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I consider myself to have a expanded awareness, a wider point of view, and tend to be an intellectual and analytical thinker. Although I am a socialiser, I am also a bit of a loner.
I am drawn to the mysteries of the very existence of all that is the universe and everything within it.
There is so much to explore, mysteries to solve, to find the irrefutable truth of our universe, planet and our existence yet one life is so short


Monetarily & immorally supported by USA taxpayers whose government's sponsored the conflict the ...
vocaloldfart comments on May 21, 2023:
Racism is global. I do wonder how and when it originated in the human psyche?
The word, used in Russia to describe controversial online lifestyle coaches, incites hatred, ...
vocaloldfart comments on May 21, 2023:
Another holocaust in the making perhaps? This time it will be the gypsies
This might resonate with some.
vocaloldfart comments on May 27, 2023:
Anyone who practises meditation, yoga, Tiache or felogong will understand the concept he is trying to convey. Pity T.E rabbits on:- speaks plenty but says nought.
[] RTSF 2017 - Agnieszka & Grzegorz [] RTSF 2107 - Bianca & Nils
vocaloldfart comments on May 28, 2023:
Love the Lindy hop. Love it even more if I was still ble to dance it and garner the energy needed
[] RTSF 2017 - Agnieszka & Grzegorz [] RTSF 2107 - Bianca & Nils
vocaloldfart comments on May 28, 2023:
Bianca and Nils are showcasing Rockabilly
Honest Government Ad | South Australia Protest Law - YouTube
vocaloldfart comments on May 29, 2023:
It has not yet come up on my thejuicemedia homepage. Hats off to you
Too good not to share []
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 3, 2023:
those were the days my friend. I thought they would never end
The U.
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 11, 2023:
Your lives will be very interesting when the ponzie scheme of U.S economy finally collapses
-5C this morning. Not nice at all.
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 16, 2023:
19 degrees last night in Moura at 05.00 before that it was 22 degrees all night. Coldest night this winter 7 degrees. Missing the freezing lazy westerly winds around this time of year which are usually the death knell of winter. The end of the Brisbane exhibition is normally the unofficial start of spring. Saturday ? I think it ends.
My insomnia has de creased somehow but still wake up some nights and then cannot go back to sleep.
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 24, 2023:
I have 2 ways two combat insomnia 1... Read a medical text book. (any textbook will do) It normally takes a few paragraphs to work 2.....Deep deep meditation.Try getting down to your subconsious/soul/essence. In decades of meditating, I only ever achieved it once, but it does work to get me to sleep quickly. I am crap at visualisation so I use a meditation that you count back from 50 to 1 or even 100 to 1. If a thought disrupts your slow cont, start the reverse count again. I use the version of Marissa Peers (you tube) The one where she has 2 women and takes them through the meditation. I have varied her method to suit me, (restarting count at any distraction and count slowly.) it does work rather well. .
Douglas MacGregor with some astute observations on the Ukrainian debacle
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 27, 2023:
They are Punch and Judy. Who the **** is pulling the strings?
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 30, 2023:
So True. It always has been true "to the loser goes the wealth". Once the victors pay for reconstruction and other war expenses to the losers ....WHO wins really????
What's everyone think about this "Voice" referendum?
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 16, 2023:
I can't predict the result of the referendum, but I have heard Dutton and his mafia cohorts say that when they oust the present mafiosa godfather and clan , they will have another referendum . It appears we will be having this same referendum until the country gets it right. How many referendum will that take????
A few dishes ive made recently. Nothing worth bragging about but were very tasty.
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 18, 2023:
Disproves the G.I.G.O genre, All the time, loving care, money, produce, planning and effort to make it attractive and appealing, For a fleeting time we get to enjoy it always up in the same place, as garbage.
So i keep seeing that there are replies to a post that apparently begins ''Barack Obama belongs in ...
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 18, 2023:
It must be a censorship issue over there. I have no trouble opening any posts. To be totally honest, I disdain all politics, Especially American politics which appears to me to be extremely aggressive, divisive , tearing families and people apart. My opinion of our politics is that our government is like a zebra, you have blue stripes or maroon stripes, with a minute stripe of green occasionally, but the animal itself is no other than the Mafiosa. Perhaps because Agnositc is American based that we are not censored (yet) here in Australia?? In regard to that post. I agree Obama should be kept in a cage along with every politician and religious clerics and bottom feeders on the planet. Perhaps then mankind could live in peace???? Let us enjoy all the dissenting opinions, different points of view and interpretations. We may not agree with some of these posts. Some challenge us, some gratify us, some downright annoy us, Alas we are still free to pursue them and evaluate for ourselves, which is directly opposed by the politicians clerics and their bosses the ruling billionaire class. Hail Agnostic!!!!
I can't get Messenger to work. Does anybody have a way to fix it?
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 27, 2023:
Messenger went along with the dodo.....long extinct!
Go the Lions!!!!!!!!! Would only ever barrack for Collingwood if they were playing Port.
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 30, 2023:
The mighty lion is taken down by a lowly insignificant magpie.
To guarantee the authenticity and quality of Liv Pure, it is strongly recommended to make your ...
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 8, 2023:
This is a social forum not a commercial one... bugger off and play somewhere else more appropriate
Schizophrenia Online Therapy
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 8, 2023:
This is not a commercial forum, you are not legally allowed to post commercial activities here. Besides, the majority of Atheists and Agnostics are not generally attracted to faith healing and woo woo pseudo science. Try the Fuff Bunny (Wiccan) forum.
Well, an almost incomprehensible failure on Israel's part on multiple levels.
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 9, 2023:
you really believe WWIII has begun?
I don't know if this is known to people but aplaying turmeric to areas affected by psoriasis ...
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 13, 2023:
Thanks. I use turmeric for many things but I never thought to use if for psoriasis. Hmmm I will make lotion of turmeric and see how it goes. I have been making lotions of Aloe Vera and Papaya for my psoriasis . they work well usually lasting about 6 weeks, but a cure they aint.
Stunning Guide to the GUMI BAR 8000 DISPOSABLE VAPE The GUMI BAR 8000 DISPOSABLE VAPE: Your ...
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 13, 2023:
Les Meilleurs Coloriages pour Enfants avec Gbcoloriage
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 18, 2023:
Midlife crisis..?
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 19, 2023:
I'll drink to that
I’m trying to learn how to find a ripe avocado. It’s not that hard.
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 21, 2023:
It was different when we were kids.
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 21, 2023:
From being a toddler in the 50's , my parents got me to light their cigarettes for them. To them it was amusing. At 13, being thoroughly addicted by then,. I copped a hiding for nicking some smokes and smoking. .
From Capris to full length and pocket leggings, ([shopnatopia.
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 25, 2023:
spammers again. all I can say is
The power of veto at UN security councils needs to go. []
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 25, 2023:
He is just pissing in the wind. Blowing hot air and Inflating his own importance. Israel will do want it wants to do,when it wants to do it, and do it on their own terms.
At long last fugitive Shane Dowling seeks redress against the decision of NSW Supreme Court hearing ...
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 29, 2023:
Corruption is endemic in Australia We have a government that is nothing else than the Mafioso. No matter if they display blue, maroon or green, they are still mafia Controlled by godfather players like Murdoch,Stojkes etc etc
These attacks are the new normal in the internet, commonplace even.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 17, 2023:
British Library Suffers Major Outage Caused by Cyberattack By Heinrich Long — The British Library has been the target of a cyberattack that has rendered various online services unavailable to the public for three days. The British Library is the UK’s national library based in London and one of the largest in the world, containing approximately 200 million items, including books, newspapers, journals, sound and music recordings, maps, stamps, drawings, and manuscripts. Access to it is open to anyone onsite and via online services, offering a vast amount of knowledge to the general public. Over the weekend, and during the ‘Fantasy: Realms of Imagination’ exhibition, the organization announced it experienced technical issues affecting the official website, also informing that access to collections would be limited and public Wi-Fi would remain unavailable. Researchers planning to travel to the library to view specific items were told to postpone their visit until the collection services were fully restored. Finally, payments for the Fantasy exhibition would only be possible using cash. Today, the organization informed via a post on X (the main website is still offline) that the cause of the service outages is a ‘cyber incident.’ “We’re experiencing a major technology outage as a result of a cyber incident,” reads the post on social media. “This is affecting our website, online systems and services, and some onsite services, including public Wi-Fi. We’re currently investigating the incident with NCSC (National Cyber Security Center) and other specialists.” We’re experiencing a major technology outage as a result of a cyber incident. This is affecting our website, online systems and services, and some onsite services including public Wi-Fi. We’re currently investigating the incident with @NCSC and other specialists. The Library’s… — British Library (@britishlibrary) October 31, 2023 Although the library’s premises remain open to the public and the Fantasy exhibition continues according to the schedule, access to collections and item ordering services are still impacted. Also, buying tickets for the exhibition is only possible using cash, so electronic payment services haven’t been restored yet. The organization has promised to provide more updates on the situation as soon as ready, but at this time, the type of the cyber incident has not been determined. Lengthy outages that have a broad impact, like the one observed in this case, are characteristics of ransomware attacks, but such a scenario hasn’t been officially confirmed yet. It is interesting to note that another large public library, the Toronto Public Library (TPL), also experienced a cyberattack on ...
One for Roger & anyone else who wants to listen to beautiful peaceful guitar playing & music.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2023:
wonderful music this guitar makes. I bet it could not be surpassed for playing flamenco music
Does anyone ingest organic coconut oil every day? Why?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2023:
People may ingest coconut oil help reduce hunger, improve oral health, possibly reduce seizures, quick source of energy, has antimicrobial effects,improve oral health and more. It has been used for hundreds of thousands of years, in foods, cooking and as a medicine. Not since the invent of polyunsaturated fats , transfatty acids, highly processed have medical issues come to be so common. One adverse effect personally experienced after drinking half a cup of virgin coconut oil straight. DIARRHOEA. Lesson, Never make a bet before you consider the outcomes
. . . . . . . . . .
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2023:
I too err on the side of quantum physics or spooky science
Is this our very own alien harrassing some poor street vendor?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 22, 2023:
CAn't open it
How to Reduce Nighttime Urination | Dr. Andrew Huberman - YouTube
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 26, 2023:
I have found success by mediating. I meditate to be able to stop the urge to go while I am sleeping. IT WORKS, Alas it is not all it seems either, because even in a dream state, i am worried that i am going to wet the bed. So up I get to go., but at least I have delayed going for an hour or 2. Coupled with the advice given above ,I expect some positive results.
The best diet, is……
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 2, 2023:
I am not sure how much faith to attribute to diets. Like rectums, every has one. Herders in Tibet and other places live to be 100+ living on a diet of yaks blood and grain. We would die on that diet. Places in Japan also have people living 100+ living mainly on shark products. Women go diving for seafood at 100 years old. Italy also has pockets of 100+ people. All these long lived people have vastly different diets. Vegans are now seen to be short lived because they cannot get some essential nutrients therefore die younger.. See above the conundrum of diets. Low carbs high protein diet and the Mediterranean diet are touted as being ideal but are they really?? Too me what really matters in regard to diets are wise lifestyle choices, as dieting as such has never worked.
EXCLUSIVE: Proton Mail says it will defy Australia's impending 'Online Safety' Law 'The ...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 14, 2023:
I for one find this deeply disturbing. Luckily have been with Proton mail. for over 3 years now.
Do we need any religions?
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 21, 2023:
GOOD POINT. Well made
Get this shit out of your life if can!
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 21, 2023:
I would include STEVIA in the list of dangerous sugar replacements. Stevia was cultivated for it's primary function of bringing on abortions. That fact (easily verified) is never mentioned on any Stevia packet. In Australia Stevia is commonly found mixed with aspartame and phenylalanine, At least the Stevia sugar that was available in Woolworths and Coles in mid 2023. ( I have not bothered to check Stevia since then as I found it made more sense to use natural raw honey for my diabetic wife)
Bok Choi from my indoor Alaska winter garden for stir fry supper...
vocaloldfart comments on Dec 26, 2023:
I have done many attempts at growing Bok Chow, while they readily grow in the tropics, so do the grasshoppers and leaf eaters. (in abundance) I spray almost daily to save my Bok Chow but the near daily rain washes it off and the 6 legged destructors have a feast. I have tried nets but they also cut out a lot of sunlight which did not go well for my plans. The only netting I could find that was fine enough to keep the pests out was shadecloth.
A Surprising Link Between Pets and Your Mental Health Pets can make you laugh and give you comfort,...
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 1, 2024:
With pets you get the love not the divorce.
Calgary Car Detailing Excellence: Lux Detail Sets the Standard Transform your car into a shining ...
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 4, 2024:
take your spam and shove it this is not a commercial forum.
Buy Paxista - Nirmatrelvir 150mg And Ritonavir 100mg Tablet
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 4, 2024:
Just what we need a drug pusher and Spammer peddling poison . I hope America has laws about selling drugs without a doctors prescription. If this is the case I hope the law will deal with this pusher.
Oh bloody hell.
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 11, 2024:
It is happening in Australia too. Big brother has rules we must all obey now.
No God says research
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 11, 2024:
Our prime minister uses one just like it which he inserts in his ear.. Everybody knows he is fucked in the head. Well he is forced to use it when he cannot get Peter Dutton to fuck him in the head. I bet Duttons Penis would go in one ear and come out of the other.
Has anyone else got problems posting photos to posts?
vocaloldfart comments on Jan 28, 2024:
I have the same issue some photos go through others same size do not after several attempts. Any solutions would be very welcome
So the other night I was sitting in the house and I heard a loud know at the door.
vocaloldfart comments on Feb 15, 2024:
I had trouble from the Jehovah Witness crackpots knocking on my door. They did this once too often, The first time was an inconvenience, and they did not know. the second time was one time too many so I went about to remedy the situation. I found an old goat skeleton and got its head complete with horns, mounted it on a board and added the following caption COME UNTO ME MY CHILDREN OF YOD HE HO VE FOR I AM YOUR FATHER AND MASTER. I have not seen them since which is very disappointing, as I had made up sample bags to hand out containing Satanist literature and trinkets.
Merely the tip of the iceberg that has been freezing American brains for the last 100+ years: ...
vocaloldfart comments on Feb 15, 2024:
I wonder why the world at large is tolerating such a behaviour aside from the US, the outrage is universal, yet most nations are complicit.
Pills sold nationwide contain poison, FDA warns
vocaloldfart comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Meloxicam analgesic is a good example. Noted Side effect..... sudden death. All pills and vaccines are poisons. Googling the fact sheets for any imaginal medication will reveal some very nasty side effects. Worldwide there are millions of known deaths from Acetaminophen (panadol, advil etc)yet handed out like lollies from pharmacies, shops and hospitals. A compounding factor with pills is that the body builds a resistance to them, so ever larger doses are needed for the original effect. Vaccines contain "preservatives" like formaldehyde among other carcinogenic compounds. It is a very real case of buyer beware! Do your research, be aware, be informed and then decide whether the risks outweighs the benefits. Natural alternaties like Oleander and Caster oil plant are sometimes more effective than cyanide poisioning in causing death. Just like an Acetaminophen overdose, the effect is irrevsible.
vocaloldfart comments on Feb 29, 2024:
there are several good reasons drinking Coffee and one just entered my head! If you can't drink it when your living, Then how the bloody hell you gonna drink it when your dead??????
Some people use the truth when they are short of lies. (Luis Vélez de Guevara / Spanish writer)
vocaloldfart comments on Mar 25, 2024:
People have always gone for a plausible lie in preference for the truth. . A lie is a convenient escape from the reality and mostly elicits the desired result. the truth is nearly always questioned and/ or descarded
vocaloldfart comments on Apr 19, 2024:
Fuck off a Spammer
vocaloldfart comments on Apr 19, 2024:
spierdalaj dupek
What are the benefits of IT Infrastructure
vocaloldfart comments on Apr 21, 2024:
It is illegal to post spamm on this site. Give me your home address, and neighbourhood., You like spreading your garbage, let us dispose our garbage . A swap.
CHOICE finds heavy metals in supermarket herbs and spices
vocaloldfart comments on May 14, 2024:
spelling errors in the title is an extra bonus :-))
World population at the time the Bible was written is estimated to be 150 - 300 million.
vocaloldfart comments on May 26, 2024:
I agree with 1patriot, the world is over run with people. In nature once there is an overabundance of an organism, eg locusts or mice, there is a rapid decline that follows due to various means. Man being the apex predator, perhaps it is man who will bring us back into homeostasis?? Then the question remains what is the ideal homeostasis?
Homeopathy, I entered a debate on sustainable agriculture on Facebook and one of the posters ...
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 3, 2024:
@Moravian I am not advocating treatment by poisons, which is why I do not use or Advise people to use the allopathic medicine. I stated how totally at loss to explain how such massive dilutions work, but they have worked. I have several case histories of where relief of issues was obtained using HOMEOPATHY. As for the placebo effect, never take it lightly for it is more successful than allopathic in it's cure rate. There are many case examples of terminal cancer patients believing that some herb or drug even a task Eg one terminal patient had to find and say good bye to his daughter. He traveled all over Europe trying to find her, eventually he found her in Canada. It was then found that his cancer had completely gone. Another more recent example, the son of my ex wife had myeloid dysplasia. He was not expected to live past puberty. A naturopath prescribed a concoction, I know quite well,as a powerful placebo. I have prescribed it often enough myself. Works more often than not. Tastes bitter as all get out which is only exceeded by it's foul taste. Anything that bad must work right? It is the power of belief that cured him. My son is now 41 yeas old alive and kicking today. Btw In Ayurveda there is a similar method where they dilute heavy metals and poisons to a certain level of dilution which we see as being totally innocuous, yet it works for them. Also look into TCM they dilute quicksilver to the Nth degree to affect a cure for certain conditions. Again I am at a loss to explain how this could work. My beliefs are based on Biochemistry and Cellular biology. I have come to the conclusion that a closed door keeps everything out. An open one also allows light to shine in as well .
Oh dear.
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 4, 2024:
Putin may be far removed from any measure of virtue, and decency, but look at Zelensky. His parents are Jewish, the pretend Jews , the Ashkenazis,. Any child born of a Jewish womb is Jewish. Zelensky has made public statements that he wants the Ukraine to emulate Israel. Israel No 2 in Europe. Complete with hard borders, security and military expansion. The west and the US are financing the next possible genocide and war. WHY??? We have three national despots, does the world need another one?? (national despots see US, Russia and Israel)
Finally!!! Biden says he doesn't want war with Russia.
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 4, 2024:
Put aside the emotional politics of the Ukraine war. and answer me this one question. Russia has EMP weapons that would knock Ukraine back 200 years, Russia has weapons that can cause earthquakes in any given area, as does the US.They have microwave weapons that could stop any defender and they also have weapons that are so advanced that even the sci FI writers have not thought of the yet.With all these technologies available , WHY a hot war with massive casualties on both sides?? The Ukraine could have been totally subdued with the worst causality being someone getting a paper cut.
Covid vaccines may have contributed to excess deaths – Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam study ...
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 5, 2024:
I have a case history of mRNA vaccine in regard to a cancer vaccine from 2015. All those with the vaccine died, the control group lived longer, much longer is some cases. Further mRNA vaccination/ Technologies was to be stopped then. It was this case history that forced me to delve deeper into the biochemistry and technology of the mRNA vaccination. As yet, none of my doubts or misgivings have yet been dispelled. While it is a truism, seek and ye shall find,I have looked at this issue from as many facets as I could find. So far I have not found any proof of the covid's vaccine efficacy.
ever So True
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 20, 2024:
I have to show my dog the empty plate too or he will keep on doing his Meercat impression qnd those pleading eyes..
Decisions decisions
vocaloldfart comments on Jun 20, 2024:
When I win the Lottery, I may run around the lounge a few times or the local boozer. Depending on the amount of the win
Hi. A dear friend suffers from a terrible case of dermatitis seboreic (sp?
vocaloldfart comments on Jul 8, 2024:
It is hard to generalise as this condition , although commonly called dandruff if confined to the head, but it can also be in lots of other places as well. I use Papaya cream and aloe vera lotion with some success. However for effective treatment, you need to find some of the root causes which makes this condition recurring indefinitely.. I suggest a clinician get a full case history, then address the most probable cause. Causes could be environmental, chemical,genetic and disease. disease/Conditions like Lymphomas, HIV, depression, Parkinsons disease to name A few also drug like Lithium and haloperidol and I suspect all SSRI's as well Without addressing the root causes, it is like trying to fix a leaky pipe by putting more soil on top of it and expecting that to fix the issue long term. Hope this helps
Wet and miserable here, but one for the Northerners. Thirsty Merc []
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 14, 2024:
@puff Any chance of messaging or other private contact? my Hemail is
This shit could get real very soon, but nothing to do with US elections []
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 14, 2024:
you a bookie? Can we call bets as to when the shooting starts for real?? My bet is after or just before the US elections. What odds to you give?
How did people clean themselves before soap was invented?
vocaloldfart comments on Sep 16, 2024:
Caustic soda: (Sodium hydroxide) makes a hard soap. potassium Hydroxide is used to make the liquid/ soft soaps. To get your ingredients in their correct ratios, I recommend the Lye calculator found in I have used it constantly for over 20 years. It is an excellent site.
I want to pinpoint the exact time that the Discovery Channel turned to shit.
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 27, 2022:
It is not only the discovery channel. All TV seems to be un real reality shows which glorifies mans worst emotions and morals.
I want to pinpoint the exact time that the Discovery Channel turned to shit.
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 27, 2022:
I am an alien to America and 69 years old. Does that make me an Ancient alien?
Carrying on from @walklightly's habit of welcoming new chums this is my first opportunity to ...
vocaloldfart comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Hi all Newbie from Moura Qld. We are having a sale. 100,000,000 midgees and ten times that number of mosquitoes are on offer. Please someone come and get as many as you can as they are going cheap. Very cheap. With all this rain they breed like crazy. I wonder what is next for Australia?? we have had the worst drought in history, devastating fires, plagues, (locusts, mice, covid midgees mossies etc) and now horrific floods and now the prospect of cyclones along the Qd coast. I am scared to ask WHAT NEXT???
I see the regressive right wants to march Australia back to the social injustices of the 1960s: ...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 1, 2022:
We live in interesting times, at the end of one 25,000 year cycle and into the next. the question is will we survive as a civilisation with so many sectors each tearing into the whole? America has a bill of rights, we don't so we feel the impact of the change more than the rest of the world where human rights are mandated. Perhaps we will officially join China, North Korea, Iran, etc as a totalitarian fascist state? We are already 80% along the path to membership to this dystopian group of nations
Fond memories.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 3, 2022:
I wonder if a nightly dose of Viagra would do the trick?? As a 69 year old I dream and wonder of what could be, if only
A young girl, who was writing a paper for school, came to her father and asked.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Good one
Covid-19 potential vaccine announced today! Will you take it?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 5, 2022:
How did man evolve on earth for about 1 million years without vaccines?
Wolves have improved
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 5, 2022:
Honest Government Ad | Visit Western Australia - YouTube
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 6, 2022:
All Governments are corrupt by practise and definition. Honesty in government? Is that a story written by Hans Christian Anderson?? Let us take an honest look at the parties (all fed, state and council) How do they get their party's funds??? I am reminded of the old adage "**ye who pays the piper calls the tune".** We have cottoned on to who funded the last government, worked out who their masters are. Who is paying the labour piper?? I wager that we will find out in time. Evidence of corruption Why have the pipers agents called lobbyists ( corrupt, outted pollies usually) to instruct the pollies?
What is Satanism?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 7, 2022:
believe in the existence of God believe in the existence of Satan, believe in God/Satan.You are not atheist nor agnostic.
Well, how many will now get vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 8, 2022:
The skeptic in me has been aroused. I am reminded of a very apt quote, there are lies, damm lies and statistics. Professor John Ionnidis is a world renown expert on health statistics and research It is an education to watch his videos on the subject. (youtube)
UK Parliament vaccine debate []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 10, 2022:
A great goal kick! Successfully kicking down the can that far down the road that the can is no longer even in the ball park. Great political maneuvering, doing nothing but still installing a policy item for future elections if needed
I am feeling sorry for myself.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 11, 2022:
Try drops of clove oil. will deaden the pain.
Bergamot Mint Botanical Name: Monarda citriodora Lemon bergamot is a fast growing, ...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
I super concentrated bergamot tea. I felt very relaxed and did not feel like doing anything. I had a few chores planned for the next few days , so I forced myself to get to work. I had a lot of energy and completed everything in record time. My Ex claimed I was working super fast, to me I was just bumbling along lazily. Note of caution, normal bergamot tea is either green or redish. I concentrated it too tar black. It could have turned out very badly, I was lucky that time. Stupidity normally carries a high price.
He's doing his job
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 17, 2022:
The truth is out there. All it takes is a seasoned unbiased researcher... Mission impossible should you accept it:- find unbiased researcher of truth in media
UN torture prevention body suspends Australia trip citing 'clear breach' of OPCAT obligations
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 17, 2022:
A majority of Aborignals and children as young as ten years old are being thrown in jail suffering the treatment as listed above
...a long time ago in a galaxie far... far away []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Only once in history. Woodstock the concert that changed the world forever
Before I attempt to do something,I should probably ask So I really liked antix ,but the cursor...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I have been using (even now) Mx for about 18 months. I use the XFCE version no19.3 MX I have had very few problems once i threw out the sutff zI did not want and downloaded hat I did want. However, I found later versions of MX EG MX 21 to be crapus humongous, unwieldy, poorly configured and mostly unworkable. I hape that helps. you can always personal message me if you get stuck.
Do you remember those? Early Baby Boomers. []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
never made it as far as Australia. Never scored a home run here
Why are they so frightened and insecure?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Perhaps they are atheists in a christian nationalist community ?
Wonder what life would've been without
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Why should a woman not wear what she pleases?? She is obviously not islam where they are forced to dress in cornsacks from top to bottom
The real story of Hanukkah
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
very clever
I don't care if they want to live by their rules, just don't try to impose them on me.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
A once stupid and illogical religion ( yet comically amusing)has now bee co-opted by the eugenicists, fascists & totalitarians
Texas, repeat after me
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 21, 2022:
But is science so illuminating? I have found it has a very rigid narrow beam that does not have any periphery illumination
I have to agree here
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Nothing wrong with non alcoholic beer, It tastes the same as the regular stuff and beats the Breathalyser and deprives the state of fine revenue.
Listen carefully
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Who came first? the turkey turkey or the bear turkey?
If I knew what you meant, I'd be happy to comply
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Is this sign outside the progressive political party office or are there landmines planted everywhere ?? Perhaps both scenarios are true heh?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 22, 2022:
Found ... the escapee from the nuthouse
But, of course!!
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 24, 2022:
They died out too. No one was actually buried in the pyramids. The royalty were buried in the valley of the kings your point is?
Why do I have to hear Xmas music already???
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 24, 2022:
November is a lead up to the marketing hype, stupidity. The lull before the storm, of buying presents, having a house full of freeloaders, Off key and off pitch singing of carols outside your door just when you want a bit of peace and quiet. All media inundated with Christian fables and fantasies, with total disregard to Jews, muslims, Hindus or Buddhists. And you want all this earlier??? geeesch
Another false headline re covid.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 24, 2022:
One doth wonder. The common cold kills 180.000 people a year in AUSTRALIA. That equates to a 5% mortality rate. The Spanish flu has a similar mortality rate in AU. Covid mortality rate worldwide is estimated at 0.0045% There has been a recorded rise of deaths from "other " causes not directly linked to Covid
Did you do the Hustle? ...Nope []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 25, 2022:
Looks like a rehash of the savoy swing.
Smashed aluminum cans sculpted in porcelain to mimic Ming Dynasty motifs. by artist Lei Xue
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 27, 2022:
how Much would you get for them at the recycling depot?
Doesn't get much more moronic than that.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 28, 2022:
Problem with people who point a finger at others, there are always three fingers pointing backwards. Bit of tall poppy syndrome too. The finger pointers feel so insignificant in themselves that they deflect attention to someone or something else hoping to seen as being important