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Ivanka unveils new fashion lineup.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I just LOVE the ankle bracelet accessories. Cinch it!
So then there is this, about the latest person to flip . . .
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
So who's the editor there, Harry Ballz? Maybe Chuck Nutsack, hey?
First order of business.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Easier said than done, but yes, this has to be the priority. Fixing the damage to our international partners will be very tricky.
So then there is this, about the latest person to flip . . .
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Just a few things that have been on my mind 1.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I still do this with my kids, even though now they are 27 and 33. Keep the good habits in place, and they turn into a lifelong point of contact. As for hair length, I went through that shit back in the 60's and 70's, and I thought it was stupid back then. The years have not turned any controversy over the length of someone's hair into a defensible position.
With today's news, how close do you think tRump is to resigning.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Still more money to steal, but now the concentration has to be on hiding what he's already illegally pilfered which is a lot easier to do if you are the POTUS. If he resigns at all, which I'm not that sure about, it will be after the first of the year, before the new democratic house of representatives takes over all the committees.
Always interesting to watch Rachel Maddow's analysis pieces.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
To coin a phrase, this is YUUUUGE!
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
This DeVos character is next to go down, I predict.
Have you ever been the athletic type or super good at sports?
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
I played racquet sports enough for rec league level, but I was not an athlete. Satisfied my competitive urges via chess, debate, and pocket billiards - and I was pretty good at each.
Are you heartache proof? Did you ever think you would be?
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Relationship require you to take chances and become vulnerable. Everyone has to ask if the joy you get out of any given relationship is enough of an upside to balance against what could be betrayal and emotional devastation. Keep your relationships shallow if the risk scares you.
Hey there.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
You wear your humility and enthusiasm well, and you are a good man to feed the dogs when they are hungry. Don't worry about how smart you are relative to anybody else (least of all myself), comparison is the thief of joy. I look forward to seeing you contribute when you have something to say, and to grow as you interact with this impressive but lovable group of people. Welcome aboard, HB!
Do you think the actual Republican Party exists anymore or has it morphed into something else?
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
This has been coming for decades, and was accelerated with the abolishment of the fairness doctrine by Saint Ronnie and the subsequent rise of Fox news and right wing propagandists like Limbaugh. It was sharpened by the incredible vitriol unleashed against the Clintons and the move to more blatantly racist republican campaigns that enjoyed wide success. The affiliation with the religious right lent the imprimatur of godly righteousness to the whole shady effort, and that was the icing on the cake. Mix all that up with big money, and here we are. Now the dems have flaws, but the repubs are soulless corporate hacks stoking racism and religious fervor shilling for the big money masters.
Do you think impeachment proceedings ought to wait until the Mueller report is issued?
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
If the house flips, but the Senate doesn't, just investigate the hell out of him. Let's subpoena his tax returns just to warm up.
Howdy Y'all!! We had a slew of new members join up recently, I mean way more than normal!! I am so ...
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Thanks so much, this group is a source of solace to many, including myself. ?
Pence calls for permanent presence on moon... I have a few suggestions for permanent residents.
zeuser comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Alice Kramden has been there for decades.
Trump Is Using Mollie Tibbetts For His Anti-Immigrant Agenda, And It’s Reprehensible ...
zeuser comments on Aug 23, 2018:
I'm shocked.
Which do you like better, Star Wars or Star Trek? Why?
zeuser comments on Aug 23, 2018:
Trek has a deeper inventory and cool captains.
Did you see Trump's interview with Fox News yesterday? If so, what are your thoughts?
zeuser comments on Aug 23, 2018:
He's caught in yet another lie, and even though he doesn't seem to remember them all (and honestly, who could keep all of that pervarication straight), he managed to admit to another federal crime while trying to deny another. Can't help himself, thinks he can make anything up even if it contradicts his documented statements, believes everything he says, and repeats key phrases for his nazi following. Plus, he's ugly. So there.
Is it healthy/better in a relationship to share our respective shadows and triggers from our past ...
zeuser comments on Aug 23, 2018:
As the relationship develops, all of the baggage each of you carry will inevitably be unpacked. Would you prefer your partner finding out about all of it on their own, the hard way? Or maybe you'd prefer to take control of the discovery process yourself? I'd argue for honesty. Hiding things dooms relationships, it doesn't save them.
What did you learn today? (I learned not to eat salmon that's been in the fridge too long)
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Start with a third of the brownie, wait a good bit, then eat some more. 8-)
Teflon Don's accomplishes.
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
At least Tony Soprano was charming, in his own way.
I am completely disgusted and annoyed that Cohen is trying to crowd fund his legal expenses, asking ...
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Fuck no, let that prick twist in the wind. If he has some role in bringing the talking yam down, well all righty, but none of my money goes to defend this dick. He threatened, harassed, sued, and bullied all of cheeto's problems out of existence, and his deathbed theatrics now that he has been caught dead to rights and abandoned by his feckless former boss do not impress me one little bit. Lock his ass up, and let him defend himself on his own goddamned dime!
Exorcising the Ghosts of the Sixties -
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Good article with a lot of very valid points. The 60's were in fact very turbulent, but the end result was quite conflicted compromises which, as the article points out in several examples, were never fully resolved such that the sources of the conflict still lingered, even as the public perception of the issues gradually softened. The reaction to the 60's included the Nixon and Reagan approach to make political capital out of class and regional (and racial) divisions. But the long term legacy was the defunding of public education and the introduction, with Reagan's repeal of the fairness doctrine, of true propaganda into the American discourse. We still pay the price for that circumstance.
frantically searching google....
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
No, bone spurs mean you can't run that fast, and the inmates like that.
Anew low for White House.
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
No, no, it means the same thing.
I put this in Politics but I thought I'd also post it here: I also say fuck the operating ...
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
I'm with you on this one, but I doubt Mueller will indict the talking yam.
All agents are assisting other customers.
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
That's right, all of you douche-nozzle accomplices, get worried.
I just joined to celebrate the good news that the media is calling the worst day for the prez since ...
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Let's not get too excited, there is still a long way to go. But I think it's ok to smile just a bit as the unindicted manchurian candidate stews in his excrement-laced juices.
What is your best interview advice?
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
After you've answered a question, stop talking.
Where do you get your news from .
zeuser comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Aggregation sites, usually.
If you could learn one thing that you don't know yet, what would it be?
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2018:
I want to learn how to speak and read Polish. I've been meaning to start looking at online stuff but have not yet gotten around to it, so thanks for the reminder.
OK, you have lived your whole life as an atheist, and now, you are on your deathbed, moments away...
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2018:
No. My biggest problem at that point would be to keep everyone from praying over me while I was still conscious.
I am new to this site, so this may be an old and common question, but here goes.
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Consider yourself lucky you managed to avoid the proselytizing and brainwashing that accompany exposure to most religion. I was raised in the catholic faith, but I turned my back on that crap some 45 years ago with only minor residual damage. Welcome to the atheist monkey house, jump in and hang on. 8-)
Is there a Magic Catch Phrase for selling the truth? Why do lies sell better?
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2018:
Wizards first rule - People will believe something if they want it to be true or if they are afraid it is true. (Tip of the hat to Terry Goodkind.) My catch phrase - "Atheists get laid more." 8-)
Database of Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2018:
My high school principal is on there. Never liked him. He formed an all male choir my senior year, but I wasn't invited to join. Former bishop in my old diocese knew about a rape and the subsequent abortion perpetrated by one of his priests, transferred him to other parishes, twice, and will face no consequences. My college Alma mater is renaming dorms named after previous bishops implicated in this, which I applaud. I am delighted to be an atheist these days.
If this is over the top I’m sorry but when I saw it, I immediately felt an urge to post it like ...
zeuser comments on Aug 20, 2018:
You're good, bro. LOL?
I need to post something here and I'm not really sure how to go about this.
zeuser comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Thanks for the heads up, Duke, and if it makes you feel any better, I really don't care who it is. So you and me are good.
1 and climbing.
zeuser comments on Aug 20, 2018:
This guy is gonna get his one of these days, but he will do a lot more damage before he does. Sad but true.
Are you a dog person or a cat person? (I'm a cat person)
zeuser comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Cats are fine, but I have a slight allergy, and my daughter is really allergic to them. But I've always loved doggies. My last one passed in 2012. I am about to have construction work here at the house, and after that is through, I am thinking of rescuing some pup from the pound. 8-)
Who is the most overrated band in your opinion?
zeuser comments on Aug 20, 2018:
The Doors. Never understood why they were so big.
I'm dedicating this one to the tRump "administration" with a special shout out to Rudy "The truth is...
zeuser comments on Aug 20, 2018:
The Guano Old Party, has a ring to it, no?
Tiny hands, tiny --
zeuser comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Right there in black and white.
Episode 3 of "Stupid things Christians say to me" A coworker and I were discussing the ...
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Ooooo. We are outside of logic and objective reality here, and no, nothing you can say to someone like that.
Stop judging him!
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Ok, good point. LOL
What’s a movie or song that you can never get tired of?
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
White Boots, Jimmie and Stevie Ray. I'm Just About Glad - Elvis Costello Over the decades, I have been in lust with many many songs.
If a vegan restaurant opened in your area, would you go to it?
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
The vegan restaurants around here are almost all Indian food, which is fine if you like chickpeas, tahini, and curry. I know of three near me, and several others with vegan selections on the menu but which are not 100 percent vegan.
Following AmiSue's lead, what is a song that makes you cry?
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
"All My Little Words" by the Magnetic Fields.
Slow Cooker/Crock Pot
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Oscar's posole, but I've doctored the recipe up quite a bit.
Favorite song titles
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
"I Married a Moonshiner's Daughter, and Now She Makes Me Liquor", a bluegrass instrumental I heard in Boone performed by a band called "Upright and Breathing".
Best concerts?
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Mountain, with Leslie West killing the guitar, 1971-ish. McCartney's Wings over America tour, I wanna say like 1975 or early 76, lots of fireworks and great musicianship. Old Crow Medicine Show, warming up for John Prine, just tore that shit all up, 2014 I think. I saw Paul Simon last year, and he sang every song I wanted him to sing, so that's an honorable mention.
I'm an optimist, my husband is a pessimist.
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Opposites do in fact attract. But keeping the band together is a different story.
He’s more than just clever!
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
I thought it stood for "jerkwad", but I can see why the talking yam would never admit that.
A cartoon that hits the nail right on the head
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
They can't breathe unless we give them this kind of oxygen. You don't want to completely ignore them, but geez, some perspective would be a good idea.
Friends don't let friends vote republican
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
All good practices. I approve. ?
Not sure either
zeuser comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Let's be vigilant, but not paranoid. OK?
If Trump's IQ slips any lower, we'll have to water him twice a day.
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Nah, diet coke kills houseplants.
Distraction is the new normal, this Orange Sack of Shit is not a master spy or the master of ...
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Yeah, the distraction of the American people isn't anything that's really new. What's new here is the level of damaging nonsensical actions being taken to effect that distraction. And of course the blatant bald-faced lies that are peddled everyday without shame. That's the new part. Some Americans are really that stupid and swallow the party line, including the hook and sinker. Most Americans see right through this nasty charade, but the legislative, and soon the judicial, branches of government have become more and more complicit in the destruction.
The Sorites Parradox is an ancient conundrum that runs as follows; If you have a pile of sand ...
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Just use an adjective, that's why we have them. This is a pile of sand. Take away a grain, now it's a smaller pile. Keep taking grains away, the pile gets smaller and smaller. One grain left? A REALLY small pile of sand. Take that one away, no pile, no sand, no anything. Parts of speech are your friends. 8-)
I remember a well-educated black man, too! []
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2018:
As usual, Colbert nails it.
Greatest invention of all times?
zeuser comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Cooking. Expanded our diet and nutritional choices and killed harmful bacteria enabling the human race to grow and thrive.
New commandment for the sensitive little orange bitch in the WH, who likes to strip security ...
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Well, it's God. This is the one I recognize. Heh.
Trump revoked John Brennan's (former DNI) security clearance while Kushner still has his...
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Yeah. Now with asbestos. Oh man.
Apres Trump, the deluge!
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Fuck this guy.
This Is God's Most Famous Conversation Of All Time
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I've been following his FB page for years (I just don't do twitter), and this guy is hilarious! "So you believe my son rose from the dead 2000 years ago, but you can't imagine how god can have a Facebook account?" Classic and classy troll.
I'm playing hooky from work today.
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Went to the clinic to let them draw blood. Met the exterminator to talk about remediating moisture in my crawl space (it is quite wet and I need to do somthing), authorized installation of a plastic barrier this Friday. Got two new tires that needed replacing. Had 2 dozen clams at 45 cent clam day at the Shuckin' Shack. Read several chapters in my novel. Posted a bunch of stuff here and on FB, where it turns out my high school principal was implicated in the Catholic sex scandals in Pennsylvania, that prick (he died in 1999, too bad there's no hell). About to hit my local watering hole for a few pinot grigios. THIS is why y'all need to retire. 8-)
Would a tRump assassin be pardoned in 2020 ?
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Depends on who and how, and who the new president turns out to be. I doubt it.
"Should citizenship be a birthright?
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
This is not the first time the wingnuts have trotted this old chestnut out as though it was a bold, new, fresh idea. It is anti-immigrant bias at its (i can't bring myself to say "finest") most nativist core. A truly un-American notion. This is not how America becomes great. It is how it loses whatever greatness it once had as a beacon of freedom to the entire world.
Bad Lip Reading does Inauguration Day. If you haven't seen this, it's a good chuckle. []
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I've never seen a bad one of these. This is one of the better ones.
What is good for your soul?
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
When everything is all chopped up, right before it's time to cook and assemble, always makes me feel a lot better. Like this posole, deconstructed. Time to start cooking!
I don't know who said it, but I came across a quote I really like: "When you're looking at the world...
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
This is a variation of "love is blind". Yeah, it's true. Reality eventually hits you (if you're lucky), and all the warts and alarm bells become painfully obvious.
Why are so many people pleased at other people's misfortune?
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
If someone spends a lot of time and effort degrading you and debasing you and trying to insult and minimize you, it's a little natural to feel a little guilty glee when that individual steps into a pile of poop. That's a more specific version of scenario 1, where you enjoy someone's misfortune because you think he or she deserves it. So context is important. But yeah, a lot of this is just human nature.
"How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a ...
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I'm thinking Oscar Wilde is not the perfect source for romantic advice.
We have now entered --
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
No imagination needed for this one, just the ability to suppress the gag reflex while watching his cult-followers eat his crap and spit vitriol at everybody else. I still have trouble accepting it, but there it is.
Bad Christian Dates For some reason I was reminded recently of a girl who asked me out a few ...
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I once attended a couple of chanting sessions with a young lady decades ago when I was still in college, you know - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. But that was purely my accommodation in pursuit of that Buddhist honey, not a trap. And I came up empty. Ah well.
The dish it was sitting on was about to overflow so I improvised. mymotherinlawstongueisonthetoilet
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
The moral? Don't force it or you will turn into a vegetable. 8-)
There's talk that Trump may visit Australia in November.
zeuser comments on Aug 15, 2018:
Tell him Obama was scared to pet them.
Where you should be?
zeuser comments on Aug 14, 2018:
I've put my work history into my profile, so I'm not going to repeat it here (feel free to look). I've always loved those positions where I was asked to develop some system or shift to some technology or make some implementation that didn't exist but was much needed. The low point of my career was working at the corporate HQ of a large cable tv company, now long lost after many rounds of mergers, where working 60 hours a week marked me as a slacker. My favorite job was writing technical doc for a computer software company. The last 13 or 14 years was doing database design and master data management, but the technology passed me by as younger and cheaper talent made itself available - folks who had degrees in things that I had to make up as I went along in the past because nobody was studying it. I've been retired since last October, and that has been very relaxing. To all concerned, especially the younger folks here, compound interest is your best friend, remember that. Right now, I am occupied with helping my 93 year old dad as his sun is setting, and both my kids as their suns are rising. I think I want to get another dog soon. I've had my turn, and I still like to help any who want assistance. 8-)
If she really liked you, would you date her? (sorry if this has been posted previously)
zeuser comments on Aug 14, 2018:
She could make a good living as a red flag detector tester, to make sure it can spot them all. So many alarm bells crammed into that small body.
Just gonna leave this right here...
zeuser comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Don't forget, he wore that tan suit once too. *snort*
Thankful for the little things, literally?
zeuser comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Kept dropping the tweezers. Sad.
What are your thoughts about how tRump is cleaning house in the FBI to apparently get back at those ...
zeuser comments on Aug 14, 2018:
If the talking yam exerted pressure in these or any personnel matters to act outside of regular procedures to fire specific people because of their attitudes towards him, that constitutes abuse of power and should be a part of the eventual articles of impeachment.
Out of Context?
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Asking for hard evidence or other kinds of verifiable proof is always a solid strategy, but you will run into people who mistake the verse in the book for the objective truth and you have to continue to point out that it is NOT. HTH
How do you think you speak on a daily basis?
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I do like to crack wise and get a cheap laugh, so if you want to call that creativity, that's the deal. I will carry on coherent conversations with anyone who has the brains to figure out what I am saying, so I guess it's a little of both. You've got to be brave to be funny.
I have a friend that follows 45 on twitter.
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I see enough of his blathering tweets in the news. That is plenty for me. I believe he actually thinks this is part of his job. I doubt he has any clue as to what he is really supposed to do.
Still friends with church people?
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Yeah, I do have some friends who are church-goers. I might have more than I think, cuz I never ask that question of the newer friends I make, or I might also have more atheists with me than I realize, I can't say.
Agnostics/atheists do you require evidence for other things in life, too?
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
Yes, I require some measure of corroboration. There are areas where I have no direct expertise and rely on trusted specialists, but to me that in itself is using evidence - supplied by someone else's expertise. And someone pointing to evidence in conflict with something I think to be true would need to do a good job, use logic and evidence, and themselves be trustworthy, and I would still research myself and change my mind if it proved out. But Leo's are like that. 8-)
How do you respond to religious conversation?
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
In this scenario, raucous laughter and a back pat for the guy, maybe say something like "no, I don't think so pal, but you believe what you want."
zeuser comments on Aug 13, 2018:
I like your passion. 8-)
Do you think tRump is genuinely mentally ill?
zeuser comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I'd say cognitively impaired. With some clear evidence of underlying psychological conditions. But hey, I'm just some guy.
Thoughts on why so many single men mention their porn habits on dating sites and/or this one?
zeuser comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I never read men's dating profiles so this is news to me. Really? Guys do that? I guess with some guys, this is the extent of their experience, and it's the only familiar framework they have. That is so sad.
What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
zeuser comments on Aug 12, 2018:
I like to mix a little Kashi Go Lean with my Oikos blueberry yogurt. Every so often I will make raisin bran muffins, and I use the rest up this same way.
You have got to be nuts []
zeuser comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Lots of people didn't like Nixon, but the national guard were the guys that did the shooting. And they didn't miss.
Pay your Trump lovin' friends to take this challenge
zeuser comments on Aug 12, 2018:
The mesothelioma lawyers are turning cartwheels right about now.
yep it's a farce... not a force.
zeuser comments on Aug 12, 2018:
When you pick and choose what you believe, it's a hard habit to break.
If I was a believer I would believe this
zeuser comments on Aug 11, 2018:
That explains the hellish skin tone.
What is your favorite nickname for our POTUS 45?
zeuser comments on Aug 11, 2018:
I usually go with "the talking yam".
On dating sites, everyone says they like long walks on the beach.
zeuser comments on Aug 11, 2018:
I ignore the beach walkers. I focus on the ones who admit they like to drink wine. Everything else falls into place after that. Having said that, I like walking the beach at night when you can induce bioluminesence by stomping on the sand. 8-)
I have a master's degree I was born to my parents, in an apartment, in Tacoma, WA.
zeuser comments on Aug 11, 2018:
You might not have anyone in your life to tell you how proud they are of you (and I hope that you do). So in case you don't, even though I just found out about you today through this post, I am very very proud of you. I wish all the best things for you from now on, and I know you will continue to work for everything you want.
So I wake up to a lot of noise outside.
zeuser comments on Aug 10, 2018:
You have a landlord, so this isn't your property. The landlord probably could have done this without asking, and the fact that he or she did was a simple courtesy. Maybe if this comes up again say something like "Hey, let's walk out and take a look at what you want to do." And raise objections if you have any at that point. But if it's not your property and the landlord wants to chop 'em down, you are pretty much stuck with that.
Are Trump supporters:
zeuser comments on Aug 9, 2018:
That was an easy call!


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Jan 3rd, 2018
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