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A Breath of Fresh Air! []
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2020:
I think what Christopher Hitchen’s said in response to Jerry Falwell’s death fits Trump to a T: “If you gave him an enema you could bury him in a matchbox” (comment from Jason Hackman)
Retirement party favors ...[]
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2020:
When I was 17 or so, my Dad gave me a vial with two snippets of tissue which he asked me to encase in plastic (one of my hobbies at the time).
I actually have several questions.
racocn8 comments on May 6, 2020:
Of course you can't tell, but the groom also has two dicks.
Once again, hypocrisy is completely lost on the Trump crowd.
racocn8 comments on May 4, 2020:
Religion causes a broad variety of behavioral disorders and personality disorder. Whether it's PTSD, sexual molestation, the constant drumbeat of hate against others, etc., the effect is to disable various cognitive functions. Thus, religionists may lack empathy, lie a lot, act out, project their weaknesses on others, etc. Religion screws with their heads, and then they latch onto like-minded sick people. Perhaps religions damages people because damaged people are easier to manipulate and control.
Auschwitz Museum condemns Nazi slogan at 'Re-open Illinois' protest | TheHill
racocn8 comments on May 4, 2020:
Pure hate-speech.
Regarding the amazing failure of Trump virus response: What seems to have happened is that in ...
racocn8 comments on May 4, 2020:
We may never know why Trump failed so utterly. As most notorious pathological liar in history, nothing he says can be reliable. Either: 1) Trump was continuing his treasonous dismantling from the inside under the directions of Putin; or, 2) He imagined that it would be better for the pandemic to 'wash over the country' as he once said. He may not have know how a fully unleashed pandemic would undermine the economy and his reelection. 3) He sought to profit off the the pandemic and skim testing contracts for domestic companies, rather than buy those available through WHO. However, his favored companies couldn't get their tests to work properly, and it became a fiasco that was so frustrating that he just handed the mess over to Pence (Who is equally incompetent). Other scenarios?....
trump supporters.....
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2020:
Except that Mel Gibson is a psychopathic clown too.
The irony .
racocn8 comments on May 3, 2020:
Not really. Trump Jr. only endorsed the notion that Tara Reade could be credible, whereas Pelosi, Gillibrand, Harris, Abrams, Whitmer, Klobuchar & Hillary were bowled over by the stench of political manipulation. Put simply, Reade's grotesque embellishment of her complaint from last year is so over-the-top as to be easily disregarded. The only real question is whether Trump or some of the Bernie Bros put her up to it. She is a desperate, pathetic pawn. Like Trump Jr.
This Chart Shows How Quickly Americans Are Abandoning Organized Religion | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
racocn8 comments on May 2, 2020:
Other countries have gone through a similar shift where a major share of residents lose their allegiance. Maybe Covid will speed it up a bit too. Many people will worry that the loss of declared affiliation will mean a rise in immorality. The unswerving allegiance of the Evangelicals to Trump proves they refuse to be offended by the most vile, degenerate and corrupt politician in American history. So much for Christian morality! The loyalty of each Evangelical to Trump proves they will ditch the morality their religion teaches; and then enact fawning fealty to a personalty cult. Gross!! And they are proud to be deplorable! They embrace the term. Eff'd up! No one expects Christianity to go away. But, in a millennium, perhaps Jesus will join Wotan, Zeus and Horus. Granted, something just as silly would likely replace it. And then there's Islam, Hinduism, etc. Perhaps humans will advance and fix whatever flaw it is that allows unlimited belief. Or, we might even learn a Truth. In the meantime, we should continue our efforts to support science education and critical thinking.
Biden to Discuss Tara Reade allegations tomorrow morning on Morning Joe.
racocn8 comments on May 2, 2020:
What is the motivation here? Is it Reade's fascination and adoration of Putin? Was she frustrated that Biden won over the Progressives she supported, Sanders and Warren? Or did she flirt at Biden and Biden rejected her? Or a combination of them all? Can this complaint be seen as a final bid for justice, or does it represent yet another political hit job like we've seen with Gary Hart, Al Franken, and Robert Mueller? Sanders campaign exec's have immediately called on Biden to withdraw from the race, even though Biden could be completely innocent. What is Tara Reade's explanation for waiting until Biden got the nomination to 'elaborate' on her complaint from 2019? Notably, Tara Reade's absurdly crude and lurid description cannot possibly be substantiated. Claiming to be manually penetrated with no previous flirtation is not just out of character for Biden, it's out of character for anyone, except a psycho like Trump. Someone like Biden would never do shit like that unless they were drunk or they had paid for it. Does anyone imagine that Tara Reade concocted this lie on her own? That kind of ugliness can only be coached. Still, for Ms. Reade to put it out there signifies a special kind of mental illness, the depravity of false accusation. It is the infamous reality that a few women engage in false accusations, and these false accusations are the bane of women who really have been treated unfairly, and want justice.
Why Religion Is Not Going Away and Science Will Not Destroy It
racocn8 comments on May 1, 2020:
Bull. Last sentence: "Its advocates would be well advised to stop fabricating an enemy out of religion, or insisting that the only path to a secure future lies in a marriage of science and secularism. " Only a liar would claim that advocates of science are fabricating that religion is its enemy. No fabrication is needed; Creationism is still religious nonsense. As for insisting that science and secularism not be married, just what non-secular (religious) system should be married to science??? Yikes. Is that like Sharia Law? Elsewhere the author weaves in the cowardly insecurity of a religious believer. It's textbook cognitive dissonance. And yes, the US is a hold-out in terms of a majority of citizens identifying with established religion, but that majority is moving towards minority status at a good clip. We are approaching the maximum slope of the hysteresis curve right now.
His great inauguration
racocn8 comments on May 1, 2020:
All those supporters and not an automatic weapon in sight? Why does Trump get special treatment?
I would laugh, but.....
racocn8 comments on May 1, 2020:
And the Bernie supporters still don't care. Not unlike Trump.
Trump has already done more harm than Jim Jones
racocn8 comments on Apr 30, 2020:
And more harm than Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, combined.
For a guy that calls others fake, he takes the cake
racocn8 comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Real Traitor
When one is quarantined, with too much time on their hands, what to do?
racocn8 comments on Apr 30, 2020:
40 years ago, my Dad gave me a really cool watch. It was a wrist-watch with an alarm and glow-in-the-dark spots around the face. These spots were, I believe, a mixture of phosphor and radium. I was working at the Wistar Institute and had a chance to check the watch out with a Geiger counter. The underside had a plainly higher amount of radioactivity, but above the face, the counter took off. I was taken aback at how hot the thing was. Not long after, I left the watch in my bag while I played racquetball. After my session, the watch was mercifully missing. I was glad to be rid of the thing. (In the lab, they had a big Erlenmeyer flask to filter and collect liquids that contained tritium and other isotopes. I noticed that no one wanted to empty the thing, and that the level got up to the vacuum line. I checked that out and found that the whole lab vacuum system was radioactively contaminated. Years later at the Arco Quality Control Lab, they detected high amounts of mercury in the basement air. Technicians would dump mercury into the drains, out-of-sight, out-of-mind (After blowing out a manometer). Problem was, the mercury wouldn't go back up out of the drain and sat there until the drain rusted out. The mercury plopped into the mud underneath the building. They had to excavate to try to recapture it and contaminate someplace else.)
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes YESSSSSSS! Not a Biden fan, but please tell me I'm not jumping the gun on ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 29, 2020:
1. Remember, it's not the popular vote that counts, but the Electoral College. 2. The Republicans have rigged the election every way they can. They don't have to get away with it. They just have to win, and Trump's Justice Dept will back them up (not prosecute). They will get away with it! 3. The real question is what the U.S. citizenry do when faced with a (another) patently stolen election. Last time, Obama, the supposed wonderful leader, let Trump and Putin get away with it. Hey, nobody blinked when the bankers stole 40% of the equity saved up by those earning less than $200K per year. Not one person went to jail after 2009. Trump's team have learned that lesson. Who will stand up to the GOP when it cheats democracy this time? We are so eff'd
Is the concept of a personal God needed in some individuals?
racocn8 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Perhaps it was Voltaire who rejected atheism because he worried that too many people in the population would behave much worse if they weren't fearful of a hell? The threat of immoral or unethical acts committed by unbelievers must be balanced against the damage religion does to each person. As fewer people identify with established religion, we should soon see if this leads to a corresponding increase in immoral/unethical behavior. This shift toward agnosticism has been seen in other countries, so the answer is probably out there.
Religion was destroyed! By whom?
racocn8 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
The difference between a Russian troll and this poster would be what? I appreciate dialects as much as anyone but I could program a computer to string words together better than this post. Is this what I've been reduced to; reading troll trash? Shame on me.
The Worst Way to be Proven Wrong.
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
That can't happen often enough.
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
That's an insult to dogdom. He is a pig; re-do your drawing.
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
The challenge of our future, if we have one, will be how we disenfranchise the GOP/Trumpers. We clearly see that they are not fit to be citizens, and they can never be responsible participants. The are incapable of behaving as more than trolling traitors.
What can Biden do to gain support from Sanders' supporters?
racocn8 comments on Apr 27, 2020:
First, Biden could promise free charm school sessions to Bernie supporters, and an unlimited supply of prozac, valium and strattera. And, as much bleach as they care to inject. Of course, some means is needed to tear their attention away from GRU posts. Then some termites for the sticks up their arses. But, as far as voting, forget it. They won't vote. Except if Jill Stein is VP. Or one of Vlad's other stooges, Kirsten or Tulsi.
Donald Trump is the embodiment of a white trash president who cant spell
racocn8 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Another old term applies, and also woefully inadequate: The Ugly American
I was wondering if a steam bath or a hot sauna would help your lungs and then this happened.
racocn8 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Hey, maybe alpha-tocopherol works? It kills covid and you at the same time?
Would you like to understand reality?
racocn8 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Ease back on that bleach, guy. Stick with the UV...
racocn8 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
What is more damaging in Western societies religion or conspiratorial thinking?
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
What is the body count on conspiratorial thinking, compared to that from religion? Now add in other forms of harm, what's the answer? Certainly none of the religions are true, but just as certainly, a tiny fraction of the conspiracy theories are true.
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Can a Republican truly be pro-Life with taking the Chlorox challenge? A real American isn't afraid. Like Donny says: "Try it. What have you got to lose?"
I've formed my third group, Biden 2020 and hope you will consider joining if you support Biden for ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I just got an email soliciting feedback on Kamala Harris as VP. She is a horrible and incompetent politician in that, as AG, she was informed about entrenched corruption in Long Beach and refused to do anything about it. So, no to her as VP.
How many of you feel religion negatively impacted your formative years?
racocn8 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
My best friend was turned into a stupid idiot. He was almost insufferable thereafter.
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2020:
At least one side is OSHA compliant.
Genetic fun for everyone!
racocn8 comments on Apr 23, 2020:
A cow with 8 teats? A smart calf? Antennapedia (no, that's a fruit fly with legs coming out of its head) A cow with suckers instead of hair (use your imagination), or a hairy octopus?
This should be a large poster placed on every door and through out the premises of any facility that...
racocn8 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Utter bullshit. Thousands of micro-particles go right through masks in either direction, and then hang in the air like smoke, available to be inhaled. Masks are only good for intercepting large droplets. The fourth image is close to the truth showing a bunch of droplets going through the first mask. The risk is still high.
This last month has been an awful long year.
racocn8 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Is this an ad for Gillette?
What do you/people think about China's role in this epidemic?
racocn8 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
The media in both China and the U.S. are severely controlled and limited by their governments. While China may not have been forthright, the U.S. had intelligence on the ground. That intelligence was relayed and ignored by Trump. For months. Whatever shortcomings are made against the Chinese pale against Trump's ongoing refusal to lead an effective response. The daily refusal to pursue testing is treasonous, even as it works against the economic recovery Trump pretends that he wants. If Trump really wanted a good economy, we'd have testing. So, Trump wants this pandemic to be as bad as possible, and only the state governors can mitigate it. They are utterly on their own. Shame on the military for not forcibly removing the traitors in our midst, and for not volunteering more tangibly to protect our nation. They should be forcing the issue to demonstrate Trump's true intentions. (But thank you to the Army Corps of Engineers for the instant hospitals). Shame, shame, shame on China for continuing to allow the wet markets. A lot of the animals are stuffed full of other covids just waiting for an opportunity.
Biden 2020!!! Who is with me???
racocn8 comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Do you vote from Canada?
If Republicans are the party of Lincoln, why do they fly Confederate flags?
racocn8 comments on Apr 20, 2020:
I am unsure about how willing MAGgots are to sacrifice their lives. In my mind, they are much closer to simpering insecure cowards, which is why they feel so much better with a gun. Given a fair match, I wouldn't bet on them regardless of armaments. They seem lazy and weak-minded, unable to focus, think clearly, or take aim and shoot with precision.
Does this sway your thoughts on Joe Biden? [] Cross-posted in Politics.
racocn8 comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Readjusting the wealth disparity is hugely desirable, but how to do it? You could raise the tax rate to 70% without denting the wealthy lifestyle. Also, most of the money is inherited. Warren's ideas have merit, but only if they can be enacted, and there she has the same problem as Bernie. Just try to grade Biden against Trump as being suitable for being president. I would rate Trump at something below 10 while Biden gets something over 55. It's a shitty system that promulgates these guys. Mainly, though, is that Bernie would be around 65 if he could deliver a blue Senate. Without it, he sinks to below 50. Liz isn't far behind.
A piece from the Obama era but also helps explain what led up to Trump.
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
The general population is a cash cow for the Real Deep State, said entity being the elites within the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex. These silos of power work to preserve themselves and the oligarch families comprising the Breakaway Civilization. They are now protected by Trump's Space Force. All that costs money they milk from the cash cow: us.
Why don't we have all of our higher ups spend a LITTLE BIT MORE TIME blaming China as attempted ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
The young lady should be tested for antibodies when that test becomes available. The police and school official are closet Nazis.
Naughty donnie
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Roy Cohn turned Trump; it's partly why he's so fucked up. They'd make a sweet threesome.
Trump's America.
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
You can be sure that a bunch in both pictures were paid to be there by DeVos.
He got lots of practice in Puerto Rico!
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
It's more like he's lying on top of the grave with his staff of White House prostitutes pissing on him.
His kool aid
racocn8 comments on Apr 19, 2020:
If only... It is my atheists prayer that as they follow the instructions of their idol to disregard protocols for their own protection, that the MAGgots kill each other, and keep their distance from actual Americans.
Shockingly, the Four White Women Who Named Themselves the 'Conservative Squad' Have Run Into Some ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 18, 2020:
What do you call four blonds sitting beside each other? A wind tunnel.
My contribution for Friday: SARDONYX sar·don·yx ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2020:
I like the word: "confute" 1. to prove to be false, invalid, or defective; disprove: to confute an argument. 2. to prove (a person) to be wrong by argument or proof: to confute one's opponent. Sadly, it is too little known to use meaningfully in prose or speech.
My contribution for Friday: SARDONYX sar·don·yx ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2020:
I've always been fond of the word Chalcedony which is similar...
My explanation of Atheism NOTE This is my personal view, it is shared by many but I don't wish to...
racocn8 comments on Apr 17, 2020:
(In the past, Christians felt the mere existence of atheists or other religionists worked as a repudiation of their beliefs. We now have more active forms of atheism because being atheist is less dangerous to your health.) Christianity engenders a broad variety of psychological pathologies, paranoia being prominent. The paranoid variety love to make up lies about all those who refuse fealty to white, straight, male dominance. Among those lies is this: ' Atheists hate God and deny He exists. ' While it may be true that a minority of atheists claim no god exists, most simply don't believe in any of the gods. Again, the common definition of atheists as denying god exists is the definition promulgated by the Christians, not by atheists. Your profile says you love critical thinking. Please, spend some time critiquing your text, fix the mistakes and be succinct. You lose most of your audience if you just cut and paste a crude mass.
Found a great tweet from Trump, criticizing Obama's handling of the Pandemic in 09.
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
So it's not as if Trump didn't understand how serious a pandemic could be. He has no excuse for screwing it up this bad unless it was intentional. He knows exactly what he is or is not doing. The only REAL question is WHY?
Physicists Discover Why Wine Has "Legs" When Swirled: []
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Also look at this article published 5 years earlier on the Gibbs-Marangoni Effect...
In the interest of trying to understand the world I live in, I sometimes force myself to view ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Christianity has never been more than a big slimy cult. Science proved it to be utterly false 150 years ago. That means those who still believe it at this point are psychotics, and potentially dangerous. It's one thing to have your own opinion, but to persist in spreading known lies should be criminal, or at least deserving of close monitoring. These people should be deprogrammed, against their will if necessary. It is a scourge to allow them to brainwash their children; that is psychological child abuse. How to remedy the situation becomes the question.
How Stupid Are They?
racocn8 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Again, note the near 100% overlap of Christian Evangelicals with Trump supporters. Religion is a psychological lobotomy.
Kurt Vonnegut, Christ-Loving Atheist - Image Journal
racocn8 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
And where is the wisdom or truth within the Sermon On The Mount? The words have become familiar like Christmas carols, but where is the underlying take-home meaning? Be merciful? Be righteous? Be peacemakers? Be pure at heart? Historically, Christians are famous for disregarding these notions. How about: 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. It is Christianity itself that should be thrown into the fire, were we to judge it by its own measure. These epigrams sound nice. However, in their absolutism, generate the exact opposite results from their intent. Those who insist others believe the same or die negate the original flavor. Again: 13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. - - Again, Christianity fails its own test. Christians are anything but Christian, and, truth be told, neither of those paths, Christianity nor what Christians practice, have salient merit! No fiction, no matter how florid, becomes true. That is the take-home.
He's almost done
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2020:
Vladamir, what is next?
Does anyone else have a memory of when they fully became what a Christian would call a "hard hearted...
racocn8 comments on Apr 13, 2020:
I became aware of the conflict between evolution and western religion early on. When I was young, I was particularly struck by the precise correspondence between the leg bones of my dog compared to my own leg. The religionist claim that humans were not animals just didn't jibe. In college, the biology class used a chart that showed the number of amino acid differences in Cytochrome C from various species and how the number of those differences closely matched the distances in the evolutionary tree branches. Perfect evidence of imperfection, and epiphany. Wonderfully, that was just the start. Evolution is science's Old Testament, and physics is the New Testament. And this time, they don't contradict each other.
Yup. Makes sense to me. Not.
racocn8 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
It is our society as a whole which has refused to admit that religion is a self-inflicted lobotomy. Now we have the patients running the insane asylum. Except it's Putin who's really in charge. The Russians took the cue from Viet Nam and finally beat us. And we thought the Cold War was over... He's using the EvilAngelicals as a cudgel.
We may never un-do what Republican law makers are doing, and getting away with doing, during this ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 12, 2020:
Trump promised that the Country was going to re-open today. What a good idea that was! He'd have done it too, if the adults hadn't stopped him. Now we learn that he wanted to let Covid "wash" through the country, kill a couple million Americans, and not do anything at all. He's a genius alright. Putin's genius. The evilangelicals have blood on their hands, and a lot of it will be their own. But ....
Is this treatment being stonewalled due to TDS? []
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Several cohorts of the President have hefty investments in companies producing hydroxychloroquine . Also, Novartis, a producer, approached Michael Cohen offering a million dollars to get access to Trump. If hydroxychoroquine works, it is wonderful news, but given the extent to which Trump is saturated with corruption, caution is certainly warranted, TDS or not. And those labeled as having TDS have nothing on MAGgots in regards to derangement.
i made a little meme.... g
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Yeah, except Truman is the m'fucker who started the Deep State with his National Security Act of 1947. It was in full control by the time Eisenhower left office.
While I was out trail walking this afternoon I was contemplating a statement attributed to Richard ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Utter nonsense. OK. Describe and demonstrate how this applies to the Theory of Natural Selection.
So, the issues I want to highlight here are as follows: - I'm apoplectic as to the massive ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
And Trump said to the states it was up to them; not his responsibility. Colorado's Hickenlooper contracts for 500 ventilators and then Trump(FEMA) sneaks in and steals the lot. Then Trump offers Gardner, Hicklooper's opponent 100 of these same ventilators. BREATHTAKING!!!! Literally!!!
‘You can’t even get Christianity right’: Trump mocked for offensive ‘Happy Good Friday’ ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
As if Trump was ever Christian. The only thing Christian about Trump is his hatred of Women, non-Whites, etc. Hitlet also talked about the Christian god; it was also all about securing his base.
Would you support Trump in the 2020 Election?
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
You don't have any choice. The voting suppression is pervasive and will get much worse. Wisconson was a test run. The voting machines in many states are known to be easily hacked. The GOP lies that the voting mechanisms are so varied that they can't be hacked!! Except that the GRU is on an all-out cold-war footing to destroy the US, so you can be sure that they have tested every voting system for vulnerabilities. After all the interference in 2016, Putin's puppet has steadfastly squashed every attempt to prevent a rerun. The whole thing is so corrupt, you're about to see a fiasco that even dwarfs the pandemic. The election will be held, but it will be eminently obvious that the vote is overturned, and no quarter allowed to investigate. It will be revolution, and as ugly as it gets.
I cannot prove, but strongly suspect that the death figures from covid 19 are being grossly ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Is your suspicion based on anything at all? Do you listen to Fox or other 'Conservative' media? "Deliberately inflating the mortality rate may be a useful tactic to induce panic in the populace and thereby increase compliance with government commands." The Federal government has been incompetently slow in proscribing commands that would minimize the death rate, so what are you talking about? Or, you're a troll...
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Is it really OK that we should all mind our own business and that they go on about their lunatic ways?
You Can't Fix Stupid.......
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Profiteering off the deaths of thousands of your countrymen doesn't match up with 'stupid'. It's a whole lot worse.
Judas. Fucking. Priest...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
If Trump has his way, it'll be Putin.
Louisiana Pastor: 'True Christians Do Not Mind Dying' Of Coronavirus If Infected At Church | ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
If Christians engage in reckless behavior which then results in the death of another, it's murder. Or at least manslaughter deserving of severe financial penalties and some jail time. OK, it'll never happen, but there's the hypocrisy of Pro-life liars.
Hello, I've been MIA for some time but today i needed to be on here.
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Religion is the original "Network Marketing." And the sleaziest. Which might seem hard to do, but they manage!
Need I say more?
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
Trump is the Prince of Lies. But isn't that title already taken by the Christian Satan? Now why would the Evangelicals knowingly support someone like Satan/anti-Christ/Beast? Yeah, I know they don't read their own fucking Bible, but surely some of them...? No...? I swear this can't be happening.
Expert: Trump’s ‘deadly’ coronavirus briefings display ‘anti-human’ psychology ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
C'mon folks. The U.S. had been dead for some time now. Is it the rotting stench that disturbs your slumber? The Constitution has so many great ideas, but without holding leaders responsible, it all falls apart. The checks and balances is charming grade school rhetoric, but we've seen up close how many different ways it can be subverted. Fuck you Putin. It's been grand. The U.S. seemed so noble after WWII, but just 2 years later, Truman formed the Deep State and the takeover was completed decades ago. Sheeple, just go back to sleep. Count yourselves lucky to have lived in interesting times.
Trump blasts voting by mail, defends himself voting by mail in March
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
When is this nightmare going to end?
What is the craziest church experience that you've been in?
racocn8 comments on Apr 8, 2020:
-Going to Passover in a Christian church and putting up with the horrific farts coming from the old ladies in front of me. -Went to a Billy Graham crusade where, after the sermon, throngs surged to the stage to have their foreheads pushed. Scary to see so many deluded people in one place and time. -A haunted hayride ended up in the loft of a barn where the lead wacko shook a gory leg bone at us to scare us into submission. Someone had a squirt gun that distracted the mood. -Going to a Hillel social where a few young ladies knelt in prayer. They seemed so nice up to that point. -Went to a cult meeting in midtown Long Beach where a psychic had built a following. The members dressed in uniforms closely resembling Star Trek uniforms. The leader gave quick readings to whoever lined up. -I interviewed a priest for a paper. While there, I was bemused at the alcoves that held dolls dressed in finery that represented various South American saints. Some time later I went to an exhibit on Voudou in a museum north of New Orleans. The exhibit had a bunch of alters that were strongly reminiscent of the alcoves in the Church.
[] What did Trump say about this being unpredictable? Lying MF!
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
And don't forget the Crimson Contagion exercise conducted from January to August 2019, whose report was completely (intentionally) ignored by Trump. I just don't buy that level of incompetence... The really ugly corruption has still not yet been found. The 4th Estate needs to keep looking...
If hydroxychloroquine becomes an accepted treatment, several pharmaceutical companies stand to ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
You weren't supposed to notice. Drug-maker Novartis bribed Michael Cohen for Trump's ear...
Petition to request different Republican candidates for President and Vice President in 2020.
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
Not really. Looking at Trump's high risk behavior I'd give even odds he goes down before the election.
Trump’s Lost Months Are Killing Us. Here’s How to Make Them Politically Fatal for Him.
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
How about: No-test Trump killed your co-worker. Businessman Trump is the Pandemic Profiteer. The Liar's Lost Months killed your loved ones. "I like the numbers where they are" Trump testing: "I'd rate it a Ten." “No, I don’t take responsibility at all.”
This is what Democracy looks like. Going to the polls in Milwaukee.
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
One may hope that people will be influenced against those who seek to suppress voting by every nefarious means. As always, those who wrap themselves in flag are the ones that actually hate democracy, and their neighbors. Major kudos to the stalwart voters who endured the inhumanity.
Why are we condoning our members wishing infection and death upon people for flaunting gathering ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 7, 2020:
This is a conflict between the ideal of the Golden Rule and the innate instinct for fairness. Ideally, no one would wish harm to come to others. It is a wonderful sentiment, but quickly runs into trouble when one person's freedom infringes on the freedom of someone else, or in this case, infringes on the mortal safety of someone else. The hope that the irresponsible party suffer the consequence of their irresponsibility is a simple desire to see justice and fairness prevail. It is the extension of the reactive frustration where massive injustice comes from the president they elected. Certainly it would be better if people did not have such thoughts. However, few or no people have trained their minds so completely. It's just a wish; a wish not acted on. When one considers the problem of choosing who lives and who dies, one should hope that Darwin's justice might somehow prevail, even if it doesn't. It is the instinctual thirst for fairness that comes ahead of the intellectual Golden Rule.
These Two Guys Belong in a Rubber Room: []
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2020:
This is a perfect example of why people are NOT entitled to their own beliefs.
If you really want to learn about religion without going to church or listening to a preacher then ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
It seems that both involve the subject giving up the allegiance to self and becoming loyal to the hypnotist or preacher. It is similar to how cells evolved to become subservient to other cells as they become specialized in their function.
Is this Pandemic a Form of Chinese Biological warfare ?
racocn8 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
The rates of infection are very poor evidence or indication that the Chinese released it. Also, motivation is completely lacking. The Chinese need some serious depopulation of their own and a virus would be effective for that. Covid 19 failed on that account. So... No.
racocn8 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
The mascot wears a shirt that says "WhiteWorld" and the guy goes on forever critiquing AOC's tweets opposing racism. If you're OK with racism, this is your guy.
I 100% support Mr.
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Bernie spent a lot of time early on in the company of infamous Communists in Israel, and provided photo ops supporting the Castro regime. He has a lot of skeletons in his closed the MAGgots can't wait to trot out. Being Jewish, Bernie doesn't stand a chance with his 'Democratic Socialist' label. Christian bigotry is very much alive and well, especially among non-White Christians which Bernie would need to get elected. His traction among Las Vegas Hispanics was only because of a concerted effort, kind of like Buttagieg in Iowa. No similar interest among Hispanics anywhere else. Bernie has a terrible track record of getting anything through Congress. Biden was always the favorite up until the revelations about his son's supposedly corrupt dealings. Bernie looked to have a chance for the brief period between Iowa and North Carolina, after which he was creamed by Biden as everyone paying attention expected. This due to crappy turnout and minimal Black interest. Bernie's supporters were easily persuaded by the Russian's social media not to vote in 2016 and they're doing it again. Bernie has wonderful ideas, but would polarize the swing states back into Republican hands, giving Congress back to the MAGgots. Even if Bernie did win, he couldn't get a thing done with a Republican Congress. There's your progressive progress.
Pick a card. Pick any card.
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
Absurd. Each of those issues is complex but absurdly simplified, and ignores the reality that the Democrats have to negotiate with the GOP to get anything done. One could easily argue that Dems oppose most of the points in the middle rather than embrace them. Religious separation, LBGT, education, health care and a lot more aren't even mentioned. That makes the whole diagram bullshit troll propaganda.
The National Security Council Gave Trump a 69-Page Pandemic Plan Three Years Ago — He Ignored It
racocn8 comments on Apr 4, 2020:
And then last year in August, a pandemic simulation was conducted and results written up. It was also ignored, supposedly. Do you start to see a pattern? Significant interest in the effects of a pandemic, but no interest before or after in stemming its impact. Could the Chinese be right that this was planted by the U.S. "military"?
Why Do So Many Hate Religion? What's ToHate?
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2020:
It is entirely possible to be a non-believer and to not hate religion. However, to do so, one must be obsessively naive and shut out every aspect of how religion perverts and corrupts human behavior. That's a tall order. Most non-believers have discarded blind faith because of their revulsion over religion's cruel values. It is entirely understandable and even laudable to seek to not hate. But if hate sneaks in, don't demean yourself unduly. As always, it is your obligation to ennoble others and enrich their life experience, and hate does not lend itself to that task. Most non-believers are committed to education of themselves and their children or associates. In many respects, education is a partial antidote to religion. Religion is the worst social disease. It inflicts pain and death as well as insanity. STDs have nothing on religion. Carriers can seem to lack symptoms, until you engage their critical thinking. Blind credulity is nothing less than a virus-borne lobotomy. Basic reasoning can be wiped out, and truth goes out the window. Religious study becomes a liar's club competition as to who can tell the biggest whopper. The conflict between Belief and Reality short circuits logic to the point of psychopathic behavior. That dysfunction manifests itself in a broad assortment of personality disorders that everyone has encountered. No one has to hate that shit, but for a lot of us, it makes it easier to tolerate.
Ideal Glass Would Explain Why Glass Exists at All Glass is anything that’s rigid like a crystal, ...
racocn8 comments on Apr 2, 2020:
Are you familiar with amorphous metals? Some characteristics match the description of the Roswell foil debris.
pandemic what pandemic? just sayin,
racocn8 comments on Apr 1, 2020:
-Without working measures to contain the pandemic, the mortality is 1-4 % and infection can only stop when 40-50% have been infected (I only recall those numbers being spoken, I don't have a source). So, mortality is (1%)(40%)(population) or 0.4% * Population. For the world, that is 0.4% * 7,000,000,000 or 28,000,000. For the US population, 0.4% 300,000,000 is 1,200,000. That is way above the 100,000-200,000 being cited by the White House. 28 million is more than a thousand times what shows above, and way above the total of all the categories, including the asinine abortions number. And that world total could go as high as 140,000,000. Abortion does figure into the Covid 19 issue because the Christian obsession with abortion is the primary issue that cements evilangelical support for Trump. The anti-abortion kooks own a significant piece of what is about to go down in the U.S. Trump is about to oversee the deaths of tens of thousands of actual conscious American Human Beings. these deaths occurring over months when other countries successfully stopped Covid 19 in weeks. The anti-abortion kooks own a significant piece of what is about to go down in the U.S. Look at Trump when he presents his briefings and ask yourself if this man cares? Do you see genuine concern in his eyes about those dying, or is it still all about him? Was it really just heedless arrogance and incompetence,... or is his resisting and slow walking every measure something more intentional and sinister? Are you sure the Deep State is not that insidious? Christians still don't own up to their role fostering and supporting Nazism, and WW2 killed 85,000,000.
Like probably a lot of voters, I'm new to politics.
racocn8 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Very astute.
I really like "Uncle Joe" Biden, but I'm convinced now he's suffering from Alzheimer's and/or early ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
And Trump is?
pandemic what pandemic? just sayin,
racocn8 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
... And deaths by abortion don't count as the fetuses were never conscious human beings. That means this poster is from Anti-abortion Anti-Women assholes.
pandemic what pandemic? just sayin,
racocn8 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
Don't worry. It's just getting started.
Trump Accuses Hospital Workers of Stealing And Selling Face Masks During an absolutely bizarre ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 31, 2020:
I saw these statistics yesterday: Medical supplies requested and then received by states: New York 2%, Florida 200%. Trump was, once again, denouncing others for crimes he has committed (i.e. OK to accept info from foreign governments for one's political campaign, like China or Ukraine).
racocn8 comments on Mar 30, 2020:
How many women has Biden groped against their will? How many women have urinated on Biden? How many women have been raped by Biden?
"We’re either trying to fight this virus or we’re not," says Florida's Governor- who refused to ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 30, 2020:
"Sadly, the Republicans in charge are often our weakest links." What the heck does that mean? It's not sad; it totally predictable. Republicanism is anti-progressive, anti-fairness, racist, sexist, representing and embracing every stripe of bigotry. It is probably naive, but we can hope that changing demographics will provide a chance to defeat them. However, the reality is that the American Constitutional system and the American Culture have fatal flaws that defy serious improvement.
The IMF and what's happening in the rest of the world right now - []
racocn8 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
While the US laments Trump's utter bungling of the pandemic, the rest of the world that would depend on the US in such an emergency is entirely on their own. They certainly cannot expect Trump to help. After all, they're all shitholes according to Trump. They will lose 4% of their people in an agonizing, traumatic debacle. The US and Americans will be cursed forever because of Trump. This tragedy is a train wreck in slow motion.
This is February when the administration was warned in December of last year.
racocn8 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
More sheer incompetence. The problem is that a list of failures 20 miles long will still be ignored by his base which is wholly hypnotized and in thrall to Trump. They really are no longer human, having given their consciousness over to the hive-mind.
Evangelicals Love Donald Trump for Many Reasons, But One of Them Is Especially Terrifying – Mother...
racocn8 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
The question is whether Trump thinks he is a Christian Messiah. He is arrogant enough to have given the thought credence. Facing a trial and jail from the Ninth District if he loses 2020, he may figure he doesn't have much to lose. He's a psychopath, so all bets are off for his being a responsible human being.


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