Religous School...
So the only decent high School (decent in the students and curriculum it has, compared to the others) in my area is a Catholic school and I'm stuck at it. I've made my atheism known and these are the responses I get.
"Why are you here? Why don't you just leave!?" Both students and teachers ask me this.
"Anyone who does not have a God has no morals." Said by my religion teacher.
"We already know about your views, is this question going to be useful in this class or is it another comparative and rude question?" Said by religion teacher when I try to ask about terrible things in the bible.
"You have to show respect for our beliefs!" Said by the teachers when I attempt to avoid monthly masses because I am not Catholic or Christian.
"If you don't want to participate in our ceremonies then leave, or just go to a different school." Said by multiple teachers and the principal.
"You fucking cunt/dyke!" Said by students because I stopped them from throwing peanuts at a student with allergies. The only thing the teachers have done is tell them to apologize to me.
Tell me, for a religion that apparently teaches inclusion and respect for religious diversity and freedom, why then do both the students and the teachers at my school essentially tell me to fuck off and disappear?
Some suggestions for answers to students and teachers
"Why are you here?" -"Because state school sucks. It they were better I would leave skid marks."
"Anyone who does not have a God has no morals." More difficult to get across but try these. Jesus told the story of the good Samaritan. There was a reason he chose someone like that. The Samaritans are a race of people (who still live in the area) that celibate the Passover but do not attend temple. This means that at some point in time in the past they left the religion. This would be (to the Jews) the closest thing to an atheist in their culture. Yet he chose to use a Samaritan why? Religion has written rules of morals. (Some more than others). These are interpreted by the clergy. The USA has a written constitution. This is interpreted by the judiciary. The UK has no written constitution. Does that mean we have no constitution? Of course not, we simply are more loose leafed and deal with things as they arise. Then ask why it was left to you to stop those idiots throwing peanuts? If his logic was true it would be the other way around.
"You have to show respect for our beliefs!" Respect is a two way street. By not attending mass you are showing respect. Would they prefer to have a non-believer there if not openly laughing or snoring then inwardly doing so?
As to all the "fuck offs" Use your best sarcastic smile and say "I an sooo glad you said that. I never understood the true meaning of Christian charity before and now Im saved, Hallelujah " A bit like this.....
Well if that's the only decent high school in the area, I shudder to think what the rest are like.
Full of druggies, cuck fucks, and teachers who don't give two shots about teaching. Although there are only two other high schools in my area... So I didn't have a lot of option from the start.