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After 41 years in the work force as a planner, demographer, economist, financial programmer, tech support manager,m technical writer, development manager and data architect, I'm retired now. So I have the time. I'm liberal, atheist, funny and quick. I love watching someone eat my cooking and enjoy it, and life without wine hardly seems worth the effort. Got a lot of friends around town including my 2 grown kids. First drink is on me.


Waiting for my mom to come over.......
zeuser comments on May 3, 2024:
I never knew that iguanas were big drinkers. I need to travel more. LOL Good set, MG.
easy now, one at a time
zeuser comments on May 3, 2024:
I can relate. 😔
Tell me you're a ...........
zeuser comments on May 2, 2024:
I'm in!
What atheist women really do?
zeuser comments on May 1, 2024:
I always wondered about that.
I had to search for more memes!
zeuser comments on May 1, 2024:
Holy shit, this was a roller coaster ride from a noisy reverse cowgirl to common alcoholic responses to sweet sacrificial murder! I hope it was therapeutic for you, hon!
Bubble Tea translation.
zeuser comments on May 1, 2024:
No, no, they got it right. 😜
She freaks out
zeuser comments on Apr 30, 2024:
It is if you add a second "L". I use that one allot.
Trump is embarrassed about jokes at him there
zeuser comments on Apr 30, 2024:
Then shook his fist and complained about it after it was over. The courage of a fainting goat, the smell of a dirty diaper, the look of a coward - for the trifecta. Asswipe.
An eyewitness account
zeuser comments on Apr 30, 2024:
Good thing he didn't draw the plunger into the picture. Or the Drano, for that matter.
This stupid asshole! 🙄🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 30, 2024:
*sniff sniff* Smells like....Trumpism. LOL
How do you know?! 🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 30, 2024:
Oh Vankie, what have you done?
“It is the hopeful, buoyant, cheerful attitude of mind that wins.
zeuser comments on Apr 30, 2024:
In the final analysis, the only thing any of can completely control is our attitude. The optimist says the wine glass is half full, the pessimist says it is half empty. The realist drinks the wine.
Safety is Job 1
zeuser comments on Apr 29, 2024:
Meth is cheaper anyway.
Guesssss who?
zeuser comments on Apr 29, 2024:
That would put him at what, 103? This fucker will be lucky to make it to December. And we'll all be even luckier if he doesn't.
They did not buy me this
zeuser comments on Apr 29, 2024:
If you deliberately went to an Applebees, you were probably drunk to begin with.
There's nothing like a bright sunny warm spring day, with the sun streaming through the window to ...
zeuser comments on Apr 29, 2024:
Pine pollen is just about finished here. I wiped down all the surfaces on my back porch/three season room and opened up the windows wide.
Michell made it level 8
zeuser comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Looks like somebody got cork-blocked. LOL
All the time!!! 🤪🥴😱😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Funnier than most of the stuff I actually hear.
It's not sad it's true! 😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 28, 2024:
Enjoy the lack of constraints and the freedom from expectations. 💜
Damn religious nuts
zeuser comments on Apr 26, 2024:
It's not wrong unless it's your neighbors goat, if I'm reading this right.
A little less than 1999 points to level 8 and I already used up the points from others responding to...
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
I know that plumber! Good luck climbing the points ladder. 😊
Hand's up - anyone surprised?
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
As always, every accusation is a confession.
Good morning 🌞🌄🌞🌄🌞🌄
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
The louder you pray, the happier you'll be. Yeah, nobody else believes me either. LOL Good job, MG, and good morning to you too. 😊
Monday April 22
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
Very easy, and popular apparently, to just bitch, piss, moan, and whine. The R's talk the language of the poorly educated yet somehow entitled. And here we are.
Check out these memes! 😂😂😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
Yikes! That would be enough to make me switch specialties! LOL
Trump Dining Pal Complains Women No Longer Fear Men Popular Neo-Nazi Christian Nationalist Nick ...
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
MTG would stomp the living shit out of this idiot, then perforate him with her AR. Good one, Johnny.
Would you want to have to be in the courtroom with Don Snoreleone, the Godfarter?
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
I'm pissed that I have to be on the same continent with that asshole. I'd never voluntarily get close enough to smell him.
Can't sleep again 😞💤😂
zeuser comments on Apr 25, 2024:
I can't do those cheetos at the front end, let alone on a roid! Oouucchh! 🤣
Don the con can't seem to sit still in court, I guess it depends on the situation.
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2024:
Well, when he wasn't getting ketchup on the wall at least.
"I am so glad that I grew up in the seventies, before there was the web, mobile phones, digital ...
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2024:
Yes, I am very thankful there isn't any evidence of the shit I did in the 70's. I can spin yarns about those days, and nobody can prove otherwise by showing some of my dumb selfies on Facebook.
Happy Wednesday Eve!
zeuser comments on Apr 24, 2024:
I wonder if that bin is free for dinner. Good job, MG! 😊
Best sign ever...
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
What about all the accidents caused by guys backing up to re-read the sign? LOL
I can't recommend a solution
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
This poor bastard doesn't even grasp the number of problems he has. But his cheating wife getting converted to pentecostal by the guy she's fucking, well that's a bridge too far for this jackwad. Here's my advice - watch me not care.
“When you’re good at something, you’ll tell everyone.
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
My mom detested braggarts and I was trained from a young age never to acknowledge or speak of any of my talents. I think that hurt me in later life, but I've always flown underneath the radar. This has resulted in others downplaying my efforts, then claiming those efforts were theirs when they bore fruit. So this is not necessarily a true statement from my perspective.
The lovely Canada Goose.
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
You don't mess with those latter day dinosaurs when they are nesting. They are mean, fearless, and physically intimidating.
I have made a resolution, on any given day, that I will only have ONE pint in the pub--- but I ...
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
Good plan, boss! 🍺
Friday night I had way too many drinks and put Windows 10 Pro on my oldest daughter's computer.
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
Good lord, your instincts are absolutely right! Protect that young lady at ANY cost! I can't give you the benefit of any experience from my own life (and thank goodness for that), but however you handle it, that girl comes first. All my best Deno, good luck partner! 💙
Uh, okay! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2024:
Spanky's got some 'splainin' to do...🍄🍄
Took a few days off!!!
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Maybe I'm a twat, Miss Fuzzface, but you are a pussy! LOL Good job, MG! Mormon Bachelor, one of the more useless show idea pitches.
It's opening day of court season, first of four, I'm hoping for a homerun by the prosecution.
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Right on the money, G-man.
Take your time. There is no hurry. ;)
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Settle down, Betty. LOL
Today's the holiday named in honor of my old tinder account-passover.
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
After the last 4 of my absolute worst tinder experiences, I just look at the pictures. After a rare second date, my LAST tinder encounter about 4 years ago, my match married another guy. In retrospect, that was a saving grace.
The scariest ever
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
I've always maintained the wrinkled look is the epitome of cool. And I am the Miles Davis of this fashion genre. Hah!
I found a new pass time...
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
You would think this would cause your local Karens to protest your bird feeders. LOL I bet they want to ban these books, too.
“We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instils morality.
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Self-righteous exclusionary tribal fantasy and mythology seem to have that effect of people. Go figure. That plus the shamans and witch doctors shamelessly (and successfully!) mendicate those they corrupt using this mental sling of gorilla shit. KEEP your laughably-named "morality" where your intestinal bacteria flourish, you lowlife parasites.
Name that tune
zeuser comments on Apr 22, 2024:
Is there a hookah-smoking caterpillar involved in this somehow? ;)
I can’t help it. I am easily amused. Too easily methinks 😛
zeuser comments on Apr 21, 2024:
That marriage has its ups and downs.
Mag all gone
zeuser comments on Apr 21, 2024:
You tried to tell a chemistry joke but you got... no reaction? 😉
What a busy day!!!! Ready for tomorrow!
zeuser comments on Apr 18, 2024:
There's always a dickbag hanging around, isn't there? . Good bunch, MG! 😊
That's not love, Bud!
zeuser comments on Apr 18, 2024:
Ten to one this guy's a lawyer.
It's going to be an interesting week.
zeuser comments on Apr 18, 2024:
Gonna spend my trickle down bonus on some Ramen noodles.
What can I say? Actions speak louder than words
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2024:
Probably a lot of them are afraid of being confronted by a process server. I can't say that I blame them.
If you hardly meet anyone, maybe because you meet these criteria?
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2024:
Curiosity often gets the better of me, and I almost always regret it.
If you visit bonnie Scotland this year be aware that we have some very strict driving laws.
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2024:
I imagine the shaven route would give you a much smoother ride.
Can't sleep and a friend sent me this video, had to share it! 😂😂😂😂😂 []
zeuser comments on Apr 17, 2024:
That's not unreasonable. And that's how you can tell it's AI, and not ATS, actual Trump stupidity. Also, no mispronounced words. LOL
Trump Whines Judge’s Ruling Means He Can’t Attend Barron’s Graduation Its being reported ...
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2024:
He should do what he did at Penn, pay someone else to go to school for him. In this case, just for Barron's graduation. Good one, Johnny.
Melania is hosting the log cabin republicans at mar a lago.
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2024:
Although she is a shameless gold-digger who sold her soul for money, prestige, and a green card for her and all of her family members, she still has the ability to stick the full diaper's owner with a sharp stick every so ofter, just to remind him what she's capable of doing if she so desired. I don't care, do you? LOL
So happy Monday is over but my Tuesday is going to suck so hard!!!
zeuser comments on Apr 16, 2024:
Hah, Bob picked the wrong partner. What would you bet they were both in tech support? 🤣 Funny set, MG!
During the witch hunt. Fascist baby is tired.
zeuser comments on Apr 15, 2024:
Steven Miller must have pulled his hand out of TFG's arse to go get a drink of water, and with that animating force removed, the puppet went slack. I guess Steve Bannon wasn't there to spell him.
Hell of a ride 🤣🤣🤣 []
zeuser comments on Apr 15, 2024:
Are we there yet?!?!?!
zeuser comments on Apr 14, 2024:
Common hazard in the Glasgow grocery stores. Very funny, MG!
Playing it on the sly, and hidin' that evidence...
zeuser comments on Apr 14, 2024:
In remembrance of OJ, I assume?
Sunday funday, lil donnie goes on trial Monday
zeuser comments on Apr 14, 2024:
The depressing thing is they are all over the place.
Not that j can compete w mr glenn , or mr Z , or michelle , but u know it i am gonna try EVERY time ...
zeuser comments on Apr 14, 2024:
Goodness, it's not a competition! But if it was, you win today sweetie! ;)
I don't remember if I posted some of these memes before...........
zeuser comments on Apr 13, 2024:
I'll do anything if I can get an Uber back home on someone else's dime.
Lemme know asap
zeuser comments on Apr 13, 2024:
I think I can sandwich it in.
I’ll just see myself out…
zeuser comments on Apr 13, 2024:
Never *ever* apologize for puns. Everybody who complains is just jealous they didn't get to it first.
It gets easier to be on the correct side everyday, I'll stand for human rights over corporate rights...
zeuser comments on Apr 13, 2024:
Good set, Glenn.
Mar-a-Lago parking lot...
zeuser comments on Apr 12, 2024:
Stealer's Wheel. Essentially a Gerry Rafferty pseudonym. I loved this song.
I will be as brief here as possible.
zeuser comments on Apr 12, 2024:
Of course they know. I am so sorry they had to grow up without their mother, under the shadow of their father's guilt.
Too funny. []
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2024:
No matter how innocent, everybody judges.
Mar-A-Lago yard sale to pay legal bills
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2024:
"If it rains or if it freezes, I still got my Hitler geeezus..."
Been to Walmart lately?
zeuser comments on Apr 11, 2024:
It pays to advertise, I guess. LOL
It may be what's missing, but I don't want to take the chance if I'm wrong
zeuser comments on Apr 10, 2024:
Hah! Hey mom, all my friends are going to jump off the bridge, and I think I will too! LOL
In today's they're not getting any smarter news.
zeuser comments on Apr 10, 2024:
There is dumb, then there is sloppy and incompetent, then there is borderline legal malpractice. Take your pick here. What a bunch of maroons.
You thought it was just a fairy tale?
zeuser comments on Apr 10, 2024:
I believe I have the DVD. 😜
The twatwaffle!!!😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 10, 2024:
A pictorial journey through the bowels of dumb-assery. 😄 We really capture the essence here.
Oh what a nap!!!! 💤💤💤😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 9, 2024:
Now there is a thirsty set of memes. Good luck, hon!
He has done it many times
zeuser comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Yer doing it wrong, muchacho.
Saw the eclipse earlier, what a sight!
zeuser comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Um, link to the taco holder store, please? As for George Lucas, he pioneered special effects, and it shows. Great job, MG! 😊
With the eclipse going on I hear that trump wants to get some virgins to sacrifice so the sun will ...
zeuser comments on Apr 8, 2024:
Does he know any? If he gets his hands on any, I'm pretty sure they won't be eligible soon.
More interesting info on the bonding company. []
zeuser comments on Apr 8, 2024:
The bond contract is even fishier. It specifies Trump will be liable for the cash, not the bond company, and there's a rider saying the bond will not include any interest charges. And there is no list of collateralized cash or property. What a shocker, this looks like another scam. Who saw THIS coming? Jeezus Tubes.
Women found him super attractive
zeuser comments on Apr 8, 2024:
I dunno, he looks sort of Taft-esque. Except Taft was competent and he wasn't a traitorous, bigoted grifter, so it's not really a fair comparison.
It's already Sunday, I need another five days of sleep!!!!
zeuser comments on Apr 7, 2024:
If the eclipse is a demon stealing the sun's soul, why does the demon give it back in, like, half an hour? Very mysterious shit. LOL Some funny stuff here today MG.😉
Fetlife's new error page. I have designed many creative pages and thought I was good until today.
zeuser comments on Apr 7, 2024:
That's better than just "Error 500" and a blank screen. Doesn't tell you what's wrong any better, but at least you know the coders admit they fucked it up. That's something.
Another plumber floods my bathroom!!!!😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 7, 2024:
Oh man, that is five or six home runs! Dating mature, blaming the dog, *wonkas* FFS! Pure gold, MG!
And I’ll be standing in that line for as long as it takes
zeuser comments on Apr 6, 2024:
Wear waterproof shoes. 😏
History in the making?
zeuser comments on Apr 5, 2024:
The prison is a more appropriate choice than the airport. Realistically, he's probably going to Rikers Island, if indeed he serves any time at all. 🤪
A change of plans
zeuser comments on Apr 5, 2024:
She's got you pegged, buddy! 😜
I love bargains.
zeuser comments on Apr 5, 2024:
That is a find! Good job, DP! 😁
Almost Friday!!!! 🙀😺🎉
zeuser comments on Apr 5, 2024:
Taking a selfie while wearing mirrored sunglasses can also be surprisingly revealing. 😲 These are great, Michelle!
Find your favorite movie! I found mine (this post belongs here. Trust me 😀 )
zeuser comments on Apr 4, 2024:
That's uncanny. Worked like a charm. 🤣
“How we pay attention to the present moment largely determines the character of our experience, ...
zeuser comments on Apr 4, 2024:
It shouldn't, but it always surprises me how many people simply do not pay attention to *anything* going on around them.
At least he got something...
zeuser comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Riker was always a little slow.
How can I get one of those?
zeuser comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Two nuns in a car at a stoplight, a bat lands on the hood and turns into a vampire. The sister behind the wheel says to the other "Good lord, Sister Mary Margaret, lean out the window and show him your cross!" Sister Mary Margaret leans out the window and yells "Get off the fucking hood, you buck-tooth freak!" ;)
A cult to say the least!
zeuser comments on Apr 4, 2024:
If one of those nuns gets a bun in the oven from Father McGillicuddy, voting for the guy who repealed Roe (well, his paid assassin judges did, but that's splitting hairs) probably wouldn't be that attractive.
Wednesday Afternoon Memes!
zeuser comments on Apr 4, 2024:
Hah, that's her all right! I recognize the callouses. Great group of laughs here today, MG.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a ...
zeuser comments on Apr 3, 2024:
You have to be comfortable being alone to do this. It takes a long time for other people to find your trail. I know this from personal experience.
On my bucket list...
zeuser comments on Apr 3, 2024:
Hey, Mount Adriaaaaaaannnnn!
Kadet Bone spurs!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
zeuser comments on Apr 3, 2024:
Yuck! My eyes!


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Jan 3rd, 2018
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