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Eric is really that stupid…
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
It's a miracle!!!
Decisions decisions...
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
And Jesus will teach you to be a sexually twisted, deluded, sociopathic, hate-filled bigot.
Healing advice.
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
As one of many who has an estranged relative, I agree.
MeidasTouch Ad Censored by Fox "News" Featured on 11th Hour with Brian Williams - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
Too much cognitive dissonance for Fox... Gotta keep that bubble polished...
I think you would find the Death Eater mark on this evil lady who claims she is doing God's work.
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
Covid, you're up...
Colorado woman who won't get vaccinated denied transplant When religion strips away the last of ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
This is the shame and horror of religion - - She has been brainwashed and thus betrayed by cohorts, to death.
Freeman Dyson - Can Science Deal with God? - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
My understanding is that the majority of scientists are agnostics or atheists, and tolerate religion as a matter of social grace. They do not regard religion as having ANY answers. I don't support the notion that evil comes from the development of diversity.
Alright Aussie friends, how the can a court allow a lawsuit to continue because radio personality ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
If that's what it takes to 'overstep the mark' , I hope the Aussies will continue to test that mark. I have no knowledge of Australian radio, but I wonder if they don't have preachers on the radio that say much worse about atheists, evolutionary scientists, uppity women, etc.
Remind me what republicans are good for…?
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Injustice is inevitable where corruption proceeds unopposed by law or regulation.
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Yes, but coal sales are up...
Cops EXPOSED On Bodycam: We're Hunting People Now - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Institutional racism? What Institutional racism?
Interesting times
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
A simple "wash me" will suffice, thank you very much...
I often see posts containing questions about various aspects of Jesus's Christ's acts and teachings ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Suppose there were a god that created the universe and had anything like good intentions for humanity. The behavior of Christians and the history of Christianity easily and quickly dismiss the notion that said god had anything to do with them. Christians are decidedly ungodly. Worse, the BS they believe causes an assortment of mental psychoses, many of which compel them to act in ways that are at odds with their own beliefs!! The authors of the Bible plagiarized the content from other religions, and the supposedly moral content is often immoral and absurd.
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
When I run across a post that contains contents that consistently sounds racist, I am not inclined to believe that mindset can be influenced. All cultures contain behavior patterns that are self-destructive or impeding. Frankly, Blacks may be more aware of their weaknesses than Whites are. It's nice that CRT is getting so much publicity as an election trope. People do educate themselves as to what it is, and isn't.
"2021 Covid Death Toll Surpasses 2020.
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
We had 2000 deaths/day about 2 weeks ago, but it has dropped to around 1,700 per day. However, looking at last year, the dip may be temporary with another steady rise into Dec-Jan.
Would you mind reading to the end as I do not mean this to be racist, just a rant on the philosophy ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Abortion is a very successful rallying issue to get the Christians to the polls, and money in the coffers. Same with guns, racism, trans and gay marriage, and anti-science BS.
Will Russia’s hypersonic missile test relaunch Cold War-style arms race? []
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
No. That would require Russia to have money, and right now, it's a corrupt kleptocracy. The US spends vastly more on... what? Frankly, the real threat from Russia is the huge beachhead it has established within the GQP and a few dems.
Bernie Sanders Accuses Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema of 'Sabotage'
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
And not even that well paid saboteurs.
The National School Boards Association wants carte blanche in deciding school curriculum, free of ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
“Parents are not domestic terrorists, period." so stated the leader of the organization seeking to stop the use of masks. Except that anti-mask campaigning precisely overlaps those that endorse the sedition committed by Trump, who politicized not wearing masks. Parents that teach their children to needlessly endanger their classmates with a deadly disease ARE domestic terrorists and should be regarded as such.
Yeah. The bible totally wasn't written by a man.
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
What an utterly psychotic proscription. That is the wisdom of an all-powerful, all-loving God.
A very sad commentary
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
When will women accept responsibility for overpopulation? Not fair? Okay, when will humanity accept that responsibility?
Bill Maher Didn't Do The Reading - The Damage Report []
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Yup, Maher could not possibly have delivered that particular monologue having done any research. It's pure lazy ignorance and putting it out is just stupid. For shame, but Maher is developing Republican shamelessness.
Unseen danger ahead
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Just plan on having a second pair and a plastic bag until they can be hosed off.
love is natures way to trick u into pro creating
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
How does nature do it for all the other species?
The unfortunate truth
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
And their desire for lying, bullying, gas-lighting, bigotry against women, and their lying, narcissism, and did I mention lying, yeah, lying.
Survey: Nearly 40% of Black Atheists Hide Their Beliefs from Their Families | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
I strongly recommend against disclosing one's atheism at work. Your family can't fire you. Christians will go out of their way to sabotage your work or find some other way to express their 'love'.
It’s October, So the GOP is Already Saying the Left Wants to “Cancel Christmas” | Hemant Mehta...
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
The Rapture can't come soon enough. Cancel Christmas?? Yes please. And cancel all the christians at the same time.
Is it me or does it strike anyone else as insane that the very people who vandalized Auschwitz spray...
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
It becomes blazingly apparent that a significant portion of the population is severely mentally ill.
Treasury: Arizona can't use COVID aid for anti-mask education grants - Axios
racocn8 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Where do people like Ducey come from?
MyPillow magnate Mike Lindell's latest election conspiracy theory is his most bizarre yet ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Perhaps Dominion's suit will put that a-hole away.
“Appalling and Unacceptable”: Leak Shows Facebook Knew Its Algorithms Spread Hate & Harmed ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
When Facebook found it could monetize hate, capitalism took over...
Ah, nothing better than a trek in the wilderness
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
You can do a lot with a properly trained horse. As: "Out in the West where Men are Men and sheep are a little nervous. "
Republicans need a new mascot.... I suggest Stoner Bear....
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
In no way would I want to associate cannabis with Republicans. In any case, cannabis is not popular with the evangelicals, except for those that try it (Cannabis is really too good for them). Christians prefer to denounce cannabis-users in the same breath with LBGT, Women, non-whites, scientists, liberals, etc.
PLOTTING A NEW PLAN OF ASSAULT Steve Bannon isn't confining himself to trying to destroy the ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
With the utterly blind but entirely willful help of GQP Congressmen and Republican constituents...
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
A couple of examples of God-fearing Christians would be the Nazis and the Conquistadors. So stealing what ever isn't tied down is in keeping with Christian behavior.
And if you need more evidence of the coming Coup d'Estat here's Bannons and the Rethuglifascists ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Hilarious. Bannon complains about the FBI and DOJ when he owes them his success and survival!! We saw the GQP's Profiles in Cowardice on Jan 6. Monkeys smearing their shit on the walls? Really?? They better dig out their white hoods or they'll lose their jobs, if they have any. The Haitians will Replace them.
Maybe after all this Georgia chaos unfolds……’Find the votes’.
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Just as the Deep State put Trump in office, so too they will keep him out of jail. That is how much the Deep State hates democracy and democrats. Using Trump against us is all about disrespecting America; it is an expression of self-hatred by would-be fascists in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.
The trouble with republicans
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
In opposing abortion, Christians never truly sought to protect fetuses. They also oppose all forms of birth control and all forms of support for young mothers after they have a child. Christians are not pro-life; they are anti-Woman. Along with being anti-non-white, anti-LGBT, anti-non-Christian, anti-science, and anti-progress. Their brand of love has always been bullying hatred.
Whistleblower: Facebook is misleading the public on progress against hate speech, violence, ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Fox and Facebook crossed the line on promoting insurrection a long time ago. Their Russian connections need to be publicized to explain why they should be broken up.
These are pretty darned CUTE! Some of you may want to check into a pair... 😏
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Does the pussy have claws?
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Based on his statements, he was never a democrat in the first place. Another greedy, grasping corrupt corporation mole politician, yes.
smells []
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
A necklace with crosses? That by itself is some kind of red flag.
I believe Robert is right
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
The better sign should be the contents of the bill, said contents being appropriate expenditures for the nation. If people have objections to the provisions, let them give concise, specific and honest objections for people to judge. At the same time, remember that the behavior of the disloyal opposition favors division and fascist oppression.
Large comet is comming towards Earth, will not come in contact, not even close, but it is large.
racocn8 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Given that it's 10 years out, someone should be able to dispatch a probe.
The last of the cornucopia of memes
racocn8 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Evangelicals, and thus most MAGA, do believe that proselytizing is part of their religion. That means they believe they have the right to bully everyone else into their beliefs, whatever they rationalize those beliefs to be.
Manchin and Sinema need to be run out of town on rails.
racocn8 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Manchin and Sinema are boll weevils, or worse. They are the insurance policy bought by the Chamber of Commerce against increased taxes on the rich and all the other progressive causes. If you watch the campaigning of Sinema, she expresses all these progressive values. For her to do a complete about face as she has, means that she was lying at the time. She is a mole for corporate America, emplaced to thwart the democrat agenda.
I love it!
racocn8 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Get that meat popsicle some prozac...
Not a fan of Popeye’s but…
racocn8 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Is God good all the time? Or is that what believers want to be true, lest their belief become confusing?Can a non-existing fictional character truly be bad or good?
Texas man who refused mask arrested for restaurant stabbing
racocn8 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Considering the stabbing was a random act of violence, why did they delay arresting?
Clean energy from the fastest moving objects on earth []
racocn8 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Only if they can get it to work, which is very uncertain.
Does a spiritual but not religious person say grace?
racocn8 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Both words have so many levels of value that ambiguity is unavoidable. But I'll argue that spiritual has a less defined and unconventional (non-Abrahamic) connotation, while the term ' religious ' refers to an Judeo-Christian or Abraham-based belief system where God has a personality that hears prayers and may respond. Thus, in a spiritual system, one (probably) does not believe in a personality that hears prayers an thus, grace has no meaning. Fundamentally, prayer is superstitious wishing, and all non-scientific belief is superstitious in nature. Thus, grace may well be given up by those like the label of spiritual, but it's still all superstition, whether spiritual or religious.
Trump to file a lawsuit against Biden White House to keep January 6 records sealed []
racocn8 comments on Sep 30, 2021:
Time for Biden to tell Trump to pound sand.
Speak up about what?
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Deluded twits are too stupid and unstable to hold safety-sensitive jobs. In a way, the mandates are behavioral screens.
Going to be a interesting Halloween
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
It always amuses to consider that while women have about 8 inches of solid muscle, men have a pathetic sponge balloon to match. Boner, indeed!!!
Made me laugh out loud
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
The quality of ' entertainment ' at Christian meetings is nearly always a head scratcher. More suspension of disbelief...
Ya know, IF there is alien technology at Area 51, "they" did not brief Trump about it because there ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
The whole of the security apparatus involved in crash retrievals is beyond Trump's comprehension. Most of the technology is beyond our understanding as well. But thanks for the additive manufacturing and glassy metals...
Glenn Kirschner - Trump's de facto "All-Of-Government" Corruption Policy Exposed by Republican DHS...
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
We have whistle-blower provisions. The real problem, as we've seen, is how Trump loyalists acted to intercept and stall those reports. The solution is to have real consequences for corruption, and to not allow them to get bogged down in legalistic wrangling. Those that get enormous responsibility must also give up some of the immunity that power confers as when it is used to deflect enforcement of severe lawbreaking (treason and sedition).
A pig would be more fitting here.
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
They are getting tired of waiting...
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
That would be your projection. I doubt they have any interest in our future, not that we have one. It's more like they're watching the end of the experiment.
Can't wait for the Netflix documentary!
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
I can see why.
A Christian Pastor Doesn’t Want You to See This Clip from an Old Sexist Sermon | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
"I have hundreds of emails about girls' hymens being restored." As lies go, I have to admit, that one is impressive. How can anyone trust those who have zero respect for truth?? (Answer: they've been bullied into submission) And people wonder why our culture is so sexually repressed?
On the other hand...
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
This one looks more interesting...
With Covid in the picture many are experiencing loneliness (and more) as never before.
racocn8 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
I've been working to start a business.
It's about time!! []
racocn8 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
That should have started Jan 21.
Terry was absolutely right
racocn8 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
You cannot use satire to embarrass people who have no shame. The hurt they claim to feel comes from being deprived of abusing you.
Pretty accurate needs to be held accountable
racocn8 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Not just Trump, but the whole GQP (in service to Putin).
The Young Turks - Joe Rogan Shares INSANE Vaccine Video []
racocn8 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
The freedom to concoct dishonest propaganda to control the dimwits. The freedom to disrespect the Jew's Holocaust to invoke Hitler. The freedom to forget that you're being controlled yourself by those seeking fascism. The freedom to kill others and mainstream depraved indifference. The freedom to instill hatred leading to hate crimes.
Sad that he was killed, but what on earth was he thinking?
racocn8 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
A psychotic cultist arranges his own martyrdom? Darwin strikes again. Waste no tears on such arrogance.
One idea I really like ... Along with "Eat the rich..."
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
I like the idea, especially tying it to hoarding. But you need something catchier. Maybe, OCDillionaire, megarapist, or... (Please, keep trying).
I Wonder Who Helped Create These Very Crazies? Oh, You Did. []
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
The GQP is now Trump's Golem (or Frankenstein's monster)
Not helping relations with the far left, but thoughts?
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
The problem is that our election system promotes people with obsessive-compulsive disorders (as well as malignant narcissists).
Has anyone here read any of George Will's books or columns?
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
While considerably more intellectual that the rest of the GOP, he still suffers from all the conventional delusions of the GOP: opposing everything liberal and supporting the Christian biases and power structure. He's another Bill Buckley Jr. with somewhat less pomposity.
Red Covid This sounds like a reasonable argument.
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Can we start asking them not to shoot themselves?
Yeah seems stupid
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
FCS, fetal calf serum, is a standard ingredient in cell culturing. An agency that is interested in conducting biological research is expected to use the resources at hand. Cattle mutilations always include the complete draining of blood, none of which is found at the site. Local predators stay away from the victims. The FBI site has FOIA downloads that go into details of their very extensive investigations. No perpetrators were ever identified, and the activity continues. Hey, maybe ET was hungry?
Walls Are Of No Use, When The Enemy Is Within-Redux: []
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Again, everyone needs to be personality screened (MMPI) who has any degree of safety sensitive responsibility. People who are identified as delusional, whether out of defect or choice, should be treated.
Trump Could Be Charged Over Georgia Election Interference: Report
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Enough with the bogus teasing... (Where will they find a prosecutor, much less a jury??)
Yet another frying pan has let me down. 😆
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Just put a toxic, carcinogenic solvent on it and it'll come right off...
Tucker Carlson Blames Overwhelmed Hospitals on Immigrants - Not COVID Patients As reports ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Except that anyone watching the news has seen that around 80% of those actually dying these days are the anti-vaxxer Republicans with the rest being vaccine-resistant non-whites. Immigrants dying from Covid couldn't possibly amount to 1%. If anything, Carlson is killing off his own supporters with his lies.
Theme song to the 2021 Disney film Cruella: Call Me Cruella by Florence & the Machine.
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
More Disney propaganda to fuck up young girl's minds. As long as it turns a buck...
Unvaxxed TikTokers Insist on Being Called ‘Purebloods According to various reports, the newest ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
If I were running a eugenics program, chances are excellent they wouldn't make the cut (to reproduce).
I imagine that if we pooled our resources from this we could all head to the south Pacific
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
That is part of the algorithm that rakes it in for Facebook. Gotta pay back that 200 million to Vladimir...
It's hunting season, watch out for hunters in your area
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Just desserts for malevolent cowards? If only...
I feel conflicted by this meme. Thoughts?
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
(Patsy) Facing the music...
Is it just me, or are you also frustrated and/or annoyed at the carelessness with which other people...
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
When I listened to a course on the English language, the professor had rafts of examples where meanings and pronunciations changed over the decades (or centuries). Many of us have been paid to seek precision in our writing, but so many more are satisfied to remember any words that sound right.
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
It's a great deal harder to recover your wits from religion; With drugs, you can wait it out. Religion is more like a psychotic break.
Letters From An American 09/25/2021
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
After backing a foreign asset, and taking Russian money through the NRA, etc., Republicans have nowhere to go but down. They have no problem clutching the flag and fascism at the same time, and they will say whatever they can think of to distract from their treason.
This is definitely my point of view.
racocn8 comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Could that be a convenient rationalization?
I wonder if she considers it cheating if she changes personalities in the middle of?
racocn8 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
My S.O. has established herself as an accomplished therapist for multiple personality disorders. It's amazing to hear...
A family member is gaslighting me, and it’s a fascinating psychological study when I can ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
For some people, they spread BS or gas-lighting to create drama and chaos, which they actually enjoy. It may be a matter of being attention-starved, or trying to address their cognitive dissonance. Bullies like to bully and search for victims. It's a behavioral disorder that travels with malignant narcissism. 45 set the standard.
'Race Traitor Syndrome' is actually a thing?
racocn8 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
Quite a few people are self-hating and obsessively denounce (or undermine) the group they themselves belong to. Larry Elder comes to mind.
Ain't this the way it is! :-D
racocn8 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
I remember a scene like that, but add to it a bunch of firemen. The one worker was trying to unblock a pipe on the bottom of a reactor with a pipe. Lining the opening was a buildup of (pyrophoric) powder that would spark when it hit air. He'd pull the pipe and a shower of sparks, another ram and another shower of sparks. He pulled a bunch of it and whoosh, a really nice display of flame. Finally, the Firemen had enough and stopped it, telling everyone to disperse. (5 years earlier, a fire killed 6 workers very close to that spot).
As the Boy Scouts Go Through Bankruptcy, Religious Affiliates May Pay a Price | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 25, 2021:
An organization that excludes atheists cannot suffer enough. It's amazing that all these churches support an anti-atheist organization, but not enough to keep them afloat. That is sheer greed.
"Halloween is Everyday" -Ministry
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Now try to imagine 2000 of those every day...
So the results for Trump's "Cyber-Ninjas" election recount in AZ are now in and will be announced ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Or that I have TDS...
Bronx Zoo visitors get to watch gorillas engaged in oral sex.
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
People are so screwed up.
Democrats Should Be Having a Five-Alarm Freak Out Over Voting Rights By Rude Pundit Yeah, ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
The Republicans have all but announced their intention to cheat their way back into power whatever it takes, to keep that power, and to overrule the Constitution. How does the country work with only one legitimate party and the other has no standing?
The dumbest family in American history.....
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Nothing funny about a thoroughly corrupt psychotic fascist gaining power with the copious help of a hostile foreign power.
Italian Priest Allegedly Stole $117,000 from Church for Drug-Fueled Gay Orgies | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Who is the injured party?
Having a very hard time with antivaxxers and anti maskers and trying to find some serenity.
racocn8 comments on Sep 24, 2021:
Don't expect to get too much serenity from people who are intent on provoking drama.


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385 members