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What is going to take to make you realize just how destructive Trump is?
Flowerwall comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I don't understand WHY we are being told to prepare for this illness. How many people are traveling in from China on a daily basis? What is the problem with containing people who are traveling in from effected regions/countries? Why is there this ineffectiveness? Imagine a worse illness with a ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 28, 2020:
Who plans for such emergencies? The answer is only rational people who care about the well-being of the public.
Our well-being in all sectors of life, including health and well-being, emotional and fiscal – ...
WilliamFleming comments on Feb 28, 2020:
All politicians are about the same.
wordywalt replies on Feb 28, 2020:
NO, they are not!!! Trump is the most corrupt, heartless, and evil man to have ever held public office in this country.
NSA phone surveillance program cost $100 million and yielded one major investigation: report ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 26, 2020:
You have no idea of the intelligence data that NSA produces and the value of those data to us and our country.
wordywalt replies on Feb 27, 2020:
@epiphos The organization that has not made some real mistakes does not exist.
NSA phone surveillance program cost $100 million and yielded one major investigation: report ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 26, 2020:
You have no idea of the intelligence data that NSA produces and the value of those data to us and our country.
wordywalt replies on Feb 26, 2020:
@epiphos Just because some actions of the NSA have been negative does not mean that the whole program has a negative effect on our values. Again, it is up to prove that the negative outweighs the positive.
NSA phone surveillance program cost $100 million and yielded one major investigation: report ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 26, 2020:
You have no idea of the intelligence data that NSA produces and the value of those data to us and our country.
wordywalt replies on Feb 26, 2020:
@epiphos If you did your homework, you would find many instances in which the NSA provided critical information to our country. It is up to you to disprove my statement. Your characterization of what I said as dogma is pure bullshit game-playing.
NSA phone surveillance program cost $100 million and yielded one major investigation: report ...
wordywalt comments on Feb 26, 2020:
You have no idea of the intelligence data that NSA produces and the value of those data to us and our country.
wordywalt replies on Feb 26, 2020:
@FearlessFly You will never know of the range and value of those data. That is the way it is supposed to be. You and all of are have been receiving the value of those data and have been for many, many years.
Those who are happy with the health insurance they have from their employer and consequently oppose ...
1of5 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
This is nice and shit, but you missed the most salient point. Health insurance from thier employer is a paid benifit (some of its pretty fucking good coverage, too, and is worth quite a bit) and unless you can sit down with someone's own numbers and personally show them - in thier budget not some ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 23, 2020:
@1of5 When I spoke of universal healthcare, I certainly di not mean what Medicare is today. You seem to assume that I do not know what Medicare does and not do. Your assumption is dead wrong. I have been on Medicare for over 17 years. What I am talking about is the thorough and good healthcare system we need to build. Your air of superiority does not cut it.
Those who are happy with the health insurance they have from their employer and consequently oppose ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Considering the amount of time it took from Clinton in the late 90s to Obama in the early 00s, to even get a watered down, comprimise filled bill of any sort, and a a congress thats demonstrably unwilling to take on health care providers or pharmaceuticals, i think its fair to say that health care ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 22, 2020:
@MarkiusMahamius I will.
Those who are happy with the health insurance they have from their employer and consequently oppose ...
1of5 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
This is nice and shit, but you missed the most salient point. Health insurance from thier employer is a paid benifit (some of its pretty fucking good coverage, too, and is worth quite a bit) and unless you can sit down with someone's own numbers and personally show them - in thier budget not some ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 22, 2020:
@1of5 Yeah, they have negotiated a plan with a company that is costing you and the company a damned sight more than it should, and will not pay for every possible valid medical treatment that you and your family need. You are also assuming that universal healthcare will produce results less satisfactory than lemployer plans. That is pure horse manure. Whose thought processes are Poor!
Those who are happy with the health insurance they have from their employer and consequently oppose ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Considering the amount of time it took from Clinton in the late 90s to Obama in the early 00s, to even get a watered down, comprimise filled bill of any sort, and a a congress thats demonstrably unwilling to take on health care providers or pharmaceuticals, i think its fair to say that health care ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 22, 2020:
Just because some did not accomplish it at different times in the past does not mean that it cannot be accomplished. It means that the approaches did not work and that the selling of the concept was not sufficiently well crafteted.
Those who are happy with the health insurance they have from their employer and consequently oppose ...
1of5 comments on Feb 22, 2020:
This is nice and shit, but you missed the most salient point. Health insurance from thier employer is a paid benifit (some of its pretty fucking good coverage, too, and is worth quite a bit) and unless you can sit down with someone's own numbers and personally show them - in thier budget not some ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 22, 2020:
You are foolishly overlooking two facts. If companies and employee organizations do not have to negotiate for healthcare, that leaves much more money on the table for wages and working conditions. That would lead to higher wages and good healthcare. Second. universal healthcare IS looking out for the well being of people and their families. It will result in better overall healthcare at much lower cost. You have obviously not read what I was saying in a careful, logical manner, but simply letting a pre-existing bias take over.
In making this post, I am not being highly critical, but merely making an observation.
twill comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Let's see, who can I talk to about Catholic, guilt ridden mom ? My almost deaf brother? My sister who has had a miserable life,, thanks her God for it and wants to spread her "joy" to me? Etc., Etc, etc. IDK, this place works as well as any.
wordywalt replies on Feb 16, 2020:
I hope that you will get to the place where you feel no need to talk about religion, a place where religion is simply irrelevant to your life.
In making this post, I am not being highly critical, but merely making an observation.
KKGator comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Different strokes for different folks. I see the point you're making, but don't necessarily agree. That you've figured out what works for you is great, but your suggestions might not work for others.
wordywalt replies on Feb 16, 2020:
You are right.
Politics Question. How will you vote...and WHY?
bigpawbullets comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Trump.... Better than any of the Democrat candidates.
wordywalt replies on Feb 14, 2020:
@bigpawbullets I grew up in a conservative and religious family in the bible belt deep south, and was a moderate conservative until I served in the US Army in West Berlin, and then, after teaching at the high school level for 4 years, went to graduate school on the GI Bill and a summer check from teaching.Both Berlin and graduate school changed my life. Those experiences enabled me to overcome the cultural racism and ignorance in which I was raised. I grew because I knew that I needed to.
Politics Question. How will you vote...and WHY?
bigpawbullets comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Trump.... Better than any of the Democrat candidates.
wordywalt replies on Feb 14, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 If you want to talk about brains, I have an IQ of 145, a graduate degree, substantial graduate work in political science and American intellectual history, and a successful professional career. Anyone who supports Trump does so out of ignorance, bigotry, and/or greed.
Politics Question. How will you vote...and WHY?
bigpawbullets comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Trump.... Better than any of the Democrat candidates.
wordywalt replies on Feb 14, 2020:
You are out of your mind -- just like Trump.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 10, 2020:
You raise so good points. But let's note that ALL candidates say they would do stuff that is long-shot. Look at it this way: if Dems do not take the Senate, it does not matter which Dem gets the presidency because Repugs will block everything. We know this from experience. Hell, the ACA was a ...
wordywalt replies on Feb 11, 2020:
@St-Sinner I was absolutely true before. You are one helluva troll. You keep proving it.
OldMetalHead comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I'm wondering who you're supporting for the nomination. I hope it's not the human gaff machine.
wordywalt replies on Feb 11, 2020:
Current polls say that you are wrong -- that any of the top 3 Democratic candidates would beat Trump.@St-Sinner
I understand that this does not become official until Wednesday, but...
wordywalt comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Disgraceful. It is time for the American public to react in righteous indignation and voted out of office Republican politicians art all levels. Their lack of courage, morality, and patriotism should relegate the entire party to the dustbins of history.
wordywalt replies on Jan 31, 2020:
@mcgeo52 If he did that, he would be sucvcessfully impeached. That goes too far for any sane person.
I understand that this does not become official until Wednesday, but...
wordywalt comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Disgraceful. It is time for the American public to react in righteous indignation and voted out of office Republican politicians art all levels. Their lack of courage, morality, and patriotism should relegate the entire party to the dustbins of history.
wordywalt replies on Jan 31, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy Let's hope that the tide is slowly turning -- and do our damnedest to make sure that it is.
Here in Florida my tomato plants are up and growing in peat pots.
beenthere comments on Jan 9, 2020:
How do you treat for nematodes?
wordywalt replies on Jan 28, 2020:
@beenthere No, I have not.
Now Eric Trump Is Accused of Stealing From a Cancer Charity What'd you expect!?
wordywalt comments on Jan 25, 2020:
The whole Trump empire is a criminal enterprise.
wordywalt replies on Jan 26, 2020:
@altschmerz It is more likely that they transferred him to a private school because the public school would not tolerate his behavior.
Please take it back.
wordywalt comments on Jan 23, 2020:
I'll take the cold any day as opposed to mid 90s and humidity near 100 percent.
wordywalt replies on Jan 23, 2020:
@evergreen Life is complicated.
Please take it back.
wordywalt comments on Jan 23, 2020:
I'll take the cold any day as opposed to mid 90s and humidity near 100 percent.
wordywalt replies on Jan 23, 2020:
@evergreen I grew up in north Florida and have always detested the Florida summer heat and humidity. I don't like getting cabin fever in the summertime. I have lived in climates in which I have experienced cold up to 35 below zero. I can always put on enough clothes to get warm, but in the Florida heat, I cannot take off enough clothes to get cool without being arrested for public nudity.
It amazing that all of the authoritarian political leaders around the world are behaving in the same...
Geoffrey51 comments on Jan 22, 2020:
Nothing new here though, Walt, much the pity. Always have always will.
wordywalt replies on Jan 22, 2020:
Sadly, you are probably correct.
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
ownworstenemy comments on Jan 16, 2020:
I disagree with the analogy. God's are mythical, government isn't. Many religion are largely designed to describe what happens to you in the afterlife, based on your beliefs. Government is a means to create order in actual life, by a consesus of opinions. Religion further wants to dictate your ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 17, 2020:
@GlyndonD I understand what you saying. The problem is that it is nonsense.
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
ownworstenemy comments on Jan 16, 2020:
I disagree with the analogy. God's are mythical, government isn't. Many religion are largely designed to describe what happens to you in the afterlife, based on your beliefs. Government is a means to create order in actual life, by a consesus of opinions. Religion further wants to dictate your ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 17, 2020:
@GlyndonD ????????
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
ownworstenemy comments on Jan 16, 2020:
I disagree with the analogy. God's are mythical, government isn't. Many religion are largely designed to describe what happens to you in the afterlife, based on your beliefs. Government is a means to create order in actual life, by a consesus of opinions. Religion further wants to dictate your ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 16, 2020:
@GlyndonD You make no sense.
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
ownworstenemy comments on Jan 16, 2020:
I disagree with the analogy. God's are mythical, government isn't. Many religion are largely designed to describe what happens to you in the afterlife, based on your beliefs. Government is a means to create order in actual life, by a consesus of opinions. Religion further wants to dictate your ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 16, 2020:
@GlyndonD Your ego and need to be right are greater than your reasoning.
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 16, 2020:
God is supernatural. Government is tangible. God is all powerful. Government is far from all powerful. God is autocratic. Government is democratic. God is singular. Government consists of thousands of individuals. Obedience to god is optional. Obedience to government is mandatory. ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 16, 2020:
Your response is rational, factual, and correct -- unlike the gobbledegook of GlyndonD'
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I think that you are trying to be facetious. If you did, you failed.
wordywalt replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@GlyndonD In the 1960sI did read almost everything she had written. I found her interesting until I figured out what she was really trying to say and why she was saying it. .
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I think that you are trying to be facetious. If you did, you failed.
wordywalt replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@GlyndonD Your point?
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
wordywalt comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I think that you are trying to be facetious. If you did, you failed.
wordywalt replies on Jan 15, 2020:
@GlyndonD You sound like an Ayn Rand believer. I read everything she wrote and outgrew her some 50 years ago.
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
Flowerwall comments on Jan 13, 2020:
I think it's an honest, open letter. Did she receive it well?
wordywalt replies on Jan 13, 2020:
Oh, yes.
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
BitFlipper comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Must be nice.
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
It is.
Less fear of hell?
nicknotes comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Nobody really believes in a burning Hell....even the Christians who pay lip service. But if there would be a hell then at least you would be alive. After a day or so you would get used to the heat and enjoy seems a better option than being dead.
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
You are wrong. All fundamentalistic , including most evangelical Christians live with fear of hell
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Dear wife, i compare you to my loser ex, and it really makes me warm
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@MarkiusMahamius My wife lover the letter and but it in her personal cache to keep for memories. As to what my ex would think of it, I do not give a damn. We have not had any contact in 25 years, and I am happy with that, as her capacity for senseless conflict was endless. Any more false observations?
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Dear wife, i compare you to my loser ex, and it really makes me warm
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
You have no understanding of what I was trying to say or why.
I enjoy the interchanges of thoughts and feelings with many others on this site.
powder comments on Jan 11, 2020:
You bloody crawler. Plus this is the internet; how do you know they are women?
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
I enjoy the interchanges of thoughts and feelings with many others on this site.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Awwwwww, how sweet of you to say so!! This is what keeps me coming back to this site. The community here is so supportive. I knew I found my peeps within just a few weeks on this site. There was a heck of a "discussion" and so many folks had my back it just blew me away.
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
All four of you ladies are so sincere and intelligently thoughtful of others that if I were younger and not married I would want to meet all of you to see what might ensue. I hope that I don't make you self-conscious by this remark.
Here in Florida my tomato plants are up and growing in peat pots.
beenthere comments on Jan 9, 2020:
How do you treat for nematodes?
wordywalt replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@Jolanta some Ireleased at othr sites. Others I dispatched and used for added organic fertilizer in the garden.
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jan 11, 2020:
(Singing softly---someone's gonna' have sexxxx, someone's gonna' have sexxxx.) Seriously, that's beautiful!
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2020:
I enjoy the interchanges of thoughts and feelings with many others on this site.
VictoriaNotes comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Wow, I'm at a loss for words. Thank you for your generosity and kindness, Walt. 💛
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2020:
You deserve it.
I enjoy the interchanges of thoughts and feelings with many others on this site.
KKGator comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Thank you! What an awfully nice thing to say. You're no slouch your own self!!! I'm so glad you're a part of this community. :D
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2020:
Many thanks.
I would like to share with you the following letter which wrote to my wife today.
MsHoliday comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Beautifully written. I wouldn’t mention the first wife, no need to really.
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2020:
The only reason I did was to show the difference in the relationships and in my quality of life, not to demean the ex.
Here in Florida my tomato plants are up and growing in peat pots.
beenthere comments on Jan 9, 2020:
How do you treat for nematodes?
wordywalt replies on Jan 11, 2020:
@Jolanta That would be a lot of cost and effort, the squirrels, opossums, and racoons could wreck the aquaculture arrangement. One year, I trapped 135 squirrels in my garden and had to give up trying to grow some vegetables because of the criers. Also, it took some time to find a bird feeder that was truly critter-proof
Here in Florida my tomato plants are up and growing in peat pots.
beenthere comments on Jan 9, 2020:
How do you treat for nematodes?
wordywalt replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@Jolanta With the heat and humidity in Florida, insects, fungi, and nematodes flourish and the soil is poor and sandy. If one wants to try vegetable gardening or farming in Florida, it is very hard to do organic gardening or farming here, unless one is willing to lose a large percentage of the yield -- and sometimes almost the whole crop -- to the pests. One can try to be conscientious about not overusing fertilizer and pesticides, but going totally organic is not practical.
Here in Florida my tomato plants are up and growing in peat pots.
beenthere comments on Jan 9, 2020:
How do you treat for nematodes?
wordywalt replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@MikeInBatonRouge Thanks. I'll look into that.
Here in Florida my tomato plants are up and growing in peat pots.
beenthere comments on Jan 9, 2020:
How do you treat for nematodes?
wordywalt replies on Jan 9, 2020:
A product named AzaMax. It is a liquid which one then mixes with water and sprays on he soil. I spray it on the soil before spading the garden plot and water the plot immediately afterward so that it soaks into the soil. Then, after I spade the garden up, I spray it again. Such a treatment last two to three years. Be careful when using the product, as it is toxic. I make sure that I do not get the product on my hands or body, and I do not walk on the freshly sprayed soil until two to three days later. The treatment also gets rid of grubs, cut worms, and other harmful soil insects. I add a lot of organic matter to my soil to keep it fertile, and nematodes flourish on soil organic matter. That makes the spraying necessary.
I don't have much knowledge in Astronomy or Physics and would like to ask these questions to ones ...
bookofmorons comments on Jan 8, 2020:
our understanding is that time and space had a beginning (the Big Bang 13.8 B yrs ago) so talking about something that precedes it is meaning less
wordywalt replies on Jan 8, 2020:
The big bang was the current iteration to the universe. I believe that it is expansion, then contraction ntil a tiny bit of space becomes to glutted with matter and energy that it results in a new big bang.
Now Bolton is offering to testify , if subpoenaed.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
I wish he would but McConnell doesn't want witnesses. Perhaps the House should interview Bolton live on tv anyways. Would he comply with a subpoena though.
wordywalt replies on Jan 6, 2020:
@bingst I believe so. We will see.
What is the one Truth or Method of finding the truth that you hold sacred above all others?
wordywalt comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Always treat others with dignity and respect.
wordywalt replies on Jan 6, 2020:
@JohnnyQB It is okay to strongly disapprove of and disagree with the person's words and behavior. But, don't try to tear them apart as a person. Don't try to humiliate them. You can let them humiliate themselves, and bait them into doing so. That is fair game.
Now Bolton is offering to testify , if subpoenaed.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
I wish he would but McConnell doesn't want witnesses. Perhaps the House should interview Bolton live on tv anyways. Would he comply with a subpoena though.
wordywalt replies on Jan 6, 2020:
All it will take is for 3 Republican senators to break away and vote to allow witnesses, and there will be witnesses. With all the crap that is breaking and as bad as Trump is looking, it may well happen.
Now Bolton is offering to testify , if subpoenaed.
BitFlipper comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Those lying republicons only offer to do the right thing when there's no chance they will be asked to fulfill that offer.
wordywalt replies on Jan 6, 2020:
or when their backs are against the wall and their political asses are on the line.
WORST BIRTHDAY STORIES Today I'm 62! 43 years ago I was in Army Basic Training at Ft.
wordywalt comments on Jan 6, 2020:
I did my basic training at Ft. Jackson, but almost 61 years ago. I remember the gas chamber training well. When you went through, did they still use the infiltration course training, with live machine gun fire overhead?
wordywalt replies on Jan 6, 2020:
By the way, it was on my 22nd birthday that I was inducted into the Army.
What you are seeing is the first engagements of World War III.
wordywalt comments on Jan 4, 2020:
We WILL see a 2020 election, and the idiot Trump will lose!!!!
wordywalt replies on Jan 5, 2020:
@MichaelCooley2 I undesand the sentiment.
What you are seeing is the first engagements of World War III.
wordywalt comments on Jan 4, 2020:
We WILL see a 2020 election, and the idiot Trump will lose!!!!
wordywalt replies on Jan 5, 2020:
@MrLink Once he is out of office and charged with his criminal offenses, his credibility will go down fast. People and the media will stop paying attention to the sick SOB.
What you are seeing is the first engagements of World War III.
wordywalt comments on Jan 4, 2020:
We WILL see a 2020 election, and the idiot Trump will lose!!!!
wordywalt replies on Jan 5, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 Not here.
What you are seeing is the first engagements of World War III.
wordywalt comments on Jan 4, 2020:
We WILL see a 2020 election, and the idiot Trump will lose!!!!
wordywalt replies on Jan 4, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 The military and law enforcement will not back the idiot Trump if he attempts a coup. He would either wind up in prison for the rest of his life or dead. Hey, with that mind, maybe he should try.
Not exactly 45, but certainly one of his henchmen (who I despise as much as Jackass himself).
wordywalt comments on Jan 4, 2020:
You have the situation backward. Trump would not have been possible without the 30 years propagandistic demagoguery and corrupt manipulations of McConnell.
wordywalt replies on Jan 4, 2020:
@Kodij Agreed, on both points.
What are some of the somewhat natural sounds that give you joy?
ToolGuy comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Rain and thunder!
wordywalt replies on Jan 4, 2020:
@AnneWimsey And beaches. Actually I, personally, do not spend any time on either.
What are some of the somewhat natural sounds that give you joy?
ToolGuy comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Rain and thunder!
wordywalt replies on Jan 3, 2020:
Not me. We have more people killed by lightning strikes in Florida than in any other state
What are some of the somewhat natural sounds that give you joy?
VictoriaNotes comments on Jan 3, 2020:
To name one, the sound of snowfall on a still night.
wordywalt replies on Jan 3, 2020:
I love how quiet things are when snow is falling.
2020!!! Never thought I'd live this long! So to start off a decade of great potential, let's all ...
ProudMerrie comments on Jan 2, 2020:
That looks like my 2019. I'm now officially in the growth zone, preparing to move out of the sticks and start grad school.
wordywalt replies on Jan 3, 2020:
Wish you joy and success in your endeavor.
Donald Trump 's behavior in foreign relations is a direct example of a thesis set out by Hans ...
Leetx comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Let's be honest. Trump is not a deep thinker. His history is one of an impulsive child wanting his way. We keep looking for the deep meaning behind everything he does.... there is none. He's just a dumb ass....
wordywalt replies on Jan 3, 2020:
A vicious, destructive, and corrupt dumbass.
Is 'god' an impersonal force of nature, a 'universal consciousness' similar in quality to other ...
wordywalt comments on Dec 23, 2019:
God isn't. It does not exist, but a false human conception.
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@Atheist3 Biological evolution, including the evolution of intelligence as a evolutionary advantage, is a fact. I see no reason for applying the concept to the universe.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
JustAskMe comments on Jan 2, 2020:
What evidence do you have for "godness" , spirituality, and consciousness in the universe" ???
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
None. What I am saying is that I do not understand how any claims for such false characteristics.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
Druvius comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Maybe they are searching for something in themselves? And is there any reason it can't be both?
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@Druvius Np. I a, not saying that I understand lost of it. But, I see no need to mystify it or to exalt that mystification. .
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
Word comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Bounded chaos. An oxymoron ? Let us consider the symptoms at what I would call the core. Bounded. adjective. having bounds or limits. ... (of a function) having a range with an upper bound and a lower bound. (of a sequence) having the absolute value of each term less than or equal to some ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@Word No.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
Druvius comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Maybe they are searching for something in themselves? And is there any reason it can't be both?
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
It may simply be that they are trying to create an answer to something they don't understand. That is how religions arose.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
Atheist3 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Order out of chaos! Is that not the psychological underpinning of all human belief systems? Randomness is disconcerting.
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
Nevertheless it exists. Humans have difficulty dealing with it.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
Word comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Bounded chaos. An oxymoron ? Let us consider the symptoms at what I would call the core. Bounded. adjective. having bounds or limits. ... (of a function) having a range with an upper bound and a lower bound. (of a sequence) having the absolute value of each term less than or equal to some ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
You obviously do not understand the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, which states that in quantam mechanics one can predict some things only in extremely broad limits, but cannot predict specific events in time and space.
I note that some of my colleagues on this site seem to be concerned with the "godness" , ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jan 2, 2020:
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
I think you are being facetious, as I do not see your point.
Is 'god' an impersonal force of nature, a 'universal consciousness' similar in quality to other ...
wordywalt comments on Dec 23, 2019:
God isn't. It does not exist, but a false human conception.
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@Atheist3 You still have not defined what you mean by consciousness or evolutionary intelligence. I still do not know what you are real;ly saying.
I'm seeing the year 2020!!! Wow!! I never thought I would live to see the year 2000.
TimeOutForMe comments on Jan 1, 2020:
This is a success story. Congratulations on your overall attitude to LIFE - healthy eating/lifestyle and going to the gym. As you get older consider slowing down on the heavier workouts at gym. It can be bad for your joints. ...also we rely on our spine to keep the rest of our body together. ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
I walked 3 to 5 miles a day for well over 30 years, but had to give it up about 5 years ago due to worn hips and to increasing angina. Weight routines are the best option I have left.
I'm seeing the year 2020!!! Wow!! I never thought I would live to see the year 2000.
bingst comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I think I'm also kind of surprised to see 2020.
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe I was 63. I am not sure why. I guess I felt that I had burned a lot of my candle, and that my bad habits would catch up with me.
I'm seeing the year 2020!!! Wow!! I never thought I would live to see the year 2000.
TimeOutForMe comments on Jan 1, 2020:
This is a success story. Congratulations on your overall attitude to LIFE - healthy eating/lifestyle and going to the gym. As you get older consider slowing down on the heavier workouts at gym. It can be bad for your joints. ...also we rely on our spine to keep the rest of our body together. ...
wordywalt replies on Jan 2, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe Love it!
Elizabeth Warren has a powerful vision of true representative democracy, the intelligence and drive ...
racocn8 comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I want a candidate who will have enough appeal across the spectrum that they will be certain to beat Trump. I want a candidate who puts forth ambitious plans, but will admit that they need to accommodate the legislative process to get passed. I liked Warren up until she proposed universal health...
wordywalt replies on Jan 1, 2020:
She knows that we will not get universal healthcare all at once. But, also knows where we should end up.
I was raised on the narcotizing and stupefying cool-aid of racism, broader ethnocentrism, religion, ...
Outsideit67 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
W.E.B. Dubious stated : The pattern of racism is woven into the fabric of America “. The false beliefs, religious doctrine, science; numerous essays biologically, as well as other other aspects of the European intellectuals to rationalize the colonialism of the Americas was established long ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
let me share this. Five incidents occurred during my childhood and youth that left me with questions and doubt. First, my father was an avid hunter and took me along with him (when I was a small boy). We stopped by the rural house of an old Black man. He gave me some peanuts from his field, and I thanked him -- addressing him as "sir." When we left the man's house, my father told me that I should not address a Black man as sir. I responded, "But, you have always told me that I should address an adult male as sir." He had no good answer and it left me deeply puzzled. I never forgot that. When I was six years old, I was playing with several Black boys one afternoon. The next day at school, a girl named Barbara Pitzing (who was sweet on me) chewed me out, saying that she and her father had seen me playing with the Black boys. That made me angry and she was off my list: No one was going to tell me who I could play with. T Third, a couple of years later, I was playing with some Black boys again, when the father of one of them came over and chewed out the boys and told them to go home, saying, "If he (me) got hurt, they are gonna blame it on you, no matter it happened. It made me sad, but somehow, even as a boy I knew that he was probably right. As a young teenager, I fished often on the Withlacoochee River with an old Black man named Johnny Robinson. He usually palled the boat and I did the fishing, but we split the catch 50 - 50.I truly that companionship with Johnny and respected him. But, Johnny got old and his health was declining, so he and his wife moved to the county seat of Madison, with or near his son. For a long time I had not seen Johnny. Then one day I was in Madison with my rather, and I saw Johnny on the courthouse square. I went over to him and stuck out my hand for a handshake. Johnny looked almost hurt and hesitated. At first, I was puzzled, then I suddenly understood. In effect, I was asking Johnny to shake the hand of a white boy in public, in effect saying that we were equals. That could make him a possible victim of violence if some bigot saw it and felt he had to deal with an "uppity" Black. I was so sad and hurt, feeling that something is terribly wrong with a culture when two former friends could not greet each other with cordiality in public. I actually cried when I got back to our car. The last incident occurred when I was 16 or 17. The area was a poor rural region, there were few opportunities for teenagers to earn money, except as farm labor. In the summer I worked in tobacco fields from dawn to dusk for $4.00 a day. It was exhausting, hot, and really dirty work. One day, I was working in a field crew of "cro\ppers" which included several Black boys. During the morning, I reached the ...
I was raised on the narcotizing and stupefying cool-aid of racism, broader ethnocentrism, religion, ...
genessa comments on Dec 31, 2019:
i appreciate your sentiment and wish i could believe in it, but many (not all) of these folks are buying the whole "if a democrat wins, shoot every liberal you see" thing. how do you get close enough to reach them without being killed? g
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
@genessa At age 82, I do not fear any of them. If one shoots me, he will not be available to agitate or vote.
I was raised on the narcotizing and stupefying cool-aid of racism, broader ethnocentrism, religion, ...
genessa comments on Dec 31, 2019:
i appreciate your sentiment and wish i could believe in it, but many (not all) of these folks are buying the whole "if a democrat wins, shoot every liberal you see" thing. how do you get close enough to reach them without being killed? g
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Every one whom we can peel away makes it harder for the rest to maintain their stances.
I was raised on the narcotizing and stupefying cool-aid of racism, broader ethnocentrism, religion, ...
Outsideit67 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
W.E.B. Dubious stated : The pattern of racism is woven into the fabric of America “. The false beliefs, religious doctrine, science; numerous essays biologically, as well as other other aspects of the European intellectuals to rationalize the colonialism of the Americas was established long ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Thank you. DuBois was right, and his statement is still rue today.
I was raised on the narcotizing and stupefying cool-aid of racism, broader ethnocentrism, religion, ...
noworry28 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
One has to be willing to learn, listen, educate and help oneself. If one refuses to open one's mind and attempt to learn, and think logically, no other person will be able to help that one. I understand what you are saying, but not everyone is intelligent enough as you and others are to seek ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Sad, but true.
I was raised on the narcotizing and stupefying cool-aid of racism, broader ethnocentrism, religion, ...
KKGator comments on Dec 31, 2019:
I have the utmost respect for you and your perspectives. Thank you for sharing your experiences and positions on different issues. We may not always agree, but I truly appreciate your take on things. Please never stop sharing your thoughts.
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Many thanks. The feeling is mutual.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
sterlingdean comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Let me be clear. ALL religion is demagoguery. It's all about making your own desires seem more important by ascribing them to some superior power. NOTHING written specifically about religion bears any importance to me except that it exhorts followers to persecute or kill others. THAT'S when ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
@sterlingdean You are the one making that statement, not me. You are so busy looking for something to attack that you create straw men.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
sterlingdean comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Let me be clear. ALL religion is demagoguery. It's all about making your own desires seem more important by ascribing them to some superior power. NOTHING written specifically about religion bears any importance to me except that it exhorts followers to persecute or kill others. THAT'S when ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 31, 2019:
You miss my point. Some dee4ply religious figures have profound and productive thoughts about other sectors of human life. Being religious does not negate everything they think or say. If you belie e that it does, you are dead wrong.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
afrogonalog comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I find this to be far too subjective. My question is what distinguishes the two "wonderful" thinkers from other leaders? The question was asked then answered not with examples but just opinion.
wordywalt replies on Dec 30, 2019:
Wonderful is your phrase, not mine.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
JimReynolds comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Anything a theologian has to say is truly based on their belief in their god or gods, therefore I have no interest in how they think.
wordywalt replies on Dec 29, 2019:
That sounds like bogotry.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 28, 2019:
What is the word of god? Why would I think that one person has it when another person does not?
wordywalt replies on Dec 28, 2019:
@DenoPenno I am not lookin for good religious men. I am simply looking for good men. There are not enough.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
Theresa_N comments on Dec 28, 2019:
You are very much mistaken about the current pope. Take a look at his position on trans people. And women in the church are not faring too well. It amazes me how susceptible some are to good PR.
wordywalt replies on Dec 28, 2019:
He still is a substantial improvement over Benedict.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
Mofo1953 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
A truer moniker couldn't have been chosen, but sometimes excessive wordiness doesn't really contribute to make a point or totally misses and fails. Pope Francis concerned with the quality of people's lives??? By protecting pedophile priests and publicly albeit hypocritically declaring to the ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 28, 2019:
Like all of us. Pope Francis is not a perfect man. He has not delivered everything I would like to see him do, but he is a vast improvement on Benedict.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 28, 2019:
What is the word of god? Why would I think that one person has it when another person does not?
wordywalt replies on Dec 28, 2019:
I am not talking about the "word of god." I am talking about the useful and intelligent thought of good men.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
Fernapple comments on Dec 28, 2019:
The established churches don't have to make ground. Evangelicals have to sell themselves, and dogma sells, because it appeals to our base instincts like, laziness, I don't want the bother of thinking, and hate, I want to blame someone else.
wordywalt replies on Dec 28, 2019:
In the US, the evangelicals have been well established for almost 300 years.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
eric788 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one to admire
wordywalt replies on Dec 27, 2019:
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
mordant comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Strictly speaking, theology is a faux discipline whose only rigor is self-referential. Its intent is to advance a particular hermeneutic (system of interpretation of the holy book of choice) and represents an attempt to understand a Being who is merely asserted and can't actually be examined. So ...
wordywalt replies on Dec 27, 2019:
One should not dismiss productive and instructive thought, even if it comes from a theologian.
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
xenoview comments on Dec 27, 2019:
All of them have failed to prove there is a god.
wordywalt replies on Dec 27, 2019:
I know that. But, if you ever have read Niebuhr's writing, you would see how much meaningful and productive thought he showed in relation to many aspects of life. Don't knock it until you have read it.
Is 'god' an impersonal force of nature, a 'universal consciousness' similar in quality to other ...
wordywalt comments on Dec 23, 2019:
God isn't. It does not exist, but a false human conception.
wordywalt replies on Dec 26, 2019:
@Now that you have said that, please elucidate. Please clarify and provide the intellectual or evidence basis for such a statement,.
Study finds that children raised without religion show more empathy and kindness | Dan Arel
wordywalt comments on Dec 24, 2019:
And, are less judgmental.
wordywalt replies on Dec 25, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay I did not say that they should. All I am saying is one should not make the mistake of false over-categorization.
Study finds that children raised without religion show more empathy and kindness | Dan Arel
wordywalt comments on Dec 24, 2019:
And, are less judgmental.
wordywalt replies on Dec 25, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay I have seen the examples of which you speak. But, those examples do not characterize me or many of the people on this site. Do not over generalize. It is not fair to those who do not fit into an overly broad categorization.
Study finds that children raised without religion show more empathy and kindness | Dan Arel
wordywalt comments on Dec 24, 2019:
And, are less judgmental.
wordywalt replies on Dec 25, 2019:
@TheMiddleWay You are engaging in false stereotyping. That is judgmental.