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So now asking, expecting, that your superiors take accountability for their actions means you need ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2021:
We don't know and we will never know what the real situation was or is. We don't have a need to know, and it's certain it would only make us mad if we found out. While it's true we went into Afghanistan after 9/11 to pursue Bin Laden and Al Qaida, remember that Saudi Arabians bankrolled Al Qaida, and others in the region fund Isis. Having bases in Afghanistan facilitates attacks on bad actors, but frankly, there are so many bad actors that it's like using a sponge to soak up the ocean. In the meantime, our own country has toppled, electing a destructive foreign agent as president, an event tacitly approved by our own military and intelligence establishment. Having trashing whatever reputation had been cultivated, no one will or should trust this country. None of this is really acknowledged by our ' leadership ', much less a plan to deal with it. United States of America? I hate to break it to you, but we're on our own now; we just don't know it.
And... here's your sign.
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2021:
This is a perilous moment. The whole of the GQP has embraced delusion and lying as SOP. They don't have positions, only hate and a bad attitude. They have no credibility and have lost standing to participate in policy discussion. It's mass insanity, plain and simple. They're a plague of locusts that we're supposed to live with and treat as fellows. We have a real problem...
Look what I found! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2021:
The problem with Trump's treason is that he is not alone. The Russians have established a beachhead and our whole culture has been compromised. And yet, this aspect is nowhere in the news. Except for photographs of politicians with Maria Butina or with Putin, no one cares. That is the existential threat that Trump's legacy leaves. That and the complete disrespect for law and order, where someone who is plainly guilty of a myriad of crimes is allowed freedom. Just because he's a cult leader? Yikes, we are so fu.
I have to admit I thought it was hysterical I got booted from the group "Conservative Atheists" even...
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Very much like Christians, who view atheism, or even other religions as a repudiation of their own. The true believer is all too aware of the conflict between their nonsense and the real world, hence the cognitive dissonance. They are already so insecure that they (think they) need their beliefs as a crutch. Knock that crutch out and they collapse. That is always happening to some degree, and their whole personality distorts until anger and hatred replace anything constructive.
How is everyone coping these days?
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
We don't have democracy in this country. Corruption is totally rampant and standard operating procedure right here in the US. We certainly are total hypocrites to complain about corruption in Afghanistan. It's absurd to suppose we could enable others to attain a workable system when we don't have one ourselves.
Explaining Humans to Aliens - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Absolutely great. (It's really too bad we don't have concubines anymore, though.)
When One Believes in Fairy Tales.... []
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Not just a net gain, but a significant net gain for society. It would be so much better if we had a policy to help society in the same way.
Former COVID skeptic Marcus Birks dies. []
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
...and another one bites the dust...
This video was enlightening.
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Fission must persuade the public that it can safely dispose of the existing nuclear waste, before it can move forward to produce more fission plants. Without a working model, the fusion path seems problematic. Possibly the most promising technique is Germany's mobius-strip-like tokamak, and yet that also seems hamstrung on public opinion. The advent of superconducting electromagnetic materials is also encouraging. Given the large amount of open deserts in the world, solar power seems to be a good solution. The best means to have enough power, and to not decimate the planet, is to have fewer people.
I am doing a survey for work-life balance
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
If you don't have time to enjoy it properly, let it wait.
Apparently this is a real thing in certain circles. Darwin do your thing!
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Sadly not as good as cyanide-laced kool-aid.
Some things are just wrong.
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Now if you replace the tomato sauce with fudge and peanut butter....
Joe Biden's critics on Afghanistan exit are wrong in almost every way
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
It's opportunistic hate-speech, and anti-patriotic while they're at it.
I'm finding that putting the forever block on the anti-vax members very satisfying.
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
Anti-vaxxers are mainly interested in FITE: Finger In The Eye. They know their bullshit is a lie, but they also know putting it out there is a frustration to everyone else. It's like a Proud Boy who wants a fight for the sake of fighting. Along with the malignant narcissism, these anti-vax psychos thrive on drama. Again, like their idol, Trump. You're not going to be able to reason with them, and their whole agenda is to piss off the rest of us. Just block 'em. (In the fullness of time, they should be institutionalized).
The Goddess Eating Gods Son
racocn8 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
I'd say it is very likely that Christianity will be gone within 1000 years. The question is whether Humanity will still be here.
Julia Yaroshenko is positively cute! Don't you agree?
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
The whole age difference issue is so unfair. Adults should be able to be with whoever they wish. What we chiefly need is a reliable means of turning women into nymphomaniacs.
you know she wants some of it.
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I'm sure she got a laugh out of it. Wanting any of it? I doubt it.
Jesus Who? []
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
A curious analogy here: The absence of evidence for an actual human Jesus has no evidence, just as the evidence for an actual god of the universe has no evidence. In both cases, given the importance of such claims, only a trickster god would go to such extreme lengths to erase every trace of existence. The proposition that the absence of evidence compels faith, this also has no basis. And, in the absence of clarity distinguising regurgitated myth versus what actually happened, confusion and division are inevitable. Indeed, too little of any real Jesus remains after one strips out the pre-existing stories, and what is left lacks coherent meaning.
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
The US democracy has been a joke for a very long time. The government is a clothes-horse, a figure-head for what should be there. The wealthy make the consequential decisions behind closed doors. The government only fiddles around the edges, taking blame for the wealthy, and providing illusory power to the masses (democracy).
Who's the genius that decided to call it "Emotional baggage"... .... and not "griefcase."
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Not enough room in a griefcase...
We eat with our eyes, too.
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Yeah, I'm not eating that with my mouth...
It’s obviously a winning strategy!
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Probably more like 85 AD...
For those of you who remember FlippantLlama, she posted this on her FB page.
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Mixed metaphor?
It just might work!!
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I predict a seriously ugly winter for GQP, but frankly, they deserve much worse.
Miss America, 2121.
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Too much LSD...
I am a fucking feminist and I refuse to cower under an onslaught of recent right wing infiltration.
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
The war is already lost because everyone is cowed into refusing to admit the problem/solution. It's a circular firing squad surrounding wingnuts pulling pins on the grenades they're holding.
Dan Bauman: Anti-Mask Florida Dad Attacked Student, Cops Say []
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I had a lady today tell me that she'll pray for me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Praying is the same as giving the middle finger.
A new study says that atheists care more about others than the religious do, Flordelis is arrested ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
That really isn't news. It's more like grudging acknowledgment
I didn’t think it was possible to hate Trump more!
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
And, he totally screwed up the visa process to try to prevent Afghanis from emigrating to the US... And denied visas to Afghanis who had already applied. Helped by Jewish Nazi Stephan Miller.
China set to begin first trials of molten salt nuclear reactor using thorium instead of uranium ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I wonder what China does with its nuclear waste?
I am totally amazed at any human beings still believe it this creature
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
It's not just that conservatives are morons, they have a basket of symptoms including zero empathy, no sense of humor and an addiction to cruelty, which they think is funny. Did I mention being pathological liars like their idol?
No stars this place is a real dump.... an absolute shithole!
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
That kind of teasing is cruel...
No surprise.
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Ah, but the churches are slowly emptying...
Arkansas doctor under investigation for prescribing ivermectin thousands of times for Covid-19 ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Time to change professions...
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2021:
All the children are white? How convenient.
These MAGA people must be stopped and jailed,
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
How unremarkable that the MAGAs, Q-cultists, and white supremacist militias should all mesh so smoothly. Carrying confederate and Trump flags, they defecated and smeared it on the walls, and then shouted defamatory insults and threats at the Capitol Police. That's the Republican party.
And she should keep doing it
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I hope she's a bulimic so that shit doesn't stay with her.
These MAGA people must be stopped and jailed,
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Babbitt is the only one to get what was deserved.
Don junior posted on Biden
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
People who are so lacking empathy and sense really seem sub-human. They have all the organs and general profile, but the psychological damage is so severe, they really shouldn't be loose.
Some of y'all should be millionaires by now šŸ¤£
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
The satisfaction I feel from knowing and appreciating the salient truths of science cannot be measured.
Fauci Says Only Way to Herd Immunity May Be Through Natural Infections - Second Nexus
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Ya think?
Today I found out the condition shared by my overly talkative friends. It is called logorrhea.
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I'd have guessed it meant constipation...
Today I was parked behind my insurance lady's car when a woman in a brand new truck backed into me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
And then you get ripped off by the insurance. Months after I got my Blazer, some a-hole drove right into the front bumper at a gas station. He was busy looking around. As I got out to inspect the damage, he hurriedly took off as a straight up hit-and-run. RRRRRRRR
Well, boy did I get played.
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
You can't expect equality, especially in such a dishonest and contrived exchange. Good luck any way. Keep trying. It IS worth it. Sort of.
Here's really good reason (for men) to get vaccinated: A study has found evidence that the penile ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
It is really a profound moral dilemma as to whether to encourage people to get vaccinated to save their lives (and lives of others) or to accept the benefit of removing people who are a handicap to the rest of society. Also, 1-2% is a very low mortality for such people. To be clear, if the shoe was on the other foot, we all know how compassionate the anti-vax types are; no moral ambiguity for them.
May These Jackasses Blow One Anther's Brains Out! []
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
That's how it works for fundamentalists...
Sometimes life puts a fork in the road.
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Go fork yourself...
AOC Opponent At Jan. 6th "Party?" Another 3 WTF? Day: []
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
She should be in jail.
I find it interesting that many atheists, including ones on this platform, give up their belief in a...
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Yeah, I've see breakdowns with more than a dozen categories of atheism. For a lot of people, they need to transition out of their belief systems slowly or want to preserve their social or family connections. Remember, atheism is like lower than pedophile serial killer thanks to the evangelicals.
Tucker Carlson Warns Afghan Refugees Will Try to Enact Sharia Law Never straying far from his ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
That's not replacement, it's upgrading
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Protology Lab...?
The Ring of Fire - Trump Supporters Go Nuts After Arizona Ballot Audit Delayed Following COVID ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Too effing funny.
I’m doing better.
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Not to be used routinely, but I find these very helpful: CBD, 5-Hydroxytrytophan, L-methyl folate and saffron.
All these pastors talking about god protecting them from Covid have obviously forgotten that God ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Prior to WWII, Europe had a millennia of pogroms wherein Christians murdered hundreds or thousands of Jews. Anti-Jewish hatred is integral to Christianity along with hating other non-Christians, Christians of other sects, women, non-whites, LBGT, and now, scientists. Even now, in their intimate connection to this god, hate, not love, is what fills their minds.
"Flip Flops Sandwich" anybody?
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
I thought they were mice. Flip-flops - - OK...
MSNBC - The SCOTUS Ruling Experts Are Calling ‘Stunning, Radical And Terrifying’ ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
It is past time to re-balance the court with competent and impartial jurists.
For the socialists on here. Do you know where I can learn about socialism?
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Try this...
Is it Actually Possible to Shut a Lawyer's Mouth? []
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Dominion's lawsuit may help... But yes, disbarred for life everywhere. As unfit to serve as to draw breath.
More Good Lawyer News! []
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Can some compassionate caregiver please kick out the plug (by accident, of course).
The 40-year-old state senator from De Pere has six children Republican Sen.
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Fresh meat. And co-morbidities too
Atheist soup night....
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Delicious, um-yum....
Men are single because women have high standards.
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
So: To be eligible, men should own their own house by the time their 45. Men are single because THEIR standards are too high; this is not so with women. Bars are the place to find a date. A bad experience with a drunk is a valid generalization of men.
California Supreme Court Vacates Edward Wycoff Conviction
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Re-try and throw away the key. An intentionally self-deluded psychopath. And worse, a conservative.
Body Cam Video Shows Louisiana Trooper Beating Black Man: 'I'm Not Resisting!' | HuffPost
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
8 years in prison and full financial restitution might be a good start.
I Want to Host I have been wanting to host an Afghan refugee family in Austin, Texas.
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Very good replacements for the anti-vaxxers that died.
Neo-Nazi who led effort to threaten journalists gets 3 years
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
What a waste. I'm sure he'd make a competent ditch digger.
I have a friend who is almost exactly the same age as me.
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Would that more women were as enlightened.
Is it Information or Misinformation?
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
While mostly factual, Moore reliably overstates the situation for dramatic effect. It is certainly agitprop even though in service to legitimate issues, so that would make it what, informative misinformation? It should not be considered reliable information; only a starting point for additional research.
No wonder the U.
racocn8 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Do the places where immigrants are settling correlate with the states that are spiking with Covid?
Yes I remember the exact same thing
racocn8 comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Saving lives became political because Putin saw it as a way to further polarize the US. His puppets obliged.
Today's loser.
racocn8 comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Good morning. I had to look it up. Texting is a poor substitute for talking.
Chris Hedges
racocn8 comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Bigotry has always been a major foundation for Christian behavior. For millennia Christians have slaughtered ' others ' at will.
It Took Divorce to Make My Marriage Equal | Glamour
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
It isn't always the asymmetry described. In my case, I did 90% + of the laundry and housecleaning and 99% of the cooking - - In addition to my full time job. What did she do? Read. Read some more. She was proud of it. I knew she was mentally ill when I married her, but she had hid the severity of it. Her wealthy parents were kind enough to let me pick up her therapy costs, and never helped us financially. She quit her job and coerced me to pay for everything while she went back for an MSW. A new anti-depressant eliminated intimacy. The third session of counseling brought her request for divorce. I was only too happy to oblige.
Fox News Host Ridiculed For Implying Jill Biden's Somehow At Fault For Afghanistan ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
One aspect of the claim is that Biden harmed the country's reputation abroad. After 4 years of Trump, what reputation?
Did you ever wonder where the imagination came from for the Alice in Wonderland book?
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I am really impressed that it would grown on that medium!!!
I am going to eat healthy now. Do you like fruits?
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Beauty is in the mind of the beholder...
“The degree of civilisation in a society can be judged by entering its ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Perhaps cribbed from DeTocqueville who toured US prisons?
Our news media seems to only want to talk about the chaos at the airport.
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
And the right-wing owned media is intent on taking Biden down.
“I Am Christian”: Alabama Cop Convicted of Murder Begs for Lighter Sentence | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
An utter psycho. Ugh. I hope he remembers the murder relentlessly.
The Hero, The Leader, The God
racocn8 comments on Aug 23, 2021:
The Hatemongers
It is self defeating to the max.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
For people who have absolutely nothing going, any shred of identity is priceless.
Testing out my map making skills
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
And now the ICU max'ed out belt...
Food for thought, if you are upset about the Redskins changing their name.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Call 'em the ' dicks ' for short.
Phil Valentine, radio host who regretted vaccine skepticism, dies of Covid-19 []
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Karma cannot strike fast enough...
George is right
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
And mentally ill.
Seems appropriate and funny
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
And cut off 2 cms of penis.
On the Most Pressing Issues, Atheists Show More Moral Decency Than the Religious | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Ugh. Spare me... There is no comparison between Christian ' morality ' and the ethics of atheists.
'I'd rather be somewhere else': Ron Johnson suggests he doesn't want to be in the Senate
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Put him on a plane to Moscow.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Push away. It can only help Americans to leave Christianity in record numbers.
The cockroach man šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
No anti-vaxxers left at that point, though.
Disaster averted
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Perhap they will, in defiance, pack in tightly to show their bravery and solidarity, and engage in lots of shouting and yelling...
ScienceDirect study on masks
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Good to know. Take-home: Stick with N95 when you can. Make sure you're wearing it properly.
Biden asked audience members to "all" join him in prayer, when giving a press conference about ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Biden won the election, but his actions indicate a strong intent to pander to the low intelligence middle.
Apparently the Mayan people gave themselves and others alchohol enemas, sometimes laced with drugs ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Whatever he's doing, he has a smile on his face...
Using fortified hummingbird solution.
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Hummingbird hummers?
No Likes, PLEASE!!!!
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Use a lot of lube and relax..(?!)
Cops CAUGHT Lying About Knocking Out Black Woman - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Psychopath police.
Police Arrest Man For... Wait For It... Exercising - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Completely unfit policemen who should be discharged. No, zero, nada attempt or effort to de-escalate their effed up behavior.
It still astounds me that more Canadians are vaccinated than Americans.
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2021:
Even if they succumb at 2%, the election playing field is still ridiculously tilted in their favor. The other issue is that if they get brain fog, will anyone be able to tell?


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