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There is, Even, such a Group? []
racocn8 comments on Jul 9, 2021:
"A complete lack of empathy is common to all libertarians/conservatives. Without even looking at the merits of Brook’s point, we see a man who is so wedded to his philosophy that the idea of concern for others is anathema."
Pfizer suggests a booster shot 6- months after the second may help. [abcnews.go.]
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Considering no one with two shots is being hospitalized, this seems like an ask for money and CYA. We need to look closely at Pfizer given they are one of the big supporters of the sedition caucus. Reposting: " AT&T has given the most to supporters of state-level voter suppression bills, at more than $811,000. At&T is followed by Altria/Philip Morris ($679,000), Comcast ($440,000), UnitedHealth Group ($411,000), Walmart ($377,000), State Farm ($315,000), and Pfizer ($308,000). From Public Citizen News, Vol. 41, No. 3
A topless woman...
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Tweezer-legs leggy... I think she's had work done... She's not the woman she used to be...
The truth about the jab comes out. - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
A considerable dose? A huge dose? but no numbers nor documentation. More nonsense. You'd get more graphite oxide from licking a pencil lead. HORRORS!!!
I just have to Post Memes...
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Penis book.
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Mein Kampf?
New Book Claims John Kelly Had to Restrain Trump From Praising Hitler A forthcoming book by Wall ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Trump's father, Fred Trump is believed to have associated with the Klan, so sympathies with Nazis is not a stretch. On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested. One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica.
Indoor training
racocn8 comments on Jul 8, 2021:
Decades ago, I rode down Mt. Haleakala on acid.
Deaths associated with newly launched SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (Comirnaty®)
racocn8 comments on Jul 7, 2021:
From the article's abstract: "Taking into account the results of the postmortem examination a causal relation between the vaccination and the death was not established in any case." In other words, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON was found to have died of the vaccine.
Mike Lindell "Knows!" He knows how to spread BS. Is he working for Putin, too? []
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2021:
Completely bizarro when they say stuff like they're going to "get the communists out" when they're following instructions from Putin.
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2021:
Ya think?
UFO's? They just want to militarize space! []
racocn8 comments on Jul 6, 2021:
1) They are already militarizing space and don't need UFO's. 2) None of our assets would stand a chance against UFOs.
Did anyone see this ad from the thieves at hobby lobby?
racocn8 comments on Jul 5, 2021:
Evangelicals have decided they favor fascism over democracy. In this case, it is a theocratic dictatorship. Welcome to Iran.
What really motivates human design? 🤣
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Needs more lubricant...
I have noticed that there is much on the telle about the documents that the US and other countries ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
As noted in the recent Pentagon report, the first four categories don't seem to explain what is being seen. Those categories being 1) Airborne materials like trash, balloons, birds, etc. 2) Atmospheric phenomena; 3) US or private industry developmental craft; 4) Russia, China or other adversaries. Ruling out those categories leaves " OTHER " which is unspecified as to being alien, ET or anything else. These incidents seem to be increasing in frequency, and many of them seem to involve surveillance of Earth's military assets. Violent confrontations usually result in military losses. What else do you want to know?
In post-Trump America, political affiliation is directly tied to life expectancy Today, ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
When the next, more lethal pandemic strikes....
Anybody ever run into these wackadoos?
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
These are people whose self-esteem is so low that they have to pretend insanity to get attention.
Meaning of life
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
First, what is meaning?
Marjorie Taylor Greene insists on making a fool of herself as regards contraception and abortion: ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
The anti-abortionists also oppose birth control. They don't have any reason - - The Catholics are against it and that just dovetails with the opposition to women's rights. (Extracted) : How does Plan B One-Step work? Plan B One-Step works like other birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. The drug acts primarily by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It may prevent a sperm from fertilizing the egg. If fertilization does occur, Plan B One-Step may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb. If a fertilized egg is implanted prior to taking Plan B One-Step, the drug will not work and pregnancy proceeds normally.
Just making a point.
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Try degenerate psychopath.
Once a Sleazball (I'm trying to use "nice" language here), Always a Sleazeball: []
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Here is the problem. Conventional incarceration is wholly inappropriate for Stone and his circle.
Happy independence day to all my "just for laughs" American godless peeps.
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Those two should get together...
I went to the park for the 4th of July Philharmonic performance and soon realized I was in the ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Yeah, it's pretty hard to feel patriotic when half the country is doing all they can to turn it into a fascist dictatorship, and then wrap themselves in the flag thinking they are patriotic.
How did the LAPD fireworks explosion happen that injured 17? - Los Angeles Times
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2021:
I believe they recovered 30 pipe bombs of undetermined nature. Perhaps they thought they'd be efficient by blowing them all up at once. At least this wasn't cold blooded murder for which they are infamous. Perhaps you saw this: Lawsuit Accuses Six LA Sheriff’s Deputies of Brutally Beating Black Man. A civil rights lawsuit filed Monday alleges six L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies repeatedly punched, choked and tasered a man during a traffic stop last year, leaving him unable to see out of one eye and in need of multiple facial reconstruction surgeries. At no point during the encounter did Bailey resist the deputies, and he had no weapons, according to his attorney, Toni Jaramilla. The deputies “were repeatedly kicking and inflicting knee strikes against Mr. Bailey while he lay defenseless on the ground,” the lawsuit claims. It is really frustrating that these psychopaths will never feel justice.
Creationist student owned by Dr. Tim White - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Creationism is very much a conspiracy theory where evangelicals claim scientists are secret satanists or are otherwise doing Satan's work. This hate-mongering fosters the paranoia that is also aimed at other religions, LGBTs, Democrats and non-whites. It's an ugly dangerous cult where the mind is controlled, the eyes are shut and the guns are loaded. The Evangelicals and other right wingers love America the way a pedophile loves his victim. Given the choice of fascism or democracy, Republicans are down with fascism. They will wrap themselves in the flag, but they will gladly trade the US flag for the confederate flag, or a Trump flag.
Okay, something happened yesterday and I'm still dumbfounded and shocked, but I got once know I ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Too often women develop an emotional attachment to a man who aroused her, and that attachment prevents her from moving on when it is obviously appropriate to do so. In some cases, it's a sort of perversion where, perhaps because of low self-esteem, the lady comes to believe she deserves the punishment coming from the abuser. Abuse means ' walk away ', not, "this is exciting and I want more..."
He's not wrong...
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Here, sniff me...
Yes, if done right!
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Sex is surely the pinnacle of dignity and decorum. But if one is going to be upset over bodily fluids, just wait until you give birth.
Nothing to add.
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
It's easy to be difficult. it is much harder to be useful and constructive.
It's Getting Hot In Here...
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
I'd love to see the government support sustainable energy, but let's be honest. The only reliable means to stop climate change would be forcible universal birth control or a more lethal pandemic.
Born on the Farce of July: The Lie of MAGA Patriotism
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
The power brokers (the wealthy) have made the calculation that they will retain more of their wealth and power in a fascist state than if the progressive agenda begins to be fulfilled. What is nauseating is the mindlessness with which the Evangelical racists dance to their tune.
Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
But he actually stopped at the castle part and the doofus kissed him.
We have a number of people on this site, like Captain_Feelgood, who persist in attacking people with...
racocn8 comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Certainly some content on this site is ennobling, but it is mostly entertainment. One can either allow themselves to be abused by others or block them. That's a choice you can make. (It is bad form, so at least it should be done artfully?).
I know it's basically a meme, but I am truly curious, did Biden really say this in regard to the ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
If the wealthy paid their fair share, most of the rest could pay next to nothing.
Is religious belief natural or man made?
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
In no way could children be born with innate religious beliefs. They are blank slates, but their brains are desperately seeking connections and correlations whether they are valid or not. Thus, the tendency to superstitious behavior may well be innate. Religion is the elaboration of superstition into rituals and repeating just-so stories. Early humans were likely to practice animism, while monotheism is a relatively recent invention.
Humanity has become complacent and acceptant to toxins, poisons, carcinogens, etc.
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
And your evidence that nasal swabs (from China) have ANY contamination? Actually, our bodies ARE CONSTANTLY bombarded with radiation that leave trails of ionized free radicals behind, and this biochemical debris is carcinogenic. This radiation comes from the sky and from masonry like bricks and cement. Also, all manner of foods badly fail the Ames test for mutagens.
Well we can dream about it I guess....
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
As I recall, the Bible notes the number as being 144,000. As there are more than 600 million evangelicals in the world, only a tiny fraction will go missing. ( 0.023%)
Just another example of radical left wingnuts showing how pathetic they are.
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
Pretty disgraceful. But certainly no comparison with Jan 6 republican legislators inside, as well as the white nationalists outside. The notion that Democrats should be so obnoxious on this issue is bizarre. Young girls should not be forced to compete against transsexual biological males in athletics where money and scholarships are at stake. I'm all for gay rights, but this is a total loser of an issue. This appears to be one more instance of money from special interests (i.e. Jennifer Pritzker, the world’s first openly trans billionaire) unduly influencing politics. Trans people should have ordinary protections, but they cannot use their circumstances to deprive normal girls of fair competition. If this constitutes another burden on Trans women, so be it. The line has to be drawn somewhere. Trans rights in THIS INSTANCE should NOT be the issue that Democrats hang their hat on, even if promoting it is subsidized. This is the same PC bullshit where the AHA withdrew a 1996 award from Richard Dawkins, and it stinks.
President and Mrs.
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
Letting all the Wall Street fraudsters off the hook will always be an ugly stain on his presidency. Also, 8 years in Afghanistan, including a 'surge', with nothing to show for it. While I'm sure the list is much longer, it is certainly no comparison to the idiotically failing and criminal Republican administrations.
I was long ago blocked from the Trump Pinata group and I was one of the few here who was not merely ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
I was blocked there once as well. I appealed and was allowed back with the explanation. I have posted referenced relevant articles there many times since without incident.
A GOP Lawmaker in Washington Wore a Star of David to Protest COVID Vaccines | Rebekah Kohlhepp | ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
Wearing the Star of David must surely provide more than a touch of irony when the wearer either is, or is surrounded by anti-Semitic white supremacists. Yuck. Oh well...
Still a great prez
racocn8 comments on Jul 2, 2021:
For those lowlifes who are deeply dishonest to themselves, bully others because of their insecurity, and look for validation of their petty crimes, Trump is clearly preferable.
0 nations agree to support U.S. proposal for global minimum tax on corporations [cnbc.]
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
What??? Is the lead-in wrong? Here's the opening in the article: " Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced Thursday that a group of 130 nations has agreed to a global minimum tax on corporations, part of a broader agreement to overhaul international tax rules. If widely enacted, the GMT would effectively end the practice of global corporations seeking out low-tax jurisdictions like Ireland and the British Virgin Islands..."
Want to see your sweet guesses
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Other than blueberry cheesecake, what was I supposed to see?
Why No One Is Sure If Delta Is Deadlier The variants are spreading faster, but they don’t ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Survival of the fastest spreading, Biology 101. What comes after Delta?
Scientists Find ‘Monster’ Black Hole So Big They Didn’t Think it Was Possible Scientists ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Except that as is recently speculated about Sagittarius A, some amount of the mass by be due to dark matter, or dark matter that has been swept up.
MSNBC - 'Who Would Do That?
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
This is the same MSNBC which is among the top 10 contributors to the sedition caucus.
Would it amount to cruel and unusual punishment to force god mobsters to demonstrate the existence ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
That's why they call it religion. It can't be proved and it walks, talks and acts like BS.
Happy Thursday all...Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum...Which would be the most fun???
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Hottie or haughty? You can't handle the truth...
The Bible is and was the first version of The National Enquirer and is still going strong.
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
How can you have never read the Ten Commandments??? Okayyyy (backing away slowly)
Unsolved Mysteries: Do Any Republicans Know What Critical Race Theory Actually Is?
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Just guessing here (no research) : The Republican disapproval of CRT is knee-jerk racism, and if questioned, they have no idea what it means.
OK, is this rage or just play ? []
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
[huffpost.] I'm tired of saying "New low".
racocn8 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
Link needs fixing.
My National Guard friends say this is illegal.
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
More Republican malfeasance and oath violating. Unfortunately, I don't trust the Justice Dept/FBI to do anything about it.
The plan was..
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Everyone dying of covid (>300/day) has not been vaccinated. Why don't you go out and expose yourself?
The War Crimes Case Against Rumsfeld -
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
I was shocked and disgusted when Bush was reelected in 2004. This was after the torture in Abu Graib was exposed for all to see. Instead, they Republicans used phony agitprop against Kerry and threatened the advent of gay marriage (horrors)!! A lot of very sick people in the US.
This is my opinion in short with regard to Spiritualism.
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Spiritual sensations may well be classified as a surge of one or more neurotransmitters, or something on that order. However, from a subjective perspective, people feel sensations of profundity in response to paintings, music, massive architecture, stirring rhetoric, beautiful scenery... or, from Hubble photos, puzzling phenomena, beautiful equations and elegant discoveries. Evolution comes close to answering the profound questions of what we are, and how did we get here? Fully comprehending the relationship of humans to the rest of the biological world can provoke the same awe and humility that a religious person gets from a cathedral. The difference is that the cathedral or the sermon came from a human mind. While Darwin may have been the first to publish the idea of evolution, the concept itself, relative to our existence, is transcendental. It describes a profound principle with applications, some of which we can comprehend, and others we can't. The same for physics. As one learns the transitions from Newtonian to Maxwell to Einstein, and then to Quantum Mechanics, the beauty and elegance of the formulas are breathtaking and the implications stunning. Our minds are teased with issues beyond understanding. It is up to each person whether they wish to feel awe and humility with information based on truth, or or on poetic fiction.
The vaccinated can be patented (owned).
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
That is the silliest, most absurd nonsense I've read in a while. Shame, shame, shame for repeating it.
"The real offense of racism in the end, is to judge individuals by a supposed stereotype of their ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
In the US, where non-whites are institutionally disadvantaged, all whites are therefore privileged. Essentially everyone is intrinsically racist, but some resist and actively seek to negate that racism. The rest, not so much or not at all.
How many more? 😡😡
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
And how many have the vaccines saved?
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
It may be too late to stop full extinction. Depopulation is coming, one way or another.
The privilege of being anti-vaccination. []
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Given the history of medical projects that harmed non-whites, some of their reluctance is understandable. Outreach and education are needed for those who may be open to persuasion.
Did you know?…
racocn8 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
“I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. —Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper”
He sure does lol
racocn8 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Massive, constant cognitive dissonance
ok im baked and wanna pose a thought have human beings stopped evolving?
racocn8 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Evolution doesn't stop. However, the selection criteria may well change and almost certainly have changed.
Big splash zone
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
You might need an oxygen supply from all the gas...
The Rapture or so I am told is when all the Sheep-People ascend to the heavens and their clothes ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Gotta remove the clothes before the carcasses can be skinned and de-boned.
tthere's No Time Like The Right time!: []
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
How about 6 months ago...
At least it wasn't a super soaker.
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
That's her job...
Paula Stone Williams: I've lived as a man and as a woman — here's what I've learned | TED Talk
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Both genders richly deserve to be mocked.
I wonder what they have in common?
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
You have it all wrong. Trump is not Christ-like - - Trump is very much like a Christian. Christians are all about immorality, pathological lying, phony behavior, and cheating to get what they want at other's expense. And yes, that includes bullying, childish behavior, selfishness, and cowardice. That's what Christian cults are all about.
The teacher has no sense of humor
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Makes sense to me. Heck, what is the right answer?
On the shore
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2021:
I love it when Montgomery's Tubercles are erect...
Absolutely him
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Sorry, but I can't see giving Trump any sort of title. Maybe Lord of the Flies would be more appropriate given how many people he killed with his incompetence.
Definitely hillbillys
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
More like The Grifters, or Glengarry, GlenRoss. Maybe Sweeney Todd...
Time to worry?
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Post reference; Otherwise, the meme is ridiculous, and just comes across as another bit of incoherent republican agitprop.
Agreed 100%.
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
One could have legitimate reasons for not getting vaccinated, but I'm sure those people are scarce compared to those who simply refuse out of arrogance, loyalty to Trump, or brainwashed against vaccines. I'm not sure how a business could established whether a potential client was an anti-vaxxer or had a legitimate excuse. Surely many business owners would rather not have Trumpers, child molesters, or comparable sociopaths as customers. But how does one know?...
Absolutely every word
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
As we should...
Not If, But When: The Coming Cosmology Crisis. []
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
A dubious analysis at best. Don't waste your time.
That is the understatement of the century
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Both Putin stooges.
Can someone tell our purpose of existing on this earth?
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
What is purpose?
US report on Pentagon-documented UFOs leaves sightings unexplained
racocn8 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
If the old enemies were exhausted, we wouldn't have run out on the Kurds, nor be leaving the Afghanis in the lurch. Massive spending has been going on in this area for decades, and they've never needed our approval, nor do they now. The military have never been the ones blocking spending on infrastructure. Hell, they usually love it as it often includes the Army Corps of Engineers. It is unlikely that any Space Force asset would try to engage a UAP. The results to date have not been good.
A new awakening
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
She was cowed, I bullshit you not... Would I steer you wrong?
It is far past time we put an end to this
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
It's the same thing as when Christians use the term Holocaust to describe abortion. They know it's an insult to Jews, and that aligns with their bigotry. The same for applying Apartheid to Israel.
International Space Station(ISS) transiting the Sun NASA Astronomy Picture Of The Day -- 6/26/2021...
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Oh yeah?? Where's the shadow???
yum! can't say no to a plate of well cooked steak!
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
He's ready to eat she wished!!!
This is a follow up to a previous post.
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Again, note that the true definition of atheist is one who is without belief in a god. No god is specified, and this represents a particular philosophical and even scientific perspective. No evidence for Odin or Yahweh means no reason to accept the claim from believers. Christians have turned the definition on it's head to suit their own purposes. Christian beliefs are absolutist in nature - - people are either friend or foe - - one is a member of the flock or a ward of Satan. Instead of respecting the true definition of atheist, Christians deem non-believing atheists to be haters of their god and redefine atheism to be someone who claims their god does not exist, and does so out of secret animosity against their god. Per the American Atheist website: "Older dictionaries define atheism as “a belief that there is no God.” Clearly, theistic influence taints these definitions. The fact that dictionaries define Atheism as “there is no God” betrays the (mono)theistic influence. Without the (mono)theistic influence, the definition would at least read “there are no gods.” "
Pat Robertson Says Critical Race Theory 'Is a Monstrous Evil' | Right Wing Watch
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Why am I not surprised? Why is it always projection from the right?
UFO report: US 'has no explanation' for sightings []
racocn8 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
If we can't have an honest, forthright discussion about what happened on Jan 6, how the hell can we seriously expect the Pentagon to tell the truth about UFO's? They've spent the last 70 years making discussion of UFOs taboo, and a fair reason for termination, derision and even murder. They can't give answers they don't have... If anyone did have an interest in the subject...
Before blended pork, after blended pork 🤢🤢🤢🤣🤣🤣🤣
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Pink slime? Silly Putty? Does it matter? Give it to the crows...
UFO report: US 'has no explanation' for sightings []
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
They know what they are, but if they told us, they'd have to kill us.
Trump organization could have criminal charges as early as next week Text in comments
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Ugh. More teasing? I'm not holding my breath. The script-writers have gone full-suspense on this plot. Can't we have a lone-wolf terrorist just end his nonsense? Or Melania? Anyone? It's like the Twilight Zone episode of It's a Good Life: " Isn't there one man in this town with courage who'll lay a crowbar against the back of his head?...Please...Please..." Or maybe another monster who will wish him into a cornfield?
Shouldn't the candles be black?
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Artistic license...
What if "terrorist groups" outside of the US are actually groups working to increase the ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Can you name an example?
What is our relationship with nature ?
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Five Stars
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
That would come under the genre of developing happy outcomes for real world scenarios that are not so happy.
This one is for the ladies: Who agrees with me that it's presumptuous when some guy you barely ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Of course it is presumptuous. I'd suggest the reason is that some men believe that some women are ruled by their emotions. They reason that if they can trigger a woman's lust, then they have a chance for further contact and manipulation.
Apparently Lucifer was Gods "favorite son." What kind of DNA is this?
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
The Loki Hypothesis suggests that the contradictions regarding a god entity could be resolved if one supposes god to be a sneaky trickster. As example, the notion that said god demands fealty while hiding all evidence of anything supernatural.
We are just a speck, on a speck, orbiting a speck, in the corner of a speck, in the middle of ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
But we share the same position with everyone else in the universe.
LA Man (Christopher Bailey) Beaten Like Rodney King by 6 Sheriff Deputies – Civil Rights Lawsuit ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
The shame of it is that those " sheriffs " won't receive some of the same punishment.


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Celebrity Pictures
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Older Men and Younger Women
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99 members
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Religious Naturalism
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Taboo Island
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At Retirement!
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"I was blocked!?" Group
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Sex Over Sixty
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lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
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Laughter is medicine
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Biden Piñata
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The Path of a Taoist
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The Truth Is Out There
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Libertarians Worldwide
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39 members
39 members
38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
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I don't give a fuck
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Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
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Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
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Breaking the Habit
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Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
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George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
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Ricky Gervais
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Mynd Storm
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23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
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Hearing Loss or What the heck did you say?
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Hairbrained Ideas
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Consortium of thoughts
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Broken Hearts Club
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Ungodly Truth
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16 members
Everything Beauty
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Herbalists Corner
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Oppression Throughout The World
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People Who Need People
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Truth Seekers
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The Plague
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Goodness without godness
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Community Senate
385 members