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Free Speech is a cornerstone of democracy that is threatening to some; particularly those who ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
What is the meaning of free speech to someone who has been brainwashed? The values of many religions directly conflict with the freedoms within most democracies. As the US has seen, when religious extremists gain control, they have no compunction against disregarding the pluralism of democracy and imposing their fascist theocracy (Dobbs) as far as they can. Democracies should undertake to moderate (and carefully watch) religious extremism. If that seems like discrimination, the complainers can look in a mirror.
Oh dear.
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
I blocked that traitor a long time ago. He's an utter nitwit anyway.
Relax...He's not so bad
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
It's warm in here. Do you feel warm?...
What would Trumpty Dumpty do if he realised just how much of a cretinous moral degenerate he really ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
I gather that when narcissists manage a breakthrough from their condition, they can sink into a deep depression with thoughts of suicide. That can only happen with a therapist.
Letters From An American 08/12/2022
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
The GQP are OK with treason. Being a traitor for the Russians is the same as being a traitor for the Saudis. Being fascists, the GQP don't care how the US is destroyed. They only know that they can't win elections in a democracy, so democracy has to go. Selling nuclear secrets to the Saudis (who bombed the US 21 years ago) is definitely giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Trump search warrant: FBI took top secret files from Mar-a-Lago []
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
You can be sure that the nuclear secrets were on their way to Saudi Arabia.
Roy Moore Awarded Over $8 Million in Defamation Lawsuit - WEIS | Local & Area News, Sports, & ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Disgusting that a jury would side with a child molester.
Keep bellowing, you suckups.
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
"Now he shuts up" Classic!!!
How the Trump White House misled the world about its family separation policy : NPR
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
And half the country are scum for embracing these policies.
Christian spelling/grammar is hilarious...
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Some men will fuck anything...
Russian Republicons
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
If only... A black hood would definitely be an improvement. Disposing of that much hazardous waste could be costly.
Endless spectulation in the news. I'm tired of it.
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Options: Fast forward, mute, change channel, power button, internet, books. Your time is too valuable to let yourself be mesmerized.
Any takers? Come on, you know you wanna get in on this. Can't resist a little red, white, and ewww.
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Don't worry about them breeding. Incel peckers are permanently inverted.
Tonight, I am greatly troubled.
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Fundamentally, Trump no longer has a need to know and is especially suspect to have info outside his corporate interests. After treason and sedition, what's a little espionage...?
I said earlier that now would be a good time for someone to start leaking information.
racocn8 comments on Aug 12, 2022:
No one should be surprised that Trump has added espionage to his long list of other crimes. What was it they used to do to spies?
I'm pleading the 5th 440 times. You can trust me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
What a coward and a pussy. Just like his followers.
The right-wing lunatics in the United $tates of Absurdity have lost what tiny minds they ever had.
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
All the protest is juvenile bluster. Let's hope as many check out as possible.
Trump allies say he declassified Mar-a-Lago documents.
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
That lie still has shit on it. Declassification is a process that can't be done with a wave of the hand. The guy named Patel, wasn't he one of the traitors stationed in the Pentagon whose phone was wiped of Jan 6 messages?
FBI Search Of Trump's Mar-a-Lago Related To Nuclear Documents, Sources Say - WaPo
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
On Shiffer: One down, 70 million to go. Whatever family he had is surely better off now. On Trump: What an utter scumbag.
How big are Donald Trump's legal problems? []
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Nothing Deutsche Bank can't handle.
I don't mind Alex Jones being delusional.
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
All the parents should all file separate suits.
Look at all them beanie's
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Great. More claws...
This seems a bit one-sided (I don't recall having seen hideous images of those killed by the ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
A couple of distinctions: The Ukrainians do not launch their missiles next to schools and hospitals, using civilians as human shields. The Russians do that. The Ukrainians do not target civilians (which is a war crime). Russians do that.
Before 'Hamilton,' The Door McAllen church stole 'Beauty and the Beast'
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Thou shalt not steal comes from the 10 commandments in the OLD Testament, which, per some cult sects, was replaced by Jesus's 'teachings'. I'll suggest that creativity and originality is not their strong point.
Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law fuels anti-LGBTQ hate online
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
I suspect the worst hate comes from Christians who have gay feelings, and are complete traumatized on the issue.
DOJ Ordered by Judge to End the Silence on Mar-a-Lago Raid
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
DOJ only has to respond to the suit. They don't have to disclose anything. Even the response can remain hidden.
[] Lots of info from Heather Cox Richardson
racocn8 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
It couldn't be just one informant at Mar-a-Lago. To convince a judge to raid a president the FBI would need at least one informant and second insider (ie USSS) to verify it. And seeing a transcript of a call where Trump references the materials...
For some reason, I have just been blocked from the conservative atheist group lol.
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Wray doesn't have to be impartial. Just do his effing job. I have it in for Wray because the assault on the Capitol could not have happened without the FBI failing to adequately alert the other leaders. Had he warned as he SHOULD HAVE, the National Guard would have no excuse not to be on hand. Wray has not been credible in his testimony regarding his and the FBI's response to the internet traffic leading up to Jan 6. Wray's utter failure demonstrates complicity in Trump's sedition. Just as we saw with the Secret Service, the Army, and members of Congress. This plot is deep and broad, and they all deserve to be fired, tried and jailed for 20 years. Every effing one. (But I know we'll be lucky to see 1% of that). And you may have caught the Congressional hearing demanding that Wray properly report the status of the investigation into why Kavanaugh didn't get vetted. Wray is a psychotic ultra-conservative, so partisan he politicizes the whole FBI, and not in a good direction. He is definitely NOT impartial, but it's possible that he may not support Trump (any longer).
Does anyone have any doubt that Trump is an overt/grandiose malignant narcissist?
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
They love drama. Not unlike some of the trolls here. They thrive on pissing people off and manipulating them. They are toxic bullies, and they pervade our society traumatizing everyone they encounter. I'm betting this is a major expression of the brain damage found in the ultra-religious. Is any sort of treatment available? Their attitude probably precludes accepting treatment (They don't and won't admit to having a problem...).
Judge tells Rudy Giuliani to ‘get an Uber’ after claiming he’s too sick to fly to court ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Send some marshals to pick him up.
Most Americans support using the popular vote to decide U.S. presidents : NPR
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
And let us remember that, however unlikely, one primary duty of the Electoral College is to protect the Presidency from falling into the hands of a mentally deranged individual. The Electoral College demonstrated they could not, or would not, and did not perform that one vital function when it was apparent and needed. So yeah, the Electoral College should be discarded (but as noted below, when hell freezes over).
DUCK!!!!!!! A "potentially hazardous" asteroid the size of a blue whale is set to zip past Earth ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
We should be trying to intercept and recover these near-earth asteroids (to be stored at La Grange points for mining).
‘Transformational’ Therapy Seems to Be a Cure For Hemophilia []
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
My system (Norton) flags the link as hazardous. Extract from link below: Gene therapy Elliot was given an engineered virus that was filled with the instructions for manufacturing the missing factor IX. The virus acts like a microscopic postman that delivers the blueprints to the liver, which then starts producing the clotting protein. It was a one-off infusion that took about an hour to drip into Elliott's body. He recalls being "astonished" to see the amount of factor IX in his blood go from only 1% of normal levels to normal.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Goes to Jail and Trump Raided - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I could have sworn MTG said the protesters were Antifa...
“There is one irrefutable law of the universe.
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
That is far from being an irrefutable law of the universe. It might be true for Oprah. We have responsibility TO each other as a matter of humanity. While we are responsible for our own life, it is a non sequitur for her next statement. It is certainly unwise to hold someone else accountable for your happiness, but much of the best happiness comes from others. Fundamentally, some people become dependent because of infirmity or other problems.
@TheMiddleWay blocked me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I liked this: ..."a bunch of members that have blocked him for being insufferable and hypocritical..." I ignore him and Skado. They are both ridiculous trolls not worth my time.
There will be many Ketchup stains on the walls this evening...
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
And with 11 hours of testimony to hostile questioners, not one plead of the fifth.
I will not buy any more books until...
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
They get read by osmosis...
This is no joke to some of us so I thought I would post it here! :-D
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Do you play chess...?
Most Americans support using the popular vote to decide U.S. presidents : NPR
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
And is there a FEASIBLE path to enacting that change? ...Didn't think so.
E-cigarettes are bad for you.
racocn8 comments on Aug 10, 2022:
The record shows that some components that have been used in e-cigs are dangerous or hazardous. To some degree, the industry has responded by improving the designs and materials of vaporizers. However, the industry has a major black market where anyone can produce cartridges, and horror stories have developed where people sought to make a buck by sacrificing safety. But compared to cigarettes? We know what cigarettes do and those are deadly dangerous for most people. A true statistical comparison would be enlightening.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
If it happens, it'll be quick.
“There are two ways to be fooled.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
And for Christians, it's the same thing.
What we know about Donald Trump's claims the FBI has raided his Florida home []
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
It wasn't really the FBI, it was Antifa impersonating the FBI...
Does anyone know of present or former Trump supporters on this site or elsewhere who have had the ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
You ask that after CPAC hosts Orban ? (Who is another Putin stooge)
Christian calls atheists "toxic and "fearful." Your thoughts?
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Asinine projections which are standard, because they can't seem to stop themselves from doing it. It's silly on it's face. He's probably an Incel. He doesn't want to debate because he knows how weak his position is. He's already overflowing with cognitive dissonance, as demonstrated by his hostility. What is toxic is lying to yourself and others in order to support a moronic cult. Fear is refusing to learn enough about the world to see how absurd your religious beliefs are, even thought a universe of information is at your fingertips. How scared is someone who is disengaged from reality? That would be a lot. There's your God-fearing for you. He's basically just trying to act sane, knowing he isn't. It's tragic and pathetic and disgusting, all at the same time.
Karma just grabbed Trump by the pssy. -seen on Twitter
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
If karma were a thing, Trump would be physically incapacitated and in severe pain that couldn't be mitigated by drugs.
Happening live at Trump Tower (2:30 p.m.)
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Aaaaaaaaaaah! The taste of blood in the water...
I know. Sue me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Why do religions of peace and love have such blood-soaked histories?
Steve Bannon goes on Alex Jones and claims the FBI plans to assassinate Trump
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
The ridiculous lies keep coming. All these tirades are like Rumplestiltskin.
Violent rhetoric circulates on the pro-Trump internet following FBI search, including from a Jan.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Keep it up. Give the system an excuse to charge them. They embraced a known traitor and continued to support Trump's treason. Fill the jails with them. Pardon the pot-heads to make space. Get that Ludovico Treatment ready. They are not really Americans. They want fascism. Let them be the ones to experience it first hand. Put the National Guard to use. Let's find out where they really place their loyalty. This is just the beginning. They better get used to it. Yeah, it is Civil War, and I wouldn't want to be one of those cowardly pussies with no dick.
Not really into body shaming, but....
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Ah, lemonade...
I see the Rethuglicans are working themselves up into an incandescent seething rage over the work of...
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
"Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before."(Trump). Projection, ever and always projection. But, we have an even bigger enemy than Trump! That enemy is Putin who, WITH the Koch brothers operate an efficient network of corrupt legal entities designed to undermine the country and sow violence.
I was thinking the same thing.
racocn8 comments on Aug 9, 2022:
As more and more people try microdosing, or go to clinics for treatment, we're about to learn a lot more. Dozens of universities, companies and medical centers are conducting clinical trials and research. How these drugs (tryptamines) have such profound and outsize effects will inform our understanding of consciousness itself as well as religiosity.
New Report Alleges Trump Didn't Want 'Wounded Guys' Parade 'Doesn't Look Good'
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
And many of them are disloyal. The military should set an example, assess them psychologically, and start cleaning house. Hopefully they can start with Flynn's brother.
Has anyone else's manual dexterity started to go?
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Yeah. I get cramps in my fingers after a while.
"They even broke into my safe": Trump responds to search of his Mar-a-Lago home []
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Trump STOLE classified documents. Given his many connections to Russia, he has always been a threat to national security. Why would he steal all that material except to sell it. Trump's treason knows no bounds, and the measures to take him and ALL his co-conspirators down should proceed ASAP with no discretion. He tried to destroy the country. He cannot be treated too harshly.
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Now that's a word I might venture to use... (even if an explanation is immediately necessary)
There is absolutely no reason why we consumers should have to pay for any company's expenditures on ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
It is so much worse where corporations favor political candidates when the corporation is owned by the public via shares. Shareholders never get asked where the corporation should be lobbying. And, corporations are NOT people and are not entitled to free speech the way people are. Citizens United is bullshit.
Letters From An American 08/07/2022
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Authoritarian rule might work... - - if and only if the authoritarians were educated, enlightened, intelligent, moral, honorable and honest. The people the GQP revere have none of these traits, and if anything, epitomize their opposites.
Letters From An American 08/07/2022
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
The GQP tax cut law cut the corporate tax rate from about 35% to 21%. Ugh. That is how, after deductions, they pay nothing.
Dr. Becky - Could we ACTUALLY grow potatoes on Mars? | OVERTHINKING The Martian []
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Musk wants to go to Mars, but has obviously never read any of the results that came back from the landers. By all means, Musk should leave as soon as possible.
mediation radio worthy of listen []
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
(That would be meditation)
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2022:
The GQP have a All-Out campaign to exaggerate the crime rates in the blue states. The MAGA assholes are constantly posting every little thing that happens, or doesn't happen on NextDoor.
Really Jesus?!
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Really. The Christian God loves rape (and molestation, and murder). Ask an Incel.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: 'No One Can Convince Me' Jan. 6 Rioters Weren't Antifa | HuffPost
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
The whole idea of a stupid lie is to be stupid; the stupider the better. In their warped minds, broadcasting a stupid lie somehow "Owns the Libs". The more absurd the lie, the more the libs are owned. Thus, they take pride in their stupidity. They may come off as idiots to us, but for the Maga morons, it's music to their ears. They like the polarization. They want the polarization. They revel in the polarization, because they think they're winning. In their bizarro mirror universe, they are winning because their voters are stimulated and energized by the nonsense.
Millennials adopt digital worship, but not at the expense of IRL faith Forty-one percent of US ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
IRL In real life? There's nothing real about faith.
The 6th grade teacher, Mrs Parks, asked her class, “Which human body part increases to ten times ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Except that the pupil is not a body part, but rather the absence of iris.
“Trust is the glue of life.
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
And when trust is betrayed by a loved one, what then?
Trump is not going to prison.
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
I can't imagine the MBS putting up with Trump any more than he has to. (Is he going to show Trump how to behead people?)
Not sure what to make of the latest from Gaza/Israel.
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Israel won't ethnically cleanse the Palestinians like all other countries do in such situations. The Palestinians won't give up their dreams of genocide/ethnically cleansing the Jews into the sea. Stalemate.
I am trying to figure out something I can make and sell, has to be made of wood, could be a special ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
I saw some gorgeous marble runs with gravity wells and moving ladders and screws. Elegant chairs and rockers can be elegant and serve a purpose... Cool chess board?
Republicans Cheer on Hungary’s Fascist Leader Orban at Dallas CPAC Conference Prime ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Trumpers at the next CPAC:
No one will ever know...
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Can I get a flail and a hank of soft rope to go with that?? (Got a senior discount?)
“Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice”…………….Ayaan Hirsi Ali
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
But intolerance of intolerance is still intolerance. (But it does feel better). Pick your battles and know what hills not to die on.
Clearwater man arrested after pulling assault rifle on father, daughter during parking dispute, ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
The creep has been arrested 6 times before. It seems likely he didn't like the color of the gardener's skin, and took the opportunity to flash his manhood (or lack thereof).
Indiana becomes first state in nation to approve near-total abortion ban post Roe | Fox News
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Indiana is trying to give Mississippi competition for being the shit-hole of the US.
6 killed, 8 others injured in fiery car crash LA County 😳😲😱 []
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
I read that she was drunk and just had an argument with her boyfriend. Given the speed, I suspect she was trying to commit suicide and didn't care about who she took with her. Or? She was a nurse. Maybe exhausted from Covid?
Anyone interested in chipping in on some land (20 acres, 40, more?
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Did you have some prospective locations in mind?
Today marked the 77th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Like Japan, the US refuses to take responsibility for it's horrific atrocities. Like Japan, the US is unrepentant for its many campaigns of brutal hegemony. Like Japan, the US remains an intensely racist and corrupted system. Like Japan, it could happen here. (and the rest of the world would say we had it coming.)
Letters From An American 08/05/2022
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Another great example of how those who vote for Republicans are voting against their own interest. Maybe they'd like to pay $8-10 per gallon of gas?
Michigan man charged with setting fire to Planned Parenthood building - CNNPolitics
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Hope he gets a warm reception in the prison showers.
Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán declares at CPAC that "a Christian politician cannot be racist"
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
"A Christian politician cannot be racist". We can expect this asinine lie to be picked up and parroted by the MAGAs. But the more absurd the lie, the faster the dimwitted middle will be disgusted by what they can grasp. I like Swalwell's comment that CPAC attendees should have worn sheets.
Former Attorney General Bill Barr says Jan.
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Can we discuss the many acts of malfeasance that Barr committed? How about baseless political prosecutions? How about suppressing investigations and prosecution for politics sake. The violations of Barr's oath of office should be prosecuted with vigor to demonstrate that corruption will not be tolerated. Crooks are sentenced to time in prison as punishment for their anti-social damage.
Makes sense, not?
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Absence of evidence IS evidence of absence. Evidence isn't proof, and proof isn't possible anyway.
Who funds Alex Jones distracting from real hoaxes
racocn8 comments on Aug 6, 2022:
It is hard living with injustice. Sometimes you just want to scream. In a way, atheism helps to build a tolerance for uncertainty, and an understanding that the corruption that people embrace is really hard to undo. It may help to share your experience, not to relive it, but to gain perspective that you're not alone and others also grapple with unresolvable trauma.
5 truths about dark matter that no scientist can deny: []
racocn8 comments on Aug 5, 2022:
It is hard to imagine a particle like Dark Matter is supposed to be not interacting with light as all other particles do. If Dark Matter is 85%, where is the scattered light? As Dark Matter is invoked to generate the various gravitational effects, that should include the super-massive black holes that somehow developed in a mere 1-2 billion years. Again, that formation is inconceivable without some other mechanism than the gravity of only visible matter. And yet, invoking Dark Matter doesn't solve the problem either. The Standard Model explains a lot, but it doesn't have a box for Dark Matter that corresponds or relates to anything else. I know... Dark Matter is God... That explains everything...
[] Wonder why teachers are leaving the profession?
racocn8 comments on Aug 5, 2022:
The hostility taught by Creationism against public education has become a politically subsidized hate campaign.
To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Magic, atheism, herbal research
Some questions about the legal status of religion: How is it that in this day and age, we continue ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Christians behave in notoriously bigoted ways. The odds of getting a judge that will uphold the separation of Church and State have diminished due to the GQP appointing rabid nutcases as fast as they can. It could take several decades for the courts to catch up (if ever) to representing the 'non-believers' in accordance with their percent in society. Can you give an example of a magical belief that you think should be challenged?
What do think of this beauty?
racocn8 comments on Aug 5, 2022:
The cross sucks...
It will be hard to score🤔
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
That could take a while...
For those of you who follow my posts and know of Kates condition.
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Lidocaine is good stuff. It's hard to beat. Hope the wound heals. (I don't know your Kate's situation, but if there is any risk of MRSA, crude cannabinoid oil is effective. Other extracts that can help include Tea Tree oil and from Thuja Orientalis.)
Imagine a world in which scientists divided themselves according to whether they were sincere in the...
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Different organizations may be science based, but they are also based on people and their politics. Thus, corporate science can be ugly. Unfortunately, scientists have failed to significantly address the various kinds of corruption that degrade our systems. Perhaps the complexity of those systems have, so far, defied our understanding, and our ability to remediate them. The notion of inspector general can be effective, but as we've seen, that system can be corrupted if a malignant actor seeks to do so. (I worked on a project that found that gas-powered diesels pollute 8-times as many particles as diesel-fuel-powered diesels, and that the particles from natural gas were much more hazardous physiologically. However, the fix was in and the conversion to gas-powered diesels would proceed. And this was done under the auspices of the California Air Resources Board and Southern Califonia Air Quality for the Metropolitan District. I shudder to think of the health impacts that will accrue. )
The World I Work In and an Insane Symbol of our Dysfunctional Country Yesterday an email went out...
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Stay hydrated. I used to work in similar circumstances. The machine I operated expelled hot air to cool an oven every 20 minutes. One day, I came down with a terrific headache that NSAIDs wouldn't touch. I went to the hospital, but it was just dehydration.
Letters From An American 08/03/2022
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
At the beginning of the essay, the term "information warfare" is used a few times. That would be a euphemism for psychological warfare. The Russian bear is here, NOW. The people plotting the coup in the White House (Dec mtgs) all had ties to Russia, as do most Senate Republicans. Half the Evangelicals support Russia over Ukraine, even though they have no history of affection for Russia. The bigger question is why the intelligence agencies have put up with this infiltration? And why is Russia's assault on the West being given no coverage? I attended a meeting with Eric Swalwell in 2019 and asked him why the media censored the report issued by the Senate that found that Russia had been instrumental in passing Brexit. They used the exact same strategy of social media bots later that year to elect Trump. They had honed their skills from similar campaigns in Ukraine and French elections. Swalwell replied that the MSM didn't exactly censor the report, but simply didn't cover it (apparently it wasn't newsworthy). Some serious shit is going down and no one will call it out. Yeah, this country is just full of patriots. (I did ask him to declassify the other AATIP videos and reports. He seemed not to know what I was talking about, but a few more did get declassified or released. Maybe he heard me?)
I think that the veg plot is looking good now, but sadly it will probably never look like one of my ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
There's always someone else's garden that looks better. Take it as inspiration, and enjoy your own unique plot.
Please explain this to me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
I understand you have frustration with the HOA and how they abuse their power. But you know the saying, "Never Wrestle with a Pig. You Both Get Dirty and the Pig Likes It." Is this the best use of your time? If you don't like the rules, mark them up, submit it to them and let it go at that. What can you possibly gain by tilting at this windmill? Consider some other activity that is creative or ennobling to yourself and others. Don't let these morons manipulate you. They like creating drama. Don't oblige them.
CPAC gives Viktor Orbán, Hungary's autocratic leader, star role in Dallas : NPR
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Let their fondness for Orban become an albatross. It should be easy to interweave Orban's Nazism with GOP Christian Nationalism and their White power militias.
Former students allege "violent" abuse at Saskatoon Christian school
racocn8 comments on Aug 4, 2022:
What is it with religious schools that seethe with vicious moral perversion? Do they have no awareness that they become the evil they believe they oppose?


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Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
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391 members
386 members
370 members
Sex, Love, and Kinky Things, What's Your Pleasure?
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Coffee Drinkers Corner
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"Positive Vibes"
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visual art
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Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
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Political debate
308 members
303 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
300 members
Hippie Land -
295 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
294 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
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Jokes and humor about religion
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280 members
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Childfree Domain
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207 members
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131 members
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122 members
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119 members
Earth Preservers
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WTF group
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110 members
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103 members
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99 members
Celebrity Pictures
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"I was blocked!?" Group
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Taboo Island
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At Retirement!
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Sex Over Sixty
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73 members
69 members
Religious Humor.
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Laughter is medicine
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lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
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Minority Heathens
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The Path of a Taoist
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Biden Piñata
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Code Monkeys
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Common Ground
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54 members
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The Truth Is Out There
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39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
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37 members
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I don't give a fuck
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Breaking the Habit
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Ricky Gervais
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Mynd Storm
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The Sound Of A Good Book
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22 members
Hairbrained Ideas
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16 members
Herbalists Corner
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Oppression Throughout The World
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People Who Need People
11 members
Truth Seekers
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The Plague
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Goodness without godness
6 members
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4 members
Community Senate
381 members