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In the news:
tinkercreek comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Repug plug
Oops accident
tinkercreek comments on Dec 22, 2019:
That face!
We are doing Christmas at my house this year.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 22, 2019:
I still have a bit of shopping to do, not as easy as usual to get around post-op! Gift parcel has arrived to my daughter's family in NZ; I'll take some nibbles over to my son's Christmas morn (3.5 yr old & 6 mo old), then on to my niece's (90 min drive) for visiting & dinner w/a vege dish, with an early exit in light of returning to work on 12/26!
Thumbprint Cookies [delish.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Yes, I'm sure blueberry was the right choice, yum!
Thought it was sweet
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
A much needed breath of fresh air!
A right winger obviously posted this.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Nope. not feeling it.
Good Saturday Morning - this may be old but .
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Love it, new to me!
Made me laugh, not groan
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Hahaha, love the whole page, "10 bastard pence"!
I had heard on the radio that Eddie Murphy is going to be on SNL tonight for any that are ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Thanks for posting, I heard it too! He was on Jimmy Fallon last night, though I only caught a bit of it.
Sweet Izzy.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Awww, what a face!
There are mainly 3 types of Hotel breakfast which are English Breakfast, Continental Breakfast and ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
With my daughter's family in New Zealand, they often have porridge (oatmeal), yet traditional kids' fare is Vegemite or peanut butter on toast, or spaghetti on toast. YES, the canned stuff, like Spaghetti-O's we have here! Those tykes need their carbs, you know.
Who remembers the source of the text?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Geesh, you guys are good!
Happy Solstice! So the shortest day came, and the year died.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
What wonderful verse, thank you!
hi everyone, I asked @yogafan108 , your Moderator, if us folks from the Aging Alone group may join ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Welcome, and I think you will find these groups should have already become one!
This is a FB link to a video of a former member of the Westboro Baptist Church talking with kids ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Wow. This is intense and deep, heartfelt and revealing, and to me it is incredibly uplifting. As we gather with families and friends, I hope folks can appreciate the wide scope of how humans-are-being. THANK YOU for sharing! ❤
Now this is funny!
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Bet I could guess his age within 5 yrs.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I LOVE this guy!
Yup happens to me
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I think mine's on strike, demanding better working conditions.
Just discovered plants - []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Wow, love seeing these - and now I want a Zonozono tree!
Poor doggie hungry
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Oh, NOW it makes sense!
What's the dumbest thing you did?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Did I check the wrong box?
Working on No-Bake Oatmeal Cookies for the freezer.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Oh, what memories! I used to make these in high school and college!
"The Visitor" is a 2008 movie starring Richard Jenkins, Hiam Abbass, Haaz Sleiman and Danai Gurira.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
That looks great, but only available for purchase from Prime. I added it to watchlist to see if they will offer it.
Elizabeth is missing - TV movie If you haven`t seen Glenda Jackson for a long time that is because ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Dang it, not available on Prime.
Things we chew and spit out... []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
This is great! I am so glad to live in this time of historic discoveries!
In response to a new chum's enquiry on how to make a post I offer the following suggestions: At ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
That just made me very tired. I shall continue to post as before.
Who wants to move to New Zealand? []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I was just wondering how he would assist with the strict NZ immigration laws when I saw the bit about this advert being for NZ'ers only. Oh, if only there were a clause for foreigners to apply! Even up on North Island is far closer to my daughter in Christchurch, and with much nicer weather, as well. Perhaps I'll ask her to send me the needed contact info, and write a nice letter . . . 😎
Hey everyone, For those that have used fake phone numbers or apps to keep in touch with a new ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 19, 2019:
You can dial 'star' 67 before the number you are dialing, and your caller ID will be blocked. You just need to ask him to pick up a private number call.
My son sent me this saying it was the most cringe worthy thing he had seen in awhile.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Obnoxious entitlement. Really too bad these girls did not tell him they would be dialing 911 if he did not leave - and then do it.
Brickle Recipe Ingredients: Graham crackers (recipe called for saltines, but I used grahams ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Oh, so yummy!
Good kitty!
tinkercreek comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Yes, very good kitty!
My dog Kojak has a new little brother.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Our German Shorthaired Pointer did fine with my gerbil and my sister's parakeet - under close supervision!
Baldness This question is for the hetero women.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 18, 2019:
This is a natural life progression, one of many, and it makes me a bit sad to see men who obviously think it affects their personal value in some way. Sadder, still, would be a woman who judges a man based on that. Comb-overs are THE WORST, followed by toupees and implants. Shaving seems to work well for many, though a short cut sounds like far easier maintenance. Geesh, don't we all have enough to worry about?!
I know it is really cold up north and some of you may be tempted to move south, a few things you ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Love it, and I am familiar with most of it!
How does one get their ex-pastor to leave them alone?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Tell him you prefer that he no longer asks you that, as you are happy with your decision to leave his church and in no need of establishing with another church. Does he phone you? Block his number. See you in the grocery? Excuse yourself, no reason needed. Stop you on the sidewalk? Same. Come to your home? Ask him to please stop visiting, as you have no business with him (religion is his "business"). Do you speak with your brother-in-law? Might be good to let him know that the pastor's contact is not welcome. You made a choice, and have no obligation to share your values with anyone, but you may want to consider how the "truth will set you free!"
Had a great week away on walkabout .
tinkercreek comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Such a great remembrance to have of beautiful, happy Max, living a great life with loving humans. It is always a dreadful sorrow when they have to leave us, so sorry for you and the rest of his family.
Two 90-year-old women, Bertha and Betty, had been friends all of their lives.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Lol, Got me!
A little play on words. 😆
tinkercreek comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Lol, very cute!
The weather is such a mess in several different parts of the country. Stay safe, all.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I will enjoy the last clear day here before heavy rains through Friday with high temps to 50, then back to our unusually mild 40's ranges - not complaining!
Hey there what is good?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 17, 2019:
A judgmental, objective qualifier.
What can be done about the inactive members problem on this site?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Why do you see this as a problem, with a need to regulate? If some folks just want to scan through and process ideas in their own way, I hold they are free to do so.
Christmas cookie time! And it's snowing again.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Perfectly and BEAUTIFULLY decorated cookies, how fun!
Hello alll... I just bought a two peep carriage? Woohoo! I told sassy awhile ago..
tinkercreek comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Congratulations, wonderful news!
CYRANO, MY LOVE | Official Trailer []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
That looks like fun!
"Just Cause" on Netflix.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Excellent, thanks again!
More on the oldest cave art yet dated - []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Very nice explanatory information!
Snake bite.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Whew, glad to say that's something we don't have to worry over here!
Did his job
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
I think I see a sashay in that victory walk!
Don't know what you are feeling!
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Is this all part of the younger gen's need for constant attention?
I likely posted this before, but it is the season.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
SO cute! Pause for thought here, as I think I have old holiday pics tucked away. When my mom died 14 yrs ago, my sisters and I divided up photos and treasures (?), which rest undisturbed in my office closet. Perhaps I need to do a search?
Cat is mad
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
It's supposed to snow today, here in KC.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Great info, thanks! Baking my mom's and grandma's cookies, and my own Ginger Bears was always a fun tradition with my kids. My visit last December with my daughter and 3 yr old grandson involved lots of baking of those and some new finds, with lots of help from my dear grandie. I just had an online visit with them yesterday and learned there was a fresh batch of ginger dough in their fridg, such a dear connection continued!
Feta Cheese / Spinach bread.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Yum, I love Feta! May try to adapt this to a GF quick bread recipe.
Perfect love the idea
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Nah, I want as little reference to that name as possible!
I've had a few matches on tinder.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
The cartoon is perfect, and I hope the connection is good!
Did anyone else have a good belly laugh when Steve Colbert said, "Mr.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
At this point in the shenanigans, I don't know what I would do without Colbert, Meyers, Kimmel, Noah, Oliver. The clarity and levity help to provide SOME sense of sanity!
A few years old but it's very cute. Thanks for the idea, ShadowAmicus! []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Oh, my.
A few weeks ago I went out and ordered blintzes, delicious.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Those are beautiful and sure to be tasty - and FAR too labor-intensive for me!
Happy Saturday, fellow heathens! I’m home from the hospital, yay😁😁😁.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Glad you're back home, but some answers/resolution to those symptoms would be nice, also. TIA's? are you on blood thinners? Yes, I would guess some Rx adjustment is in order, and hope they at least did some comprehensive bloodwork for your docs to consider. Take good care!
On my way into NYC this rainy Saturday morning.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I avoid venturing out to retail areas until after 8 or 9pm between Thanksgiving and New Years. Do lots of folks just take time off work to shop, or what??!
I found these research results, although interesting, also a bit disconcerting: U.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
US is 23%, but the UK is just a smidge down at 21%. I found it interesting that was not put forward in the article.
It's ironic when a Christian say that gays have more rights than them now.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Fear is typically at the core. Fear that their beliefs may prove incorrect, fear that the 'others' may influence them, fear that their behavioral paradigm may not be sustainable when they are exposed. What an awful way to live.
Update on my date tonight.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Very nice news!
You will have to enlarge this to read it easily, but it's something we all wish we would have ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 13, 2019:
It's so much fun to dream!
A dinosaur tale! []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Sad end for the little creature, but great info for us!
Yup he did it
tinkercreek comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Haha, the cat's "leave me alone and don't mess with me" expression!
So, I'm going on a date tonight.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Exactly; one dinner, one meeting, for you to just be yourself and gain information on this other person. You will then take the information with you and think it over before agreeing to meet again.
Cooking up some "supplies" for the next few hectic days while Linda is at a Christmas singing ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Jeff Allen []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Ooooh, I'll remember that idea!
Just for kicks and giggles, I signed up for Temptingflirting.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Your profile lists you as 51 - how do you define 'cougar'?
The other night I was at a club where people go to dance to the blues.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Lucky you to find out! Though, if he's fun to dance with (those can be hard to fine) you simply know now to avoid much conversation.
He was so kind and grecious to invite....
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
The importance of clear and complete communication.
Good, though......
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Grandma is a darling
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Spot on!
Free holiday lunch today for the 300 employees, here.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Sometimes it's rough to be the responsible employee, right?
17 and LucyLou is not excited about that crap! Her ears are cold!🐾🌬❄️☃️
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
My girl gets chilly, too - no undercoat! Sometimes I have to drag her out to potty when it's damp & cold.
Happy Hump Day! I've bundled up like Nanook! I'll bet a lot of you are freezing your nuts off! ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
It's eerily balmy in Portland, OR, with rainy highs of 50' today & tomorrow but a huge snow dump in the mtns!
Not sure where to post this.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
He's great, will have to search out more!
Revised edition.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 11, 2019:
Hey If anyone is in Albuquerque or Tucson, I will be performing there this weekend.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Any plans for a Portland show??
Over the weekend the kids and I were talking about Christmas music.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 10, 2019:
I think that having been involved in choral music (40 yrs for me!) provides a unique appreciation for music that others may categorize, judge, or just find annoying. Hearing show tunes, ballads, or religious music can take me back to that wonderful work, camaraderie and stage time that I loved so much, despite the music's origin. And BTW, much of the most splendid music originated in churches, likely due to available resources and need. The current assault of 'popular' holiday music does get tiring, and I avoid that. Skilled, blended voices and instruments that produce beautiful songs and beloved memories will always be a joy for me!
Hopefully this isn't a repeat question, but what are your thoughts on the Elf on the Shelf?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 10, 2019:
I am only remotely aware of this, and happy that way, though I do know some families have fun with it rather than going the oppression route. Thank goodness my kids were off and out before this silly trend hit!
After seeing the cast iron skillet from RoadGoddess, I felt compelled to share - only foodies and ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Thanks for the info!
Yup bad day
tinkercreek comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Poetic justice.
Does anyone know where I can get a "Seeing Eye Human" vest?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 10, 2019:
If you're serious, check out, where you can get just about any personalization on stuff.
It seems impossible that all I have left of Matilda are these few mementos.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Losing a pet is always a tragic pain, so sorry for your loss. Please try to take good care of yourself.
Pretty sure this has been posted before, but if you haven’t seen it, here’s a lesson in body ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Hahaha, love it!
Russia banned from 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup over doping scandal
tinkercreek comments on Dec 9, 2019:
The world is watching everything Russian now.
Yup funny
tinkercreek comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Naughty kitty!
😂 just needed to tell you all something 😂
tinkercreek comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Hahaha, careful, your generation is showing! :-)
New Evidence Suggests Mary, Joseph Watched 'Die Hard' On First Christmas Night | The Babylon Bee
tinkercreek comments on Dec 9, 2019:
So silly!
Yesterday I went for lunch at a friends place.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Oh, fresh ripe apricots! How could anyone ignore them?
If men’s logic about vaginas was applied to themselves.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
tinkercreek comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Seems I was blissfully unaware of those assumptions. Hmmm.
Ever dreamed of tracking sharks in the ocean as they do shark stuff?
tinkercreek comments on Dec 8, 2019:
This is great, thanks for sharing!
A man and his girlfriend check into a hotel.
tinkercreek comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Super heroines (apologies for the stereotyping).
tinkercreek comments on Dec 8, 2019:
No offense taken, those are cute! I especially like Cat Woman's down time.
Picked peppers
tinkercreek comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Not sure I could take that heat, but they are BEAUTIFUL!!
I'm not sure if I want to barf or not over this one! []
tinkercreek comments on Dec 7, 2019:
I really feel badly for her 2 kids, how embarrassing for them!
Saturday sillies
tinkercreek comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Haha, good thing about that game is how you stop noticing or caring about the inconsistencies!
My agnostic husband and deeply religious father started having a debate about whether or not God is ...
tinkercreek comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Sounds like a good topic for them to avoid in the future.


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