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Man, 58, Phoenix,
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I'm an agnostic atheist.
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Replies (745)
If sin is an offense against Gad but you don't believe in God, is there such a thing as sin?
xenoview comments on Jun 1, 2021:
God and sin were created by humans to control humans.
With 2.
xenoview comments on Jun 1, 2021:
Delete two of your postings.
😂😂😂😂😂 A young man from Texas moves to California and goes to one of those big ...
xenoview comments on May 31, 2021:
Dennise won $60,976 in scholarships so far. Many are renewable.
xenoview comments on May 29, 2021:
Great news.
After Elections, New Chairman of Isle of Wight Council Nixes Invocation Prayers | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 29, 2021:
The chairman could be a secular person, and maybe atheist
TX Church Employee Faces Up to 30 Years in Prison for Embezzling Over $450,000 | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 29, 2021:
She'll get out early due to good behavior and being christian. All she has to do is pray for forgiveness and confess her sins to a priest.
A recent photo of god's selfie!
xenoview comments on May 28, 2021:
First you have to prove there is a god.
Scientology secrets spill out in Danny Masterson rape case - Los Angeles Times
xenoview comments on May 28, 2021:
TLDR. If he is found guilty due to evidence, then he should serve hard time in prison.
Today's hike: discovered new wildflowers blooming.
xenoview comments on May 28, 2021:
Beautiful as always!
You want entertainment for Friday?
xenoview comments on May 28, 2021:
More faithfools grasping for hope that a miracle cure has been found.
Woman in racist Central Park confrontation sues over firing
xenoview comments on May 28, 2021:
Christian should have called the police or animal control about a loose dog in the park.
After being raised Southern Baptist, this exactly how I feel.
xenoview comments on May 28, 2021:
Do you still believe in a god?
Southern Baptist: Exvangelicals Ignore Christianity’s “Intellectual Tradition” | Hemant Mehta ...
xenoview comments on May 27, 2021:
You can lead a theist to reason, but you can't make him/her think.
Is it better to stay silent?
xenoview comments on May 27, 2021:
You can lead a theist to reason, but you can't make him/her think.
'More and more people don't want a traditional burial' [bbc.]
xenoview comments on May 26, 2021:
When I die, it won't matter what happens to my body.
Grand jury to consider Donald Trump charges []
xenoview comments on May 26, 2021:
Lock tRump up so he can't run in 24.
Christian GOP Lawmaker: God Told Me to Kick a Student in the Balls | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist...
xenoview comments on May 26, 2021:
Maybe a satanist should kick him in the balls and say the devil made me do it.
Christian Writer: The Pandemic Was God’s Way of Stopping Gay Pride Parades | Beth Stoneburner | ...
xenoview comments on May 26, 2021:
Wished it would stop christian nationlist parades.
Catholic Woman: Should I Call Out an Atheist for Not Calling Nuns “Sisters”?
xenoview comments on May 26, 2021:
Nun or sister is fine by me.
Evangelist Robin Bullock: If You Mock Me, God Will Lead You to “Insanity” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
xenoview comments on May 26, 2021:
He must have mocked himself in the mirror.
I like to bring these quotes up every time I hear that the US is a christian nation
xenoview comments on May 25, 2021:
I like the quotes from the founding fathers of the US.
Today's hike: "Where's Kathleen?" Worried, they searched my home.
xenoview comments on May 25, 2021:
You bring out the beauty of nature with your pictures.
To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must ...
xenoview comments on May 25, 2021:
Welcome aboard! Don't you mean human controlling their mind, and wisdom and virtue comes to them?
Do you believe in an afterlife?
xenoview comments on May 25, 2021:
We have to say we honestly don't know if there is an afterlife.
If someone has already posted this, sorry for the repeated info.
xenoview comments on May 25, 2021:
An their fear and hate of Atheist.
If someone has already posted this, sorry for the repeated info.
xenoview comments on May 25, 2021:
I'd like them to explain all the fear and hate of LGBT and other religions.
Today is my 21st birthday, but i just feel like I'm celebrating someone else's birthday.
xenoview comments on May 24, 2021:
Happy Birthday! Welcome aboard!
An Alabama Pastor Who Raped Multiple Children Was Released Early from Prison | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 23, 2021:
I hope no church will hire him as a pastor.
Missouri Church Fundraises for Christian School Owners Charged With Sexual Abuse | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 23, 2021:
Sicko priest is backing the abusers. I wonder if the priest is an abuser too.
Property values. []
xenoview comments on May 23, 2021:
It's sad that people feel unsafe because of a homeless camp going up in their hood.
New Revelations from Former Nuns Suggest Mother Teresa Led a Cult | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist ...
xenoview comments on May 23, 2021:
She was part of the rcc cult before starting her cult.
New Revelations from Former Nuns Suggest Mother Teresa Led a Cult | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist ...
xenoview comments on May 22, 2021:
She came from the rcc, which is a cult itself.
Atheists Win Case Against Texas Judge and His Coercive Christian Prayers | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on May 22, 2021:
The judge needs to be removed from his job.
Judge: California Owes Church $1.
xenoview comments on May 22, 2021:
Churches don't equal gorcery store. The store sells food, which you need to survive. Churches don't sell life giving food.Churches are good for spreading covid, because faithfools don't wear mask or social distance from each other.
BREAKING NEWS! FFRF wins lawsuit against praying Texas judge - Freedom From Religion Foundation
xenoview comments on May 22, 2021:
FFRF rules!
Alabama Finally Passes Yoga-in-School Bill Despite Complaints from Christians | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 21, 2021:
Old voices fade away and new ones sound off loud.
10 Years Ago Today, Evangelist Harold Camping Wrongly Predicted the Rapture | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 21, 2021:
Makes me think of Y2K.
Hello there! New on this App.
xenoview comments on May 21, 2021:
Welcome! Which god are you talking about? Can you prove your god is real?
For those of you who are in favor of the death penalty because the bible says so, here's a list of ...
xenoview comments on May 20, 2021:
Faithfools need to realize that jesus believed in the OT. The NT is thought up and written by humans.
How to easily roast garlic without oil.
xenoview comments on May 20, 2021:
I love garlic. Thanks for posting.
In the UK there is a lot of talk using the phrase ‘ Road-Map ‘, even though using it will not ...
xenoview comments on May 19, 2021:
It will be hard to get rid of religion. A good place to begin with is taking away their tax free status.
Religion sells an invisible product
xenoview comments on May 19, 2021:
And you can't get your money back.
I always find it interesting to learn about the ancient history of our earth and how the conditions ...
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
We honestly don't know what the earth was like 2 billion years ago. All we can do is guess what it was like.
I am seeking an intelligent woman who chooses knowledge over belief.
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
Your need to delete 5 of your postings.
Christian Student Demands Alabama College Accept Her Faith-Based Vaccine Refusal | Beth Stoneburner ...
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
Then refuse to let her attended the college.
New Zealand Pastor: My “Essential” Religion is Preventing a “Socialist State” | Hemant Mehta...
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
Maybe they should make the members sign a waver for medical treatment if they get covid. Then you could let them gather.
Canadian Pastor Arrested After Refusing to Comply with COVID Restrictions | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
LMAO! Hope they throw away the key, or lose the key for several years. I hope this is the death of that church.
In England, COVID Death Rates Were Much Lower for People With “No Religion” | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
LMAO! Faithfools don't like wearing mask or social distancing.
A GOP Congresswoman Wanted to Know People’s Favorite Bible Verses.
xenoview comments on May 18, 2021:
LMAO! She seems to have never read her bible. When I read the whole bible it made me stop being a christian.
How many of you became atheists because you were "Holy Ghosted"?
xenoview comments on May 17, 2021:
When my prayers went unanswered I would belame myself for not being good enough.
Today's hike: A tiny jewel of a flower.
xenoview comments on May 17, 2021:
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful flower.
For those not following the war crimes committed by Israel within the past few days /week, with the ...
xenoview comments on May 17, 2021:
Israel-Gaza violence: Calls to protect civilians as conflict endures
For those not following the war crimes committed by Israel within the past few days /week, with the ...
xenoview comments on May 17, 2021:
Both sides are to blame. Hamas has fired over 3200 rockets.
Most of the atheists that I meet are what I think of as recovering Christians.
xenoview comments on May 17, 2021:
Delete the extra posting.
Jesus: You have free will, love me or go to hell.
xenoview comments on May 16, 2021:
Delete one of your double postings.
Jesus: You have free will, love me or go to hell.
xenoview comments on May 16, 2021:
Don't the meek inherit the earth?
Franklin Graham: Get Vaccinated, Christians.
xenoview comments on May 16, 2021:
There has to be some money somewhere in the equation.
Writing thank you cards for scholarships.
xenoview comments on May 16, 2021:
I spent 23+ years religious before getting alive!!
xenoview comments on May 15, 2021:
Christian Lawmaker Threatens to Dox Reporter for Describing Him Accurately | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
xenoview comments on May 14, 2021:
Everything he does is for his personal god.
5 years since I saw the light on Christianity and I’m sitting here thinking what am I most ...
xenoview comments on May 14, 2021:
Welcome to reality.
"God" • debated in Philosophy.
xenoview comments on May 14, 2021:
Faithfools can't objectively prove their god is real. All they have is subjective evidence coming from the human mind.
Illinois Pastor: Delaying Church Reopening Means “We’ve Been Sentenced to Death” | Terry Firma...
xenoview comments on May 13, 2021:
Some faithfools might wakeup to reality, and become agnostic or atheist.
Conspiracist: The Unvaccinated Are Being Treated Just Like Jews in the Holocaust | Beth Stoneburner ...
xenoview comments on May 11, 2021:
No one has said the covid vaccine is mandatory.
[] televangelists RELIGION UNITEDSTATES U.S.NEWS CELEBRITY Megachurches Scams
xenoview comments on May 11, 2021:
Sadly faithfools believe the scammers.
Do you feel it is appropriate to take your own life if you have a debilitating illness, such as ...
xenoview comments on May 10, 2021:
If I was dying from cancer, I would end my life.
I'm an Atheist, more over a antitheist.
xenoview comments on May 10, 2021:
Delete one of your double postings.
I'm an Atheist, more over a antitheist.
xenoview comments on May 10, 2021:
So what were you tripping on when you wrote this post?
Religion is the worship of Man Prove Me Wrong
xenoview comments on May 9, 2021:
Religion is the controlling of man.
Letters From An American 05/08/2021
xenoview comments on May 9, 2021:
Happy Mother's Day!
Maybe Atheists should stop fighting the Crazy Christians and start agreeing with religious freedom ...
xenoview comments on May 8, 2021:
Faithfools need their religion, atheist don't.
Let's Discuss Islam's Contribution to the World...
xenoview comments on May 6, 2021:
Christianity does most of the list also.
Despite Faith-Based Porn Filter, Josh Duggar Had 200+ Illicit Images of Kids | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 6, 2021:
I hope duggar gets his punishment while he's in prison.
Lying Christian Pastor: It’s “Scientifically Impossible to Be an Atheist” | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 6, 2021:
Funny how this faithfool is an atheist to all other human gods, but his.
Jim Bakker to Court: Selling a Fake COVID Cure is Part of My “Religious Freedom” | Hemant Mehta...
xenoview comments on May 5, 2021:
Bakker needs to go to prison for selling a fake cure for covid.
Archaeologists uncover oldest human burial in Africa | Archaeology | The Guardian
xenoview comments on May 5, 2021:
Interesting. It blows the lid off the faithfools saying the earth is 6000 yo.
Nonreligious Americans Are A Growing Political Force | FiveThirtyEight
xenoview comments on May 4, 2021:
I'll believe it when atheist get elected to us congress.
Tony Spell Says He Has Received Stimulus Checks From More Than 200 Suckers | Terry Firma | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on May 4, 2021:
I guess those faithfools are trying to buy their way into heaven.
Just an FYI.
xenoview comments on May 4, 2021:
Why don't you tell us how to spot them now.
Louisiana Republican Leader Defends “Good” Side of Slavery by Pointing to Bible | Hemant Mehta |...
xenoview comments on May 3, 2021:
Faithfools are religions slaves.
Christian love...
xenoview comments on May 2, 2021:
Didn't jesus say to love they neighbor? Faithfools need to learn what their bible says in the NT.
The case of the extravagantly fraying material.
xenoview comments on May 2, 2021:
Nice work. Claire is lucky to have you.
The Duggers at their finest.
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
I hope he get sexual abused in prison.
Christian Lawmaker in KS Arrested for Attacking Child While Substitute Teaching | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
I hope he gets abused in prison.
This Chart Shows How Quickly Americans Are Abandoning Organized Religion | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
The time to celebrate is when religion drops below 50%.
Creationists Just Launched a Cringeworthy Netflix Clone, So I Signed Up | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
So P is for priest that rape children?
“Prophetess”: In Heaven, Some People Have Mansions “the Size of New York City” | Hemant ...
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
Sadly, people believe her and give her money.
Logic smite!
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
I was brought up in a Christian home and became a Christian at eight years old, as time passed i ...
xenoview comments on May 1, 2021:
I quit going to church in 1982. I think all organized religions should be banned.
"an agnostic is an atheist without balls" agree or disagree?
xenoview comments on Apr 29, 2021:
So what are you? A ball less atheist.
My father, also an atheist, has led a long and privileged life.
xenoview comments on Apr 29, 2021:
You living with your dad? Atleast he has you to honor his wishes.
Angry Christian Mom: Netflix Must Be Canceled Over Cartoon Mocking Jesus | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
xenoview comments on Apr 29, 2021:
She can always use hulu for her entertainment.
There’s a New Dating Website for Christian Men Who Hate Feminists and Soy Boys | Beth Stoneburner ...
xenoview comments on Apr 29, 2021:
Hope they all turn gay with each other.
Logic puzzle
xenoview comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Is Mary married?
An unusual, atypical POV for the Wall Street Journal; Bill Maher deserves and Oscar?
xenoview comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Link not working.
So much for 'Bureaucratic Confidentiality'. Got to the 'meeting' (?
xenoview comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Smells like a huge pile of human shit.
This Inside Look at “Patriot Churches” Shows the Danger of Christian Nationalism | Hemant Mehta ...
xenoview comments on Apr 27, 2021:
They want to make tRump their godking.
Let's play a thought game.
xenoview comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Ask god to get rid of all religions on the planet.
TST has created a secular answer to AA with "Sober Faction"
xenoview comments on Apr 26, 2021:
I’ve studied Psychology and hypnosis.
xenoview comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Delete two of your postings.
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