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Of course, correlation is NOT causation. Nevertheless, this is interesting: []
t1nick comments on May 25, 2019:
You're asking the wrong question. Its not has prejudice and racism increased under Trump as the article points out. The question is why has the incidences of overt racist violence and actions increased so steeply and significantly under this president? The racists, when they took the initial survey are stll racist. The difference then becomes, "What has changed to embolden these racist to overtly act out now, when they didn't before?" This where the correlation does imply causation. The president sets the moral, ethical, and acts as a role model for the country. Its part of the job, like it or not. The country looks to the Office of the Presidency for leadership in these areas. This president, due to his own racism and misogyny has given implicit and explicit permission to the racists in this country to act out. His condemnations have been teleprompter scripted and always delivered in an unbelivable lukewarm presentation. He is easy to read when he belives in something, he is enthusiastic and animated. When he doesn't, but is forced to by political necessity, he is blase' and flat. His condemnations have all bern blase and flat. Add to this the dog whistle comments he throws into his animated oresentations and you have a direct relationship in the rise in racial acts and violence and the presidents words and actions . So recap, like it says in the article, the number of persons who are racist hasnt necessarily increased. But thevnumber of overt violence racist actions have. That is a direct correlation between this increase and this president. This is one place where correlation is directly linked to causation.
Republicans view on rape (note one is from a woman). []
t1nick comments on May 24, 2019:
Complete ignorance. Hey, but it Republicans, what did expect.
How would you react if you were to learn that your mate or significant other had a lover of the same...
t1nick comments on May 24, 2019:
Whatever they felt like they would like to share. If nothing, thats okay too.
"All for one and one for all!" - If the trumps were the Three Musketeers, what would there slogan ...
t1nick comments on May 24, 2019:
All for me, none for you.
t1nick comments on May 24, 2019:
First off, let me say your first contribution since taking over the group is both apt to today and spot on. When I have to put our numbered samples for students, whether as part of a science lab, or a lab practicum, I always underline thev nine and six so there is no question as to their orientation. Its a small thing, but makes all the difference if orrder is disrupted. Same is true in life.
Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House.
t1nick comments on May 23, 2019:
Calling out Isreal on their present apartheid policies is not anti-semetic. You can disagree with a policy and not be anti-semetic, although Orthodox members would have you thinking otherwise. Calling out the ultra-orthodox jewish community supporting that policy is not anti-semetic. Since when is challenging boorish and discrimenating behavior a sin in this country. I dont see you making s fuss over the Evangelical Nazi Pence on his ultra-racist policies and political stances? That is inconsistent of you. Agreed, Ilhan made a mistake using an old trope, but that's from inexperience. She's paid for it. Hell. McConnell does worse constantly in his handling of the Senate. He's just not female and Somalian.
Hot mama's.....the hottest,sizzling,drooling hot mama's now a days😋😆
t1nick comments on May 23, 2019:
Nice. You come through once again Boom. Lol
Hello, group! I am taking over as host of this group in Lukian’s absence.
t1nick comments on May 23, 2019:
Muslims lived in America before Protestantism even existed | Aeon Essays
t1nick comments on May 22, 2019:
It is an interesting article and well written and lain out. This is consistent with the history of Santa Fe, NM. Many of the early business owners and city fathers that built and developed the city were conversos that came up from Mexico. Immigres from the Spanish Inquistion and the great diaspora of 1492. They went first to Central America, then came north. Throughout the SW as far north as Pueblo, CO, hispanic families unearth Jewish religious artifacts (prayer shawls, menorah, etc) that belonged to their grandparents or great grandparents. They recognize them as religious artifacts, but may or may not recognize their significance (personal experience) The point being that conversos travelled further and had greater influence than commonly understood. And as the article points out, Jews and Moors made it to the SW long before western European caucasians, with the exception of Spaniards (non-moorish Spaniards are technically caucasuans).
With these women who have different faces with different emotions looks and still sexy in they're on...
t1nick comments on May 22, 2019:
Nice collection. All enticing
This is a short post to announce that I am suspending my account here in a couple of days and then ...
t1nick comments on May 22, 2019:
Who took over your groups. Thanks for your contributions over time.
Can the human species diverge to evolve into two or more different species?
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
At the moment I don't see any evolutionary impetus for that to happen. Extinction of the species is a more likely outcome. One of the things that is needed for the divergence of a species is geographic isolation whereby a gene pool can evolve separately from the original population. This could only happen on this planet if we left the planet and colonized another planet and had no contact with the home world. The other aspect needed is a driving environmental stressor that necessitates some type of evolutionary adaptation for survival. We are all in general, under the same stressors and their is no population I know of that is experiencing unique stressors to cause them to adapt differently from the rest of the world's population.
Donald Trump Jr. thinks he can run for New York City Mayor and not humiliate himself | Raw Story
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
D. Trump Jr. Is not very bright. He trips over himself almost every time he responds publically. He is as absent in empathy as his father. He would be a sure bet for making the rich in New York richer, while making the poor poorer and sacrificing any and all safeguards that protects the vulnerable populations.
The Inuit don't shout at their children – so why do we? | Life and style | The Guardian
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
Its easier to yell at your children than it is to learn good parenting skills.
One Catholic Priest Destroyed the Entire Mayan Written Language
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
Unfortunately its true. Zealots the world over do irreparable harm.
Will this drive the austerity freaks nuts?
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
Depends upon the state you are in. When Bush passed NCLB (No Child Left Behind), one of the criteria was that teachers had to be certified and endorsed in their teaching area. This meant that they had to have at minimun a Bachelors degree and a teaching certificate from a certified and recognized university program. On top of this, once hired, teachers have to continue to work for a advanced degree by taking classes in their area of endorsement. This is continual, not one time. In NM there are three levels of Mastery and they take multiple years to accomplish. Schools are rated on their staff, the number of endorsed professionals, and the number that are progressing towards advancement. Their yearly funding is tied to these criteria and normed testing numbers. The downside of NCLB was the emphasis upon testing results. It was an artificial way for politicians to understand achievement and progress. Politicians understand numbers, not the nuances involved in education. So when you ask are teachers worth it. Damn straight they are. They spend more time with the children than many of their parents do. They provide structure and guidance for children which have none. They deal with unruly adolescents and pre-teens because their parents are too busy too teach their children etiquette and manners. They work tirelessly planning, designing curriculum and content. They spend evenings and at least one day on the weekend planning, grading and designing. The average teacher work week is around 50 hours. So yeah, teachers are easily worth $90,000 / year +. Doing their jobs and parents as well.
Did you keep your pictures when you divorced or when you and your SO broke up?
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
You are right. Its an important part of your history. Perhaps you might consider how you display them so that perspective dates are not intimidated by their presence.
It’s perspective....
t1nick comments on May 21, 2019:
Good pic. I enjoyed . Thanks
Just dyed my hair blue.. You like :) This is in the day light so.. How about now
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
Ice blue? or maybe Daquari Ice blue from Baskins-Robbins. Regardless, looks fun. Enjoy.
Do you agree with the statement that humans are just another twig in the tree of life?
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
If you are referring to Phylogeny and Evolution, yes.
John Wayne said the words....
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
J. Wayne was such a racist and sexist in real life ( not reflected in above statements). I can actually believe he made the sbove statements
Try typing in tetrahydrocannabinol seeds on eBay.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
Why would I want 4-molecule water based cannibus seeds. Just sayin' lol
Judge orders Trump accounting firm to hand over records to Congress - CNNPolitics
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
They have 7 days to hand over documents. The presiding judge disallowed a stay due to weak case by Trump and lawyers. If Trump can find an apellate judge who would take the case and override the presiding judge and ruling. An appelate could put a stay on the release of the papers. If that happens we will get to see who Trump has in his back pocket.
The left is spreading fascism.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
What are the credentials of Timcast besides being an Internet crier? If you look at all the elements that go into defining Fascism, the right is miles ahead of the left in approaching a Fascist state. This is your party.
Ocean warming is a better indicator of the climate disaster in which we are immersed.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
Thanks for sharing. This correlation has been evident fir quite a long while to everyone except the deniers.
This map shows the mining tunnels beneath Butte, Montana.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
I've been to Butte. The mining complex is staggering. The entire town is undercut with tunnels.
Good morning from Costa Rica, it's about 7:30 am here.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
Very nice. Im envious, Ive alwsys wanted to visit Costa Rico. Maybe you can make suggestions of things that are a must see/do.
@Robecology got and having a tattoo is one of the best decision I made in my whole life,it took away...
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
I have two, would like to get a third. Lookin good Boom
Going under the knife at 0600 tomorrow.
t1nick comments on May 20, 2019:
Good luck.
1980 Has it been that long? Mt. St. Helens
t1nick comments on May 19, 2019:
Is that a Ford pinto? Or maybe a Chevy Vega. Lol
Major Study Finds The US Is An Oligarchy
t1nick comments on May 19, 2019:
I concur. Begin with Koch Bros, Jeff Bassos, etc.
A radical offshoot of the No Bra Club!
t1nick comments on May 19, 2019:
Let's I offended? No,.....I can honestly say offense is the last thing they do to me. Lol
The Nietzschean idea I like most is that moral rules and values are noting but tools in a struggle ...
t1nick comments on May 19, 2019:
Interesting proposition you pose. Its going take a little processing to absorb all this.
Experts Say Vast Deserts, Absence Of Life, May Indicate Mars Was Once Run By Conservatives – The ...
t1nick comments on May 19, 2019:
Craving for watermelon😋
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
Now that's the way to eat watermelon. Lol
Cannabis origins and the Denisovans
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
Abortion is not the issue.
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
In other words, a right wing Christian (not always Christian) zealot is irrational, while a women dealing with this issue (may be emotional given what she is wrestling with, but that doesn't diminish her rationality) is better equiped to make a decision about her body and her future. Yeah, I'm okay with that logic.
Republicans say their goal is to stop abortions. Their policies say otherwise. – ThinkProgress
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
That may be asking too much. Honesty and Republicans remains an oxymoron.
Not ridiculing, just curious.
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
I too have made that observation in the past and have been chastized for it. Lol
Bugs Bunny Explains How LeBron Helped Him Get Sober For Role In ‘Space Jam’ Sequel ...
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
Lean back and against the wall is what I like!😋
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
Very lovely women.
The Bible was made up over a number of centuries by many different editors using multiple sources.
t1nick comments on May 18, 2019:
Besides that, most of the stories that eventually were written down and recorded began life as a oral tradition. Past from person to person verbally. The problem with relying on oral tradition is that each teller imparts a different version with their telling, and even with each individual telling. So when it finally gets written down, there no telling how many iterations and changes has occurred. To clarify one point, most of the oral iterations maintain the essence of the story and lesson intended, only small specifics vary which are understood and accepted by the participants of the time. But 2000 years later, the context is not the same and those small idiosyncrasies can take on new meanings as read and understood by the new audience. Many parables and lessons pertain to a specific context and do not always translate correctly going forward.
Calm down. The Alabama Abortion law is not going to overturn Roe.
t1nick comments on May 17, 2019:
Alabama's law isn't the one we need to worry about. Its too extreme with no allowing for exceptions for rape or incest. But with the spate of new laws in just the last week, one of them has a chance to make it to the Supreme Court. Then its all up to John Roberts to act as a mediating voice of reason.
Since yesterday I am not able to comment on posts.
t1nick comments on May 17, 2019:
How do you clear your Browser cache. Cannot find in settings?
Here’s the punishment for actual rapists in Alabama – ThinkProgress
t1nick comments on May 17, 2019:
Reply button is not working. Jorj here is a resource for you. You are correct, most scholarly articles pre-date 2000 the subject we've been discussing. Post 2000 they appear in book form and are not accessible online.
We all hold some assumptions to be true and they lie too deep to be proved; one could call them ...
t1nick comments on May 17, 2019:
Another term for framing beliefs is paradigm. No point, just sharing.
I just got home from the hospital a little while ago.
t1nick comments on May 17, 2019:
Glad to hear it wasn't more serious. Take it easy today.
Do you like green lingerie?
t1nick comments on May 16, 2019:
Green lingerie is among my favorite.
Something not right... Frankie taking me to the hospital... I'm so frightened...
t1nick comments on May 16, 2019:
Good luck CB. Hope its nothing serious. Keep us posted
Take skepticism to the next level.
t1nick comments on May 16, 2019:
There is more than one model for capitalism. The present model is a form of predatory or cannibalistic capitslism. The model is short term and short sighted. It operates on quick profit, regardless of what it does to the economy, the community, the nation. They have no compunction about destroying their own industry in order to reap a quick profit. This is not the only model, just the most cancerous and unhealthy.
islam: the religion of perpetual suppression::: Let's be extra clear: In 610 AD a psychopathic, ...
t1nick comments on May 15, 2019:
Jacar you are the last person to be talking about enlightenment.
Well... Hump Day is coming to an end... Did you have a good time today?
t1nick comments on May 15, 2019:
I have now. Lol
Elizabeth Warren Torches Fox News []
t1nick comments on May 15, 2019:
I think he went too easy on FOX. Lol
t1nick comments on May 15, 2019:
You mean Barr don't you. FOX News never could get their facts straight. Oh yeah. They don't believe in facts. Just unsubstantiated opinions.
Good morning all! It's hump day! Pick one and see if she wants to celebrate....
t1nick comments on May 15, 2019:
Mike, Mike, Mike, what day is it.......? Lol
Thai traditional sexy dress!
t1nick comments on May 14, 2019:
Nice collection
Black Children Will Be the Victims of Armed Teachers | Time
t1nick comments on May 14, 2019:
There is a very good chance of that.
We wish! The Media Botched the Covington Catholic Story And the damage to their credibility ...
t1nick comments on May 14, 2019:
Nick Sandman's smirk in the face of the Native American drummer is a clear example of white privilege being nurtured in a young white child. Sandman knew he could openly and overtly disrespect the Native adult because he was white and the drummer was not. Sandman new that the society that he knew would come to his rescue and support. Sandman felt both justified in condescending and openly flouting respect. Believe it or not, Sandman may not be able to articulate his reasons for his actions, but subconsciously he is aware of exactly what he actions were. As it turns out, he was justified in his perceptions. The next day he was elevated to near hero status by enablers. He was invited to the Morning News Shows to offer his side where he pleaded innocence. The Native drummer was not sought out and interviewed for quite awhile afterwards. Two days later Trump invited him to the White House. Conservatives on this site and on FOX decried how he was an innocent and the Native drummer was evil incarnate . Outside of the Public Broadcast stations, few stations interviewed or brought forward the Native drummers thoughts or motivations. Sandman is an example of how white privilege gets indoctrinated in youth as is past to succeeding generations.
Anyone know much about the counsel of Nicaea?
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Don't go to YouTube. Use your search engine to get more reliable research. If you really want a detailed background, go to GoogleScholar to get an academic approach.
So... what's going to happen with all these abortion laws happening in regressive states?
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Asinine = Republicans; makes sense to me.
Most of us in this group are liberals.
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
I argue a lot of positions commensurate with the Democratic stance. I've never belonged to a political party in all my life. My philosophies are more similar to Democrats than Republicans.
I often wish I could send a message to the scientific community to let them know why they are losing...
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Its true people do not know the difference between climate and weather. They conflate the two.
Wow! The deepest ever dive into the ocean - and they found new life forms as well as sweet wrappers ...
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Cool. Shame plastic is so ubiquitous on the planet.
Question I see these Memes such as: "if you dont have a Vagina you can't regulate them" I was ...
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
False positives
I couldn't agree more
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Both would be beneficial. Conflicts of interest and compromised investments are a danger. It is a pretty sure bet that Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch monies through his business, as well as the Russian mob.
GOOD NEWS!!!!! - For those friends who have been following my nh house drama, the lockout by the ...
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Congrats on a long hard fought battle. Rest up and recover.
Going for a drive with the top down... Wanna cum...?
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Oh yeah.
Is it true that women in the US were arrested for wearing short swimsuit in 1920s?
t1nick comments on May 13, 2019:
Victorean sensibilities
Would you look at those dimples! 😍
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Nice dimples. Oh wait, there they are. Lol
Has Evangelical Christianity Become Sociopathic?
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
It appears that we have No Black Members.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
We have a number of black members. They just are selective about how and when they participate. Blacks are definitely underrepresented. Discussions about why have been bandied about on more than one occasion. Usually without their participation.
The Real Muellergate Scandal - Craig Murray
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
So your point is that all the other crimes that Mueller provided illumination to are irrelevant and dismissable because he did not do forensic on the DNC servers, that you know of. I agree if your are correct it is an avenue that should be looked into if it wasn't. That is, strictly as far as the Russian connection is concerned. The question for you concerns your motivations for your posting. Is it a desire to get at the truth of the extent of the Russian connection, or left over angst at the Clintons. One of the typical diversions one sees with conservatives today is to turn the argument back on the Clintons. They have been history for 16 months. Another typical fall back is "well what about them, they did it too". I'm not saying that is what you are doing. But anytime someones turns the argument back to the Clintons after all this time, I suspect their underlying motives.
Should the USA be getting rid of dark money? Cancelling Citizens United? []
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Is the Co-operative the answer to income inequality?
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Similar to profit sharing?
How do you like my outfit today?
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Woo hoo
Am I blind? I can't seem to find a search function.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
The search icon is the magnifying glass at the top of the Browse page.
I love the South Park show, humor is so irreverent, exactly my view of religion and religious ...
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
I do not know if you realize it's actually based on a small mountain town in Colorado, located in South Park Colorado. The town is called Fairplay, and their high school is known as South Park High School. My school played basketball against them when I taught in Colorado. I love South Park. So irreverant.
Should we allow homo sapiens to go extinct?
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Who cares if some comedian is asking a ridiculous question to people who in most cases do not understand the principles behind evolution and extinction. Its not ours to allow or not allow. Our specie's unfitness as defined by evolutionary principles have most likely already precluded our demise. I suspect that it is too late, barring colonization in space to preserve small pockets going forward.
Hey mister! You ain't finished yet! Get back in here!
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
I can read her angst. Lol
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Just got home - more packing and unpacking. Have a great day all!!!!!
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Happy Mothers Day Lisa
Religion and tradition repressed people and kept them stupid.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
With all due respect MsAl, I'm on here regularly and I do not see many arguments about Science versus atheism. I see and engage in a few regarding religion versus Science. What type of arguments have you seen? Here is a take that you may or may not seen before. Please bear with me to the end before abandoning my argument. All organisms on this planet are subject to evolutionary principles (doesnt matter if one believes in evolution or not, they operate without our consent). Humans are no exception. Early in human develpoment we humans, like any organism, adapted by specializing those attributes that were already available to our extant genetics. Those areas included advanced abstract thought process, spatial acuity which allowed for tool making, an opposable thumb structure to faciltate the tool making ability. But that wasnt the end of it. Along with these attributes we also developed the ability for complex communications skills. Leading to the ability to develop an advanced language. Why was this important? Humans at the early stages of their evolution were puny compared to the organisms that preyed upon them (eg. Smilodon, Cave bear, etc) and puny compared to their prey (Mammoth, Mastodon, Bison, etc.). In order to protect themselves from their predators and to bring down their food source, they needed to be able to cooperate, plan, and communicate beyond a warning squeal. Thus language. Wait, this was only the beginning. To effectualize this hunting and protection cooperation, a sense of organization was necessary. Thus with all these other features, humans developed a complex a culture and society. Culture and society are as ingrained in humans as language, abstract thought, and tool making ( thus the reason that Libertarianism is not a viable governing structure). Why is this important?. In order for any organism to be evolutionarily fit (ultimate goal of an species is evolutionay fitness) there must be a set of unwritten rules for each organism to maintain that fitness. Any behavior or feature that threatens this fitness is deemed dangerous and is usually weeded out by the tools described by evolotionary theory. For humans the operant tool is culture. Culture provides a system of checks and balances that keeps dysfunctional and abberant behavior from endangering that fitness. But cultural check and balance is only successful up to a specific population size. Beyond that population size, ie. tribal levels of population numbers, renders the cultural checks and balances ineffective. Beyond the tribal size, individuals are able to hide, or thumb their nose at their culture and engage in dysfunctional, abberant behaviors that endangers that society. In that vain, we as a human species officially ...
It may be wrong, but sometimes I miss the cold war.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
We are entering a new Cold War. Putin's posturing in Europe are awakening old fears and new worries. Eisenhower warned against the rise of the military-industrial complex. Well its been real since his death. Unfortunately, our economy is based upon a wartime economy (eg. as Raytheon and General Dynamics goes, so goes the economy). The country improves when there is a war as we are the worlds leader in the manufacture and worldwide sale of weapons of war.
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
C'mon Robert, your baiting me. Lol. You know I cant resist. Here goes. The only dumb voting block are those Republicans who have abandoned conservative values and support Trump. There I did it. I bit. Lol.
Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers.... I got some netting as a gift... Lol
t1nick comments on May 12, 2019:
Happy Mothers Day Kaitlyn
S curve,soooo sexyyyyy😋😋😋
t1nick comments on May 11, 2019:
Very nice
Superman!! This isn't funny!!
t1nick comments on May 11, 2019:
An assortment of colourful bunns
t1nick comments on May 11, 2019:
Where have all the blonde women gone?
t1nick comments on May 11, 2019:
Sweet smile
Maybe this is a wierd question.
t1nick comments on May 11, 2019:
I do not usually address these type questions (mostly due to interest, not a judgment on the question's value). It is interesting, I have been an atheist for over 45 years, but have only ever told about a dozen people in my lifetime. I do feel that it has a similar hesitation and fear of acceptance as coming out as a gay. This is not to equate the two as equivalent. Just that there are similar feelings. I never came out officially with my family as I never felt that they would understand or accept. I have taught high school science for 30 years and always felt that I had to pad very carefully when the topic of religion arose. I never felt that I could allow my colleagues or my students know. Parents are very unforgiving when they are aroused, rightfully or wrongfully. Most of my life it felt that there was stigma attached to being atheist. It has only been recently that secularism has reduced the fear of stigmatism in many circumstances. These days I think very little about my atheism or religion in general. I did recently respond to a student question about believing in Jesus in the negative. But I didn't feel that that particular group was going anywhere with the response.
Testing... Here's a pic... Comment or like if you get an alert...
t1nick comments on May 10, 2019:
Exotic, I like.
Exotic beauty
t1nick comments on May 10, 2019:
Exotic in a fashion kind of way
Good night all...
t1nick comments on May 10, 2019:
A very nice way to say goodnight.
Where is the outrage?
t1nick comments on May 10, 2019:
Why are quoting Christiam news on an agnostic site?
Hi everyone! I'm back from NH after a lot of drama and heartache.
t1nick comments on May 10, 2019:
Have you and Dan separated?
this group could use a little more color
t1nick comments on May 10, 2019:
Very nice indeed.
Feminism is destroying the west.
t1nick comments on May 9, 2019:
BS in all its glory. Someone with mommy issues.
Would you like to couch me? I'm a quick study.
t1nick comments on May 9, 2019:
Something to dream about... Good night and sweet dreams...
t1nick comments on May 9, 2019:
I posted this one last fall. Lol
Mine would be Shelby 🚘
t1nick comments on May 8, 2019:
Testarossa ,(Ferrari)
Getting reception in secluded areas
t1nick comments on May 8, 2019:
If you have phone reception, and wifi (or you wouldn't be able to get on Agnostics), go to They broadcast news and sports, including the NBA playoffs. You may have to pay for premiun sports like NBA playoffs. But lots of sports that are free as well as news


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