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Bad Breath
Sheannutt comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I would offer them a piece of gum, if they said "no thank you", I would say " please do".
zeuser replies on Jul 18, 2018:
You win this thread.
Trump is a pure TRAITOR! This disgraceful showing of the criminal purity of traitorous trump! ...
Switchcraft comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I completely agree, but there was less reaction and no reference now to the first time he did this at a previous meeting with Putin. Am not sure why the uproar now, but none then. I know it may be irrelevant now, so this is my curiosity.
zeuser replies on Jul 16, 2018:
He was on foreign soil giving a press conference to the entire world standing right next to a murderous thug, taking his side over our intelligence services, one senate committee, and one house committee.
West coast or east coast?
zeuser comments on Jul 16, 2018:
East coast: the food is better - bagels, pizza, cheese steaks, and hoagies baby; no major seismic faults; Appalachian trail; clams and lobstah; trains; corner bars. Come at me westies! 8-)
zeuser replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@Byrdsfan OK, I give you that.
West coast or east coast?
zeuser comments on Jul 16, 2018:
East coast: the food is better - bagels, pizza, cheese steaks, and hoagies baby; no major seismic faults; Appalachian trail; clams and lobstah; trains; corner bars. Come at me westies! 8-)
zeuser replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@Akfishlady yeah, sorry about jersey and TO. LOL
Dress Code for atheists: I remember watching a very old video taken in a bar where if memory ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I prefer clothing that makes me look hot! Period!
zeuser replies on Jul 16, 2018:
JPEGS, please. 8-)
A 45 suppose to be funny. Remember. LMAO.
zeuser comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I will take personal responsibility for any limp dick I may experience, thank yew very much. So far, however, it's all good. ?
zeuser replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@BettyColeman and that's a big if. ?
A 45 suppose to be funny. Remember. LMAO.
zeuser comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I will take personal responsibility for any limp dick I may experience, thank yew very much. So far, however, it's all good. ?
zeuser replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@BettyColeman if I have a limp dick, I can assure you that gawd didn't have a thing to do with it. Lol
Trump London trip.
zeuser comments on Jul 13, 2018:
No, someone has to stand up to the bully. I keep hoping some R's will let love of country shine through.
zeuser replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Freedompath a bit longer, I'm afraid.
To all agnostic users, My time here on agnostic has come to an end.
zeuser comments on Jul 13, 2018:
In everyone's life, there comes a time when you just gotta book. I hope you get to where you are going. All the best, bro.
zeuser replies on Jul 13, 2018:
Well the original reply in Cyrillic has been deleted. This looks like a situation. Good luck to all.
To all agnostic users, My time here on agnostic has come to an end.
zeuser comments on Jul 13, 2018:
In everyone's life, there comes a time when you just gotta book. I hope you get to where you are going. All the best, bro.
zeuser replies on Jul 13, 2018:
@Sasha289 that's a little harsh.
Wow, this excerpt from a newsletter bothered me.
KKGator comments on Jul 13, 2018:
I'd rather be miserable and die a much earlier death, than EVER delude myself by believing in any bullshit religion or god. Regardless of the "benefits".
zeuser replies on Jul 13, 2018:
What you said.
Does anyone else assume when they're talking to someone new that they're a right-leaning, ...
zeuser comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Mixed bag here in NC urban areas, but down east it's a safe bet.
zeuser replies on Jul 11, 2018:
@geist171 we're worse than Florida? That stings.
Does anyone else assume when they're talking to someone new that they're a right-leaning, ...
zeuser comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Mixed bag here in NC urban areas, but down east it's a safe bet.
zeuser replies on Jul 11, 2018:
@Bigwavedave you got some freethinkers around Ashville, but out around Lenoir, Hickory and Cullowhee, yeah you're right. Boone's cool.
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
zeuser comments on Jul 10, 2018:
There's a wide continuum of reasons to date or not date someone. You have to balance that together with your goals. For certain considerations, I'd sit for a tarot reading. Hell, I've done them, for reasons that seemed like a good idea at the time, you know? Heh.
zeuser replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@BettyColeman it's not so much bragging as fondly remembering. ?
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
zeuser comments on Jul 10, 2018:
There's a wide continuum of reasons to date or not date someone. You have to balance that together with your goals. For certain considerations, I'd sit for a tarot reading. Hell, I've done them, for reasons that seemed like a good idea at the time, you know? Heh.
zeuser replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@BettyColeman I did some questionable things when I was younger. ?
Still at it, comrades! []
zeuser comments on Jul 10, 2018:
People fall for this crap? Oh ffs, really?
zeuser replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@slydr68 good point.
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
zeuser comments on Jul 10, 2018:
There's a wide continuum of reasons to date or not date someone. You have to balance that together with your goals. For certain considerations, I'd sit for a tarot reading. Hell, I've done them, for reasons that seemed like a good idea at the time, you know? Heh.
zeuser replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@BettyColeman No, no, it's all a crock. I used to go along with it keep someone's attention, then later segue into other things. 8-)
What's the best coffee you've ever had and where did you have it?
zeuser comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I was in Austin Texas for a conference early in the century, and I was hung over as hell. I went to a little Mexican place for some huevos with some legitimate frijoles and ice cold salsa with a warm tortilla, and a cup of hot, strong coffee that made me moan with the first sip. I grind my beans ...
zeuser replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth It was wonderful! Not much in the way of good Mexican food here in NC, but the coffee was the major memory.
What's the best coffee you've ever had and where did you have it?
thinktwice comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Unless it is weak, there hasn't been a coffee that I haven't liked. I love coffee as long as it is strong, dark, and puts hair on my chest. ;)
zeuser replies on Jul 9, 2018:
You got hair on your chest? Oh my. 8-)
I found a brilliant post, it says EXACTLY what I think.
zeuser comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I don't have any family members on the crazy train, and I feel sorry for those of us who do.
zeuser replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@silverotter11 So you just don't talk politics? Or you just don't talk? The temptation for you and young sis to gang up on your twin at family gatherings is probably tough to resist, assuming you do resist it. That's a good post, even though I can't directly relate with a family member, it can apply to certain people who I thought I knew better. Oh well.
Just had to share this with everyone more hypocrisy I was talking to customer the other day and said...
zeuser comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Hey, now wait just one minute here. Nobody told me about any of that stuff.
zeuser replies on Jul 3, 2018:
@freeofgod finally, some rules I can live with. ?
What nonbelievers do you remember from TV growing up?
zeuser comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Michael and Gloria Stivic from All in the Family come to mind. I remember the show where Archie snuck the new Stivic baby into a church to secretly baptize him, and really pissed off atheist mom and dad.
zeuser replies on Jul 1, 2018:
@BufftonBeotch yeah, you're right, the fight over the baptism precipitated Archie's sneaky christening ceremony.
The Trump of Ancient Greece. This has happened before. ://
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Remember the militia movement prior to the Timothy McVeigh Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing? They are all in the Trump Cult trance. & any history we do teach anymore is superficial.
zeuser replies on Jul 1, 2018:
Most history that they teach in elementary and high schools is standardized and sanitized, and presented as a series of factoids you can easily use in making a multiple choice test. There is very little conveyance of context, and no real attempt to draw parallels with current events. It's one of my biggest problems with American education in general.
Do you ever experience lucid dreams?
zeuser comments on Jun 29, 2018:
This happens to me when I sleep in specific places. Like when I visit my dad in PA and sleep in my old room, I get very vivid and lifelike dreams. If I wake up and fall back asleep, the dream picks up where it left off. There are definite plot lines, and sometimes a surprise ending. Happens much ...
zeuser replies on Jun 29, 2018:
@Surfpirate I can't remember any where the narrative picked up the next day, but I have seen venues from the previous night, or even previous week or month, and recognize them. You sound like you need to start dreaming about vacation venues. I can see where having to relive a work scenario when you sleep can be exhausting.
Am I on the right track?
zeuser comments on Jun 28, 2018:
That's a little harsh, isn't it? Anyone can change, and I'd prefer trying to be an agent of that change, at least in part. However, I believe in tough but fair. When being fair doesn't work out and you see these kind of tactics being deployed against you, your approach should be considered.
zeuser replies on Jun 28, 2018:
@Ciravolostone No, I'm not. I give everybody a chance and try to be a positive influence. If someone comes after me, I mean literally comes after me, I respond in kind. There are conservatives who so despise liberalism and its adherents that they really do think the approach you describe is warranted. I won't stand still for that. The approach you described is not how I'd do it, but I won't run away either.
They're Heeerrrreeee!!! I've got prooof.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jun 25, 2018:
BRILLIANT! Perhaps it's a GOD! Should we WORSHIP?
zeuser replies on Jun 25, 2018:
I recognize some god-like characteristics. It is damnably hard to get rid of, it is completely empty, and if you talk to it, it doesn't talk back.
Assuming evolution is correct, do you think that if humans went extinct another species as ...
zeuser comments on Jun 25, 2018:
There are a lot of different traits that could conceivably give some future species an evolutionary advantage, depending on what the environment eventually turns out to be. Remember, evolution based on natural selection just continues the characteristics that are conducive to a species' survival - ...
zeuser replies on Jun 25, 2018:
@nicknotes You could make a credible argument that this is already happening. Heh.
Hello all :) This is my first post.
zeuser comments on Jun 24, 2018:
I'll listen to anything and love to learn about new music types. You got some links? And yes, welcome to the monkey house. B-)
zeuser replies on Jun 25, 2018:
@Aedolyn Wow, I listened to all the ones you posted here, you are very talented. Are you working with an orchestra and choir, or are there some synthesized portions, or both? And this reminds me, I'm backed up two episodes of Westworld. Thanks for showing your stuff, it's really impressive! B-)
I may have just ended a 45 year friendship.
Catrachel1111 comments on Jun 22, 2018:
At the ports of entry ICE and Mexican border officials are blocking entry. When people try to come another way they are arrested and charged with a misdemeanor, at which time the children are taken away. So, no not 100% are entering at ports of entry. However, it is NOT mandated by law to remove ...
zeuser replies on Jun 22, 2018:
You can leave off the "when he tosses blame elsewhere" part, and the sentence is still true.
So did anyone else catch Pineapple Pinochet’s comment about creating a space force as a ...
AdorkableMe comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Hmmm...interesting consideration. With our relationships with so many countries is in jeopardy, I would advise all people to seriously reconsider joining our military, the space farce included. :-/
zeuser replies on Jun 20, 2018:
@AdorkableMe I just checked. You're right! LOL
So did anyone else catch Pineapple Pinochet’s comment about creating a space force as a ...
AdorkableMe comments on Jun 20, 2018:
Hmmm...interesting consideration. With our relationships with so many countries is in jeopardy, I would advise all people to seriously reconsider joining our military, the space farce included. :-/
zeuser replies on Jun 20, 2018:
How long til he pisses off Jupiter?
U.S. Quits UN Human Rights Council, Saying It’s Anti-Israel - Bloomberg
jlynn37 comments on Jun 19, 2018:
I will say that if there is not a major change and shift in the Nov. elections, this country is lost. If it does not happen, then every nut job racist, white supremist, evangelical fundamentalist will be running for election and winning. IMHO
zeuser replies on Jun 20, 2018:
I think you're right. Not a reason to stop fighting. But yeah.
You made me hurt you
zeuser comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Can you imagine having to live with this asshole?
zeuser replies on Jun 19, 2018:
@Bairsdad I predict we will one day be able to compare the pictures of him and Mussolini hanging from their heels.
It’s an insult to Tribbles, really...
zeuser comments on Jun 19, 2018:
At least we can conclude the talking yam isn't a Klingon. Tribbles hate Klingons. I guess they're ok with.Ferrengi.
zeuser replies on Jun 19, 2018:
@PeppermintDreads That would solve a lot, wouldn't it? LOL
Alpha males? Surely there is a better term – how about tossers? []
WalterWhite comments on Jun 17, 2018:
There are alpha males for sure, but as a gay man I think I am beta in some ways. I love nu kittens that go mu, and people say my pi is to die for.
zeuser replies on Jun 17, 2018:
Go sit in the back rho. You are trying to gamma the system, o chi?
Have you ever considered the ingredients of toothpaste?
pixiedust comments on Jun 16, 2018:
You can buy tuna and meat flavoured toothpastes for dogs and cats. Anybody else cut the end off a mostly empty toothpaste tube so you can stick the toothbrush into the tube to get the last bits of toothpaste? I started doing this when I was a broke student.
zeuser replies on Jun 17, 2018:
Yeah, I did that too.
Two is not better than one...
mtnhome comments on Jun 15, 2018:
And THAT'S EXACTLY the problem with impeachment. We just trade assholes to one that will focus on all the other stupid stuff that trump overlooked.
zeuser replies on Jun 15, 2018:
Yeah, but if the guy you replaced was forcibly removed, you'd probably be a little more subdued. A hanging crowd that already tasted blood is a little touchy.
What are you looking forward to this weekend?
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I'm in northeastern PA to spend Father's day with my 93 year old dad. I'll probably spring for a nice seafood dinner with him , and enjoy some steamed clams and a couple of martinis . He reeally likes the Maryland crab bisque .
zeuser replies on Jun 15, 2018:
@Nurse-Quantros what are you gonna make?
Flirting. If you are single, how far do you go?
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2018:
I like to flirt. I've never been an overly aggressive flirter. It's always a good idea to tell your female bartender that she looks great, and I favor nuanced and clever double entendres and suggestive wordplay, as long as it's cute and funny, with attractive women. In a relationship, I don't ...
zeuser replies on Jun 15, 2018:
@constancinople understood, and I never did this in a professional or work related context. But I always respected boundaries, even in bars or at parties. Just like anything else, if you do it right, it can be fun.
Any wine lovers?
zeuser comments on Mar 26, 2018:
I love Pinot grigio, true Rose, oaky chardonnays, Sauvignon Blanc, nice big Zinfandels, Pinot noir, and the occasional Gewurtztraminer. I love dry Chianti with Italian food. And who doesn't love champagne?
zeuser replies on Jun 15, 2018:
@Akfishlady now That is a shame!
How close are you to your Ex?
zeuser comments on Jun 14, 2018:
If you start picking and choosing friends for your lover, that's controlling and ultimately self defeating. If you can't handle it, maybe you should confront your own insecurity and sense of self worth instead of wallowing in pointless jealousy. Just imo.
zeuser replies on Jun 14, 2018:
@kensmile4u then you can ask and discuss and judge whether you believe. Or you can trust. It may not be possible for everyone depending on someone's history. But, imo, it shouldn't make a difference.
People say forgive and forget, I say forget about forgiving and just accept.
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 12, 2018:
I'd rather forgive and never forget. Forgetting just makes it more likely you'll have to forgive again because you forgot what cause the problem in the first place.
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
Here they are: The Von Tramp family.
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Where's Baron?
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
@BettyColeman waaahahahaha!!
I've been reading the books my daughter brought home for her summer reading list.
hankster comments on Jun 12, 2018:
The Road is one of the scariest things I've ever read. fantastic book. Cormac McCarthy as several others worth a look. Blood Meridian comes to mind.
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
Blood Meridian is wickedly good, very violent yet very profound. Memorable characters, here comes the Judge!
Tell me please if I've missed something.
sweetcharlotte comments on Jun 12, 2018:
In the Press Conference, Trump said, "In about a year I may have to say I'm sorry, I made a mistake". Has he never heard the saying, When in doubt, DON'T. It's a scary thing he did.
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
Nearly everything he does scares the crap out of me.
Tell me please if I've missed something.
MrLink comments on Jun 12, 2018:
That was a HUGE fucking FAIL ! Bigly
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
Very scary. How do you keep 30,000 troops battle ready by cancelling their training? Does he even plan on keeping the troops there? He sorta sprung that on South Korea, btw.
Tell me please if I've missed something.
Freedompath comments on Jun 12, 2018:
I don’t think that you missed anything! I find that I have to ‘eat crow,’ as I predicted trump would not complete this meeting! And I see where, I went wrong...trump RELATES to the kind of person like Un! If you examine his associates, they are devious and distorting in their actions and ...
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
I didn't think it would actually happen either, but that many cameras and two world class attention whores made it work.
Tell me please if I've missed something.
patchoullijulie comments on Jun 12, 2018:
My theory is that trash in charge wants to cash in on the tourist industry that will sprout up of NK opens up. He doesn't care about how his 'deals' affect anyone else.
zeuser replies on Jun 12, 2018:
He talked about the beautiful North Korean beaches already.
What is on my mind.
rainmanjr comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I’m also pretty pissed off about having wasted 4 years of my life on this nation. If I had known what we’d become I wouldn’t have done it.
zeuser replies on Jun 11, 2018:
@rainmanjr you're right, you certainly do know yourself better than I do. I withdraw the comment. I'm gonna keep trying to turn things around here, I think there's still a chance.
"Not only is there no God but try finding a plumber on Sunday"
bamboozer comments on Jun 11, 2018:
When I asked dad about plumbing his response was brief yet effective: "Shit runs downhill, it's all based on that".
zeuser replies on Jun 11, 2018:
The second rule, don't suck on your fingers to warm them up when they get cold.
Science is not an ideology. Science is an epistemology.
gater comments on Jun 10, 2018:
Ive lost respect for scientists that don't respect truth and logic
zeuser replies on Jun 10, 2018:
Technically, those guys aren't really scientists. I'd go further, by *definition* they aren't scientists.
Calling to all the Ladies out there,this question is for you.
tucsonkosmicgirl comments on Jun 10, 2018:
And for some, including me, beards are a real turn-off. They usually make men look about 10 years older than they are.
zeuser replies on Jun 10, 2018:
@myownmind don't feel bad, you've got company. Heh.
Just joined.
zeuser comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Enjoy your stay, there are lots of different points of view and a bias towards evidence-based discussion.
zeuser replies on Jun 9, 2018:
@BeachChick66 I hope so, and- I think you will.
How do you determine maturity?
Simon1 comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Do you laugh at farts ?
zeuser replies on Jun 9, 2018:
Farts are always funny. That is totally human nature.
What is on my mind.
rainmanjr comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I’m also pretty pissed off about having wasted 4 years of my life on this nation. If I had known what we’d become I wouldn’t have done it.
zeuser replies on Jun 9, 2018:
Yeah, you would've.
Finally saw Deadpool 2...I'm so behind on my movies!
Woodron comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Don't feel bad, the last movie that saw in a theater, was the remake of True Grit, it was about 6-8 years ago...
zeuser replies on Jun 9, 2018:
I saw that too, and it didn't make as much of a splash as I thought it deserved. The dialog, word for word, was the same as in the first one, and the acting was far superior.
Hypothetical celebrity question
InLogicWeTrust comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Scarlett all day! Just hearing her voice gives me stirrings.
zeuser replies on Jun 8, 2018:
You got that right.
Its sad to live in a part of this country where questioning a belif system is frowned upon so much.
Ellatynemouth comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Their opium only works if the delusion isn't challenged.
zeuser replies on Jun 7, 2018:
I dunno Ella, it works if you can convince yourself to believe it.
Jesus Christ took a dip in my local YMCA today
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2018:
They left out the part where they had to drain the pool because it was all wine.Typical.
zeuser replies on Jun 7, 2018:
@LadyAlyxandrea I know, right?
How do you handle religious in-laws?
zeuser comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Divorce. But more seriously, while I was married, my inlaws weren't big on religion. There was one cousin who married into that family that was a preacher, but I only saw him once a year at the most. Good luck with your crew, sounds interesting.
zeuser replies on Jun 7, 2018:
@valerina sometimes that's the only option. Maybe your brother will figure something out.
What do you think?
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Yeah. heh. It's the greatest story ever told. but it's a STORY. I read somewhere that the model for the common image artists use to portray haysoos is actually a Medici prince from medieval Italy.
zeuser replies on Jun 5, 2018:
@AmelieMatisse We've never heard the voice, so it could be true. How can you mend a sacred heaaaart? How can a loser ever win? Yeah, I can see it. LOL
Business must be booming!
AdorkableMe comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Sounds like a sausage festival in disguise. ???
zeuser replies on Jun 5, 2018:
Haw haw haw!
Trump Removes Positive Reports About Obama Admin From FEMA Website - The Intellectualist
zeuser comments on Jun 5, 2018:
If you can't win on your own, cheat. The talking yam has done this time and again throughout his entire useless life, and it has worked. I doubt he'll ever change this. Given his abysmal lack of personal or professional competence and any semblance of shame, it is now the only thing he knows how to ...
zeuser replies on Jun 5, 2018:
@JanGarber I like that. I'm stealin' it.
Don the Con in all his splendor.
zeuser comments on Jun 3, 2018:
But he was chosen by God. AND, he's not a black guy. ?
zeuser replies on Jun 3, 2018:
@BettyColeman sadly, he is all too human.
Where are you from?
fathercat comments on Jun 3, 2018:
The same place as you: The center of the universe.
zeuser replies on Jun 3, 2018:
Now just hold on there, buster, you don't LOOK like a teenager!
In case you're keeping score: Kim Jong-Un 1, Tiny Hands 0 []
mtnhome comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Ha ha ha... that envelope was large enough to contain a nuke or two! Maybe it was one of those "pop-up" cards where a mushroom cloud folds-out with the message: "BOOM... Gotcha!". This is so entertaining!
zeuser replies on Jun 3, 2018:
So I think it's entirely plausible that the letter was deliberately designed to make the talking yam's hands look even smaller when he handles it. If so, you gotta hand it to the DPRK for superior trolling.
Shit's gonna get real
silverotter11 comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Un said he ain't giving up his nukes, so what's the moron gonna do? Mueller please step it up!!
zeuser replies on Jun 2, 2018:
The short version, he's gonna fuck it up. Just a guess. And then, a golf course in DPRK.
If you are a Democrat, you probably definitely not one of the types below.
Infoguy211 comments on Jun 2, 2018:
I'm certainly not a dumbass whisperer. I give up trying to reason with them.
zeuser replies on Jun 2, 2018:
You can't do it. Good instinct.
This was back in March: [usatoday.
silverotter11 comments on Jun 2, 2018:
It just seems day to day it gets worse and worse. How can anyone in congress and the senate think what trump is doing is good for America?
zeuser replies on Jun 2, 2018:
My dad taught me this years ago. When something that happens doesn't make sense to you, the reason is usually money.
Its Saturday night, whats everybody up to?
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Pizza, wine, and some netflix.
zeuser replies on Jun 2, 2018:
@Donotbelieve I am thinking of a gangster movie, maybe Black Sabbath about Whitey Bulger. Johnny Depp is in it, and I'd watch him read a grocery list.
Its Saturday night, whats everybody up to?
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2018:
Pizza, wine, and some netflix.
zeuser replies on Jun 2, 2018:
@Donotbelieve It ain't much, but you gotta do the best you can with what you have to work with.
zeuser comments on May 31, 2018:
1 - over easy 2 - my nephew's, who had a complicated non-sectarian service he and his fiancee developed 3 - Righty 4 - Ramrod!
zeuser replies on May 31, 2018:
Oh, and people have told me that I snore, but I don't believe 'em, not for a second.
What is the quickest easiest meal that you make yourself and love?
zeuser comments on May 31, 2018:
Boil a hot dog, put it in a bun with some onions and mustard. Eat with a dill pickle and some wine. 8-)
zeuser replies on May 31, 2018:
@patchoullijulie If you want to get fancy, Top Ramen on the side!
What is a word you use that isn’t in the dictionary and not many other people use?
zeuser comments on May 30, 2018:
Fuckwit. Maybe it's a real word, I don't know. I use it quite a bit. I wish I didn't have to use it at all.
zeuser replies on May 30, 2018:
@Faithless1 It should be if it isn't.
Nostalgic music.
OlderMusicGeek comments on May 30, 2018:
I listen to stuff nobody else was listening to. Early punk and alternative. Pistols, Clash, early Talking Heads, Police's first two albums,
zeuser replies on May 30, 2018:
This era is enshrined in the Sirius XM First Wave channel.
Do you split the bill when you go on a date?
Geewhizicist comments on May 28, 2018:
Equality of the sexes has always become a mere ideal the moment the waiter presents the dinner check. No woman has ever offered to pay, and I quietly resented that when I was dirt poor (just didn't date, could barely afford to buy food each week). Once the money rolled in, I just tuned the...
zeuser replies on May 28, 2018:
I had a run there before I got married that featured a lot of the same thing, and I did put up with it. When I met my then future wife and she took me out to celebrate a raise and she picked up the tab, I was stunned and halfway in love right there and then! We did marry and had a great 28 year run ourselves. Though now divorced, we are still friends. That kind of behavior makes an impression, on me at least.
Is pee stored in the balls?
VAL3941 comments on May 24, 2018:
Women pee too, where do they store it ??
zeuser replies on May 24, 2018:
The tits? Makes about as much sense.
Movie suggestions
joeymf86 comments on May 23, 2018:
In Bruges Everything is illuminated Loving Horns Tucker & Dale vs Evil
zeuser replies on May 23, 2018:
I may need to watch In Bruges again.
zeuser comments on May 23, 2018:
I don't think there's a chart, like the ones that say what you should weigh based on how tall you are, that says how long it should take to feel better after a rough divorce. It sounds like this guy really treated you badly, and you didn't expect it, that has got to sting and you will never ever ...
zeuser replies on May 23, 2018:
@Marcie1974 Oh, I had a number of "friends" who just seemed to ignore me afterwards. Just disappeared. Adversity will shake out the true friends from the poseurs. People can feel uncomfortable when confronted with adversity, even somebody else's. I hope everything worked out for you, Marcie, and that some of your true friends are still with you.
Have these guys ever successfully boycotted anything?
phxbillcee comments on May 21, 2018:
Now if these idiots would only boycott oxygen!
zeuser replies on May 21, 2018:
Starts with "O", just like Obama. You may be onto something here Bill.
Have these guys ever successfully boycotted anything?
tioteo comments on May 21, 2018:
Wonder if they're going to boycott HBO, CBS, ABC, and Comedy Central?
zeuser replies on May 21, 2018:
They say they already do, but guess what? They're lying. Snowflake drama queens, all the privilege in the world, and yet they are victims. SMH
Have these guys ever successfully boycotted anything?
Catrachel1111 comments on May 21, 2018:
Hey they killed their Keurigs
zeuser replies on May 21, 2018:
Looks like the Keurig brand has survived. Not looking good for soybean growers in flyover country. Go figure.
Loaded question
zeuser comments on May 21, 2018:
Hey, do you got that fifty I loaned you last week?
zeuser replies on May 21, 2018:
@buzz13 Forceps!
This could be interesting.
zeuser comments on May 20, 2018:
ALPU, a real brain teaser.
zeuser replies on May 20, 2018:
@Petter At least They steal from Peter and give it to me, there's something.
Trump and Reagan, Together Again: Nothing changes but the forward march of these Fascists ...
zeuser comments on May 19, 2018:
No one cares as long as it pisses off liberals. I've never seen anything like it.
zeuser replies on May 19, 2018:
@KKGator all the luck in the world to you, someone has to do it.
I've got my summer reading list ready
Jones_HF comments on May 18, 2018:
Have you ever ready "Galapagos"? Pretty good read.
zeuser replies on May 18, 2018:
@CraeftSmith yeah, but the guy can write! To be fair, I have a chuckling nihilist streak too, so..
I've got my summer reading list ready
Jones_HF comments on May 18, 2018:
Have you ever ready "Galapagos"? Pretty good read.
zeuser replies on May 18, 2018:
10,000 years from now, one thing stays the same. When someone farts, everyone laughs. That's from the Vonnegut novel, and it's not a quote, it's a paraphrase.
He is a liar.
DrewShourd comments on May 17, 2018:
...and I know NO one is surprised...EVERY politician lies, especially the Prez. I am NOT sticking up for Trump, I didn't vote for him, I am slamming EVERY president. With that said, some one please tell me of one president that didn't 'lie'....I'll be waiting right here....go ahead.....
zeuser replies on May 17, 2018:
It's not a question of whether, but of degree. At a certain point it crosses into pathology, lying constantly for no reason. That's where this guy is. Sure, Obama, the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, they all lied. But not about every. Single. Thing. When you are on tape saying something and you deny ever saying it, not just once but repeatedly, that's something special.
50 percent off!
AmiSue comments on May 17, 2018:
Reptile supply store.
zeuser replies on May 17, 2018:
I'll call you if I ever get infested with mice.
For the guys..Boxers or Briefs?
poetdi56 comments on May 16, 2018:
Depends. ?
zeuser replies on May 16, 2018:
Looks like y'all have it, um, covered. ?
For the guys..Boxers or Briefs?
poetdi56 comments on May 16, 2018:
Depends. ?
zeuser replies on May 16, 2018:
You are running with the wrong crowd, hon. Heh.
Harry Houdini is one of my heroes. []
CuriousCreature comments on May 16, 2018:
Like a magician, a spiritualist(or psychic) has to rig the stage to get "proof" of the supernatural. Even if the spiritualists, and others like psychics, genuinely believe, there comes a point when they must realize the clients won't continue to pay out unless you provide them what they need. This ...
zeuser replies on May 16, 2018:
Penn Gillette, one of my favorite atheists and a talented magician himself, does this same sort of thing today. Somebody has to.
Speaking of bribes... []
DinnerandaMovie comments on May 15, 2018:
Isn’t direct financial benefit an impeachable offense? I mean, I realize pay for play is ok for Clintons, but if this is true, it should be grounds for impeachment. I wish we could put ALL the guilty in prison.
zeuser replies on May 15, 2018:
@DinnerandaMovie I don't disagree. The trouble is that the foxes are in charge of the henhouse. Politicians have to initiate impeachment and vote on conviction, and they are almost all as guilty as sin. It's a sad state of affairs, but there we are.
Speaking of bribes... []
DinnerandaMovie comments on May 15, 2018:
Isn’t direct financial benefit an impeachable offense? I mean, I realize pay for play is ok for Clintons, but if this is true, it should be grounds for impeachment. I wish we could put ALL the guilty in prison.
zeuser replies on May 15, 2018:
In fact, bribery is listed explicitly in the constitution together with treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Section 4 of Article Two of the United States Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." And I wish we could put all the guilty into prison too.
Trump Pulled Out?
zeuser comments on May 13, 2018:
Why else? Because of a thoughtful analysis and the development of a superior alternative plan? Naaahh.
zeuser replies on May 13, 2018:
@DinnerandaMovie i hope it works, hon. I really do.
How do you define "incredible" sex?
zeuser comments on May 13, 2018:
A partner usually helps.
zeuser replies on May 13, 2018:
@Ruby_Slipper we have a lot in common.
Is Telekinesis possible?
zeuser comments on May 13, 2018:
One time I thought about it, and I moved my bowels. Scared the crap outta me.
zeuser replies on May 13, 2018:
@Shawnmcc136 I'm probably in his age range.
Trump Pulled Out?
zeuser comments on May 13, 2018:
Why else? Because of a thoughtful analysis and the development of a superior alternative plan? Naaahh.
zeuser replies on May 13, 2018:
@DinnerandaMovie did it involve the rapture?
Help me to figure out, please, how I done wrong on another dating site.
Simon1 comments on May 9, 2018:
Yeah I find telling them where the bodies are buried too early rarely works out.....
zeuser replies on May 9, 2018:
The fourth date is usually about the right time. LOL
I've stuggeled with whether or not to continue debating in my religious school and among my teachers...
Deb57 comments on May 9, 2018:
The best way, rather than to argue, is to ask questions. And then to question those answers. There is always a point where their own logic has to turn on itself, when it comes to religion.
zeuser replies on May 9, 2018:
There's always a point where logic is willfully abandoned, and the only argument left is "you gotta have faith", or one of my favorites, "if it's not true and you believe, so what, but if it is true, hey, no hell for you and you can't gain weight in heaven". Like deciding to believe something demonstrably absurd is just a thing you can do.


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