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Yeah, it's more of a mistake than I thought it was,, too.
EricJones comments on Nov 21, 2024:
And the smart people hate trump. They're not gonna find anybody worse than gaetz-I hope.
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
Well Pam Bondi is still objectively bad, but nowhere near as toxically odious as the high school cowboy.
Are earworms worse than brain worms? Discuss.
Betty comments on Nov 21, 2024:
They are if the song It's a Small World is on repeat. lol I know of a few occasions when that book would have come in handy. lol Thanks, Z. Laughter is the best medicine and you are The Medicine Man. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
You're welcome. And since I have some awareness of cultural appropriation, maybe the "Laugh Doctor" would be better. Or maybe "Doctor Chuckles"? 😜
Are earworms worse than brain worms? Discuss.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 21, 2024:
I hear that book is a real knockout...
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
Really punchy dialog hooks you right in.
Are earworms worse than brain worms? Discuss.
EricJones comments on Nov 21, 2024:
Ya'll ain't moving that gravel with a shovel and broom.
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
I guess they didn't have a "Big Freaking Boulder" sign. LOL
Riding a pale billionaire...
Betty comments on Nov 21, 2024:
Reality is depressing. Good but sad set, Z.
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
@Betty Don't shoot the messenger.
Riding a pale billionaire...
Betty comments on Nov 21, 2024:
Reality is depressing. Good but sad set, Z.
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
@Betty Well, they put Mike Cohen into solitary. I'm thinking that's gonna be my situation. But he is talking about brining back firing squads, so...
Riding a pale billionaire...
Betty comments on Nov 21, 2024:
Reality is depressing. Good but sad set, Z.
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
Thanks. Now that this whole hot mess is back again, posts here on the pinata will be mostly just sardonic rather than truly funny. Until they find and jail us all.
Follow me for more interior decorating hacks.
pamagain comments on Nov 20, 2024:
No, Waiter....the lady is NOT coming back! She's gone home to toss his clothes out the window and put cracker crumbs and itching powder into the sofa bed!
zeuser replies on Nov 21, 2024:
Geez, it's just a gag! 😜
Follow me for more interior decorating hacks.
KateOahu comments on Nov 20, 2024:
I know for a fact that is exactly what happens when you leave the damn toilet seat up.
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
JPEGs, or it never happened..
Riding a pale billionaire...
Lauren comments on Nov 20, 2024:
That's a plane that would have served us all well by crash landing. Oops, did I say that out loud? 😜😜😜
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
@racocn8 I like it when people can read the room. LOL
Just a week to go before the hedonistic holiday is here.
KateOahu comments on Nov 20, 2024:
It’s your body; I don’t care what you eat.
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
@backtobasics What about pear? Asking for a buddy...
A quick review of anatomy for wingnuts.
glennlab comments on Nov 20, 2024:
I'm afraid to ask which is which.
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
Makes no difference. They are interchangeable, and the gag still works.
I can't believe these people........
zeuser comments on Nov 20, 2024:
HAH1 Autopsy torso! LOL
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
@Betty I missed the shift key to make it an exclamation point. It happens.
Riding a pale billionaire...
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 20, 2024:
Good set!!
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
Thank you!
Riding a pale billionaire...
Lauren comments on Nov 20, 2024:
That's a plane that would have served us all well by crash landing. Oops, did I say that out loud? 😜😜😜
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
No argument from me.
Riding a pale billionaire...
glennlab comments on Nov 20, 2024:
Good set.
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
Thanks, man.
Follow me for more interior decorating hacks.
Betty comments on Nov 20, 2024:
Hmm... You're into interior decorating... Interesting, I may ask for suggestions. lol Thanks for the chuckles, Z. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
You're welcome. Here's a key bachelor tip: keep one bedroom off limits so you can toss clutter into it before guests arrive. ;)
Follow me for more interior decorating hacks.
EricJones comments on Nov 20, 2024:
The local catholic diocese is promoting their catholic cemeteries by saying nobody lives forever and yet they constantly preach follow them and you will have eternal life.
zeuser replies on Nov 20, 2024:
There's no money in it if everybody really believed that, but it's hard to maintain the fiction of eternal life when you have a corpse on your hands and you need someplace to put it. So, profit!
The clowns have arrived!
glennlab comments on Nov 17, 2024:
My feelings on elon.
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
Oh yeah, the douche bag's douche bag.
I would guess at most 14.
pamagain comments on Nov 19, 2024:
Am I the only one who thinks Gaetz looks like a Jack Nicholson wanna-be? It's the eyebrow thing...
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
Jack Nicholson never had to pay 15 year-olds for sex.
I would guess at most 14.
RobertNappi2 comments on Nov 19, 2024:
I would not be surprised if he re-instated Prima nocta!!!
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
Good lord keep that quiet! He doesn't need any more degenerate ideas!
I've got one; it works!
glennlab comments on Nov 19, 2024:
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
The sycamores close to that store ought to plug up their knot holes. LOL
I've got one; it works!
Betty comments on Nov 19, 2024:
These are good, Z. I will be sure to proceed with caution. ;) Thanks for the chuckles. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
Always a smart strategy. You're welcome!
I would guess at most 14.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 19, 2024:
It just flabbergasts me how low the USA has fallen. The first go round was low, this time they're excavating even deeper.
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
These things tend to go in cycles. But clearly, our asses have not yet hit bottom.
I would guess at most 14.
EricJones comments on Nov 19, 2024:
To his credit (and that is hard for me to say) kennedy said the US has an obesity problem right in front of trump.
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
Even a broken clock, as the saying goes...
I've got one; it works!
EricJones comments on Nov 19, 2024:
These days the best holiday card is to take individual pictures of everybody and photo shop them into one group photo.
zeuser replies on Nov 19, 2024:
Never thought of that. Of course, the days when I took holiday family photos are long gone, and back then, we didn't have photoshop, Still, a good idea for those doing it now. m
That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works...LOL
Betty comments on Nov 18, 2024:
Funny, Z. Thanks. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 18, 2024:
You're welcome!
Still wondering what it means to "let Trump be Trump"?
EricJones comments on Nov 17, 2024:
He told the Hispanics he was going to deport them all and yet they voted for him. That is like having the jews voting for hitler.
zeuser replies on Nov 18, 2024:
@Sticks48 No, but as it turns out, you can deport it.
That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works...LOL
EricJones comments on Nov 17, 2024:
jesus the pyromaniac.
zeuser replies on Nov 17, 2024:
I get it. Those halos re dangerous.
The clowns have arrived!
glennlab comments on Nov 17, 2024:
all that will be left
zeuser replies on Nov 17, 2024:
You mean this glitter will never come off?!
Are you dumbass trumpers not entertained?
michelle666gar comments on Nov 17, 2024:
I love how the Mexican president threw it back! Lol!!!
zeuser replies on Nov 17, 2024:
I really like her.
Are you dumbass trumpers not entertained?
silverotter11 comments on Nov 17, 2024:
Good set! Funny but not haha funny. Just read an article in the Guardian, many Haitians in the Springfield, Ohio town targeted by liar elect are leaving the area. They are very afraid. In a near by town the sheriff ordered the Haitians rounded up to determine if they are legal. There goes the ...
zeuser replies on Nov 17, 2024:
All of this was predicted by the lardass himself. He didn't mean it, they said. He talks in hyperbole, they said. What do you mean I can't have an attorney, they will say, soon enough.
Are you dumbass trumpers not entertained?
DenoPenno comments on Nov 16, 2024:
Starting January 20th we will see the real shitshow in action because it is already plain that Trump thinks he is the dictator/king and can simply just do what he wants to. Looks to me like a whole lotta things are gonna be in his way. Laws for one and his own party for another.
zeuser replies on Nov 16, 2024:
I hope all of that helps, I honestly do. However he has a history of steamrolling that kind of opposition, and his cronies (currently holding the majority in both houses) bend over quicker than a five dollar hooker.
And then there was that incident with your younger brother...
Betty comments on Nov 15, 2024:
Sadness prevails. It shows how easy it is to abuse the vulnerable. Good set, Z. :(
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
Yeah, and there are always those who search for the opportunities to do it. Thanks, Betty.
And then there was that incident with your younger brother...
glennlab comments on Nov 15, 2024:
Oh my
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
I know how he ran those casinos. It's not hard to see how. He opened multiple casinos in the same small geographic area, cannibalizing each other's patrons. Stole a bunch and paid off the mob. He did just fine.
And then there was that incident with your younger brother...
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 15, 2024:
Good set. I just can't believe we got here.
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
Modern propaganda is incredibly sophisticated re hitting specific audiences with just the right message to make them think how the purveyors want and do what they want you to do. That's how we got here.
How'd you get along with your mother?
KateOahu comments on Nov 15, 2024:
She was my best friend until the day she died. Yes, I had a same-age best friend, too (since I was 18 years old!) but now she died, too.
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
We all have to go, but it is tough to lose loved ones, especially your mom and your best friend.
How'd you get along with your mother?
Betty comments on Nov 15, 2024:
Poof! Sweetie is all gone. SMH!!! 😂 Fun set, Z. Thanks for the giggles. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
If he's dumb enough to strike a match, good riddance. Thanks, hon.
And then there was that incident with your younger brother...
glennlab comments on Nov 15, 2024:
But surely he didn't mean white differently abled students, lol?
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
I'd say he feels weakness is weakness. If it's someone you can easily punch down on, then it's ok.
How'd you get along with your mother?
glennlab comments on Nov 15, 2024:
I'm afraid to ask where their heads are.
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
Wondering where their phones went, harmonizing on that great hit "I Ain't Got Nobody".
Didn't work with me, maybe it will help some others.
Redheadedgammy comments on Nov 15, 2024:
Love that chilling turkey!! 🤣
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
Too cool for the oven, right? LOL
I wonder if countries that ban convicted felons will let our own "Mr.
pedigojr comments on Nov 15, 2024:
I wonder if Fuhrer Putin will be allowed to come here and tRump there? Also, what will this do to the situation in Ukraine and Israel?
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
My guesses, yes and yes. Ukrainian aid from the US will dry up, aid to Israel will remain constant or increase. I'd lay 3 to 1 odds.
I see this happening here with the way women's rights are fading! []
silverotter11 comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I just popped over to the conservative atheist group. WOW! The strength of russian propaganda, fox, newsmax, etc. really has altered their thinking. There is no critical thought evident, just criticize and hate. I know we have trump pinata, I really can't explain how, it's just different. It's an...
zeuser replies on Nov 15, 2024:
@silverotter11 Why would they change tactics now? Of course they will.
I see this happening here with the way women's rights are fading! []
silverotter11 comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I just popped over to the conservative atheist group. WOW! The strength of russian propaganda, fox, newsmax, etc. really has altered their thinking. There is no critical thought evident, just criticize and hate. I know we have trump pinata, I really can't explain how, it's just different. It's an...
zeuser replies on Nov 14, 2024:
@silverotter11 And his term will be cut short, so we'll get Vance before too long. I predict within a year.
I see this happening here with the way women's rights are fading! []
silverotter11 comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I just popped over to the conservative atheist group. WOW! The strength of russian propaganda, fox, newsmax, etc. really has altered their thinking. There is no critical thought evident, just criticize and hate. I know we have trump pinata, I really can't explain how, it's just different. It's an...
zeuser replies on Nov 14, 2024:
@silverotter11 If these guys fuck up like they look like they are gonna fuck up, I'd say it's not unlikely we can take back at least one of them.
Yep, that's us all right.
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2024:
case in point
zeuser replies on Nov 14, 2024:
@michelle666gar Dr. Oz? Oops, don't say that too loud, he might hear it and pick up on it.
Yep, that's us all right.
michelle666gar comments on Nov 14, 2024:
It's going to be a shit show!
zeuser replies on Nov 14, 2024:
Hasn't started yet and it already is.
Didn't work with me, maybe it will help some others.
Betty comments on Nov 14, 2024:
All that turkey needs is a sunlamp, umbrella, some sand, and a bit of water to make a beach scene. lol Fun set, Z. Hungry?...;)
zeuser replies on Nov 14, 2024:
Thanks. I tried to eat the sandwich. Couldn't get my hands around it. LOL
I see this happening here with the way women's rights are fading! []
silverotter11 comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I just popped over to the conservative atheist group. WOW! The strength of russian propaganda, fox, newsmax, etc. really has altered their thinking. There is no critical thought evident, just criticize and hate. I know we have trump pinata, I really can't explain how, it's just different. It's an...
zeuser replies on Nov 14, 2024:
@annewimsey500 Right, I never thought I'd see my advancing age as a advantage, but there it is. No matter how bad it gets, I only have a limited amount of time to suffer.
Happy Wednesday Night!!! Hope you all are doing well!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 13, 2024:
How come Jebus isn't one of them?...
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
It makes the gag easier for the people in Texas to read and understand. And they are the ones it is meant to insult.
Happy Wednesday Night!!! Hope you all are doing well!
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2024:
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
You are NOT the father! LOL
We already knew this! []
annewimsey500 comments on Nov 12, 2024:
I will enjoy the "fun" those who voted for him for economic greed are going to have....I think I may begin amassing large card board boxes i can sell them to live in......
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
@annewimsey500 They will recruit you to run for office if you do it. That is a key tenet of their agenda.
Yeah, well whatever, my thoughts about the three ring circus side shit show!
zeuser comments on Nov 13, 2024:
I guess we should try to laugh, but it's hard to keep from sobbing. Thanks, MG.
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
@michelle666gar Me too. It's an effort, but a lot of people around me would just collapse if I didn't.
I'm so nonchalant!!! 🤣🤣🤣
zeuser comments on Nov 13, 2024:
Good hair care tips, you've tried these? 🤔 Nice set, MG!
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
@michelle666gar You stinker!
Following coffee shop protocol is very important.
michelle666gar comments on Nov 13, 2024:
Yup, churches 🙄🤣
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
They make it sound godly. They are very good at it, given their audiences.
Following coffee shop protocol is very important.
Betty comments on Nov 13, 2024:
Funny set, Z. Sexual healing, indeed! 🤣 Thanks for the chuckles. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
You're welcome!
A fox news host for Secretary of Defense?
Buttercup comments on Nov 13, 2024:
Just looking at him but I don't think he washes his hair either
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
Good lord, seriously? And our small-handed lardass chief-elect moron is a germophobe. Can't wait to see whether he shakes this filthy fuckwit's hand.
The corrupt leading the stupid.
silverotter11 comments on Nov 13, 2024:
Sad and laughable at the same time. The penis look is in these days.
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
Hard to tell them apart, isn't it?
And I recommend to pull it off quickly all at once.
Betty comments on Nov 13, 2024:
Good ones, Z. Thank you. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
You are welcome!
The corrupt leading the stupid.
Leetx comments on Nov 13, 2024:
I have been ashamed of America before, now I am ashamed to BE American
zeuser replies on Nov 13, 2024:
You do not have to be that kind of American. Don't be ashamed of yourself because everyone around you is an asshole.
We already knew this! []
annewimsey500 comments on Nov 12, 2024:
I will enjoy the "fun" those who voted for him for economic greed are going to have....I think I may begin amassing large card board boxes i can sell them to live in......
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
Good plan!
And I recommend to pull it off quickly all at once.
KateOahu comments on Nov 12, 2024:
❤️Lotta good ones here.
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
The corrupt leading the stupid.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 12, 2024:
Jaysus, I hope they fumigate that church, he should have been struck by lightning.
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
No argument from me.
And I recommend to pull it off quickly all at once.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 12, 2024:
Yeah that is about what is happening to the "your body my choice" crowd these days....
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
Dumb shitheels.
Now that trump has been elected for a second non-consecutive term, and he survives to get sworn in, ...
Appleriver comments on Nov 8, 2024:
Wonder how long after he’s inaugurated Vance hits him with the 25th amendment…
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
My guess is within the first year. The oligarchs can be persuasive.
Now that trump has been elected for a second non-consecutive term, and he survives to get sworn in, ...
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 7, 2024:
My current read, started before election day is The Cult of Trump, which is an absolutely frightening explanation of why Trump is who he is. I wish I could leave the USA and never look back, these next years are ...
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
@pamagain I read this thread and I felt chills! I am with y'all too! 💜
Now that trump has been elected for a second non-consecutive term, and he survives to get sworn in, ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 7, 2024:
Trump has no plans of leaving. He wants his word to be law and if he wants to do something he wants power to do it without the courts slowing him down. He wants the military and police at his instant call. This is not a president, folks. This is a dictator. Musk will try to buy up news media to ...
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
Ok, that all qualifies as a worst case scenario. We can resist. That's my plan.
Turkey day is coming, what are your plans?
zeuser comments on Nov 11, 2024:
Me, my daughter, my son, his fiance, and their mother will dine at a local restaurant in the early afternoon. I will see my nephews and their boys and wives earlier in the week. I look forward to it.
zeuser replies on Nov 12, 2024:
@michelle666gar Thanks, MG. They are a good group.
Hell yeah! It looks bitchin'!
silverotter11 comments on Nov 11, 2024:
In a nutshell. Don't know which feeling about these fools is worse anger or sadness. FUCK sorts covers both.
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
@Dave375 Oh, that's a given. They always lay the groundwork to set up a patsy before they start.
The twatwaffle has no pull!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 []
zeuser comments on Nov 11, 2024:
Putin doesn't need him anymore. Well, neither do we, but Putin has options. We do not, except for the familiar role of the resistance.
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
@michelle666gar It is already in the shitter. I can't do much to stop it, but I will do whatever I can. Fuck.
Hell yeah! It looks bitchin'!
BabyYoda comments on Nov 11, 2024:
C'mon T#### giving something away? 💩🤡🤏🍄
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
First one is always free. Even I remember that rule. LOL
Worth a shot...
EricJones comments on Nov 11, 2024:
Tell them it was the loch ness monster, if you're gonna tell a fish story might as well make it a good one.
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
That's the spirit! Lie big, and stick with it!
Holy cereal, Batman!
Betty comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I'm not petting those sheep. lol Thanks for the chuckles, Z. You're still the best. :) P.S. (*I did proofread this. lol*)
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
Don't pet them, use them to make your pots sparking clean! LOL Thank you, Betty.
Holy cereal, Batman!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2024:
It looks like I am the latest to fall victim to the values page, no more posts it looks like from me. But beware of a shit ton of comments
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
So far, looks like I have not been affected. I imagine that will change, but so far, no problem.
Holy cereal, Batman!
EricJones comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I'm a lousy cook, my late girlfriend was great-she could make something good out of nothing. One night I put her picture in the kitchen with chef of the month on it. She loved it.
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
That sounds like a different situation. I'm sorry you lost her, buddy.
Hell yeah! It looks bitchin'!
silverotter11 comments on Nov 11, 2024:
In a nutshell. Don't know which feeling about these fools is worse anger or sadness. FUCK sorts covers both.
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
I am going with informed disgust.
I remember this happening his first time and it's going to happen again! Stupidity!!! ...
Gustav comments on Nov 11, 2024:
I have no idea why most of AG community support him!!
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
@silverotter11 Obama! LOL No, seriously.
Holy cereal, Batman!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2024:
Nice tips, I'll be sure not to follow them.
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
Whaaaat?! Those are all time tested! LOL
“We must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind”…………… John F. Kennedy.
Mooolah comments on Nov 10, 2024:
I for one will never give up the fight. @ 12, I made sandwiches for the Freedom Riders. @ 14, I put up anti Vietnam War posters. @ 17, I walked out of Highschool in support of student's walk outs all of the country against this war. Boycotted lettuce/grapes for 16 years in support of Cesear Chavez ...
zeuser replies on Nov 11, 2024:
@michelle666gar They've set us up with a problem using JD as the backup to gleefully extend the lunacy even if lardass doesn't make it through 2025. I've predicted all along that there will be a 25th amendment coup before the end of his term. 😡
Snug bugs need snug rugs. Are you listening, two-legs?
EricJones comments on Nov 10, 2024:
The empire is in deep shit-I just wish Brutus was here to run Caesar through, we could live stream it and everything. I think it would get great ratings and lotsa likes.
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
Well, the part of Brutus will probably be filled by JD, so I dunno. Be patient, JD will make his move before next year is finished, I predict. Rather than running him through, it will be the 25th amendment.
Snug bugs need snug rugs. Are you listening, two-legs?
Betty comments on Nov 10, 2024:
A mix of sad and funny. I'm not sure how to feel. Thanks, Z. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
You feel how you feel. You're welcome.
They love them their cheap eggs. Dickheads.
racocn8 comments on Nov 10, 2024:
For some reason, the 'moderator' deleted my post which was: Do you think that Trump won the election fair and square?
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
If we don't count billions in ads and constant lies yeah, they won without manipulating the ballots or the tabulatuons themselves. I believe the voting totals are close to the truth. How they got there was duplicitous and shameful. But that's all IMHO .
I won't do that stupid salute.
Betty comments on Nov 10, 2024:
Good set, Z. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
Thanks, hon.
“We must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind”…………… John F. Kennedy.
pamagain comments on Nov 10, 2024:
War's been with us's part of our primate nature.
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
@Marionville Putin is nuts in his own shrewd, calculated, cold- blooded, serial murderer way. Trump is just a bigoted, manipulatable nitwit.
Saturday and my mantra for the next few years, FUCK IT!!!!
zeuser comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Even french fries have a better sex life than I do. *sigh* Good set anyway, MG! ;)
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
@KateOahu Don't ask me. Ask a bag of french fries, evidently.
I'm looking for a Mr. Appleseed, Johnny know him?
glennlab comments on Nov 9, 2024:
That is my doctor. good set
zeuser replies on Nov 10, 2024:
@KateOahu Yeah. How am I doin'?
I won't do that stupid salute.
PaddyO comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Another four years of double ugly. I am disgusted with many of my fellow citizens. Despite his record of screwing everyone who he comes into contact with, they want to give him another four years in the ofal office. It simply doesn't make sense. When a candidates driving force is fear, they use ...
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
His one idea, and it's always been the one that drives him: How much money can I steal and still get away with it? We have yet to find the limit, but we will soon enough.
I'm looking for a Mr. Appleseed, Johnny know him?
michelle666gar comments on Nov 9, 2024:
This country is the stupidest!!! So true!!!
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
We are in the top 3, for sure. Jeezus.
I'm looking for a Mr. Appleseed, Johnny know him?
Betty comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Good set, Z. Thanks. :)
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
You are welcome!
I'm looking for a Mr. Appleseed, Johnny know him?
glennlab comments on Nov 9, 2024:
That is my doctor. good set
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
@glennlab I know that...I was just being a smartass, trying something new. LOL
I'm looking for a Mr. Appleseed, Johnny know him?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Well at least he doesn't have anemia...
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
There's such a thing as too much iron. 😏
I won't do that stupid salute.
HippieChick58 comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Good ones! Thanks.
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
You're welcome!
I'm looking for a Mr. Appleseed, Johnny know him?
glennlab comments on Nov 9, 2024:
That is my doctor. good set
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
Thanks. How's the new nose working out? LOL
Low information voters, racist, fascist, and the religious right joined forces with the billionaires...
zeuser comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Lordy, these are sadly spot on, boss.
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
@glennlab Well, they'll all find out now.
Low information voters, racist, fascist, and the religious right joined forces with the billionaires...
racocn8 comments on Nov 8, 2024:
Yeah. I wonder how long the supermarkets will be stocking strawberries and so much more...
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
Probably until the first couple batches are not sold due to expense and go bad.
And when he laughed, he sounded just like me! Hey, wait a minute...
Mooolah comments on Nov 9, 2024:
Set up a plan B or C. I think this site is going down. Glenlab has suggested Tribal & so am I. I will look for 'ya there.
zeuser replies on Nov 9, 2024:
I'll check it out at some point during the weekend.
And when he laughed, he sounded just like me! Hey, wait a minute...
silverotter11 comments on Nov 8, 2024:
LOL!! That's how my pie looks! Funny set!
zeuser replies on Nov 8, 2024:
Nobody gets you like your algorithm.
EricJones comments on Nov 8, 2024:
Love the grate, I wonder if that guy charges more for the brainy balloons.
zeuser replies on Nov 8, 2024:
I don't know, but he should.
Seriously....what're you all doing to find some comfort right now?
Pralina1 comments on Nov 8, 2024:
I am very upset and sadness will kick in the wknd when i am off . I have to finish the work week , i just want to walk away Saturday morning and go home free to realize what the fuck happen here and whats next . I feel sad about all the younger women and men . Just sad and anxious .
zeuser replies on Nov 8, 2024:
Just remember, all of you, you are NOT alone. There is power in solidarity, keep strong, keep your chins up for chrissakes!
Here's a bit of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy time.
pedigojr comments on Nov 8, 2024:
Washington State finally got rid of all the Republican state seats. We also said no to the republican sponsored attempt to gut the climate change rules and the attempt to get rid of the capital gains tax both of which were sponsored by a wealthy transplanted Californian. I sent a letter from our ...
zeuser replies on Nov 8, 2024:
That's fantastic. Resistance starts from the ground up. 😊


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