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Celcius v US..
t1nick comments on Mar 31, 2019:
I concur. Ben Franklin got it wrong when he convinced the states to reject the metric system. There are only two countries in the world that do not use the metric system. Us an one other so small as to defy remembering. I have taught students the metric system for 30 years and our Impetial system just doesn't make sense. Might as well go back to the cubit.
fun science infographics: [mymodernmet.
t1nick comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Are these posters available for purchase. I went to his weblink, but could not find answer to this question.
Inhumane, disgusting, and heartbreaking! This is Trumps America! []
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Yep. An America of his making. The elements were already there, he just opened the box and let them out.
Charlene still cannot get her ‘like button,’ to work? Please check this for her!
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Mine doesn't work either. People are missing out on points tonight.
I see Trump demanded that the Pulitzer Prizes for The NY Times and the Washington Post be revoked.
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
He's just jealous because he's undeserving of any awards and he knows it.
I'm kinda new here. From your perspective, what's the purpose of this platform?
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
It differs for each individual. For some it's a dating site. For some it's just in kind company. For others it's an intellectual outlet (me), for other it's a way to find affirmation with people who think similarly.
Anyone else having issues with liking posts or comments? Mine isn't working...
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Same here. Good for some but not others. Uh oh a conspiracy is afoot. Lol
Anyone else having issues with liking posts or comments? Mine isn't working...
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Same here. Hood gor some but not others. Uh oh a conspiracy is afoot. Lol
How Much Pro-Israel Money Politicians Attacking Ilhan Omar Received - YouTube
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Well produced. Hypocritical AIPAC lobby.
A sweet beach goer!
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Beach unwear. Lol
Game of Thrones hits the beach
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Knit one, pearl two. Uh oh I dropped a sticth..or two...or three. It seems to be unraveling. Woohoo.
The only thing I can criticize about this photo is... Fill in the blank
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
She's has her phone out and I don't her mine ringing. Lol
Living the illuminated life
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I engage in self introspection and self criticism all the time to make sure Im being honest.
What do you think of Schiff’s speech that prompted Trump’s pencil-thin neck comment? []
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I thought that it was thought out, well delivered and a sterling rebuke to the enabling, sycophantic Rebublicans.
US will cut off aid to Central American countries over asylum seekers | US news | The Guardian
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
With charity comes interference and manipulation. The US has a long history of interfering in Central American politics and economics. Usually to the detriment of the countries within which they interfered. Between supporting despotic right wing leaders and direct CIA interference in politics in El Salvador (remember the Iran-contra debacle), to forcible monocropping by the big agricultural corporations which destroyed locally economies, the US has a checkered history in Central America. Aide comes with conditions. Often the conditions are based on the political whims of the time and not what is best for the people in that country. Often they are decisions based on somebody who is either related to someone who has a company that has economic intetests down and stand to gain financially, or are paid by lobbyists representing same said corporations.
The Day the Dinosaurs Died | The New Yorker
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
A good recap to what I already knew. Thanks for sharing.
Curvy Brunette Day Vol 2
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Nice collection.
Voting with your feet, boycotting with your $ spending choices.
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I would like to boycott Hobby Lobby because of the politics of its owner. But as a teacher, Hobby Lobby is the only business in town that has certians I need at times. I buy elsewhere when I can or online if timing allows.
[] Facebook bans white nationalism and white separatism. - KUDOS TO FACEBOOK!!!!!!!
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I have not been on FB for over a year. When I was on, I remember running into white nationalist and white supremicists, but I do not remember running into black nationalists that weren't Russian trolls. Are Black Panthers and BLM really a problem? I don't think these groups relied as heavily on social media as the other groups. I could easily be wrong. I do agree with equity across the board.
Love body stockings.
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
A bit too young.
The circus ? goes on.
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
What we got with Trump. A clown and a circus.
Chicxulub asteroid impact: Stunning fossils record dinosaurs' demise []
t1nick comments on Mar 30, 2019:
Alvarez, et. al. the first person to put forth the hypothesis of the Chicxulub origin as the demise of the dinosaurs did extensive research worldwide to verify this result. He used the presence of a rare radioactive mineral, iridium, found at the contact zone between the end of the Cretaceous and the Tertiary. Iridium is a by-product if a high energy impact event like Chicxulub. It is found at multiple K-T contact sites. Their are a number of geologists that are re-weighing the ultimate impact attributed to the meteor. They don't deny the event, just assert that its only one of the reasons for the dinosaurs extinction.
Merilee, top-selling lingerie saleslady, shows why
t1nick comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Lol. Personal customer service don't you know.
last night while i was sleeping, someone hacked my tinder and now apparently i have a date tonight! ...
t1nick comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Lol Coral. Sorry to hear your sick. Murphy's Law don't you know.
Don't have a caption for this one. Let's see what people come up with!!
t1nick comments on Mar 29, 2019:
You promised not to look now.
?. A girl's best friend during a shower.... what's your best friend in the shower or bath tub
t1nick comments on Mar 29, 2019:
My gf. Lol
Newly-sanctioned Olympic swinwear unveiled
t1nick comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I hope she's in the diving evrnt. Woohoo
Does anyone here practice TM? Is anyone a former practitioner?
t1nick comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Practiced off and on in the early 1970's.
Does anyone here practice TM? Is anyone a former practitioner?
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
As Transcendental Meditation?
This was an interesting article about Corey Booker. []
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I heard the CNN townhall with Cory Booker last night. I was wondering how long it would take for that statement to hit the airwaves. I liked what I heard Cory Booker answer to questions last night. I've always bern a fan of his.
Confessions of A Son of the South: Part I As a native white southerner born, raised, and ...
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I worked in the South for a year in 1982. Society was still segregated then. Not legally, but culturally. Whites still held all the power and blacks were at their mercy, that is outside of the all black neighborhood and communities. Some equity has occurred and some integration has happened as more blacks become educated and take professional positions. But white privilege still predominates outside of urban centers.
Science has been more evil to us than the benefits it yielded.
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I think you are conflating technology with science perhaps. Technology is about making ones daily life easier, not happier. You would think there would be a correlation but there really isn't. More free time offers more time to contemplate what you don't have, what you would like to have, or what your missing out on. As I eluded to on many previous posts, science is not same as technology, and technology is not the same thing as science. Technology borrows from science to advanve their agenda and discoveries. But technology is not constrained by the same rigid guidelines and controls. They should be, but often (not always) do not adhere. Technology is constrained by the bottom line and the market place. The cost/benefit constraint has more influence in the outcome frequently than the scientific controls. Many advancements are couched in a veneer of science, but final decisions are based on economics, not scientific exactitude.
The only thing dumber than a Christian Republican is an atheist one....
t1nick comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Would somebody just send a hello?
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Trump tells Russia to get its troops out of Venezuela
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Are we building to a new Bay of Pigs. Lets build another Guantanamo resort. We could sent D. Trump there after he leaves office.
Exoplanet Observed for First Time With Optical Interferometry - ExtremeTech
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I've been reading occasional articles about this technology for the last couple of years.. Fascinating.
Quick question: If the Mueller report exonerated Trump, why is McConnell blocking its release?
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Cover up!!!!!!
The Coming Collapse - Chris Hedges
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Provacative and thought provoking.
Last post today is no post... Due to issues not my own.. go figure...
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Hope it all works out and is okay
Bog butter update
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Name a movie you have watched 5 or more times.
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
For something little lighter, try "Tompopo". A 1984 japanese noodle western.
Hello to the group. My name is Elaine. I am 61 going on 35. Wow, where did the years go?
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
AOC burns the barn with another speech on climate and nails the republicans.
t1nick comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Both Parties are guilty of being in the pockets of big oil
Best Ocasio-Cortez Memes - YouTube
t1nick comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Sidney, I get the feeling your afraid of women, especially strong women.
Name a movie you have watched 5 or more times.
t1nick comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Dersu Usala
The How Republicans might twist the Green New Deal.
t1nick comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Interesting proposition.
Good Morning...
t1nick comments on Mar 26, 2019:
It seems atheists DOMINATE this site, despite the fact it's an agnostic one.
t1nick comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I have been an atheist for 42 years, not an agnostic for what its worth. One thing I do not do is debate my atheism or my reason for it. Nor do I impose my atheism on anyone, politics yes, atheism no. Lol. I know what I know, I know what I believe, but have no inclination to convince anyone else to my way of thinking. In Science and mathematics we do know and recognize that there are absolutes.
How sad is this? Cariibou extinct on the lower 48. []
t1nick comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Very sad indeed.
No Russian collusion or conspiracy! A total liberal fiasco. Will the idiots apologize?
t1nick comments on Mar 25, 2019:
15 other lawsuits. He who laughs last laughs best.
Pretty little thing!
t1nick comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Beautiful auburn hair
AOC Tweet. Is she correct?
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
You should always study..
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
I'll have to use this on my next Chemistry test.
Calvin says!
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Republicans for sure. Sorry to get political. Lol
End protection welfare! Abolish all government military and police forces! They must all be ...
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
An irrational rant if I ever heard one. Another Libertarian fool who thinks they are an island.
?? Take a picture! It'll last longer!
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
What was just seen cannot be unseen. Thank heavens. Lol
Maybe we should investigate Obama and Clinton instead of Trump.
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
FOX is fake news all the time.
Good morning Girls and Boys.
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Congrats. Sounds like you made a good decision. Heal quickly.
Don't you just love body paint?
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Its definitely a fun new trend
Black kid getting into college cartoon. []
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
So true for many. Combine a stacked deck socially with the recent scandal of buying entrance and the opportunities continue to dimenish.
Meghan McCain says Trump 'will never be a great man' - CNNPolitics
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Duh! Lol. (no intent to denegrate Meghan McCain).
Huge fossil discovery made in China's Hubei province []
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Amazing find.
Was resident dumbass voted into office just to piss off politicians the way politicians have been ...
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Unfortunately he is a dysfunctional reaction to a broken and dsyfuntional political system where tribalism is more important than governing for the people.
As a former member of an American cult, I know why so many white Christian women fervently support ...
t1nick comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Good article. She reinforced a lot of the same conclusions that I have.
Red white and blue....
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Show us your patriotusm. Woohoo. Lol
I have only blocked a bot/Russian on here.
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
This group of Trump supporters have undermined and destroyed the policies and tenets of the Republican Party as we knew it. The new Republicans are closer to fascists than at any time in our Nations history.
Conflicts of interest (COI) have been around since civilization has existed, but we can do better.
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Its similar to why women, minorities, and the economically disadvantaged vote and register Republican. The Republican Party for years has done everything in its power to strip these groups of their rights. their healthcare, and almost all of the opportunities that they have won, hard fought. Yet they still register to vote, and ardently defend Republican policies. It makes no sense. In essence they are helping to prop up a coaltion of mostly white males who only begrudgingly share a modicum of the power and resouces. The Republicans actually work to cut off voter registration for these groups, which would give them an chance at addressing their needs and concerns. They take away programs that assist these communities that would allow them to be a productive, participating member of society. Furthermore, they fight any moves at rehabilitation, instead favoring a lock them up, hide them from society mentality which costs exhorbitant amounts of money. Much more than rehabilitation would cost on a yearly basis. It is incomprehensible why members of these marginalized communities would act to give credibility to an organization that openly and overtly serks to deprive of their basic needs.
So the Mueller report has been delivered.
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
No indictments by Mueller. He is a strict practioner and stated early on that he does not believe that a sitting president can be indicted as per DOJ unofficial policy. This does not mean that Mueller has not outlined chargable offences, but left it up to other agencies to pursue.
It has been shown in a study that a woman’s intelligence is proportional to the size of her ...
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Wtf? Provide this so called study. Ridiculous.
How have you seen movies get space wrong?
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
One cannot hear noise in space. No atmosphere to propagate soundwaves.
Good morning Girls and Boys.
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Good news indeed. Good luck.
She's waiting in youre home!booooom!?
t1nick comments on Mar 23, 2019:
As I stare down the Valley of no returning....woohoo
5:02 PM EST USA Breaking News! MSNBC - Attorney General Barr has been handed the Mueller Report!!!!...
t1nick comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Not necessarily Lisa. No indictments withstanding. Mueller is a strict adherent of precedent law. He does not believe that a sitting president can be indicted as per DOJ memo recommendations. It is possible that Mueller could have included a body of indictable charges, as well as charges that did not rise to the level of being indictable. Trump and family are still subject to financial crimes out of the SNYD. Plus there are intelligence investigations still on-going involving Trump.
❤☀ Batman has a new sidekick and she has her own utility belt! Girl power! Woohoo!
t1nick comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Nice side kick
Well girls and boys, I decided that I am going to do it.
t1nick comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Good luck. A big price tag, but if can rid yourself of the pain well worth it. May all go well.
2500 year old ship found, 70% complete! []
t1nick comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Very cool
t1nick comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Fringe sources with little proof. This is the epitome of fake news. Do better.
t1nick comments on Mar 21, 2019:
A cell right next to Trump and all his family members. She would be the only innocent one unfortunately.
t1nick comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Incredible ink. I love it
Create your own caption....
t1nick comments on Mar 20, 2019:
All laced up and nowhere to go.
Its all from behind??
t1nick comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Beautiful woman
t1nick comments on Mar 20, 2019:
Kaitlyn, I found out last night that my gf is arriving Saturday evening. Woo hoo. Lol I bought her some lavender bath salts to soak and ease her muscles after the long flight from overseas.
t1nick comments on Mar 20, 2019:
The Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980's
Does science reject atheism?
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Science should not reject or asset atheism. The question falls into the realm of religion and has little to do with science. Science is a totally different paradigm and the two are mutually exclusive in my opinion. Just because I do not believe any God or higher being exists now or has ever existe. As a scientist I find no connection with my lack of belief and my science. I have no truck with religion of any sorts and do not figure my beliefs have anything to do with religion.
Some bizarre parallel universe.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Go figure if its true.
That sweet interest.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Hahahahahaha. Go figure. He's a legend in his own mind for sure.
I’m having a hard time getting a guy to call… I was hoping this would motivate him.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
That's hard to believe. My experience on this site has shown that you are very intelligent and your pics above show you are attractive as well. Good luck.
The TRUTH about the Christchurch mosque - YouTube
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
This is a real legitimate site alright. Its so legitimate that you purchase you subscription by military rank. Lots of accusations, but doesn't really offer any real proof. He claims he published articles with proof, but were not included. No way, without further research to assess he validity. Have to look into it. Although given previous rants and posts, Mr. Winston your credibility is in question.
The Department of Justice has nothing more than a "policy" that a sitting president cannot be ...
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Its nothing more than an agreement at the DOJ to not prosecute and indict while the president is still in office. The prevailing logic had it that a that a sitting president could not effectively run the country and deal with a lawsuit simultaneously. It ir not written in law, just a prevailing opinion.
For The First Time Ever, a Woman Has Won The Prestigious Abel Prize For Mathematics
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Its about time.
What's going on over there?
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Whatever it is, bring it over hear and let in on the fun.
Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
To all my detractors, I assure you I am not a troll and I am not stupid.l. I have put in many hours of posting over the last year. adding up to several hundred posts. In that time, i have only been called on 3 or 4 significant errors. The fact that I mixed up the two individuals was an error. Not debate. If I make an error, I generally acknowledge it and apologize. So for those who took umbrage at my error. i apologize. What I do not apologize for are the attempts to get the truth out there and debunk the misinformation being fed to us by the right and conservatives.
Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Ridiculous accusations. Another unsubstantiated rant.. As a women of Palestinian heritage, you can't blame for being a little biased. Just like you can't blame blacks for being a little jaded. She is a freshman congress women, she apologized (more than Steven King or Trump ever did). Let's see how she comports herself going forward before we make final judgement. The rabid right spent two years crying, "Give Trump a second chance, afterall he's not a politician!" Look to your house as Trump's sins are much more aggregious before casting stones (pun intended). Im truth, Trumpism is the poison to our freedom loving society.
Ilhan Omar is not deserving of her seat in The House.
t1nick comments on Mar 19, 2019:
Another unsubstantiated rant.. As a women of Palestinian heritage, you can't blame for being a little biased. Just like you can't blame blacks for being a little jaded. She is a freshman congress women, she apologized (more than Steven King or Trump ever did). Let's see how she comports herself going forward before we make final judgement. The rabid right spent two years crying, "Give Trump a second chance, afterall he's not a politician!" Look to your house as Trump's sins are much more aggregious before casting stones (pun intended).
The word is: Peduncle.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
My family used to sit around the dining room table and play peduncle when I was growing up. No wait, that was pinochle. Lol
We're Facing a Global Movement of White Hate
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Changing demographics, changing economic circumstances, and poor decisions on the part of blue collar workers regarding their futures has created an environment of fear and panic in the white population of the country. The loss of control and the effect of suddenly being called on their long history of boorish and inappropriate behavior has them back on their heels (their problem not ours). After 500 years of being in control, the fact that this control is eroding is scary to them (buck up buttercups). The disparagement of educational opportunities offered to them has put them in a nonenviable position as society moves on and leaves them behind. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence worldwide. Thier way of dealing with their new status is by hating all those who look different than you. All those that made better decisions than you. All those who worked to better themselves (a paycheck is not the only way to better yourself). And all those that faced overwhelming odds and perservered to came out the other side.
Ok, time to talk about hipocrisy, but this time in our own site.
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
I think this topic has been beat to death without adding anything new to the issue. It's their site, their right, end of story. So what if its hypocritical. their call. Philosophically you may have an argument, but it would cause you much less grief to let it go. You voiced your concern. Move on, or don't, your call.
If you are or you've been in a long distance relationship,what are the hardest part you encounter ...
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
The time frame. My gf is in Africa and her night is in the middle of my work day.
? Isn't she perfect! I like her mucho calienta! Tell me differently...
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Muy caliente.
No name but one of my favorite wildflowers here
t1nick comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Recognize, but do not know name.


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