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sleep. sleep. sleep.

nope. that didn't work either.

onlyduh 7 June 8

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Stick a pair of snug fitting, high fidelity headphones on, then slouch down in a comfortable armchair listening to a Beethoven symphony or two, with your eyes closed. Brahms also works. Unlike modern "head-banging" stuff, the music washes everything out of your mind, and relaxes you to sleep. I sometimes put one symphony on repeat play.

@onlyduh Lie on a bed, or better yet on a mattress on the floor. Whenever I feel stressed out and unable to sleep I do this. I usually fall asleep after a while, and when I wake up and go back to bed I fall asleep immediately.


I learned this relaxation thing years ago that sometimes works.

Basically, I lay on my back and start focusing on relaxing each individual muscle in my toes, then my feet, then my calves, and so on up through the rest of my body.

Sometimes it puts me to sleep, sometimes I get bored and give up


my son gave his mom some advice on how to fall asleep.....

"Just close your eyes and pretend you are asleep...that works every time"

Of course he is like me and can fall asleep on command.


Have stiff whiskey or two !

Try the other solution then ? Lol

Maybe I should come show you how ???

Sounds like the start of a good book ??? Lol

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