What is the main thing that attracts you to someone Physically? Mentally? Emotionally?
Appearance doesn't matter much to me until I get to know someone. Then they become more attractive in my eyes. I do though appreciate the way someone carries themselves, because who they are comes through that way. Beyond that, it's really quite hard to explain exactly what attracts me to someone in the right words -- the best way to describe it, is this is someone I'm intrigued with and want to know more about.
For me its about communication. Physically, I think society places to much emphasis on asthetics and not the intrinsic nature or the philosophy of being. Mentally is a key factor for me. Must love intelligent conversation. Must envoke conscious states of being. Emotional intelligence is a quotient of its own. Must be Sentient and feel the Earth at every turn. And have capacity for communicating emotions verbally and nonverbally.
Emotional intellectual sexual plus magic, The magic part is rare
Physically - a cute face and smile
mentally - a good sense of humor and openness
its complicated. physically I like smaller women, and while I pragmatically understand there is more to it than that, I hated myself in the mirror for two decades and I am going to have a hard time with that and being an enthusiastic partner. Mentally I want someone smart, competitive, and a good sport. Emotionally I want someone who cares, but is not ruled by emotion.
I think someone that you have a physical attraction to is important but if they can not hold and intelligent conversation and are emotionally unavailable or immature misery for both parties is inevitable