waitingforgodo has not written a bio yet


waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
How dare you. I've told you before it's debonair insouciance not quicquidlibet. Why do all these words like jejune have to be about me. I no sooner use a word here than it turns up on the list of ridiculous utterances.
I posted this in the gardens group but think it has a conservation value too.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Dandelion champagne?
I've been watching movies about EVEREST.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
The magic, the trees, the forest, driving there with friends. Do you do it because it's there?
So gangstar! Lol
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
I swear.
Say something nice...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Thanks for that uplifting thought.
It does look like Batman
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Bam, splat, oww?
Does the thought of aging depress you?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
The thought of aging doesn't bother me, I'd rather that than not aging.
Probable scammer Sherry3245
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
I am working on a game for next weekend.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Yes it is, or so it would seem in some countries.
Didn't Apu eventually become an American citizen?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
No, that's not why Hank Azaria regrets aspects of his portrayal and your snide obfuscation is reprehensibly disingenuous, lol.
You dirty-minded so and so. 😆
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
Books fandom funk pants pulse sax
Baby born with three penises It's the 1st human case of triphallia. []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
On behalf of all men and women I'd like to say absolutely nothing at this juncture but I can't. Surely a promising career cut short at the very least.
Here is a bit of fun from the 1965 comedy what's new Pussycat []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 13, 2021:
It's not unusual but why why why's it lie there?
Ever Given Stuck In Egypt Until Owners Pay $1 Billion in Damages
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
It's a far canal.
First dog on the moon and penquins facing the future.[]
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Pinguid penquins all dressed up an no where to go?
A bunch of my students are on Telegram, which is the new "social network" for conservatives and ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Song Of Ocarina was a big hit in France for Jean-Philippe Audin (cello) & Diego Modena (ocarina) in...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
What, join a group that would have me as a member? That would be too kind.
Funny wedding joke
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Almost half full at the nuptials, water shame.
Please save the ducks
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Cotton on, dux should come first.
Song Of Ocarina was a big hit in France for Jean-Philippe Audin (cello) & Diego Modena (ocarina) in...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
I can't tag, but who knew that the ocarina looks like a cross between an antiquarian musicologists flute and a hair drier. Delta could dry her nails with it before hitting the piano.
Song Of Ocarina was a big hit in France for Jean-Philippe Audin (cello) & Diego Modena (ocarina) in...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Embouchure to remember that.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
All Greek to me.
Last last night I got a piece of sausage stuck in my airway.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Eschewing sausages assuages snags.
First, I would like to ask someone to define worthy.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
You ask for questions, and I ask what have you done, what will you do, and what would you ask of me beyond e^(i.pi) +1=?
Congrats to all who get the reference...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
www.http//4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, y“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5 And Simon answered, “Master, zwe toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” 6 And when they had done this, athey enclosed a large number of fish, and atheir nets were breaking. 6 kHe said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. 7 That disciple lwhom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, mhe put on his outer garment, for he was nstripped for work, and othrew himself into the sea. 8 The other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, but about a hundred yards1 off.
Tomorrow is the Anniversary of the start of the Civil War.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Isn't secession of the left and the right more likely, leaving a poverty-stricken maga?
Europe's Oldest Moderns? []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
Friday, 8 o'clock, bring a rug.
To Conservative Atheists, those who haven't blocked me.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 12, 2021:
I knew you'd go too far one day Joe, exhorting conservatives to stay alive.
What’s Wrong with This Picture 2021 - SNL []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Whilst I thwart and stymie the "You must be a member of this group before commenting" rule I can't tag. A quandary with avowal I'm fraid. I went to the source youtube no luck then googled and much to my dismay found the snippet on another toob channel.
What’s Wrong with This Picture 2021 - SNL []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Video unavailable The uploader has not made this video available in your country. Is it that one of the contestants doesn't have a buzzer?
Exegesis (noun) The critical explanation or interpretation of a text,particularly biblical
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
In a sentence : If the epexegesis to the exegesis is an eisegesis then expect a jesus.
An expansion on Murphy's Law.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Conservation of energy law.
The CEO of IKEA was just elected president in Sweden.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Leftovers will be used to piece together legislation for tabling, the chairs of committee, the front bench, a house of review, and the usually full press gallery.
Do you know the international hand signal for "help me?" []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Got it. Right hand up fingers in stop sign and thumb extended. Thumb onto palm. Fingers then close to cover thumb.
It’s time for Saturday’s teatime treat.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
We're all surfers man!
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Suddenly, I was more than aware, I was the awareness. All rise. Now a reading from St Messer.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Used in a sentence: This from the local the other evening, "Crisp savouries served with spicy potato and chic peas napped with mint yogurt and tamarind chutney". If you're going to have whirled peas let it be chic I say. And closer to home, "I roux the day I napped when the sauce was on the stove".
Lost capital of Amenhotep III discovered.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Mummy where did the river go? Be quiet and eat your hieroglyph soup or Ra will send plagues.
Check Out This Massive (Resurrected) Interactive Chart of Bible Contradictions | Hemant Mehta | ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Yes, but with all this contradiction should people still be agnostic? Why bring up all this stuff about the lunacy of belief and remain a certified, card-carrying agnostic?
Well this guy has a weird fetish/kink/talent...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
A word in your ear merkin.
SciShow Space What If Dark Energy Doesn’t Exist? []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Given that no evidence was presented for the case that dark energy either exists or does not, I'd conclude it was a massive waste of energy that is immaterial hahaha.
Debunkng Zeno's Paradox | David | The Atheist Experience 569 []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Nonpareil Bill, this soporific slumber scenario is the essence of sleepy.
Oh well if scientists said it
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Just for laughs I'll quote you, "Oh well i scientists said it".
Duet recorded after Dean Martin’s death. []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Remarkable performance by Dino Crocetti in what must have been difficult circumstances.
Prosecutors are honing in on Trump
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Tom Scott Why Shakespeare Could Never Have Been French []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 9, 2021:
A clerihew would put the foot to that analysis of metre and rhyme.
It is interesting to think about the commonality of our senses, and how much similar animals, ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Inexplicably, later that same day they found the piano smashed and the pianist crushed to death. Police are on the look out for a large trumpet player with an ear for music.
Rebel HQ Conservatives: Science Is Fascism AND Communism! []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Bill you'll have to stop filming this stuff in your bedroom.
Hattie! Lol!!!
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Does that take the biscuit?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
I'm surprised escamotage is never mentioned as a potential etymon of scam.
Quantum entanglement - How?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Please repost in non-nude sexy.
Anton Petrov Massive Object Disrupted Nearby Hyades Cluster And We Don't Know What ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
A 10 million suns sub-halo dark matter collision 700 million years ago is the most plausible explanation imho too.
Questions to religious people
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Love or hate them as they have aged with us, you MUST admit - Mick and Keith were a rare and gifted ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
It Just Does Not Stop Coming: []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
How Men Treat Women They Find Unfuckable
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
"... New York Times crossword ..." It's enough to make one a cross cruciverbalist.
Taiwan says will fight to the end if China attacks
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
From a geo-political perspective I can't concur with either of these analyses.
One of these miraculously feeds the poor, the other would only be eaten by a really sick perv
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Logistically easy clean up is always a blessing.
Okay, I admit it, I’m a robot
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 7, 2021:
You're looking for integrals that are either unbounded or involve singularities. In other words tick the squares without a red bus.
Intriguing article about: People who were paid by the wealthy to be hired "Garden Hermits"! For ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 7, 2021:
The recent surge in the popularity of grottoes and hermits reflects contemporary culture's appreciation of a simpler life in which subsistence and existence is a primary focus.
& I'd have to say a very diseased one...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 7, 2021:
I'm going to let this one slide.
I'm staying out of this one...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 7, 2021:
It remembers the last time you got angry on the phone.
What if we don't consider materialism?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Would discussing your perceptions be a waste of my illusion?
Who wants some action?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
While it is "the only slack with the patented action zone" housewifes (poodles and assorted others) are reminded that the action zone is on the slack in the image.
Zebraforce, of course.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Proving conclusively that either 29% of the audience don't know what's watt or that they like to horse around with the contestants.
How eloquent!
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Dearest Darling Jo Is that a Daguerre I see before me? Kindest Regards Fred ps Jo your diction needs help 'as I may look upon it' should be 'that I may gaze upon it'.
Wouldn't you think he had cherubs and seraphs to do this stuff for him?.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
And sew it was holey And he called the lights whites and the darks coloured And the evening and the balancing did the load enjoyeth And he said let there be softener in the water, and let it divide the waters And god with all his powder added, subtracted, divided and multiplied and it was so Hear endeth the laundry at the beep beep beep
Jefferson Airplane - Somebody to love []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Tonight you wanna party like it's 1969? 7.30 wear a tie. www.http// www.http//
Conversation with like-minded people around my age
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Hopefully there won't be a sequel.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
So lame. Post it anyway.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
It's rude to speak with a mouth full of expectation.
My new dating question
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Comparing 1913: I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Upon the earth's sweet flowing breast To 1899: When my arms wrap you round i press My heart upon the loveliness That has long vanished from the world The jewelled crowns that kings have hurled
The Universe Shouldn’t Exist, CERN Scientists Announce - Big Think
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Imagine that.
Ran, Was, Had, Did, Said, Got, Made, Went, Took, Saw and Came love to get together and hang out at ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
T. E. Lawrence was an intense chap too.
Sent to a religious teacher site in the UK
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Does that prove he doesn't exist? After all it is the paraphrased word of god.
“Like anyone else, I too have anger in me.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Some might say that this is common sense. But wait I feel some (mock sure comin at ya) moksha kama artha in the cafe. He chooses to distract himself from anger by remembering what he has learnt. In a sense he is in the moment, observing it and controlling it.
I hope you can see how special you are! 🌕🌷
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
People often remind me.
Yeah pretty good chance
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Disturbing news just to hand about what became of the missing socks.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Welcome Curvy. Most of the scammers I've noticed here are seeking to prey upon gullible men. I'm sure I've noticed the guy you mean, I'd out him and be done with it or just ignore it. Incel mmm, might be an improvement, not much into men myself hahaha. Sorry about posting over the top of the other posts but I can't tag because I'm a naughty interloper who enjoys posting in groups where "you must be a member of this group before commenting". 33.87° S, 151.21° E
Great cover of the Rolling Stones’ Paint It Black .
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Umm. www.http//
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Heard there was vacancy, hiya & higher. Perhaps a poll could determine whether or not incels are dwindling here.
Today's tale.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
asked Australians if they believe in God or the supernatural. Here's what they said
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
Leaving aside that the Margin Of Error in a sample size of 1,000 with a confidence level of 95% is an acceptable 3% I have no confidence whatsoever in people being capable of determining an appropriate stance to this set of fairy stories.
I hope all of you older Members have taken this into account...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 5, 2021:
I'll need repeated reincarnation.
I'm fascinated by the question: Is reincarnation possible?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Were you a Pharaoh or a High Priest?
Goes to show what can happen when you leave the bedroom door open.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 4, 2021:
Show me your donkey, you can leave your hat on.
> "Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 4, 2021:
What of odoriferous petrichor
Sometimes I'm not an atheist, people are so annoying I become an Apatheist.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Everyone knows the full cream muffin god fancies, and his fondness for angel cake.
Keep your eyes on the road boys...........oops!
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Eyes on the pries.
Does anyone here have restless leg syndrome?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Have you considered discussing these matters with your doctor?
Remembering a unique actor born on April 3, 1924: Marlon Brando. He would have been 97. []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Doris, Stella, is anyone up there?
Message to @powder from Queensland.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
@Triphid, the drollery is that if "You must be a member of this group before commenting" then no amount of either "your own" or "well and nicely" is an imperative. Cheers, gl with the "group".
Message to @powder from Queensland.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
Some might be tempted to ask why join at all?
This would explain a lot...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
A lot closer to Occam's Razor than some theories.
1st Americans had Indigenous Australian genes Indigenous South Americans share DNA with Indigenous ...
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I understand you're busy Bill but could you correct spelling errors in the cut and paste jobs pls. Aborigines are renowned for going walkabout but given the absence of genetic markers in North America I'd suggest they took the boat this time.
So the cat meme b.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
If it helps, I understand that Cats had a musical that was a real umm, nm.
Probably going to be the best 9 minutes of my YouTube viewing day! This footage is amazing.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I'll have the abiogenesis with the bacon, eggs, tomato and toast pls Dave.
Plants and flowers from around the house and garden
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Heaven knows how you'll deal with a yellow clivea.
Remember watching the Jetsons ...........far out future ideas........?
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Can you make this a pictures with sound thingy?
Penn Jillette sees the light []
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Who better to share the magick that is religious belief.
Here for community
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