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Whats the ok age difference to date?
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
If you find out let me know. I'm dating someone 30 years my junior.
Antonio Gaudi
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
I enjoyed his architecture in Bsrcelona
What is your best argument against Christianity
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
The US pulls out of the United Nations Human Rights Council
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
They join North Korea and Iran as the other major countries refusing to join the council.
Have you ever felt hatred towards the human species?
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Just since I was born. Don't know prior to that. If youve spent antime in the wilderness, you know what I mean
Sex Magic: How to Cast Spells with Your Orgasms - Broadly
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Try Tantric Massage an yoga if you want magic with your partner.
The Bible, the old and new testament.
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
If you consider a select group of men sitting around (Council oh Nicea - 325) selecting those books that were principly patriarchal in their otientstion. Few if the books that focused on women were selected or included in the final manuscript. If the Bible is a good chronicler of western thought, were women missing from their culture? What about the Greeks, they haDore to fo with the formation of the foundations of Western civilization, and the Chridtian God wasn't part of their belief system. What about the roll of Jews in the evolution of Western civilization? Or how about the role of the African and zmMidfle Eastern scholars in the evolution of western civilization. After all it was Christianity that set back the development of Science for over 5oo years (Dark Ages) and chased it into the Middle East where it flourished and continued to evolve. Algebra and alchemy (the beginnings of chemistry) evolved during this period on the Middle Eadt. Meanwhile, witch burning and the Jewish pogrom was occurring as a mainstay of Christianity. No the Bible is not an important piece of non-fiction.
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
I got this to celebrate earning my brown belt (tiger) and my black belt (drsgon) in Shokan karate
Except they called it an escalator.
t1nick comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Very good. I like that.
Many have been in relationships where they are sitting right next to someone but feel a million ...
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2018:
So true. Never let the sun go down in anger or misunderatanding
Reality is not what we perceive! As a simple rule, anything we sense that can not be objectively ...
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Is that anything like Plato's essence of being ?Horseness as opposed to horse?
If it was proven (somehow through science, obviously) that either Christianity or Buddism was the ...
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Where do you go to get the most unbiased news reporting?
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Public Radio International, American Public Media, and BBC
What was the best thing that NEVER happened to you ?
t1nick comments on Jun 18, 2018:
Missed a train derailmnrnt, twice in Mexico. Got off at the stop before twice
I posted earlier this year about how I was going to get a puppy as a sort of graduation gift to ...
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
He's a cutey. I have 4 rescues myself.
The evil done in our name.
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I'm glad you said again. Our history is full of the mainstream kidnapping and/co-opting children from other races. Slavery is but one example. The one most people are familiar with, but by far not the only example. Native American children were kidnapped in broad daylight, torn from their parents arms and sent to military/relgious based schools to endoctrinate and assimilate them. The practices that were applied were cruel, akin to tortue, and destructive to the child's soul and spirit. All to make little red whitemen, but withoUT equal status, ever. Historic trauma regarding western education still inhibits most tribes.
Hello all ,I just signed up so thought I would say hello ?
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Do you consider Near Death Experiences (NDE's) as proof of an afterlife of some sort?
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
In 1981, I was 28 years old and decided to take up amateur bull riding. I was a few ridea out when I was thrown from a particular bull. I landed on my upper bsck/ shoulder. I immediately blacked out, just as quickly returned to consciousness, only I could not see anything except a very bright, white light. Donehow, I stumbled to my feet and began heading towards the light. Unbeknownst to me, the arename railing was only sbout 5 ft away, but I could not see it. I was later told that the bull came back around and butted me agsin from the bavk, but I have no knowledge of this personally. Anyway, II stumbled to the back of the arena, maybe 50 ft. Went down on one knee. Suddenly my breath (I had not breathed since hitting the ground) came back to me. I looked up and my vision returned. This is my white light story. It turns out that we were in an inside arena. The back doors of the arena were open, and the white light was the light from outside flooding into the arena. Still the only thing I was cognizant of was the light, do that's where I headed. As a side note, it turns out that I had sustained a green fracture break in my 4th lumbar vertebrae. Although it was tremendously painful, I didn't go to have it checked for nine months. I fortunate in that it healed on its own without any negative side effects. I may have a PhD, but nobody said that I waswad overly intellihent. Lol
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Welcome to site. Very eclectic group. You should be able to find some like minded connectiond
I'm curious about why being an atheist has become synonymous with humanism and social activism.
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I have been an atheist since 1973 and do not remember at any time did I associate atheism with either humanism or social activism. But I have always been involved in some of social activism. However, in fairness, until recently the idea of openly discussing atheism publicly was unheard of. Social pressure often made doing do either uncomfortable or replete with negative social consequences. I think that a lot of the identification may be a result of recent responses to many of the actions being perpetuated by many of the dominant Christian hypocrites
Has evolution made us weaker to deal with physical pain?
t1nick comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I think a lot of the items you point to are the results of cultural norms, not evolutionary. If you were to travel a culture where modern medicine is not readily available (Pspua-New Guinea or Amazon Basin) you find that the way that these people's deal with pain in probably similar to ways that the Neanderthals needed to. Some relief from herbal treatmen's and lots of sucking up and getting on with life or die. The real distinction is the luxury of modern meficine which is readily available and cultural norms that that it's okay to complain about nonconsequential aches and pains.
When is it OK for white people to use the n-word? []
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Never if you understsnd the historical context that accompanies the word. Never even if you don't understand the contextual history.
So, is this like a thing?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I'm not sure what the appeal of the points and the levels are, but this helps, your welcome
What is your favorite show on Netflix?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Altered Carbon. West Wold. Jennifer Jones I love film noire
Today's breakfast is twizzlers and nagging existential angst.
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I prefer Australian soft black licorice. Other than that it sounds fine with
What do you think about the idea that the human capacity for "Hive Mind" ?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Isn't that what many cultures were / are? The Aztec, the Egyptians, the Inca. Anywhere there is ancient monumental architecture. The people responsible for the actual construction of the pyramids were not slaves as previously thought. They were actually free people's who built them. Plenty of archaeological evidrnce to support. Also by extension, was the Nazi regime a form of hive behavior. For heneious and evil intent, but the movement and the associated war machine could be construed as a firm of hive behavior. What do you think?
Is anyone good at identifying snakes I have baby birds in my garage?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
Rat snake bull snake all the same. Regional names is all
Is anyone good at identifying snakes I have baby birds in my garage?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I don't see rattles at the end of its tail. So based on the pattern on the skin, it's probably a bull snake. They are valuable for the environment as they keep the wild rodent population in check. But I can understand your desire to get rid of it. Now that it knows where to get a free meal, it would keep coming bsck for your ducklings.
If you could have/ own/ possess any piece of art, what would it be?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
A painting by Delacroix or Carter (Oriental is tradition)
Is anyone here into Westworld?
t1nick comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I saw season one and was definitely drawn into the story line. I would enjoy cathing subsequent seaskns, but cannot find on Netflix. I remember the original movie with Yul Brenner. Drew me in then, I haven't left since. Did you like the Blade Runner mivies? If so there is a Netflix series calked," Altered Carbon" which is roughly based upon the Blade Runner world. I highly recommend.
Could a DNA search solve the mystery of the Loch Ness monster?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Actually that mystery has already been solved. They know what modern and North Atlantic species of fish it is. LochNess is connected to the Atlantic Ocean
If We Evolved from Apes, How Come There Are Still Apes?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
With due respect, we did not evolve from apes. We evolved contemporaneously alongside the spes. All primate species evolved from tree dwelling insecticide from the Triassc era. It was not one jump from insecticide to Homo sp. Rather it was a multitude of experiments and trislsnd and errors. At the time that modern humans Homo sapient sapien) entered Europe, there were st least 5 species of Homo occupying the world, including Homo neanderthalendis. Survival depends upon adaption to changing environments and competition for resources. The other 4 species were just not adaptable enough and we won out ( hard to say for how long though, we are quickly driving ourselves toward ectinction). As to your original supposition that just because one species is around, another can't co-exist. Depends upon whether they directly compete with one another for those essential resources I hope this has been helpful and s little enlightening? Don't take any wooded banana? Lol
Plate Tectonics May Be Essential for Life | Quanta Magazine
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
That's what I've been teaching for 30 years. Just sayin'
Do you have a bucket list?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Getting my PhD
What do you wear to sleep?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
A smile
What attracts you to people?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Intellect and a winning smile.
Certainty in a belief seems to me a trait of a theist.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
That depends. For instance, I am a scientist and I am fairly certain that in greatest number instances if the scientific process was followed as it was designed, then their is a big difference between a scientist and a technologist. A scientist attempts to adhere to the scientific process ( I know it sounds like just another dogma , but really it's more than that. I'll get to that in a moment). A technologist on the otherrand borrows from the scientific procesd, bit has little compunction about short-cutting process for the sake of time expediency or money savings. Back to the earlier point. Science depends upon repitit in of results, measurable outcomes, and the reliance of previous knowledge derived in the same way. It is not based solely upon fsith, which is not reproducable (once a moracle hapoens, one cannot go back and reproduce it). Faith does come into play in science. I cannot split the atom in my classroom. But I can have "fsith" that if has come to be accepted by the greater science popustion, it's probably based on sound work and data. Just sayin"
I don't trust most physicians.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I concur. Most while thinking they are helping are more concerned with masking apparent symptoms as opposed to trying to actually trying to heal. The more drugs they push, the more kickbacks they get. The more they mask, the more the disease migrates to another locstion. It assures that they have a steady stream of willing customers. Most doctor in my experience work on the dictums of Renewable Descarte. They reduce the body to a vlockwork, and treat each organ as just a gear or coh in a machine. If it gets broken, cut it out. Don't treat the whole person and distill it down to what is really happening in the body. Everything is inter-related and not an independent gear or spring.
Life has been absolutely insane over the past few months.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
What does one say that is adequate at a time like this. Be strong and hang in. If the switch flipped run with it for all its worth. People are here if you need to rant. Keep us all appraised as you go along.
What's your favourite city?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Paris!!!!!! I love that city. I would like to see Prague and Vienna. While we are at it throw in Istanbul.
I’m so upset with this recent illegal immigrant separation of children from their families.
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
It definitely reminds one of Dacha or Birkenbau unfortunately. ICE is becoming a lot like brown-shirted, boot strapped stormtroopers.. Where has the America I knew gone. On a side note, I have a poem I wrote about the Nazis marching into Paris and the intellectuals like Sartre, and Simon de Beauvior fleeing to southern France. It's called, "Psris, 1942, Rue de Ravignon". Not that anybodies interested. Just throwing that out. It seemed pertinent.
Favorite Song
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Also "Blackness" by Rasaan Roland Kirk
Favorite Song
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I know it's not necessarily a romantic kind of song, but BOLIVIA, by Gato Barbieri. That sqealing sax and latin beat does something for me.
Good job everyone! We did it! ?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Ask them if they are so fond of heaping punishment out, have they ever given a thought to perhaps heaping compassion instead? You attract more flues with honey than you do with vinegar. Judt sayin"
Does your brain and your mouth have separate agendas at times ?
t1nick comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Definitely. More often thaN I care to recount. Oy!
Coffee drinkers, do you grind your beans or do you buy it already ground?
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2018:
I get it ground. I have a coffee grinder, but the type of coffee I usually have, it's too difficult to grind each day before work. I drink iced coffee every day, this takes a coarse grind and a 41 hour brewing tI me to make an pitcher. If and when I drink hot, it takes it as a turkishow coffee. Thulisten takes the most powder fine grind possible on order to dissolve completely. They're both worth it though?
How close are you to your Ex?
t1nick comments on Jun 14, 2018:
My ex- and I are best friends. We separated and divorced because we realized we made better best friends, than spouses. Our separation was amicable and friendly. I tall with her on the phone at least once a week. She lives about 4 driving hours away and I travel up to visit 2 or 3 times a year.
Let's pretend we're wrong and a supernatural diety shows up on earth! What three questions would ...
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2018:
Why here? Why niw? Are you feeling alright?
What's the song you remember most from the year you graduated high school and what year was it?
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2018:
Correction I think it was by CCR. Soooooo.... long ago.
What's the song you remember most from the year you graduated high school and what year was it?
t1nick comments on Jun 13, 2018:
My class song was Jeremiah was a Bullfrog, 1972. 3 dog night
What do you all think about Robert De Niro saying " Fuck Trump" on live television?
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Senior was wrong. When they do things like that, they energize Trump's base. Works against their interest. With all due redpect, I think you are looking at the N. Korea summit through colored glasses. It was all ego driven optics. Both leaders were more interested in optics than true solutions. Trump got Ung to sign a document to recognize a document signed and rstified in April that was never being challenged. Ung has reneged on every agreement he has been offered and agreed upon. We will not know if anything fruitful came from this summit fir at least a year. True a denuclearization was signed by both, but there was absolutely no details for implemrntation. It was pure vague pap and optics.
Do you have to lead a structured life ?
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2018:
I assume I have to, if no other reason than I am a high school science teacher. I live by bells and schedules. It used drive my ex- nuts and I can't say I blame her. She liked unplanned spontaneity (sorry, redundant) and my structured lifestyle contrasted with that. I am a softer style of Type-A personality. If I am not at my appointment 5 min. early, Im already late (for example).
What is your favorite foreign language film?
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Dersa Usala. Kurosawa
God: Oy Noah! Noah: Yes Lord?
t1nick comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Did you have any particular in Cultural Anthro? I've been kind of living ethnography for the last 20 years. I've taught science on two reservations and in one historic Indian school. I've had some unbelievable experiences and opportunities.
Is playing Dungeons and Dragons harmful to young people as it encourages acknowledgement of deities?
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2018:
It's easy to over rationalize the impact of games like D&D. I started playing D&D in 1975, three years after it came out. I continued to play it until around 1986 (sorry I'm a nerd). We had 2 engineers, an archaeologist (me) and a geologist in our campaign. What it did for us is stimulate our creativity, challenge our design skills, and gave us an us an appreciation and practice in problem solving. This early interactive game is not to be mistaken with the video version. To your question, I do not think that D&D (non-video version only) dies not necessarily cause children to suddenly become deified. Nothing wrong with learning about other cultures, they are real and are vibrant, even if we do not buy into their paradigm.
God: Oy Noah! Noah: Yes Lord?
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2018:
PS. I hate auto correct, it always makes one look so
God: Oy Noah! Noah: Yes Lord?
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Same. I always appreciate a fellow Anthro. I was a field arcaeological and a paleontological for about a decade. I've been teaching high school and college science fir last thirty years. What was your area of study?
Does anyone have any idea what plant this is?
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Canis bowwowensis
God: Oy Noah! Noah: Yes Lord?
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2018:
It's good to talk to another Anthro. By the by, my town repertory theater just performed my play that is very much like yours. Once again. Good on ya.I was an Archaeo from U of A.
God: Oy Noah! Noah: Yes Lord?
t1nick comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Lol. There are more contradictions to the story that you didn't include. But who cares I like your version just fine. Good on ya.
I'm a rock star!
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Sorry, yes "rare"
I'm a rock star!
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Congratulations. As a teacher, I know how rate these accolades come about. But it only takes once in awhile to keep us goung.
The Tipping Point When Minority Views Take Over - The Atlantic
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Technically this called a paradigm shift. An in balance occurs in a system or ideology. As the inbalance causes more and more tension within its followers, the usual answers are no longer satisfactory. You begin to search for alternative answers that significantly differ from what you are used to. Eventually the tension and stress reaches an unsta in able point, and the old ideology is discarded for a new one. Paradigm shift. This process is true in all the natural sciences and the study is called Complex Systems Theory ( or popularly, Chaos Theory). A fascinating field of study.
This reminds me of the waste of time it is to argue in those that don't believe in climate change.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2018:
So true
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2018:
It's not one culture but individuals escaping the confines of an oppressive and domineering paradigm. Multiple paradigms exist and overlsp. Their are no guidelines es or rules. I do not know if this costitutes a culture. My anthropologicsl training rebels at the thought. Maybe a subculture.
t1nick comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Have you ever read the books,"The Tao of Pooh", and the "Te of Piglet?" Worth checking out if for no other reason it's a fun way to learn what Taoism is about. I know it's another belief system similar to a relgion. But hey, it was fun and if you don't know anything about the subject, it's a relatively painless way to gain knowledge. Just sayin'
I really miss Mythbusters, Probably one of my favorite shows ever.
t1nick comments on Jun 9, 2018:
My students met Adam Savage at a workshop this eeekend in Santa Fe, NM
I really miss Mythbusters, Probably one of my favorite shows ever.
t1nick comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I teach high school science. In my sophomore Physical Science classes we have what we. MythBusters Thursday. Every Thursday we watch an episode of Jamie and Adam and crew. The studentshave to dissect each epidode, describing the problem, how it was tested and the three variables involved: independent, dependent, & control. Very popular with my students and the school.
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
t1nick comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Your question as it is structured and asked presume that it is surprising that atheists have any moral code whatdoever. I do not think that you intended to imply that. All humans share an instinctual code that directs them how one should act in order to maintain an ordered and healthy world. Morals are essentially the way that humans make sense of the world around them and how they interpret the range if interactions that must occur to operate in any society. It's true thst not everybody operates with an acceptable moral code. Humans as they evolved not only successful ly manipulate their immediate environment, but build filters to shield themselves from their better instincts. It one of the down sides to abstract thinking. Rationalizing is a filtering tool. All societies have similar codes for healthy operation and interaction. Morals are not the sole possession of one group, but a universal action for purposeful and productive interactions.
Conspiracy Theories
t1nick comments on Jun 1, 2018:
None. By definition conspiracy theories by their inception always contain too many moving parts and if's to be believable. Occam's Razor says that the simplest answer is usually the most likely to be correct. The problem with conspiracy theories is that depend upon people's ability to keep a secret. Secrets are power. If I know a secret and you do not, I have power over you. Your naural curiosity drives you to find out what the secret is. I have the control to withhold that secret. But the only wat I can prove my power to you is to divulge the secret. That's how info gets out and why conspiracies do not generally hold water. Too many if's, moving parts and secret sharing.
What does your book collection say about you?
t1nick comments on May 30, 2018:
You have an interest in law, am I right. My bookshelf has a combination to textbooks on science and education. My fiction section mostly has 19th Century french literature (in English unfortunately), early 20th Century Spanish lit. (Some in translation and some not).
Morality is Very subjective, As an individual you decide what is Moral.
t1nick comments on May 29, 2018:
In reality, morality goes way deeper than individual decision and choice. Much of morality is culturally determined. In many senses, morality at its base is more related to evolutionary determinism, instincts. Instincts work to maximize fitness for survival. Having a cultural determinate like morals and morality allows for a population of himan's to maximize it fitness for survival. Caveat: humans have found a way to shield themselves from their own instincts and their environment, so examples of an increase of aberrant behavior that is contrary to fitness occurs with tegulsrity.
Happy Memorial Day, especially to all the veterans! It’s a gorgeous day here in ...
t1nick comments on May 28, 2018:
Here to in Gallup
Do you ever miss the religious life?
t1nick comments on May 26, 2018:
For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?
t1nick comments on May 26, 2018:
For believers whats makes you think any diety does exist. Disregard any single point in the theist paradigm and the who paradigm falls apart
As a non-believer, what is your moral foundation?
t1nick comments on May 25, 2018:
I have small problem with the way the question is posed. It suggests that an inherent skepticism on your part that atheists lack a moral compass and must justify themselves as to their morality. Atheists have the same moral values as anybody else. The primary difference in my mind is that atheists tend not to assert that this code was given to them by a omnipotent being. The moral code is wired into us as part of our instinctual self. It is what is necessary to maintain a healthy, functioning social presance. Humans survived early extinction by developing a heightened sense of social presance and social well-being, along with a complex communication system to express it. We are one of the most highly developed social species on the planet, as our survival depended upon it. As we alter our environment and distance ourselves from that very environment and instincts, episodes of dysfunctional, abberant social behavior is allowed to go unchecked.
What's the difference between anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence?
t1nick comments on May 25, 2018:
One of the tenets of science is that is empirical. Empiricism means that any evidence or conclusions must measurable with a system that is as unbiased as possible, replicable, and conforms to the Natural Laws as defined through this same process. Anecdotal evidence is any set of conclusions that may make sense to the observer, but cannot be measured, replicated, or confirmed otherwise.
It's interesting when I bring up Ayn Rand people write the opposite of what she is saying.
t1nick comments on May 25, 2018:
For many years I was an Ayn Rand fan. I was even the secretary of my college's Objectivism Club. My foundation for liking Ayn Rand was, I think similar to yours. The first book of hers that I read was, Atlas Shrugged' where her support of intellectualism and intellectuals dominated her story line. Because that is what I wanted to hear, lacking any support for my own intellectual proclivities. But in the same instance, I ignored her economic message, which is really the crux of her thesis. Remember she fled the Soviet Union, and her thesis was to reputate the communist pholodophy. She did this going to the other extreme, total unregulated 'laizze faire' capitslism. What she and other backing this philosophy fail to consider is human's tendency to gravitate towards an unhealthy form of "selfishness". This means they betray the tenets that Ayn Rand discussed herself in her own works.
Do you believe that all non-believers will go to hell?
t1nick comments on May 24, 2018:
I mean no disrespect, but your posit doesn't make sense. If you are non-beleiver, than by definition there is no heaven or hell. This concept only exists if you buy into a paradigm that holds this as one of its tenets. Therefore, you cannot go to someplace that does not exist in your belief system.
If you have a sincere interest in any of the non-theistic Eastern practices such as Buddhism, ...
t1nick comments on May 24, 2018:
I've taught in the Native American community for two decades. I have been exposed to the religious beliefs for the cultures I worked among. I found their beliefs very appealing due to the basic simplicity and connection they draw with the Nature around them. When I ran the karate club in the schools where I taught, the students and I explored Taoism. I also explored Shintoism. Of all of them, I find Shintoism most appealing of all. Shintoism asserts that every thing has a soil; rocks, plants, animals, etc. While I do not believe in a soul, I teach Science and I teach about the inter-relatedness of all things in any system. It's not exactly a soul, but the inter-relateness plays the same role, of sorts. The Universe has very specific rules that all things follow. The rules are at once simple, and impossibly difficult, and the relationship between elements dictates all action. I hope this makes sense to readers.
As an atheist what do you want done with your remains when you die?
t1nick comments on May 15, 2018:
Have you considered a green burial. There are green burial cemetaries. You are wrapped in simple cloth covering and buried in shallower grave. The idea being that your body will decompose and give nutrient back to the environment. Nor all states support or allow. Colorado and New Mexico do.


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