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[] Judge restores nationwide block on Trump's asylum ban. Kudos in order! Agree/Disagree?
racocn8 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I agree. However, I'm going to play devils advocate: A lot of people want to come to the US and the US has had established immigration policies, including quotas. While some come in, others are denied entry and put on a waiting list. Thus, allowing people to come in who claim asylum can give the appearance of unfairness. Many of the asylum seekers may claim that they fear for their lives for whatever reason, but the US has no real way to check that. It would be nice if everyone had a place to go, but where I live, the infrastructure is already badly stretched; lots of traffic, lots of potholes, lots of homeless. DT and company are far from competent in adjusting existing policy, and their white Nazism should disqualify them. It would be great if some middle road could be found, if only the rational negotiators had partners.
Gay Flight Attendants rock!! 🤣
racocn8 comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Fabulous, darling, simply fabulous...
I know someone (I have been distancing myself from) who is a Trump supporter.
racocn8 comments on Sep 8, 2019:
It's a fake (bogus) rationalization. They are lying to you and to themselves in order to conform with their preferred cohort. I have a new name for them: GOProbots, pronounce Go Pro-bots
OMFG! Wow! Just, Wow! I mean Wowzer! I can’t believe this sht! []
racocn8 comments on Sep 7, 2019:
One simply cannot contemplate rational negotiation to solve problems with such assholes. Indeed, their hatred of all things non-religious forces them to be obstacles to all possible solutions. It isn't just conservatism, it is Luddite. The degeneration of the GOP into DT Know-nothingism puts the US, not just into Constitutional Crisis, but the negation of the idea of Democracy. It's not a good direction. Really, it's a race between the decaying environment and the impulse to press the button.
DNC shitting on Tulsi as payback for ratting them out! []
racocn8 comments on Sep 7, 2019:
It's a curious thing about the idea of inclusion. Everyone likes the idea of a big tent, but the bigger the tent, the more likely you are to include people who want to exclude others. Hence, the proliferation of purity litmus tests of all kinds: Do you support Medicare for all? Do you support reparations for slavery? Do you support all-out amnesty for illegal immigrants? In the real world, these aren't just non-starters, they're poison pills. Alternately, as soon as you don't support an extreme progressive position, you're seen to be either racist, a corporate stooge, etc. Tulsi said she objected to the expulsion of a Muslim staffer, but we don't know if it was because they were Muslim or because they were problematic for some other reason. Some Muslims are virulently anti-Semitic, or anti-LGBTX, or want to go easy on Islamic extremists. How much of that should be tolerated? @silverotter11 As for the DNC being just as bad as the GOP, c'mon, that absurd level of false equivalence is only worthy of a troll.
Stop Vaping! CDC issue another warning after series of deaths.
racocn8 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
These vaping deaths need to be closely investigated as to the specific causes of death. Vaping is an industry with competition as well as health issues, so any number of parties are inclined to generate negative and/or biased information. Vaping is often obnoxious, but a lot of things are obnoxious. Smoking anything can be offensive. However, some people like to take offense so they can express their drama. If you're going to smoke cigarettes, you should include some amount of cannabis to reduce your chances of getting cancer.
racocn8 comments on Sep 6, 2019:
The term 'evil' is problematic because of its religious roots. However, if it is stipulated that the term is being applied within a secular context, I would say yes, DT is evil. But then the question is, what is the meaning of 'evil' within a secular context? Is it someone who indulges and revels in their perversity? Is it someone who is devoid of empathy, and leverages that indifference as they engage in depraved actions?
IN GOD WE DISTRUST: Will America’s embrace of atheism be the death of us all? — RT Op-ed
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
This will be very interesting to watch. Will no-religion continue to rise at the same rate or accellerate? My understanding is that other countries that went secular accelerated briefly. Also, once no-religion achieves 40% and more, will that intimidate the proselytizers? Will we be able to repudiate the nonsense openly?
One of the most confusing thing I deal with as an atheist is Christians asking me in public ( work ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Asking someone if they believe in Jesus is rude and asinine. It's a no-win scenario, and thus, an excellent question. Before responding, I'd just reiterate that Christians are all about lying to themselves to deal with their cognitive dissonance. Also, they lie like the dickens when they witness to each other. It's a Liar's Club. So, to a big extent, your choice of strategy mainly depends on your personality, values and the circumstances. All that said... 1. Say that you do and lie back to them. But be ready to tell them a story about why you're not interested in joining their prayer meeting or church. Maybe say you don't like how different Christian sects run each other down, so you only pray privately rather than wearing your religion on your sleeve (like Jesus says). 2. Say that you're afraid of being fired for discussing religion while at work. 3. Say that you were molested by a pastor and will never let yourself get into that situation again. 4. Tell them that religion is a private, personal matter and that you don't want to discuss it. 5. You can say you do or don't believe in Jesus as far as that has meaning to you. 6. Try to confuse them by asking them which Jesus: Jesus as God, Jesus as prophet, the Baptist Jesus, the Lutheran Jesus, the Catholic Jesus, the Eastern Orthodox Jesus, ad nauseum. 7. Etc.
The Christian Right and the War on America by Chris Hedges.
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Christians would have you believe the Nazis and Hitler were atheists. I seriously doubt the percent of atheists among the Nazis were more than low single digits. You can be sure the rest were Christians of one sort or another. That's how effective Christian morality really is.
Stupid heartless bastard only cares about himself period!
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Yeah, they aren't red states, they aren't fly-over states, they are white-trash states. Of course they call us coastal elites, that's how dumb they are.
My loving and caring parents are actively trying to pass down Christianity to my little, ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Well now, what is more important, saving rent money or watching your parents inflict psychological abuse on your children? I suggest that you discuss your position with your parents and ask them to stop the brainwashing. Commit yourself to the best interest of your children; you'll sleep a lot better. If they kick you out, you did the responsible thing, and your parents will never see their grandchildren again (or they shouldn't).
Recently I wrote a post about my interest in connecting with someone with a split tongue, preferably...
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Get a snake. But Gere says gerbils are better.
Could this be the underlying problem with dating on this site? 🤔
racocn8 comments on Sep 4, 2019:
Garbage in, garbage out. The term 'soul' is bullshit, so anything that uses the term is also bullshit. Let's call this what it really is: hate-speech. While the term is nonsense, it does have a societal context where people consider the soul to represent the essence of the person, and people who are disliked, or who commit heinous acts have less of a soul, or are even soul-less (even though that defeats the original concept of soul). Inferring that agnostics lack a soul is equating agnostics to those that society considers to be evil sociopaths. Inferring that agnostics lack a soul lays the foundation to support murdering them. In that context, killing a body that has no soul might not be a crime, because, after all, they're not really human beings. It's pretty much the same line the Germans used on the Jews to rationalize their mass murder.
George Galloway makes a lot of sense .
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Brexit would never have passed but for Putin's social media campaign. Continuing to pursue Brexit is not only illegitimate, but probably not in England's best interest. The inability to develop a cogent Brexit should be a hint that it is not a good idea. Also note the complete resistance of the pro-Brexit pundits to have another vote on it to see if it would pass without Putin's manipulations. It is incumbant on people of all nations to ensure that their pundits, like Galloway, have not been co-opted by foreign money, whether from Russia, Ukraine, China, Saudi Arabia, or Israel. That sort of treason should be a capital offense.
Interesting and provacative read.
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
It is highly questionable to casually lump Dawkins' denunciation of all things religious with Islamophobia in particular. To be sure, Islam is at least as hateful and violence-prone as Christianity. With the massive influxes of Islamic immigrants, Islamophobia is to be expected. Islamic terrorism would still be the main terrorism problem except for Trump's encouraging White Nationalism. The other elephant in the room is the Putin regime's campaign of abusing social media whether it's in the Ukraine, France, Britain or in the US. The Russian campaign has sought to inflame tensions on a massive scale, either to elect Le Pen, to pass Brexit, or to elect Trump. Shame, shame, shame on our intelligence services for not tamping this down. The Senate issued a report on how Putin helped Brexit to pass and yet not one American news agency covered it. The NSA monitored all this before our own 2016 election, and did nothing to intervene. This may all be part of some ugly plan by the Deep State; it's hard to understand their indifference unless they tacitly endorse it. Maybe they don't give a shit as long as they can bribe the GOP with their agenda.
Wonder what he means by this.... []
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
You'd really need to see the context in which he made the statement. Remember that it was Pasteur who demonstrated the falsity of the Spontaneous Generation doctrine which claimed that life could spring forth anywhere; an old shirt and grain could create mice. The belief in spontaneous generation was endorsed by the church, and the development of life was considered to be magical. Thus, disproving spontaneous generation was problematic. Rigorously demonstrating that life only came from other life was a huge game changer in understanding what life was. Creating a vaccine that prevented chicken cholera presented a mechanical explanation of disease. Again, this was at odds with religious doctrine that claimed, (and still claims,) that illness is an expression of God's will. Pasteur was definitely encroaching on the Church's territory, and for the Christians of his day, they surely weren't too happy to have their established understanding of reality upended.
I have long held the position that people use god like a spare tire or switchblade.
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Christianity, for all its "love thy neighbor", is, in practice, really all about: "fear and hate the OTHER". In part it has to do with the insistence on exclusivity; ONLY Christianity provides a path to God. And ONLY this or that particular church. Yes, it is madness. The real problem is that we tolerate it and continue to give Freedom of Religion a priority it doesn't deserve (it can no longer be justified).
I have long argued that we should shift our vehicles to hydrogen power.
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Hydrogen has been competitive for a while, except you need fuel cell driven cars, and fuel cells aren't cheap (yet). However, I recently read an article describing an electrode modification that makes electrolysis much cheaper too. If we do the work, petroleum can be replaced, albeit gradually.
What's the most "poetic" line or two of poetry that you can remember?
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Somewhere in here:
[] This got me thinking, how many people on here support strict gun control?
racocn8 comments on Sep 2, 2019:
Handguns and hunting rifles only; no military shit or high capacity magazines. People have to qualify with a MMPI personality evaluation, be tested and be registered with the local police.
Has anyone ever wondered why the Christian right supports Trump, but never questions the address of ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
They have perfected the art of confirmation bias.
I will never understand why African Americans kept christianity after emancipation.
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Religion is egomaniacal; you have a relationship that no one else has, including special luck. Jesus is a myth, so whoever depicts him can make him as he wishes, and that's usually going to be the same race/ethnicity.
The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Mangos are said to intensify the high from cannabis. This is reported to be due to the terpene, myrcene, in the mango. Cannabis has it's own myrcene, but the additional amount from the mango makes a difference somehow.
LOCAL BANS IN CALIFORNIA Some California Cities Still Ban Local Marijuana With legal marijuana ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
California's leadership bowed to assorted corporate interests and stacked the BCC with thoroughgoing assholes. The resulting regulations are insanely onerous beside being idiotic. The Black Market is doing fine thank you very much, and will continue to do so as long as these laws are on the books. In the meantime, other states will take the lead, and California won't see more than a fraction of the billions in fees and taxes it might have otherwise had. As for all those morons who enact local cannabis bans, I wish they would please, please, promise not to use cannabis when they come down with this or that cancer.
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Last week I attended a presentation where inch-thick notebooks were available detailing foreign studies that show how cannabis CURES the prevalent forms of cancer. The problem is you have to take a lot of extracted oil and it's not cheap. Also, you have to be able to deal with the hallucinatory and other mental effects. And you have to deal with the derision from know-nothings, including doctors. Scores of millions of Americans have needlessly died horrible deaths because of the vilification of cannabis, promoted largely by White Nationalists who sought to use drug-laws to disenfranchise non-whites. Hemp can do the same thing as cannabis (it actually is the same plant), and hemp is now legal everywhere. You can apply Richard Simpson's protocol for cannabis to hemp, and obtain a viable and legal anti-cancer cure, without the high. The medical community cannot endorse cannabis until they see double-blind scientific studies, and those results are still 20 years in the future because of the DEA and Rethuglican beliefs. @CarolinaGirl60 Sadly, anecdotal instances of glioblastomas being cured with cannabis have been recorded. My Mother died from breast cancer, and that has also been seen to be cured. Message me if you have specific questions.
I suffer with really bad anxiety and so when it came to the first day of college, i was really ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Now that it is legal, you should at least try full spectrum hemp extract. Pure CBD is a poor substitute, but might work also. If you wanted to try some hemp pills that I'm developing, email me.
As children, we Catholics were taught that god is everywhere, and I'm pretty sure most Christians ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
True Believers are rarely capable of engaging in intelligent conversation, so that's a fool's errand. Interaction should be functional as well as goal-oriented.
White supremacists 'swatted' my home to silence me. I will not be silent | World news | The Guardian
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
We need an open season on white supremacists...
Interesting... []
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Carefully misleading disinformation by Rethuglicans. Yeah, the problem with other countries is that they impoverish their citizens by developing green energy instead of "cheap" fossil fuels. (Pay no attention to how the US has raped the world's resources for it's own benefit).
I see posts here about "If we don't win the next election there will be a civil war".
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Yeah, probably Russian propaganda. No misspellings so probably not from nitwit White Nationalists, who are only military wannabees.
Fox News guest states Millennials are not having kids because.
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Forget the inane beliefs of the spewing heads. Take away that allegiance to religion is inverting quickly. The hysteresis curve will be at maximum slope in just a few years.
A Long Memo to The DNC — It’s time to say “Uncle” to The Bernie Sanders Campaign
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
No, Trump became president because he and his campaign staff worked with the Russian Intelligence to brainwash voters in swing states to either vote for Trump or to not vote for Hillary. The Russian campaign actions were directed by the data furnished by Manifort and by Cambridge Analytica/Bannon. The Deep State orchestrated the whole thing as it has for several decades. Sanders has never been a serious candidate for president, and didn't have a chance against Hillary. Both Hillary and Trump are both clothes-horse stooges for the Deep State (i.e. Hillary's Bilderburg involvement).
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
If only it were so. The treasonous Rethuglicans certainly deserve to be replaced. They prove democracy is a sham if it allows every idiot cultist to vote. It's one thing to have one's own opinion, but it's another thing if that opinion is based on easily disproved myths.
Oh baby, pull my hair...
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
They had feathers, not hair.
Incoming Harvard Freshman Is Deported Over Friends’ Social Media Posts [newsandguts.
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2019:
I cannot personally attest to this, but I have heard that Palestinian children are raised with 'educational' materials that are virulently anti-Semitic as well as being utterly anti-Israel. What I can attest to is being given a magazine from a Palestinian college student I befriended. The magazine was devoted to anti-Israel propaganda and described in horrific photos what the Israelis had done to Palestinians. People indoctrinated with that kind of hate-speech propaganda are legitimately suspect. This magazine had the highest quality printing, and was printed on the best magazine paper stock. I'd never seen a magazine of that quality; it took real money to produce it. (Why/Implications?) If Ajjawi's media posts revealed radicalized intentions, it's good to have found that out. if Immigration authorities determined that Ajjawi posed a significant potential threat, withholding entry is entirely prudent. Please recall that it was the Palestinians who cheered 9-11 (regardless of who actually committed it.). Many people seek entry into this country. We are entitled to protect ourselves against those disposed against us, to be selective. Doing so is reasonable. White supremacists may have our attention, but Isis-types are still a threat.
More to despise about the Catholic Church! []
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Really awful...
Religion is a Distortion of Reality. From the show Mr. Robot []
racocn8 comments on Aug 26, 2019:
The problem with saying "Fuck God" is that it signifies an acceptance of the God concept. Better to say "Fuck religion" or "Fuck believers". Sadly, we have been reduced to "bumperstickerism"; the need to compress truth to a minimal number of syllables. Saying "Fuck anything" is essentially an ad hominem, and your unlikely to convey truth by shouting, much less cursing. It really comes down to preventing people from being brainwashed in the first place, and the passive process of mere public education isn't adequate.
Facts don’t lie.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Don't bother me with facts, my mind is made up... (repeat)
Could Trump Drive Young White Evangelicals Away From The GOP?
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
While it's true that the Evangelicals mostly behave as loyal robots, defection does occur among those who haven't fully discarded their brains and their hearts. Trump's treatment of immigrant children is intrinsically offensive. Indeed, so many attitudes and policies are intrinsically offensive, and provoke an increase in the cognitive dissonance felt by Christians. Christians must abide by Trumps sexual perversions, his treason, his bigotry, his bullying, his incompetence, his corruption, his avarice, his self-aggrandizement, and so much more. None of these are sanctioned within Christianity's values, but they own it now. Hopefully a few Christians are choking on it.
No one can tell me why I am here in this mystery.
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
That is the serenity of evolution, to give answer, or at least context to these great questions. You may not like the answers evolution gives; they are not wish-fulfillment happy stories. Still, the context is as eternal as it get, and probably Universal in scope. What religion can claim that with a straight face?
racocn8 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
While the potential for delusion is always present, many truths seem to be knowable. We should not be discouraged by the ignorance that surrounds us. Indeed, the search for truth, and even grand Truth may well be the one worthwhile aspiration in life. Physics and evolution count as grand Truths.
UPDATE on Religion's professor saying atheism is a religion.
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2019:
The professor is himself, and ignorant troll brainwashed by his own social milieu to present the standard Christian lies. Trolls nearly always resist reason, so don't bother. He is unqualified or disqualified to be where he is, but it's probably not worth your time to do anything about it. Learn from this experience: Christianity is as much about hate as it is about love, and Truth is not only not revered, but quickly cast aside in favor of lying for Jesus. True Believers end up being Liars Clubs with the most absurd witnessing winning the trophy. For yourself, revere Truth first, wisdom and serenity will follow.
Sanders thinks Israel should decline aid if they refuse admission to two members of congress because...
racocn8 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
It's pretty clear that this was another ploy by Tlaib and Omar to get traction for BDS. Israel has no obligation to foster or give a platform for BDS advocates, even if they are in Congress. Tlaib and Omar's support for BDS is Islamic anti-Semitic hate speech. By it, Tlaib and Omar demonstrate that they are bigots. It is useful for Trump to claim that their bigotry is comparable to his own, the false equivalence the GOP thrives on. The bigotry of all of them does make them unfit for office, but Trump's bigotry is obviously much more dangerous and deadly. Still, Israel doesn't need Tlaib and Omar stirring up anger; there is enough there already, largely paid for by Saudi Arabia. Truth is, Tlaib, Omar and Trump are all on the same side, being paid, directly and indirectly by Saudi Arabia. Tlaib's claim that she would support BDS against Saudi Arabia and Egypt (if such movements existed) is pure BS. And silly at that.
Progressive Peeps, what do you think about the points made in this video?
racocn8 comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Too many stupid comments (anti-socialism, number of candidates, in-fighting) I don't believe Bernie is as good as other candidates because his progressive points are a turn-off to the right and middle. He has lost the fire-in-the-belly or it no longer stands out as it did against Hillary. Also, his links to actual Communists have yet to be well publicized. They don't matter to me, but the midiots will eat it up. A progressive will not do well against Trump, and Bernie isn't the best/most competent of those. Bernie could still come out on top if the other front-runners trip, but his odds against Trump seem even or worse to me. He is too willing to get buried in Health Care Plan details that bore people and are unrealistic to promise. That shows a lapse in political judgment. The Democratic field are generally poor candidates for different reasons (age/looks (Biden/Sanders), weird behavior/mannerisms (Klobuchar, Wang, Harris, Delany, Castro, Beto), history/background (Harris, Buttigieg), extreme/goofy ideas(Warren, Inslee, Wang, Booker, Gabbard)), know-nothing/assholes (Harris, Gillibrand, Ryan, Brown, Delany, Murphy, Cuomo, Hickenlooper, Patrick, DeBlasio)). Isn't there anyone who is seriously bright but clever enough to stick to a script the majority can stomach? It really is too much to ask because, according to my hypothesis of social selection, only egomaniacs can tolerate today's politics, and that's a shitty litmus test.
Turned 58 years old on the 12th of August and for sometime been pondering this whole life thing.
racocn8 comments on Aug 15, 2019:
You are a super non-believer, and yet you describe life as futile. The rough opposite to futility is Purpose which most people describe as being provided by a deity. And yet, how could a deity provide Purpose? (The notion of Purpose is the child's "Why?" taken to the Nth degree. ) Consider that life has neither Purpose nor futility, and that such notions are merely semantic misunderstandings. You give the experience of being whatever meaning that you will. We have the opportunity to understand some fraction of reality in a way that other living things cannot; that provides some satisfaction. More understanding provides more satisfaction, and sometimes wisdom. Atheism may not be spiritual in the conventional sense, but it can still provide any number of ineffable experiences and epiphanies. As you grasp the superficiality of acquisitive materialism, relegate it to being a necessary evil of your experience, and only indulge as much as you must. Consider and try minimizing it, and see if the change agrees with you.
Does anyone else think it's possible, even remotely, that Jeffrey Epstein is still alive (i.
racocn8 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
When someone has that much money. financing an operation and bribery become significant probabilities. He isn't the only one with money and my money is on hims being murdered, but that's merely a higher probability. I'd give Epstein escaping as 25%, murdered 70% and suicide as 5%.
racocn8 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
His team works hard to find those things that his supporters know will piss off the Democrats. He believes being vindictive builds his base and he may be right because it focuses the Right's anger against the Left.
racocn8 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Yeah, the US fought Germany in WWII, but before that, Father Coughlin had an audience of 30 million out of 131 million total. Coughlin advocated racism and fascism. Check out the pictures of the Nazi rallies in Madison Square Garden. When WWII ended, the CIA brought back Nazi's by the boatload under Project Paperclip, and a lot of them got prominent positions in the Military Industrial Complex, what is now referenced by some as the Deep State. Trump may well have the blessings of the Deep State, in spite of his dissing the Intelligence Services, perhaps as more disinformation. It's complicated and potentially very, very ugly.
Check out this bit of GOP Facebook dumbassery.
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Why are so many Hollywood action film stars utter (GOP) douche bags? Jimmy Stewart John Wayne Ronald Reagan Charlton Heston Clint Eastwood Mel Gibson John Voight Bruce Willis Chuck Norris Arnold Schwarzenegger Kurt Russell Sylvestor Stallone (and quite a few more not listed) Is it something about handling weapons?
To everyone wrongfully blaming these massacres on mental illness- a reminder for you: Trump Signs...
racocn8 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
The law was overturned by Trump so that he could reinstate it. It is his pattern: He creates a problem that he can then solve, and then will use it for his reelection campaign. That's my prediction. As for these shooters being mentally ill... In the article below, mental illness is said to account for a single-digit percent of the gun violence. Still, whatever helps. Look at these: The Constitution clearly says that when the government becomes corrupt, it is up to it's citizens to overturn it. The 2nd Amendment supporters point to this. However, the US has nuclear weapons, about 4000. These should be distributed amongst the population in case the government gets out of hand. It's a 2nd Amendment right. No? And I'm sure the military has a lot of other spare equipment that NRA types would love to get their hands on. Why not? Let's do this right and have a grand show. It's not Armageddon, it's just American fun.
Media- Forget the headlines and main articles.
racocn8 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
How much easier is it to stick one's head in the sand? If so, please don't vote your ignorance (Which pretty much proves why democracy is bullshit). You have the capacity to take it all in, but not the time. Tic Tock. Choose your input and accord it the attention it deserves. You decide how much that is.
They burned that cup of sugar or gave it to a Russian oligarch.
racocn8 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
So, what about the data given by Steve Bannon/Cambridge Analytica to Russia, and the data given by Paul Manafort. How does that not constitute sufficient evidence? How could the investigation be done meaningfully when it was hamstrung from collecting financial data? Do you not see the pattern? Trump ain't goin' nowhere while the Deep State says he stays. Suck it up. We haven't had a real country since 1947. If even then.
Fareed Z.
racocn8 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
You might want to know that a big part of the military budget goes into building and sustaining a secret fleet of spaceships. Gary McKinnon found pages of crew rosters headlined as Extraterrestrial Officers. Lots of eyewitnesses have testified to seeing TR3B's, Sport Models and even some very big craft that were not Alien-grade technology. Curiously, it's the secrecy and security that costs so much. Just what these vessels are doing is the really big question. We are so not ready to take our brand of friendship off-world.
Don't know whether to laugh or cry.
racocn8 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Accurate. Not funny at all.
Just received an email with an INCREDIBLE opportunity!! This has to be legitimate!! I'M IN!! ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
What do they want from you in exchange? A favor? (Godfather style?)
Yes, get me one of these hats, in blue please.
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Great hat. I want one too.
Losing my religion for equality - Jimmy Carter
racocn8 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Carter believed in Baptist theology. That makes him an idiot. Carter claimed to be a big-time negotiator, but then referred to Israel using the incendiary term Apartheid (but never used it on Islamic countries which are far worse.). That makes him an asshole.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
What Iran claims may be partly true. Probably only a couple have CIA connections; the others are hostages. For certain, President Hitler is lying. He only tells the truth to cover some other lie.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
War with Iran is Trump's Plan B in case impeachment or state indictments get any of traction.
How Much Do We Know about the Prime Minister of Pakistan?
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
One shithole to another... They should get along fine.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
No maybe about it...
All of nature, indeed the entire universe is nothing but a gigantic super computer.
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
And in what universe is this computer?
What are your thoughts on the protests in Hawaii over construction of a new telescope on Mauna Loa?
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Once, while driving along the saddle road that crosses the Big Island, we chanced to see the military firing rocket propelled phosphorus bombs from helicopters. Explosions generated giant white clouds of gas. Yeah, the military needs to practice, but the notion of polluting the Hawaiian landscape with toxic debris was offensive. I've never heard of any protests by the natives against the military operations that are ongoing, probably because they know they wouldn't get anywhere. Still, if the natives had a concern about their sacred lands, the construction of a telescope is a tiny inconspicuous sliver beside all the other development that has gone on. The real question is: why the protesters zeroed in on this project versus all the rest of the development that has defaced the island. Until that is explained, the protesters seem like Luddite opportunists to me, and get zero credence.
What are your thoughts on the protests in Hawaii over construction of a new telescope on Mauna Loa?
racocn8 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
A couple decades ago, my friends and I sought to see the the newly completed Keck Telescope. It was the first large scale application of active optics. At the Visitor Center, they told us they didn't conduct public tours, but we decided to go up anyway. At the top, we saw people skiing and sledding down the sparse fields of snow. When we got to the telescope, the parking lot was filled with cars, but the facility was locked. We thought we'd wait for a while, and then, people started streaming out, getting in their cars and leaving. In a matter of minutes, all the cars were gone except ours and another group of astronomy fans. Again, the facility was locked up tight. Again, we waited for a while. Then, a lone car came and parked. A man unlocked the door and the woman went in. The man spoke to the other visitors and motioned them to come in. They, in turn, waved us in. Seems the wife of the Director became sick on the way down and wanted to come back up to use the bathroom. So, while she recovered, we got a free, exclusive tour. It was magnificent... Techie orgasm!!
These Democrats are as deplorable as Republicans.
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
You and some others need to learn about the concept of false equivalence. However, it's likely that understanding false equivalence won't affect the true motives behind these views (or is it just lack of motive?).
In the beginning God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and Evangelicals have ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
The whole of Christian dogma hangs on the validity of the Adam and Eve myth. Without the Fall of Adam, there is no need for the propitiation of Original Sin, and thus no need for the human sacrifice/Jesus. Jesus mentions Adam in the same passage with Moses. Thus, Jesus believed both Moses and Adam were real people. Thus, Jesus did not believe Adam was a metaphor as so many now suggest. The proof that humans evolved from lower forms also prove that Eden, Adam and Eve never happened, and as corollary, that Christianity is a pack of lies.
I am not an atheist.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
I am a non-theist, which is now the proper term for atheist. The Christians have misrepresented the definition of atheist to the point where the misrepresentation became the prevailing definition. Assholes. What really matters is what humans should supposedly do if a God exists. Currying favor to get wishes (prayers) fulfilled does not seem especially spiritual or transcendent. And yet, that amounts to most of what religion is all about: rank superstition. God, real or not, is irrelevant to our lives. (Say it isn't so, but if you do, have some decent evidence or something better than a fallacious argument. If you seek clarity, study math, or any other science.
Michael RUSE: "Dawkins et al.
racocn8 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
"...that all religion is necessarily evil and corrupting. This claim is on a par with golden plates in upstate New York." That is false to the point of being a lie. Hitchens and Dawkins go to great lengths to justify their claim by citing example after example. Ok Mr. professional philosopher, tell us all how Hitchens and Dawkings are on par with Joseph Smith. "Second, unlike the new atheists, I take scholarship seriously." Yeah, right. Doesn't seem like you shy away from being condescending, except that *your* arguments suck. "Trying to understand how God could need no cause, Christians claim that God exists necessarily. I have taken the effort to try to understand what that means. Dawkins and company are ignorant of such claims." Seriously? You seriously believe the 'New Atheists' to have been ignorant when they spent so much time challenging believers with, "Well, what caused God?" Yeah, I'd love to hear more of your efforts to understand the Christians efforts to explain God's intrinsic nature. Let's see just how deep that cesspool isn't. I really, really hate trolls.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
This will also be held up and eventually overturned by the courts. Another goofy distraction from the criminal proceedings that will pile up. By the time of the election, no one will even remember this one.
What does Asylum Mean?
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Open Borders is a negation of our sovereignty. Lots of people want to come to the US from all over the world. Proximity should not give priority to those immigrants who happen to live nearby. That being said... Many of those seeking asylum are coming from countries who have suffered from America inflicting racist policies, particularly the War on Drugs and the promotion of corporate agriculture that displaces family farming. So, the US owes a major debt to the peoples of Central America; admitting asylum-seekers is a small down payment. Similarly, those displaced by the effects of Climate Change should also get a free pass. Some of your statements are offensive and stink of racism: *We have an artificial crisis created by selfish and lying immigrants to create one. For Central American asylum seekers, this new place should be the neighboring Mexico, not America. * Given Trump's long history of racism, his illegitimacy, incompetence and the GOP complicity in his criminality... Given all that, no amount of argumentation can confer moral standing, ethical standing, nor even legal standing to Trump's policies. He isn't just tainted, he is the poison itself (and Putin knew this). Nothing he has done will remain once he is unseated.
What stage do YOU think we’re at?
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Stealing and torturing children classifies as Stage 8. And, we also have Stage 10 Denial that the torture of immigrants is ongoing.
Trump's "RACISTS" twit.
racocn8 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
What is racist is telling these non-white women to go back to their own country. To ask what is racist, one would have to interpret the tweet in isolation from the very long history of racist actions taken by Trump, such as excluding non-whites from renting his properties, condemning the Central Park 5 after they were cleared; being the chief denier of Obama's birth certificate; the statement that immigrants are rapists and thieves; pulling foreign aid from non-white countries; calling non-white countries shit-holes; saying non-white representatives have a low IQ; saying good people on both sides; and so on. After Trump's long history of racist behavior, why would you suppose that this was not more of the same? Are you trying to be semantically pedantic in pointing out that the tweets are not explicitly racist? Or, some other reason? If you don't want to be attacked, you need to be much clearer in formulating your question. As always, if you are going to ask a hazardous question, make sure you have explained your motive insofar as motive classifies the context of the question and is thus often more important than the actual content.
That's all I have for today
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
I don't recall the Bible recording anything opposing racism, much less by Jesus. No bona fide archeology nor historical evidence corroborate the existence of Jesus, so it is unlikely he existed. Most of the content from the Gospels comes from prior myths so that the content that is new is insignificant. Palestine is a 19th century term, so it is telling that it is applied. Still, the point is taken, that evangelicals and other Trump supporters have any connection to Christian doctrine, but hell, they don't believe in American values either.
Donald Trump tweeted: “So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
Try to keep up.
I don't believe in voodoo, but hey - it's worth a try.
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
So that's why my dick hurts...
I wonder what he found.
racocn8 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
McKinnon says that he found lists of servicemen assigned to ships that were otherwise unlisted. The lists were titled *Non-Terrestrial Officers*. This was understood as evidence for a secret space program that developed vehicles back-engineered from UFO crashes. This is corroborated by whistle-blowers who describe US-made flying saucers and TR3B triangle type aircraft. That is where some of the missing trillions went that was a big deal just before 9/11. Chalk it up to conspiracy theory, but the MIC/Deep State have been pushing the debunking cover-story since Roswell. Hundreds have testified that they and their families have being intimidated with death threats for saying what they've seen. Intimidation wouldn't be necessary if it was just BS.
I just read a news article about "climate despair" which discussed anxiety regarding unstoppable ...
racocn8 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
It is going to get very ugly. Basically as bad as most of your apocalyptic movies where nearly everyone is dead, or maybe even everybody. While weather could create another Dust Bowl, the number of calamities will escalate until millions of refugees in various regions starve or are drowned and die off. Several other things overlap: -The rest of the insects die off making food production scarce. -The economic order will collapse--food, water and energy delivery will be cut off. Can WWIII be avoided? -As disasters mount and people die off, existing nations will become hollowed out and fall. -Order will be overtaken by martial law. -Survivalists will fight against the military for control, and then for mere survival. The military referenced are those living in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs). -With the normal chains of disease interdiction hobbled, lethal viruses take off. -If any humans survive, they will degenerate to primitives that *live in harmony with nature* (or what's left of it).
The dating scene
racocn8 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
And just like Tyrannosaurus, vestigial forelimbs...
Peterson thinks we got our ethics from our Judeo-Christian heritage.
racocn8 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Peterson is a propagandist and demagogue for the right wing. At 3:05 he excoriates Sam Harris with an absurdity wherein he falsely claims Harris advocates that people give up their connection with the *grounding in the transcendent* , a concept he dishonestly substitutes for religiosity. The claim that people, especially religious people, have a connection, much less a splinter of experience with the transcendent is asinine. Nowhere does Sam Harris advocate a disconnection from the transcendent. Quite the opposite is true; Harris often speaks of the utility of entering meditative states. At 2:53, Peterson also equates the belief in god as being equal to having moral values. Again, zero connection. Then he presumes that non-belief means one believes they can do whatever they want. Wrong. Belief in god obviously never stops people from cruel immoral acts, and the attached dogma does a lot to promote violence. At 3:52, Peterson equates psychopathic behavior with naked self-interest. He would have you believe the president is not a wacko, but only self-interested. Sorry, but real psychopathic behavior has nothing to do with self-interest, naked or otherwise. At 3: 57, Peterson asks where is the pathway from rationality to egalitarianism, suggesting that there isn't one. The path is simple: seeing that one reacts with sadness and depression after seeing deprivation promotes the impulse to relieve the suffering with charity; that is egalitarianism. At 4:27, Peterson says Harris and Dawkins deny that noble values derive from religious mythology, and that they suppose moral values are simply intrinsic. That's correct, but he infers that morality comes from religious mythology, and that non-believers must therefore be immoral in their character. As Harris and Dawkins point out, that is wrong, wrong, wrong. It's the same BS argument of religionists. Ethical and moral behavior are NOT predicated on belief in god, and to say so is an obvious lie. Peterson is a diarrhea-spewing asshole.
China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families - BBC News
racocn8 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I'm with Christopher Hitchens on this: religious instruction foisted on children is child abuse, and I have limited sympathy for parents, regardless of religion, who insist on trying to brainwash their kids with myths and hateful xenophobia. However, in China's case, they are almost certainly seeking to instill Communist propaganda in place of Islam. This indoctrination is really its own myth-based religion and thus no better than Islam. To be sure, separating children from their parents is horrific, and neither the Chinese nor Trump have anything like a good excuse.
Whats your favorite conspiracy theory?
racocn8 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
That Reagan caused the Challenger disaster. NASA has all sorts of safety protocols in place and had delayed that launch several times before. Reagan had put out that he intended to speak with Sally Ride during his State of the Union Address. Thus, per Reagan's intent, the White House pressured Houston to override it's safety protocols and launch in spite of the cautions from Morton-Thiokol. All of that communication was erased and no mention of it made into the final accident report. The final report had zero mentions of communications with the White House, even though Reagan's intentions were publicly known.The only way Challenger could have launched was if the concerns about the O-rings were overruled for political purposes.
Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler. - The Washington Post
racocn8 comments on Jul 4, 2019:
The article takes a stand and defends it. The various defects in the arguments are noted by others. The issue is the propriety of setting aside Godwin's Law in Trump's case. The article claims Hitler was psychopath whereas Trump is *only* a narcissist con-man. In my view, that puts too nice a face on it. Yes, the Trump administration is a profoundly corrupt, financially, politically and morally, and probably still more. The amassing of power, however, in a context of overt racism, xenophobia, and religious support amounting to a personality cult - - Hitler is not that far off. I'll steal a line from Kirk Douglas in the movie, 7 days in May. He says the assembled elements amount to *Capabilities* in intelligence terms. As far as capabilities, remember, Trump has his finger on the button. The difference, today, is that we stand to make WWII look like a firecracker if all those megatons start getting traded. Hitler never had anything close to what we've got. How did we let a certifiable narcissist, much less kidnapper, rapist, climate-change denier, and closet-Nazi become president? The Capabilities right now is that Trump will destroy the planet long before Ocasio Cortez' 12 year doomsday. *Capabilities?* Have you noticed how Putin is teasing our armed forces with so-called incidents? If Trump is his stooge, and I'm not saying he isn't, why is Putin pulling these stunts. And the answer is, notwithstanding Trump, relations with Russia are at a low point with no upside in sight. And we don't have a legitimate diplomatic channel to Russia as long as Trump is in office. Agent or no, Trump is compromised as far as being able to have valid international relations with Russia; and it's showing. The Capability is that miscalculation is much more likely. The scuttled Iran attack fiasco is a good example. Bill Maher has his dictator checklist. Comparing Trump to Hitler cannot be more apropos. And 7 Days in May is definitely worth re-watching. I didn't remember that it was written by Twilight Zone's Rod Serling.
Faith is given, not inborn you agree?
racocn8 comments on Jun 30, 2019:
What percent of the faithful are unaware that scientific truths or even just cultural facts disprove their beliefs? Sloth does account for the majority of faithful staying faithful. Indeed, their religion TEACHES them to be incurious. Here is truth: religion murders the mind and the soul. Truth? Careful study requires that one has climbed to the top of Maslow's pyramid, and that is a luxury that few attain. Even fewer have the horsepower to grasp the equations and diagrams. Tragically, the search for real truth is an undertaking that few can pursue, much less grasp. And it shows.
Maybe I'm looking for the impossible.
racocn8 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Try to wrap your head around this: the Theory of Evolution has nothing ( nada, zero, empty set) to do with the origin of life. You claim you have studied evolution for 5-6 year and you still don't know this? Now you have to prove that you are not a troll. Just what aspect of life appears designed that could not have evolved, as every bit of biochemical data confirms? What is bizarre is how Christians (et al) always make the argument by incredulity, but never apply even a fraction of the same skepticism toward their idiotic dogma. Dogma which is readily disproved by science, and just as quickly trashed by basic philosophical inquiry.
Meet the black humanist group challenging organised religion | The Voice Online
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Given that the opening referenced Blacks, surely one of the saddest aspects of American Blacks is the loyalty to the religion that rationalized their enslavement and denigration. The shift to Islam is only slightly worse.
[] This is an intetesting take on religion.
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Only a minority, somewhere less than 20% need religion. Countries that have left religion behind have shifted towards non-belief fairly quickly, not unlike the overturning of LBGT bias. The US is getting much closer to this tipping point. Arts, science and wisdom and philosophy are available to replace religion. They can do so very effectively without the religious inculcation of xenophobia, nonsense, hatred and anti-intellectualism. This is especially true when religion is weakened and ineffective in its denunciation or perversion of education. Which is to say that when religion is so weakened, rational and meaningful support can be better developed and disseminated.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
First, the notion of God is intrinsically illogical, and these arguments by Epicuris are widely quoted. "“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” My ah-ha moment had to do with my utter boredom in Sunday school, and my disgust with my shallow classmates. I saw nothing meaningful to honor, except the pleasant songs. Real school taught matters of substance with intrinsic meanings buried inside. Also, I read "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer.
I don’t believe in god, but I do think that there is something either spiritual or universal going...
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Try some CBD for your anxiety. Remember that Christianity, like most other religions, is all about exclusion and xenophobia; that is where your dearth of kindness comes from. Similarly, education which is innately ennobling, education is feared as viable competition to religious faith/ignorance. So, maybe find comfort in a library or supporting education fostering organizations.
Knitting website bans support for Trump The popular knitting website Ravelry is banning users ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Trump only supports white supremacy for the evangelical vote. For Trump, it's just about $$$.
Chicken pie anyone?
racocn8 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Hey, it's been cooked. Still, I can't believe the things people will eat. I prefer to cultivate my palate in other ways.
There are points in your life where you make decisions.
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
What, you couldn't find anyone among the fake profiles Match posts as *entertainment*? Match sucks. Don't waste your time. As for love and connection, keep trying, but don't waste too much time; finding a mate is a sucker's bet in a such a screwed up culture.
Finally! A solution to the high cost of pharmaceuticals!
racocn8 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Hemp/CBD works extremely well to control anxiety...
Man must pay ex $15M after winning lottery during divorce, arbitrator rules
racocn8 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
He kept $24M. That should be enough, but it is still unfair. If it counts as income, then it should be averaged with the prior 9 years of marriage income. The ex-wife should have to pay half for all the hookers he buys to replace her.
Trump Approves Strikes on Iran, but Then Abruptly Pulls Back
racocn8 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Again, again, and again, a crisis is declared and then der savior steps in to fix it. If you believe Trump's claim that he pulled it back when hearing 150 casualties would be incurred, you are still hopelessly gullible.
Asylum seekers? ask Godwin -
racocn8 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
It is vanishingly rare that Godwin's Law should be set aside. However, Trump and his racist followers are significantly comparable to Hitler and the Nazis. Trump and Hitler are both pathological liars, demagogues, and seek dictatorial power. A large percent of their followers believe in white nationalism and are drawn from the dregs of society. Separating children from their parents without any thought of reunification except in death... Does Trump and his supporters need to achieve actual death camps and gas chambers before concern is justified?
Is this writer correct? Do we owe Gore an apology? []
racocn8 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
We owe ourselves an apology for our suicide. For certain we should blame religion for preventing an honest conversation, although many others are guilty. We're just not ready to rule the world, and extinction is the fate of nearly all species. Chances are, it'll get quite ugly before we dance into darkness. I'd like to know how it happens, but maybe not be there to see it. Our only hope is a terrific plague, or a full-on meteor strike, or nuclear war. The Earth will recover, eventually.
If any, which 3 public figures have inspired you to make ANY change in your life that had staying ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 19, 2019:
R. Buckminster Fuller for his poetic examination of the future and fondness for efficient geometric solutions.
A Victim of the MeeToo Fear Keanu Reeves is posing with multiple women, including Dolly Parton, ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 13, 2019:
It's a sad truth that if you have wealth, people will stoop to any lie if they think they can get a slice. Seeing Keanu behave so defensively is sad. Shame on the women who have claimed unwanted touching, whether to profit, to advance their cause, or to simply harm the accused. But shame on the abusers too (like Trump). As it relates to unwanted sexual contact, what is unwanted is defined by the complainer. But this can be a false claim, and there's no way to know. Males and females have a profound tension because of all the differences, and it's plain that anger is a major component of the Incel and #metoo movements. This anger can also be seen among a few comments.
How any woman can continue to embrace Christianity is beyond me.
racocn8 comments on Jun 12, 2019:
The ease and inclination to give allegiance to another is the human version of biological symbiosis and colony-formation. Cells like the mitochondria ancestor became organelles inside other cells for the sake of symbiosis. Individual cells became colonies with sets of cells taking on specialized functions, and these sets of cells became organs. Multicellular organism also organize into colonies where sets of individuals take on specialized functions for the sake of the whole. People in general, not just women, have an inclination to give up their individuality for the sake of the group's welfare. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We can condemn how people give up their own self-interest for the group or for a leader. However, understanding that this behavior has a biological underpinning provides insight into the dynamics and functionality of this process. Seeing this in a scientific light may also help to diffuse the emotions that color our perception of these processes. It may well be important, even critical, to understand colony-forming behaviors in order to reign in the untoward manipulation of religions, personality cults and political parties.


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