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Don’t laugh .
racocn8 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Disinfection video:
Don’t laugh .
racocn8 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Yeah, I just noticed that the prescription bottle I sprayed with alcohol now had a blackened label. At least the number is still legible.
Fuck you trump! everyone save this commercial and load it as much as you can around the net.
racocn8 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
The Pro-life crowd don't care how many people Trump kills. Religion demented morons believe overturning Roe will stop abortions.
Looks like the DNC is preparing to weasel out of having a final debate in April, even tho they ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Yes, Biden would be so much worse than the degenerate psychopath we have now...
If Congress and Trump wind up favoring corporations and not doing something to enable the working ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 25, 2020:
Losing the top 1% would be a huge benefit to the country. Almost all of them are sociopaths of one stripe or another; that's why they've obsessively accumulated their wealth. It's a fantasy, but a wonderful fantasy.
Poll: Biden holds narrow 3-point lead over Trump nationally | TheHill
racocn8 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Check back when fatalities pass the million mark.
Are these the only references of "germs" Judges 13:4 Therefore be careful and drink no wine or...
racocn8 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
It is telling and compelling that religions that claim to have an inside track have utterly failed to inform humanity. Not one religion conceived of evolution or germ theory or any other info on that level. The take home: religion and prayer are bull shit.
Should governmental representatives be held to a standard of not committing perjury in conduct of ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Far more than that, we need to hold those with power to a higher standard, not a lower one. That is a critical and basic principle that needs to be universally applied. However, this would require a dramatic and drastic shift in cultural values. It would be really hard, but we can take heart from seeing the progress in social values over the last century.
In the US - 1.
racocn8 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Only if some other country can come up with a stronger currency. Under the circumstances, that's not likely. On the other hand, this could well be the beginning of the end. We deserve it for electing Trump.
Are we weighting 7 mln(conservative)lives in the US versus the economy I had to turn off the tv ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 24, 2020:
Except that the people who die won't be restricted to the sick, weak and old. Covid can kill all adults, with some higher lethality for males. No, you didn't misunderstand. Trump is psychopathic and entirely out of his depth. This was his first real test and he has badly failed. He knows the public sees it and he's unnerved. That shows too, very clearly.
Do you believe that a cure for cancer exists, but it's not available to the public because medical ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Last December (2019) my 12 year old boxer mix Bella was diagnosed with a tumor under her tongue. The vet said it was a matter of time and quality of life before she would need to be put to sleep. The year before, I learned how certain minor cannabinoids would kill tumor cell lines. One variety worked and another didn't, only because a very minor cannabinoid was missing (Although it is still very likely that it is both the minor cannabinoid and the rest, with this combination being described as the Entourage Effect). At that time, I collected several varieties including hemp and mixed them together after activating, and put them in caps. After coming home from the vet, I immediately started Bella on one cap each night so she wouldn't be incapacitated during the day. It's been a bit rugged with all the bloody drool, but the drool has cleared and Bella now has a big hole in her tongue. She has a bit of trouble eating, but she's alive and enjoys the sun. I have lots of these caps left if anyone knows someone with cancer and wants to try them. This should NOT be taken as a recommendation to forego or to substitute for conventional medical treatment. It is insane that this country won't even allow this kind of research. The doctors are scared shitless that if they recommend cannabis, their licenses will be yanked. Yeah, money is more important.
“I’ll have some of that Moderate Protection please. Nothing too spicy for me.”
racocn8 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Using a Biblical metaphor is horse shit, especially since it was plagiarized in the first place from the Epic of Gilgamesh. And the hatch door would keep sink the ark. Bernie has some good ideas, but none of them can make it through even the next congress. Fix the voting process and we'll be rid of the GOPutin for good.
A new Bernie Sanders video; just out today 3/18 []
racocn8 comments on Mar 19, 2020:
Which side are you on? Let's see how many Bernie supporters vote for Trump by staying home in November. (Like they did in 2016). Yeah, which side ARE you on?
I don't know why I find this funny, but I do.
racocn8 comments on Mar 19, 2020:
How quickly the Believers become atheists...
My Republican Senator James Inhofe sold $500000 worth of stock after the 24 January briefing on the ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 19, 2020:
This insider trading more than merits jail time.
racocn8 comments on Mar 19, 2020:
Naive, wishful thinking and hand-waving, in other words, bullshit.
COVID-19 is here in the United states and spreading fast.
racocn8 comments on Mar 19, 2020:
It is reasonable to suspect that Trump plans to undermine the election again, or simply stop it. This is Trump's version of Wag-the-Dog. Let's see how long it takes before he declares martial law.
The sick joke of Donald's Trump's presidency isn't funny any more
racocn8 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
"Why has there been such a disastrous lack of testing? Because the president didn’t want to know the answer,..." That is only partly true. Probably a small part. Once the pandemic was on its way, you can be sure that Trump convened a panel of insiders dedicated to profiting off it. The testing fiasco is one manifestation as Trump sought to get a slice of the testing from private companies, and wet his beak. The other was his attempt to buy out the German company most likely to generate a vaccine. Trump and the company deny this, but reputable sources validate it. We probably have four or five more scandals to go, if they see the light of day. But hey, as long as he appoints pro-life judges, so what if Aunt Millie and Grandpa died... (MAGgots are sooooo fucked up).
If you are curious about this Pandemic and it testing read this article!!! I am only posting as ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Obvious bullshit. A huge number of people have died because of this 'irrational panic.' (The term used in the conclusion). Lots of people are looking at this so if it weren't true, they would be blowing the whistle all over the place. What is clear is that you have a whole lot of assholes willing to make up shit like this for other fools to believe. One can only hope that some of them go down with it.
Why do the nonreligious let that go unchallenged?
racocn8 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
"Why do the nonreligious allow Christians to claim the moral high ground...?" Christians are notoriously intolerant (and morally degenerate). Look what the German Christians were up to before and during WWII. American Christians are right behind them. That's why they elected Trump. Here's the famous picture of Madison Square Garden in 1939. As for the media allowing these proclamations, they don't want their licenses yanked, frivolous lawsuits or staff threatened.
Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum Refuse to Close During Coronavirus Scare | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
It's all about the money... (not really, but losing more money is what is guiding their decision.)
Trump Didn’t Just Botch the Coronavirus Response. He Enabled Its Spread.
racocn8 comments on Mar 12, 2020:
And he is continuing to do so. He is actually withholding test kits in a bid to squeeze money out of the situation and, in his mind, keep the number of infected artificially low. Let's hope the MAGgots continue to believe this is all a hoax and act accordingly.
Survey: Most White Evangelicals Say Trump is Moral, Honest, and Intelligent | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Which goes to show that White EvilAngelicals are moral degenerates and functionally sub-human.
Using the Fear - With a global pandemic sweeping across the globe, now is the time to look hard at ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Shall I remember for the umteenth time how I tried to give love to a dead fish? Shall I once more appeal to my asshole child to stop being an asshole? Shall I once again ponder how my discoveries are met with yawns? Shall I bequeath my inventions to a species that is unworthy? Shall I again cast my pearls before swine? It's nice. It's nice for as long as it lasts. Except for the pain. And the mosquitoes and the spiders. 'Meaning' is just a word like 'why.' Meaningless really. As is death. I'm not much looking forward to the dying part. Think of your phone as a living thing. It eats electricity, and you spend your hours staring at its asshole. There's your purpose of life.
I don't know about you...
racocn8 comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Quite apart from scientific revelations hugely upstaging religious revelations, we also see how simple modern morality is vastly superior to the primitive morality of religionists. These contrasts are growing greater every day until only those with cognitive disabilities or gross psychological trauma remain.
Amid A Global Crisis, Trump Keeps Lying And Misleading About Pretty Much Everything
racocn8 comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Nothing can stop him now... (except fate).
This is why Trump fears Biden more than Sanders, imo, and why he's attacking him.
racocn8 comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Almost certainly, Trump has already set up phony voting machines and software in red and purple states to ensure the outcome; it worked in 2000 and 2004. And there's no way to indict him for it... Moscow Mitch has seen to that...
If the stock market crashes with accompanying economic downturn,do you think it will benefit Dems or...
racocn8 comments on Mar 9, 2020:
My prediction is that the downturn will be shortlived for 60% of the losses; it will make back 15% of 25% lost, and gradually add back the other 10%. Most of this depends on the inroads the pandemic makes in the US, and not much for other countries, even China. China's losses will hurt, but their population is less critical to their commercial performance, and they don't travel much anyway. Losses in the US will also be painful, but only a small percent (less than 10%) that die will come from within the working class. The perception that Trump mishandled the crisis still won't matter to his base; nothing matters to them. His support between 40% and 49% may be a different matter. A 1-2% loss might have a perceptible effect in the election. Look to see how much help the US offers to all the other countries and how many other scandals are uncovered. (i.e. sweetheart deals for test kit makers that didn't actually work). The US dollar is quite secure; nothing to really replace it...
"If you are somehow still wondering why Black, Brown, poor and young people - the Bernie Folx - ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Hateful, divisive rhetoric worthy of Russian propaganda. The compulsion to apply ever more stringent purity tests evokes the same revulsion as when it comes from Trump. Both extremes are unworthy of power. That's a big and good reason not to vote for Sanders. But losing Congress is the best reason. Try getting your revolution past Moscow Mitch...
Always well worth hearing what Richard Dawkins has to say about current events... []
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Take a look at the UFO going straight up at 25 seconds. Can a drone do that?
traitors for sale or rent
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
The real traitors are the MAGgots who voted for Trump after disregarding all his history. They truly are MAGgots for embracing the racist, money and power hungry values he embodies. And this, in the face of their own religious values that preach the opposite. They are the degenerate Christians that they themselves interpret in Revelations.
abortion is not alone
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
And abortion is a wholly contrived, artificial issue anyway. Christians don't care about fetuses. They care about corralling the faithful. Abortion is a loyalty test that went insane.
racocn8 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Iran is doing most of the funding to the Palestinians these days, so the comments from MBS are unsurprising.
The “deep state” is nothing more than a intentionally vicious and destructive knowing fiction.
racocn8 comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Not quite. The Deep State is all too real. It is not the Deep State Trump talks about, because he along with Fox have been instructed to redefine the term. The real Deep State is a coalition within the military-industrial-intelligence complex which operates to preserve the status quo, including the power structures that control the massive spending on black-budget projects. These power structures tolerate the facade of democratic government, and have come to script most of what goes on. Trump's obfuscation of the real Deep State superficially seeks to bolster his standing, but has done a superb job of drawing fire away from the real Deep State.
Christian Group Celebrates End of Pete Buttigieg’s Campaign Because He’s Gay | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Hypocrisy so thick you can't cut it with a knife.
The language is VERY rough, but the shock factor sure gets your attention quick.
racocn8 comments on Mar 3, 2020:
As long as society has an iron-clad muzzle clamped over how women regard men, no progress is in sight.
Progressives plan to BernTheDNC with mass nonviolent civil disobedience if democratic establishment...
racocn8 comments on Mar 2, 2020:
4. Bernie at the top of the ticket would keep the Senate in Republican hands, and likely lose the House as well. He's been asked about that repeatedly and he always ducks the question. You can't get progressive issues passed if you don't have Congress. And, Bernie's legislative record is pathetic for the amount of time he's been there. 60 Minutes trotted out a couple of Bernie's skeletons, but he's got a lot, lot more. His showing in North Carolina proved that his hope of creating a whole bunch of new voters was only that: Hope. The young people stayed home, forgot, or whatever. Young people are singularly unreliable voters in an actual election. The Blacks had no particular interest, and that's a bloc that Bernie must have to get elected. And the turnout was less than in 2016. An utter failure there. I love Robert Reich and Bernie. Wonderful ideas, but only if you can get elected, and then into law. I suspect we'll see more of the same on Super Tuesday and thereafter.
So I made a strong cup of chamomile tea & suffered the consequences.
racocn8 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Yeah, much thanks for the warning. I've doubled up on tea bags occasionally and I'll avoid this with chamomile. I once had a very scary time after sucking on propolis. My tongue and throat started to swell closed.
It seems like I fell foul of something I'm allergic too.
racocn8 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
1. Do you have other allergies? If not, review what new chemically reactive materials might be in your environment (new soap? change in cleaning agents? squashed bug? pet contact? new alcoholic drink? new dishware? mail? exposure to something dusty). Do you think it was contact dermatitis? 2. Did you figure what caused this outbreak?
Here is a very informative video about the latest threat to our existence as a species, the Corona ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Bzzzt. Wrong. In no way is this corona virus a threat to the species.
For those who watched the debate last night, talk about a smackdown 🤣🤣🤣
racocn8 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Why are they ALL, both hold-your-nose and unelectable? If a viable opponent to Trump can't be found, maybe we should go extinct. For instance, Bloomberg is really just Trump-lite, but he may be the only one who could fund the level of indoctrination propaganda that could compete with the Russians. Hell, as a New Yorker, he's probably on their payroll too. I swear it is all freaking fixed. (Thank you real Deep State)
Anyone else hear the phrase, "I'm better than I deserve"?
racocn8 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
I'd guess that it is a teaser used by evilangelicals. If anyone should question it, they can segue into a discussion of your beliefs. They can then invite you into their church, or see if you are 'other'. Presumably it is based on the Christian notion of humans being sinful from the Fall of Adam. Coming from the evilangelicals, it then translated into colloquial parlance.
If you want to add an extra $71 billion to the economy, start taxing churches : atheism
racocn8 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
If it has a chance to be passed, by all means yes. Not gonna happen anytime soon, unfortunately. It is still paltry punishment for them giving us Trump.
Is it time to start talking TACTICS ? []
racocn8 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
The MAGgots and the Evangelicals are a completely overlapping demographic. Even being exposed as Putin's puppet, the Evangelicals REMAIN wholly supportive of a psychopathic criminal would-be dictator. Thus, the erosion of Christian affiliation cannot happen fast enough, and remains too slow not to pose an existential threat to everyone else. These supposedly pro-life nut-jobs want Armageddon and Trump will give it to them. Yeah, tactics should be discussed and implemented.
I think you guys have the wrong idea about what you call "Hinduism"
racocn8 comments on Feb 18, 2020:
As long as people use one or more of the unsubstantiated beliefs to engage in superstitious behavior, it's religion. Whatever beliefs cause people to disregard truth in favor of useless ritual behavior is harmful. That especially goes for absurd beliefs, which Hinduism has plenty (ie Reverence for cattle). The cruelty of the Caste System speaks for itself. Just as with the Abrahamic religions, the endorsement of slavery proves the Bible has no valid moral authority. And as with the Bible, I'm sure all the take-home wisdom of Hinduism could be conveyed in a single page of single-space. And probably less. Loyalty to any one brand of religious poetry is simply obsession.
I decided that I won't even vote in the presidential primary because I don't care which Democrat ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
@athena Bernie is not any kind of shoe-in against Trump, especially as long as the voting processes are undermined. He does not have significant minority support, and that is a requisite. Trump will trot out all Bernie's Communist associations from his early years (as absurd as that is given Trump's loyalty to Putin). His MAGgots will still eat it up. Look at how his support in NH whithered 20% compared to 2016. Bernie simply cannot gather wide support nationally in the face of what Trump is planning. Only those in cult-like thrall believe otherwise. The view: I'll Only Vote for Bernie was a big part of how Trump won in 2016. Putin targeted Bernie supporters and they stayed home in droves (fell for it). Bernie supporters are being primed by Putin to do the same again. And the rest of the party does not like being extorted, again. Any Dem candidate is better than Trump, and if Biden comes back, or Bloomberg or Steyer buy their way in, it is still : Any Dem candidate is better than Trump (If they can beat Trump). Bernie has been, and will be, way back down on the list of those best able to stop Trump. Spending on Senate candidates is an excellent decision.
I discover more and more that in any group of people, there's a tendency for it to fragment.
racocn8 comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Putin and his GRU spy organizations have been working overtime to create chaos in the West. With this unrestrained and even abetted subversion, social media have been weaponized to weaken everyone else. It is mass psychological warfare, and the US is now in full-fledged civil war as a result. I strongly recommend The Great Hack on Netflix as a primer to understand the process.
Not even a citizen but still USA relentless in pursuit of Assange the whistle-blower who dared to ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Isn't Assange the willing stooge for Putin? Is helping push the US into dictatorship itself comparable to a war crime?
Wondering if anyone else accepts the Absurd (pursuing meaning in a meaningless world)?
racocn8 comments on Feb 4, 2020:
The mistake is to assume the world is meaningless in the first place. The absence of a deity does not make the universe purposeless. 'Purpose' is a linguistic and semantic label that you give it. You are a subjective personality that assigns meaning. And different people assign to 'purpose' a religions or non-religious meaning accordingly. Agnostics might designate important meanings in their life because they live a subjective existence, even if it is in an indifferent universe. Yes, the notion that purpose and purposelessness overlap is absurd. But, what is absurd? 'Absurd' may be thought of as paradox, something intrinsically conflicted or illogical. That's where physics comes in. Physics provides any number of instances of perceptual impossibility - - intrinsic conflicts that cannot be resolved in the realm of human perception. And yet, these phenomena are there and are studied. There's wave-particle duality, gravity-waves, Higgs Field vs Higgs Boson, etc.. Ultimately, the paradoxes are appreciated as juicy and experientially optimal (ie mind-blowing). Absurdity is just another paradox to be enjoyed.
I can't say I'm very shocked by these comments, but it does make me wonder how these people could ...
racocn8 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
The practice of religions results in a behavior modification process. The process generates several styles of personality disorders. One example is pathological narcissism. These people love to provoke and create drama. Everyone around them becomes a victim of their cruel behavior. Another pattern is passive-aggressive behavior. They delight in frustrating their peers by being lazy or even incompetent. The anxiety they see is a punishment of their peers not being like them. The posters in the excerpt above relates to those who have had empathy drained from their personality. They are, in effect, closet Nazis. As seen in Germany, vast swaths of the population were indifferent to the suffering inflicted by the regime, and were easily recruited to take part. Sadly, personality disorders are rarely helped by medication. However, if we study this issue, someday we may make progress.
Thought I’d share this video to discuss.
racocn8 comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Lying for Jesus on steroids...
How Democracy Died in America. There's hope.
racocn8 comments on Feb 2, 2020:
US Senate: Self-Impeaching and found guilty on both counts of gross abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
How Democracy Died in America. There's hope.
racocn8 comments on Feb 1, 2020:
The Senate GOP are taking their cues from the GRU. The red states are Russian Red. The US is gone; nobody is really ready to admit it yet. It actually disappeared in 1947 with Truman's National Security Act that replaced the US with the Deep State. When this gets sorted out, we're going to have to figure out how to certify citizens for their psychological fitness to participate in voting. Hey, it was never democratic in the first place. It was an OK dream while it lasted.
Iran MP offers reward for killing Trump, U.S. calls it 'ridiculous'
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2020:
This reminds me of the Twilight Zone "It's a Good Day", where the one adult became drunk enough to ask the others to lay something heavy across the head of the 6 year old monster. The wife began to reach for the fireplace poker, but lost her nerve. Brilliant. So, do we have any real patriots left? How ironic for Iran to actually do something right. Broken clock I guess...
Manufactured Perception
racocn8 comments on Jan 30, 2020:
The picture should include Hitler, probably between Moscow Mitch and Trump. I've always thought the media was just shy of ultra-right, so I mainly agree with the 'Reality'.
Why Religion Is Not Going Away and Science Will Not Destroy It
racocn8 comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I remain hopeful that science with discover cure. Unfortunately, that cure may have to be imposed against their will, as they are unlikely to seek positive change on their own. Specifically, an otherwise harmless virus is edited to include a sequence of RNA that matches what is produced and stored in the brains of believers. Finding the matching pattern, the virus is triggered to destroy the RNA that stores the memory of the belief, or simple kills the neuron as it then reproduces another thousand viruses. Thus, the believer acquires amnesia about those beliefs. Perhaps alternative belief memories can be inserted in other neurons at the same time...
Thoughts on extraterrestrial life?
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2020:
Just as stars are separated by vast distance, we are also isolated in time, occupying the scarcest sliver following colossal epochs of time. If we are being visited by aliens as the evidence suggests, this means that their cultures are stable enough to permit exploration of the cosmos. It seems amazing that they occupy the same time frame as ourselves. A strong argument against alien life ever visiting Earth is that all lifeforms on Earth are related in time because they all use the same biochemistry. I have never heard of any organism that had a separate origin (I could be ignorant). One feature of life is its tendency to spread, and the history of humanity includes many instances of unintentionally spreading invasive species. If planet-to-planet travel is possible, it's hard to imagine that the travel could occur frequently and not result in contamination. If we see zero contamination, that argues against alien visitors. I like this one:
45 Brags fact checked. []
racocn8 comments on Jan 22, 2020:
The willingness to brag, exaggerate or outright lie is ultimately the issue. That issue is the trustworthiness of the leader. That trustworthiness or lack thereof is admired by GOP supporters who revel in how the dishonesty frustrates his critics. His supporters live in a Liar's Club bubble, just as Lying for Jesus snowballs in bible study sessions, evilangelicals embrace dishonesty to survive the cognitive dissonance, and GOP love the obviously bogus narrative as Trump lies like a fire hose.
Thoughts on the Bernie/Warren kerfuffle?
racocn8 comments on Jan 18, 2020:
What Bernie may have said may well have been true. Trump is president because women didn't vote for Hillary, and surely many men too. It is unfortunate that sexual bias is an issue to be reckoned with, even more crucially when trying to unseat Trump. No shame should accrue to Sanders for stating a perceived truth. Shame on Warren for bringing it up in that manner, as that debate was not an appropriate forum to discuss a nuanced topic that could not be resolved with sound bites. Basically, it was a cheap shot. Warren's behavior thereafter strongly suggests a fondness for interpersonal drama that is inappropriate for a president. I love most of Warren's ideas, but her behavior on this and her health care proposals has cast a dark shadow over her suitability. Bernie's health care proposals are equally absurd, and shame on him for that.
Strange particles found in Antarctica cannot be explained by physics | New Scientist
racocn8 comments on Jan 16, 2020:
That these particles have never been picked up by other detectors is problematic, if not simply pointing strongly in the direction of experimental error. I hardly think the Standard Model is going to be upset by a set of unidentified events that are indirect in any case. It took the LHC to find the Higg's boson. Perhaps other kinds of fields are present that can give rise to these mystery particles. A lot more events need to be recorded to make this phenomena certain enough to mount a more concerted realm of research, but physicists may well have to build a case with bravado and PR to get more funding.
I find this kind of concerning for the future of male existence.
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I'm pretty sure we'll all be dead before they could arrange this. However, within the US culture of Puritanism and Disney, a sizable percentage of women are self-saturated with envy and hatred of men. These ladies would go for the plan you describe. What is so interesting is how thoroughly this issue is censored from various media. However, if you want to talk about men envying or hating women, that is totally OK. The contrast is tellingly stark. Some comments below are perfect examples.
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Please take your meds. They really do help. Otherwise, it's back to the padded room and straight-jacket.
Is there any truth in this TED talk?
racocn8 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Perhaps those who are most vulnerable in a society are also more easily manipulated into voting against their own interests. The White women and minorities who put Trump in office could easily be denigrated for their behavior, but that would leave out the vast swath of GOP robots who are renown for their sexism and bigotry. The bigger problem is that with demographics moving against them, the GOP have opted for getting help from Russia, and not doing anything to prevent it. And full bore democrat voter suppression. Note how the Sunni minority kept control of the Iraqi government for so many decades. Half the elections since 2000 (2000, 2004, 2016) have been rigged and the Russians are already in full campaign mode to help Trump and the GOP, who have far more loyalty to power and party than to the country. Remember that every time you see Trump kiss the flag.
Why atheist get it wrong when addressing apologetics.
racocn8 comments on Jan 13, 2020:
...but you never explain your claim that 'atheists get it wrong when addressing Apologetics'. Was that a teaser? The few atheists who care see Apologetics as bad propaganda based on illogical arguments. It is tedious and useless to classify the various fallacies since the originators do NOT care about truth. Your argument that Apologetics is self-defeating has some merit, but the immorality of Christian behavior is more effective for those that will listen.
Every American should be required to watch this. [] Poll question: Is Sen Kerry right?
racocn8 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
The real (and intended) beneficiaries of Trump's strike were Russia and Saudi Arabia. -Russia benefits because Iran gets to restart its nuclear program which was largely purchased from Russia. -Saudi Arabia would have had the benefit of Soleimani's support for Yemeni rebels being interrupted, if only for a moment. SA also would have benefitted from the second target that was missed, Abdul Rezi Shahlai, who set up the strike on the Saudi refineries. -Shahlai was probably the initial target, but Soleimani was added at Putin's request for the reason noted. Recall that Trump had extended meetings with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov this last December. Or, like Ukraine, both names came from Putin's Intelligence Services, the SVR/FSB. Seeking to do both actors at the same time required a quality of consideration that neither Trump nor our Pentagon are known for. As Pelosi said, 'All roads lead to Putin.'
Trump Claims “Every Democrat Candidate” Wants To "Punish" Religious Americans
racocn8 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Another lie. However, religious Americans that supported Trump do deserve to be punished for voting for a candidate that couldn't be vetted and certainly needed to be. Or for voting for a candidate who was known to be not qualified on a myriad of aspects, but only sought to get a GOP candidate who would work to overturn Roe V Wade. Punishment doesn't really cover that kind of sedition.
My atheist family was appalled when I converted to Catholicism – but it’s given me great peace |...
racocn8 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
"Bobby" was the third son of the family across the street. They were observant Jews and many of their relatives had been murdered in the Holocaust. Bobby was both Bar Mitzvah'd and Confirmed before going off to college. After several years in college, Bobby met a Catholic gal. After a year, they got married. They decided to hold two ceremonies, one in the Catholic Church, and later, a Jewish ceremony at the reception (in the basement). When I saw him kneeling with his Fiancee in front of the priest, I felt that he had betrayed his family. But then, I did my best to convey my lack of beliefs to Bobby. Life is complex. But Catholicism is utter bullshit.
Do you think there's a posibility of extraterrestrial life and why?
racocn8 comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I recall the Urey-Miller experiments strongly argue for hydrocarbon life developing, but I'd love to know if polymer systems other than DNA/RNA are used. Two major issues relate to Earth's lifeforms, insofar as all Earth lifeforms are related to each other (related by virtue of using the DNA/RNA scheme). No biochemistries unrelated to Earth biochemistries have been seen, so life forms coming to Earth from space don't survive. 1. Either: The Earth's atmosphere keeps the planet sterile, killing incoming alien lifeforms, or... 2. Life cannot survive in open space and thus cannot seed planets like Earth. Most of the history of life on Earth was stromatolites which don't seem too exciting. It's fascinating to see how assorted flora and fauna developed and then died out in more recent epochs. It would be good to understand why intelligent species of reptiles didn't develop. It seems like they had a chance. Maybe they couldn't achieve a big braincase inside an egg?
Should creationism be taught in schools?
racocn8 comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Creationism should be taught in several ways: Creationism should be taught within the context that numerous religions have individual and different creation accounts that are viewed as allegorical or literal. Historically, Christian Creationism is one of the topics that religious organizations have used in seeking to influence government policy and thus to subvert the separation of church and state /1st Amendment. The actual instruction of evolution in science classes has been discouraged and degraded by campaigns waged by religionists abusing political mechanisms. Also, to the extent that teachers are drawn from the general population, a significant portion of those teachers have a religion-based bias against teaching the science of evolution as validated fact. Students should be informed that the state instructional materials and personnel may be compromised in regard to their quality of understanding evolution, and that, given the importance of the subject, students should learn about evolution through their own unbiased research. As extra credit, students should research the origins of Creationism, how the notions actually originated and got passed along, this being in the context of the interaction of religious organizations with politics.
Name one good thing that comes from the Christian beliefs.
racocn8 comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I like the notion of emphasizing forgiveness, which is a hard change to put into effect. Even with that caveat, Christians seem completely oblivious to the notion of forgiveness. It's in one ear and out the other. The failure of Christian love is everywhere to be seen. Humility is a similar honorable attribute given lip service by Christians. As with forgiveness, it is another singular failure of Christians; they are unable to adopt genuine humility and avoid hubris. The expression of humility seems almost entirely unknown, and full-bore arrogance is more the norm. Indeed, Christians are fond of parading their (supposedly exclusive) claims on morality even as morality is wholly feigned and workarounds are universally practiced. The hypocrisy reeks. Happily, many young people actually seem to be repelled by this hypocrisy and are looking elsewhere.
Robert Rathswohl Just a note to all trump supporters in the greatest country in the world.
racocn8 comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Any of the Democrat candidates are better than Trump. That being said... My objection to Yang is that he wants a national sales tax. That is a severely regressive proposal and shows he doesn't understand basic economics. All the candidates are absurdly flawed... Warren took months to come off her universal health care proposal. Hubris anyone? Sanders and Biden are too old. Steyer wants term limits. Does anyone remember that being an issue? Klobuchar is by many accounts an abusive psychopath, but all these folks are arrogant assholes... Buttigieg is unelectable because of his orientation, which, while not a legitimate problem, wouldn't get double-digits from the Blacks. Tulsi Gabbard is another FSB puppet. Bloomberg too, but he has so many other problems. Yeesh. I have to wash my hands; they feel soiled...
Does god exist?
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
What do you hope to gain by supposing there is a god? Prayer is not reliably answered above background happenstance. It is wishing by another name. Belief in a god has never been seen to provide true explanations nor actionable intelligence. God-belief does not confer a better life as measured by looking at those who do believe. Believing or not, you're still going to die, and believing in an afterlife is also just lying to yourself.
Conservative Christians Claim Democrats Impeached ‘God-Fearing Americans’ | Michael Stone
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
The trouble is, we can never know if this crap is coming from the Trump-base evangelicals or from the Russian FSB.
“I’m not perfect, I’m just forgiven” is the most enabling statement ever made! Christians...
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Evil and insane don't even cover it. These people are dangerous. We must find a cure or at least a treatment. And impose it against their will. Not that they have a discernible self anymore; they have become a numbered drone in the Christian colllective.
Poll: White evangelicals distinct on abortion, LGBT policy
racocn8 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
While some of these kooks decried the separation of children from their parents, you can be sure they were still wholly opposed to immigration by non-Whites. Trump's base has consistently shown support for his White nationalist and racist comments. They certainly never object. Trump may mouth platitudes against bigotry, but it's clear he only say those things to disguise his admiration for Hitler. White trash have shown they are unfit to live in a pluralistic society and constitute an existential threat. The GOP should be permanently dismembered the first chance we get.
Biden would consider Republican for VP 'but I can't think of one right now' | TheHill
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
My suggestion: Colin Powell or Condi Rice ...
Elizabeth Warren has a powerful vision of true representative democracy, the intelligence and drive ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I want a candidate who will have enough appeal across the spectrum that they will be certain to beat Trump. I want a candidate who puts forth ambitious plans, but will admit that they need to accommodate the legislative process to get passed. I liked Warren up until she proposed universal health care but then wouldn't back down when it was clear that it couldn't pass. It took her a month or more to admit she was wrong. That level of hubris is NOT what we need.
Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Russia has been mounting a wholesale campaign to generate hate and suspicion in the Western states. Trump has shown he has major White nationalist sympathies and counts on the White Evangelicals who share this view. In Australia, White nationalism appears to be thriving, in part from Rupert Murdoch, just as with Fox in the US. Not to say that Islam doesn't deserve most of the criticism it gets. Practically speaking, Islam is on par with White nationalism in terms of fomenting violence and terrorism. What you're seeing may be part of the Russian campaign running up to the 2020 elections in the U.S.
Harvard Law Professor: Atheists “Can’t Be Trusted” to Hold Public Office | Hemant Mehta | ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
The Catholics don't have a slippery slope; They fall directly from "You're not like me" to "How many of you will fit in a gas chamber." (Lutherans too)
Matt Shea is also a leader in the Abortion Abolitionist movement.
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
The Pro-Life Movement has largely taken over the Christian religion in the red states much the same as Trump has taken over the GOP. Christians are all about hate and outlawing abortion, even though there is nothing in the Bible or Christian dogma about it. Christians have abandoned virtually all the principles of Christianity and rationalized these changes, or lied about it as it typical. The GOP have completely fallen into lock-step in supporting a seditious and treasonous Soviet puppet, and this is after decades of detesting Russia. Whether it's hypocrisy or feckless obsession, describe it or deride it. The point is that our safety is compromised and our survival is threated. We don't have a working system of government if half the electorate and their representatives have abdicated responsibility and rationality.
Why do Christians get threatened and terrified by Atheists?
racocn8 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Lying for Jesus is an integral part of witnessing, and knowing that the entire flock are hypocrites presents a special cognitive dissonance. Part of this is the admission that their belief could be wrong and that they've wasted their life believing a fat lie. That science disposes of Christianity as a corollary of evolution remains a powerful argument by authority; an argument that has never been scratched by Christian Creationism. So, it is deep insecurity from living a lie. For them, bumping up against real truth is like tasting a foul poison and it triggers instant depression. As evolution disproves Genesis, the whole need for a sacrificial human to atone for Adam's Original Sin becomes idiocy. Not that anyone performs animal or human sacrifices anymore... which again validates the absurdity of the lamb-of-god crucifixion.
KremlinKevin Trends After People Point Out Top House Republican Kevin McCarthy Took Donations From ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
You can count them on your fingers. The rest are blackmailed in other ways. We need a tell for this.
Many people believe that the federal government needs to tax or borrow to spend.
racocn8 comments on Dec 22, 2019:
You may note that even while Trump has been touting the economy as being so wonderful, he has also cowed the Fed into reducing rates. First, the tax breaks Trump gave to the wealthy were like a shot of heroin, stimulating the economy momentarily, but boosting the deficit bigly. Second, the reduced Fed rates are also hugely stimulatory, but undercut the Fed's ability to fight the recession when it comes. The Fed rate is what nibbles away at the deficit, but can only be applied when the economy can sustain it. Forcing the Fed to lower the rate is more Trump manipulation for his own personal benefit, at the expense of the country. The Fed rate is what controls the amount of money supply for the world, including Australia. When the Fed is manipulated politically, the rest of the world suffers along with the US. The other reality is the unbelievable stupidity of pretty much everyone in believing Trump and the GOP haven't lied about the economy as they have about everything else.
Dear Nancy; You need to win this....
racocn8 comments on Dec 22, 2019:
One scenario: Pelosi holds onto the articles until 2021 when the new Congress is sworn in. The new Democratic majority then convicts and unseats Trump, even though reelected (again, illegitimately),... or directs the various State prosecutors to proceed with their legal actions to convict Trump for his many felonies. As a flight risk, he needs to be confined with an ankle bracelet and armed guards. Another scenario is that he is sent to the appropriate CIA facility to try to figure out what Putin did to him. Preferably, he is sent to Guantanamo for the same reason, but using extreme interrogation techniques.
A person asked the question, "Why are people so hostile towards President Donald Trump?
racocn8 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
How is it that O'Leary doesn't say a word about Trump's loyalty to Putin? An equally long list of treasonous actions and positions can be easily written (, and that omission makes me really suspicious of O'Leary). The context of fealty to Putin explains most of the other malfeasance. In particular, you can see that both Trump and Giuliani have been messed with and altered or damaged. It's no coincidence they both suffer from the same speech and reasoning defects. The more amazing truth is that Trump wouldn't be where he is without the sanction from the real Deep State. I resent the Deep State for putting us through this. (I describe the Deep State as a network of cabals, where the cabals consist of various mafias and powerful families or other organizations. The primary control comes from intelligence agency agents (NSA/CIA/NavInt, etc). Particularly those persons who have understanding and control of disseminating reverse engineered technology to industry. This process, a la the Military Industrial Complex, is as profitable and power-conferring as it gets. Check the black budget. One of those silos has scripted everything that's happening; the Deep State Majic is the ultimate puppeteer, even over Putin. Subordinate cabals include the Mormons, Vatican, Seven Sisters, Israelis/Rothschilds, Russian Mafia, China, and you tell me???).
Mitch McConnell admits that he is coordinating with the white house on the impeachment trial ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
The GOP has been severely compromised to favor Putin/Russia. The GOP only care about who will line their pockets, and Putin has either bought them off or developed blackmailing information. The same is true for quite a few Democrats too. Our intelligence services have failed us, yet again. A lot of days, it is just too ugly to look at. Corruption has become our No. 1 problem; failing to address that means we can never work on climate change, education or the economy.
Bernie deserves the Democratic nomination.
racocn8 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I'm not sure anyone can beat Trump, but only because the GOP has become so proficient at brainwashing and voter suppression. Buttigieg's sexual orientation would be attacked insufferably by the media. Bernie's Judaism, age, and socialism would be attacked insufferably by the media. If the election were fair, I'm doubtful they could win, but certainly wouldn't mind if they did.
(LINK) "I understand why it’s hard for normal people to believe that white evangelical Christians ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 16, 2019:
It is more than sadism, and worse than sadism. While they may profess guilt in some form (especially Catholics), guilt and shame are either non-existent or extremely shallow. True belief causes people to be defective in a host of ways that 'normal' people take for-granted. They often become paranoid, hate-ridden, secretive, bullying (if they can get away with it), obsessive, thin-skinned, irrational, and overly-trusting of those within the cult. What is really going on is the transition from a single self organism into a colonial life-form. The us-versus-them becomes exaggerated to the point of obsessive psychosis. Each person may show this dementia in their own way, but the ways do follow patterns. Mainly, they become cognitively handicapped. Not only do they not understand reality, they don't want to understand it. They carefully block information that is damaging and thus painful to their perspective. They have abandoned aspects of their individuality to support the cult-colony.
I pray that my first post on this website is a success and that it helps me level up to eventually ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Prayer is the same as wishing. Prayer is a pure expression of selfishness. (and not a good look as people prostrate themselves in service to their ego). Those egomaniacs that pray claim that they have a *special* relationship with a deity over and above their fellows, and have the hubris to change *God's Plan* via their supernatural connection.
This week brought us some interesting new reporting on the whole "people be stupid" front.
racocn8 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
On the Voyager plaque: Why did they depict the man with short hair and no beard? And the woman is almost anorexic. Women in most cultures are significantly thicker. Apparently a consensus of cultural bias prevailed.
I pray that my first post on this website is a success and that it helps me level up to eventually ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 14, 2019:
'If the power of prayer was real,' all Christians would be lottery winners.
Greenland's ice sheet melting seven times faster than in 1990s Scale and speed of loss much ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 12, 2019:
I found that the following video provided an improved perspective of where we are in terms of Earth's climate. Earth has been much warmer, but when it was, North America had a huge in-land sea. We might be able to survive a major sea-level rise. The real issue is that as millions are displaced, resources stretched thin, and pollution knee-caps ecological diversity, will we be able to resist WW III?
I know people love their animals, but I wonder what would happen if you were required to sponsor a ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Do you seriously believe we should work toward sustaining this level of human population? I contend it is a recipe for extinction.
Is hope realistic?
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Hope is a description of a perceived feeling, so it is as real as our feelings. It is a word we use to describe this common feeling, or its absence, and in objectifying a feeling, we can address the feeling to our cohorts. Most importantly, referencing 'hope' is a means to identify a desired condition or unwanted problem. This identification process is important because describing an issue is the first critical step in addressing and, hopefully, solving that issue. For instance, one can have hope in the face of existential angst. Identifying existential angst defines the problem as the frustration of angst caused by framing one's personae in a context of the philosophy of existentialism. However, existentialism is merely one of many philosophical views and one can easily choose some other philosophical, or scientific perspective. Our intellectual plasticity gives us the freedom of what notion to think about. Got a bad feeling from existentialism? Think about something else. It's not that hard. Unless your obsessive. Then you might want to try some entheogens.
What are your objections to the fine tuning argument for the existence of god
racocn8 comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Claim Number 1 is false because it posits design and thus a designer. Said designer is undefined outside the notions of primitive mythology. Nothing within the realm of Cosmology suggests or even outlines the concept of a designer. As noted elsewhere, this is more religion-inspired and Intelligent Design, debunked by science. Design arguments come from a well-known Fallacy. The Fallacy is the Argument by Incredulity. It goes like this: "I can't believe it works this way, therefore .. (insert baseless assertion). As from Wikipedia: "Arguments from incredulity can sometimes arise from inappropriate emotional involvement, the conflation of fantasy and reality, a lack of understanding,... This form of reasoning is fallacious because one's inability to imagine how a statement can be true or false gives no information about whether the statement is true or false in reality." The claim Number 2, "The Fine Tuning is not due to Physical Necessity or Chance." is entirely false. No evidence is put forth or even available to disprove that Physical Necessity or chance could result in the supposed Fine Tuning. Thus, the claim is false. Hence, per reducto ad absurdum, Claim 3 is disproved. Ignoring logic and science, suppose Claim 3 is valid. Suppose a creator god existed and exists. What additional information does that provide? What can one doe with that information? Does that information provide a reasonable basis that then tell one to undertake a life of superstitious fealty? Answers: The Claim that god did it provides no reliable or useful information. The proposed model is utterly useless with zero predictive value, zero scientific value, and zero human life experience value. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and Claims 1-3 don't qualify.
A South African xtian school allows one of its students to express himself through work of art.
racocn8 comments on Dec 4, 2019:
Outstanding art. The student is singularly talented. This shows how Christianity degrades it's believers into confusion and baseless hatred. The video shows how Christianity stokes hatred such as was expressed by the critic. Quite a few Christians are like that, they only need a trigger to become unbalanced, even though it is from their own misapprehension of a situation. Indeed, The veneer of civilization is more easily scratched off on account of their belief. This also shows how Christians can be just as idiotically intolerant of criticism; usually it's Muslims who go nuts if the prophet Muhammad is even depicted at all.
A history lesson : : the consequences of immigration and the self destruction of culture : : : and ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Damn! I really thought the US had the monopoly on white trash...
Trump announces resuming peace talks with Taliban during surprise visit to troops in Afghanistan ...
racocn8 comments on Dec 2, 2019:
Trump wants to pull out of Afghanistan only to fulfill his campaign promise, which is to say, he seeks his own benefit at the expense of foreign policy. The problem is that it's not just the Taliban, it's Islam. The Taliban are simply taking Islam to an extreme, and there are similar Islamic extremists throughout the world. I don't approve of giving up Afghanistan, but we really don't have a defined mission there, especially if we're simply favoring a less extreme form of Islam. We need an effective medical means to deprogram people from religion, and Afghanistan could be a good test bed. Maybe we could give them psilocibin. Such efforts would not be approved by the other religionists. We probably are wasting our time. Trump may be right on this one, but only by accident. Hopefully he can be vilified for a policy of 'cut and run' if he betrays Afghanistan as he did the Kurds.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right
racocn8 comments on Nov 28, 2019:
I have long equated the evangelicals with the Germans that supported Nazism, but also chided myself for being as biased as they are. However, with their wholehearted and unwavering support of Trump and his scarcely disguised white nationalism, I feel vindicated. I recall seeing a video of an ICE officer picking up plastic jugs of water left in the desert and dumping them out. He had a smirking smile on his face that showed pride in his actions. He could just as easily be a concentration camp guard pouring Zyklon B into a gas chamber. That is where Christian Morality is today, and has been for centuries. We need to start fighting this culture war in earnest before they kill us all. These people are toxic psychopaths who need to be stopped (1st Amendment be damned). You can be sure that they have no real respect for the Constitution and happily endorse a president that disregards it.
Pictionary fun anyone?
racocn8 comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Don't worry... It's just a shower head. We're going to delouse you... It's for your own good.


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