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Here connect with like minded people, in a place where they are few and far between. Transplanted from California, I don't think I'll ever get used the local theocracy.
Would be great to get to know some people and see where it goes.

Far left of center ( not a popular place to be around here)
Love animals and kids
.. not a typical male by any stretch of the imagination.
Professional introvert, but I really like people,

Full Bio


Happy Feast Day, aka "Thanksgiving.
wolf041 comments on Nov 30, 2019:
My daughter calls it " Turkey consumption ritual celebration day"
Here is a link to Alltrails, which is a good resource for information on hiking trails worldwide.
wolf041 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Around here, alltrails is great. They list tons of little unknown trails you would never find otherwise.
I enjoy camping but haven't camped in years and have never planned a camping trip on my own.
wolf041 comments on Nov 15, 2019:
I spent a good portion of my young life outdoors, so take this with a grain of salt, but when travelling with the kids. We camp on the way in state etc parks ,( private campgrounds are getting 40 bucks a night for a tent spot in some places now, parks are 12-18 usually. Although did see 24 in Colorado) ..we just pack tent, sleeping bags, ground pads a single burner backpack stove , easy grub and whatever essentials.most modern vehicles don't have the carry capacity of a 62 mercury wagon, so if you haul too much. It can be a nightmare. We fit everything for 4 people and a large dog for 2 weeks nside a volvo wagon, but its tight. In that climate, treat the tent rainfly and lower exposed surfaces with water repellant or you will wake up wet.
For those who've missed the HSP test, here is the direct link: [hsperson.
wolf041 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I hit 22 ( I know my daughter would peg the thing ) . It's a pain around humans., but comes in handy when trying to communicate with animals.
Is it time to rebrand 'Pride'?
wolf041 comments on Nov 12, 2019:
You can complain all you want that it's not what you want it to be, but I took my 17 year old lesbian daughter to a pride parade this summer ( who had recently came out to me.... I knew when she was 12🙂 yes. It was a commercial affair. But it was an incredibly empowering experience for her and many other young people , many like her who have to still lead a double life around rabid religious relatives. Focus on the good it's doing, as far as the cheesy marketing attempts, embrace it, if they want to foot the bill , let e them knock themselves out!
Hi folks, I recently turned 47 and been having feelings about that.
wolf041 comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Around here, any type of social gathering becomes a mixture of a prayer meeting and a bunch of trained apes mainlining Trump. Rather ironic considering that in this part of the Ozarks , most of the farms/ land was abandoned and bought hippies and back to the lander's in the 60s and 70s and early 80s I'd didn't used to be this way.
(All comments are paraphrased.
wolf041 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
I love it 😄😄😄 I get most everything mail order...which means my phone number has been sold to every telemarketer in the galaxy. This is too good 👍😁
REALLY needing help with this one, older male’s advice needed.
wolf041 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
Definitely DR. A few years ago, had similar. Thought it was the low testosterone bit ( too many tv commercials) found out it was a low blood iron thing that had been missed for years. Now, the opposite problem 😳😄
Necking. []
wolf041 comments on Nov 6, 2019:
' Making love ' in the traditional sense . A near lost art for most. I'm glad I'm old enough to enjoy such things.
It's just like this with the "littles", isn't it?
wolf041 comments on Nov 5, 2019:
My big girl loves everyone, but she's always getting attacked by purse dogs . My friend's Dachshund took a huge chunk out of her leg once, for no reason and she grabbed it ( we thought it was over for the doxy) but she just shook it real good and tossed it about 8 feet. The little pooch behaved much more friendly after that 😄
Any Farscape fans?
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Farscape Farscape addict...YES 😁👍
Dogs are people also...😀
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
They make no distinction between natural and adopted family...and neither do I .
My two yesterday
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Mine decided to wait a day, then woke me up at 3am this morning. 😳
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
... And you would expect something different from a state where 99% of the inhabitants think Trump is a great guy , and would fight you to the death over it ???
Hello from Paris This little town had a festival on Saturday.
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Gotta love these little towns. They bellyache about not getting any tourist business, but all want to keep bankers hours and be closed on sunday 🤪
Here in Searcy super conservative here ?. Hoping to meet some new friends and less judgy types lol
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I live by Greers Ferry lake,. Transplanted from California years ago. Love the countryside, but I've been in culture shock for years. Thankfully theres enough vacation homes and transplants in the near vicinity that the local flavour isn't quite as stuffy as the rest of the state.
Well had to do a 5 minute speech this morning for a communications class.
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Sounds like a skewed assignment. What about those who really don't have much in the feelings department. The grade is prejudiced toward extroverts ( wouldn't be the first time).
Cartoons Introverts Will Perfectly Understand | Reader's Digest
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I avoid going downtown...too peoply.
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Theres a reason I live in the woods. A crowd means there's a pack of coyotes outside 😄 I hate going to any town bigger than the nearby one with about 300 people spread out. Grew up in one of the larger cities in the country...had my fill.
Topic: I just "broke up with" my (former) best friend.
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
I had to watch a wife go down the ' loving Christian ' rabbit hole, for obvious social gain and suddenly become a raging bigot and homophobe, parroting all the ultra conservative schmaltz. Suddenly constantly criticizing me for raising my daughter to be a proud feminist .. ( and sons of like mind) you did the right thing. There is absolutely no reasoning with these people. Either you hate along with them, or kick them to the curb.
Some people say sarcasm is the lowest form of humor.
wolf041 comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Some ffg folks just like anything as an excuse to get their noses bent. Sarcasm is the 5th food group 😄
I understand that this is, Hike, Climb, Paddle.
wolf041 comments on Nov 3, 2019:
The padded shorts are great. When I was young, I rode an 18 sp touring bike with a Brooks seat everywhere, but 40 years later. I've got a bony backside, and could never pull off more than a few miles without the extra padding


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