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I have taught science for 30 years. I have worked as a scientist in two different fields. I was raised in the Presbyterian church. I abandoned it after my first year in college. I realized I had many questions that theism could not answer adequately.. I have been an atheist ever since.

Until recently, I found being an atheist meant being a hidden population. Glad that being rational is becoming more socially acceptable.

Full Bio


Is hating haters hate?
t1nick comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Somethings rise to the level that the emotion of hate is justified. trump is one of those things.
Karen, my favorite hiking partner, had a huge shock.
t1nick comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Condolences to her and her family.
Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?
t1nick comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Its not about feeling prideful in accomplishments of your white ancestors. Its about how you demonstrate your pride. Do you do it at the exclusion of recognizing the accomplishments of other groups? Do recognize the context in which those accomplishments were attained? At what price to other groups did it cost? White pride, white privilege is a hold over and manifestation of Colonial Imperialism. During the Age of European Exploration, the primary countries exploring and and colonizing tended to be extremely xenophobic and extremely chauvinistic and ethnocentric. There goal with regard to the population was to assimilate the cultures they encountered. And if the could not be assimilated they were to be annualized - genocide. Generally the local populations were exploited and used to exploit the resources that existed within their lands. White privilege is the last hold out of our European heritage. For the first time in this countries history, minorities are reaching significant numbers that they can wrest power back from the white population. Its alright to be prideful of your heritage. But know the history and context. Know what the cost was and who paid that price.
Well, I haven't been on Agnostics in a good while.
t1nick comments on Feb 25, 2021:
You were wise to recognize the signs and get out.
Lack of evidence for something is most definitely evidence that the thing in question may not exist.
t1nick comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I am with you. My strong feelings regarding theism and agnosticism have been frequently espoused on this website. Both,IMO, are variances of Pascal's wager.
I just signed up for this app.
t1nick comments on Mar 3, 2021:
General Hellos get a lot of religious discussion posts. But there are lot of groups on the site that have nothing to do with religion. Just keep looking.
Maine's Susan Collins has been replaced in the Senate by Joe Manchin.
t1nick comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Every Democrat is essentially a swing vote. With a 50/50 split and the Vice-President as the deciding vote, any Democratic Senator effectively becomes a potential swing vote. I suspect Manchin was sending a signal to the Progressives. Also Manchin represents a state Trump took by 40 points.
t1nick comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Careful, Trajan's going come on to this post and attack you for attacking his cows. By the by, his cows are more intelligent than he is in my opinion. IMO. Lol
Yeah good Texas republican
t1nick comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Oklahoma House Passes Bill To Give Immunity To Drivers Who Hit Protesters | HuffPost
t1nick comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Hey it's Oklahoma, what do you expect. they are right up there with Texas and Alabama.
Republicans oppose the stimulus, the child tax credit, job creating infrastructure improvements, and...
t1nick comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Their own individual selfish i interests only
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2021:
I had always heard as "Solomangundi". Never seen it in print, just heard it pronounced as if written like this. Im sure my version is the incorrect version.
A few days ago I bought some bitcoin.
t1nick comments on Apr 17, 2021:
I have dealt in botcoin this last year. The processing fees going both ways are often exhorbittant most of the time. To invest bitcoin as an investment one needs to reat it like a day trader in penny stocks. One has to constantly watch it and be ready to sell and or transfer on short notice. A site called Paxful allows you to select the trader that is offering the best exchange rate.
Virginia officer who donated to Kyle rittenhouse was fired
t1nick comments on Apr 21, 2021:
Imagine having the white house congress and the senate then not following through with your promises...
t1nick comments on Jun 3, 2021:
The Executive cannot do by themselves. They need a Legislative body to assist. Since the filibuster demands a super majority to pass most things, Biden has a one person advantage in the Senate and a 5 person advantage in the House. Biden already done more positive things for this country than Trump did in his four years in office. Despite having to deal with a "Know Nothing" Republican Party which are basically a bunch of insurrectionist, traitorous fools. Don't join them.
I’m not certain this is his quote or not, but either way, I wonder if it reflects reality now or ...
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2021:
@Theresa_N. You are correct. Edison was not a very likable or ethical person. He was racist and engaged in a lot of unethical behavior in his competition with Nicole Tesla.
Be sure to virtue signal your compliance while out in public.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Stupid post. false positive comparison
This comes from a novel I'm reading.
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2021:
I was not making a cultural or political statement. It was word I was unfamiliar with, as such I assumed I might not be the only one.
‘We are all victims’: How Republicans became the party of the persecution complex.
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2021:
Republicans are whiny snowflakes.
This is a rare sight for the high desert.
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2021:
Arrow I've seen quite a few in the western high desert here in NM.
One of these is not like the other
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2021:
Gee I cant imagine which? Lol.
‘We will not hesitate’ to subpoena Trump in Jan.
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2021:
Don't count on it happening. He has a army of lawyers to delay it indefinitely
What he will likely recommend next.
t1nick comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Foolish meme.
A political cartoon in the Seattle Times.
t1nick comments on Jul 13, 2021:
History has shown that no outside power has ever won or made a significant difference in Afghanistan. The British were driven out in the 1800's at a great price to their military and economic. Afghanistan essentially brought down the Soviet Union. Attempting to keep up with the US in the area, the Soviet economy became too overstretched which was a major cause of the USSR nation. Now the US is learning the same lesson as Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Politicians now efute the claim that our purpose there, besides chastising and destroying Osama bin Laden and the AL Queda network, was nation building. We know that is not true. The rahrahs of the time thought Afghanistan deserved Democracy, whether they wanted it or not. The disparate tribal structure of the cultures In Afghanistan does not make for a conducive structure to implement and sustain a Democracy. Too many of the cultures are either self-contain theocratic or tribes invested in the poop trade and do not relish an outside government interfering with their business.
What he will likely recommend next.
t1nick comments on Jul 13, 2021:
@Bobwjr & @Lizard_of_Ahaz; Think of it this way, they are offering themselves up as candidates for the next round of the Darwin Awards.
Horney toad by my greenhouse taking a stroll this morning.
t1nick comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Love those little guys.
Biden DOJ Indicts 16 Members Of Violent White Supremacist Gang – Breaking News USA
t1nick comments on Jul 15, 2021:
About time
Much more inspiring than billionaires burning up their money in space.
t1nick comments on Jul 15, 2021:
You may find yourself
t1nick comments on Jul 16, 2021:
Talking Heads?
What is the other website, similar to this, but conservative leaning?
t1nick comments on Jul 21, 2021:
Idiots "R" Us
Wyoming bar calls for murder of gay people as “cure for AIDS” and are selling it as merch / ...
t1nick comments on Jul 22, 2021:
In the early 1980's when I was doing archaeoligicsl survey work for the Rawhide mine outside of Gillette, WY, we were camping as our base camp. Our camp was about 1/2 mile from from a major N-S highway out of Gillette. I used to sleep with a loaded .45 under my pillow. Not that I was afraid of wildlife. Rather we were more concerned about the human inhabitants that live in Wyoming. A lot of marginal, outside the mainstream people of all persuasions. They move there because it is so unpopulated and they can hide and be left alone to their peculiarities and proclivities.
One is for the living...
t1nick comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Mor(e)...gue humor!
This is great real bipartIsan effort
t1nick comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Finally a Republican with ethics
The First Porsche, 64 - 1939
t1nick comments on Jul 28, 2021:
1940 Ferrari, 1939 BMW. 1939 Alpha Romeo
I am happy to do it too
t1nick comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Good riddance to bad rubbish. Let them go. The sooner the better.
Easy flow chart to determine if you have a right to criticize Simone Biles.
t1nick comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Thank you for this post . After seeing ImTirdeofthis@'s post yesterday, I was embarrassed for the site to see such ignorance displayed. Typical conservative, white privilege, male BS.
Has anyone ever heard the term duodenum referred to as your solar plexus?
t1nick comments on Jul 31, 2021:
Duodenum is not your solar plexus. the first part of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach, leading to the jejunum
Is it appropriate to influence 5-year-olds with adult political views like "socialism is bad", "a ...
t1nick comments on Aug 3, 2021:
There have been a couple of people on this site that has been touting these publications for the last year. Most have been found to be mostly propaganda and place very loose with the facts.
What he will likely recommend next.
t1nick comments on Jul 12, 2021:
BDair@ Most of the research I saw reinforced the fact that masks did help in lessening transmission. Not all, but a significant portion. That is why social distancing was coupled with the masks for greater protection against transmitting the virus. Hydrxychloroquinie [HCQ] was never truly found to be effective. All the studies that touted HCQ as effective turned out to be flawed and failed the basic requirements for the scientific process. I cannot speak to Remdisiver, as I have not done the research. But your arguments are sounding like those of a conspiracy theorist. Talking to my brother last week, who is a Republican,, he, like you, is opposed to Fauci because Fauci wore two masks after being vaccinated. The primary reason he desired to discount Faici's advice was do to optics. Because Fauci returned to pushing masks, he didn't like the look of two masks. Forget the science, it doesn't look good to skeptics, so discount it. I cannot see into Fauci's mind. As I remember the events that unfolded the first spring and summer of COVID, due to the misinformation by trump, Pence, and Azar, a push was needed to try to get the messaging back under control. It was necessary to convince people to practice social distancing and wear masks. The disease was approaching 400,000 and climbing in the US. Outside of Pence, the task force committee was worried and began pushing back after trump's bleach debacle.
What he will likely recommend next.
t1nick comments on Jul 13, 2021:
I get it. You're Lindell "the pillow guy" .....right? Hows your Oleander cure coming along?
t1nick comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Nice meme? Not brilliant,, but a modicum of funny.. So who are you targeting; CNN, skydivers, or unvaccinated idiots?
t1nick comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Doesn't make sense. A poor attempt at targeting vegans.
These days I mostly just want someone to talk to.
t1nick comments on Jul 14, 2021:
I can relate to that. I have my three dogs and an occasional call to my ex to make sure dhe's alright. Lol. During the school year I have my colleagues at work and my high school students for discourse. Once I get home though I live in a housing compound where everybody retreats to their house and family and doesn't come out until they leave for work the next day. Feel free to reach out, I could use some good conversation as well.
The U.S. Navy is not prepared for active combat. "Wokeness" training is a factor. []
t1nick comments on Jul 14, 2021:
I have been aware of racial discrimenation all my 67 years. I guess I've been "woke" all my life. Lol.I lived among and in the midst of minorities and marginalized communities all my life. Here is a definition of "wokeness": Woke is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance regarding gender and sexual orientation. Now I don't know about you, but sounds a really good thing to be if you ask me. Awareness and consideration is not a bad thing. Even if the whiny snowflakes thinks its unmannly. Lol. It seems to me that a naval force that is aware of how inequalities exist, and working upon that knowledge come to respect their fellow seabed for who they are. It would foster a lot more commraderie and cohesion among the ranks. That would cut down on the discriminatory hazing, segregation based on race, and racially based attacks among the ranks. The ones that are inconvenienced are the ones not worthy of representing our country. Their white privilege should not be supported, directly or indirectly, by the military structure.
😯 DID YOU KNOW ! ! ! They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in...
t1nick comments on Jul 15, 2021:
This one of the best posts I've read in a long while. Are these actual folk tales origins or are you just incredibly creative. Either way I loved it.
Jen Psaki Says Vaccines Can Still Kill You Even If You Are Under The Age of 27 []
t1nick comments on Jul 15, 2021:
I think she meant COVID can kill you if you are under the age of 27. She has very few faux paus compared McA-Ninny(sp), Huckabee, or the Orange turd himself. So to mispeak this once is forgivable. Your team chokes on some many faux paus' that we all lost count after their first year.
Imagine all the....
t1nick comments on Jul 16, 2021:
Congressional Republican Caucus
Hidden Hand of US Blockade Sparks Cuba Protests But their scale has been exaggerated by the ...
t1nick comments on Jul 17, 2021:
William_Mary@ Not sure I totally agree with all your synopsis. I totally agree about Reagan and he should have brought up on charges stemming from the Iran Hostage and Contra-gate.
REEFER MADNESS 2021 STYLE WASHINGTON—Clutching his briefcase and keeping his eyes averted as he ...
t1nick comments on Jul 19, 2021:
I hope you do not believe this. Its the Onion afterall.
Stentorian adjective very loud or powerful in sound.
t1nick comments on Jul 20, 2021:
I think I also used nascent & lambert in the same poem. Not sure though. Been awhile.
What genre are national anthems? Country.
t1nick comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Patriotic anthems and ballads. Most are Nationalistic propaganda that over emphasizes loving ones country because its their country, but fails to recognize that no country is perfect or without fault. National athems are made to celebrate ultra-nationalism without question. An unrealistic expectation.
Ironic is it not? I have seen a lot of this here in this group.
t1nick comments on Jul 22, 2021:
Works for me. It's not only the fact that they have refused to get the vaccine, but the values and ethics that usually accompanies that decision. A retain sf-centered selfishness ad lack for concern for their neighbors and their community. Not the type of citizens you can depend upon.
I first saw this on you tube; but it's cool...Africa is slowly breaking in two... []
t1nick comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Rift Valley. A tectonic spreading boundary that extends onto land. East Africa one day will no longer be attached to the continent of Africa.
Australia covid numbers from January-July []
t1nick comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Conspiracy theorists bore me. ......yawn
Wish these two would just STFU and go away!
t1nick comments on Jul 23, 2021:
By the by, the driver to their clown car was Matt Goetz with Gozar as the blind navigator.
Inspired by Marjorie Taylor Greene...
t1nick comments on Jul 25, 2021:
Where can I get one.
Posted on our local community group the other day.
t1nick comments on Jul 26, 2021:
I have two bulls and a herd of wild horses that go through my yard and the community on a regular basis. They aren't owned by anyone, but being feral they are almost impossible to coral. Facilities management tried three years ago without success.
The First Porsche, 64 - 1939
t1nick comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Very different body shape than a lot of comparable cars of the era. I can see where the Porsche "bathtube" style came from. Being the first year, in pristine restored condition, and fact that is numbered (#64), I bet it would fetch a fortune at auction.
I like Chris Cuomo's classification of the two groups in the US today: the "Vaccinated" and the ...
t1nick comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Cuomo made another good observation. The anti-vaccine crowd insist that ,"it's their body, their right to control their body, and their right not to get vaccinated". They are the same people who choose to deny women' the right to control their own bodies.
Do Atheist Have Morals | Steve-NY | The Atheist Experience 880 []
t1nick comments on Jul 29, 2021:
I find this an insulting question up front. Just because we do not beleive in a myth, it is presumed we have guiding moral compass. The only variation to this question that is Germaine and perhaps true would be;"Do Conservative atheists have morals or ethics." That one be hard to verify as the group in here sure doesn't.
I'm glad I don't live in Anchorage Alaska ...but wait I live out with the Wasillabillies?
t1nick comments on Jul 30, 2021:
Wasilla, home of the Palens? Our very own Wasillabillie.
Kate Raworth: A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow | TED Talk
t1nick comments on Mar 17, 2019:
Business, economics and capitalism should act like evolutionary principles. Evolution says that a species (aka. a business) should do what is both necessary and advantageous to maintain the best fitness in ones environment (aka. operant business community) to assure perpetuation of that species (business) ad infinitum into the future. That means looking long term. Asking the question, "What can I (individual employer) do to assure the best situation for as long as I can envision. This means the best situation for all the members of my immediate population (employees), my larger business community (economy) and myself (business owner) so that we all prosper going forward. As the alpha individual (business owner) I am entitled to a proportionate share, as long as I assure that the others that I am responsible for (employees) are also carred for going forward. This means moving away from our present dysfunctional system of predatory capitalism which seeks to maximize profits short term, regardless of the impact to the species (business community), and the members of the immediate population (employees). A simple example of the principle: I own a small business of a couple dozen employees. We are doing well enough that I decide to offer my employees a small reward. I tell my employees that I will provide them with donuts during their break. But there is a caveat. They are only allowed two donuts each. All goes well for awhile. But after a couple of weeks, complaints begin coming in that those individuals that have the last break are finding that there are no donuts left. Someone or someones are helping themselves to more than their allowed donuts. The incident is addressed in a company wide meeting. It returns to normal for a couple of days, but again the pattern begins to repeat and complaints begin to come in again. I have no choice but to discontinue the reward as it has become too much of a problem and just not working as intended. The question that the employees should have been asking themselves is. "What do I need to do to keep the reward ongoing forever?". The answer was simple, take what was offered and not take more than was intended. Perpetuation of the species (via donut supply) by taking only what is needed or reasonable. There are 3 types of desires. 1) Absolute need - the objected is needed in order to survive (eg. Starvation); 2) Want - the desire is strong, but not survival level. I am hungry and another donut would stave off that pit in my stomach, but I could do without with no real danger to my health; and 3) irrational want - it would be nice to have a third donut, I'm not really that hungry, I just like donuts and enjoy sugar rushes. Employers and corporations need to do what is ...
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
This is what we all should agree on.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Sounds like a nation of Darwin Award winners. Lol
The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
If the Vatican and the Chritian church was complicit with the rise of Fascism and Nazism in the 1930's, it occuring again. Its not only happening in Europe today, but its happening here at home. The Evangelicals are willing to sacrifice their values to support a leadervthat is moving the country ever closer to Authoritarianism and a form of Fascism. They blanket themselves as Republicans and Christians. They are neither. They are beginnings of an ultraconservative movement that undermines the values that this country and the Constitution embody. Its becoming to see how the churh was complicit then, as is complicit now.
Hey kids.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Its going to take a concerted effort like this one nationally to stop the march toward conservative fascism. Well laid out and well stated.
Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
To all my detractors, I assure you I am not a troll and I am not stupid.l. I have put in many hours of posting over the last year. adding up to several hundred posts. In that time, i have only been called on 3 or 4 significant errors. The fact that I mixed up the two individuals was an error. Not debate. If I make an error, I generally acknowledge it and apologize. So for those who took umbrage at my error. i apologize. What I do not apologize for are the attempts to get the truth out there and debunk the misinformation being fed to us by the right and conservatives.
I’m having a hard time getting a guy to call… I was hoping this would motivate him.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
That's hard to believe. My experience on this site has shown that you are very intelligent and your pics above show you are attractive as well. Good luck.
Well girls and boys, I decided that I am going to do it.
t1nick comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Good luck. A big price tag, but if can rid yourself of the pain well worth it. May all go well.
5:02 PM EST USA Breaking News! MSNBC - Attorney General Barr has been handed the Mueller Report!!!!...
t1nick comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Not necessarily Lisa. No indictments withstanding. Mueller is a strict adherent of precedent law. He does not believe that a sitting president can be indicted as per DOJ memo recommendations. It is possible that Mueller could have included a body of indictable charges, as well as charges that did not rise to the level of being indictable. Trump and family are still subject to financial crimes out of the SNYD. Plus there are intelligence investigations still on-going involving Trump.
It has been shown in a study that a woman’s intelligence is proportional to the size of her ...
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Wtf? Provide this so called study. Ridiculous.
Maybe we should investigate Obama and Clinton instead of Trump.
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
FOX is fake news all the time.
The Coming Collapse - Chris Hedges
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Provacative and thought provoking.
Science has been more evil to us than the benefits it yielded.
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I think you are conflating technology with science perhaps. Technology is about making ones daily life easier, not happier. You would think there would be a correlation but there really isn't. More free time offers more time to contemplate what you don't have, what you would like to have, or what your missing out on. As I eluded to on many previous posts, science is not same as technology, and technology is not the same thing as science. Technology borrows from science to advanve their agenda and discoveries. But technology is not constrained by the same rigid guidelines and controls. They should be, but often (not always) do not adhere. Technology is constrained by the bottom line and the market place. The cost/benefit constraint has more influence in the outcome frequently than the scientific controls. Many advancements are couched in a veneer of science, but final decisions are based on economics, not scientific exactitude.
This was an interesting article about Corey Booker. []
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I heard the CNN townhall with Cory Booker last night. I was wondering how long it would take for that statement to hit the airwaves. I liked what I heard Cory Booker answer to questions last night. I've always bern a fan of his.
Living the illuminated life
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I engage in self introspection and self criticism all the time to make sure Im being honest.
Game of Thrones hits the beach
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Knit one, pearl two. Uh oh I dropped a sticth..or two...or three. It seems to be unraveling. Woohoo.
Well, I've decided to become a Republican and start supporting Mr. Trump. Sorry Bernie.
t1nick comments on Apr 1, 2019:
a sad day indeed.
It's April Fool’s Day - time to talk cryptozoology.
t1nick comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Big Foot can be disproved with population biology. Based on the number of supposed sightings, there is not a large enough of a breeding population to keep the species alive and viable. No residual bone evidence found anywhere (surley some individuals must have died and left their bones lying about and humans have thouroughly combed the forests and mountains in the area they supposed occupy), modern or ancient. Loch Ness has been solved. The Loch has a direct connection with the ocean at the north end of Scotland. A resesrch group a few years back traced the connection all the way to the ocean. They scoured the ocean between Scotland and Iceland and eventually found a species of fish that resembles the pictures, movements, and approximate dimensions consistent with the famous photo. Subsequently, the fish is capable of short term transition and can live in fresh water for a short while, then returns to the ocean.
Well the trump thing didn't work out for me, so I'm back to being my old self.
t1nick comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Lol. Careful you are asking them to think. Be prepared for short circuits. Lol
[] [] Is trump helping or hurting our american farmers?
t1nick comments on Apr 3, 2019:
If the soy bean market is any indication it seems he is doing more harm than good. Couple that with the loss of stored goods in silos in the midwest due to flooding and future doesn't look so bright.
This post will break the 6K barrier for me to Level 8.
t1nick comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I'm at 3500 away from level 8. Hang in there we're almost there.
Everyone knows the grumpy, truly delusional old man in the family or neighborhood who is constantly...
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
I was just thinking that exact thing as I read your post. I came to that same conclusion before I got to your last line. Lol
Has there been such a thing as "moral progress" in the history of mankind?
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Define what constitutes "moral", and "moral progress" in your opinion. Its a vague catch-all term that may mean many things to many people. Until we have a common understanding of what we are discussing, an intelligent discussion may not be possible.
?? Who doesn't like a woman from Brazil?
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
As they say in Brazil. "Una uva" lol
?? preparing for the west Indian parade... You wanna help?
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Sure its not Carnival?
Yetide Badaki
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Oh my! I'm in love... again! 💘
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Love the color of the lingerie on her.
My favorite flag that is in one of my good friends front yard.
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
With Trump its nothing but bullshit. Through and through.
excited, i built a fire in my back yard! There was something so relaxing about it, like I was out ...
t1nick comments on Apr 7, 2019:
I concur with the soothing nature of a fire and fire ring. One of my goals this summer. Enjoy.
Shall descendants of Neanderthals get reparations from Homo Sapiens?
t1nick comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Lol. Taking analogies a little far aren't we?
t1nick comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Ouch. Looks painful actually.
??. Asian invasion part two... "You like these things, yes? "
t1nick comments on Apr 10, 2019:
CB keep those asians coming (pun may or may not be intended?). Lol
"Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?"
t1nick comments on Apr 12, 2019:
This article came out awhile back. Or it may be a re-tooled version and updated. Problem its too long for most Trump supporters to be able to make it through. They don't have the capability to focus that long, and besides it doesn't have any pictures on it.
Islam is invading.
t1nick comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Jacar we've had multiple exchanges and they're all alike. It must be hard to be you, so angry, paranoid and living in such irrational fear?
Do I look like seductive?🙂😊
t1nick comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Yes indeedy
New panic at White House after briefing on Mueller report: 'There is significant concern' over ...
t1nick comments on Apr 14, 2019:
He's right to be worried.
Like most people my age, I'm 20.
t1nick comments on Apr 14, 2019:
Someone to wake up to.....
t1nick comments on Apr 15, 2019:
As CB would say; wakey, wakey. Lol
So who will the Sky Fairy addicts choose to blame for this?
t1nick comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Before we get out of hand with rampant speculation. It probably started on the roof where renovation was progressing.


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