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"Socialism has a lot better chance of working in the US than elsewhere since we're the one country ...
twill comments on Feb 10, 2018:
USA IS presently a Socialist country. Why that question? The pertinent question is: Why does the USA have Selective Socialism?
Another thought popped into my head today: What sound bite does the "60's Generation" and the ...
twill comments on Feb 12, 2018: Seth explains my point better
Today, I happened to listen to the most hard-core, disturbingly religious song I've heard in a long ...
twill comments on Feb 13, 2018:
I prefer the Sex Pistols' "God Save the Queen" ( We mean it Man)
Have you ever stopped reading a book, listening to a song, or watching a show because it added ...
twill comments on Feb 13, 2018:
News Programs, Political Pontifications, Newspapers. Sporting events. It's everywhere . I would guess that much art, books and music are the most sheltered...... Heck look at the way meat is imposed on us for every meal through the media Sugar for every fricking holiday. Pounds of it. A new Car! OK.....I'm done now. It's just Innocent Propaganda. Societal Impact of Thoughtlessness.....It'll go away ( no it won't)
Have you ever stopped reading a book, listening to a song, or watching a show because it added ...
twill comments on Feb 13, 2018:
News Programs, Political Pontifications, Newspapers. Sporting events. It's everywhere . I would guess that much art, books and music are the most sheltered...... Heck look at the way meat is imposed on us for every meal through the media Sugar for every fricking holiday. Pounds of it. A new Car! OK.....I'm done now. It's just Innocent Propaganda. Societal Impact of Thoughtlessness.....It'll go away ( no it won't)
Have you ever stopped reading a book, listening to a song, or watching a show because it added ...
twill comments on Feb 13, 2018:
News Programs, Political Pontifications, Newspapers. Sporting events. It's everywhere . I would guess that much art, books and music are the most sheltered...... Heck look at the way meat is imposed on us for every meal through the media Sugar for every fricking holiday. Pounds of it. A new Car! OK.....I'm done now. It's just Innocent Propaganda. Societal Impact of Thoughtlessness.....It'll go away ( no it won't)
Does anybody else get physically ill when they read articles about proposed Trump regime policies?
twill comments on Feb 13, 2018: It's a GREAT SWAMP. Before Donald Trump came along, it was just a shitty little SWAMP. Now look at it.....It's gonna be the Greatest SWAMP ever. A Great SWAMP. The Best! A SWAMP like the world has never seen before! "DT 2020! .... More SWAMP"
I was trying to find the MeToo thread, asking what we thought of it.
twill comments on Feb 14, 2018:
All I saw Franken do was make a joke
"Books are a poor substitute for female companionship but they are easier to find" - Kvothe, The ...
twill comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Excellent thread, based on an interesting quote
My big question is why does religion have to be so creepy?
twill comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Good question. give some examples of creepiness. One for me is the smell of the inside of a church. Kind of weird I go inside of a church, and besides posters and words and such......I don't "feel" God's presence. Never have, not even during services
Why Women Aged 35 45 Are Single and Unhappy The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness - YouTube
twill comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Depression. ADHD. Oprah's "woo" .... Shit never ends . I suppose that (I shut off the babble, I mean video, @ 2:45 btw). Think....just think of not only our species but ALL of the animals in the world.......where did this happiness shit come from? We work, we eat and on a good day we celebrate......but mostly we survive and the lucky ones prosper. I PROSPER because I choose to
183 Coffins For Idaho Children Killed By Faith Healing Parents
twill comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Amish get special business laws in some states. like no Work Comp requirement
Anyone find their way here from Facebook?
twill comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Steven Pinker: Identity Politics Is 'An Enemy of Reason and Enlightenment Values' | The Weekly ...
twill comments on Mar 14, 2018:
Identity Politics: = The death of the Democrat Party and the election of Donald Trump. 5,020,001 people seem to rule this nation of over 300,000,000. 5,000,000 NRA members + 20,000 that don't know which bathroom to use + 1 Vladimir Putin Identity Politics have hurt this nation badly. We voted for Hope & Change in 2008....... Hope was gone when Obama's 1st order of business was to pay off his masters with American Homes and Jobs. Change? I've just got a bit of change in my pocket left. I don't worry about left leaning's a left brain/ right brain thing. Some teach. Some do. Who the hell listens or cares?
So my ex just announced the birth of his second child with the teenager he left me for and my mom is...
twill comments on Mar 16, 2018:
Sometimes there will always be hurt. Minimize it , get away from it, right? Your mom, well she's just insensitive. As is mine. I guess there will always be a little hurt. Try playing a Cure album. Take it head on, absorb it, let it torture you and then dispose of it. Get up and walk again
How many of you have been home schooled, or are currently home schooling children?
twill comments on Mar 16, 2018:
My ex-wife homeschooled 2 kids for about 3 years. Then the local group started to hook up with a church, and get more "official"....And she was to sign a pledge about believing in God. And my youngest child had no friends. His older brother was hard on him Mom not much help. In denial. When I asked any questions I was basically told to bugger off. I'm just a dumbshit I yam, I yam. Thats when I had enough. End of home schooling. End of marriage.
Why did your marriage fail?
twill comments on Mar 18, 2018:
No shaed vision. Neither marriage
Places To Retire As Expats for $200K
twill comments on Mar 19, 2018:
A question I always consider is: property rights/ ownership. I strongly believe in protection of people's property. Yet most of these articles focus on renting. Which is an option, but just in case I wanted to buy, what would be my legal rights? And also what is the RCQ....Religious Crazy Quotient?
I am really glad coming and finding a site this so open and liberal and no one is spewing religion ...
twill comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Yes and usually spewing by the 3rd paragraph. I know what you mean. Welcome
Places To Retire As Expats for $200K
twill comments on Mar 20, 2018:
After writing my previous comments, I now Ponder the Plunder: What is the environmental impact of fleeing Americans to more rural countries? Perhaps the best answer is to simply rent in a city. But the rersults, especially where Americans are concerned will almost certainly be :more, more more. More housing. More shopping. More land for housing. More resources gobbled.....Now Honduras needs more landfills. More plastic in the ocean. More soda pop for the locals. Consume Mass Quantities !!!! Paradise shot to hell. Hopefully we can all think first. IDK if I want to play a part in this
Just a few funny stories I thought I'd share about my 12 year old.
twill comments on Apr 2, 2018:
My 92 yr-old Mom is crying at me about my kids' religious beliefs, prayer, etc. My 13 yr old and I had a conversation about his lack of belief last week. He simply cannot rationalize it. I suppose at this point a christian parent would have a stockpile of answers to give him ......
So, just spent this easter at our local giant easter fair, heaps of music, chocolate, silly costumes...
twill comments on Apr 5, 2018:
They did Walk with Cross downtown here
Single Life
twill comments on Apr 10, 2018:
3 1/2 months
twill comments on Apr 15, 2018:
This works
Zeitgeist the movie
twill comments on Apr 22, 2018:
I've watched it more than once. I didn't care much for the financial stuff. The other parts I liked
What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?
twill comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Since the odds of this meeting taking place are 1 in 100's of thousands/ millions, I won't be spending any time writing or rehearsing a speech. I'll just wing it, IF I get there
THE PROSTITUTION OF THE BLACK CHURCH: When I was a child in the Church it was always a given, ...
twill comments on Apr 25, 2018:
Our little rundown white towns are getting quite a number of storefront churches nowadays. My big question is: Why do college "educated" people get involved in this nonsense?
I am feeling grateful today!
twill comments on Apr 26, 2018:
The Absence of Light
twill comments on Apr 27, 2018:
I am totally blown away....has anyone ever heard of this lady?
Shower thought: "Sweet Home Alabama" was recorded in Georgia by a band from Florida.
twill comments on Apr 27, 2018:
Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers....
This is me. I'm an introverted extrovert. Or an extroverted introvert. I can't decide which.
twill comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Pretty typical I'd venture to guess
I've been reading up on psychedelic drugs lately.
twill comments on May 19, 2018:
No peyote, never did it.. But I'd sure like to trip about twice a year....why leave the house to go on vacation? Seriously, it's the quickest, easiest way to get over this God BS. I did some acid when younger. Some good, some not so good experiences. Then in my 50's some was given to me.....much, much better for me!
How much are the US news channels following the wedding tomorrow between TV star Meghan Markle and ...
twill comments on May 19, 2018:
I was hoping to watch the weather report this chance of it
I've been reading up on psychedelic drugs lately.
twill comments on May 21, 2018: “You don’t do something like this because you read a magazine article.”
Is it just me or where I live, but is it becoming less acceptable for men to go shirtless?
twill comments on Jun 3, 2018:
When I was more of businessman and less of a roofer, I'd keep my shirt on. Now that I am on the roof more, the shirt goes flying off rather quickly. Altho I am slim and don't have a beer gut, (I used to) it's a comfort thing. In mixed company, life in general, I always wear a shirt except at the pool or beach. Most men don't need to take off their shirts... the gut is already highly visible. ( I see it with the women too..... in general America's physical shape is poor)
Libtard logic.
twill comments on Jun 16, 2018:
I'm going back to Facebook.
So, was talking to a friend of mine this weekend at a BBQ.
twill comments on Jun 17, 2018:
At the grocery store, and in restaraunts, I point out to my kids what obese/ extremely obese people eat.....
I am going to see Roger Daltrey perform the songs from "Tommy" at the Ravinia Pavillion tomorrow ...
twill comments on Jun 25, 2018:
Tommy is still on my playlist. Has been since I was kid. Sounds like a great time!
So I got divorced.
twill comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I don't like payments either
I'd love to know people's thoughts on New Age/Spirituality.
twill comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Good insight! I have no experience or knowledge. Altho I did watch a clip of Seth Andrews commenting on why Oprah for President would be a bad idea
Are you concerned the Religious Liberty Task Force could use this site to target you?
twill comments on Jul 31, 2018:
Seems like it'd be one of the 1st places they'd look.....
Excerpt by David Whyte: "Unrequited love is the love human beings experience most of the time.
twill comments on Aug 1, 2018:
It's difficult.
Ayn Rand has come up in conversations with conservatives lately.
twill comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Hell even the "Liberal" media ignores her atheism and talk against Power Strokes.
PART 3 ISLAM: THE STRAIGHT DOPE A Self-styled Expert Explains Everything THE KORAN’S ...
twill comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Thanks for all of that. So many failings of Christianity fill my head, I rarely consider the other prophets of doom. As I just posted, if God has a message for us humans, why not just alight the stars as letters and sky write it out for us all to see. His version of Twitter. All of this writing, pencil and paper, by man, seems a little , IDK....weak?
Am I the only one who does this?
twill comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Same here. Queen sized, left side
On a different forum, and under a pseudonym, I've written about a recent experience with faithful ...
twill comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Very good. "Surreal experience" "Anti climatic nature"....true thoughts and experiences. I enjoyed reading the comments section also.
How are members feeling about all the memes and links on the site? Asking for a friend. :)
twill comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Are they "meems"? Or are they "Mee-Mees"?
Hypnosis changed my mind on religion and christianity.
twill comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I had one hypnosis session back in the 80's. I quit smoking afterwards. Immediately.. It worked for me
Was becoming atheist difficult?
twill comments on Aug 21, 2018:
After many years of "not really believing", then holding out hope, and going to church, then "not really believing"....I finally opened my eyes to the incredibly unbelievable nonsense and decided that "I'm an Atheist". While growing up my family "always" went to church on Sunday, there wasn't a lot of religious pressure in the house, or during the week. It was just kind of "assumed" that prayer worked. God is alive. Jesus was resurrected, blah, blah, blah. We weren't active members of the congregation. So yeah there were those admonishments, but not much else. When I married and we had babies, we went down the christian road. I mean, we have to save their little souls, right? My wife claimed to be a believer..... But she was little more than indoctrinated if you ask me. She picked our church. Went through all of the rituals to join......then she was the 1st to quit. After all of that we went to several other churches , to find the one that "fit us" ......MADNESS! One day after we had not went to church for a while, she says: " I want to try the catholic church. It looks like a beautiful religion" I replied: " You just go ahead and go for it" I knew I was done forever at that point.
Will it ever be possible to solve the worlds major problems while MonoTheism dominate societies, ...
twill comments on Aug 29, 2018:
After my snack, I am particularly bothered by .....The Enablers. Enablers meaning "Liberal" media, Government, Social Assumptions. Or do I mean captives?
Will it ever be possible to solve the worlds major problems while MonoTheism dominate societies, ...
twill comments on Aug 29, 2018:
After my snack, I am particularly bothered by .....The Enablers. Enablers meaning "Liberal" media, Government, Social Assumptions. Or do I mean captives?
Questions for Democrats: Which Candidate is your top choice to run for President in 2020?
twill comments on Sep 9, 2018:
Many years ago, (10? 15?) , I heard Elizabeth Warren on the radio, explaining how our credit card industry operates. How it started, evolved, Etc. I've always liked her. She seemed very capable. I would always consider voting for her. Bernie just couldn't quite explain where the money for his social programs would come from (MIC! MIC! ) as obvious (MIC! MIC!) as the answer is ( MIC! MIC!) . So either he was being coy and dishonest, or was going to continue funding the MIC along with fantastic social programs. America CANNOT afford both. So I can't buy into what he's selling, as much as I'd like to. Hillary .....problem is.....if we had gotten her in 2016, she'd have been back in 2020. Along with another corporate clone in 2024. & 2028. Business as usual takes on a life of its own.......It tends to be business as usual. Obama cost me $1000's .........I can waste my own money thank you. I think that George Soros pegged him when he said that once Obama has your support, he doesn't offer much. He's out looking for more supporters. Obama gave up waaaaaay to much to RepublicanTs. No fight in him. He had the House & Senate and .....SUCKED. Might as well have voted for Romney ( MCCain probably had my vote in '08 before he "discovered" Sarah Palin. Yuck Poo!)
Just curious, what is the highest level you can get here?? I am level 6.6 ... what about you?
twill comments on Sep 11, 2018:
6.9 here. Does that mean anything?
Regarding God's Creation Fairy Tale 1: In the Beginning.
twill comments on Sep 15, 2018:
The Mystery Diety....Sittin' around by hisself for 13,800,000,000 years and never got bored or lonely .
Hoosier State group?
twill comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Hi Nichole. I like the idea a lot. I posted recently about where many members are from. Midwest/ Great Lakes seem under represented. to me anyway. Count me in
Things have been really tough lately.
twill comments on Sep 18, 2018:
You're doing good Nichole! keep trying, you'll get there! Good Job
Boy Scouts?
twill comments on Sep 21, 2018:
The Cub Scout/ Webelo pack my son was in, was pretty dedicated to church. Our meetings were in a church. We had Scout Sunday once a year They did charity work for churches. This was because of the leaders (one family) and not so much the scout organization, I believe. However, even at larger events I felt I was surrounded by believers. True or not, IDK. We stopped going because my son got lazy about it. And I wasn't very motivated because it was mostly about playing and .....crafts!!! The actual boy scouting was very few, far and between. I was wasting my Friday nights.....I could spend that time directly with children. Blah! So, it's worth a try. Probably depends on the local chapter
Other sites
twill comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Done with all of them. FOrever? IDK. I hope so
Matthew 6:34 (NIV): Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
twill comments on Oct 7, 2018:
So do a bunch of stupid shit today?
Was talking to my ex tonight about plane tickets and plans for him taking our son home with him for ...
twill comments on Oct 22, 2018:
"This helps him easily forget all the verbal and emotional abuse and neglect I experienced with him while I paid for everything" He didn't make financial contributions?
God’s Intelligent Design?
twill comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Why only 2 hands??????
35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You ...
twill comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I didn't find any of this info on the link provided
Socialist lies... []
twill comments on Jan 29, 2019:
"Venezuela is a federal presidential republic. The chief executive is the President of Venezuela who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly." Yeah I never knew Chavez was a Socialist. Or his successor.
Pence reaches applause line.
twill comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Trump is golfing and Pence is in Europe during a National Emergency ????????
Who here has successfully stopped smoking without the use of medications, patches, gum, etc?
twill comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Good luck. I quit after one meeting with a "Hypnologist". Don't laugh... it worked! I could not quit on my own
The Bible Awaits You
twill comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I think that one of the "bitter people" is holding the sign.
The Bible Awaits You
twill comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Hey there I am!'s me! There I am again ! There I am again! Again? Me again? Oh's me! Oh shit, it's me again! I'm all over this fu.....AGAIN!!....cking sign! Wow! I WANT THIS SIGN!
twill comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Strange. No proof of anything. NO ONE knows what Jesus' last words were. There was no Mark, Matthew etc. A waste of time and oxygen....not any kind of intellectual argument at all. But the interviewer acts like he "knows" something.
There are things I really miss about having a partner.
twill comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Perhaps you should have numbered your list RoadGoddess. I count 13. fwiw.
The things u can get w $3.
twill comments on Apr 2, 2019:
Good for Marshall's.....they're making money
Got to hang out with some coworkers tonight and was able to blow off some steam about my ex.
twill comments on Apr 29, 2019:
Good for them! My friends and co-workers know....anybody around me for long is gonna get an earful. My family, hit and miss. The few that I associate with, or speak honestly to, they know. They've heard me "wax poetic".
Is the Co-operative the answer to income inequality?
twill comments on May 12, 2019:
There are still some around. We have REMC here (Rural Electric Member Cooperative?) as local utility. Ultimately aren't things based on # of shares? Kind of like the stock market?
Excellent interview with Steve Bannon and Thomas Friedman from the NYT on CNBCs Squawk Box this ...
twill comments on May 18, 2019:
He makes a lot of good points. I'm not so sure that USA has all of the cards tho. Friedman has his up and down moments. Dems shouldn't cry about Russian influence.....they've been doing Wall St./ China's dirty work for two generations
Genesis 32:30(NRSV): So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, ...
twill comments on May 26, 2019:
Fuckin' Jacob....little lying Turd
WHAT YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE -- Let me see if I have this straight.
twill comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Here ya go Seargent, a quote from Christopher Hitchens : (via my refrigerator ) "Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong."
My ex and I have been growing a lot closer of late.
twill comments on Jun 3, 2019:
About the same here. We are both actually talking, at least about the kids. I know longer feel like I am all alone in raising them. Will we get back together? Very Highly Unlikely . I've noticed that I can only tolerate her presence for so long. But as you stated, I've felt for a long time that we didn't handle our problems well. Not at all. I'll forever be sad about it, and disappointed in myself. If you're both getting a 2nd chance go for it. I wish you well!
How (and Why) Americans Were Taught to Hate Atheists
twill comments on Jun 4, 2019:
.........and Hello Domino Theory, Good Morning Vietnam!
I am a science teacher in an inner city school.
twill comments on Jun 12, 2019:
God, Incorporated: The Big Business of Religion - YouTube
twill comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Well there's today's bad news
God, Incorporated: The Big Business of Religion - YouTube
twill comments on Jun 20, 2019:
I'm thinking that Copeland guy gets a lot of......women.
ENERGY Level: Am I an analomy?
twill comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Update: band practice was rough. Band got off track, I couldn't focus. Worked 5 hours, took a two hour nap today.
The older I get the less my tolerance is for people that in any way attempt to criticize, abuse, ...
twill comments on Jun 27, 2019:
The sooner you come to those conclusions, and act on them, the better off you're gonna be.
I went off to a 40's & 50's singles group yesterday afternoon.
twill comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Uninteresting people are uninterested
Since most small business people have a story to tell, which is usually very interesting, it may be ...
twill comments on Jul 28, 2019:
What's CV?
I started looking for a new job recently and these "career" sites are blowing up my phone.
twill comments on Jul 31, 2019:
IDK If I trust online job sites. I just tried $5 / day they sent me every type of applicant they could scramble together. For an upgrade to $22/ day they will "definitely find me the right fit". I doubt it.
Guns are the new God in America.
twill comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Religion will always find it's way to the "winning" , most powerful side (popularity). Might is Right.
Politics , sports, and religion the most corrupt institutions in the world.
twill comments on Aug 6, 2019:
Sports has corrupted our educational system. That's about it. The PRO Leagues should pay their own way, let the kids go back to readin' and writin'
"I’m calling on you to explain how you allowed this to happen,” Sen.
twill comments on Aug 8, 2019:
There's a Sucker born every minute, sez the Donald
Something people could learn from vets
twill comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I was having a beer with a vet and her 2 brothers a couple of days ago. She was extremely racist and trying to throw her garbage into the conversation. I/ we ignored her well enough to skip around her shit. I was pre warned as I was FB friends with her at one time, but unfriended her. Not due to racism, but her Type A personality. 35 + Years ago, an aquaintance, Bako, a biker, vietnam vet (Army) was into Nazis and white supremacy. ( My 1st go around with this. ) VERY VERY Racist. He passed away a few years back. He would probably be pleased at the state of the world. But to be fair, he raised his family, paid his taxes, worked hard for his brothers. IDK a lot of vets. IDK if vets are less racist or more tolerant. I know that they all aren't. IDK if they want to continue the war they were in, never outgrew racism or something in their past can't be changed within them. I'd like to know more
Because there is no one more qualified to lecture about women like five old white Christian farts.
twill comments on Aug 31, 2019:
The dude in the middle doesn't appear to be white
What’s everyone’s favourite movie and why?
twill comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Hot Fuzz. Because it's english and so are you averykings
I missed this yesterday, but I still want to give the shout out anyway because He was one of my ...
twill comments on Sep 8, 2019:
I'm going to expose myself here, but I've never been known to withhold the truth: most poetry I've ...
twill comments on Sep 8, 2019:
The only poetry I like is Rock and roll. And this one:
I've always been fascinated by Christians who say they believe in heaven, then scramble in a panic ...
twill comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Damn! I was having the exact same thought today! Thanks for posting it 👍
Name your US reps and what they do for you/your district
twill comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Democrat Pete Visclosky. Been there for about 40 years. I have no idea what he has done or accomplished. He talks about protecting the steel industry and keeps getting re-elected. I don't think I've seen his name on any legislation. IDK if he sits on any committees. I've never seen him interviewed on TV ....okay I don't really pay attention, but there's been lots of politicians I've made note of who have not even served close to 40 years. President Trump did more for the US Steel industry in less than a year than Visclosky (and our next door neighbor Obama) did in a combined 40 PLUS years! I'm no fan of steel and the pollution, but it is about the jobs and keeping the factories opened. Many friends, neighbors and customers work there. This guy has done nothing.
À little of my trip through southern Ireland
twill comments on Sep 16, 2019:
You take really good pictures
How do you bite?
twill comments on Sep 20, 2019:
We must have similar eating habits. My ex wife tried feeding me salads while she ate pizza/ comfort food.
Every vets wish is that he is the last to endure the unendurable so that his children won't have to
twill comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Amerricans want to support our Vets. However..... Americans want to support the MIC and Propaganda much, much more.
It's Friday.
twill comments on Sep 20, 2019:
No serious work until Tuesday. I was gonna tale a road trip. #1 son has been sick, so we'll hang out, take it as it comes
I am posting under health and happiness because I realized my health and happiness are taking a hit ...
twill comments on Sep 20, 2019:
If it's temporaray , then of course it will pass. Your realization of this, signals an awareness. An awareness that empowers you to put a limit on it. Be rational, crunch the numbers and then you decide what you need to invest to put you where you want/ need to be. My life was ate up by this in the past. At age 60, and single, with finances in order I have more control. Anyway, by Labor Day I am burnt out on the roofing season. I know I have to push for 2 more months, then it's 4+ months of part-time work.. So just be rational ( of course, I don't have any friends....)


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