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Country folk don't have fancy shops
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 21, 2022:
And men are wankers everywhere
Texas, repeat after me
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 21, 2022:
But is science so illuminating? I have found it has a very rigid narrow beam that does not have any periphery illumination
He has plenty to eat in the freezer.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
What does he eat?? babies? teens? adults?? He may be just the thing we need to curb the global population crisis
What is 8 hours of sleep?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Ain't aging grand?
Finally enough filling to compensate for those dry ass sides
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Someone is watching you
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
I do it all the time to stir up my little mate. It amuses him sniffing the strange scent on me.
I find it happening more and more
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
They do it all the time to slow you down and impulse buy shit you don't really need right now.
I followed the label directions.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Was it vanishing creme?
You know it's true, you can see it in his eyes.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
This is so true. Dogs have us well trained. They talk well without ever saying one word.
Your tax Dollars at work
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
True story :-Govt mobile phone provider. My wife's prepaid plan was due to expire on Tuesday She paid online Saturday. Monday she had been cut off. Re due Tuesday? Using my mobile ,( i am using Optus) she got onto the providers help desk. She had to verify her id, she was told a code was sent to her email . My wife pointed out that our mobile phones are THE hotspot for our computers, so not having the service she cannot receive the email. The operator then told her to go to the website, my wife (patiently ) tells her that not having a phone connection she cannot access the website. Several times my wife asked the operator to send her the code to my phone via SMS. After much kafuffle, the operator claiming my phone number was not a registered phone number with them, she did eventually send the SMS code to my wife on my phone after some time the service was then restored. Gotta love the public servants or is it pubic savants?
Geez. Guys only want one thing
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
why is stroking pussy disgusting?/ I thought pussy stroking was enjoyable for both parties.
If you believe that, I've got some coastal property to sell you that never floods.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Written by Hans Christian Anderson and believed by the young and gullible.
It is frustrating when you are ready to share and they're not ready to take it in
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Having worked in Aged care facilities on occasions, I am astounded at the stories told by the elderly. Such knowledge, wisdom and common sense is lost unrecorded mostly. The Elderly did not regard their life events special in any way, yet they had profound and remarkable lives. We loose lots daily at their passing
Tell me why.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Prelude to a mass orgy??
I don't care if they want to live by their rules, just don't try to impose them on me.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Do as I say or I shall cast the wrath of the lord upon you. It has been the tried and true method of gaining power of fellow man for well over 2000 years
I don't care if they want to live by their rules, just don't try to impose them on me.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
A once stupid and illogical religion ( yet comically amusing)has now bee co-opted by the eugenicists, fascists & totalitarians
The real story of Hanukkah
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
very clever
Wonder what life would've been without
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Why should a woman not wear what she pleases?? She is obviously not islam where they are forced to dress in cornsacks from top to bottom
She has no idea ... lol
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
But did it rise to the occasion? She probably saw "you " stuffing the sausage down your underdaks on closed circuit tv. and is applauding you audacity ?? a theory anyhow
Why are they so frightened and insecure?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
risking death by a thousand bibles
Why are they so frightened and insecure?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Perhaps they are atheists in a christian nationalist community ?
Do you remember those? Early Baby Boomers. []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
never made it as far as Australia. Never scored a home run here
Is freedom of speech a thing of the past? I hope I'm allowed to say that here? :-(
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
You are free to say what you are allowed to, told to/ vetted and censored by our minder overlords .
Why are they so frightened and insecure?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Scared of gtting Covid??
What is your level of trust?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
I trust a lot. I trust :- No dogma No one, no thing, no beliefs, no Governments or their agencies, No media, And trust little of what I see. See I am very trusting
My favourite classical composers are probably Grieg & Sibelius….
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Dvorak s **Slavonic Dances** and the **New World Symphony** are among my favourites
My favourite classical composers are probably Grieg & Sibelius….
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Lovely sound great piece of music. but too churchy for my taste
My favourite classical composers are probably Grieg & Sibelius….
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
you can't go past Grieg Peer Gynt suite and his Holberg suite
This exactly
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
perhaps (hopefully) this will become a reality in Iran?
A little crossover humor
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
What else cold thy call it? The Hand of Fate???
I'm going to leave both alone and let them guide to situation.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
or in the cemetery perhaps buried in a tomb in the valley of the kings???
The puns are for the dough
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
very clever.
It's date night and we're having Chinese food!
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
having to eat with chopsticks in the restaurant is the best incentive for takeaway I can think of
Artemis: Nasa expects humans to live on Moon this decade []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Have they not lived on the moon for centuries??? Tell me where do lunatics come from i not from Luna?
My computer always crashed on disk 27...?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
Windows 95 was probably one of the best functioning Windows, Constant crashes and the painful installation procedures saw me gleefully reinstalling windoz on my friends machines while i enjoyed the stability of linux distributions.
Frozen fruit and veg is just as good as fresh if not sometimes better for us.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 20, 2022:
But yet taste bland compared to the fresh fruit and vegetables. I believe in eating my vegetables from garden to plate in under 5 minutes. While this is not always possible, frozen veges are a cheap and convenient much overused alternative
Did anyone else grow up believing that they would go to jail if they cut the label off their ...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Never had them in Australia that I can recall. I must have live a deprived childhood, As I did own several pairs of good scissors. No one notice the irony of the label?? made by blanket yaba yaba Canada Made in China I am confused is Canada a Chinese province??
Yet again the hypocrisy of western governments's policies on human rights is hypocritical & ...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
When any nation plays Second fiddler, they cannot complain about the tune!
Yet again the hypocrisy of western governments's policies on human rights is hypocritical & ...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Stan Garnt (insiders) just this morning was saying how the western hegemony is collapsing from internal greed and disillusionment of the populace.. Looking at the US Australias and Brittans politics and economies, I tend to concur
What were the films of your youth and who were your comedians?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Instant alzheimers. I don't recognise any of them.
OK, it's a contest now, what is your worst party story?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
that puts new meaning in "getting the cold shoulder"
A blast from the past
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
In a jewish community?? Dubvious wisdom there
Not sure if that was what he meant to say.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
I wonder if honesty got him anywhere?? Divorce perhaps? or worse still endure the hell of a woman scorned for a few more decades?
I think we all served with this guy at one time or another
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
spot the odd man out. An anarchist in the ranks ?
The struggles of parenting
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Verity is the spice of life. obviously the kids like variety in architecture. Just the sight of Mac D or Red rooster is enough to put me off
Times are tough and time flies by.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
Insane, liar, and delusional at the same time
What a sucker
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 19, 2022:
First prize for enterprise , ingenuity and satisfaction.
I've heard that the famous scene with Marilyn's skirt being blown up had to be reshot because ...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Nohing o see BUT is there something too feel?
Questions that make you go Hmmmmm!
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
How do you kill it?? The human part first or the bottom fish part. Kill the top half and you are a murderer, kill it from the bottom you are a fisherman. BUT kill both at the same time you would be a Christian.
Don't it make you wanna just scream?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Great of her to leave social media. Social media seems to bring out the worst in people anyhow. Who gives a rats tail what other unknown anonymous people think or not?
Elon probably is trying to find any bright spot.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
All so very true. I bet all the above mention did the course MARKETING 101
...I can take a hint?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Being bored to death, what a cruel way to go.
Before I attempt to do something,I should probably ask So I really liked antix ,but the cursor...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I have been using (even now) Mx for about 18 months. I use the XFCE version no19.3 MX I have had very few problems once i threw out the sutff zI did not want and downloaded hat I did want. However, I found later versions of MX EG MX 21 to be crapus humongous, unwieldy, poorly configured and mostly unworkable. I hape that helps. you can always personal message me if you get stuck.
Top of the morning to you!
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Sending the chimps bananas
The bane of long haired dogs
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
love it. Will there be any serial to this??
It's like god picks sides in sporting events. haha
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Spot on I wonder if the bible thumpers can comprehend how ridicules they are
With all the new restrictions, have we come to just this?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I wonder if this family planning advice clinic is sanctioned by the christian nationalists? Perhaps it is run by the catholics?
Trying to decided to run or crap my pants.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I think I recognise the dog, isn't that Cerberus?
Really worried since they said it was a choice
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Add some Posh Spice??
That's what he gets for taking things too littorally
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Good one. Makes some sort of sense surprisingly
Lessons from the 60s extrapolated
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Very true How many know or remember Stevie Wonder, I wonder
...a long time ago in a galaxie far... far away []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Only once in history. Woodstock the concert that changed the world forever
Love that gravelly voice…Eric Burdon & The Animals. - Tobacco Road, 1967... []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Those were the days of rock and roll when they would sing and did not resort to profanity
This is both creepy AND amazing!! (Watch the video) []
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Remind anyone of certain politicians?
My wardrobe decisions...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
May I suggest sunscreen and anti wrinkle cream??
I know I bought one about 1975, where it is now, I have no Idea.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I had one until very recently when it finally spat the dummy. I had it for 10 years and inherited it from my father. how long he had it ?your guess is good enough.
Yabba dabba do....
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
At the time of the first cars, there had to be a person walking in front of the vehicle waving a flag to warn the horse riders. Perhaps this was a blast from the past eg ghost??
Always got to make fun....
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
I would hate to say what the one on the left reminds me of... You actually EAT it??? incredible Is that on the right a maggot I see?
Politicians and diapers
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 18, 2022:
Never any truer words have been spoken
UN torture prevention body suspends Australia trip citing 'clear breach' of OPCAT obligations
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 17, 2022:
A majority of Aborignals and children as young as ten years old are being thrown in jail suffering the treatment as listed above
He's doing his job
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 17, 2022:
The truth is out there. All it takes is a seasoned unbiased researcher... Mission impossible should you accept it:- find unbiased researcher of truth in media
I am still working on this...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 17, 2022:
You can afford to buy potatoes???
No one in Victoria, Australia has heard the White Bellied Whip bird for almost 40 years.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 16, 2022:
I remember back in 1960, fresh out of the immigration camp, Bonnagilla, My father bought a new car, we drove through the Gembrook forest near Dandenong. There was a strange noise which bothered my father. It stopped as soon as he stopped the car. I was in the back, wound down the window and knew what the noise was. I tried to tell my father it was a bird, but I was told to shut up and let his sort it out. This stop start procedure went on for about half an hour. I eventually got bored and told my father to stop the car and wait for 5 minutes and wind down the window. I Will never forget his blush of embarrassment and anciently he kept quiet for a record of one hour before speaking, a feat he was never been able to repeat.
Logically correct as usual.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 16, 2022:
We will shortly knw for sure if we blow ourselves up. Any guesses as to the time line of the coming catastrophe?
Came in late today. Boss asked why. I just showed him this picture
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
A long cue looking and making sure that horses are doing it right
Whew that was close.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
Damm nightmare
Spend a little more and don't be so embarrassed
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
The wife's socks??
In case anyone is into early shopping.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
Not so funny anymore. It is a reality now for so many. Even being able to afford a rental house or accommodation is now a luxury.
Have you ever thought about it?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
A village a few miles down the road is BANANA. Never had any bananas growing there ever. (named after a yellow cow from the 1860,s)
Home schooling: Most of the generation of those now over 70 were HOME SCHOOLED in many ways.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
Sad but true. I remember one favourite from my mother If you don't share with*** his heart will bleed,
Now that it's dark well before supper time, they may cross.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
There should be a law against aging
Nov. 14… First snow on the rooftops in the morning. ❄️❄️❄️
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
Ahh things are oh so different in the tropics. I function from 05.00 to 13.00, after that my fat arse stays withing the effective range of the Aircon and fans.
Hopefully they reject his claim for "Acts of a moron..."
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 15, 2022:
That would be a an assurance from the insurance
Octopuses Witnessed Throwing Silt, Shells and Algae around Themselves and at Each Other: [sci.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 14, 2022:
Remarkably human behaviour what?? We say/think we have dominion over the animals, but have we really??
It really seems fitting
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 13, 2022:
How about in a crowded Christian nationalist/nazi church?? Birds of a feather shit together
A commonly reported problem
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
so true
Nothing quite like a big plate of dicks...
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Don't those sausages look like turds?? Is it my imagination or...? made by a tosser???
Be honest and not shy guys
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
An eye magnet for sure but are they not also targets?? The vaccine shots should be aimed in the bullseyes! there would be enough room for all the present and forthcoming boosters.
I find chopper ride very exciting.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
could get very heated in that chopper
Just heard the rule and I like it.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
hmmm if she sits down on your face to pee??? Hmmm??
It suddenly occurred to me
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
I hear you. Mine too I drink coffee to wake up and drink it before going to bed so I can sleep.
Congratulations America... you did it
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Don't underestimate Putin, the cunning fox is up to something. This whole war thing seems to me to be more of a chess game.
Normally this would be in the environmental group but it was news and there is a definite link.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
People will not listen. they know God will come and save them, those in the know, (the politicians) are bought and paid for by the polluters and the rapists of the earth (mining lobby) Coal mining destroys the local water table and pollutes the ground water that is left, that is OK because of the enormous profits generated for NOW. Simply put :-I"m good , my pocket is filling, F**** you jack, mentality.
I am totally dumb founded. Anybody knows?
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Sleep apnea??
I suspected this
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Can he still afford the Meth?
😲😲😲😲 OH HELL NO.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
nothing unusual in Australia. The imprisoned aboriginal population suffer this sort of treatment constantly. Police shoot unarmed aboriginals in their homes. Kids as young as 10 years old imprisoned. The WHO human rights inspectors, inspecting conditions in jails, are told nothing to see here and sent on their way home.
It's not an everyday sight that a Phoenix gets caught on camera lol.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Is it possible to erect some netting over top of the dog feeding area?
I found this amusing . . .
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
People pay $8 to be a twit???
It works wonders I heard
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
ROTFL Good one!
I miss my glassies especially.
vocaloldfart comments on Nov 12, 2022:
With age comes wisdom! The price of wisdom is way too high