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Life is constantly changing, whether or not we flow with is our decision. What does that encompass; changing as life continues? Or is that just a delusion?

Outsideit67 7 June 6

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Sometimes it is very delusional indeed. I just look at people around me that make the same mistakes over and over again, including myself sometimes.

Why do you believe those “mistakes” are made over and over again ?

@Outsideit67 I think we are always hoping that we are somehow "right" in our mistakes and this time it will prove us right.

What do you think?

@Jolanta that is a legitimate observation. The Ego will at the peril of our lives keep repeating itself to maintain control. When we don’t question , what else is there ? I don’t want to be right , I want to be aware and sensitive to what’s inside of me and around me .


Changing, growing, learning, increasing our understanding, learning by experience.

Is the experience merely what we create our imitation, and learned behavior or is it original?

@Outsideit67 I think it is original, ie individual.We mostly perceive things differently, the same situations can impact on each of us differently. The way we experience things can certainly be influenced by previous experiences, as well as knowledge, but again individual and as no one has experienced it the same, then original.

@Rugglesby so thought distorts are ability to act based on the present and not from experience? Is anyone truly original? What has been said that is new for the las t two thousand years? We seem merely to tweek things , present them in a slightly different way.


It is a decision to let go of attachments. To stop giving items power over you. To let go of the game and do only that which is of value to your freedom.

Wise words, thanks for sharing your experience!

Very wise words ,but freedom in and of itself is another concept or state that must be seen by us individually right?

@Outsideit67 I suppose everything is but a concept.


No delusion. We never stop changing, by accident or free will ! Life goes on.

Do we remain in holding patterns?

How can you do both ?? If you changing then you can't be in a holding pattern !

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