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You know he would
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
No honor among thieves?
What do you call a full Irish breakfast?........A Mick's grill! :-)
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
More like an Irish heart attack.
Rudy Giuliani Called ‘Mastermind’ in Plot to Overthrown 2020 US Elections The Washington Post...
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
"Mastermind"??? You can be sure if Giuliani had any ideas, he got them from the GRU via Dmytro Firtash or the like. The red hats are all too appropriate.
NH teachers react to proposed bill adding to Cold War-era 'Teachers' Loyalty' law They truly have...
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Another fascist legislator.
@AlbertSchepis is a morally bankrupt coward.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Sadly, sociopaths are a dime-a-dozen..
My step dad broke his right hip and his right femur, one of them in two places.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
I hope you both feel better in time. Remember, we all get old someday. Sometimes sooner than later.
Eat the rich!
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Also called the money multiplier effect and why Keynesian economics works, much to the chagrin of GQP trickle-down.
Letters From An American 01/20/2022
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
You could imprison the whole of the Trump Administration and you won't even have the tip of the iceberg. It's just a bump in the road for Putin's plan.
My mate: I've been trying to tell my missus this. 😆
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Good luck with that.
Poor Emily.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
"Emily Hernandez, 22, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of entering and remaining into a restricted building." The effing traitor should be in prison for insurrection. As is now obvious, ridiculously undercharged. Yeah, what a great DOJ. Some fucking rule of law.
Donald Trump at 'Substantial Risk of Prosecution' in Georgia The request from Georgia prosecutors ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
"Dibs"??? Anyone, please, someone, put that piece of shit in prison, yesterday.
Using Ice To Boil Water: Heat Transfer Discovery Expands on 18th Century Physics Principle ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
For water, you only need the heat of vaporization. For ice, you also need the heat to heat the ice to the point of melting, the heat of melting, the 1 cal/g/C to heat the water, and the heat of vaporization.
Rep. Donald McEachin blasts Mitch McConnell for comment on voters of color - CNNPolitics
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Those shitters can shit more shit than we can shovel.
Boebert Asked If Jewish Capitol Visitors Were "Reconnaissance"
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Projection much? ( but no conscience to feel guilt).
Trickle Down economics explained simple.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
The GQP buy the best brainwashing money can buy, and the dopes vote against their own interest again. It's called insanity.
Investigators: SD AG Seemed to Know He Killed Man With His Car
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Yeah, lets put a full-on psychopath in that job.
Christians Refuse To Sell House To Gay Couple, Cite Anti-Gay Scriptures As Reason
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Shameless hypocritical bigots...
Trying cannabis is on my bucket list.
racocn8 comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Don't start with edibles. If you can smoke it, find a flower whose fragrance appeals to you. Give yourself extra time to feel the effect. These days, cannabis is so much stronger that a newcomer might feel overwhelmed. Go slow...
Glenn Kirschner - More Congressional Subpoenas, But Still No Use of Congress's Lawful Tool of ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
"We've got to fight like hell or we won't have a democracy anymore"... How can you have a democracy when half the country supports the dissolution of democracy using election subversion? The GQP does not have a platform, except to stop everything the democrats want to do.
Despite the steady rainfall earlier in the week, my supplies of goat and 'roo meat for the native ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Let us know how it comes out...
Are Social Media Bans of Scientific Misinformation Helpful ? Why/not ?
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Yes. People spread misinformation for psychological gratification, not to educate. Not good for a lethal pandemic.
My sources say, "In good news, I was just looking at COVID trends and it looks like hospitalizations...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Those are some big if's. I hope you're right. Our democracy is basically dead with half the population supporting a party dedicated to raw, fascist, racist power. Democrats need some new material and new strategies, pronto. Shaming doesn't work.
To young people considering marriage to a specific person, one often overlooked attribute in your ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
If one doesn't set boundaries for behavior, one must expect further encroaching. It can be hard to establish a moment of serious attention when engaged in work and other life activities. It's the camel sneaking into the tent. Failure to act means that calamity is inevitable.
Are African Americans….. Americans?
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Obviously McConnell doesn't think so. Along with the rest of his party.
Not having it!
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Shhh, I'm mansplaining...
What was your favorite part of the Biden speech last night?
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
The answer to #2 should have been truthful, that being the claim of mental decline is partisan propaganda. Saying he had no idea was a lie, and we've had quite enough of that.
Letters From An American 01/19/2022
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
I hope democrats get over their weakness and consistently refer to Republicans as fascist nazi-wannabees. They are not Americans anymore. They have no real loyalty to the country.
All I can say about this one is LOL!
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
My corollary to Murphy's Law. If you do something repeatedly, you'll quickly find every possible failure mode.
Lawsuit: Taxpayer-funded adoption agency in TN won't place kids with Jews
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Time for a lawsuit. As expensive as possible.
Florida bill to shield people from feeling 'discomfort' over historic actions by their race, ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Florida is really messed up. So many Nazi-wannabees.
I just watched the movie on Netflix called Phantom Thread.
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Putting out and learning how to love might work, but it may be unsatisfying to psychopaths.
I'm wondering if there is a politician or public figure that would likely run for office of ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
The downside of democracy is that the primary criteria must be electability. We should strive for Progressive values, but they won't get enacted if the fascists get elected.
Billionaire NBA Owner Dismisses Uyghur Genocide | Pod Save the World Podcast - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Per Wikipedia: "Chinese government officials say that these camps, created under CCP general secretary Xi Jinping's administration, serve the goals of ensuring adherence to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology, preventing separatism, fighting terrorism, and providing vocational training to Uyghurs." It may be that being indoctrinated into Chinese communism is an improvement over Islam. I'll say it probably is better given how demented Islam is. I could be wrong.
It looks like I'm going to be spending most of the rest of the day sitting in a hospital waiting ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Hope it's not too serious and a speedy recovery...
I was thinking about this so figured I'd post it in this group.
racocn8 comments on Jan 20, 2022:
The reliability of information is always a matter of probability. Even information from reliable sources can be wrong or subject to tampering. Where did the information come from and does the source have a motive? I like Wikipedia, but I've seen mistakes/tampering. For a while, Wikipedia stated that Malaysia Flight 17 was shot down by Ukraine militia, when it was pretty clear initially and thereafter that Russian forces did it. Countering misinformation is a matter of marshaling reliable references and presenting them. Some people will keep an open mind, but others become loyal to their views no matter what you show them. Confirmation bias is a powerful pattern. Reliability of references is not necessarily a matter of 'scientific' or 'academic' publishing. Thomas Sowell publishes all manner of trash, and conservatives cite it like it was anything other than propaganda because Sowell is a professor. Conservative Institutions often generate inflammatory screeds with all sorts of statistics, and conservatives cite this crap, regardless of it's absurdity. Yeah, beware of statistics. You can't win any arguments when they've memorized a few, and one really can't be fact-checking statistics in a casual conversation.
When you know that karma is coming thrice around.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Karma is a broken clock for the superstitious.
Does ice climbing sound like fun?
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
If you have a death wish and no other reason to live.
Earth's core cooling faster than previously thought, researchers say The planet's core has been ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Extract: "When the planet goes cold, it'll lose its magnetic field, which shields Earth from harmful cosmic radiation. At that point, Earth would become a sterile, uninhabitable rock." Not so fast. That harmful cosmic radiation can only destroy life on the surface. We now know that bacteria thrive many feet/meters below the surface. Also, sea floor vents demonstrate they can provide organisms with chemical sources of energy completely unconnected with solar radiation. Such pockets of life may exist on the moons of the outer planets if they are geologically active and have oceans. AFAIK, Europa and Enceladus are candidates.
After an hour of searching with a magnet, I had found all of these magnetic rocks.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Please let us know if you find out what the stones are made of.
“I do not pretend to be able to prove that there is no god.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
The corollary of evolution is that Original Sin is bullshit, and so is any need for crucifixion and redemption. Other religions might not be so readily dismissed by science.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Suicide by stupidity.
"There are religious institutions in the Middle East, which are very important to locals.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Exposure to the internet provides a broader view of reality, at least for some.
"When haters started threatening him, he made donations to a queer youth charity in their name.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
The problem with a gay superman is that when superman comes, he shoots the brains out of his partner.
Toxic Marriage
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Mine was like that, except I was the one doing all the chores and going to work while she read books and went to therapy.
Not hard for junk to fall outta this piñata!
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
In the first meme, 2020 should be 2016.
Why hasn't Trump been criminally charged with something — anything — yet?
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
As a confidential informant, Trump received special dispensation from the DOJ for decades. For Trump to act on Putin's behalf, and not get vetted, he had to have the approval of the intelligence agencies. Trump immunity from the deep state means that the wealthy in this country have his back. It'll be hard or impossible to get justice. Shame, shame, shame, for those able to feel any.
@TheMiddleWay and I argued about the reasonableness of the scenario posed in the poll below in the ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
It would be nice if we lived in a world where we could accept the loss of the shooters parents at face value. However, assuming the parents share some responsibility is not a bad assumption. Thus, it is inappropriate.
Do you think this is a Corninthian column head?
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I'll just say it: to be unvaccinated at this stage is not only stupid; it is also criminal.
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
The anti-vaxxers mostly overlap Trump supporters, and thus endorse fascist criminality and Christian Nationalism.
For the antivaxxers
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Perhaps Omicron will hang around for awhile to work its magic.
There is a phenomena I've observed (not here, but recent discussions here have triggered the ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Listen to Deepak Chopra. Spiritual word salads devoid of substance or truth; really more like diarrhea.
Can that be arranged??
racocn8 comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Their suicide is a boon to society, however it happens.
California sues Christian "health care sharing ministry" for preying on consumers
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Do we really want to protect those idiots?
(Norway) Mass Murderer Anders Behring Breivik Gives Nazi Salute in Court
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Why in the hell did he not get a life sentence without the possibility of parole?
French far-right presidential candidate Zemmour fined for inciting race hate | Reuters
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
It's a race to the bottom...
Supreme Court justices aren't 'scorpions,' but not happy campers either
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
So Gorsuch demonstrates that he's a degenerate weasel like so many of his party. His behavior shows with clarity why he and several others are utterly unfit for that position. Ugh.
Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke on new voting restrictions: "Voting discrimination is ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
But, is the DOJ doing anything about it? It is an organized campaign (by Koch) to subvert the democratic process. Sounds like RICO to me.
CANNABIS IN SCIENCE & HEALTH 1/18/2022 A review concluded that "available evidence suggests ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Very much thanks for that first reference. I've been experimenting with beta-caryophyllene which is a CB2 agonist. This passages explains the effect... "CB2 stimulation in keratinocytes has been shown to promote the release of analgesic opioid peptides, which can modulate pain at a local level, as well as systemically (via the central nervous system) "
Aside from the most beautiful and very sexy Irina Telicheva stretched out to her full glorious body ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
I'd like that furniture (in Soylent Green jargon).
An interesting idea in the NY Times.
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Biden would need a food tester.
Do you think the human race is generally good or bad?
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
What is good or bad? I lean toward moral relativism so judgment depends on your culture (the answer is again hidden in the question). While I'm not fond of Hillary, I do believe it takes a village, meaning people do, generally, look out for one another, or understand that they should. Empathy seems to be universal among vertebrates, based on what I've seen. Is empathy good?
More Than Two-Thirds of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine Events Are Due to Placebo Effect
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Not a bit surprising. I have encountered amazing placebo effects before and could tell you stories.
My son is opening a cafe/bar on Phuket Island in Thailand.
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2022:
I may ask you to reciprocate some day...
"I endorse it.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
What it did was to end the ability of fanatics to use schools to intimidate and indoctrinate children.
I had found a magnet that a string could be tied to today the UPS delivered the magnet.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Sure it isn't a meteor fragment? How many rocks are magnetic?
I shared a video criticizing Critical Race Theory a few months ago (still with no idea what, ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
What I saw, more lucid than usual... Here's Wikipedia on Critical Race Theory.
If an anti-vaxxer dies of COVID, they're getting what they asked for.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
No one should be denied hospital care... Or should they? They are utter hypocrites for going to a hospital. But truly, their values are so completely despicable... Could we just fly them to Christian Fascist Hungary?
Australia has decided to 'let Covid rip.' Is that a good idea?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
If it gets rid of the nazi-like wackos, yes.
Random person: Can QAnon get any weirder?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Hopefully, one of them jumps on stage and rips Trump's face off to prove it.
Two quotes on one topic “Don't truth me, and I won't truth you.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
To which you should reply: "But you're not qualified and don't have standing."
Hi Does anyone know: On the question of debate about H.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
The Republicans have no comment except to block all debate. Isn't that mature?
Good news, no?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Yes, lets generate more tons of nuclear waste that won't be safe for 500,000 years. Hey, we haven't figured out a way to get rid of the existing super-hazardous nuclear waste. Per Google: More than a quarter million metric tons of highly radioactive waste sits in storage near nuclear power plants and weapons production facilities worldwide, with over 90,000 metric tons in the US alone.
Time for a truth bomb.
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
And the fear of democracy...
Silly and random not fun. WTF, is Tulsi trying to be a rapper or a hallmark card?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
God? Which god? This coming from another one of Putin's moles.
Probably looking for his MAGA hat too
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
He probably thought he was digging his way to heaven.
Is It Wrong To Mock People Who'd Opposed Covid Vaccines and Then Died of Covid ? Why/Not ?
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Most of the people opposing the Covid vaccines are doing so as a show of loyalty to the Republican fascist brand, and to the anti-science Christian cult. Both of these philosophies have shown themselves to be degenerate, immoral and hate-based. Those that die espousing these values uplift the remaining society by their departure. One may express condolences to those who foolishly loved these assholes, but in all likelihood, they are of the same mind. Sucks to be them.
Charlie Kirk Says Millions of Americans Are Having an ‘Existential Crisis’ And Could Be ‘Red ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Extract: "...they’ve used their tyranny of you and their bullying of you as this kind of open-air kind of therapy exercise because they have such unsettled problems in their own soul that they’d rather torture you than actually go find salvation themselves." We're going to need bigger padded cells...
Why Do We Forget? New Theory Says “Forgetting” Is Actually a Form of Learning
racocn8 comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Clearly one form of forgetting is an active process. Specifically (for me), unless I work to remember dreams, the memory is suppressed until forgotten. The act of trying to remember is like a request for recall, and my brain may or may not comply, and may take several minutes to comply if it can. One time upon waking, I knew I had an extensive dream experience. I tried and tried to remember what it was. My unusual reward for trying so hard was to have the dream recalled in an extremely rapid fire recollection. It seemed the repeated attempts to recall caused the unusually rapid memory. Very strange!
So I've been hearing shit in the news about a coming civil war and the conservatives like to talk ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
I hope it doesn't come to that. At the same time, the extremity of their actions and rhetoric comes from understanding that their belief systems are mostly based on hate, greed and envy. Some will fight to the death, because they think they have nothing to live for. Most have been manipulated to support Trump/Putin's mobocracy and race war. Turning their back on American principles, they are unfit citizens. If they want to go out in a blaze of glory, it may be necessary to oblige them. We may need to revisit what it means to be an American citizen with voting rights, etc. A number of red states may need to be merged to reduce their power/corruption. Or, Putin will solidify his beach-head. Blue states may need to break away. Corporations that supported Putin will find their board members have bounties on their heads, and those corporations will be the first to be screwed by Trump/Putin, just for the fun of it.
So I got banned from Facebook, but only for a day, because I DARED post a quote from Mein Kampf on a...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Trump's racism is sickening. That the GQP tolerate it is as shameful as it gets.
Another far right anti Vaxer dead of Covid. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Don't let the coffin lid slam her ass on her way down. Her death is a significant benefit to society.
You had one job.
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Even though I'm retired, I miss holidays.
Lifelong athletes face joint replacement. It's my turn. Advice?
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Alternatives: 1) Make your own spray using 15% beta-caryophyllene in 91% alcohol. Beta-caryophyllene is also an effective CB2 agonist. 2) Woodlock oil
Weird tales about the Skinwalker Ranch. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Weird stuff seems to happen, but people are weird. That's why good evidence is critical: 1) to demonstrate something really did happen, and 2) to gain understanding of what happened. Unfortunately, Skinwalker Ranch investigations have yielded minimal poor-quality evidence and the evidence is not revealing. Maybe Bigelow wasted his money on that one. Maybe we learned that elusive phenomena will require a lot more effort to reveal anything. I give Bigelow credit for the AATIP contract which has led to the disaffection of Luis Elizondo, TTSA, the release and authentication of UAP videos, the Pentagon Report, and further funding for UAP analysis.
Which of these seems more like wishful thinking...
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Um, no fairies in atheism, and no stories in atheism, just the facts. Lennox is a Christian apologist, and making apologies for Christianity is surely a full-time job. He thinks he's being cute. He's just being an arrogant asshole.
Anyone want to take bets on how the repuglican court will rule on this one?
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
For them to even consider the case is absurd. Given how screwy the GQP justices are, they'll make another wacky ruling that demonstrates their unfitness, and the need to only select competent justices.
When my kids were in preschool I used to help the teachers out.
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Which oils do you think contain carcinogens? Links?
Congress should be held accountable, legislatures should too
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Ah, the broken clock strikes again. Thomas Sowell is a self-hating conservative whore who still doesn't think structural racism exists, even as the GQP execute a nationwide campaign to deprive people of color minimal voting rights.
Former Disney, soap, & mainstream film actress, turned adult movie performer Maitland Ward
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Do women get off on wedgies?
I think you will like this. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Is there any way these people could have ennobled the rest of Humanity?
Let's see if vaccinations increase as this information becomes more widely known.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Just pour bleach on the affected member... Good for crabs too...
Rand is a moron too.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Paul created his own degree - - he's a fraud (as well as being a degenerate fascist phony).
What happens if he gets out of the hole?
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
That's like the way divorce law is set up now...
I’ll take red!
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Even with climate change, I'd take the red pill to be back at 6 years old. But does that mean you only have as few years left either way? I don't think I'd want to just relive childhood and die. Tough one!!
Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say Scientists warn that omicron’s ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Maybe and maybe not. Being more transmissible is what enables a new variant to replace the old one... "Far more transmissible than previous variants, Omicron has risen to become the world’s second-most contagious virus – closely behind measles. Omicron has an R number of 8 to 15, compared to 15-18 for measles, explains Prof Dr. Wasun Chanratita,... It is a matter of chance whether a mutated form of Omicron develops that is still more transmissible. It certainly is possible, and given the rampant level of infection, the odds are probably not bad, but Omicron could be as transmissible as they get. "Omicron is likely the fastest spreading virus ever studied...because the time it takes for an Omicron case to become infectious is shorter than for measles."
I had a dream last night.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Imagine if more women were that cooperative...
This Was Sedition: Fox talking points FALL APART!! - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
And that's the problem. The 700 previously charged SHOULD HAVE been charged with sedition. They were certainly guilty of it.
[] Reddit's Herman Cain COVID award
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Per the article: "Like soldiers who have been trained to see their enemies as less than human, we have forgotten that those who disagree with us are, despite everything, still people." Maybe so, but let's also remember that these are almost always partisans who disregard their leader's treason, mass murder, extortion/bribery, insurrection and now sedition. Being anti-vax is just their 'seig heil!' Even now they seek to impose fascism and mobocracy in place of the shreds of democracy still left. Those that share values with the Nazis deserve the same level of respect. Human? That's debatable. They'd be the ones shoving us in the gas chambers if they got the chance.
Federal prosecutors have charged more than 700 people in more than 45 states with participating in ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
And all of their sentences, if any, are a fraction of the time given for drug violations, especially for non-whites.
Famous orangutan driving a golf cart. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Competition for Vin Diesel in his next Fast and Furious movie...


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66 members
Minority Heathens
63 members
Laughter is medicine
62 members
Biden Piñata
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Pro Choice/Abortion Rights
60 members
Code Monkeys
56 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
No more war
51 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Libertarians Worldwide
47 members
Hikers' Connection (Natural Highs)
46 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
Recovering Theists
35 members
I don't give a fuck
34 members
Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Breaking the Habit
28 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
26 members
Ricky Gervais
26 members
Home Renovations
26 members
Mynd Storm
25 members
Love of Physics
23 members
Asexual Area
23 members
23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Hearing Loss or What the heck did you say?
23 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Consortium of thoughts
20 members
Conspiracies & High Strangeness
19 members
Broken Hearts Club
18 members
Ungodly Truth
17 members
16 members
Everything Beauty
15 members
Herbalists Corner
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
People Who Need People
11 members
Truth Seekers
11 members
The Plague
8 members
Goodness without godness
6 members
Workplace issues
4 members
Community Senate
385 members