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Elite military teams were on standby on January 6th if the capitol needed to be retaken from trumps ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
This is the first time I've been doubtful about Beau's information. The Capitol WAS breached, and heavily armed insurrectionists did get within feet of Congresspersons. Perhaps those militiamen were stopped by the military team that Beau references and maybe they were stopped by the Capitol Police. Otherwise, I have a hard time believing that they withheld their activation in the face of the progress of the insurrectionists. I'd love to know the truth, but I'm convinced the CIA is intent on suppressing it.
Rare joint statement from Russia, China, Britain, US and France says 'nuclear war cannot be won' ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
They just figured that one out? Not a good sign (It means it's closer than ever)
Critical thinking skills are critical…
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Adam, Moses, and Jesus... The Fall, Exodus, and the Crucifixion - - All utterly fictional. None of it's true. Snake oil from con men.
Cop Suspended After Displaying Neo-Nazi Sign In Office - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
How is he not fired? Fucking police unions...
Elizabeth Holmes Trial Verdict: Guilty On Four Out Of 11 Charges
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
What an utterly stupid jury. I hope they max-out the charges she was convicted of. And the arrogance of blaming her ex-boyfriend for everything. Yeah, despicable. One good thing is she mostly scammed Republicans...
Trekkies will remember what a horn dog he was
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Spock is right. Kirk would fuck a female cactus.
A Pastor Raped, Impregnated, and Married a Child; The Victim is Now Speaking Out
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Alabama. That figures.
AT&T and Verizon Communications Reject Request to Delay 5G Rollout
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
AT&T and Verizon contributed to the sedition caucus members.
What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Believing in God
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
From Google: "A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia has shown that religious fundamentalism is, in part, the result of a functional impairment in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex. ... Fundamentalist groups generally oppose anything that questions or challenges their beliefs or way of life." A link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism has now been established by scientists So when you stop, you begin to heal.
2 Termites walk in to a Bar. one termite ask the other, " Is the Bartender here?"
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
He's on the outside of the counter.
Marjorie Tarded Greene is saying Twitter is an "enemy to America", just because they permanently ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
As is so often the case with idiots like her, her words are utterly pure projection.
Maybe the next door idea was common when people thought I would marry my school sweetheart in the ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
If people weren't so dedicated to being ignorant assholes... When I met my partner, she lived straight north 3 or so miles. I am very happy with her after two years of pandemic-induced cabin fever!!! It is great!!!
Well, there goes all our fun!
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
In the old days, if a dog was frothing at the mouth, it would be shot to put it out of its misery.
Hi all. Newbie here, first post. What is your greatest fear?
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Apart from dying in some other way, that my arthritis spreads to my other joints and I become disabled.
Why are there so many inactive groups?
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Allow me to promote my group...
Yerp, anti maskers and anti-vaxxers are simply mass murderers.
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Darwin doesn't play favorites... They would be unfit mothers.
The "martyr" Ashli Babbitt. As if. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 3, 2022:
Is there nothing positive to say about such a person? Pathetic.
Marjorie Greene is the face of stupid and a horrible hypocrite.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
How about a Jewish space laser turns her into a pink cloud?
Yep, that explains it.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Being in a cult means the end of pure altruism.
About a month ago, the Pentagon admitted that a leaked video did depict an actual incident.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Replacement video:
Family who lost grandma to COVID-19 asks people feeling sick to stay home, away from gatherings
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Now multiply that tragedy by 800,000 plus. I enjoyed and respected a certain historian/pundit, but I found out that he supported and endorsed Trump. Normally, he never discussed his politics, so I was shocked to find out, and forced to downgrade his reliability. In the fall of 2020, I heard that his mother passed away from Covid. I felt compelled to blame him and his Trumpy values; I'm sure they figured into her passing. It's sad. These people lose loved ones, but are so devoted to their hate that they haven't the humility to take responsibility for their stupidity. Shame on them, though I know they can't feel any. He laments the endemic animosity even as he stokes it all the more. Asshole.
He got what he wanted, attention.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Is it sincere, or is it contrived political theater? I'm guessing the latter, and if so, time to break out the rubber bullets...
Marxism []
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
PragerU? Figures.
(For all those from the Mean Streets of Detroit.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Karen that needs covid, a ventilator and a body bag. e.g. fertilizer.
Hell, I'm about 30 years passed the time I thought I'd snuff it!!! Still not totally sure if that's ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
I have been so many people, I don't remember them all..
My truth!!
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
So bad judgment lays the foundation for more bad judgment...
And you don't need a partner.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Yeah, orgasmic!!!
A rabbi has the column featured in this article, but his rhetoric is the same as that of Xtians.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Life is too short to spend it trying to untangle nonsense, especially when the liars don't want the truth.
A small victory!!!
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
But it was only because of the Covid misinformation she posted.
“I guess the only time most people think about injustice is when it happens to them.
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
If you are surrounded by those brainwashed or traumatized to lose their empathy.
IMHO.... Windows cleaners are more brave than soldiers
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
Effing sadist...
2022 is the year of accountability. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2022:
I would so like to believe something will happen. However, I have heard that no trace of DOJ investigation in terms of interviews, and lack of any activity to pursue organizers for the last year; it smells like something rotten. Good or great if anything happens, but I still suspect we're being stalled until the GQP coup rolls out.
Army Hero Who Oversaw Katrina Recovery Rails Against Miltary Officers Backing Trump's Big Lie
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
"Your periodic reminder that 124 retired Generals and Admirals signed a letter contesting the 2020 election. Fascist assholes, every one." Bingo. We now face a nation that has been wholly compromised by fifth columnists. These traitors still claim to be Americans as they continue to embrace a proven agent of Putin. No condemnation is adequate.
Nature photo
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
The tenderness is gripping...
I seem to have been blocked from viewing or replying to a post by doug6352 making a claim about a ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Shouting lies is what passes for owning the libs.
The movie "Don't Look Up" impressed me, sort puts things in perspective if you take it at face ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Fail-safes like vetting presidential candidates?
Pope Francis says violence against women insults God as he delivers New Year's message ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Ugh. That coming from a genocidal pedophile in a dress... Yeah, there's some real moral authority!!!
Brainless moron.
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Easy on the vodka, effing traitor...
Unvaxxed High School Sweethearts Die of COVID on Same Day
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Two more dead victims of Trump and Murdoch.
Trump to Supreme Court: Read This ‘Washington Post’ Article That I Think Proves My Point | ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Spare me. The insurrection was the least of Trump's crimes, and DOJ won't pursue anything because of Trump's Informant Immunity.
What created anti-vaxxers? The MSM! []
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
As if the anti-vaxxers watch MSM? They only watch Fox. My guess is that the number of anti-vaxxers has multiplied five to 50 times the pre-pandemic level. That increase being the result of politicizing masks and then vaccines by Fox talking heads. The video is bullshit. Long on allegations with near zero facts.
The Young Turks - Marjorie Taylor Greene Breaks The Stupid Record With Tweet []
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
The efficacy of Ivermectin has been discredited. Assholes like MTG still tout it because doing so 'owns the libs'. It also kills a lot of MAGAs, so by all means, MTG, lie away. I don't mind being owned that way one little bit. AFAIK, only one of the types of monoclonal antibodies is also effective for Omicron; all the other brands work poorly.
Don’t pander to your sweet tooth is easier said than done.
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2022:
Fuck that. Go for it. Life is short enough.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants Dems Moving to Red States Temporarily Barred from Voting Taking ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
She looks to me to be your standard Christian.(Hateful and dishonest)
Oh look, here comes 2022.
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Braking bad?
Greetings from the Resident Skeptic.
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
But what do you do about people who prefer the lie even after whistle-blowers come forth?
31st December 192 AD…Roman Emperor Commodus survives poisoning attempt by his mistress only to be ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
If at first you don't succeed....
This is just hypothetical. How bad does someone have to mess up to cause a breakup?
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Disrespect and betrayal occur in many forms. Neurotics commonly resort to infantile testing of the relationship. How much is too much?
I went to sleep with the TV on again last night and when I woke up to turn it off I'm hearing this ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
The Forgiveness admonition is a crock of shit. Do you see Christians forgiving those they've been taught to hate? If ever, only very rarely. They forgive themselves for all the crap they do, and that's it. Religion is brainwashed insanity and should be regarded as mental illness to be treated with whatever works.
Christians are balking at the the revised Bible.
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
As long as they fight and hate EACH OTHER more, instead of the rest of us.
Will they all be gone soon?
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Only a tiny fraction will die. Nowhere near enough...
Cancel and jail them all!
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Would that all those who knowingly supported a traitor-in-chief, and then insurrectionist, could get what they deserve. These Putin-supporters should be stripped of their citizenship, for starters.
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 12/31/2021 Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tweeted, ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Biden has had plenty of time to do the right thing. He can't seem to shake off his drug warrior roots, and that only sends good people into the arms of the GQP. (This is all calculated...) Shame on the democrats for their broken promises. Biden's son would still be alive if research into how cannabis helps to stop cancer hadn't been prevented by the drug war Biden fostered. (in other words, Biden's hatred of cannabis helped kill his own son, and now he won't own up to it).
25 years ago: Tanzania ejects hundreds of thousands of Rwandan refugees The Tanzanian government...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
The Tutsis refugees had previously engaged in blatant genocide against the Hutus, but fled to Tanzania when the conflict went against them. Zero sympathy.
Life, Philosophy, and Everything In-Between: Whack A Hovind
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Accidently invented
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
And that would be the dinner bell...
Why? Why? Why?
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
At last, a cat who expresses the perpetual smirk that otherwise occupies their minds.
Letters From An American 12/30/2021
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Let's be clear that the DOJ is NOT part of the government that is properly working. Giving insurrectionists ultralight sentences or probation is insulting, as is indicting NONE of the senior officials who instigated it. And a lot more. Clearly, the DOJ does not work for the US anymore. And it appears the CIA is also on the side of Putin and his kleptocrats. It's all downhill from here, folks. Ex-pat'ting is looking better and better.
haha!!!! Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for a national divorce between Republican and Democratic ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
How about we enact the Great Replacement instead? Much better...
RIP Betty White died 17 days before her 100th birthday.
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
I saw a note about this young (to me) lady who had been in the New Mouseketeers (Tiffini Talia). I didn't know her, but she passed of a heart attack at the age of 46. That struck me as going far too early, but the usual, ya just never know.
Thanks Evangeloon's Mum, you managed to spend even more on your hopeless , lodge an Appeal to have...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Maybe you should invest in some gasoline?
No surprise there.
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
May Covid find him...
Michael Bublé, Kris Jenner part of $40M investment in Christian meditation app Glorify An app ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt shuns COVID-19 booster shot
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Omicron: "You're up"
My dating profile says I'm liberal and that Trump followers need not apply.
racocn8 comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Why the push back? Pick a reason: 1. Trumpers are all about being a Karen - - bullying and trying to be belligerent. 2. Most single male Trumpers are Incels - - they hate women and think they should be provided women to rape. 3. Trumpers are psychotic - - they are evangelicals who have been taught it is OK to abuse women physically and mentally. 4. Trumpers primary motive is to 'own the libs' and your post gives them the perfect excuse to act out.
Jessica Ashley
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Out damn spot...
Be aware, be very aware please, the Faithfools, aka Christfools, Jesusnuts, etc, etc, have a NEW ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
I've suspected for a long time that Jesus was allegorical. Seriously though, there's one passage where Jesus mentions Adam and Moses in the same breath, meaning that Jesus, or whoever is speaking for him, thought that BOTH had been actual historical figures: Romans 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. So Adam is NOT allegorical and neither is Genesis. It is all, actual crap.
it's a fact
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
To the Republicans who have prolonged the pandemic, please drop dead.
We can only hope that a special prosecutor or SDNY gets their asses.
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
You'll have to clean out the DOJ and CIA first. Good luck with that.
What do you say to religious proselytizers?
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
"Sorry, I'm not interested." or "See the sign? It says 'No soliciting'".
The big health stories of 2021 that you might have missed because of COVID []
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
I love the one about New Zealand forbidding the next generation from smoking.
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee - Full Frontal Rewind: The Ultimate Case for Abortion Rights ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Try telling it to the evangelicals...
Yeah, this is my sticker!
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Please hold your breath while waiting.
Skinny Bob: Real or Fake?
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
The videos seem realistic enough. These videos had been around for a long time, but then they disappeared, and have only been reposted in a disinformation context: fake time-stamps have been added, and they were spliced in to Soviet film leaders, and a nonsense narrative added. That smells a lot like CIA BS. The CIA has expended a lot of effort toward discrediting everything and everyone related to UFOs. The videos could be real, but doctored to discredit them. The quality of the videos suggests they could be real. Real or not, the aliens match the descriptions reported by those claiming to be eyewitnesses. Real or not, they seem to depict one of the species, perhaps the primary species, of alien. The videos may be instructive to that extent. It's unclear if any significant information can be obtained from the videos if they are real. Consider reviewing the posts under this group...
One would think that this would cause even the most fervent Fauci, Covid measures, govt supporter ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 30, 2021:
Maybe posting outright falsehoods, the like of which have killed hundreds of thousands, might have something to do with it?
Not exactly keeping the faith.
racocn8 comments on Dec 29, 2021:
How about embracing and supporting these snakes?
Rhode Island Lawmaker Who Sponsored Anti-CRT Bill Whines That Black Friend No Longer Likes Her
racocn8 comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Such people may not be as stupid as they appear, but what does it matter?
Are women inherently polyamorous?
racocn8 comments on Dec 29, 2021:
It's a big leap to go from being slightly aroused to willingly spreading their legs. It sounds like projection of a promiscuous woman needing to rationalize her behavior. Given the consistent insistence on monogamy and the consuming interest in material goods, this essay is just so much salacious bullshit.
Fellow lawmaker says Jim Jordan is 'very scared' as Jan 6 Committee seeks info on calls made to ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 29, 2021:
It will be a miracle if he gets what he deserves. Justice for Trump and his minions appears to not fit the script, and that means the end of the US.
The words "medical apartheid" is an emotive phrase that is ultimately meaningless and used by mental...
racocn8 comments on Dec 29, 2021:
Interesting. It is bizarre how the Christian neo-Nazis (white supremacists) appropriate and deploy memes that have previously related to genuine repression. Some have taken to wearing a yellow star like those German Jews were forced to wear. They'll refer to their white grievance as the Holocaust, or slavery. Per the article: Some attendees at the rally also bore signs and badges stating "my body, my choice", appropriating a key slogan of the pro-choice abortion movement." The whole idea is to degrade the meme with their absurd use while hoping to offend a group they are notorious for hating. It's a combination of historical revisionism and advertising. Your label of "mental defectives" is spot on!!!
Here’s where we stand one year in: - Nearly 6 million new jobs — a record for a new president ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
And yet I see the MAGA-Trumpers post their idiotic anti-Biden memes. They're childish and not even close to being funny. I waste enough time on here not to waste my energy on them. So, I've blocked Umbrella-guard and Bigpawbullets, whose stupidity won't be missed. Ugh.
Question about history: Does anyone have a sense of where the Jews of Europe and the Middle East ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
They did their best to be invisible. Often the Crusaders started their journey by razing any Jewish communities they came across and killing anyone they found there. Just for practice. Pogroms occurred throughout the first two millennia, whether to blame Jews for plague, for poor harvests, or to enable looting.
My Maths teacher called me average. How mean.
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Burlington and LAPD.
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Grotesquely incompetent trigger-happy moron. At a minimum, discharged from the force as manifestly unfit.
Tuesday morning fire
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
It would be better to cover her vagina by pretending to take a picture of it.
Lawyers For Men Charged With plotting To Kidnap Gov.
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
They'll just get pardoned when Trump gets back in.
Cui prodest?
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
Asinine nonsense.
Glenn Kirschner - House Select Committee Investigates 3-Hour Delay In Trump Calling Off the Attack...
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2021:
There isn't gonna be any investigation and there ain't gonna be any indictments. DOJ will protect Donald Trump and no one can do anything about it. Trump gets this protection because he has been a confidential informant, and they get a free pass. AND, he has the endorsement and protection of the CIA. What we need is for the Congress to make an assessment and finding that DJT committed insurrection and cannot run for any office again, per the Constitution. Said finding must have legal authority so that if Trump registers, the registration can be legally challenged. Perhaps they could actually pass a law specifically forbidding him from running based on the finding. Or something like that...
What is the terminology for someone that is no longer your friend?
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
Associate, coworker, acquaintance, colleague
Katya Clover has been a prolific nude model since 2008.
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I suppose there are many forms of work that don't seem like work, but are.
Liz Cheney just 'let the cat out of the bag' about the possibility of a criminal referral coming for...
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
Unless it's in the CIA's script, it ain't happening.
Most civilized countries already do this
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
So you're saying that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are evil socialism (mocking MAGA Qooks).
My cousin and her husband were very good friends for years with a couple that lived down the street ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
To the tune of 2000 per day...
The Case Against Santa Denialism []
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
Santa is a democrat hoax...
Astronomers Spy Quartet of enormous Cavities From Giant Black Holes [scitechdaily.
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
I've seen one photo of a large galaxy where the two sets of jets are intertwined into two helices. What's notable is that the super-massive black holes must have been somewhat similar in mass, and approached each other edge on.
FDR seizes control of Montgomery Ward 🇺🇸 December 27, 1944 🏬 As World War II dragged...
racocn8 comments on Dec 27, 2021:
We should do that to Fox.
Christmas & Evolution
racocn8 comments on Dec 26, 2021:
If true, Jesus would have been female.
for those worried about climate change but still have the ability to think for themselves.
racocn8 comments on Dec 26, 2021:
Looks like Koch-funded propaganda.
Pope Francis Urbi et Orbi address: World ignoring huge tragedies []
racocn8 comments on Dec 26, 2021:
Ya mean like the genocide in Rwanda that the Catholic Church helped foster? In what way does the Catholic Church have standing to make such a comment? (As if they represented anything like a moral authority - - That's a laugh!)
The Capitol Police can now call the National Guard themselves, circumventing what Trump did to them ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 26, 2021:
Unless, like on Jan 6, you have traitors in your midst.


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