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A recent post cited the term UFOlogy and consigned it to representing a ".
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
The lack of comments speaks volumes about the horsepower of the site members (Fucking cowards).
WTF??? Saudi camel beauty pageant cracks down on cosmetic enhancements []
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
The Saudis would lose to their camels...
Well, it seems the group against "child free"" is active again.
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Women can stop having babies or the species can die from environmental degradation (starvation).
Abū al-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī was an Arab philosopher, poet, and writer.
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
If only that were true. It is confounding that many intelligent people remain fervent believers. The segregation of religious belief from knowledge and understanding seems paradoxical. Shame on them for not applying critical thinking to their childish delusions.
This is a Grinch post. []
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Prove I read it...
We realized and escaped but....
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
And blocking progress for everyone wanting to go in the other direction.
Two election workers break silence after enduring Trump backers' threats | Reuters
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Those law enforcement who refuse to pursue those issuing death threats should be considered party to the threats and the whole group indicted for civil rights and election violations.
Kentucky Man Sold Young Daughter, Who Then Gave Birth to Buyer's Baby: Police
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Yes, the Bible is such a great source of moral wisdom...
Trump’s White House Passed Around a PowerPoint on How to End American Democracy
racocn8 comments on Dec 10, 2021:
The treason against their own country doesn't get any prettier, whether for the seditionists, or for the rank and file Republicans who support Trump. Trumpers can never call themselves Americans, and doing so should be met with derision.
Why politics unfortunately matter.
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
They can conduct themselves in line with the past ugliness of the Court, or they can violate their oaths and set the stage for a reworking of the Court. While they receive the honorific title of 'Your Honor', these kind of people are infamous for lacking anything like honor.
Catholic diocese says gay and trans people can't be baptized or receive communion They must refrain...
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
How are rational people supposed to react to such ugly hatred?
Goddess Kalki is missing.....
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
They didn't make enough money on part 1 to do part 2...
GOP Sen.
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
May all good Republicans follow his advice...
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
"...ufology is regarded by skeptics and science educators as a canonical example of pseudoscience." That is because the national security apparatus sought to disparage and ridicule those who reported sightings, etc. That has been problematic because UFOs have particular interest in nuclear weapons and facilities. UFO performance characteristics do not resemble anything in anyone's inventory. Even with lots of good evidence, some skeptics have become debunkers who lie, cherrypick and misrepresent data, behavior which is far closer to religion than science. The resulting societal brainwashing in unfortunate. The Pentagon Report represents a small step in encouraging military staff to honestly report what they see, rather than to be intimidated into silence. The latter is an issue of readiness and national security. What is fortunate is that several "former" CIA/Pentagon staff have formed an entity to facilitate increased disclosure of the truth. These "To The Stars Academy" founders helped get the Pentagon to authenticate the videos, and to validate their UFO status (reading between the lines of the Pentagon Report). One interesting development of TTSA is that they are working with Avi Loeb to use existing telescopes. The Galileo Project also hopes to develop new platforms to perform technical evaluations of UFOs, this because the Pentagon is reticent to declassify anything. A link is below. It is unfortunate that the country's own military would refuse to be more cooperative on such an important subject. However, that same military contains a large percent of Christians who regard UFOs and aliens as demonic. As these folks are incapable of rational judgment on this subject, serious projects have been segregated into private information silos...
/Letters From An American 12/08/2021
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Besides being convicted of contempt of Congress, Meadows should have his law license stripped for the frivolous lawsuit. As an insurrectionist spy, can't he get a cage in Guantanamo and have the truth extracted forcibly?
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Decisions, decisions... a mask or a body bag...
Hours after community members gathered for a Christmas tree lighting in Chicago, it was set on fire ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
“It’s an attack on our community, and it’s unfortunate that the incidents keep happening,..." The problem is that the Christian community has supported treason, sedition, and now fascism. That sort of attack is certain to draw counter-attacks. It may be Christmas trees now, but people have the same outrage as the Canadians after finding mass graves of children hidden on church properties. One may reasonably predict that just as Christians try to burn synagogues and crosses, payback seems likely.
Two deaf people get married.
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
How about just leaving the lights on...
Iowa: Criminalizing Books and Arresting Teachers and Librarians
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Truly, the country of the blind. Religious kooks: inmates running the asylum. Can we just drop a bomb on them so we don't have the shame of being the same species? Yikes! That's what happens when the psychopathy that generates shamelessness run amok and you have a whole population of immoral wackos. (and they say atheists are evil?)
Oh goody.
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2021:
It's tragic to see supposedly smart people waste their time so frivolously. These people are not paying attention. Don't worry, notes are being taken, and maybe some use will come of our catastrophe. Just not us.
I’ll just leave this here…
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Trump: "Jim Jones is a piker compared to me"
That’s the ticket!
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Imagine what the Egyptians might have done if they had put all that effort to genuinely constructive use? Imagine what any country could achieve if their leaders truly focused on improving the lives of their citizens, instead of lining the pockets of their supporters or themselves.
How to atheists return to religion? I don't understand
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Returning to religion, especially Christianity, is an extremely common lie Christians tell each other. It is like so many other lies and just so stories they use to occupy their empty lives. If you ever run into one, ask them the definition of an atheist. They'll always give you the incorrect Christian definition, where an atheist is one who makes the claim that god doesn't exist. The correct definition is that an atheist does not have a belief in any of the various gods. Other than that, possibly a few people never spent any time learning anything about atheism. Atheism has a rich and amusing literature, some of which lampoons Christianity. One would have to have a full-on brain fart to forget all that.
Two good ones…
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
And what happened to the DOJ's prosecution of Trump for the crimes detailed in the Mueller Report. Mueller testified that Trump could be prosecuted upon leaving office. The DOJ and FBI have been corrupted by partisanship. THAT is what needs to be investigated.
What's the craziest thing you ever heard come out of the mouth of a religious leader?
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Keep 'em coming. We need to shove this shit down their throats...
"The Fox News Christmas tree was set on fire last night.
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Actually, there was a cross inside, but they didn't think it would be a 'good optic.' ( they covered it up.)
'God had cornered me': Mark Meadows explains why he had no choice but to work in Trump's White House...
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
"It was God, which is part of the doctrine of Divine Command Theory, which puts God at the source of any and all actions in one's life." (...that you would otherwise be utterly ashamed of doing, and don't have the balls to take responsibility for. )
Lauren Boebert Posts Christmas Photo of Young Sons Brandishing Assault Weapons Just a little ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
A Majority of Gun Victims Know Their Assailant And when the youngest has had enough of the wacky family bullying, time to send them all to heaven...
Change my mind.
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
For sure it shouldn't just be via the supernatural. We should be 'terrorizing' them on a consistent basis.
That's the funny thing
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
You should add an AR-15 and pokemon...
Lin Wood Claims Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Under Influence of ‘the Devil’
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
We should be working harder to promote divisions within the GQP...
Tucker Carlson Sides With Putin Over Ukraine, Right to Defend Borders
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Just what happens when the GQP openly declare themselves as Putin stooges? They're openly racist; what's a little treason matter as long as the libs are owned...
Four Filter Fusion: Hubble Captures a Stunning Stellar Whirlpool []
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
I wonder what process has mostly swept away the dust in the center? Photonic pressure?
What do you want to see under your Christmas tree?
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Looks more like charcoal. Pass...
Did they not test market it?
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
If olive oil is made from olives, corn oil from corn, what do they make baby oil from?
Prove this first
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Everyone is atheist whether they admit it or not.
An assembly of church messages brought to you by your friendly FFRF community.
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
"Up yours" has ALWAYS been their pledge.
Go, California! California Plans to Be Abortion Sanctuary If Roe Overturned [apnews.
racocn8 comments on Dec 8, 2021:
We need people to vote, and to know what they're voting for.
I’m an atheist..
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Almost cute, but no. That's an attempted joke that relies on stupidity.
Anti choice is just another ploy to keep women from empowerment and equality.
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
For every unwanted embryo forced to go to term, a man should be sterilized at random...
America’s Forgotten Internment The United States confined 2,200 Latin Americans of Japanese ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Lots of racist mass murders and disasters in US history. But then, that history will soon be over...
“Your destiny is not determined by an outside force, it’s determined by YOU, and you ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Ridiculous. A platitude that uses fallacious exaggeration to make an absurd point. Lying is no way to impart wisdom. Even from a certain point of view.
Stephen is right
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Um, no. per wikiP: graduating from Yale in 2001 with a B.A. magna cum laude in history, That makes him dangerous.
Big Oil Profits Surge to $174 Billion in 2021 Amid Rising Gas Prices: Report "Americans looking ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
And the pockets of the Sedition Caucus...
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
What will it take to sterilize most men and women? (Especially in industrialized countries)
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Answer: We don't. Therefore, the Resolution was an exercise in futility and a waste of time. but I'm sure everyone felt better afterwards. And isn't feeling better all that matters? Humanity is such a joke.
Just going to leave this here ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
That sucks...
I'm going to put it out there
racocn8 comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Tolerating stupidity is one thing, tolerating hate is another...
Let’s face it. It didn’t happen.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Where's the toast and the dog's butt?
Video from Right-Wing Watch QAnon conspiracy theorist and self-proclaimed "prophet" Johnny Enlow...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
The megalomania is spreading... ...also the dementia....
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Conservative humor. What? Doncha get it? It's funny! I'm laughing....see... (trying to pretend it's not white grievance).
Just asking?
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Cross-Dresser (in gay films) The Lamb of God (in gay films)
The proof is in the basement
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
"Room for one more, honey..."
Article on Trump having 21 million "insurrectionists" wanting bloodshed.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
It's a bug hunt... Except bugs aren't cowards...
It was inspiring — really inspiring.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Yet how quickly that respect is brushed away by Wokeist hate-mongering...
I think the abortion debate is putting the cart before the horse because we have no widespread ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
We can clearly see that those who promote pro-life canards have no real interest in protecting human life. Abortion has never been anything more than a gimmick to corral the sheep. It should not be afforded serious discussion because it is insincere to begin with. Only those unwilling and incapable of understanding argue otherwise. Religious bullshit should not be imposed on the rest of society. What's the argument against birth control, because you better believe that is next.
How about updating a chant that was used during the Vietnamese War - Hey, hey, LBJ How many ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
The NRA is owned by Putin too, and he has no problem with school shootings (in the US).
Devilish Delight
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
So much better than nuns with guns.
Ash heap of history material.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Except the cockroachs should be lined up listening to him. Although that's an insult to cockroaches.
Now The Public Health Dictators Want You Masked in Your Own Home Simon Black December 3, 2021 ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
The law is unenforcible, and nothing will come of it. What it will do is to emphasize ordinary precautions in a society where Republicans have politicized a health emergency with horrific effects. And even after a half million, and now more, Republicans have doubled down compelling the loyal to stay unvaccinated, and thus prolong the pandemic indefinitely. Plainly there's no comparison.
San Francisco Police Do Nothing as They Watch a Robbery Unfold When a legal marijuana dispensary ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Every cop on that scene should be fired. Dispensaries pay ridiculous taxes, and police protection should be part of that.
Another vision of the future.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Being the optimist, I'll make a prediction... We'll have another, even more serious pandemic develop before this one fades away.
Following yet another school mass murder event in America, should the US government add another ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
We're going to need guns to take down the fascists... (all too soon).
Republican Triggered By Uppity Blacks In TV Commercial.
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
That is Trump's treasonous Evangelicals, opening their raincoats for all to gaze on their racism. And now they've chosen to pursue fascism because Roe fried their brains.
I realize that not everyone here is into this sort of action-item, but I am passing along this link ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Some interesting ideas, but still taking a sponge to the ocean.
Another great one from the young environmentalist;
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Perhaps Thunberg knows better that to call out religion as the culprit.
Doesn't think there wasnt?
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
The incoherence seems to be spreading...
Gaetz Slammed for Saying Getting COVID Is Best Protection Against It
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
If he's so fearless, he should volunteer his superman superiority to serve in a Covid ward (without a mask, of course).
working out - has anyone read any credible looking links as to whether it's genuinely lower risk to ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 6, 2021:
How much is that camaraderie worth? My opinion is that you should wait at least two months to see what happens with Omicron and with the winter spike.
Get it??? All right!
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
(audience member murmers: "What's a man?")
A juicy one from R. Dawkins
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Some days Eve thought she was Black, and some days she thought (identified as) she was Asian. Some days Adam thought he was Aborigine, and some days he thought he was American Indian. The snake sometimes thought he was white...
Woman Arrested For Masturbating With A Vibrator On Georgia Beach | ThatViralFeed
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Had she put the towel over her, she'd have been OK. And come on, how much moaning can you do in 20 seconds. And just who is listening for that?
Sorry Religilous, Jebus cannot come this year due to the pandemic.
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
That last nail is going to be tricky...
I love unusual words.
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Very cool. Several unknown to me. While these are such wonderful words, one must know when they can be used without confusion...
Yes please do..... []
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Free Darwin Awards for white trash...
A GOP Lawmaker’s “Earthen Vessel” Rant is Being Condemned for the Wrong Reason | Hemant Mehta...
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Abortion is just the tip of the spear. Evangelical Republicans seek to outlaw birth control, and even other religions. They have started to fill prisons with women who happened to have had miscarriages. Practically all women have miscarriages!! Yeah, put them all in prison - - unclean, unclean...!!! Having junked all loyalty to the country, the Putin-Christians won't stop until they have full control, and they'll intimidate or kill everyone that gets in their way. This IS Nazi Germany.
If I decide to get a tattoo, this will be the first one.
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Yes, there is something about Mary (Jesus's true origin)
The level of ignorance is astonishing!
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
And the line through the zeros makes sense because? Because otherwise it would be 6066, and that doesn't mean anything? And why was 2020 omitted? Infantile.
Pope Francis calls neglect of migrants the 'shipwreck of civilisation' on visit to Lesbos ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Does he mean the civilization that arose out of the Dark Ages caused by Christianity? How much will the Catholic Church put up to help those migrants?
Someone recently told me that they were smart which triggered my research into this subject.
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
The need to express overconfidence or narcissism comes from a deep insecurity.
How do you display this in your home?
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Shouldn't the cow be in front of the plow?
I hate it when my wife gets mad at me for being lazy. It’s not like I did anything!
racocn8 comments on Dec 5, 2021:
The opportunity cost piles up...
It’s a night off alright 😂😂🙌🙌🙌
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
What a cutie. I wonder what it's behavior is like? (Would it be pet material? Or always ramming you in the calfs?)
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
She has no features. What is there to remember?
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I could tell you stories about trying to evade drug testing...
Star Trek Discovery.
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Star Trek was not that great to begin with, but when you're starved for content, you'll watch anything. And yet, by all accounts, the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises have been sold out to utter idiots. I'm glad not to have wasted my time. Even the review below seems too kind.
Who do you believe about Russiagate?
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I believe the Mueller Report that says Trump's campaign had more than 100 contacts with Russian agents, some of them involving the provision of polling and demographic data which Russia then used to effectively deploy social media bots. Bannon and Manafort provided the data, and Flynn helped coordinate this activity. Trump received rubles via the NRA and laundered Russian money through his properties. Trump received financial assistance from Deutsch Bank which funneled rubles to Trump. And so much more.
There is a path to happiness.
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Except that the person who is without sin gets kicked and beaten-up by those who, by virtue of their religion telling them it's OK, disregard all those fine sentiments.
Kavanaugh cites landmark gay rights cases in argument about abortion restrictions
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
And when the fascists take power, say goodbye to gay rights, women's rights, birth control, separation of church and state, goodbye to elections, democracy, the country, and any shred of self-respect. We will become the laughing-stock of the world, and Putin's gang will sell off every asset awarded by Trump. Kleptocracy will reign like it does in Russia.
North Dakota school superintendent slams critical race theory, calls to teach 'Christian heritage' |...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
"Christ centered Republic" should be replaced with "Christ-centered bigotry." Christians have been the primary source of hatred and racism, so it's clear why Christians resent efforts to dispel racism.
Imagine if you will...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I pull up to a string of cars waiting for the light to change. I notice that far ahead, a vagrant is sitting on the curb. After several minutes go by, it becomes apparent that the first car hasn't pulled onto the pressure sensor (out of deference to the vagrant?). So I pull out of line and getting next to the idiot, I flash some choice hand signals. As soon as he edges forward, the light changes...
New Covid variant: How worried should we be? []
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Worry achieves nothing. And it's unlikely that we'll need to do anything more than what we should already be doing.
Trump threatens to sue Pulitzer Prize board if it doesn’t rescind ‘Russiagate’ awards ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Nazi historical revisionists used to be content with trying to disguise Europe's mass murder. Now we have a treasonous Nazi ex-president trying to disguise his loyalty to Putin.
I tend to just say what comes to mind, it might be Happy Hannukah or Merry Xmas or Have a Nice Day, ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I'm, dreaming of white... grievance.... just like the racism I used to know...
Very punny groaner
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
That's what happens when you foal around...
[] Lifeguard spots giant manta ray off Florida beach
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
That's a big one alright...
Any line of reasoning stemming from an untestable assertion, no matter how logical, is inaccurate ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Can you cite some examples? Just assume it relates to religion? And then, what is the implication that such reasoning is inaccurate? You mean false? How about string theory?
Op-Ed: Why QAnon’s similarity to other cults makes it a significant national security threat ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Q members are drawn almost exclusively from the Evangelicals. As this is the core support for the Republican Party, it is unlikely that any serious action will be taken against them.
Cults use language to cast their spell Why intelligent — even sceptical — independent ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I would assert that people who succumb to cults have holes in their emotional maturity that the cults can fill. Emotional security is not overlapping with intelligence, so intelligent people often have as much vulnerability as the not so bright. The real problem comes where a cult's behavior and dogma has the effect of generating still more emotionally defective people. These young people are then brainwashed with narratives that reinforce their captivity. Another problem is how defective personalities are molded by the cult to perform specific tasks well-suited to their defect. Cults direct outgoing motormouths into being the street evangelists.
Trump's White House doctor calls Omicron a midterm elections trick []
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2021:
I'm sure there are any number of hospitals who could use his help storing corpses. He should want to give his fellow party-members a respectful send off...


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