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The next time some christian nut jobs are protesting in my city, this is how I want to respond.
racocn8 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Yeah, I forgot how utterly loony the fake Christians are but was reminded when I went to a movie playing on Hollywood Blvd. A bunch of those nitwits were screaming. What a waste.
I would like some opinions! (And these are examples of why some women are disdainful of some men .
racocn8 comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Stick with women. You can hate men to your heart's content...
Baby Trump Needs to be Recalled!!!!!!! []
racocn8 comments on Nov 27, 2020:
De Santis needs some special treatment (Complete tax audit, etc.). Florida mayors should tell their police that fines for not wearing masks may collected on-the-spot, and pocketed. That should provide incentive in both directions.
Trump request for emergency injunction in Pennsylvania to overturn certification of election results...
racocn8 comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Another bullet dodged. We are lucky. All Trump needed was to get a couple of judges to shirk their oaths and give him some leverage. It shouldn't have been able to come to this, but it is welcome news. We have a lot of work to do to keep this from happening.
Excellent suggestion!
racocn8 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
We he certainly never behaved as if he were president... (or) He was always a fake president, having unconstitutionally, illegally, and treasonously worked with a hostile foreign adversary to help him win the election (by providing voter intel). He was more of a cult leader violating every civilized norm in sight, shitting on the country's reputation, bringing the country to its knees, kidnapping hundreds and needlessly killing a half-million Americans. How could Trump not be a fake president given he was elected (and supported and enabled) by fake Americans? But then, the real illusion is that we have a country at all. What sort of democracy do we have if half of us want to exchange it for fascism? (Supposedly to save it from socialism!!!) We are in a cold civil war and the sooner we take that seriously, the better. Losing this one is no different from WWII; the bad guys are all too obvious as being the bad guys.
Third parties, even Ross Perot’s well-funded Reform Party in 1992, have failed to upset ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
You'd need to stake out a middle ground that would take votes from both sides, otherwise, you're just sabotaging one or the other, as well as yourself. And frankly, the middle ground is not going to cut it to enable our survival going into the future.
I waited to see if anyone would remember what the 22 of November!!! Seems no one else did!!! ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
What should be remembered? The Kennedy assassination fostered the distrust of government along with an industry devoted to conspiracies. The Kennedy assassination conspiracy genre popularized the notion of a Deep State in which the CIA works with the Mafia, power brokers and industry captains to conduct covert international activities and policies. It is also abundantly clear that the CIA and other Deep State forces actively subvert the discussion of certain issues. UFO studies remain classified at the highest level and the military has suppressed discussion of the topic for decades. The use of drug money to fund covert activities has been revealed in the Pentagon Papers and the Mercury reporting, and similarly found to have been a part of Iran-Contra.
Went to the grocery store and this lady wasn’t wearing a mask when it says RIGHT ON THE DOOR, ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
It would be best if they killed each other off, but the reality is that they still kill a lot of the rest of us, and most of them recover. We need to speed up the Darwin Awards.
Are you a strong agnostic, a medium agnostic or a weak agnostic?
racocn8 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
If I had a spiritual interaction, what would demonstrate that it was spiritual? What spiritual effect would generate a belief in a personality, or singular spiritual entity? What spiritual interaction couldn't be explained by natural causes (brain fart)? What is to be gained by spiritual meditations? It's all so vague and featureless. What useful truths have ever been drawn from it? There is never a take-home lesson. People who pursue paths of enlightenment never generate new useful information. God didn't whisper E=MC2 in Einstein's ear, it fell out of rearranging Maxwell's equations. Not one religion came up with evolution, but it was always there to be seen.
Evangelicals Freak Out - YouTube
racocn8 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I am always gobsmacked when I hear these shit-heads claiming they know God or had communication with God. Utter megalomania. And then there are those who demonize the democrats as evil. Yikes. Hate is all they know. I realize these people are unlikely to contribute to our society, but it is tragic that they have wasted their time on lies. What a waste... No god would allow it...
NYT Says It's This,and That , and Then the Other...CRIME []
racocn8 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Let's make this crystal clear. It is not just Trump. Or his followers. Just like we have systemic racism, we have major systemic corruption and criminality. A major amount of stock trading is insider trading. Crooks like Trump are the rule, not the exception. The IRS needs to be hugely expanded and tightly focused on the 1%, and maybe more closely linked to the FBI. And, not just the 1% of humans, but also the corporations. If they are people, let them be prosecuted like people. Scum families like Purdue are simply unlucky to find themselves in the spotlight. MOST big corporations should be broken up, probably nationalized, and that isn't a small task (and that goes triple for Facebook). Only by upending the power structure that allowed Trump to exist can we learn the lesson in front of us. (Still, the whole Purdue family should be legally electrocuted/poisoned)
True fact.
racocn8 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
And embraced in Trump's case.
Fossil galaxy found in milky way
racocn8 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Very cool simulation.
Someone posted this on Facebook as a retort to a tRump follower.
racocn8 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Yeah, full scale model...
In case anyone has forgotten. []
racocn8 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
If Trump didn't surrender , Fauci might have been right. No one expected Trump to give up and politicize it as he did..
Just had this conversation on FB with a Trumper friend of mine. My jaw is hitting the floor...
racocn8 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
They are all very lacking in empathy, as well as shame, integrity, and humility. They may not be exactly sub-human, but they are decidedly defective to the point of being unfit to serve as mutual citizens in a civilized society. They have CHOSEN incivility. Here is how the issue of acting-against-their-own-self-interest comes in. Their need for inclusion and conformity compels them to approve of actors and actions that generate negative consequences. By disregarding and tacitly approving the illegal actions, and whitewashing the impeachment, Trump was in place to screw up the pandemic response. We might be where other advanced countries are in minimizing the pandemic, but Trump is maximizing it instead. So here you have this idiot complaining that he is going out of business because the fool he endorsed was willing to sacrifice the livelihoods and the lives of those who supported him. And all that damage inflicted precisely because Trump is a psychotic narcissist, blindly hoping to bully a virus to win the election. The abject stupidity of the GOP is a wake-up call that yes, democracy doesn't work, albeit because the GOP are not honorable participants, not because of fraud.
Like the script for a Mofia movie. []
racocn8 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Pelosi for President...
Whether or not God exists, Christopher Hitchens is still a scumbag
racocn8 comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Worthless ridiculous bilge.
AI researchers made a sarcasm detection model and it’s sooo impressive []
racocn8 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
What's worse is thinking the person is being sarcastic when they're not. An argument ensues automatically, and takes diplomacy to resolve.
Awww how thoughtful 😀
racocn8 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Maybe if they're white... (And there's room in the tool shed...)
There was a question on here about, "Should Trump be exonerated?
racocn8 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
People at the top need to held to a HIGHER standard, not use lawyers to obtain a lower standard. We need a legal control mechanism to short-circuit the use of shark-attorneys to thwart justice. Something like RICO but at a level outside of the FBI. Or, get the FBI to do its damn job. Without the likes of effers like Comey.
racocn8 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I think it is important to understand the dynamics that gives rise to these people. We certainly want to understand why people will willingly give up reality for fantastical notions and coded expressions of hatred. In their hatred they are tempted toward aggression and violence. Trump has fostered belief in delusions and brainwashed so many that there are mass delusions, certainly mass hysteria, and perhaps mass hypnosis.
I read this and immediately changed my mind on the subject. [] Thoughts?
racocn8 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Trump's crimes against the country and its people are far too great to be excused. Biden will alienate as many Democrats as wooing Republicans. Republicans are mostly incapable of contrition or forgiveness to the point where reunification would occur. This would be another major case of letting extreme criminality go unpunished (as happened to Wall Street after 2008-9 meltdown) and would further destroy trust in gov't. Let justice be served as it should and put the would-be dictator in prison. Send a clear signal that crooks should not look to political office as a means to enrich themselves, or get a pardon for their crimes.
It's time for Republicans to put America first [youtube.
racocn8 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
At 44 seconds, the narrator asks "Are these Republicans not Americans." The answer is yes, these Republicans are NOT Americans, at least in the sense that they have loyalty to the country. Whatever loyalty they have comes after, way after, their loyalty to Donald Trump, then after their loyalty to the Republican Party, then after their hatred of Democrats, then, maybe, to the United States. But not really. That loyalty is conditional. Before loyalty to the country comes loyalty to their religion, which is all about lying and corruption. An election isn't fair or legitimate unless they got to cheat without penalty. They cheated in 2000 with the Supreme Court intervention, and then in 2004 with rigged tabulation software. They even killed the programmer to silence him. And, in 2016, they worked with the Russians, a hostile foreign adversary to mount a massive disinformation campaign. This installed Trump, who dutifully fulfilled his role as Putin's stooge, degrading and dismantling U.S. Government agencies and radicalizing vast swaths of Evangelical zombies. And when a closely monitored election does take place, with no evidence of ballot tampering, they refuse to admit the loss, mount a slew of baseless frivolous lawsuits, and parade in the streets to protest against actual democracy replacing the fascist we had.
Hate-Preacher: Girls Who Look Like Rachel Maddow Are “Repulsive” to “Normal” Men | Hemant ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Christianity IS all about preaching hate. And lies. And gaslighting. And bullying. And testing loyalty. These are swagger, and Christians interpret all these toxic disordered behaviors as leadership and reassurance in a chaotic world.
How many courtrooms have they used in their attempt of a fake coup?
racocn8 comments on Nov 13, 2020:
The attempt to stage a coup is all too real. Nothing fake about it.
Isn't it long past time to stop being so understanding of other people's delusional ideas about ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 13, 2020:
We are in an abusive relationship. They hold the power, so we have to be careful. However, the wind is at OUR backs, and secularism is gaining ground rapidly. We have to be especially careful because religionists see they are losing. It would be great to double-down on our secularizing efforts, and where we can, we should.
No, I Will Not Be ‘Reaching Out’ To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever.
racocn8 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Wow, a really excellent article. I really liked some of the lines... "Before any attempt at “unity” can be made, there needs to be a reckoning, an acknowledgment that so many of Trump’s actions have been unconscionable and do not align with societal ideals that claim to value all life. Building bridges with people who share Trump’s views sends a clear message that you are willing to keep the peace at the expense of the dignity and well-being of those with less power and privilege." "I have spent the Trump years fearing that none of us will have the right to control our own reproductive choices if Trump has his way. " "Those who supported Trump, and those who still do, lack the compassion and the basic decency to recognize that every life has value."
Posting as a reminder of GOP concern for election integrity: Senate GOP blocks three election ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Yup. Actually, Trump's repeated attacks on the election, mail-in ballots and suggestion to vote twice invalidate the suits he's now bringing. The judges just laugh - - You can't start a fire and then claim damages from arson.
Two hours ago tweeting ''WE WILL WIN",he's insane.
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Skip the Vaseline, that's for wussies.
This is too funny not to post. []
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Daylight savings. That explains it...
Isnt it legal to grow hemp? How is it contaminating? []
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Well, it could be the use of pesticides or certain fertilizers if they are draining into a water supply. While the regulators are just getting started, a lot of regulations relate to hemp such as requiring testing and the conditions for storing whatever product is generated.
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Yeah, Trump's the one with the sharpie that cheats. This is what passes for humor for those who don't have any.
A ancient Roman joke
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
And if you cross your fingers...
Amazing post borrowed from Facebook.
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Most Evangelicals are closet Nazis, and the closet door has been opened by Trump. And they don't just have blood on their hands, but more like Carrie, they are drenched in blood. For them, it's OK because most of their victims aren't white. But let's not forget Putin, who also has a big share of responsibility for the Pandemic through Trump. It is highly likely that many of Trump's decisions on Covid (or lack thereof) came from Putin.
I just read some of the most disturbing articles and now I can't sleep.
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Thanks, good summary. You are not alone, but it seems the world is closing in on Trump. Those that still support Trump after a clear election defeat are plainly saying this: The Constitutional process should be set aside for Trump, relying on a partisanship in the courts that are supposed to be party-free. The only way to save Trump is to subvert the democratic election. And that basically means the United States is dead as a democracy. As that realization dawns on his supporters, few people will risk their reputations on a sinking ship. We'll see.... (We knew it was going to be like this: complete chaos)
Amazing post borrowed from Facebook.
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
A high quality exposition. Nicely done.
Noted Univ Penn Math Professor Booted from Plane Over Terrorist Fears Guido Menzio, a ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Totally idiotic. I will say that the good professor is wearing a shawl that remotely resembles the pattern worn by Jihadists. On the other hand, that pattern is widely used by other Arabs.
Will They Ever Learn? []
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Republicans are hardened in their attitudes. In this case, the attitude is acting-out by not wearing a mask. That behavior spreads Covid ever faster in winter conditions, so the red states are going to get hammered. Expect to see red state emergency services overwhelmed for the next 4 months, and maybe longer. Some emergency service providers may begin to collapse altogether from exhaustion.
11/7/2020 Amazing how realty can reflect art.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
For his traitor supporters: Four walls for a prison are three too many.
Bye, you evil thing you.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Yeah!!! YEA!!!
Steve Schmidt breaks down Trump's imminent fall from grace [m.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
We must not pardon his cultists. They may make up much of the electorate, but no matter how many flags they wave, no matter what they wear or paint on their faces,... They put party ahead of country, way ahead. And they still show no, zero, contrition, no admission of complicity nor guilt, and no interest in real governance. They are not Americans, and they should never be mistaken to be any sort of patriotic. They must be de-fanged and disenfranchised, whatever it takes. Let us give the phrase "Never again" new life! Bigotry-based fascism must be suffocated and eradicated. Never again...
The bastard is definitely hurting!
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Don't think he's capable of that either...
I am going to take a break from the hostility and remember we are very close to the first woman vice...
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
We are close to the first Black Woman President...
With the electoral college dominating the news, eight years ago trump tweeted on November 7, 2012 ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
From now on, all prospective Federal representatives must take the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) to qualify to run. Electors must be trained to understand psychopathy and its consequences.
Another reason for the trump government will not want a transition.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
What will be interesting is to see the phone conversations they illegally stored on the classified National Security server... Don't think they'll be able to delete those...
Very true about small hands and reality
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Hell, that hand is smaller than mine!!
As the election continues to drag on
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
I'm hoping that's just a tumor...
And in 74 days ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Please, take the black pill...
Bout to burn a bowl for Biden.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Now if we can just get Trump's supporters to join in, maybe they can calm down a little.
Every time a see a post with rhetoric from James Woods or Ted Nugent I spam the comments with this ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
As if supporting a degenerate, pervert, crook, bigot and traitor could ever be excused? These morons are married to their insanity forever. If they want forgiveness, help find some of the parents who lost their children.
Let's talk about family, coworkers, and reconciliation after Trump [youtube.
racocn8 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Trumpers have been brainwashed into a personality cult. They are damaged, with varying degrees of damage. If they can recover their wits, good. If not, we have a behavioral catastrophe that dwarfs Covid's carnage. For sure, younger generations will mostly reject the wholesale abandonment of sanity by the Q-Anon style wackos. And, we may need to address how people with no understanding and minimal consciousness are allowed to vote, especially when their votes count more than the rest of us.
I fucking love this
racocn8 comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Sorry, but fat shaming some people would do them a world of good.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when this happens
racocn8 comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Biden will need to decontaminate the White House. Talk about injecting bleach...
I have an interesting thought concerning morality and I would like to see what other people's ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 6, 2020:
I would certainly vote for culture over religion as the basis for what is and isn't acceptable. That's the point: Our culture has progressed significantly in recognizing the level of respect that should be afforded to those that are different. Religion mostly does the opposite, teaching to fear the other, and that outsiders must either be converted or shunned. Religious morality is still mostly a reflection of pre-Technology Europeans with acceptance of slavery and cruel patriarchy as standard. Religious morality mostly lags cultural morality by at least a couple of centuries. Holding to cruel and simplistic values of religion is now understood as degenerate and indicates underlying psychopathy.
I believe in the religion of TRUTH.
racocn8 comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Nothing below your first sentence has anything to do with truth or Truth. No one can know for sure, but good authorities on the subject say it is quite possible and likely that Jesus didn't exist, but that the stories were contrived in a updating and recasting of other earlier myths and texts.
I can forgive people for being stupid I can't forgive them for WANTING to be stupid.
racocn8 comments on Nov 4, 2020:
People want to be stupid because while they can handle the truth, and do, but they don't want to. Their real religion is hating and hurting others. They are disordered. Many of them love drama, like Trump. They thrive in chaos and tormenting the rest of us. It's a neuro-chemical imbalance thing.
Terrorist vs Domestic Terrorist.
racocn8 comments on Nov 4, 2020:
That would be: " Y"all-QAnon "
Kirk Cameron: “Disguised” Commies and Socialists Are “Knocking on Our Doors” | Beth ...
racocn8 comments on Nov 3, 2020:
The Evangelicals denounce and decry all sorts of groups: Women, non-Whites, non-Christians, LBGBT, scientists, ... really, anyone who isn't them. What is bizarre is how these a-holes will claim liberals are Communists. They intentionally fail to notice that Trump is a stooge for ex-KGB Putin. It's pretty much the same thing as using Holocaust to describe abortion. These people are just plain sick. The only thing they care about is fomenting hatred and sticking it to the libtards.
For your consideration and debate.
racocn8 comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Why would you post anything from The Epoch Times? None of your links work. If you see something (that is not patent nonsense) worth posting, cut and paste it. The publishers are notorious for ridiculous propaganda coming from the Falun Gong cult. These kooks are more radical that the morons supporting Trump/Putin. There's your nastiness...
Trump Voters On What They'll Do If Trump Loses [youtube.
racocn8 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Wow!! What to say??? Some really stupid people. And really deluded, maybe even deranged. And to be that stupid, meaning they are intentionally misinformed or intentionally self-dis-informing. To be that stupid indicates they are emotionally disordered and pathological. Either they have low IQ's, or they've got PTSD-based behavioral distortions/obsessions. Trump really IS the virus; but these folks have their own psychological co-morbidities. These people have a personality disease. And that disease could be scientifically curable.
Boy, Are We Great! []
racocn8 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
You might need more than 250 National Guardsmen to fend off 3 million protesters. The Berlin Wall fell, so will that one.
Write your own caption...
racocn8 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Perfect for my sweet tooth.
I really want to tell people I’m atheist, but living in the Bible Belt I feel like I’ll lose ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 31, 2020:
I advise caution. Only reveal to those that have no control over you. Coming out at the workplace is a bad idea if you have levels of supervision above you. Atheists are gaining in numbers, but the level of hatred is still thermonuclear. Quite a few of true believers can't handle exposure to the subject. Maybe rightly so, they view atheism as a repudiation of their beliefs. They are like Muslims seeing someone with a Muhammad cartoon. Be careful.
I am either an agnostic (don't know, don't care - we'll all find out soon enough) or humanist.
racocn8 comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Do you remember where you were before you were born? Same thing.
Karl Marx on Judaism
racocn8 comments on Oct 31, 2020:
So, Marx was the original self-hating Jew. Actually, it is notable how many self-hating Jews occupy the fringe left nowadays. It's a thing. But they never admit to their disorder. It is bizarre how people still idolize Marxism regardless of how deeply flawed it is. They are like followers of Ayn Rand. Really, both are personality cults for dead people.
I thought respect was something one earns.
racocn8 comments on Oct 31, 2020:
What are the choices for voting for Trump? 1. ) white supremacist racist and proud of it. 2. ) Religious psychopath/hater obsessed with the abortion issue. 3. ) Fox brainwashed hater of liberals. 4. ) Psychopathic paranoid gun nut. 5. ) Profound ignorance/stupidity/dim witted. 6. ) Other mental illness, likely combined with some of the above. There might be others, but all of these people should really be treated, either with drugs, surgery or lead. Respect can wait.
Who likes to solve numeric puzzles?
racocn8 comments on Oct 30, 2020:
That that is is that that is not is not is that that that is that (That that is, is. That that is not, is not. Is that that? That is that!)
A conundrum. How can one be profane if one does not believe in the God myth?
racocn8 comments on Oct 30, 2020:
One of the challenges to secularists is dealing with the linguistic remnants of religion. Enormous numbers of words and phrases that are common parlance must either be discarded or redefined for a secular context. This confusion is commonly used by religionists as a segue to their proselytizing spiel. The word profane loses its metaphysical implication, which was always absurd anyway. It becomes synonymous with: vulgar, abusive, indecent, obscene.
Voter suppression much?
racocn8 comments on Oct 29, 2020:
The tyranny of the evil-angelicals must be ended. It is past time to enforce church-state separation and end the racist bigoted toxic hate-based theocracy. We must end mass-delusion, mass-hypnosis and personality cults.
I don't know about anybody else, but it made me sick seeing Feinstein hugging and kissing that fool ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 27, 2020:
She has come to epitomize the corruption of Washington, but she has accrued so much power that she can only die out of office. I'm not in favor of term limits, but she makes the best case for it.
Jared practically begging African Americans to vote for Biden.
racocn8 comments on Oct 27, 2020:
Let's hope that the non-whites that are still thinking to vote for Trump hear this. But seriously, one cannot be voting for Trump and be capable of thinking.
The unfortunate truth
racocn8 comments on Oct 27, 2020:
Biden will certainly be better than Trump; no contest. But, the truth is that the Republicans have absolutely zero integrity and trying to work with them is a fool's errand. The ONLY path forward is to destroy the Republican party by addressing all the flaws they've exploited and MUCH MORE. I totally respect Biden, but he is simply NOT up to that task. The first order of business should be to declare the last four years as illegitimate and invite everyone McConnell seated to resign peaceably or be removed.
Nothing wrong with me, wrong with me, wrong with me.
racocn8 comments on Oct 27, 2020:
Maybe he rushed the Barrett confirmation because he's about to die? Another failure of karma.(Meaning, he deserves to suffer for a prolonged period of time)
Great retort!
racocn8 comments on Oct 27, 2020:
The corner being turned is the cliff the lemmings are jumping off of. Or maybe 'turning the corner' is just a nice way of describing the sharp spike in cases? A spike that is going asymptotic. While democrats stay safe with their masks on, republicans should feel free to spread the disease amongst themselves in the worst way possible.
Religious Conservatives Lash Out at Kellogg’s Over “Anti-Christian” Cereal | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Ken Ham is a notorious bigot and hate-monger. For him to denounce Kellogg as being anti-science is pure finger-in-the-eye from a rabid creationist. On a dime, Christianity quickly devolves into the ugliest degenerate perversity. It seeks to numb their believers into swallowing the rank hypocrisy that Christianity is based on. It is mental illness at its worst.
Here is a question to ask theists. Do you believe in ALIEN ABDUCTIONS?
racocn8 comments on Oct 24, 2020:
A great deal of information is available on alien abductions and many implants have been recovered. However, this is not a website for that level of open-mindedness. Maybe start by checking out the FOIA information provided by the FBI on cattle mutilations, or other FOIA info from CIA, DIA, NRO, etc. Draw your own conclusions. As for theists, evolution indirectly but effectively disproves Christian dogma, so you're dealing with delusion and mental illness.
Since I am new here I have to share.
racocn8 comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Where is the Catholic monument to the millions of Jews, Gays, Gypsies, and sick that Catholics and Popes helped the Nazis murder? The victims of Catholics and other Christians were REAL living breathing thinking people; not embryonic cell clumps.
I am a death-row executioner
racocn8 comments on Oct 23, 2020:
I am opposed to having the state perform executions. If execution is to be on the table, let someone from the victim's family do it. Given the Innocence Project findings, far too many executions are really just racist lynchings. I don't understand what the problem is with the means of execution. All you need is a source of pure nitrogen or carbon dioxide; fast and painless. Maybe that's part of the problem?
I got off in a wrong political crowd last evening as a political activist.
racocn8 comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Consider yourself to be fortunate not to be them. It is incomprehensible how people can become so lacking in consciousness. Ignorance gives way to delusion, dishonesty and ultimately, rank stupidity. Leave them to Darwin.
Seems very appropriate to me.
racocn8 comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Only those who harbor their own suppressed homosexual inclinations get aroused when they see a picture like this.
Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench | National Catholic ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 21, 2020:
The Catholics realize that a huge backlash against Catholics will develop as the Supreme Court starts to overturn the few progressive decisions that have improved our society.
Oh, Those Poor, Wildly Flailing Babies! []
racocn8 comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Intentionally using Russian propaganda to further Trump's campaign is still TREASON. They are knowingly using information from a hostile foreign adversary. Trump's Director of National Intelligence LIED through his teeth in denying that it was known to come from Russia, even though his own subordinate agencies have said so. This administration should be in Guantanamo so we can find out what they've given up to the Russians.
White House Was Warned Giuliani Was a Russian-Manipulated Asset It’s being reported that as ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Putin has found how easy it is to bribe Republicans (and some Democrats). What is amazing is how they love to overdo the role of traitor. Once paid, they go out of their way to satisfy Putin. Given how he kills opponents, maybe not such a bad idea. Still, Giuliani is plainly a traitor, along with McConnell. And then a-holes like Barr do it for free. Ugh.
Wear a Damn Mask! Love it! []
racocn8 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Too great!!
My sister just called me from just outside of DC.
racocn8 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
We certainly shouldn't take the election for granted. And, we should work to make the win as big as possible. \ That being said, my prediction is that by Nov 3, the election will be seen as all but over, and the Republicans who waited to go to the polls in person will say, "What the hell, it is my nature to be lazy. I think I'll just sit this one out." Meaning, Republicans are lazy. They are all about lazy thinking. If they see a chance not to waste their time, they'll do it. Not voting for a loser is a winner in their minds. Still, the first point holds, but I do hope this prediction comes true.
Let's look at a few facts: • Merrick Garland was nominated by Barack Obama, but he was actually ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
It's all about division. That is Putin's game and McConnell didn't become Moscow Mitch for no reason. McConnell is doing Putin's bidding just the same way Trump is. Divide and conquer.
Once I said to a dear Christian friend: “Suppose there really is no God, and suppose I had it ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
It would be nice if we could allow people to stew in their own stupidity. The problem comes when the stew starts to boil and they feel compelled to not just spread their delusions, but to insist that others bow down to their god. And, if you don't, they will kill you. If people are to be given freedom of delusion, society must also enact measures to protect the rest of us from them. Dissemination of lies needs to be controlled in some way, and when belief gets too extreme, it should become a public health issue. Extremists should be treated as psychopathic lunatics BEFORE they start a body count.
Trump's Aparatchick Nunes Must Go! []
racocn8 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Given what has been going on nationally, I will be disappointed if CA AG Becerra doesn't file felony charges against the Republicans who did this. This needs to be a zero tolerance issue. Subverting democracy poisons the core of our country.
Video Shows Conservatives Being Told Not To Fear 'Voter Suppressor' Label: Report These idiots ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
When I was younger, I took several trips across the country. I'd listen to the radio, but too often, the only clear station was religious. The bile and vitriol spewed was sickening, particularly against scientists. That upset me because science was my interest. The Christian broadcasts made it abundantly clear that Christianity was all about hating the other, be they Blacks, Women, Jews, Catholics, LBGTX or even that other church up the street. I knew how Christians blamed Hitler on atheists or on Germans being German. They still do. It's like the Japanese who taught their children a wholly sanitized version of recent history. As I listened, I understood that the hate I heard must be pretty close to what happened in Germany. As I formed my non-belief, I recognized I was in a despised minority, and I mostly kept my identity secret. As I looked around to see all the Christian robots, incurious, schizophrenic, delusional, superficial and ignorant, I realized how these psychotic wanna-be mass murderers surrounded me. Fortunately, they were mostly docile, not triggered like they are today. We have been lucky that US Christians have been chastened a little bit by WWII, but this has fully faded. We remain fully enmeshed by Nazis. Yeah, I know, Godwin's Law. Trump is the exception; he really does have KKK roots and a long history of public and now private bigotry of the worst sort, as revealed by the tell-all books. Trump would be nothing without his followers.
Christian Debater Gets Outwitted by an Eighth Grade Atheist | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Justice delayed is justice denied. So justice for North Korea doesn't happen. Even if you don't understand the bullshit, you can still be saved. (These people are fully delusional and could only really be saved by deprogramming of their religion. Or lobotomy). There's your perfect God, making most of Humanity into lunatics. Too sad and too horrible.
Throughout my life, I've had to slowly learn that Perfection doesn't exist.
racocn8 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Perfection means nothing can be done to make it better. The item is finished in being made and nothing more is left to do, nor can be done. What is imperfect? Everything. Everything is imperfect. Name one thing that IS perfect? Even the proton decays, so that's not perfect. Light shifts in its wavelength over time. The Universe is a disaster. The one thing one can say about God which is perfect is that no one can say anything about God with authority or proof. The one thing to be said about God which is perfect is that nothing can be said by anyone anywhere of any Truth. Nothing can be added to make this more complete. Anything that anyone says about to God is a perfect lie.
How will I know if my brain is in a jar on someones desk and this is a simulated reality?
racocn8 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Your brain IS in a jar. It's called a skull. And what you remember as your entire life, and your current experience are made entirely inside that brain. You get assorted nerve impulses from your nervous system and that is all there is. So, where is the significant difference?
Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr.
racocn8 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Christians are all about lying. Lying to themselves, lying to you, and lying to each other. It's a liar's club. The more outrageous the lie, the better. In pandering to them, Trump doesn't just tell lies; He tells whoppers. He is still clowning from a reality show. He's got the makeup, he's got the giant tie, now he needs the big flat shoes.
G'day everyone, just thought I might pass on a bit of reasoning LOL) that I heard from Evangeloon ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Careful! It is known that many of those Christians who are most vocal in denouncing homosexuality possess hidden homosexual tendencies.
Friend of mine from high school told me last night that she wishes i was close to god like she is.
racocn8 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Yeah, which god? Surely they don't mean the Christian god that was disproved by evolution 150 years ago?
The Decline of Religion Continues – Nones Gain 3 Percent in One Year – Religion in Public
racocn8 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
As I recall, studies of other countries suggest that, if the US follows suit, the Nones should continue to advance in their percent of population. Hopefully the ridiculous, corrupt and horrific failures of Trump will be linked to his Christian supporters. The effects of hating science show how people die as a result. And, as Trump goes, the cult of Christianity will also get a boot by younger generations. Let's hope. But also, we need to promote science education and promote clear, superstition-free thinking.
Today’s Supreme Court Case Threatens to Turn Nonreligious Americans into Second-Class Citizens | ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
There may be more going on here than discrimination. Per the article: "several Muslim men who were approached by FBI agents and asked to inform on their congregations. When the men refused to comply, they were put on the “No Fly” list without justification". The FBI doesn't just harass Muslims for the fun of it. The FBI may not choose to reveal their sources and methods, but it is reasonable to believe that the FBI questioned these guys because they were involved in a plot. Either someone informed on them or their communications revealed terrorist activity. If the FBI sought to put would-be terrorists on a no-fly list, that makes perfect sense to me. It is up to AA to explain why they are interested in this case. While white supremacists are a much bigger problem, Muslim terrorism hasn't gone away.
Criteria for a Locked Ward: []
racocn8 comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Knowing he'd end up in a country club prison, a locked psychiatric ward would probably be preferable. Boot Hill even better, if he suffers beforehand.
Another reason why fanatical religious zealots are dangerous to society and just so there is no ...
racocn8 comments on Oct 7, 2020:
The Hasidim broadly supported Trump in 2016. Most Conservative and Orthodox Jews support Republicans and behave in the same low information, psychotic and morally challenged way as evangelicals.


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