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Ex-US Police Officer debunks 'Black Lives Matter', taking a knee & protests - Brandon Tatum - BQ 19 ...
richiegtt comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Every time an articulate black individual states Legitimate facts and statistics and does not spout racist and inflammatory remarks he is labeled a traitor by his own people including the pathetic individuals with white guilt syndrome.But what do you expect when a Criminal ,dishonest Illiterate ...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
So out of touch reality. You must be an old white guy. Lol. White privilege is not a good look anymore.
Rethink why evangelicals love trump it's race
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 13, 2020:
There are no “evangelicals”. There are only our fellow humans who attend certain churches that have been artificially classified as evangelical So 71% of so-called evangelicals support Trump, and that is a subject that prompts a constant drumroll of slurring ridicule and fear-mongering. What...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Because something is distasteful or seemingly contrary doesnt make it entirely false. Your experience in your area may have been much more benign and friendly. Diesnt mean that was true everywhere. There's ample proof of that if one were to search. When I worked in the South they didnt know what to call me. I was from the West, not the North. I think finally decided on Yank, lol. Anyway, therevis a lot of history that has never been reckoned with directly. Some deals with the influence of the church in the bible belt, some with deep seated racism, some just with culture. Given how this President has allowed it to rise to the surface, even encouraged it, there a backlash coming. Part of that backlash is to potentially deal with aspects of our historical background that have been swept under the carpet for a Century and a half. Some will painful, some will be aggravating, nay infuriating, but in the end hopefully it will be a better Union for everybody. It will come to the west as well. Native Americans are not going to remain quiet long. The West has it's own sins to atone for. Between mining, farming, cattle ranching and general land grabbing, we have a lot to atone for. The sooner the better IMO. This country was built on white Imperial privilege. Demographics are changing. It's time for whites to get over ourselves and find our spot within the burgeoning masses. But not on tip, but alongside.
Rethink why evangelicals love trump it's race
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 13, 2020:
There are no “evangelicals”. There are only our fellow humans who attend certain churches that have been artificially classified as evangelical So 71% of so-called evangelicals support Trump, and that is a subject that prompts a constant drumroll of slurring ridicule and fear-mongering. What...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
@WilliamFleming I disagree. Now adays, when people refer to Evangelicalism, they are referring to the Megachurch phenomenon. Southern Baptists often get lumped in with Evangelicals. But by and large Evangelicalidm conjures up in peoples minds white Megachurch Evangelicalism. Where you are they may not make the distinction but outside the Bible Belt that is the picture most people associate with the term. I didnt vote for Hillsry, I voted against Trump. The lesser of two evils among the evil of top lessers.
Rethink why evangelicals love trump it's race
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 13, 2020:
There are no “evangelicals”. There are only our fellow humans who attend certain churches that have been artificially classified as evangelical So 71% of so-called evangelicals support Trump, and that is a subject that prompts a constant drumroll of slurring ridicule and fear-mongering. What...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
@WilliamFleming There are plenty of article about the catholic church and its followers but we werent talking about Catholics here. That's a topic for another discussion. I can almost guarantee you there is more written about Catholics than Evangelicals
Rethink why evangelicals love trump it's race
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 13, 2020:
There are no “evangelicals”. There are only our fellow humans who attend certain churches that have been artificially classified as evangelical So 71% of so-called evangelicals support Trump, and that is a subject that prompts a constant drumroll of slurring ridicule and fear-mongering. What...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
@WilliamFleming The evangelicals of your grandparents are different than the Megachurch Evangelicals that support Trump. I grew up Presbyterian but do not consider that I was an Evangelical. Falwell made Evangelicalism a political movement to the far right and brought into the mainstream. It is now a fundamentalist movement with lots of political clout, especially with this Administration. White Evangelicalism has moved away from what was prior to 1983.
Rethink why evangelicals love trump it's race
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 13, 2020:
There are no “evangelicals”. There are only our fellow humans who attend certain churches that have been artificially classified as evangelical So 71% of so-called evangelicals support Trump, and that is a subject that prompts a constant drumroll of slurring ridicule and fear-mongering. What...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
#WIlliamFleming Heres an article that you might like thst reinforces your opinion and argues against mine. Religion and political civility: The coming generation of American evangelicals James Davison Hunter Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 364-380, 1984 Here's one that supports some if my argument: Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionVolume 40, Issue 4 Tolerant (In)civility? A Longitudinal Analysis of White Conservative Protestants’ Willingness to Grant Civil Liberties Sam Reimer Jerry Z. Park First published:17 December 2002 Both can be found if you go to Google Scholar and do a key word search for American Evangelicals Political. They are available on JSTOR as a pdf. Both are undertaken by religious scholars and religious institutions. Seem to be good research, albeit the affiliation may predispose toward a desired outcome for either. Happy reading.
Rethink why evangelicals love trump it's race
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 13, 2020:
There are no “evangelicals”. There are only our fellow humans who attend certain churches that have been artificially classified as evangelical So 71% of so-called evangelicals support Trump, and that is a subject that prompts a constant drumroll of slurring ridicule and fear-mongering. What...
t1nick replies on Jun 13, 2020:
Evangelicalism draws a certain type of individual. They are most often white, middle to upper middle class, conservative, and generally prejudiced against others that do not look like them. They tend toward ideologies of white privilege. They are more concerned about fiscal issues that effect their pocket book over issues that impact people outside their circle. They are more likely to be anti-abortion, pro 2nd Amendment,and anti-immigration for a start. In my experience, Evangelicals are the one Christian sect that is the least "Christ-like" of all the Christian sects. Evangelicals came into the light under Ronald Reagan with Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority, which was neither moral in their political stances, nor a majority. Rather a very loud and in your face minority. Evangelicals DO definitely know the politics of their church leaders. That is one of the drawing attractions of the sect. Falwell made the Evsngelical a political instrument and remains so still under his don. By saying that Evangelicalism is just a church that people happens to attend is a bit naive. It ignores the role church differences, just within the Christian world has forged politics throughout history.
Should anyone have to queue to Vote
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Not sure why it's such an issue. People have to wait in lines all the time. The grocery store, drug store, fast food (now there's an oxymoron),,,, I don't mind waiting in line a while to practice such an awesome right to vote. Hell, I always end up chatting with others in line and having a good ...
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood There's an old saying, "Daddy didn't raise no fool". Damn I guess yo daddy can't say that.
Should anyone have to queue to Vote
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Not sure why it's such an issue. People have to wait in lines all the time. The grocery store, drug store, fast food (now there's an oxymoron),,,, I don't mind waiting in line a while to practice such an awesome right to vote. Hell, I always end up chatting with others in line and having a good ...
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood I do everytime I go out in public. I am neither sick, and I sure I have not infected anybody.
(Pete Linforth/Pixabay) PHYSICS Physicists Have Reversed Time on The Smallest Scale Using a ...
powder comments on Jun 12, 2020:
the butterfly effect would still be in play so would it be truly repeatable? Nothing would change?
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
If the butterfly effect is real. Ot open the doors to a multitude of potential realities.
Should anyone have to queue to Vote
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Not sure why it's such an issue. People have to wait in lines all the time. The grocery store, drug store, fast food (now there's an oxymoron),,,, I don't mind waiting in line a while to practice such an awesome right to vote. Hell, I always end up chatting with others in line and having a good ...
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood What should we say in your obituary. And what should say the families of those you potentially killed.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd ??????
Should anyone have to queue to Vote
Captain_Feelgood comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Not sure why it's such an issue. People have to wait in lines all the time. The grocery store, drug store, fast food (now there's an oxymoron),,,, I don't mind waiting in line a while to practice such an awesome right to vote. Hell, I always end up chatting with others in line and having a good ...
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
CORVID-19, where have you been. Review the number of infections that resulted after the Wisconsin primary.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd I grew up in the 60's and 70's. Numerous communes sprung up around Taos. The majority eventually disbanded due dysfunction and membes not commited to ideals.
(Pete Linforth/Pixabay) PHYSICS Physicists Have Reversed Time on The Smallest Scale Using a ...
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Interesting but hard to understand.
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
I concur. Had to read some sections twice myself
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd That was tried in the 60's and most communes fell apart because many participants were interested in the philosophic ideals. Rather they were just interested in dropping out and being part of the mainstream society. Participation due to rebellion, and not dedication to an ideal.
NEWS RELEASE 11-JUN-2020 New discovery of giant bipedal crocodile footprints in the cretaceous of ...
bobwjr comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Very cool looks like a precursor to T-Rex too
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
Although I believe that they in different phylogenetic line.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 12, 2020:
@OwlInASack About two decades ago there was a movement by some companies to offer profit sharing to their employees. For instance, Whole Foods offered stock to employees as part of their hiring package. It was meant to incentivize the employees to care more about how the company did. If the company did well, then the company would prosper, stock prices would increase and be worth more bringing more income to its employees. Now I see the downside being that many employees do not understand or invest in the market and their meager stock gift would not bring them much. But the idea of profit sharing is worth contemplating further.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 11, 2020:
@WilliamFleming No she did not, I agree. But so often Libertarians on this site quote Ayn Rand as their basis for justifying their selfishness. That's a nice claim regarding the supposed love of humankind by Libertarians, but it rings hollow when you look at the evidence of their actions. People like Rand Paul do not love his fellow humankind unless they are white and rich. Libertarians by in large lean towards white privilege in my experience. When I was invovled in the Objectivist Society I was working on my second undergrauate degree and in my upper twenties. I did an independent study in Philosophy on Ayn Rand. If college isn't the place to get a diversity of ideas and opinions, then no place exists for such intellectual exchange. And yes I know the recent conservative complaint about the stifling of conservative dialog on college campuses. In my experience, it was Christian right which was getting professors fired for expousing left leaning ideas or presenting the real facts about historical events.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 11, 2020:
@Bobby9 I always question the true underlying agenda and motivations of all Libertarians. There seems to be a propensity for so-called practioners to misunderstand Ayn Rand's use of selfishness. Most of the Libertarians I encountered here and elsewhere are mostly people who do not want to be told what they can or cannot do at anytime. They tend not to want to be accountable and responsiblevfor their actions and behaviors. The philosophy tends to be favorable by those that want to hang onto the paradigm of white privilege. Their selfishness is not geared to a system to true economic stability and fairness. Rather a selfishness born of only self interest and a desire to have to answer for their actions. IMO
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 11, 2020:
@OwlInASack I would concur with this. Achieving a pure ideological ideal is almost impossible for any population of humans. First it demands that everybody is not only aware and understand the precepts underlying the ideology, but consciously strive to uphold them. It presumes a certain amount of altruism, assuredly at some point the ideology will ask or demand something from it practioners that is uncomfortable or difficult. There is more than one way to practice Capitalism. The underlying paradigm presently is both predatory and cannibalistic. The propensity over the last few decades for the popularity of hostile takeovers limiting the competitive field is both the cannibalistic and predatory. It benefits the predator in the short run, but it strangles the market in the long run by limiting or destroying innovation brought about by competition. There are other models that are longer term thinking. There is a model that I prefer that is patterned after evolutionary principles. It seeks to make businesses and markets seek maximum "fitness" to perpetuate ad infinitum. It takes care of all stakeholders involved in that market.
rou·leau /ro͞oˈlō/ plural noun: rouleaux 1.
FrayedBear comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Why do red blood cells rouleaux?
t1nick replies on Jun 10, 2020:
It would probably an electrical attraction, but not sure. I'll have to investigate.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Most of the Libertarians I've met on this site could care less about civil rights or equity unless it's there civil rights and their definition of equity as it pertains to them.
Confessions of a former bastard cop.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I would love to see the Trumpsters, Republicams, conservatives. Libertarians, and so called protectors of capitalism on the web site read this all the way through. That is they are capable of it.
t1nick replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Once again we disagree over most of your points. And Libertarians concept of reverence for equality and civil rights is only true if they are getting what they selfishly think is owed to them. I studied Ayn Rand in college and belonged to the Objectivist organization until I saw the errors if my ways. Ayn Rand tends to a darling of the white privilege which have the power to force their will.
Has the militaritic build up of our domestic law enforcement in this country turned our policy into ...
LimitedLight comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Funny thing is, Alex Jones railed against it when it started, but last I knew he was still buddies with Trump. Ironic.
t1nick replies on Jun 10, 2020:
@LimitedLight Perhaps but facts and evidence are generally an anathema to him.
Has the militaritic build up of our domestic law enforcement in this country turned our policy into ...
LimitedLight comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Funny thing is, Alex Jones railed against it when it started, but last I knew he was still buddies with Trump. Ironic.
t1nick replies on Jun 10, 2020:
Alex Jones is a cracked pot. No credibility.
Louisiana GOP Backs Child Marriage Bill: “A Lot of 16-Year-Olds Are Very Mature” | Hemant Mehta ...
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
This is the same state that spawned Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 14 year old 1st cousin.
t1nick replies on Jun 9, 2020:
@LetzGetReal Wasnt aware of that. Hmmm
Stolen from my friend on Facebook Blaming all cops for the thuggish and murderous behavior of a ...
t1nick comments on Jun 8, 2020:
No quite. Cops are an agency that is established to Protect and Serve their community. If there are bad cops and their fellow cops turn a blind eye, then they are complicit. Blacks are not an agency, they are a population of individuals that have experienced 400 years of loathsome, atrocious,...
t1nick replies on Jun 8, 2020:
The Police Union makes them all complicit. The eager militarization makes them unfortunately fall under the umbrella of thugs even if they are not.
Defunding police departments does not mean elimentating Police forces.
Theresa_N comments on Jun 8, 2020:
One of the things Minneapolis has to do is eliminate the police union. It acts to promote police brutality and its head is a friend of tRump. It has been the bane of mayors for many decades and seems to be impenetrable.
t1nick replies on Jun 8, 2020:
Exactly. The police union is a big part of the problem. Instead of being a fair arbiter to maintain a healthy force and healthy community relations, they automatically lie for officers who engage in illegal and criminal activity.
Michelle Alexander, writes in her seminal book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of...
RoboGraham comments on Jun 7, 2020:
The drug war is a disgrace upon our populace, our history, and our moral integrity. It must be brought to a swift end and all leaders still supporting it need to be removed.
t1nick replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty He's an adult child. When he first entered the group he became abusive to Atzy in Singles/Mingles chat room a year and a half ago.
Michelle Alexander, writes in her seminal book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of...
RoboGraham comments on Jun 7, 2020:
The drug war is a disgrace upon our populace, our history, and our moral integrity. It must be brought to a swift end and all leaders still supporting it need to be removed.
t1nick replies on Jun 7, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty I did just to agree with you. I see his post is gone.
Michelle Alexander, writes in her seminal book, "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of...
RoboGraham comments on Jun 7, 2020:
The drug war is a disgrace upon our populace, our history, and our moral integrity. It must be brought to a swift end and all leaders still supporting it need to be removed.
t1nick replies on Jun 7, 2020:
Totally agree. It has far more harm that good.
chif·fo·nier /ˌSHifəˈnir/ noun: chiffonier; plural noun: chiffoniers 1.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Jun 7, 2020:
## Wonder what the name is for a *long, low* chest of drawers with a mirror on top.
t1nick replies on Jun 7, 2020:
One style with mirror is called a lowboy, some without mirror is a commode (not to be mistaken for a toilet- lol)
em·bon·point /ˌämbônˈpwän/ noun noun: embonpoint; plural noun: embonpoints the plump or ...
Charlene comments on Jun 6, 2020:
Wonder if there's a word for mushy penises..
t1nick replies on Jun 6, 2020:
Impotent. Lol
Joe Biden said that hate doesn't go away, it just hides.
RoboGraham comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Yeah, Joe does a decent job of hiding his hate. That's what sets him apart. Trump is blatant with his hate
t1nick replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@RoboGraham Good retort and I'll give it to you. I am really not a fan of Biden. It's just sad that we have come to the point that the choice has become binary: the evil of two lessers. It's sad we are not voting for the best man, but voting to get rid of Trump. While Biden is not the best choice, we have a very long way to come back from the damage Trump has precipitated. IMO, Biden will only have one term. will begin to repair, and do very little further damage until 2024 when we can get a younger candidate. It's a shame we have to settle. At this point. No other third candidate is viable, and vote for a third candidate is a vote for Trump.
Louisiana GOP Backs Child Marriage Bill: “A Lot of 16-Year-Olds Are Very Mature” | Hemant Mehta ...
t1nick comments on Jun 5, 2020:
This is the same state that spawned Jerry Lee Lewis who married his 14 year old 1st cousin.
t1nick replies on Jun 6, 2020:
@whiskywoman 1st cousin The significance of the 1st cousin is that is the level of proximity of relationship to avoid inbreeding. It is generally assumed that the 2nd cousin is the closest relationship that is safe to avoid the potential effects of inbreeding. Although there is some debate about the 1st cousin cutoff, it has been the standard for a long time.
Joe Biden said that hate doesn't go away, it just hides.
RoboGraham comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Yeah, Joe does a decent job of hiding his hate. That's what sets him apart. Trump is blatant with his hate
t1nick replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@Varn Hes just typical of most Republicans today. The cherry pick events and comments without providing background or context. Then instead of dealing with the actual facts they resort to playground level tactics. They like to throw out the phrase, "but the Democrats did it too" (which when investigated further usually turns out not to be totally true). Or they deflect with the same retort but point to something totally unrelated. I'm not a Biden fan for President. I think he is often time too stuck in the 70's with the way he reasons. Not the bad actions outlined Robograham. More like, just outdated. We need a younger person, but anything (including the back end of a mule) is better than what we have.
Joe Biden said that hate doesn't go away, it just hides.
RoboGraham comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Yeah, Joe does a decent job of hiding his hate. That's what sets him apart. Trump is blatant with his hate
t1nick replies on Jun 5, 2020:
@RoboGraham Anita Hill was a travesty and he apologized profusely. The crime bill was aimed at a problem at a time when crime was running rampant at an all time high and nobody knew how to address it. It was flawed no doubt, but he wasnt overtly trying to be racist, although his actions ended up doing just that. It was abused by other not Biden. No it was not right that he stood with segregationist. but he has made up for that over course of his long career. His response to Charlegmaine was a gaff. Him trying to be flippant and sarcastic. It was poorly thought out. So here we are, Biden has made mistakes. Sometimes sizable mistakes. But unlike most Republicans and Conservatives he has gone out of his way to make amends and has been very successful in that capacity. He still has one of the best reputations among all politicians fir his care and concern and compassion. He not perfect, but he is more honorable and has more integrity than any Republican today. Yes, taking things out of context is a lame attempt to say "same to you, but more of it". Playground.
Joe Biden said that hate doesn't go away, it just hides.
RoboGraham comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Yeah, Joe does a decent job of hiding his hate. That's what sets him apart. Trump is blatant with his hate
t1nick replies on Jun 5, 2020:
Unfair comment. Joe's reputation is just the opposite of your claim. He may make gaffs, but his reputation for fairness and compassion is pretty much unrivaled compared to most in DC. Your comnent is the level of a playground taunt,"Same to you but more of it." You might want to bring the level of discourse above the playground level.
does anyone want to break down what's wrong with this?
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
False positives correlations. Apples and oranges.
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@burnhippiesfor That'll work too
I never really understood why liberals think voter ID somehow works against minorities for this very...
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
An interesting video. One problem I see is the sampling population. NYC is pretty cosmopolitan so most people, regardless of color in NYC maybe a little more sophisticsted than say someone in...Asheboro. NC. Most voter suppression occurs in rural, rather than urban communities. Below are ...
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@WilliamFleming I have my doubts about your claim of no suppression in Alabama, but will let that lie. We covered as much ground as we can and be productive. We will just have to agree to disagree I just found these two articles I thought you might be interested in: As Alabama primary nears, voter suppression is alive and well. Seven Ways Alabama Has Made It Harder to Vote
I never really understood why liberals think voter ID somehow works against minorities for this very...
t1nick comments on Jun 4, 2020:
An interesting video. One problem I see is the sampling population. NYC is pretty cosmopolitan so most people, regardless of color in NYC maybe a little more sophisticsted than say someone in...Asheboro. NC. Most voter suppression occurs in rural, rather than urban communities. Below are ...
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@WilliamFleming The ACLU, while considered politically liberal is well known for well designed, scientific studies. So if they found evidence that rural communities are adversely affected, then their is a good chance they are. William, when is the last time you sat down and had an honest discussion with a black person in your area about the obstacles they encounter with doing the things you and I take for granted? Obviously you are a caring person and seek to be fair. But we take things for granted that just arent so. We are socialized to not see certain problems and to evaluate them based on our own experiences. Perhaps you are right and access jn your area is as easy as you say. Perhaps access isnt the problem and their are other societal/cultural reasons that suppress, or inhibit the black vote.
I never really understood why liberals think voter ID somehow works against minorities for this very...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 4, 2020:
You are required to show your ID for a lot of things so what in the hell is wrong with showing your ID to vote.
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@Trajan61 Again, get out of your myopic little bubble and experience more of the real world. Your perceptions are worthless because they are based on stereotypes that and your local yahoos make up to validate your little existence.
I never really understood why liberals think voter ID somehow works against minorities for this very...
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Bingo! Great video.
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@WilliamFleming See my post above. It was a terrible video. NYC is not representative of a large segment of the country. This poll is too limited in its scope and sampling strategy. And yes it should scientific with a random shaming across many communities and geographical areas. Most voter suppression occurs in rural communities, not urban metropolis'. See my post above.
I never really understood why liberals think voter ID somehow works against minorities for this very...
Trajan61 comments on Jun 4, 2020:
You are required to show your ID for a lot of things so what in the hell is wrong with showing your ID to vote.
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
Read above post and quit basing everything in life strictly upon your own limited experiences.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Only so much as everbody recognizes that we are still being driven by what happened. Ackowledge its presence, then move on with a better understanding by everybody as to how not to allow it to continue
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@WilliamFleming I still disagree. Not all events are natural or unavoidable. We learn from our mistakes but only if we acknowledge and attempt to understand them. We, as Nation have never dealt with ours or Trump would not have gotten away with everything he at the southern border separating families. Or perhaps George Floyd would not have been killed by the police. But until we know the driving g force and take the responsibility it will continue to happen. An alcoholic isnt able to cure himself from alcoholism until he admits to himself he has a problem.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 4, 2020:
@WilliamFleming In all fairness to the South, Wiiliam, the rest of the Nation has just as much to answer to along this topic. The North has more than its share of racism and discrimination against minorities. It may manifest itself diffetently in other areas, but it's there nonetheless. The same goes for the Southwest and the far west. Sometimes it's not just blacks, but it can be Mexicans (Hispanics), or Asians in the NW. Racism in all its forms need airing and addressing. It's too easy to ignore or remain silent.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@WilliamFleming history is never over. One is deluded if they think one can separate oneself from ones history. It Carrie's implications, traumas, memories. It drives directions and how people develop. The dialog I am talking about is not a one hour NPR or PBS production. In the wsy it comes out it is disjointed and never rises to the.level of a true dialog. Until an open no holds discussion on racism is enjoined in this nation, we will never be rid of it (as if racism would totally disappear). It has to be a purposeful discussion represented by a wide swath of personages participating. As far as that women is concerned, her rationalization is definitely an exception and not the general rule. And the interviewer not cut her off, dhevmight have heard more about how that rationalization was part sarcasm (just speculating of course). George Santayana. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ... George Santayana (16 December 1863 in Madrid, Spain – 26 September 1952 in Rome, Italy) was a philosopher, essayist, poet and novelist. Winston Churchill “He who forgets the past is doomed to repeat it.” “Those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@WilliamFleming History may not rule us, but it must be overcome. It has to be brought out of the closet and laid bare. You are right sbout one some taling the dialog to heart, but its saturation. The more its discussed the more it insinuates itself into regular conversation. After awhile the understanding and the way it becomes discussed actually changes the paradigm in all but the most ardent of racial persuasion. This only one suggestion, it will take more of course. But one has to start somewhere.
Barr, Trump and WH attempt to shift entire blame onto Antifa.
racocn8 comments on Jun 3, 2020:
The Antifa exhortation to riot were actually White Supremacists. I haven't heard of anything that came from Antifa. This is just more revenge by Trump for Charlottesville and a dog-whistle to his Nazis.
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
I've pretty much heard the same thing. Some journalist give some passing blame to Antifa, but only because they can directly prove some of it might not be.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Begin with an honest discussion of racism in all its manifestations. In that discussion talk about the real history of this country ( you really should read Howard Zinn) , not the textbooks used in a high school history class. Televise the discussions. Make sure there are prominent politicians, educators, business persons, religious leaders (unfortunately they need to be included) and civil rights activists Take the gloves off, but do it Docratoc style so no one person dominates. Make it go one weeks, if not months. Many won't tune in, but the discussion that follows on the news and in peoples living rooms will more than suffice to ferret out the real truths and shed light on many factors previously hidden. I real honest discussion about race relations, slavery, the War in the West, the field workers in California has never really been engaged in. We see an occasional movie, a PBS special, but of limited consumption. Bring it to the mainstream, in your face and long lasting. At least until the topic is finally exhaisted.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Yes racism exist all over, but the only racism that is relevant right now to us is what is happening in our country. I have worked the South, done graduate work in the North, and taught in marginalized communities and populations for 32 years. My experience is not insubstantial either. I have seen how institutionalized racism impacts a marginalized population firsthand for 32 years. Not from the eyes on the mainstream white privileged class, but from their eyes. I have seen the historic scars and the historic trauma that has altered their culture to the point that what should be strength is now impotent to address their ills.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Law is a set of rules that work only by common ascent. Trump has taught us that by just declining to ascent to obey that the laws are toothless. Plus you cannot have two sets of laws. One for the whites and another for minorities. Things are only outwardly better. But not really. Alabama does not have a very good reputation outside of Alabama for being tolerant and fair. If you could get a person of color to honestly give his/her opinion about how things have changed for the better, I bet you would be surprised. But the problem remains that a person of color in the South, still feels compelled to hold their tongue due to the forces of racism that still exists there. Only in urban centers where greater anonymity is afforded would you get an honest opinion. IMO and experience.
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
@WilliamFleming I disagree. The 1964 Voters Rights Act and the 1965 Civil rights Act only got rid of the obvious outward appearance by elimenating Jim Crow. Tthe acts did nothing to address the institutionalized racsim in law enforcement practices, the Justice system, or the economic injustices that remained and pervaded our society. Red Line and real estate practices, real estate discrimenation, discrimenatoy banking practices, gerrymeandeing, continual roadblocks to voting rights and opportuniiies. it just goes on an on. We are bound by the past because the past has never been resolved. It's never been thouroughly dealt with just swept under the carpet or hidden out of site. We are bound by our past because our past is still with us, among us and weaving its evil tendrils through society. Nobody can have watched the news for the last 6 years and not seen the underlying racsim that still persists. A desire for something else is not the same as it being something else./
Racism in America
WilliamFleming comments on Jun 2, 2020:
The system itself is not racist but the system is often distorted and applied in illegal, discriminatory ways. It’s not just a small minority who have racist sentiments. Just about everyone has some racist inclinations whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, racism is part of the human ...
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
I disagree. The system is inherently racist. If you follow the history of America since the arrival of Europeans. The majority of policies have been purposely formed to the detriment of anybody who was of non-white European descent. It was originally directed at the Native inhabitants. The history of policy dealing with Natives has almost always been overtly racist in its objective. Manifest Destiny as a governmental policy was inherently racist in its inception and manifestation. The Southern rural culture was built on a overly racist action and policy. Forcefully and cruelly importing blacks for forced labor to support the rural agricultural based economy. Two hundred years of slavery then another 100 years of Jim Crow was nothing short of overt, unadulterated racism. Pick any year from 1619 and any policy, especially in the South, dealing with blacks was overtly racist. The Emancipation Proclamation, perhaps being the exception but it was negated by the Jim Crow policies. Then take the passage of the Chinese Immigration Act of the 1880's. This was a directly overt policy aimed at the immigration of people of Chinese descent. Several policies, some local, some national, surrounding the immigration of Italians and the Irish had distinct racist overtones. The policies in the West and Southwest dealing with people of Hispanic descent, were and are racist. Whether it be associated with the farm workers and Bruceros, or the "build the wall", movement, overt racism. Our government was formed out European Imperialism that occurred around the world. Imperialism is built upon a pretentense of white privilege in which the colonizers are of superior genetic and cultural make up and the colonized are inferior. Since control and structure of our society is founded upon white privilege as its essential paradigm, racism is inherent in our governmental system. Institutional and systemic racism in the US is the norm and not the exception. Read Howard Zinn's, A People's History of the United States. It looks at history through the eyes of the oppressed groups as opposed to the white washed history we get in the classroom textbooks.
Hi how are you fellows. Long time no post. How are you especially the young adults like me.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Jun 3, 2020:
## Feeling hung down, brung down, inspected, injected, dejected and rejected.
t1nick replies on Jun 3, 2020:
Are you old enough to remember the comic book series, The Fabulous Furry Freak Bros.? One character in the comic, Fat Freddy, had a cat who used to always shit in all their shoes. Which of course they put on without checking first. Lol
This may not be all that uncommon, but not in my everyday lexicon.
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I hear it all the time since Trump came into office. I had a general feel for it, but not clarity. Thank you
t1nick replies on Jun 2, 2020:
@HippieChick58 I gave it up when I moved back to the Rez 4 years ago
Right now in DC, Trump just moved us one step closer to a Fascist state
Cutiebeauty comments on Jun 2, 2020:
How's that? Please explain...
t1nick replies on Jun 2, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty The rule of law only works if their is common ascent. He has proved by simply not ascentingbit can be broken and ignored. Especiallybeith this cowardly senate.
Trump supporters and Republicans are so nondiscrimenate in their politicsl theater watching.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Donny Dum Dumb is so special ... And SUCH A COWARD! I'd beat the crap outta that anus if I weren't stuck at home. Six months pregnant! Holy crap! I wish. I wish. I could protest!
t1nick replies on Jun 2, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Really glad to hear it. I hadnt touched base with you in a long time. Thought it was time.
Right now in DC, Trump just moved us one step closer to a Fascist state
Cutiebeauty comments on Jun 2, 2020:
How's that? Please explain...
t1nick replies on Jun 2, 2020:
On the brink of declaring marshal law in the country
Trump supporters and Republicans are so nondiscrimenate in their politicsl theater watching.
itsmedammit comments on Jun 2, 2020:
His walk reminded me of the video that shows Putin strutting about. I think Trump was trying to mimic that.
t1nick replies on Jun 2, 2020:
It wouldn't surprise me one bit. A tinpot dictator to be. a wanna be strong man
Trump supporters and Republicans are so nondiscrimenate in their politicsl theater watching.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jun 2, 2020:
Donny Dum Dumb is so special ... And SUCH A COWARD! I'd beat the crap outta that anus if I weren't stuck at home. Six months pregnant! Holy crap! I wish. I wish. I could protest!
t1nick replies on Jun 2, 2020:
Speaking of that. How are you and Frankie,and baby Jillion? haven't touched base for awhile. How Is second pregnancy going well?
Trump supporters and Republicans are so nondiscrimenate in their politicsl theater watching.
JackPedigo comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Some of the more concerned governors will push back, I know our will. This is just another of his tricks and this might be only a preview of what's to come. I also feel the virus will be a big neutralizer for all sides.
t1nick replies on Jun 1, 2020:
Just wait for the spoke from this past weeks activities
Trump supporters and Republicans are so nondiscrimenate in their politicsl theater watching.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jun 1, 2020:
They are calling in the military and other agencies to D.C. D.C. cops and the secret service tear gassed and set off blasts to chase off PEACEFUL protesters just so tRump could go do a photo op at a church.
t1nick replies on Jun 1, 2020:
This may not be all that uncommon, but not in my everyday lexicon.
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I hear it all the time since Trump came into office. I had a general feel for it, but not clarity. Thank you
t1nick replies on Jun 1, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty I used to. But I dont own a television. Lol
Washington DC at this moment, Trump moves us closer to a truly Facsist Nation.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jun 1, 2020:
This is scary Nick!!!
t1nick replies on Jun 1, 2020:
I agree. It goes against everything I've fought against for 50 years.
Right now in DC, Trump just moved us one step closer to a Fascist state
KKGator comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Fuck him. With a chainsaw. I'm telling you, he's going to find a way to stop the election in November. He wants to be a fucking dictator.
t1nick replies on Jun 1, 2020:
He has joke around the issue on multiple occasions. His jokes are prudent of what is really on his mind as a real consideration.
We have reached the point where it is no longer possible to blame the looting and violence upon ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Just because something is illegal doesn't make it immoral. Was the French Revolution morally wrong? It was certainly illegal. When the divide between the rich and the poor becomes so extreme; and when the poor are exploited and struggling, just to survive, something has to give. I support the ...
t1nick replies on Jun 1, 2020:
I agree, but everything has a point of diminishing returns, at which time a tipping point is acheived.
Barr, Trump and WH attempt to shift entire blame onto Antifa.
RobertMartin comments on May 31, 2020:
Idk, the one thing I haven't heard about are the events that took place that made the police officer restrain the suspect in question. Was there resistance of arrest, threats made, ect?. I think all of this needs to be looked into before crying racism.
t1nick replies on May 31, 2020:
That's a cop out. There is a video clip from across the street which shows the officers having some difficulty with someone in the back of the police car.. The primary video shows Mr. Floyd comepletely submissive and not resisiting. There is very little question as to that fact. Given the history in Minneapolis for racial discrimenation by the law inforcement department there, its mlre expected than surprising. Given the primary officer has 18 excessive force accusations on his record and his partent Tau, has several as well. Given the recent history as captured on video since 2014 of the indiscrimenatte violence and force by law enforcement upon Black males, there is little question about his being found guilty (except for a rigged blu code protection agreement with the Justice system). Open your eyes, institutional racism and systemic racism has been running rapmpant for two Centuries
We have reached the point where it is no longer possible to blame the looting and violence upon ...
Charlene comments on May 31, 2020:
I hope they burn this Shithole country to the Fucking Ground..I don't fucking care about things, I care about people.. I ache for Black Parents having to tell Their kids that: Cops Will Kill You Simply because You're Black. Or Stop You walking down the street Simply because You're Black. Or Getting ...
t1nick replies on May 31, 2020:
You're right about falling on deaf ears and who can blame them. But its more about the white privilge assholes beginnng to hear beyond their own echo chamber and begin to fix their behavior. Only by action will many believe.
We have reached the point where it is no longer possible to blame the looting and violence upon ...
Cutiebeauty comments on May 31, 2020:
I agree... The looting has nothing to do with a protest except maybe protesting at home sheltering and not allowed to earn a paycheck...
t1nick replies on May 31, 2020:
Combine the frustration and anger in the minority community due to decades of oppressive law enforcement tactics, with the anxiety, fear, and insecurity introduced by the COVID epidemic. Can any one wonder at the extreme reaction and actions by people.
Barr, Trump and WH attempt to shift entire blame onto Antifa.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 31, 2020:
So, is this claim of white supremacy group involvement in the looting and rioting merely more of the typical projection we always seem to get from the leftists, or do you actually have any confirmed proof? (And yes, it was a rhetorical question. 😁)
t1nick replies on May 31, 2020:
Yes, the Minnesota Govenor and Mayor on Friday talking about statistics. Denial helps nobody. You have been in denial about most social issues the entire two years we have been exchanging posts. like most Republicans you like to cherry pick what you call facts and then project them like they are the rule as opposed to an exception..Tsk,tsk, tsk.
Barr, Trump and WH attempt to shift entire blame onto Antifa.
Cutiebeauty comments on May 31, 2020:
Only about forty percent will believe this phony crap.. Trump supporters..
t1nick replies on May 31, 2020:
The mindless leading the ignorant.
Steve Bannon and Stephan Miller, and the orher white Supremacist in the WH must be loving the ...
DenoPenno comments on May 31, 2020:
Stephan Miller is said to write a lot of Trump's speeches.
t1nick replies on May 31, 2020:
Yes. He was the architect for the detainment policy and child-parent separation policy for immigrants.
AMERICA is burning again tonight.
racocn8 comments on May 30, 2020:
What percentage of peoples of color voted in the last election? Trump's attitudes toward non-Whites is extremely well documented. He panders to the neo-nazis, KKK and Evangelicals, stoking their their hatreds. With Trump in office, and the GOP in power, what are the chances that change can be...
t1nick replies on May 30, 2020:
Not nearly enough that is true. But Republican attempts to make voting more difficult for minorites, voter role dumping, geryymandering, all have left minorities both skeptical and cynical.. Many in the minority community do not believe their votes counts given the years of obstacles placed in their path.
Do not let the violent action of the outside agitators divert and steal the real dialogue that needs...
AnneWimsey comments on May 30, 2020:
There are plentiful peaceful protests acrossthe country today....and if you watch live coverage, the majority of protesters are white.....I am proud of all these protestors!
t1nick replies on May 30, 2020:
I am. In fact all the protest over the last three days have been very racially mixed, with lots of whites interspersed and just as angry as the local community, and mostly young people.
AMERICA is burning again tonight.
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 30, 2020:
Time to burn the houses of the elite. Burn down Mar the Fuck Lago.
t1nick replies on May 30, 2020:
@RiverRick I concur with the recognition of fraud and the wasteful way our tax dollars are spent. I have a little trouble with the implication on your conclusion, "But they must WANT to be lifted and work hard as well". The social dynamics are difficult and not straight forward. Generations of suppression has left the impression of why should I try. I'll just be knocked back down no matter how hard I try. It's a fair conclusion on their part given historical precedaent.
AMERICA is burning again tonight.
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 30, 2020:
Time to burn the houses of the elite. Burn down Mar the Fuck Lago.
t1nick replies on May 30, 2020:
@RiverRick We all work hard, but that's is no excuse to write off the conversations presently going on in this country. Not that I am insinuating that you are. No one should begrudge your fortune if it was acquired honestly through hard work. But we need the 3%-5% to join in the dialogue and voice their concern about the social inequities.
A team of University of Rhode Island scientists and statisticians conducted a sophisticated ...
creative51 comments on May 27, 2020:
I do believe that in science there must be a continual re-evaluation of theories. This is an interesting study, but it as of yet does not negate other mass extinction theories. Much is unknown about the past. Various theories attempt to put together a jigsaw puzzle of history with many pieces ...
t1nick replies on May 28, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Alvarez, et al. have pretty good evidence with the isotopic iridium signature at the K-T boundary from around the world. The iridium was created from an asteroid impact in Chicxulub I the Yicatan Peninsula. New evidence also suggests this event was accentuated by dramatic upsurge in volcanic activity contemporaneously.
A team of University of Rhode Island scientists and statisticians conducted a sophisticated ...
creative51 comments on May 27, 2020:
I do believe that in science there must be a continual re-evaluation of theories. This is an interesting study, but it as of yet does not negate other mass extinction theories. Much is unknown about the past. Various theories attempt to put together a jigsaw puzzle of history with many pieces ...
t1nick replies on May 27, 2020:
@creative51 Everything is lost on Trump.
A team of University of Rhode Island scientists and statisticians conducted a sophisticated ...
creative51 comments on May 27, 2020:
I do believe that in science there must be a continual re-evaluation of theories. This is an interesting study, but it as of yet does not negate other mass extinction theories. Much is unknown about the past. Various theories attempt to put together a jigsaw puzzle of history with many pieces ...
t1nick replies on May 27, 2020:
The definition of a scientist is someone who is perpetually skeptical. Given this, continual re-evaluation is not only prudent, but necessary.
AL Pastor Puts Up Sign Saying “Black Folks Need to Stay Out of White Churches” | Beth ...
t1nick comments on May 25, 2020:
IMO, his declaration is less about racism as it is about preservation and protection of his congregation. . Blacks are one of the most vulnerable populations throughout the South. As tensions and anger arise during this time of COVID virus, minorities become the default population for white ...
t1nick replies on May 25, 2020:
@Mofo1953 And I should believe you, why. Your selective ignorance hasnt been very impressive and convincing in the past.
Georgia one of four states (along with Arkansas South Caroline.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 22, 2020:
One needs to keep in mind that there's a difference between white privilege and white racism as a crime. To start claiming that a vast majority of hate crimes are committed by racist white people is quite the claim. You need to define what constitutes a "hate" crime, then show all the crimes ...
t1nick replies on May 23, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood I'm glad you march and support your friends. However, if you have paid attention to the news for the last two Centuries, you are an exception and not the rule. I've worked in East Texas, Louisianna, and Mississippi. So I have some experience with the Southern mindset. It's taken for granted. The further you get outside the urban centers the more racist and parochial white privilege it gets.
Georgia one of four states (along with Arkansas South Caroline.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 22, 2020:
One needs to keep in mind that there's a difference between white privilege and white racism as a crime. To start claiming that a vast majority of hate crimes are committed by racist white people is quite the claim. You need to define what constitutes a "hate" crime, then show all the crimes ...
t1nick replies on May 23, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood It may not be the 18th Crntury, but the South has not progressed much since then in many ways. The Colonial paradigm is still a major component of the Southern culture. Its true I left out gender crimes against women and LGBTQ community. You dont discriminate there either. You are equally hateful against them as well. Murder crimes related to drugs and gangs are usually perpetrated against their own kind (with the exception of when neighboring gangs of different races have territorial disputes). These do not count as hate crimes as the motivation is different.
Court rules “Dueling Dinos” belong to landowners, in a win for science By Warren CornwallMay.
EyesThatSmile comments on May 23, 2020:
A good outcome, definitely.
t1nick replies on May 23, 2020:
Yes but it is only half the battle. Fossils found on private land belong to the landowner and are not protected. For instance in Rock Sprong, Wyo. area, land owner frequently find fossils and literally rip them out of the ground. Much of the important paleontological information comes from being able to observe the fossils in situ. Map the formation, take associated samples etc. Some states and the Federal government have set up protections for some finds regardless of where it was found. Some paleontological preservation zones have been set up to preserve important fossils finds.
COVID-19 pandemic myths are spreading faster than the virus. But Why?
Surfpirate comments on May 23, 2020:
The best way to defeat outrageous conspiracy theories is to provide people with clear, consistent and verifiable facts. Instead of this, we have media hype, political spin and a scientific community that has been underfunded for decades trying to play catch up and figure out a new virus in weeks, ...
t1nick replies on May 23, 2020:
Problem is..... there is a sizable segment of the population which is predisposed to believing conspiracies and reject facts. No matter how clear, consistent, or verifiable. It relates to an ever growing cynicism in traditional institutions and authorities. As Winston Churchill once said, "You are welcome to your own opinion, but not to your own facts". This group believes their psuedo-facts are facts over any attempts to use logic or rational argument to demonstrate their flawed understanding.. The electronic media has contributed to social environment where this acceptance of conspiracies as truth is reinforced.
The oldest story in the world - [sciencemag.
t1nick comments on May 23, 2020:
None of this is overly surprising. 35,000 BP the Earth was still in the grips of the last ice age. The straits between Australia, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia were connected by a land bridge as much of the world's oceans were locked up in polar ice caps. There was a lot of human and faunal ...
t1nick replies on May 23, 2020:
@Allamanda very true
Georgia one of four states (along with Arkansas South Caroline.
Captain_Feelgood comments on May 22, 2020:
One needs to keep in mind that there's a difference between white privilege and white racism as a crime. To start claiming that a vast majority of hate crimes are committed by racist white people is quite the claim. You need to define what constitutes a "hate" crime, then show all the crimes ...
t1nick replies on May 22, 2020:
The claim that most hate crimes are perpetraed by white racists/ nationalists is not my claim. It is based upon statistics collected by the FBI and the Southern Poverty Law Center, DOJ, and Jewish Ant-Defamation League. Definition: The term "hate crime" was coined in the 1980s by journalists and policy advocates who were attempting to describe a series of incidents directed at African Americans, Asians, and Jews. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has since defined a hate crime as a "criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin." ( White privilege is a version of white racism. It is a hold over from colonialim and European Imperialism. The idea that idividuals of white european descent are superior to other races underlies the culture in the South. It is eingrained and difficult to divorce oneself from it.
About a week or so ago, I was listening to a speaker on NPR talking about the rise of the ...
rogerbenham comments on May 21, 2020:
The right wing adores itself and selfishness. Thought is not a good idea as it allows revolutionary concepts that only produce unhappiness. Glory to the leaders and the wars.
t1nick replies on May 22, 2020:
@rogerbenham Yeah I'm a rather liberal progressive myself and an intellectual as well. I just wanted to make sure I hadnt misinterpreted something.
About a week or so ago, I was listening to a speaker on NPR talking about the rise of the ...
rogerbenham comments on May 21, 2020:
The right wing adores itself and selfishness. Thought is not a good idea as it allows revolutionary concepts that only produce unhappiness. Glory to the leaders and the wars.
t1nick replies on May 21, 2020:
I get three meanings from your response: 1) the political right is selfish and are legends in theit own minds: 2) thinking and intellectualism is bad to the right because it fosters revolutionary thoughts which the right fears: 3) a sarcastic response to power and the conflicts that result from said power. Did I get your meaning correct?
The worst thing you can do to castiron frying pan is soaking it in water.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2020:
I always heard wash with water, but not soap. I havent used my set in years.
t1nick replies on May 20, 2020:
@Triphid Done that more than once when I working in the field. Lol
See the eerie glacier caves carved by Mount St.
hankster comments on May 19, 2020:
i went on a guided tour of one of these caves. very interesting. it wasn't a cave in the typical sense as much as a lava Passage. bizarre.
t1nick replies on May 19, 2020:
@hankster Sounds delicious. Lol
See the eerie glacier caves carved by Mount St.
hankster comments on May 19, 2020:
i went on a guided tour of one of these caves. very interesting. it wasn't a cave in the typical sense as much as a lava Passage. bizarre.
t1nick replies on May 19, 2020:
Yeah, I toured smaller ones in western NM in the lava fields of El Malpais
If Eric Trump really believed this, he wouldn't have done the interview from the safety of his home.
t1nick comments on May 18, 2020:
Sure he would have. He's a dumber peckerwood than his father. His idiocy knows no bounds and his white and economic privilege makes him think that he is untouchable.
t1nick replies on May 18, 2020:
@barjoe I'll agree with that. All three of the older Trump's I'll begotten siblings (Eric, Jt, & Ivanka) are evil.
Taken from "Penguin Island", Anatole France, 1947: "We afterwards went to visit the cabinet of ...
Jon_Frum comments on May 17, 2020:
Being the POS he is, I really wonder if his lack of effort toward the pandemic was due to his foreknowledge that this would disproportionately affect the minority communities the hardest and reduce the Democratic voter count by selectively culling the herd.
t1nick replies on May 18, 2020:
@prometheus He is hurting his base the more old white folks kick it.
May 14, 2020,10:00pm EDT Is It Time To Dethrone The Big Bang Theory?
Omnedon comments on May 17, 2020:
"Black holes, invisible dark matter and the idea of the cosmos being born in a millisecond defy plain common sense." There are many known things about the universe that seem to defy common sense.
t1nick replies on May 17, 2020:
Common sense perhaps, but not the Laws of Physics
Taken from "Penguin Island", Anatole France, 1947: "We afterwards went to visit the cabinet of ...
Jon_Frum comments on May 17, 2020:
Being the POS he is, I really wonder if his lack of effort toward the pandemic was due to his foreknowledge that this would disproportionately affect the minority communities the hardest and reduce the Democratic voter count by selectively culling the herd.
t1nick replies on May 17, 2020:
That is a good hypothesis. However, the white privileged class he emanates do not think that deeply. They see the vulnerable masses as objects to their means. They are expendable and therefore little energy or effort is expended on their plight, one way or another. Unfortunately it might ultimately have the result you outlined. I am sure in private, when queried he justifies his actions as a necessary culling and thus providing a service to the nation.
Taken from "Penguin Island", Anatole France, 1947: "We afterwards went to visit the cabinet of ...
LiterateHiker comments on May 17, 2020:
Since age 18, I have been resisting and fighting Republican policies. As a volunteer, I register high school students to vote. Don't blame me. I am a lifelong Democrat, anti-war activist, feminist and environmentalist. Last night I watched "Becoming" on Netflix starring Michelle Obama. A ...
t1nick replies on May 17, 2020:
Keep up the essential work and get the word out
Taken from "Penguin Island", Anatole France, 1947: "We afterwards went to visit the cabinet of ...
Paddypereira comments on May 17, 2020:
Any similarity with actual reality is purely coincidental... Lol!!!
t1nick replies on May 17, 2020:
@Paddypereira He has about 30% of the population that backs him. I get the feeling that the actual number that "like" him is probably about 10-15%. The rest hate the traditional establishment because they feel victimized by it or see Trump as a pliable means to gaining more wealth and power.


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