will eventually result in their own destruction.
Ipse dixit noun An assertion without proof.
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
Proof is rare, perhaps confined to mathematics. (I'd suggest the definition to be "An assertion without evidence.")
New Alzheimer's drug slows disease by a third []
racocn8 comments on May 7, 2023:
The Cannabinoids, CBDA and THCA, Rescue Memory Deficits and Reduce Amyloid-Beta and Tau Pathology in an Alzheimer’s Disease-like Mouse Model So you can pay Lilly tens of thousands of dollars a year for a toxic poison, or eat some fresh hemp.
School board candidate withdraws from race after Christian Nationalist ties exposed
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2023:
What a surprise. An ultra-bigoted know-nothing Christian fascist bully with decades in the sheriff's office.
Proud Boys 1/6 verdict boosts Justice Dept. in Trump probe -- AP News
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2023:
I say we apply the same standard of treatment to domestic terrorists as to international terrorists. Every person who attended the attempted coup should be sent to Guantanamo for special treatment and questioning. Perhaps some of the capitol police would help dole out the 'therapy.'
Hillary Clinton joins calls for ‘enforceable’ Supreme Court code of ethics | The Hill
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2023:
A lot of good that does us now when she's out of office. Basically, more thoughts and prayers...
I posed as a female on two separate dating sites, using a stock photo of a lady with a average ...
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2023:
People are so maladjusted in so many ways. People collect rabbitholes they've gone down and look for others that match their obsessions. The society is a toxic brew of psychopaths, sociopaths and disordered assholes that wouldn't touch integrity with a 10 foot pole. What a cesspool...
Damn, why didn't i ever think of this. Well we can't all be geniuses.
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2023:
" "Denial of service" or "DoS" describes the ultimate goal of a class of cyber attacks designed to render a service inaccessible. "
“To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting.
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2023:
The cruelty appeals to the Christians, who then vote for GQP. The point is for the wealthy to maintain their power and control over the rest of us.
Healthy choice...
racocn8 comments on May 5, 2023:
You might want to cure it a bit first...
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
racocn8 comments on May 5, 2023:
Wait until you see them actually get sentences. I'm sure they'll all get the lightest of wrist taps. (And not the 20 years spelled out in the Constitution)
Also called the "Quiet Resignation"
racocn8 comments on May 5, 2023:
Had my final divorce court hearing today to settle a few issues.
racocn8 comments on May 4, 2023:
What or who is 'narc'?
How to meet women at the grocery store...?
racocn8 comments on May 4, 2023:
She really is the director of a sleep lab
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
Is that like dog owners that look like their pet?
It takes a special kind of racist to come up with this threat.
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
Would someone be so kind as to drop a house on her?
They take us for fools.
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
Are we starting to understand why the democrats rejected Bork and similar wacko prospects?
Baptist missionary convicted of sexual abuse after giving 4-y.o. victim gonorrhea
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
This is the psychopathic sexual repression that Christianity creates.
Letters From An American 05/02/2023
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
Let us see the howls from the GQP seditionists objecting if the administration ignores their newest sabotage.
Trump adjacent and frightening if accurate
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2023:
Democracy is bullshit.


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Celebrity Pictures
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Older Men and Younger Women
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99 members
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Religious Naturalism
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Taboo Island
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At Retirement!
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"I was blocked!?" Group
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Sex Over Sixty
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lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
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Laughter is medicine
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Biden Piñata
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The Path of a Taoist
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The Truth Is Out There
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Libertarians Worldwide
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39 members
39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
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I don't give a fuck
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Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
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Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
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Breaking the Habit
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Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
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George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
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Ricky Gervais
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Mynd Storm
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23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
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Hearing Loss or What the heck did you say?
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Hairbrained Ideas
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Consortium of thoughts
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Broken Hearts Club
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Ungodly Truth
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16 members
Everything Beauty
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Herbalists Corner
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Oppression Throughout The World
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People Who Need People
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Truth Seekers
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The Plague
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Goodness without godness
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Community Senate
385 members