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Henna work
t1nick comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Enticing and lovely
Mom outraged after finding penis on toy lion
t1nick comments on Jul 9, 2019:
Lol - I bet her kids grow up dysfunctional
Sunset near here at one of our lighthouses
t1nick comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I love lighthouses. Organized my bicycle tour of Nova Scotia in 1997 to catch as many lighthouses along the way as I could.
Love it when a plan comes together...🙄
t1nick comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I've been tongue-in-cheek touting Trump as an anti-Christ since his election. Glad to see someone who agrees. Lol
Phrontistery - A place for thinking or studying.
t1nick comments on Jul 9, 2019:
An interesting query. How do most of my peers in this group come upon the words they post. I see we have a new website reference for unusual and uncommon words. Leaving this website aside, what are most peoples source. I for one, I get mine from the novels I read. I like historical fiction, especially noir or espionage/cold war stories. Thats why there are large breaks in my postings new words. Reading in-between teaching.
This is what think is a major problem in our country.
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Your first premise isnt totally correct. Not all the members of the House and Senate (the House worse than the Senate) are well educated. Select members of the Freedom Caucus have demonstrated a lack of higher level education. Not only that, but a degree does not necessarily a guarantee of being either wise or intelligent. There are a lot of ways to cheat your way through a college degree (and the ethics of some of these politicians would not put it past them).
And I found all eight of them!
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
All eight of them are about the spider. Lol
Photo of team's Border Patrol costumes at golf tournament sparks outcry
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
I agree with the article statement that they are not sorry about the award and the message, just that they got caught and called out on it.
Beautiful Asian with a stunning shape!
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It seems like the really good stories are affected by divine intervention or something because they ...
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Sounds like intellectual masturbation. Something to kick around while sitting around the campfire after a bottle of Mescal. Call me a skeptical scientist. Oh wait, that the definition of a scientist. Lol
"Religious delusion was found in 2007 to strongly correlate with "temporolimbic overactivity”, a ...
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Research shows that the area of the brain associated with religious euphoria lights up the exact same brain centers as a cocaine high, sexual orgasm, a chocolate high, and a caffeine high. All these events are associated with both addiction and dopamine production. As such, the compelling need to repeat these activities are related to a desire to create the euphoria brought on the dopamine production (I dont know about any of you, but I can deal with the sex, caffeine, and chocolare addiction with no problem - lol).
Good evening everyone.
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
That wasn't a picture of Trump, it was an illustration of a exploded hemorrhoid.
Two Americans gored and hospitalized after bull run. Why do this?
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
In 2004 I did a bicycle trip from Bilboa, Spain to St. Malo France. The day that I hit the turn off to Pamplona was the dayvprior to the running. An event I always wanted to do. After deliberation at the crossroads i continued onto Biarritz. My decision was primarily based on the travel schedule I set for myselfI sometimes regret that decision, sometimes not..
Canada legalises marijuana to help them cope with living next to America
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Lol, cant say I blame them.
Nice pic... What's the caption?
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Look, I'm sporting my latest climbing apparel. Top that Royal Robbins. Lol
Kriol - an Australian language made up from Pidgin English, Chinese and Aboriginal languages.
t1nick comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Sort of like the pidgeon trade language of the Caribbean and the trade language of New Guinea
Who's more out of touch Nancy pelosy or Joe Biden?
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell
OK - not, perhaps, QUITE what springs to mind upon hearing the words 'female pussy', but rather cute...
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Meowww! Lol
GOP removes lawmaker's remarks from the record after dispute over border deaths
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Re-writing history to cover their sins. Sounds like China, Russia, and various other authoritarian countries that don't want to remembered for their actions.
She just flew in.
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Witchy Woman. Lol
The Women’s Football World Cup is just kicking off in The Olympic Park, Lyon, France.
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
At 31 minutes in its 0-0
President Trump’s Revolutionary War quiz - The Washington Post
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
He has quite a handful... One of my favorite positions... 😍😊😋😱😳
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Woo hoo! Lol
The Ancient Pots That Hint at Cannabis’s Early Use as a Drug []
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Where do people think most drugs originnaly come from? The foundation for most of the basic pharmacoepia that we have used until recently, were synthesized versions of cultural botanical remedies. For instance, aspirin was synthesized from a Native herbal combination of local botanicals used as a pain killer in Native communities.
I predict Donald Trump will win if Kamala Harris is the nominee.
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
This sounds like a white privilege perspective to me. I'm not sure this was your intent. From your bio you express concerns about troubling social trends that negatively impact marginalized groups. But your post reflects a whites only perspective. Kamala realizes that minorities are becoming a large voting block, and that Trump is spurring the dialogue around racial discrimenation as it hasnt been since 1964. She is betting that monorities, women , and the under 30 vote will be the tipping point in at last overtaking the white vote. Its early in the race, and she realizes that galvanizing her contigency will pay off down the road. Don't mistake my point. I'm not saying she is a shoe-in to win. And Im not saying that the contigency she is attempting to appeal too will ultimarely be successful in overtaking and reversing traditional white male dominance in politics in this next election. But she/they might be. She is part of a growing ground swell. It may not realize itself in 2020 fully, but it is a force to be reckoned with in the future.
I am part Indigenous, and I study my indigenous ancestry A LOT.
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I have been a teacher in the Native American community for over 30 years. I began my teaching career teaching on the Hopi Reservation. A geographically isolated reservation that still had most of their culture (albeit they too have beem affected by the main stream culture - but not as much by Christianity 30 years sgo). Now 30 years later, living and teaching on the Navajo Reservation I see a definitive impact of Christianity on the Native community. I would not be exaggerating if I were to postulate that at least 95% of my community identify themselves as Christian and Native. All public ceremonies are begun with a Christian prayer and end with a Chrisrian prayer. As a side note, we require one year of a foreign language as a high school graduation requirement. Our foreign language is native Navajo. Their own language is being treated as a foreign language because the vast majority of students coming to us only speak or understand just a few words of their own language. Our way at preserving the language, but I worry the message of their language as a foreign language is troubling. 60% of the students resent or resist the classes and the required learning of their own language.
"Laser Scans Reveal Maya "Megalopolis" Below Guatemalan Jungle Researchers have identified the ...
t1nick comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I wish would have had this technology available to us when I was a practicing field archaeologist. We were on the cutting edge of satellite imagery, but limited access. Nothing like this new technology. Exciting.
If God dropped acid, would he see people?
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Well if it were a "bad" trip he'd probably see evangelicals and Republicans. Might be no way of coming back from a bad trip like that except for throwing yourself off a skyscraper. Lol
For you tat aficionados!
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I like to share these tidbits of information with theists in hopes that they will stop and think.
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Isn't that an Oxymoron? Christians stopping and thinking?
I just had my very first child, a beautiful baby girl.
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
CB, from what youve posted over course of last year, it seems like Frankie has been there for you. I know at one point he wanted marry (if I am remembering correctly), but you weren't ready. Now that Jillian is here is Frankie still standing by you? I know his catholic family is a challenge. Having said all that, the question remains, what level of commitment to want and need now? Do you have any questions or nagging gut feelings that Frankie is not commited. Close your eyes and think about Frankie. Is there any thing that causes discomfort in your stomach when you think about him. Any regrets or hesitations. If not thats a good sign. If yes, is it something that can be overcome. Nothing is a absolutely for sure or certain. One generally knows in their gut if its not right, the red flags that eventually become something insurmountable. This is a difficult time because, with the new baby there are so many emotions, feelings, and hormones. Take your time, be sure one way or the other. Don't hurry.
I was blocked by someone I never knew... Anyone else?
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Why would anybody block you. You have strong opinions, but you are never obnoxious or overbearing like me. Lol. Some people are just afraid when somebody doesnt hold the same opinion. Better off withoutvthem. Lol
Amber Rose.
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I'm familiar with her. Shes attractive.
Who is the best musician of these icons? So hard to choose.
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Stevie Ray Vaughn
It started... I changed my first diaper yesterday! Woohoo! 😲😵 and yuck!
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
CB, did you finally decide to go disposable or with cotton diapers? I remember your post and discussion months ago.
It started... I changed my first diaper yesterday! Woohoo! 😲😵 and yuck!
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Lol. And many more to follow. Lol
Has anyone heard from @carolekay?
t1nick comments on Jul 6, 2019:
The quakes were about 120 miles northeast. LA only got about a 4.0 tremor from what the reports say. She should not have been in much danger if she was in LA at the time.
For those who hate comparing Trump to Hitler, look at this: [thehill.
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Just got through reading Richatd Wake's historical fiction novel, "Vienna at Nightfall". The book is very well resesrched. It traces the rise of the Nazi Party and the march into Austria. The Nazis depicted in the novel resemble Trump and his followers as witnessed on TV during his campaign rallies. It also shows a close resemblance between the action of top Nazi officials (including Hitler) and top officials in Trumps Administration. Parallels are scary.
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Yup, I agree. Beautiful
The "are you a United States citizen " question proposed by Donny dumb dumb was rejected by the ...
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Under normal Administrations he could not. The Census question is on the Constitution as the responsibility of the Congress. Plus, it is the practice in this country that the US Supreme Court is the end all be all when they rule. But this is no ordinary Administration and he will just fire the existing head of the Agency that oversees printing the census and appoint his own flunky who will proceed anyway.
Why would a man write to me for another guy? A scam?
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Can you say Cyrano de Bergerac? i concur with your assessment.
Care to go swimming? (see comment)
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Problems with Agnostic Android App and Google log in
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I use Google Chrome and have no difficulty. I have no problem loading originally or running. I do >90% of entries to the site on my phone, not a regular computer. I use the Android platform on my Samsung phone.
President of National Border Patrol Council: 'Ocasio-Cortez is trying to dehumanize us' | TheHill
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
AOC doesn't have to dehumanize CBP officials, they are doing a good job of that themselves. Ill treatment of people is ill treatment of people. Plain and simple. Whether you compare how Hitler treated people, how Stalin treated people, how Mao treated people, or how Pol Pot treated people, inhumane treatment is inhumane treatment. Getting hung up on terminology doesn't change the truth. CPB are acting like the bad actors they are taking umbrage at being compared to. A skunk cabbage by any other name is still a skunk cabbage (sorry for murdering the original quote).
Pick one that could fit your taste 🙊😹 and whyyyyyy😁
t1nick comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Happy fourth of July all and happy birthday to baby Jillian too.
t1nick comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Congrats CB. You have a new role and a new challenge. I know you are up to it. Jillian is a lovely name.
How Border-Crossing Became a Crime in the United States - HISTORY
t1nick comments on Jul 4, 2019:
No. hated Native Americans long before Chinese. No Treaty between the US and Native tribes were ever honored as laid out and agreed upon. But Natives weren't considered immigrants. Just a nuisance ti be rid of. But, yes. First ofgicial Immigration Actcwas focused on the Chinese (yellow peril).
The political and moral spectrums are spheres, not simple 2-D grids.
t1nick comments on Jul 4, 2019:
"Truth was cherished?" You mean like slaves were 1/2 a person and only property, a women had no standing whatsoever, and Natives were to be eradicated outright if they tried to hold on to their territory. Only persons who counted were white men who owned land. What truth are referring to? Are we watching Timcasts again? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk
Imperial AT-ATs Begin Arriving In Capital For Military Parade | The Babylon Bee
t1nick comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Lol, I bet if he read he would be convinced they actually exist our arsenal.
Anna Kalinskaya, young tennis player from Russia made it to current Wimbledon Tournament, but was ...
t1nick comments on Jul 4, 2019:
An up and coming force to reckoned with.
I Didn’t Die Today, AKA trip to The Badlands of South Dakota.
t1nick comments on Jul 4, 2019:
An adventure to say the least. Been there, done that in my younger days. Glad you're safe.
My water broke... I'm heading to the hospital to welcome my little baby into the world!
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Congratulations. Finally the big moment. I hope all goes well Caitlyn. May you have a short labor and a healthy baby.
I live in the USA, i am ashamed to be a usa citizen this 4th. Deeply ashamed.
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Careful, the conservatives are going to go all Merle Haggard on you, "merika love it or leave it". They don't understand the First Amendment (or they just never bothered to read it).
I have a question that maybe you all can help with.
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Try the Front Range of Colorado. A purple to blue corridor. Jobs avaiable as it is one of the states growing in indusry. Prices increasing but come soon, you could get in before they explode beyond reason. Lots of things to do, outdoor life, lots of cultural events. Year round sports.
My water broke! I'm headed to the hospital to welcome my tiny baby into the world!
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Good news. Good luck Caitlyn, we all pulling for you and the baby. May it be a short labor.
Does anyone get this Betsy Ross flag banning?
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
White Supremacy groups have co-opted the flag as one of their symbols. That is the reason for Nike's decision.
Joaquin Castro stealthily captures photo and video at border detention center - The Washington Post
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I have buy a subscription to watch the video. Not cool.
Trump’s celebration of himself is the perfect reminder of why he must leave - The Washington Post
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
The green sign on the photograph os exactly right. Statistics show that only 58%of eligible voters actually voted in the 2016 Presidential election. Trump got 24% of that vote. Which means he was elected by less than 14%(13.92%) of the voting age public. Post election statistics show that of the 42% of the nation that did not vote, the majority favored voting Democrat over Rupublican. Both candidates unfavorables were above 50%. Both had favorable rankings below 45%.
Mark Twain explains Evangelicals and the Tea Party....
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Its no longer the Tea Party. Now its calls itself the Freedon Caucus. Still as virulent as ever.
So if trump loses the election, will he fabricate a crisis and try to stay in power?
t1nick comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Yes, unless its a landslide defeat
Trump’s Military Parade Is Now Estimated to Cost $92 Million: Report – Fortune []
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Where's the Pentagon through all this? We need some adults in Washington.
Trumps 4th of july
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Where's Putin, he's missing the party
Did President tRump say this?
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Sounds like something he'd say. Unfortunately he knows what the electoral college is. Its how he stole the election.
I've just made a few comments about W.
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I never liked Bush, but he almost looks like genius compared to Trump.
Trump just announced that our brand new Sherman tanks will be taking part in his 4th of July parade.
t1nick comments on Jul 2, 2019:
We don't have any "new" Sherman tanks. Lol. He's such an Idiot
Warren is now for censorship... She has lost my vote. []
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Girls just wanna have fun.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
8:40 pm MST
‘It was horrific’: Body falls from plane into a GARDEN in south London — RT World News
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
If evolution were true..
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
If???..... nonsequiter. False comparison.
How to get two over 6 ft tall teenagers to do chores around the house?
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Stop being a servent. Stop cooking for them, tell them to get their own meal. Buy some easy to make frozen food (hiotpockets, etc.). Stop washing there cloths andvtell them if they want clean clothes, do it themselves. Stop cleaning their bedroom, tell them if they want a clean room do it themselves. They will resist at first, but do not give in. If the oldest strikes your daughter, call the police. Let him be responsible for his actions. The key is you cannot give in and return to previous behavior. Not easy, but your daughter is the adult in the room. Take control and be the adult.
Canadian artist fired after viral Trump cartoon "This is a false narrative which has emerged ...
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Its unfortunate. he's not off. Trump gavevhis condolences. But you always tell when Trump is insincere as he talks real slow and sounds like a dyslexic reading off a teleprompter (which he is and which he was). He is incapable or real empathy, which part of his pathology.
Okay all.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
You're excused. You have nothing to apologize for. Sometimes it takes a good kick in the toucus to get people moving. Lol
Good morning all.
t1nick comments on Jul 1, 2019:
14 months as of July 4th.
How do we celebrate the 4th of July this year...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Is Trump still planning to throw hisself a parade? Good thing I do not have a television.
At the G-20 Summit, Vladimir Putin said that liberalism was "obsolete.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Could somebody say "Road Warrior"
Story time! There once was a little girl who grew up in religion.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
An alternative approach is get a degree in International Relations. Graduate and take the Diplomatic Corps test. Join the State Deoartment and become a bridge between the two worlds. Especially given India's increased importance in world affairs. I know, not as altruistic, but important none the less.
Anyone from Russia?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Have you checked the White House recently. I understand they are installing a revolving door for the Russian oligarchy. Lol
Number Of Teachers Quitting The Classroom After Just One Year Hits All-Time High
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Alright, this article is about the UK, not the US. On average anout 40-50% of new teachers change careers after just 3 years in my experience over my last 30 years of teaching. I do not know UK educational laws, but NCLB (No Child Left Behind) by Bush II, made it difficult for schools to hire unqualified teachers (not impossible, but difficult). In order to meet yearly Federal evaluations standards all schools must have certified staff in all positions. Failure to do so will negatively impact their evaluation, and therefore, the Federal monies that they recieve as a consequence of the evaluation. Furthermore, teachers must continue to advance there own education in their accreditation field. This usually means working towards an advanced degree beyond their bachelors. The majority of this happens contemporaneous with them teaching full time, and the teacher is responsible for paying for it, not the school district in most cases. Failure to comply and acquire further education negatively impacts their yearly step grade advancement and their salary scale.
Beauty and sexiness is depend on you, bababooom! I like her dress it fits on me😆🤣😅 ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
And I bet you'd wear it well.
Grieving the children of Palestine and the dream of Zionism | Jewish Journal
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Sort of reminds me of the excuses given by conservatives regarding the children held in detention camps along our southern border. Their lives do not mean as much as the children identified as full-fledged citizens. sorry state of affairs
Lucky mirror.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
nice mirror. lol
A high percentage of Trump supporters are marginalized whites who are struggling to get by, and ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Glad you posted. I have at least a dozen posts extolling and explaining the same thing this last year. Im not alone.🙂
Thank God ICE deported 53-year-old pastor.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Good post. On one hand well written and tongue in cheek humor wants to make you laugh, and on the other it makes you shake your head in disgust.
Keeping my membership up to date.
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Mmmmm. Nice
I'm not a Biden fan, but if I were his campaign manager I would put him in a coma until next ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
I have always liked and appreciated Biden. He's last of the politicians with integrity. But he is out of step with popular opinions held by the country today. He appears to be tone deaf and unable to adjust. Time to retire and act as a resource for up and coming politicians.
From Emily Price: I decided to do a little research into the $750/day figure I’d heard a ...
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Thank you for sharing this post
How has learning science affected your life?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Gave me a vocation and a carreer
Let's be honest, what is your answer?😊
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Dog pooh
Good resources on learning evolution?
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Which is one book that I can read to understand evolution? NATURE & ENVIRONMENT » EVOLUTION The best books on Evolution recommended by Jerry Coyne Best Books On Evolution... 233 books — This list was created and voted on by Goodreads members. The list is a compilation of all the good books dealing with Evolution. This does not however contain the pseudo-scientific books which argue against THE FACT OF EVOLUTION...
What more needs be said
t1nick comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Candace Owens Does Photoshoot Mocking AOC at Detention Center There's something seriously wrong ...
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2019:
The new definition of Republicanism is show no empathy and mock those that do.
Justice Alito Declares War on the Nones | Center for Inquiry
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Alito, like Scalia are not moral men and unbiased judges.
Iraq drought uncovers ruins of ancient palace
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Islamic Centre, Leicester (UK) website: ‘An apostate does not have the right to life.
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Not limited to Islam. This attitude exists it many religions by the most fundamental of their believers. Your disdain for religions is well grounded.
Democratic debate showed most every 2020 candidate talks like Bernie Sanders on wealth inequality ...
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2019:
And your point..........? Bernie is right, so why is it surprising that others want to be on the right side of history. I don't think Bernie is the right person to get it done, but he set the stage
Peristeronic - (adjective) of or relating to, or even resembling pigeons.
t1nick comments on Jun 28, 2019:
A peristeronic utterer = a stool pidgeon. Lol
What’s in the mind of a Trump supporter? []
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Nothing. They all have dibilitating self-centered tinnitus and can only see the color orange.
I will be in shock if Biden is still the Front Runner after this debate.
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2019:
He might be, but that will be short lived. He did himself no favors tonight. Time to pass the torch. Same with Bernie.
Shirikodama: A mythical ball that according to Japanese folklore is said to contain the soul and ...
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2019:
And I thought it was just gas. Lol
This Group has the most general members, which is why I chose to ask this question here.
t1nick comments on Jun 27, 2019:
More people are working, but not earning significantly more. The increase in jobs occurred in the lowest paying employment sectors. People are still working two and three jobs to make ends meet. If this economy is so good, why are so many in this position. Trump supporters talk about the increase in black employment. Sure they increased, but the bar for black employment was sooooo low coming into this Administration, that it took nothing to register a significant increase. Same with hispanic employment This economy is about a lack of quality employment, despite what the numbers suggest. A one time income tax increase will not offset the harm that the tax breaks will do to the national debt. The economic divide in this nation has never been so great.


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