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A test if you have any theist friends
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
The toaster actually exists.
Today it was a great day ♥️ Off since Thursday morning , slept like dead on and off ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
Dessert looks good. On aging, it is bizarre to watch one's body deteriorate in the many ways that happens. Hair starting grow here and stopping there. Skin that becomes glossy and or crepey. The different doctors may have different interpretations of what's wrong. I just went from rotator cuff to arthritis. I'm to decide on a hip replacement. What fun!!!
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about the Constitution, marriage, and a talking point.
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
This is a perfect example of “A lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.”—Mark Twain. (But I do appreciate Beau's concise explanations)
ON the theme of God's Loopholes and the convoluted Xstian sexual ideas. I give you. []
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
5th Base???!!!!! Hilarious ! ! ! ! (Remarkable that it's not in the Bible. Oh well...)
Thats some wiener!
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2022:
I don't know what anal bleaching does, but maybe...
What is the Secret Service hiding?
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Putin's subversion of the US was thorough, but everyone's blaming it all on Trump only... We wouldn't want to upset the Magas now, would we? (Except half of them support Putin over Ukraine, fucking traitors) Can we recall that Trump, Flynn, Giuliani, Bannon, Stone and even the Overstock guy, Pat Byrne have close ties to Russia. Byrne was going with Maria Butina for a while. "The Moscow Project — an initiative of the Center for American Progress Action Fund — had, by June 3, 2019, documented "272 contacts between Trump's team and Russia-linked operatives ... including at least 38 meetings.... None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them."
Friday morning fire
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Beautiful alabaster...
Shit levels.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Great Shit - Don't bogart
New footage shows Josh Hawley running away from pro-Trump protesters hours after raising fist in ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Not-so-comic relief for the Jan 6 Cmte.
One creepy motherfucker who should read the bible.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Another disgusting pedophile (87% certain)
What are your thoughts on spirits….
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Surreptitious hostility. Shame on her for having sexual thoughts.
But her emails...
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Can we put on a Hannibal Lechter mask on him to match?
New Rule: Words Matter | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Maher's ingestion of Fox in order to improve outreach has poisoned his consciousness. RIP.
Melania Too Busy Fulfilling First Lady Duties to Be Aware of Jan 6th Violence In a recent ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
She should get 20 years too just for good measure.
How much of this rings a bell?
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
I loved Laugh-in. I had an experimental team teaching 160 student class combining English & History. My friend turned hippie, and in a presentation, ripped up a dollar bill after reciting Bukowski subversive poetry. An intolerant teacher pulled him off the podium.
I have had this on my truck for 4 years now.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
I salute your bravery.
Yes!, I'm getting stoned tonight! []
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Scumbag deserves 20 years as do all the Trump conspirators. Shame on the judges for not doing that to the insurrectionists.
[] I ll ride that bus ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻🦇🦇🦇🦇
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
We all be bozos on that bus at some point...
[] Yeah . I ll take it ♥️🙌♥️
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
You do it for yourself, your self respect, and for the ennobling of those around you. One of life's great purposes is to be an example to others.
Republicans increasingly viewed by Americans as the party of violence
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2022:
That is only the latest emphasis on a long list. Add to that: Bigoty, prejudice and hatred of minorities Theocracy Fascism Indifferent to corruption Hypocrisy of claimed values Subhuman: lacking any sense of humor, empathy, integrity, loyalty to truth or reality, etc. Utterly fake patriotism (or patriotism where they haven't a clue what patriotism is) Commitment to absurd whataboutism to deflect against their wretched behavior (Surely a whole lot more too)
It's ironic that we see so many who claim strong religious convictions in the modern world while ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Far too many Christians spout hate and have nothing to say about kindness that some associate with Jesus. However, Jesus had a harsh side, saying to slay unbelievers and renouncing ones family. The philosophy is hypocritical, fragmented in it's direction, and often simply evil. We might want Christians to be more Christ-like, within our notions of a beneficent Jesus. But really, the NT is so fucked up, we shouldn't want them either way.
I started with a shock 😲
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Watt,... so you had a battery of tests done? Hope they didn't charge too much. That would be revolting.
Physicists Have Developed a Method for Predicting the Composition of Dark Matter: [scitechdaily.
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
I highly recommend the Cosmology course from Great Courses. One of the lectures deals with the nucleosynthesis of the Big Bang.
Letters From An American 07/20/2022
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
"...the secretary-general of the United Nations, António Guterres, warned world leaders gathered at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin...“We have a choice. Collective action or collective suicide. It is in our hands.” We have ALREADY drunk the hemlock. It's just a matter of time.
Letters From An American 07/20/2022
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
"...whistleblowers have revealed that DHS inspector general Joseph Cuffari, a Trump appointee, learned in February that nearly all text messages from around the time of the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol had been deleted from Secret Service agents’ cell phones but elected to keep that information from Congress." Is this the same Inspector General who today told the Secret Service to suspend it's investigation and turn everything over to the IG's office? I think the FBI needs to be brought in on this and the IG's office needs to be investigated. Really, all of Trump's appointees to the various agencies need to be reviewed.
Always looking for bargains.
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
We're all so phobic about urine. But ever do cunnilingus on a squirter? Pleghh, braaghgh.... And sixty-nine is like getting waterboarded... Yeah, just swallow...
Another, you had one job
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Just move the house over 4 feet.
Not Trump but one of his minions.
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Oh, poor sheriff. How traumatic... (to be revealed as a fucking incompetent bigoted coward)
Now I wanna go!
racocn8 comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Some say we should respect their beliefs in order to negotiate with them. Does anyone think that's possible?
I had done an internet search if you could stop loving someone and this was a good guide to that ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
So I've been hearing the story of a professor who has severe depression and maybe some Aspergers. He's been dating a lady in a foreign country, and they have fondness for each other, but she won't commit to intimacy. She has 2 kids, so she shouldn't have a problem. Still, they got married, and sure enough, on the wedding night and thereafter, still no intimacy. So now, the situation is in the shitter. Some stories are so sad and pathetic.
Out of my past relationships, the ones that had seem to have worked are when I was only ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
That's where I'm at now. My spouse has her problems as do I. However, our compatibility is sometimes jaw-dropping. It is probably always a mixed bag.
Convince me that people are not disposable?
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Disposable is a harsh term. Some relationships have a lifespan. When it's over, it's time to move on. However, always being on the lookout to upgrade creates a barrier to the commitment needed for deep affection.
Give my regards to Broadway!
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
I used to do a lot of house painting. Not being fond of spiders, I had no qualms about adding them to the drying paint.
Maybe this is a dumb question however it needs to be asked.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
We don't see the edge of the universe in terms of space. We cannot see the edge of the universe of OUR time. What we see is what used to be. The farther the object, the farther back in time. The objects are distant in space, but more critically, they are distant in time. The objects are at the edge of time. Not being able to see things as they are obscures our view somewhat. If there were other universes, we'd probably be able to see them as objects that didn't match the distance/redshift correlation. While many questions remain, the Big Bang theory has been extremely well corroborated by numerous different kinds of observations. Where they don't match exactly is what keeps scientists scratching their heads. As example, we have yet to come up with a place in the Standard Model for dark matter. If it is a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, is that because it has no spin, like the Higg's Boson or Pion? Perhaps like the Higgs, dark matter is actually another field whose particles pop into existence long enough to exert gravity.
This ought to be a hold my beer story.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
I see it is modeled on the hallucinogenic Amanita Muscaria. In case no one's heard the story, the mushroom is intoxicating, but also toxic. Someone found out they could lose the toxic effects and just become inebriated by drinking the urine of someone who consumed it. The practice developed of having serfs eat the mushroom and nobles drank their urine to get high.
It is not easy to convey, unless one has experienced it, the dramatic feeling of sudden ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
I described such a moment here:
I'm watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
I agree. I can watch reruns of some treks, but DS9 cannot be watched again. It's sad. I remember watching the original over and over again. A big production value of an engaging musical score ended with the original. Why? (Just fucking cheapskates I assume)
The unholy trinity.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Fomenting conflict as against Jews, pagans, Muslims, Indigenous peoples Elevating scripture to literal gospel (overlapping with your #1) Some holdovers from Judaism: Patriarchal misogyny Acceptance of slavery Sexual inhibition and degeneracy Denunciations of non-heteros and sex outside of procreation.
Lauren Boebert Doesn’t Want Dr.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Thanks for not posting in that other group.
Letters From An American 07/19/2022
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Re the Secret Service: Plausible deniability can no long be considered a valid deflecting excuse for those who have been found to have aided the sedition or cover-ups. Anyone and everyone associated with Trump treason must be denied any and all forms of government service.
I had often wondered if the reviews for products on Amazon were legit.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Beware of the poor reviews that are fake created by competitors...
If you have a fb account, please go watch this incredibly well-spoken girl take on her city.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
It took some kind of reflection on the part of the officer to pull his gun and execute his suspect in the back of the head. How does a police force have someone who would do that?
Not just Texas...
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
...Let it be, Let it be, Let it be, yes, let it be...
Christian values.
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Nothing in nature proves, or even gives evidence of God. Even if a god existed, the natural world demonstrates neither wisdom and certainly not benevolence (unless you happen to be a privileged White male). #2 is just schizophrenic gibberish.
Morning all Just saying my peeps
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Do you have a method as to how to decide and by what means? Do you distinguish such thought from those of depressive suicide? Have you discussed the subject with a loved one?
Just a lonely girl in need of some TLC. 💕
racocn8 comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Cripplingly painful if she lives to old age.
How many can you get correct without looking?
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Actually, I got #5 and #6 right...
Food tips for the discerning diner
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
That's just 'cause you're hooked on sugar. Salt is one of the four main food groups too...(sugar, fat, salt, drugs/alcohol)
Yep, a simple lack of character, that's all. I need to re-read Catch-22, it's been decades.
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
13 hours testifying to Congress without an allegation of lying? Versus the prince of lies!!!
Who remembers the pain inflicted by this devil's brew?
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
I still have it in my medical shelf. Good and reliable...
This is pathetic.
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
And this judge is disregarding: "The day after the April hearing, the Crown announced it was charging King with three counts each of perjury and obstruction of justice." That means the defendant is trustworthy with his freedom? Ugh.
Yoo hoooo! Merrrrrriiiiiickk! Got a present for you!
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Except that Garland has signaled his intention not to prosecute. Treason/sedition comes in many forms. Assholes.
Learning Curve - The Planck Temperature – Absolute Hot: What is the hottest temperature possible...
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
It doesn't seem that temperatures above the Planck temperature are possible because mass and energy become undefined where physical laws become interchangeable. It's like the Planck length: trying to imagine a shorter length loses meaning. Although, all that is based on our physics, and where physic breaks down, temperature and length may also become undefined.
Another interesting read from someone else i follow on FB, Cree Hardegree.
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
I hope Georgia puts him in jail. I'd like to see more reporting on this; it's salacious enough for MSM, so ???
[] That is one huge star sapphire
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Sadly, Sri Lanka is in the middle of some serious economic and political shit.
There is a mutual no contact order between my ex and I.
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2022:
It gets better. It takes time. I won't say it goes away completely...
Ah ha!!!!!! ☝️☝️ Ever wondered how Bigfoot has lived for such a long long long time?
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
This has links to hazardous sites. Don't click on them.
([] []
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
But Manchin will block it.
By Gary Huck, my favorite political cartoonist.
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Waitin' for the song: The Yellow Stripe of Texas.
Hinduism Showcase
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Truly sickening.
It just seems so obvious.
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
For the last line, I wouldn't say it was physics, but rather logic.
Back when the United States Government still had a little respect from the world.
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Another Republican fascist lying through his teeth to brain-damaged idiots who will listen to it.
The Christian right’s version of history paid off on abortion and guns - The Washington Post
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
If the US survives, the Conservatives will be seen as traitors or seditionists.
Conservative blocs unleash legal action to curb public health powers : Shots - Health News : NPR
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Darwin. You're up.
America formed the blueprint for being a bigoted racist.
racocn8 comments on Jul 18, 2022:
The problem is that there is no shaming Christian Nazis. Their religion damages that part of the brain. They can only be opposed by force.
And JFL MEN and Women ”Men are stupid and women are crazy.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
All wonderful. But it points up the reality that even Carlin side-stepped the third rail of meaningfully lampooning women.
Republicons Hate Women
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
6 years too fucking late, except that we will all suffer for that apathy.
Bernie Sanders: Joe Manchin Is Intentionally Sabotaging President Biden's Agenda
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Manchin will go down in history as an enemy to the Human species. But he has far too much company.
Sorry Heaven/God not spotted/not found.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
What did you expect? Absence of evidence is evidence of absence, but not proof. Supposing God exists answers exactly zero questions. The critical truth is that the science does not leave room for the Christian version of God.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Very amazing show. I look forward to seeing more. I went to a desert star party (2 decades ago) and one of the big telescopes revealed the bow shock waves.
Looking for friends.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Keep them hidden, but read up on or watch Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitches, Daniel Dennett, Lawrence Krauss, Sam Harris, and so many more...
Over the past years, since the evolution of apes into humanity, as far as I understand religion has ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Consider yourself fortunate to have escaped the asylum. You now have the opportunity to see clearly all the majesty (and pathos too) that will go unseen by the believers. But be careful. Blind believers are insanely jealous of those that can see at all. Only disclose your awareness to those you trust with your life.
How does belief in the existence of a genocidal maniac in the sky make you a good and moral person?
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
You understand that these extinction events happened, and that they happened tens or hundreds of million years in that past. What does that context do to frame human mythology?
In case you wondered
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
And as is so often the case, she's not as stupid as she pretends.
“Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache and a sore jaw ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Forgiveness is certainly among the most noble concepts. That is why you never hear Christians talk about it much less do it.
How does belief in the existence of a genocidal maniac in the sky make you a good and moral person?
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
That god-bothering doesn't improve morality is just another one of the myriad lies. As we can all see, it does exactly the opposite.
Religion offers simple solutions for simpletons, faith is required but free thinking (really ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Yes, Christianity has shit for a foundation... Butt crack below and kissing ass above? Smells the same.
GOP SORE LOSERS CLAIM ELECTION WAS RIGGED Donald Trump has refused to accept defeat and continues ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
As this claim was an integral part of the sedition plot, those politicians claiming a rigged election should be barred from all public offices.
Perhaps a little one sided in its opinion, but at least one well respected thinker does not think ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2022:
Hitchens is especially eloquent, but similar comments can be found by Richard Dawkins, Stephen Fry, and many others. It is the counter proposition that needs to be examined: Can belief in obvious and absurd mythology generate anything but moral degradation? (I'll dub that the HAL9000 argument).
Despite being a recumbent rider I found this interesting.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
And who's gonna ride that thing? (Just because you can, should you?)...(Okay, maybe sometimes you learn something going through the exercise...)
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about the people who believed Trump.... []
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
No, they WERE dumb. What percent of Evangelical GQP surrender themselves to the Fox information silo? And how does that information silo compare to the MSM? How does the National Enquirer compare to the NYT? How does religion compare to science? That is the problem with religion: Believers are brainwashed to reject truthful discussion in favor of idiotic mythology. Motherfucking morons PUT the liars into positions of trust. GQP put demagogues on a pedestal because they WANTED to hear the hate being spewed. Liberals aren't smug. They can't afford to trust the MSM because the MSM has it's own agenda and lies or distorts A LOT; for ratings and money. Saying liberals are smug is a Fox meme that asshole fools parrot.
Brand New Fungus Discovered In The Scottish Highlands – Here's Why That's Important: ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
I highly recommend Sheldrake's book: Entangled Life.
Republicans block taking up Senate bill to guarantee freedom to travel across states for abortions -...
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
I don't know when they became able to evade voting on bills, but that should not be possible.
Ohio Rape Case Shows Anti-Abortion Movement’s False Piety
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Abortion is, and has always been, a Republican/Evangelical CON. And absolutely nothing more. Those that claim they are pro-life are brainwashed rubes. And absolutely nothing more.
A lie will circle the globe while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
"They're dying, Jim." "Let them die..."
I go through Play Doh fun factories in my resource room at an astounding rate.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
He's lucky not to have broken one of the hinge tabs when he forced the pieces apart. I call bullshit.
So, I went to a park in Columbus, Ohio, yesterday with my husband, who’s black, my granddaughter ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
My spouse is Black, and with what I see going on, I have fear of traveling in red (racist) areas.
Religion asks too much of people like me.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Just what is the point of a circle-jerk if one of the participants has ED? (see below)
With the GOP it started way before J6.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
What meaning can an oath have to religious liars incapable of shame?
Religion asks too much of people like me.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Christians have an ugly history of behaving badly. Let the tree be known by the fruit it bears. If I followed Jesus's example, I would curse them into oblivion. How noble...
Why the omicron offshoot BA.5 is a big deal
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Can we get this spread around in the red regions? Especially the legislatures and around the SCOTUS homes? (They'll blame it on us anyway, being the demons that we are)
It is never night where there is love. Proverbio Africano Not sure I agree with that.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
What do you think it should mean?
These 4 Factors Can Explain Why So Many People Are Rejecting Science
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Point #3 is notable ( Information goes against personal beliefs) but is it really personal beliefs that powers the anti-science campaign of Creationism? Intentionally misinforming, misleading, deceiving, and preaching hatred of science has been the Christian stock-in-trade for a hundred years and more. Religion poisons everything because it is itself poisonous.
With some time on my hands I have just finished reading Genesis in the New English bible.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Seeing how the people of past millenia were so lacking in morals or thoughtfulness, it is a grim reminder of how little we are removed from the beast.
Let Joce Bedard AKA Sassy amuse you today. []
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
She says her body is her own. She must not and shouldn't live in a red state. Vote.
Who trying to screw. I love/enjoy cunnilingus. Come give the tongue a test ride. 21237 zipcode.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
The high price of senility... (inappropriateness)
Saturday morning cuteness
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
The cat got into the LSD again??!!!
Letters From An American 07/15/2022
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Except that many of the Confederate statues were erected decades later by White supremacists. It is not unreasonable to think that much of the southern bigotry that has been embraced by the GQP is due to the Confederacy being given a pass after the Civil War. The leniency shown to the Jan 6 insurrectionists is profoundly offensive.
I got into an argument in a convenience store with a Christian trying to persuade me to hear his ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Great reply. Maybe not exactly correct, but something your tormentor would understand. Here's a discussion of the topic. I'd say to either leave or repeat back that: Jesus is a myth and Christianity is a scam.
I have been plagued with mice for about a week or so for the first time in a very long time.
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2022:
It's in a jar- - You can suffocate it. If you want it to die quickly, make a hole in the lid and put the whole thing in a bucket of water letting the air out of the hole. I've been besieged by rats and that is no fun.


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Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Libertarians Worldwide
47 members
Hikers' Connection (Natural Highs)
46 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
Recovering Theists
35 members
I don't give a fuck
34 members
Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Breaking the Habit
28 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
26 members
Ricky Gervais
26 members
Home Renovations
26 members
Mynd Storm
25 members
Love of Physics
23 members
Asexual Area
23 members
23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Hearing Loss or What the heck did you say?
23 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Consortium of thoughts
20 members
Conspiracies & High Strangeness
19 members
Broken Hearts Club
18 members
Ungodly Truth
17 members
16 members
Everything Beauty
15 members
Herbalists Corner
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
People Who Need People
11 members
Truth Seekers
11 members
The Plague
8 members
Goodness without godness
6 members
Workplace issues
4 members
Community Senate
385 members